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Sod's warmest sunbeams on it pour, With_loAle spots Beek it o'er and o'er; And small feet through the open door Come pit-a-pat, No silken webs of rare design ----And_tints _roles Ile • My windows shade ; And frow'ring plant there intertWine, Ind sun and leaves and stemeombine, Sweet arabesque No gleaming jewels richly glint Within my hair; No silks and laces without tint 2‘ly husband's downfall darkly hint, But, friend; you'll find my gown of print Is far more rare. , Our . frugal hearth knows not the storm That makes a part _ _ _ _ ,Of many lives ; our true loves form , Our brightest joys and honie's sweet charm, No fireside e!re so large can warm A:11el_ Orti - o - great deed -my-West You'll ever hear. Who seeks for fame seeks pot the best, Who toils for wealth gains but unrest; A. babe's soft lips upon my breast . Were far more dear. Too many children—spoke your mit th:- To me are given? Thank God, Pm of such honor worth, I gladly say with each now birth, Not men alone we bear on earth,' Angels for heaven. .Ek slave? friend, you cannot see; loft do not know. I'd give him all ; he'd all give me, Our wills must each the other's be. When ice lore 71104 then most we'er free. This must be so. No sweeter, nobler lot in life For you or me; To be a good man's loving wife . , To guard him when temptation's.rife, Rest on his strong arm when the strife, Shull fiercest be. And, leaning on his faithful breast, Look calmly out; Secure no evil can infest, o jealous fears thy peace molest; Far perfect 'peels perfect rest And dead is doubt." I gazed upon this woman bright lu mute surprise. I felt a coward in her sight. I knew her glowing words were right, Of truth the evelrasting light Was in her eyes. glistellawn Ntading.. C i ektpitAfilirre*Aliall•SiAtlitlifte4l One evening, uple in the billiard room of a Paris hotel, a young man invited me to join him in a game. I consented, and we played for an hour or so, after which he went up to his room, smoked, and played piquet. He remarked while play ing that we looked so much alike we might be taken for brothers. I had not especially remarked the likeness between us till now but it is not very great. The similitude merely consisted in both of us wearing a rather long red beard, and hair the same color ; but, then, his eyes were blue, mine gray, and he had a scar over his left eye one of us might be ta ken for the other at a diotance.' We played till midnight, and I left him, going to my room ; but au inde scribable feeling came over sue, and I could not sleep. I tossed about my bed, then got up, lit a cigar, and sat at my window, looking down on the "Quai Hen ri Quatre," smoking. It had just struck two from the church of St. Jacques, when I saw a carriage drive up to the door, and three mess gut out and entered the hotel. I wondered where they could have come from its a ,carriage at that time of night. I sat smoking and thinking, when a light tap came at the door ; I unlocked it ; it was my friend with whom I had been play ing, billiards. He had a valise is: his hand and appeared iu a hurry, but not the least excited. "They have just sent a carriage for nie, my father is nut expected to live till morn ing ; take care of this for me until to morrow," he said, leaving the valise in my . , room. All passed so quickly I had not time to think, and he had passed down ,stairs, and I did not dream of followli him, be ing undressed. I went back to the win ..dow and saw the carriage drive oil rapid ly. Then I said to myself, " Why did he not take the valise with him, as he had a carriage?" but then, I thought, he had needs travel . quickly, and did not wish to be bothered with baggage. I was not long smoking and thinking when anoth er rap . was at my door. .I opened it, and a tall, military-looking _personage walked in, while another had come in my windoW from the balcony. I was hand cuffed almost before I had time lo speak; and another gentleman walked in. The. , tall gentleman said : "sir, you are ar rested on the charge of murder, so please keep as quiet as you can." Incarly fainted. The idea of my be ing arrested as a murderer! I sank in my chair while one of them said to me : ' I'm glad you fetched your luggage with you, sir; much:obliged to you ; for you've saved us a heap of trouble. Why, we've been following that leather valise at the door for the last few days; but we always come up with our game" "That is not my valise," I said ; "that belongs to 41, gentleman down; stairs." "See here, youliginiff,' said the - tall detective, "the less you say about that, the better. -You may-tell_us_w_hat_you like now ; but you'll be contradicting your ' self by-and-by. "But rtell yen it is not mine; I am not a murderer; and prOteSt against this Harrestna - d_outrage upon -my-liberty," I said. The other detective interrupted me. • oung:manj n 1 le, Isa p 1 y you -were-not_brcught up to the In business you woulThavo Inade - a fast-elliss-shyster We'll give you a chance to talk to the judges when we get back to Paris, but you can't talk to us." In the meantime' the tall deteetil,' , e forced open the valise, and after -some searching found three diamond studs, very like those I had seen on the ,young man in the gambling saloon, I felt myself I growing pale.-- "I say, Henri, I thought we were , on the right track," said he. "Let us search him now." MI en_ y- re ed. o_s- -r clothes took outeveryt ro r pockets, an at last came to - the - watch -— "Young man, I'm afraid it will go hard with you," he said. I tried to explain, but it was of no use. They made me dress myself; took every thing they could find belonging to me in the room, and I was marched down stairs 'between them. They brought me into the parlor of the hotel, and two of them stayed with me, while the other went out to see, if the carriage was all right, as he said. A sudden thought struck ine. said that was. the young man's carriage-- he who left me the valise. The detective only smiled. I told him what had passed and how I had seen the carriage driven away. A thought seemed also to have struck him. The detective ,who went af ter the carriage now came in ; the other whispered something hurriedly to him and he went quickly out again. After this I was brought up stairs to my room. They bolted the windows and locked the door. All this had been done so quickly, and in such. a short space Of time, that no one but the hotel keeper and a fi.w waiters knew anything was passing. They then procured paper and ink, and tho tall agent said; "Now if we are mis taken, or if it should happen that you are only an accomplice, tell us all you know know truthfully, and you may get off much easier. I have my own opinion tk• bout the valise," he added, "but tell me truly how you came M posession of the watch ?" —I-told-him all. He smiled significant ly, and when I had finished, said "Well, you may be innocent, but I suppose you are aware that the young man who was found with his throat cut is the same who pledged you that watch, and whose dia mond studs, which you must have remark ed that night; have been found in your valise, or that of your friend, as you call it. Now, why did you not make it known that you had the watch. when you must have guessed it belonged to Mariette Gau doin, the former mistress of the murdered man, to whom he had made it a present, but who returned it ?" I told him I had thought of doing so; but I had seen by the papers that she had been arrested as au accomplice, and I bad no particular wish to get myself mixed up in the affair. The truth now flashed across my mind. The man who had ldft the valise sought to shift the murder• on ray shoulders; and he was the murderer. shuddered. The agent now told me he had sent af ter the other man, and that he would no doubt be arrested before morning. I ask ed him how he would find out where the, carriage went to. He replied: "Why you see it is a frosty night . my agent will get on a horse, follow the tracks of the car riage, and will probably overtake it be fore two hours, if he has left the town, as there is hut one road leading to Rouen, and no trains leave here before 8 o'clock to-morrow morning, at which hour you and I will start for Paris; so if you have an inclination to sleep you can do so." left alone to reflect. I slept but little that night. The next morning we left for Paris. I was allow ed the privilege of a newspaper, and could not help smiling as I looked over the news, rumors and filets of the great murder, which editors had hashed up for their morning readers. After reading I slept most of the way, dreaming of diamond studs, prisons, hotels, valises, and agent polim, and wondered at the reality when. I awoke, only to find the gray eyes of the agent fixed•upon me—those eyes that looked so bright, though they had not closed in sleep for perhaps two nights before he had arrested me. We arrived in Paris at last, and I was at once conveyed to Prison. The very day a young lady came into my cell, accounatnied by an agent de po -11.7C, in whom 1 recognized thc one with 4 II • •,.• • :7 - mm:4 I 'S I 0 41 - 0 • k too when 1 saw tow all_that," said theagent. "When we en tend' the hotel be saw that his game was up, so he put his valise in your room, cut off his beard, trimmed his mustache, went straight to our carriage, which was wait ing, and told the driver cooly to drive him to another hotel, then paid - and discharg ed him. Of course the 'driver never sus )ectedunythingras-he-thought—the raur _der 'er_was one in my party. But the cool -est-pa-rt-of-the-businet_s_was,-Ahathejcame_ unus_far_as_Roaen_ on the same train with ourselves, at least so he himself says. In his room at the hotel we found a large clasp.knife, with the blood dried in the instertices ; also the hair he had cut off." The agent then told me the prisoner had confessed ; and in his confession had stated that ho had followed me from Rou. en to Dieppe, to shift the murder on me, as I looked so much like him, and as he had seen me leave the gambling-house while he lay in wait for the mudered man, and as he knew the detectives were on his track. What a singular stroke of luck it would have been in his fitvor, the fact of my having the watch, had chance not fixed it otherwise Next day through the kindness of the agent and the efforts of my lawyer, I vas released on bail. I appeared at the trial, which was very long, and was called sev eral times to the stand. The clue the detectives discovered the murderer by ,was the fact that they had found two letters on tho murdered man from Marlette Gaudoin to Claude Belin. By means of these they found Mariette, and from her obtained information that Claude had been in the habit of gambling. Then they found he had been in the house at which I met him. I was at once stis pected, and an agent started after me, having my description, which coincided exactly with the murderer, were it not that he had a scar over his right eye. The detective then got on my track ; and so it happened the murderer saw me at Rouen, where his keen eyes soon recog nized me, and he determined to throw his guilt over me, thinking, no doubt, any personal resemblance to him wouldplielp considerably to that end. Little thought he, however,,that the agents de police were fo:lowing so closely in my footsteps, and that he was making his own capture the more easy. The trial was at length over, and as I stood there, while the judge sentenced him to death, I shuddered when I thought of the quiet game of cards he and I played together at the dead hour of midnight in his own room, where he might easily have murdered me, bad he felt so inclined, as I never carried my arms. I shuddered again and hoped he would be forgiven. He saw me and a bitter 'smile flitted across his face. He beckoned me to come to him. I went over, and he whispered hoarsely in my car : "Do you forgive me? I played my last hand with you, and did not cheat. Adieu." I felt his cold hand in mine ; and lie pressed it, and said : "Gambling ha s brought me here ! Beware ! Pare well !" A BEAUTIFUL notiim.—Life is like a fountain fed by a thousand streams that perish if one be dried. It is a silver cord twisted with a thousandstrings, that parts assunder if one is broken. Thoughtless mortals aro surrounded by innumerable dangers which make it much more strange that they escape so long, that they almost all suddenly die at last. We are encom passed with accidents every day sufrieent to crush the decaying tenements we in habit. The seeds of disease are planted in our constitution,by nature.. The earth and the atmosphere whencevwe draw the breath of life are impergnated with death —health is made to operate its.. own de struction. The food that nourishes con tains the elements of decay ; the soul that animates it by vi vifying,first tends to wear' its own action ; death lurks in ambush a long the paths. Notwithstanding the truth is so forcibly confirmed by tile daily exam ple before our eyes, how little do, we iay it to heart. We see our friends and neigh bors (lie ; but how seldom does it occur to our thoughts that our knell may next give the warning to the world. Excess of f2creniony Oows scantofbrecd in cr. TY, PA., THURSDAY, AUGUST 22,1872. Broken-Hearted.- ---- few evenings age, amid the rushing, ing crowd of eastern and western id travelers at the Union Depot was old man whose appearance spoke lou than the words of a hard'fate and mis , He was aged—not more than fifty of age, though his appearance he at least --three-score-and—ten—bent age, alone, ragged and apparently condition of abject poverty,he at once toted and enlisted the sympathy of whose hearts are susceptible to the :y of others. His destitute condition chddish.actions attracted the atten- of a philanthropic citizen, from whom outline of the old man's story was ob led. His name he declined under ev consideration to give, saying his fate little interest to any one, and his arable condition, if made a matter of r, would only prove a source of .3e-bearing-the-same-name,wh in no way to blame for his misfortunes. was at one time a resident and farmer Western, Pennsylvania, and by a rare . . curious freak of fortune became an '1 king," that is, he suddenly became ~ lthy- b y the discovery of a rich vein petroleum. In 1864, he left his home, ther with his wife and ' and two SUM, any delphia, where_ several years he continued to move the crest of fortune's wave. The ',ll-olhiswife7ieft_himiree toenjuy Ith his sons the fullest license in the way pleasures of that kind that money only - will purchase. The boys left to themselves soon became confirmed--rakes-and-"fast men," - and for a time made their father's ducats - fly. - - About - one - year after his wife's death, the father made the acquaint ance of a gay and fatinating widow, who, with her daughter, had created quite a furore at the national capital as a "par don broker," and it is said few if any of our noble Senators were proof against her _pleading-when_she_had. a "friend" to be paiiin - ed-or-a - hoon_to_be_granted. The Oil King was no exception to the general rule. The widow -went for him and-got- him. The result was a grand marriage and a trip to California, where the happy pair settled down, and for a time were happy. Intent only upon happiness, the father turned over his business and prop erty to the care of his two sons who, to gratify their inordinate extravagande, de- I vised means to prove their . father's death, and, as his heirs, proceeded to adthinistor upon the estate, at the same time keeping their father supplied with means and false information. The result was that in less than one year the wealth of the father was exhausted, and he returned home to find himself a ruined and dishonored man. Leaving Philadelphia the old man started for California, and, with his wife and daughter, located at or near Golden City, but his wife, disliking the discomforts of the mountains and the changed circum stances of her husband,deserted him with in three months after settling at Golden City. Stricken with grief and saddened at his lonely condition,the old man sought the solitudes of the Texas cattle range, where he attempted, by hard toil and con stant effort, to retrive his fortune in the hope that he might thereby be able to make himself another home and (foolish old man) perhaps regain his lost but dear ly beloved wife. He was very successful in his trading operations, and last season brought into Kansas City two small but profitable herds of cattle, and started to Colorado in the fall with a herd of horses and cattle, where he expected to winter I them, and this spring realize his expecta tions of another home, and perhaps hap piness. But fate still worked against the old man. The hard pelting storms of last winter, which scattered all the immense herds of Colorado out upon the plains, spared not the old man's ranch and herd. His five hundred cattle melted away be fore the long and terrific storms ; what remnant escaped the fury of the elements were driven and scattered in the buffalo range south of the Arkansas; his horses either perished or were stolen by the red or white thieves, so that when the spring brightened for a brief period the wild ex panse of hill and plain, when the deep snows melted and left the hillsides green and beautiful, the old man found himself again a ruined -man—this time an old, helpless, and broken-hearted man. Ho says that he has wandered for nearly three months upon the plains, aimless and clone. Without money, without hope, disheartened and tired, the old man took the train at Ellsworth, and was brought to this city. He appeared to be meek and heart-broken, careless as to what be came of him, but manifesting a desire to be sent to Cowanshannock, Pa., where he has friends. He was well taken care of by some • railroad employees. and. will be sent by them on his way to'his old home in Pennsylvania.—Kansas City TinieB, of 20th: A Minnesota wood-chopper hewed down a tall tree, the other day, and upon split ting up the trunk with an ax and wedge, found imbedded in the wood, at the point where the trunk diverged into branches, a leather bridle of antique pattern, with bit and buckles attached, and all in a re markable state of preservation. It has been. fully thirty feet from the ground, and its presence there can only be account ed for by the supposition that some pass ing horseman had used the crotch of a sapling as a rest ihr his bridle, and led from the place in pursuit of his straying horse, had been unable to find it again, and abandoned the bridle to be carried up and entombed by the slow growth of the tree. It is believed that the tree must have been as much as fifty years in hid ing its treasure. This is no cunningly de vised fable, but said to be true. A social glass to whiell 14.aics arc ad. dicted—the mirror. REPROOF. Whisper it softly, " When nobody's near, Let not those accents Fall harsh on the ear ; She is a blossom Too tender and frail For the keen blasts 'Whisper it gently, cause thee no pain; Gentle words rarely Are spoken in vain : Threats and reproaches The stubborn may move, Noble the conquest, When aided by love. , Whisper it kindly, 'Twill pay thee to know • Penitent tear-drops. Down-her_eheek; flow Has she from virtue Wandered astray, Gufile her feet gentl3 - c ----- : Rough is the way.• She has no parent, None of her kin ; ITeUlleYrrein - error; -- •ep-hei flom aiit Does she lean on thee? Cherish the trust— GoittoLtho-menciful 4= . Ever is just. ti~ From a train of the Pacific Railroad, eastward bound;there came into the City of Council Bluffs, lowa, a fortnight ago, a fine-looking woman, slightly past the first bloom of life,but still not very matron-, ly in manner—who upon registering at the Pacific House, complained that she felt unwell and desired that a do ct or • hattabesalled — She -was an-Endish-la dy, she told the hotel dell, she was on her way homeward to England from_ a trip by sea to San Francisco, and, finding herself attacked by alarming indisposition in the cars, had decided to pause on her journey 'until assisted by medical skill.— It not being supposably the custom of Eng lish ladies of rank to travel across conti nents without masculine escort, the clerk was skeptical as to the exact veracity of this explanation and troubled not himself to consider whether a medical practition er of the highest professional grade should be summoned in such a case. Amongst the guests of the house at the time was a certain traveling doctor, of some reputa tion for "wonderful cures," and him the young gentleman recommended. With off hand fluency as the physician to be called with the least trouble to himself. Accord ingly when the lady had been conducted to the' room, the atbresaid itinerant was notified to pay his respects, and skillful enough to discover that his patient's' ail ment existed more in imaginary than re ality. This he frankly told her, in effect, and prescribed sonic trifling nervine ; but the lady who gave her name as Mrs. Fitch, persisted in thinking herself an invalid, and demanded a course of treatment.— She was, she said, a spiritualist and a clar voyant, and knew her own condition bet ter than any doctor could tell her, and she must take such and such drugs for the res toration of her health. Believing that he had a hypochondria to deal with, the man of nostront made no strenuous protest a gainst the involved prospective profit to himself of such a case, but being rather busy at the time with the general callers drawn to hjs room by his advertisements, deputed hi, "secretary," a young English man named Stanton, to render the pro fessional services desired by Mrs. Fitch. The latter at her second interview with the young deputy, astonished him greatly by asking if he believed in 'Spiritualism.' His polite evasion of a direct answersub jected him to a still greater surprise at a third interview when, upon confessing that he was an Englishman, the eccentric lady secretly told him that he was the person selected by the spirits for her hus band ! He thought her mad, and would have retreated without further conversa tion, but his patient begged him to stay and hear her story. Her father, she de dared, is an English bishop, and her fam ily one of the most respectable and weal thy in England, Although but thirty .five years old she had wedded and buried three husbands already, losing the last one in California; and on her way from. San Francisco was 'spiritually impressed' with the conviction that she should very soon meet a fellow country man destined to be her fourth helpmate. At first sight of Mr. Stanton she had known him to be the per- son appointed for her by fate and now of fered him her hand and fortune, as com manded by the spirit. Overwhelmed by the oddity of the affair, the charlatan's secretary managed to express his sense of the honor designed for him by immaterial parties in another world, yet , requested time for consideration for his answer.— This was granted, and Mrs. Fitch made no other eflbrt to influence his judgment than by a display of what he deemed sat tisfactory proofs of her fortune and respec tability of family. He poor in a strange country, and in an unpromising employ ment, while the widow, with all her eccen tricity and spiritual delusions, was both rich and homely. In short, if the Omaha Bee is to be credited, Mr. Stanton finally concluded to accept the destiny thus cur iously thrust upon him, was married to the lady in a parlor of a hotel a few days ago, and is now on his way to Europe with his bride. The wretch that can stand in a pair of slippers worked for him by his wife, and scold her, is a brute,and deserves the gout in both feet. Forty Years a Squaw. The Akron (Ohio) Daily Beacon pub lishes the following interesting narrative : In the year 1831 Mr. John M. Arm strong, residing near Detroit, Michigan, sent his little daughter Mary, a girl of sev en years of age, unattended, off to school. On. the way to school she was kidnapped by the Indians, who at that time were The stricken parents could scarcely be consoled 'for the loss of the child, and•fi nally gave up all hopes of her-recovery.- When she was taken by the Indians she was carried off to Texas, and suffered untold hardships and privations at their hands. In Texas sho lived for five years, and when she had reached her 12th year was compelled to marry "Yallery," an -Indian warrior. The tribe with which she lived then removed to Nebraska, were twelve moons, the length of the Indian's married life, having passed away, she was no tion ;er the wife of Yallery, and was soldlo an Irishman named - mat - w - ad 7 David was a Catholic; and was burned - at-the-stake-because-he_refused_to abjure_ his religion, after whicn Mary was carri ed into another tribe, and there after some years married an Indian chief called Big Son. Big Son soon got tired of his new spouse,and - sold-her-to-a-111n—Carman. fr pale thee, and with him she lived until a melancholy event occurred, - which at once deprived her ocher - husband - and children: Near San 'Francisco is a placo called " ac ills;" which,—luatftrll~vas-thc scene of a bloody fight between the Dig ger and Snake Indians. Mrs. Carman at the tune was with th — e Dans, having been sold to them, together with her husband and children, a short time before by the Snake Indians. In the bat tle between the Snake and Digger Indi ans, Mrs. Carman's eleven children and husband were killed. She alone escaped, and remained with them a short time un til an opportunity presented itself, when she fled to San Francisco. -- From - a` co - mpauy-with= four others, she was sent by General Sher fai as St. Joe, Mo., from which place she now going on her journey to Columbus, where her aged father and mo ther are residing. About ten years ago her father heard of her being yet alive among the tpdians, and immediately opened a correspondence 'with parties in the NiTest to see if be could find any information which would lead to her return to her parents. After long waiting the intelligence was conveyed to, him that she was found and would • soon be in her home, after forty-one years of wandering among the savages. - She has made her way from town to town, and a day or two since reached Kent. Until' this time she had worn her Indian cos tume, but the Mayor of Kent compelled her to exchange her half civilized ghtb for one which accorded mock with Kent. tastes. Yesterday she reached Akron, and has been here soliciting aid to complete her journey. Such, in brief, is her tale. Wheth er or not she is an imposter, we are una ble to tell. Certain it is that she tells a straightforward story, and the most rig orous questioning could not cause her to change the least portion of her narrative. She is very intelligent looking; and an swers all questions very readily, and with an appearance of truth and simplicity.— When Marshal Parker told her he had been among the Indians she commenced talking to him •in the Indian language. but the Marshall, not wishing to show, his ignorance of the language 13y inabili ty to reply, "vamoosed," much to the a musement of the crowd which had gath ered about her. Rev. J. B. Dunn, writing to the Boston Traveler, gives the following description of Nazareth : The situation of Nazareth is very pleas nut, the people are better dressed, and the women handsomer than any we have yet seen in the East. What a pity we must add the streets are the dirtiest, an open sewer running through ninny of them. We of course visited the house where it is said Jesus and his parents lived ; also, Joseph's workshop, where we saw pictures of Mary and her son, dressed in modern costume, and Joseph at work before a carpenter's bench, on which lay tools of modern invention. Toward sunset we as cended the from the top of 'which aro to be had the finest views of any in Pales tine. On reaching our tent we found our favorite muleteer, Safhda, and his brother Francis, both of whom are Mohommedans, had given an Arab a severe thrashing be cause the Arab cursed the Christians and our party. One of the most interesting sights to be seen at Nazareth is the crowd of young woman and girls that between the hours of five and eight in the evening flock to the public fountain with their pitchers on their heads, to draw water. The night.spent here was a memorable one, for, scarce had we retired to our tents when a small army of big mosquitoes came down upon, us and laid siege to our persons, nor could we drive them away till morning called us forth to begin a nother day's journey —a day during which we rode through part of the valley of Es draelon, crossed the Kishon, where Baal's prophets were slain, ascended Carmal to alto supposed point of sacrifice, where we spent some time in trying to reconcile the the Bible and our guide books, but failed, when putting the latter in our saddle bap and taking the ibrwer in our hands, Aye continued our explorations. Leaving Ca rmel, we rode across the plain to Haifa, where, after bathing in the Mediterrane an, we passed the night under wet tents and on borrowed beds, as our baggage mules on crossing the Kishon had their feet taken from under them, the baggage upset and thoroughly soaked, as some of my things today testify. 52,00 PER YEAR NUMBER 1.2 all II al. untar. Georgia girls use none but religious pa pers for Sunday bustles. A slouthful young man was asked if he took the habit from his father. "No," was the indignant reply, "father has got all the laziness he ever had." A Texas Judge lately decided that had cooking on the part of a wife was a pod reason _for _granting the husband a di- ... , '" — " i It s said that a green tarlatan dress contains arsenic enough to kill a man, and yet men do not seem to be afraid to go near green tarlatan dresses. r The Indianapolis Journal says a 'bull dog with sound teeth is the only thing lightning-rod peddlers, will not tackle and try to•Dursuade into buying a rod, X. loutliern paper says in its — l - oeal -- column : "A negro and two fine mules vere-drowned-in-tho-river_yesterday—The mules were remarkably fine animals and cannot be easily replaced." A "woman of business" in Arkansas • - justAarred-and-featheredler,husband.--- If a fellow is toile a Klu-klux!ed," how much nicer it must be to have it done-by— the wife of his bosom, than - by the cold roughhand of a hooded stranger. — Yankee on being old that a person to whom he w • int 'duced was a self. ma e man, sai g a o 'ear ofic On being asked wi , le answered, "I rec on it relieves the 'rector of a pile of re . . Some years ago a Lazy Man's Socie ty was organized in London, o and ono of the articles required that no man belong ing to the society should ever be in a bur ry.s If ho violated this article he was to 7an . ea o o-o it happened on a time that a member, a doctor, was seen driving post-haste through the streets to visit a patient. The mem bers of the society saw him, and chuck led over the idea of a treat, and on his return reminded him of his fast driving and violation of the rules. "Not, at all," said the doctor, resolved not to be outdone "the truth is my horse was determined to go, and I felt to lazy too stop him." They did not catch him that time. HARD WORK.—The late James T. Brady was very fond of the ready natural wit of his countrymen. One day, speak ing of this to a friend ho said, "I'll show you a sample. I'll speak to one of these men at work, and you'll see that I get my answer." Stepping up to the men who were at work on a cellar near by, he spoke to them cheerfully. "Good day, good day to you, boys. That looks like hard work for you." "Faith an' it is," Was the answer, we wouldn't be Navin' the doin' of it." Pleased with this, he asked the man what part of Ireland he came from. `•.Ah !" said Brady on hearing the name, "I came from that region myself," "Yes," said the man, with another blow of the pick, "there were many nice people in that place, but I never heard that any of them left it." JUST SUM NEIGTIBORS.-A man stop ping at a tavern for rest and refreshments began to talk about his journey. He had come from a neighboring town; he was moving away, and glad enough to get a way too. Such a set of neighbors as ho had there —unkind, disobliging, cross and contrary, it was enough to make any ono want to leave the place, and he had start ed and was going to settle in ,another re gion, where he could find. a different set of inhabitants. "Well," said the landlord, "you will find just such neighbors where you are going. The next night another man stopped at the inn. He, to, was on a journey, was moving. On inquiry it was found that he came from the same place from which the former traveler had come. He said he had been obliged to move from whero he lived, and did not mind moving so so much as he did leaving his neighbors ; they were so kind, considerate, accommo dating and generous, that be felt great sorrow at the thought of leaving them and going among strangers, especially as ho could not tell what kind of neighbors ho could find. • . "Oh, vell," said tho landlord, "you will find just such neighbors where you aro go in Does it not seem possible that men will generally find about such neighbors as they are looking Rif.? Some people are al ways in trouble, others 'follow peace with all men.' Who knows but wo can have just about such neighbors as wo wish for simply by treating them as we ought to An Oregon correspondent says: This is a lovely country, as it lies unrolled before us--the green fields and forests glowing, and the wide river sparkling under the bright light of a June sun. All of the Oregonians feel its influence, and all praise the beauty of their laud, which to their minds is without a peer. They are never tired of talking about it, anti, when away from it, sigh to return to its shades, and Thr a view of its landscapes, which arc really magnificent, and which posices fur them a wouderous charm, found not elsewhere in this broad land. There is a sort of dreamy quiet about it, that seems the perfection of contentment; and one says to himself, "This is happiness, sure enough. Let the world go on as it nuts, here lam in this gloriou clime,aud hero I am willing to remain mUi I tlTfl pilf ered to Inv fathers."