Valuable Farm and Mill Property FOR SALE. IHE subscriber will offer at Public Sale, on TUESDAY the &h day of OCTOBER, 1872., on the premises; (if not sold privately before that day) the _FAIRVIEW MILL PROPERTY AND FARM, situated in Wash ington Township, Franklin county, Pa., one and a alf miles Southeast of Waynesboro'. ' The farm contains 80 Acres, best quality of limestone land in a high state of cultivation, all under good post and rail fence. A branch of the Antietam Creek flows through the farm, from which stock can ave access rom a pa a o i. improvements are a large YOUR-STORY BRICK . MERCHANT MILL; with all the latest improvements and one of ;the finest Water Powers in Franklin county—a large TWO-STORY BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, with Basement, all in thorough repair, a BRICK SUMMER HOUSE in the rear with a never-failing well of water and cis tern at the door, a comfortable COTTA 3-E HOUSE for a miller with a well of the finest water at the door, a large BANK. BARN, Frame Stable, Wagon Sheds, Corn Cribs, Hog Pens, new Blacksmith Shop, Cooper Shop, andother necessary buildings. There aro also on 'the premises TWO FINE APPLE ORCE[A.RDS •containinga variety of other choice Fruit Trees. The above property is beautifully and advantageously situated, in the heart of one of the best grain-producing regions in the State, onlymiles from 'Waynesboro', 'Station on the W. M. R. R. and in close proximity to the 'proposed Waynesboro' Branch It. R. line. The buildings aie:so arranged that the Mill property - with ten or twelve acres a land can be sold separate from the farm if it is desired.' • For further partictilars per Sons wishing to purchase can address the subscriber at Pittston, Pa., or W. S. Ainberson or John Philips, Esq., Wayneßboro', Pa. ___,Zar-Sale-Ao=commence—at=l4)=Oclock=o - - 71 - Raid day, when attendance will be given . and the terms madeiknown by DAVID PATTERSON. • 'August?}-,-ts VALUABLE REAL 'ESTATE FOR SALE. pE undersigned having determined to move '.lYest, has concluded to offer at :Private .Sale,: the Valuable Real Estate up -Iwhich he now resides, situated in An , trim •itowns rip, ra tuccaudfty - Pa.iff --- a point where the Hagerstown and Waynes boro' road intersects the Leitersburg and 3liddiebnrg„ about 5 miles frotn.either of the • ormer owns, a . iree rom. eac of the :latter places, ion , which is commonly called the "Marsh." This propprt_ 's • • ' to Towns, Churches, Schools and Mills, and contains about 6 ACRES OF LAND (more or '•less) upon my which them is arbelegant TWO . STORY BRICK HOUSE, -with six rooms and passage in centre of house, besides a basement under the entire building containing due room as kitchen, ,the rest being in cellar. The same proper ty has thereon all necessary out-buildings, monvenient to residence, such as Smoke House. Wash House, Wood House, Bake oven, Blacksmith Slop, Carriage House and Spring House, through which there runs a never failing stream of water, from Spring Convenient to dwelling. The Stabling on premises is well arranged and in good re pair. There is also a fine orchard of choice .Fruit Trees, bein,g young and thrifty, the land attached is in good condition and well adapted to farming or pastorage, 'having a running stream of water passing through the entire length. What makes the above pro perty the more desirable is not , only on ac count, of its water communications, having one of the best Springs in'the county, but also on account of its great variety of well selected fruit, consisting of apples, pears, -peaches, plunibs antic-rapes, all -in fine bear ing condition. The above property will be sold as a whole orln parts to suit purchas ers, and if not sold at private sale bcfire .SArtutnAv 2Srit SEPTEMBER, it will on that . day and date be offered at public sale at 10 o'clock, :A. M., the highest bithlerlding the buyer, subject to the termsquitek known on day of sale. The above property is well calculated for .a Blacksmith Stand or private residence. LEWIS GILBERT. August I—St r. _ .-Yti Ox SATIMDAX TILE 31ST O'F AUGUST, '72 wILL be offered at Public Sale, 43n the premises,,on Saturday the 31st day of August next, at. 1 o'clock, P. M., .all that line field or lot of ground, adjoining the Borough of Waynesboro', on the North side and lands of Alex. Hamilton P. Haas and ,others, being situated on Mt:Hope road to l'hambersburg, containing about 9 Acres, .of the very best farming land, under a good fence and in the highest state of cultivation. The field will be sold altogether or in sep arate lots :is heretofore surveyed as may. .suit purchases. Also at the time will be sold three choice BUILDING LOTS, situated on the west side of Leitersburg St., Waynesboro', 41i ft. by 200 ft., running back to an alley. Also three iiew Two-Story Log Weather boarded DWELLING HOUSES adjoining said building lots. These houses art built of the very best material plastered coiled and painted throughout and well fin i-thed in all respects, have .cisterns (in each lot) smoke house and wash house, and a good Well of water on one of said lots. They are conveniently arranged and suit very well for one or two families 12rTerms made known on day of sale by LEVI SANDERS. August I—ts STAGE LINE. THE subscriber informs the traveling public that he is running a Daily Coach from Waynesboro' to Blue Ridge Summit, leaving Waynesboro' at 9 o'clock, A. M., arriving at Beatiliftd View SpringB at 10 0- clock, A. M., at. Monterey at 11 o'clock, A. M., at Blue Ridge Summit al, 12 M., making con necti.m with th e 12:25 train on the W. M. R R. from Baltimore,. Express matter from Baltimore for Waynesboro' should be sent to Blue Ridge Station as it will come through to Waynesboro' the same day.— The train for Baltimore leaves Summit Sta tion at 2 :44, P. M., arriving in Baltimore at 6 ;30 P. M. B. F. BARR. July 11, ]B72—tf Jazzrzizzar GOODS I „TO THE LADIES ! MRS. C. L..1-IOLLINBLIWER has just received a full supply of new Millinery WOlikl. Ladies am invited to call and examine her stock. A. WORLD OF CHANGE. WIV.C. A.. .R.-JEI31:0 WISHIISHING to make some change in his NG and on account of the scarc ity of money will offer his goods to OMB and Paomm buyers, at a small advance on cost. Particular attention called to Glassware and Queensware. So long as his "banner hangs on the outer wall" he will keep a full line of Stapie Gro ceries ; White and Brown Sugars, • Coffee, Tea, New Orleans•lllolasses, Rice, Cheese, Sugar Cured Hams Mackerel & Herring, Salt, Cont. Lye, Kerosene and Safety Oil, Soaps, Garden Seeds, Shoe Brushes, Bed Cords, Baskets, &c. Candy, Raisins, Prunes, Lemons, Oranges, &c. • Also Essences and Extracts for cooking purposes. A nice line of Crackers and4'ancy Cakes. LIFE &lICCIDENtINSFRINCE. MUTUAL LIFE OF NEW YORK. MUTUAL RESERVE OF NEW 'YORK. TRAVELERS LIFE AND ACCIDENT OF HARTFORD, CONN., Having in the aggregate S 2 0, 000,000. ACCI( olicies good against death or wholly disabling injury, for one year or less granted-on-application-to-me.—No-ma chinist, no mechanic's, no farmer, no pro fessional man, nor any other man or wo man ought to let a dafpass without hav ing an Accident Policy. We pay iTvelcly indemity for disablinc , injury and if death results-from-the-Accillentin AO days the whole amount of Policy insured for is paid promptly in cash. June 20, 1872-tf PUBLIC SAVE OF REAL ESTATE! THE undersigned Committee of Jacob Hartman, a lunatic, will expose to Public Sale, on the premises, on MONDAY the 2d day SEPTEMBER at 10 o'clock, A. M., the following VALUA BLE REAL ESTATE, located in the village of Pikesville, Washington Township, with in one mile of Waynesboro' Station, W. AL R. R., containing • 11 ACRES AND 22 PERCHE S OF LAND, neat measure, surveyed and laid off in separate lots, viz : LOT NO. I—is good tillable land, adjoin ing lands of Michael Lookabaugh, John Stephey, John novis and others, and con tains 6 ACRES AND 33 PERCHES, out of which a lane, or alley 12 feet is to be reservod on North side. LOT NO. 2—adjoining land of John Ho vis—front: oVlie turnpike 8 perches (132 ft) and is 17 perches (2801 ft) deep, contain 135 PERCHES OF LAND, with a new Two-Story Frame Dwelling House thereon erected. LOT NO. 3—fronts on Turnpike 4 3-10 Perches ( ft) and. is 17 perches (2801 ft) deep—and contains 73 AND 1-10 PERCHES of Land. LOT NO. 4—fronts on Turnpike 14 perch es (231 ft) and is 17 perches (2801 ft) deep, contains 1 ACRE AND 76 PERCHES, has a Two-Story Log Dwelling, Log Sta ble and outeiouses erected thereon, and a well of good - water on the premises. LOT NO. s—fronts on Turnpike 18 6-10 perches (300 9-10 ft) and is 22 774) perches (374 55-10 ft) wide in rear, and 17 perches (28% ft) deep. This lot will be subdivided into Building Lots of convenient size to suit perchasers if desirable. Being on ele vated ground these lots are among the ve ry best in the whole village and must in crease in value every year. Also at same time and place will be offer ed a tract of good Timbered Land lying on the South ➢Mountain, in Washington County Md., containing 37 ACRES AND 140 PERCHES, of Land. The W. M. R. R. runs through this tract and contains a fine spring of wa ter. terTerms made known on day of sale by D. B. RUSSELL. Committee of Jacob ilartman. July 25---ts Geo. V. Mong, Auct. 'AYNESBORO' GRADED SCHOOL. PHILIP H. BENTZ, Principal and Pro fessoi of Latin, Greek, German, and the Higher Mathematics. Assisted by a corps of firt-class Teachers. Free to all the children of the District.— Pupils from outside the District received at a moderate charge. Thorough instruction in Srunms pertain ing to the Primary, Intermediate, Gram mar and High School Departments. The CLASSICAL COURSE Will be sufficient to prepare Pupils for entering the advanced classes in our best Colleges. Lessons in Music, Drawing, Painting, etc. A. thorough COMMERCIAL CouasE. Buildings new, and rooms famished with seats and desks of the most modern and im proved styles. Location elevated and de lightful scenery. FALL TERM will commence in September. In- For farther information,call on any member of the School Board, or address E. A. HERING, President of the Board of Directors. Aug. I—tf 3. 33. ll.Altram:, Secretary 1,41•Ni04+14;4 4 A MRS. KATE G. STOVER, has received a full supply of Millinery Goods. La dies Kid Gloves and Mits made to order. Stamping for embroidering crone to or der. May 30—tf MPTY Molasses Barre7B and Sugar do for sale at Iteid'a Grocer y. J. W. MILLER. GRAND OPENING SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS UIE take pleasure in announcing to our friends that we have opened for in inspection a handsome stock ofgoods for the Spring and Summer trade, Our stock in every department was selected with a view to please both in style and quality.— The following list embraces in part the leading styles DRE3stlst 4:3!r• oohs, Black & Col'd Alpaccas Plaid Japanese Cloths, Persian Cloths, Princess Mixtures, Mohairs, • Poplins, syrups, MoTasses, Paris Oriental and American Percales, "Dolly Varden" Prints. In ' the cloth department we have all the modern styles in • • ENGLISH, FRENCH, SCOTCH AND MORINO CASSIMERS. Coatings & Vestings, Cotonades, Jeans, Denims, Linens, &c. Domestics, Ticking& Ginghams, Prints, NOTIONS ! NOTIONS ! Hip Gon Corsets, Bustles, Switches, Glens, Hosiery, Lace Collars, Ladies & Gents Hdk'fs, Silks & Palm Fans," Paper Cuffs & Collars, Mystic Ruffle. - Pique Triming - ffaconet-Eding,-&c- New designs Spring and Summer Honey Comb &_Jacquard. Quilts, Imported & Bag Carpet, Stair Carpet & Oil Cloth, Floor & Table Oil Cloth, SHOES AND GAITERS, Ladies A Still line HARDWARE," GLASSWARE, QUEENSWARE, CEDARWARE W. A. REID Paints, Oils and Window Glass, Call and examine goods and prices. No trouble to show goods. April 25,1872, J. W. M. & CO. AM &ADS BURSON BENEDICT & CO'S, .WE are now receiving our new supply of new , SPRING GOODS, to which we respectfully call the attention of our customers and the public generally. We have a full stock of all kinds of goods usually kept in town, among which are a full line of Groceries, ''EN' AND Please giire us a call before going else where and we will try to convince you that our prices are as iow as the lowest. AMBERSON, BENEDICT & CO. April 25-1872. IVOTICE is hereby given that applica tion will be made at the next session of the legislature of Pennsylvania for the charter of a bank with general banking privileges, to be called the Waynesboro' Ilank, and located at Waynesboro', Frank lin county, Pa., with a capital of Fifty Thousand Dollars, with the right to in crease it to ono hundred and fifty thou sand dollars. July 0,1872-6 mo. Magnifcient array FOR 1872 AT THE STORE OF I Drillings. Misses pad Childrens, Shoes & Gaiters, "Dolly Verdens" Slippers • for-Ladies. liens Heavy of prime rocen es --:0:- Hardware, Queensware, Glassware, Oil Cloths, Carpets, BOY'S C A SSIM ERE S AND COATINGS, A HEAVY LOT OF COTTONADES DROWN AND BLEACII'D MUSLINS, TICKINGS, DENUAIS, &C., &C. ALSO LADIES' DRESS GOODS OF ALL KINDS BANV. NOTICE. SPRING BIDE GREETING ! S. C. MILLER. NEW GOODS, NEW GOODS, . THE old and reliable firm of PRICE & HOEFLICH take pleasure in informing the host of patrons that they have just op ened a large and elegant selection of DRY GOODS & GROCERIES which they are offering regardless of the recent rises in the City, prominent among imermists crocotans 7. SILKS, BL'K & COLT ALPACAS, MOHAIRS, LUSTRES, POPLINS, CHAMBRAYS, PERCALES, • LAWNS, and all the latest Novelties Of the season 411:10 r3E• it-Ar. SW • A full Line of English, French and American Cloths & Casimers, Corduroys, 1320 3111 IS yr IC, . Muslims, Quilts, iLCloths Muslin, 400 x c MC Hosiery, Gloves, 4R 0 Ci 3IE R. I MI SI. Brogans, Coffees, always on hand, Rice, . Spices, '4. Soaps, Also Glassware, . Queensware, &c., in large quantities cheap. PRICE & HOEFLICH. April 18—tf IYARI IYARI WAR 1 I NAVE issued a declaration of war agaitst the high prices of Groceries and have their permanent bead quarters at the old stand, on EaSt Main Street, opposite the Post Office, where they have constantly on hand and for sale, cheaper than• the cheap est, a FULL LINE OF GROCERIES, Queensware, Glassware, Ccdarware, ish, Bacon, Dried and Canned Fruits, Candies, Spices, &c. &c. They have Co'fee of the best grades, Snears of the finest quality, Teas that does excell in flavor. Spices that are all pure, and Sprups delicious for sweetness. Of Queens . ware they have a full line, their Glass ware is a complete and full stock, and they make this part of their trade a speciality, Decanters, Tum blers, Fruit Jars, Dishes,:&e. &c. Highest price paid for all kinds of Coun try Produce. They invite trade and being determined to please all customers they feel sure of being able to give general satis faction. June 20, 1872—1 y HAGERSTOWN FEMALE SEMINARY, THIS Institution, most beautifully situa ted in one of the finest sections of the State, offers the highest advantages for in struction in every department of study. Its next session will commence on Thurs day, September sth. For Catalogues or a ny desired information address Itev. JOHN McCRON, D. D., Principal, Hagerstown, Maryland. N. B.—References: J. C. Bridges & Co., 0, 8 Commerce street; Ilumrichouse, Bay liss & Co., 10 Commerce street. August 8-6 t Oil Blinds, CHOLERA MEDICINE.' DR. WICKEY'S celebrated Cholera Med icine prepared by David M. Hoover of Ringgold, Md., can Le had during the sea son at F. FOURTIIMAN'S Drug Store, and of dealers generally. Traveling Agent, August 8--4 n m HENRY MYERS. 3E3A.,R3E3MRING'I THE subscriber informs the public that he continues the Barbering business in the room next door to Mr. Roid's Grocery Store„ and is at all times prepare to do hair cut ting, shaving,s hampooning etc. in the best, style. The patronage of the public is respect-J fully solicited. Aug 23 1871. THOMAS J. FILBERT, MERCHANT TAILOR, AND AGRN'T FOR SINGER'S SEWING MACP INES. JE3 ARK:W:ANTMD FORNEY & SONS ill pay die highest market price for 650 cords of Rock and Black Oak Bark delivered at their Tannery in Waynesboro. Hides and Skins taken in and weighed at the cellar of C. Bathes' Shoe Store, for m . hich the highest market price will be paid. CONCAVE CONVEX spectacles, ALEX. LEER Jeans, Denims, Fustens, Cottons, Summer Shuns, Counterpanes, Ginghams, Shirting Stripes, iniarge_quantitlesato_d . figures. Yams, Handkerchiefs . , Suspenders, And in fact everything in:the Sugars, 1=I:=1 CRILLY & ERVIN Fish of all kinds in season W. A. PRICE 1872, SPRING. 1872. lEW 000115. 1895. lElf GOODS BEAVER & JACOBS, TOWN HALL STORE. Have opened a complete assortment of NEW GOODS, FOR THE SPRING IND SIMMER MON 3. ES 7 S 3 . As all Goods are sold at Strictly one price, Marked with Small Profits, And purchased at Original wholesale cost. We are justifiable in promising Buyers, decided advantage in price. BOOTS, SHOES, BATS AND CAPS. We - keep - evei y description of these. We also name a few of the many artic les. Linens, &c. Carpets, Balmorals, UMBRELLA, KERCHEIFS, CUFFS, CAP PAPER, LETTER PAPER, PORTEMONNIES, GLOVES, KNIVES, Anything yon want in the Notion line you can get at the TOWN HALL STORE BEAVER & JACOBS. Feb 22, 1872—1 y NEW RIM ! NEW GOODS ! LINE STYLES t LOW PRIZES t BOERNER &WAYNANT have just open ed at the CORNER CLOTUING STORE, a splen did line of FRENCH, GOODS embracing Clothes of various grades and colors. PLAIN' AND FANCY CASSIMERS latest styles and best qualities, Doeskind, Cheviots, Twosds, Linen and Crape Coat ings, stylish est Patterns, etc. All of which will be made to order with the best Trimmings and in the best manner. A Goon FIT GuAnto,:rEnn in every case or no sale. READYNIADE CLOTHING Paper Collars, Ties, Bows, Suspenders, Hos iery etc., always on hand. (i✓ontlemen desiring stylish and good fit ting clothing should give us a trial. BOERNER. & WAYNANT, S. E Cor. Diamond. TIIE THOMPSON FEED CUTTER, SAVE YOUR FEED BY USING THOMPSON'S HAY, STRAW AND FODDER CUTTER, Here is a box that recommends itself to the consid ation of all who use cut feed as the cheap est Box in use. Price 10 to 12 dollars, at cording to the size. The easiest to oper ate. A boy of from I'2 to 15 years old can use them. Less liable to get out of order. Their constructfen renders them less lia ble to get out order than the ordinary cutters. These Boxes are well built, of good material. Warranted to give entire satisfaction. Agents wanted in every Coun ty and Township in the States of P€Mnsyl vania, Maryland. and Virginia, to whom a liberal per tentage will be given. For fur ther particulars call on or address L P. THOMPSON, Waynesboro', Franklin Co., June 20, 1872—tf , Penna. Forge Shop. THE subscriber informs his customers and the public generally that he con tinues to repair all kinds of Machinery at the Rock Forge Shop, 3 miles from Way nesboro', near Antietam Junction, and man mfactui es to order WAGONS, PLOWS, HAR ROWS. CIDER PRESSES and farming im plements generally. He employs none but experienced mechanics and uses the best material, and is therefore enabled to guAr antee all work to give satisfaction. He has now ready for purchasers, Wagons, two horse, three-horse. four-hor,se and six -horse, Matz and Self-sharpener Plows, Cider Presses, &R. dzc. Plow Castings always on hand. He assures the public that any of the above ar ticles can 'be had at the lowest price. Per sons wanting anything in his line are in vited to call, see and satisfy themselves. lie also takes this occasion to return thanks to his friends and patrons for past encourage ment. JOHN S. DAY-HOFF. July 25--tf SIUNIVIESt THE subscriber:has now for sale a prime article of Chestnut Shingles, a supply of which he will continue to keep on hand.— e has also for sale a largelot of jlaatering I aths. April 18 S. 11. RINEHART PAPER COLLARS, LADIES LACE COLLARS, NOTEPAPER, BRUSHES, HOSIERY, SPE - NDERS, - FANCY SOAPS ENGLISH AND AMERICAN ROCK PRICK & B 0 MT MAN'S STUN ENGINE .AND BOILER WORKS., T Boilers, Tanks, and Sheet-Iron Work; Machinist's Tools, ood Working Machinery, Shaftin g , Pulleys and Hangers; Gear Cutting, Portable rcular Saw-Mills, Felloe-Ben tiers, Laundry Furnaces. Also, Agents for Stillwell' atent Heater, Lime Extractor ano Filter, combined; Cameron & Co's Special Ste Pump; Sawtl - of all kinds, (andDiost manufacture;) Iron Pipe and Fittings; Brass Work; Gum and Leather Belting; Manu facturers and Engineers' Supplies, generally furnished at lowest Retail Prices. All kin& of Foundry Work—heavy or light, Iron and Brass Castings—made to order; REPAIR LNG carefully done. £For further particulars, send for Catalogue and Price List. Waynesboro', Franklin County, Penn'a June 29, 1871. MANSIONAOSSEMIEII, -, T ILFU - S - Alfr • FLT---- CANES, BOOKS, N. W. Cr.o Fayett and St. Paul Stree OPPOSITE BArstrm's CITY HOTEL, BALTIMORE, MD Terms $1..50 Per Day. ISAAC ALBERTSON, Proprietor. J. S. Hansun, Manager. [aug 24-Iy. their bones are not destroyed by mineral poison or other means, and the vital organs wasted beyond the point of repair. Dyspepsia or Indigestion. Headache, Pain in the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of the Chest, Diz ziness, Sour Eructations of the Stomach, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Palpitation of the 'Heart, Inflammation of the Lungs, Pain in the regions of the Kidneys, and a hundred other painful symptoms, are the offsprings of Dyspepsia, In these complaints it has no equal, and one bottle will prove a Letter guar antee of its merits than a lengthy advertisement. For Female Complaints, in young or old, married or single, at the dawn of womanhood, or the turn of life, these 'ionic ] titters displa y so decided an influence that a marked improvement is soon percep tible. _ _ For Inflammatory end Chronic Rheu matism and Gout, Bilious, Remittent and Inter mittent Fevers, Diseases of the Blond, Liver, Kidneys and Bladder. these Bitters have no equal. Such Dis eases are caused by Vitiated Blond, which is generally produced by derangement of the Digestive Organs. They are a Gentle Purgative as well as a Tonle, possessing also the peculiar merit of acting as a powerful agent in relieving Congestion or Inflam mation of the Liver and Visceral Organs, and in Bilious Diseases. For Skin Diseases, Entptions, Totter, Salt Rheum, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Boils, Car buncles, Ring-worms, Scald-Head, Sore Eyes Ery sipelas, Itch, Semis, Discolorations of the Skin, Humors and Diseases of the Skin, of whatever 'tante or nature, are literally dug up and carried out of the system in a short time by the use of these Bitters Grattan' Thousands proclaim VINEGAR Brr- VMS the most wonderful Invigorant that ever sustained the sinking system. J WALKER, Prop'r. R. H. HoDONALD di CO., Druggists and Gen. Agts, San Francisco, Cal.. and cor. of Washington and Charlton Sts., New York. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS. 1872 Spring. -1872 Spring. STOVER & WOLFF, DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, White Goods, Embroideries and Laces, Groceries, Queensttare, Boots & Shoes, Cedarwarq, Hardware OUR Dry Goods Department consists in part of Ladies Dress Goods, Black Silks, Black and Colored Alpaecas, Empress Cloth, Japanese Cloths, Mohairs, Poplins, Instres, Percales, Lawns, embracing everything in the Dress Goods line offered to the trade.— A FULL STOCK OF MENS WEAR English, & Ainercan Citssimers, Linens, Jesus, Denums, Doeskins, torduroykCottonades, BafiCaP.Simere and Cloth. Notions and White Goods of every variety, Hamburg edging and irserting,Thainf.4, honey Comb Quills, Napkins, hosiery, Gloves, Corets, • Lace and Linen Collars and Handkerchiefs, l'aper Collars, Suspenders head nets, &c.: A full line of Shoes • and ‘Gaiters for Gentlemen, Ladies, Misses, Boys and Chileren. We have constantly on hand everything, usually kept in a well regulated store. We ask an examination of goods and prices be fore purchasing else where. STOVER & WOLFF. . May I 0, If 72. sus FOR, S.A.I-I=- rIPHEsuI scriber offers at Private Sale an Omnil us for two or four horses, in fine order and on easy terms. July .11 7 —tf J. R. IVOLFERSBERGgR WAYNESBORO', FRANKLIN COUNTY, .PENN'A. STATIONARY AND PORTABLE STEAM ENGINES DEALERS IN RADWAY'S READY RELIEF CURES THE WORST PAINS In from One to Twenty Minutes. NOT ONE HOUR In K thts-advarthiment-weeiTany ono ' SUFFER WITH PAIN. RADWATS READY RELIE IS AN A ELME FOE EVERY It wasthe first and is The Only Pain Ilvnind:v., that Instantly stops the most excruciating pains. Maw; Inflammations, and cures Congestions, whether of tiro Lunge, Stomach, Bowels, or other glands or organs, by owapplication, FROM ONE TO TWENTY MINUTES, no matter how violent or excruciating tho pain the RHEUMATIC, Bed-ridden, Infirm Crippled, Nervous, Neuralgic, or prostrated with dlseaw; may suffer, RADWAY'S READY RELIEF WILL AFFORD INSTANT EASE. INFLAMMATION OF THE KIDNEYS. INFLAMMATION OF THE BLADDER. INFLAMMATION OF THE BOWELS. CONGESTION OF Tim LUNGS. —6ORE-THROAL-DIF-PRHFLT-BREATHINO, PALPITATION OF THE HEART. =sumacs. CROUP, DIPHTHERIA. ATARRH, INFLUENZA: HEADACHE. TOOTHACH C E. NEURALGIA, RHEUMATISM. COLD CHILLS, AGUE CHILLS. The application of the Ready 'toilet to tbo prat or parts where the pain or difficulty exists will afford cases • and comfort. Twenty drops In half a tumbler of water wilt In a few moments cure CRAMPS, SPASMS. SOUR STOMACH, HEARTBURN, SICK HEADACHE, DIARRHEA, DYSENTERY,__COLIC, WIND IN THE DOWELS, and all INTERNAL RAINS. •• Travelers should always carry a bottle of Itadway'a Wady Relief with them. A few drops In water will prevent sickness or pains from change of wider. ills ..better than French Brandy or Bitters as a stimulant. • FEVER AND AGUE. FEVER AND AGUE. cured for fifty cents. There Is not a remedial agent In this world that will cure Foyer and Ague, end all other Notorious, Blllousßearlet, Ty.- , gi. i f.h Ye ric l n i ft ek il li ti l e t r Arg e ZlPg d a l E DWA" . ) Fifty cents per bottle. Sold by Druggists. HEALTH BEAUTY! I- 13TTIONG AIM PE W E IGHT -CL EAREIEASE FDESIIANDSELN AND s 1 19 . . DR. RADWAY'S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT HAS MADE THE RAPID STONISHING CURES SO QUIOK_, SO ARE THE cittizioEs THE BODY lIIiDERGOES. lIND&R THE IN- YLIIENCE OF THIS TRULY WONDEHFUL .3IEDICLNE, THAT Every Wei g ht Increase In Flesh and ls Seen and Felt. THE CREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. Every drop of the SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLV ENT communicates through the Blood, Sweat, Urine, and other fluids and juices of the :system the vigor of life, for it repairs the wastes of the body with new and soun d re Scrofula, Syphilis, Consumption, Cilandnia* disease, Ulcers In the Threat, Mouth, Tumors, Nodes la the Mullis and other parts of the system, Sore Eyes, Etrumous Discharges from the Ears, and the worst forms of Skin diseases Eruptions , Fever Sores, Scald Read, Ring Worm, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Acne Black Spots, 'Worms In the Flesh. Tumors , Cancers In the Womb, and all weakening and painful discharges, Night ,Sweati, Loss of Sperm, and all wastes of the life princi ple, are within the curative range of this wonder of Mod ern Chemistry. and a few days' use will prove to any person using It for either of these taps of disease its potent plwer to care them. If the patient, daily becoming reduced by the wastes and decomposition that Is continually progressing, sea ceede In arresting these wastes, and repairs the same with new material made from healthy blood—and this the SARSAPAIBLLIAN will and does secure. Not only does the SAMPAP/MILLIAN Rvkadrmer carrel all known remedial agents in the cure of Chronic, Scrofu lous, Constitutional, and Skin ; but It Is the only positive core for Kidney & Bladder Complaints, Urinary, and Womb diseases, Gravel,:filabetes, Dropsy, Stoppage of Water, Incontinence of Urine, Bright's Dla case, Albuminuria, and In all cases where there ass brick dust deposits, or the water. Is thick, cloudy, mixed with substances like the white of an egg or threads like white silk or there Is a morbid, dark, bilious appearance, and white bonedust deposits, and when there Is a pricking, burning sensation when passing water, and pan in the Small of the Back and along the Loins. Price, . WORMS.-The only known and sure Remedy fororn n, .Tripe, etc. Tumor of IS Years* Growth Cured by Radway's Resolvent. Barnum. SIAM., Joly 18,180. DR. Rareesi have had Ovarian Tumor in the ovaries will bowels. MI the Doctors said " them was no help for it." I blot every thing that was recommended ; but nothing helped ma f. sow your Resolvent, And thought I would try It ; but had no faith in it, bemuse I hod suffered for twelve years. I took six bottles of the Resolvent, and one box of Radway's Pills, and two bot tle. of your Rmay Relief ; and them Is not a sign of tumor to be seen or felt, and / feel better, smarter, and lumpier than I have for twelve yews. The worst tumor was In the left side of the bowels, over the groin. I write this to you for the benefit of, others. You can publish It If you choose. lIANNAII P. IMAM. DR. RADWAY'S - PERFECT PURGATIVE PILLS, perfectly tastelets, elegantly coated with sweet gum. purge, regulate, purify, cleanse and strengthen. Bad way s Pills, for the cure of nil disorders of the Stomach. Liver. Bowels, Kidneys, Bladder. Nervous Diseases, Headache. Constipation. Costiveness, Indigestion, Dyspe.isla, Billet/snot% Bilious Fever, Inflammation of the Bowels, Pile-Nand:di Derangements of the Internal Vis cera. Warranted to effect a posttiveoure. Purely Vegeta- Lle, containing no mercury, minerals, or deleterious drugs. Observe the following symptoms milting from Disorders of the Digestive Organs: Constitution, inward Pile*, Fullness of the Blood In the Find. Acidity of the Stomach, Namely Jicarthnnt Disgent of Food. Fullness or Weight in the Stomach, Sour Ern/Wiens, Sinking or Flattering at the I'll of the Stomach, &chemise of tho Boo:. Harried and Difficult Breathing, Fluttering of the Henri, Choking or Su ff ocating Sensations when in a Lying !Woo, Dimness of Vision, Dote or Welts before the Sight, Fever and Dull Pam in the Hem, Deneieney p.r.rtr.voo Yoliewneu of tho Skin and Eves,toin the Side, Chest, Labs, goad sudden Flus.laca of Heatlhoniag l the Flesh. A few doses of RArywArs free tho sys tem from nil the shove-messed disorders. Price, 25 cants per hex. SOLD BY DRUBOISTS. READ "FALSE AND TRUE." Send one Utter stamp to RADWAY & CO.. No. Si Malden Lune, Now- fork. /information worth thoumuodu will Ito omit you. STAGE LINE TBE subscriber notifies the mobile that he has obtained the contract for tho carrying of the tin ited States Mail 1. etween WayneLboro' and Chautbersburg, v a. Quin cy, I\lt. Alto, and .lacks on I tall. ill leave Waynesboro' on Monday, Wednet day and Friday, at 6 A. M. and arrive at CI ambers burg at MI A. M., leave Chamber burg at P. M., arriving:A Waynosboro' at 7 P. M. Fie has a comfbrtable two-ltor,e ta nth and will give every attention to passem urs \OH) may. wish to be conveyed to awl fro. All express matter or other paduiges s ill be promptly attended tq. 11b4 team will be continued daily vs usu al Greencastle, Juno. 27, IS72—tf • NOTICE;. A Iff;persons having claims against .Ta 111..ectb lineman, will present tui st= it te ih . lytproven 7 nrid tlin:-e indebted to NMI liar:- man will-pay their indebtedness CO 1). 1; RUSSELL, -Committee of Jacob lizirtman2k. Jnly 18 IJIACOk:--Con sides fur sale by El June 29. JOS. Kll7.l'Er-,.