The Waynesboro' village record. (Waynesboro', Pa.) 1871-1900, August 15, 1872, Image 2

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    riatirlefibero'llage guard.
Thursday, Aug. 15, '72.
Le' The public debt statemcnt for Au
gust. Ist shows a reduction of $3,427,687.
Kentucky farmer has sold two
short horn heifers for $G,500 each,
tErA lady in Kentucky was stung by
a wasp the other day, from the eirects of
which she died.
has derided that students have no right
to vote'except at their hamcs.
WY - A Democratic bolt has taken-place
IT 1..):177t,
gar The repotted challenge between
Mosby and Dr. Withers, of Warrenton,
Va., was a hoax.
Oyu - M Thomas Holm°, a wealthy
• Londoner, bequeathed $55,000 to the Brit
ish Society for th 2 I'rove4tion of Cruelty
to Animals.
C F A. Republican wigwam, with a scat
---inr'iimnpatity of 3,0! ! , . : t 2 .
at Warsaw, Ind., and was dedicated Au
gmt 2, by Senator Morton.
' ra.„The chief of the detective corps of
the Government . has been requested by
the Attorney General to visit the Albany
Penitentiary and to make a complete in
vestigation of the condition of the Ku-
Kink prisoners therein confined, report
lag all the facts to the Department.
PZ-Polities in West Virginia is in a
complete muddle, For the election to be
held there on the 22d inst., there ate no
less than four State tickets in the field,
while in almost every .district there are
independent candidates for Congress in
. ItED.In the fall of 1870,-a-family-nam
ed Leib, of Quincy, 111., permitted their
little son, a child four and a half years
of agerto-go—into-the-street-to—play,and
from that time have never heard of him
There is no doubt that the child
en. The parents placed the matter in
- the hands of-the'detectivesiand caused a
photograph to be sent to every city in the
United States and Canada °fibrin. a lib-
era! reward for the return of the child.—
On the 2d, a beggar was arrested in New
Castle, Pa., with a boy, six yews old,
thought to -be Mr. Leib's child. Mr. Leib
came on, and declared the child was not
his. As the child is evidently a stolen one,
it is still detained, awaiting further infor
1te...0n Friday evening, 26th ult., Al-
plieus Glover, a farmer aged about forty
years, with his daughter, aged eighteen,
and a son of six years,residing on Beaver
Creek, Fayette Co., Pa., went out to look
at a Sick cow lying in the road near the
farm of a meighbor, named Staub, Some
hogs were worrying the cow, and Mr. G.
hissed a small dog upon them. Just then
Staub and his son, aged sixtcen,approach
cd, the former armed with a revolver and
the latter with a rifle. As they came up,
Staub called out, "I'll shoot your heart
out !" G lover's daughter stepped before
her father, but as Staub roughly told her
to get out of the way, she became frigh
tened, and stood aside. The little boy
clut to his father's knees,crying piteous
ly. Staub and his son then fired together,
and Glover fell over his little son, crying,
"My God, Jake, what have you done to
me? He died instantly. The murderers
were placed in jail in Uniontown, Md.—
The murder was the result of an old fiim
HANDSOUE OFFER.—Mrs. Carleton Belt,
a worthy matron of Locopolis, Miss., now
of the Coleman house, in New York, has
addressed a letter to Mr. Joseph Strauss,
president of the Alsace Loraine society,
in which she makes the following offer to
a colony of from four to five hundred per
sons :
"I could give homes to sixty families,
besides a manufacturing colony of a hun
dred to sixty families whose occupation is
fitrming. To each cottage I would let fif
ty acres ; fifteen to be rent free; and to be
planted in corn, peas, potatoes and other
vegetables to sustain their fiunilies ; the
remaining thirty-five acres in cotton—half
1 hat is made to belong to me. If the sea
son is a good one • the tenant will realize
:thout. $2,000 ; if bad he will , not lose, for
I will share with bini. I want
dustrious people ; if they have not the
lneans to start themselves, I will lend it to
them. 1 will devote the remainder of my
life to their welihre and prosperity in this
new world. The place is at the head of
navigation for large vessels up the Yazoo
river, half way hch‘oen Memphis, Tenn.,
and Vieksburg, about t;aty-eight hours
by railroad from New York city."
Ce - The largest brewery in the world is
that of Barclay, Perkins& Co., London.
They use annually 114,000 bale.shops,and
make over 1,000,000 barrels of ale. Their
place corers twelve aeres'in the heart of
London, for which they recently were of
fered the sum gf_529,000,000, or
4(100 per acre.
z€9.„lodia. rubber trees, it is stated, oc
cupy a belt of hod around 'the globe lin.
live hundred mil& south of the I.2(inator.
"These trees yield on an average three ta
-tablespoon-gill of sap t day, and can be
tapped for t'Anty succesiive seasons.—
'They stand so dose together that one mats
can gather the sap from eight trees. In a
1-act of country thirty miles long and
:eight miles wide there have been for:y
;duce thousapd India rubber trees counted.
Soini i w. 6.
t-Dog dAyaettd of the 27th
VA-Court is in session.
GONE—The noisy martins made their
exit from town last week.
DEl.,The trial of Dr. Shmppc will com
mence on the 28th of this month.
jTho matrimonial market cantiaues
dull. TOo warm.
tel,Avoid - harct times—work bard and
live within your means.
rroat - S - A.t.v.—J. J. Miller—in—urt ,
other column offers for salo a valuable
small faim.
Ml.-Rev. Mr. Richardsoii-of Greencas
tle will preach in the Presbyterian Church
next Sabbath morning.
re„..The metoric display predicted for
the night of 10th didn't come off, not at
least in-this part of the moral universe.
• tar" Woe unto them that rise up ear-
strong drink."-- Isn. V. 11
-NEW ENGINE HOUSE.- Messrs Frick
& Bowman have added to their extensive
Machine Shops a. new Engine House in
which in a. few days they will put a new
Boiler and Engine, improved patterns,
Wm, Stull of quince township
on Monday handed us a Bartlett Pear
which measured around 8 inches and
weighed 6 ounces. Mr, S. has one of the
finest fruit 'orchards in that township,
1655 - The contention and excitement o
ver the recent election in North Carolina
harbe- yriwilves'emmetilaminicig
Republicans, We have not seen 'the of
ficisl vote,
. V&'Farrners will find a prime artiee
of seed wheaf=the Cherokee—rat the store
of J. Elden in 'this place, It is said to
excel' in quality other varieties now of
contracts elsewhere,
ble small properties in Quincy township_
Pored for - snlw — Ono by Josiah Bur
ger and the other by-liTm. 'Stull. For
escription see as vertlsemeu
VINE RAlN.—This section was visited
with another fine rain on Monday night
last, The gust set in about 10 o'clock
and continued for a couple of hours,
but the weather continues at about the
same temperature notwithstanding, nine
six in the shade.
PUBLIC OrmioN.—The Public Opin
ion, published in Chambersburg, .by M.
A. FOLTZ, has attained an extended cir
culation, and is perhaps more 'generally
read than any other county paper. Per
sons having farms or other property to
sell will find it a first-class advertising
Green, colored, a couple years
since confined in our county jail for 'steal
ing a watch from Mr. J. R. Wolfersber
ger, has been committed at Hagerstown
for theft at the Clermont House (Miller's)
on the Mountain. This time Bill, it ap
pears, fancied a gun anion other valua
lay-John W. Baughman, Esq., editor
and public her of the Republican Citizen,
of Frederick, Md., (lied on the 31st ofJu
ly. His brethren of the presS of Freder
ick City passed resolutions of respect to
his memory, and attended the funeral in
a body.
BIG EGGS.—Mr. Thomas Addlesbergcr
of this place the other day exhibited to us
three large hen eggs. Two measuring
seven and three-quarter inches by six and
a half. The other seven and a half by six
and a quartos inches. .The "pullet" hails
feem McConnellsburg.
SEE6 — The Democratic County Commit
tee, for Franklin County, met pursuant
to call of the late Chairman at 1 o'clock
P. M., on Monday last, At the office of the
Valley Spirit,
B. M. Nead, Esq., was elected Chirmart,
and Louis Wyeth, Esq„ Secretary of the
Cmunittee for the ensuing year.
.M . rmozzs.—Our enterprising neighbor,
W. A. Reid, with the aid of his clever
young asssistant, Mr. Geo. H. Harbaugh,
disposed of one hundred and fifty water
mellons during Friday and Saturday last.
He expects another flue lot this (Thurs
day) evening.
ENLARGED.—TI.o Williamsport Pilot,
published at Williamsport, Washington
county, Md., by Messrs. T. F. & G. W.
MeCardell, reaches us this week consider
bly enlarged and beautified generally in
appearance. The Pilot is a live local pa
per anti merits a liberal patronage in
that section of Washington county.
following transfers of real estate were
Air record in the office of a T. Snyder,
KegiAer and Recorder of Franklin' coun
ty, during the last week:
Sohn S. Cell to Wm. Dixon, 160 acres
and GO perches of laud, in St. Thomas
township, for 816,000. •
Catharine Bell to Henry Blubaugh, 2
acres and 143, perches of laud, iu Quincy
township, tin. $3OO.
Spealnlan to Daniel Hollinger,
17 acres and 60 porches of loud, in Wash
ington township, fir $l2O.
FATAL AFFRAY,--A difficulty a occur
red at the 'Waynesboro' Hotel on Friday
last between a young man named H. H.
Little, of Chambersburg, son of D. B.
Little, and a stranger connected with the
Forest City Circ6,which has terminated
in the death of the former. The young
man is said to have been under the in.
fluence of liquor, and having had some
words with the stranger repaired z to the
street and re-entered the Hotel iirith . sev
eral stones for the purpose of assaulting
him, when he was struck en the forehead
wi aum er an noc e —IIT
ec 4.01V11.
was removed in an insensible state to an
adjoining room, and the same evening
conveyed by his• father to Chambersburg.
An eye witness-informs-u s-tha,t-young-Lit--
tle was clearly the aggressor and that the
stranger tried to get out of his way. Ac
cording to the Public Opinion he expired
on Sunday 'evening last, Another sad
commentary upon tho evil effects of disci.
The Spirit says : On Monday, IL
B. Davison, Esq. summoned a jury and
held an inquest upon the body. Drs. Lane
and Boyle made a very thorough post
mortela examination of the body and te,s
'fled lx rid 't that
jefore the inquest. .tat, hiFf - h - fh
found a fracture on the left side of the
skull from which death resulted. Their
opinion is that the injury was caused by
a blow with some blunt instrument—that
it could not lave been caused by a. blow
with the fist alone.
Efforts are being maile for the arrest, of
the man who is charged with the °Nonce,
which we -understand are likely to be suc
P. S. It appears a man connected with
the Forest City Circus has been arrested
and committed to jail, but he turns out
to be the wrong person, the one who com-
mitted . the assault having made his es
cape. A couple men connected with the
Circus arrived here on Tuesday evening
and yesterday morning started for Chain,
hersburg with Messrs. Minter and Ful
wilier, landlord and bar-tender, for The
purpose of establishing the innocence of
the individual under-arrest.
gV-The Harrisburg Telegraylc referring
to the Carus e P istriet ,amp eeting
which commenced near Oakville on Wed-
:-:day of laswcelc nays : A hanfizon
two-stcry house has been erected for the•
dance of good water, and two Inamnaouth
boarding house.S---:the most essential of all
accommodations. For those who desire
refreshments there are buildings in which
.soda water, ice cream, fruits, etc., can be
obtained. and a photograph gallery for
such as desire copies of themselves. Vey -
etables, freilimeats, ice, &c., can also be
procured. on the grounds. A post-office
in the camp receives daily mails from all
points, and a religious book store supplies
those who want reading matter or station
ery. A telegraph office has been opened
a short distance from the camp.
PEnsoNA L.—Bev. A. Buhrman, former
pastor of the Lutheran congregation in
this place, now of Milton, Pa., paid our
town a visit last week:
Lewis C. Gilbert, more familirly known
as "Doc. Gilbert," after an absence of a
bout nine years, spent several days among
his friends in this place and vicinity last
week. He is an enterpriSing young man
and has many friends in this region. Is
engaged in business at Clcavland, Ohio.
S. A. Stephenson, Esq., and family,
and Franklin and Alfred T. Johnson, all
of Pittsbnrg,Pa. are also at presentsojourn
ing among their friends in this place.
TITE STORM.—The severe rain storm of
Monday evening •of last week proved
quite destructive along the Marsh Run.
It is said that stream was never before
known to be so much swollen. Fences a
long its course were swept away and ma
ny corn fields much damaged. ^ The force
of the water was so great that in some in
stances gullies six feet in depth were o
pened in corn fields and even piles of
stones carried from one field into anoth
er. Report says• a Mr. Loose, on the
Ilachtel farm, in Washington county, sus
tained a loss amounting to about $2,000.
The turnpike between this place and Lei
tersburg was considerably damaged.
SEnrous ACCIDENT.—Mr. Andrew Sen
der of this vicinity met with a serious ac
cident on Friday last.. He was engaged
at threshing his wheat crop with one of
the old-timed machines, when a strap
broke which so increased the speed of the
horSes as to cause the fly-wheel to burst,
a piece of the timber striking him on the
head and face and inflicting a fi ightful
wound, He continued in an insensible
state until the next day. But last accounts
his condition somewhat improved.
SEVERE .A.ccIDENT.—Two little girls,
one the daughter of 'Postmaster Wm. Lo.
gan and the other of Mr. James Fisher,
whilst playing upon a balcony attached
to the second-story of a house on Frank
lin street were precipitated to the brick
pavement below by the giving away of
the banisters surrounding the porch. Mr.
Logan's daughter was picked up in an in
sensible condition, terribly bruised and
bleeding, and with her right arm broken
below the elbow. Dr. Scott is attending.
the Jittle sufferer, who is improving under
his treatment. TIT daughter of Mr. Fish
er was badly bruised, and while no, bones
were broken, it is fea:cd she may be injur
ed internally.— Twice A Week.
ra.The Leitersburg wells are alb dry.
la. Grapes will be plenty.
W. F 4. Krebs, A. M., who was elected to
fill the chair of Mathematics in Franklin
and Marshall College, Lancaster, Pa, by
the Trustees of that. institution, at their
late annual meeting, has concluded to ac
cept the positibn. To enable him to car
ry out his purpose, lie has resigned his
charge, and Classis has dissolved his pas
toral relation. expects to enter upon
the duties of his new position with the o
pening of the next term in the institution.
The friends of Marshall and Franklin Col-
ege wi u e grata wit i tie resu reac -
ed in his case, by the late action of the
Board of Trustees.—Dlessenger:
Da-All members of the Mod Templar
organization are request• to meet a tie
Lodge room to-morrow (Friday) evening.
Important business, •
HORRIBLE MURDER.—A 11011Thic mur
der was committed pear Yates City, Illi
nois, on Monday morning, the victim be
ing the wife of John Matthewson, a far ,
mer warded but a few months. The mur
derer went to the house about 8 o'clock In
the morning, while Matthewson and his
ft.: ,t v_. • VI . • 1. • I 1 • e
and ordered breakfast. While Mrs. Mat
thewson was preparing, breakfast he un
dertook to ravish her, She resisted, anti
her clothing and person showed unmis
takable signs of a terrible struggle for
When .her husband returned at night
he found her body in the cellar with - her
throat cut and skull crashed. Great ex
citement prevails in the neighborhood,
and mounted horsemen are scouring the
country in search of the murderer. A
reward of $l,OOO has been offered for his
HllnoLD ' s FALL.—It is evident that
Helmbold's failure was due to great van
t`sb, out four years since he was
Malting hia - g - ttr dash, and then - his - ea=
reer certainly was a remarkable one. He
had only been three years in trade in New
York, and during that time had made his
remedies famous and had become rich.—
_Hisincome_ was_6so,o_o_o_p_er_year, and All_
that was required was a continual atten
tion to the business which he had estab
:Halted. rns et,d_of-this-howcver,-he-b
came ambitious of political distinction.
-J-When-Grant was nominated-for the-Pres
- .
itteney, A. 'll7bWir _vance - d — MR,
toward-an electioneering fund. Hernbold,
-who-bad-the-follv to believe-ba-Seyrno-u-r4
chances, determined to outdo Stewart, and
and consequently advanced $40,000 to his
party. Forty thousand dollars is a large
sum of money. It has generally been
considered a capital sufficient for many
kinds of business. That any man should
deliberately throw such a sum away can
only be explained by the proud desire to
outrival Stewart. Helmbold, it is true,
expected to make money rapidly but pride
was continually in the way of endurinr ,
success. Having outbid Stewart in the
politica fund, he determined to distance
the Belmonts and Commodore Vanderbilt
in equestrian style, and hence his equip
age at Long Branch was the grandest ev
er seen .there, with the single exception of
that displayed by Jim Fisk. There was
an incessant rivalry between this brace of
fools ; but in the long run Fisk came out
ahead, which might have been expected
from his unbridled ambition and vast re
sources. Hembold changed his team eve
ry day in the week, but still Fisk excell
ed him. They have both reaped the re
ward of their folly—the one lying in a
dishonored grave, while the other is a
wanderer in a foreign land.
session of this Institution will begin on
Monday, September 2d, 1872.
This department will be under the con
trol of Jos. B. Updegrall; a Teacher of
more than 20 years experience. The
course of instruction in the elementary
branches, will be thorough and practical.
J. F. A. Remly, an accomplished teach
er, will have charge of this departinent.
This department kill be in charge of
Prof. J. D. Warfield, A.M. a graduate of
Dickinson College. He is a thorough
classical scholar, well qualified to teach
the Sciences, an able Mathematician, a
good disciplinarian, a practical and expe
rienced instructor, and a gentleman of
fine social qualities. His recommenda
tions and testimonials are from the high
est sources.
Prof. J. J. Detrick, a native of Ger
many, , will give instruction in the Ger
man Language. Having had the advan
tages 'ofliberal training in that' county,
he speaks and writes that language in all
its native purity. He has Laugh 15 years
in this country, and we therefore can re
commend him as a teacher of great expe
Mr: S. S. Downin, and experienced
Surveyor, will give practical exercises
with the chain arid compass,
There will be connected with the A.
cademy, a Commercial department, in.
charge of Prof, A. M. Trimmer, an expez
rienced and practical teacher; who has
founded a number of Commercial Col-
Accomplished teachers will give in
struction in music. •
Boys and Girls from the age of six
years and upward will be admitted into
the Primary, High School and Academic
Department, according to their advance
The course of study will be thorough
in preparation for Business or College.
Accommodations for boarding pupils
are first-class.
Parents ,pud guardians who intend to
send scholars are requested to make 'ap
plication before the session begins. Send
for catalogue.
Jos, B. UPDEGRAFF, Principal,
it Hagerstown, Md.
EcrAL NOTICE.—People who have
subscribed for the" Christian Union," Hen
ry Ward Beecher's Weakly Journal, and
wi wile'ey recep • oo I • I • -
mium of tiro Oil Chromos, Wide Awake
and Fast Asleep, can now be furnf
with frames of any description at a
ewer price-than-they can-be-obt
elsewhere. I receive the frames
rem New York City And have them .
the exact size, with neater finish than
be dono by a poor class of workw
Frames will be delivered to patrons.
aug. B—tfC. H. CooN.
_ _
WY"Persons who have quite recently
used the Dr. Wickey Cholera Medicine,
prepared by DAVID Mowr, opposite the
Bowden House, Waynesboro', say it gives
• . r z •• • famil in town
or out of it should at this season be with
out a bottle over night. In health it is
well to provide against sudden attacks
rom cramp, cholic, dissentery, &c,
Jr one year or longer, for which th - o - best
:mirky can be given and seven per cent.
ntcrest allowed. Apply to the Printer.
July 25—tf
WANTED—An honest young man with
capital of $l5OO to go into a good pay
ing business in Waynesboro. For further
information call on the Printer.
adsY'Will receive on Saturdaya fine lot
of the latest styles of Hair Braids. Ladies
ould_calL_Eoen_and see them. Brack
bill & Geiser.
It .Persons -will greatly oblige us by
calling and favoring us with some money
_on_their accounts. Brackbill & Geiser.
On the Bth inst., at the house of: t 1:1 ,. :. i !: J.
W._Fletcher in Chambcrsburg, by Rev. J.
B,Soule, •
ALICE KNEPPER, all of this county.
3i MAT HS_
On the 2nd inst., Mrs. Lanz wife of
Charles A. Stouffer, Esq., near Smithburg,
aged 28 years, 5 mos. and 18 days. De
ceased was on a visit to her sister Mrs.
Witson at Green Spring Furnace, where
she took sick the day after her arrival,
and notwithstanding the best medical at
tendance and the most kind care of rela
tives and friends, she expired after an ill
ness of ten-days. She was buried at the
Tanker Church (Welty's) in the Ring-.
gold District, and was very highly esteem
e 1 by all who had the pleasure of her
in Cbambersburg August 7th, Tnoluns
SHECKLEY in his 48th year.
Near Clearspring, June 18th, Jonx
Erzis MILLER, son of David and Mar
garet A. Miller, aged 17 years, 9 months
and 23 days.
In Smithburg, on the Ist inst., Miss E
r:annum SHOLL, at the advanced age of
84 years and 9 months.
On the Bth inst., at Marion, Miss MAR
GARET PErrs, aged 62 years.'
MrTr ' ... '' ,PWl4
LARD... ....
BALTIMORE. Aug. 12, 1872.
FLOUR.—The receipts to-day were 1,
616 bbls., with ,sales reported on 'Change
of 500 bbls.. all Western, as follows :
Super at $5,50, and 400 Extra at $7,500
7,87. t.
WHEAT.—The market for Wheat to
day was active, and prices very firm. The
sales reported were of white It 180R182
cents, inferior to prime at 1550173 cents,
and red at 180®185 cents, good to prime
at 170®178 cents, common to fair at 155
®165 cents.
CORN.—White at 72 cents, and yel:ow
at 620 . 05 cents, latter for very prime.
OATS.—New Southern at 43@45 cents
and bright Western at at 48 cents.
RYE.—New Southern at 73 cents.
Beeves dull and declined ; choice 7i to 71
cents ; fair to good -51 cents ; common 4
to 5 cents. Sheep lower: 51 to 61 cents.
Hogs lower ; $7,371a57,50 for corn fed.
ANICE article—the "Cherokee"—for sale
by J. ELDEN.
August 15-6 w
For Sale at J ELDEN'S.
August 8-5 t
Philadelphia, August 81h, 1872.
This is to give notice: That on the sth
day of August, A. D. 1872, a Warrant in
Bankruptcy was issued against the estate
of A. D. Gordon, of Waynesboro', in the
county of Franklin, and''State of Pennsylva
nia, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt, on
his own Petition ; that the payment of any
Debts and delivery of any property belong
ing to sm Is a Bankrupt, to him, or for his
use, and the transfer of any property by
him, are forbidden by law ; that a meeting
of the Creditors of the said Bankrupt, to
prove their debts, and to choose one or
more assignees of his estate, will be held at
a Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden at
Chanabersburg, Pa., belbre Hastings Gchr,
Esq., Register, on the 31st day of Anglia,
A. 1.). 1872, at 10 o'clock, A. M.
U. S. Marshall, as Messenger.
g 0
INEN/81 1 .
UST home from the great New York Aue
tion nHouse on Monday evening. On
Tuesday pile after pile of purchases were
thrown down at my door, and customers
came along and stood and looked and star
ed at the variety and quantity. But when
the tickets were stuck on them they stood
ih utter amazement. I thought to myself
the tnink I did not pay for these goods—
, I • fr the laces are fill htfull
I don't believe in long palavers in circulars
but will r ply quote a few to give customers
ho merchantilo panic now going
York. One house after another
taking any money at all to keep
• months, The exciteuieet in
,d room among the Bulls and
ling compared with that in the
the prices I offer: Excellent
Pins, 5 cents a paper; Blood's & Stevens';
Needles, 6 cents, only half price ; ElaPtie
Sinspenders, 15, 2Q and. 25 cents, worth don
b e that amount ; Hemmed Stitched Hand
rchiefs, 8 and 10 cents, beats the world ;
id Gloves, 65 cents, not half price?..but no
attar it's nobodys business,l. can sell them;
legant Ribbons, 5,6, 7, 8 and 10 cents a
y rd ; Pa ;er Collars, 10, I2l}i 15 and 20 eta.
:' ;; l . • nts'
Hose for a mere nothing, no regular price
for these .
7 , , 10 and 121 cents per yard ; Brilliante, 7}
cents: a Mersailles, only 10 cents, never in
t le world's history anything like these ;
Cringnams, 12.1 cents; Ladies Sun Shades,
l2i, 15 and 25 cents, not one-third of price.
1 and 11 cents; Brown Muslin, 10, 11 and
1 i cents, Tremendous butchery.
cotton Spools, 1, 2 and 3 cents ; Crash, 10
and 12 cents ; Lace Shawls only 51,50, 51,75
and 52,00 ; Shoes Cheaper Than Ever ; Hay
oe in Dress Goods ; Elegant Plaids, 17 cts.
worth 30; Grenadines from 121 cents up.
' One word and I have done: Bsyers• can
have plenty of goods for next thing to no
.....H. A - : - IVIL.K. FT'
. _.
. _
Waynesboro', Hagerstown and
August 15—tf Sharpsbnrg.
U~ LIC - s * L E-
BY virtue of an order of the Orphan's
Court of Franklin county, Pa., the un
dersigned Administrator of Elizabeth Barn
hart, late of Washington township, Frank
lin county, dec'd, will expose to public sale
on the premises, on SATURDAY THE 14TIC
-DAY-OF-SEPT-EMBER NEXT, the following -de--
scribed Real Estate, situated in WaShing= -
ton township, on the public road leading
from Philip Beaver's to the_ Maryland line,
• • '•in n ' • •lien -Miller
and Simon Lecron, o wit: A Tract o
best qintlity Limestone Land, containing
The improvements consist of a good one
and a half story LOG HOUSE, with base
ment, 23x26 feet, a Tenant House one and
a half stories high, a
42x213, Carpenter Shop, Smoke House, Hog
Pen, &e. There is also on the premises an
Orchard of
containing 40 apple trees, peach trees, pears
cherries, grapes. &c. A well of water at
the door.
nek,:.Sale to commence at 2 o'clock, P. M.
on the premises, on said day, when tt.e
terms will be made known by
August 15—ts Geo. V. Along, Auct.
?TOE Subscriber, Administrator witli the
JL Will annexted of Abrm. Burger, decd,
will oiler at public sale, on the premises, on
Friday the 27th. day of September next, 5 A
CREs of Meadow Land, situated at Snow
Hill, one mile from Quincy, with a TWO
with a story and a half back building, a
Cooper Shop, a small Barn with Horse and
Cow Stables attached, Hog Pen and other
necessary buildings thereon erected. There
is also a never-failing Spring of excellent
water under the dwelling house. The land
is in a high state cultivation not perhaps ex
celled in Franklin county. To a person of
moderate means this property would make
a very desirable home. - Persons wishing to
view the property before the day of sale
can call on the subscriber or Henry Lesher,
Jr., living therein.
.015 Y -Sale to commence at 1 o'clock on said
day when terms will be made known.
Ad m'r.
August 15-7 t
MI E subscriber offers at Private' Sale a
JL Tract of Valuable liinestone Land, in a
fine state of cultivation, of a mile North of
Quincy, containing
21 Acres.
The improvements are a ONE STORY
BRICK HOUSE, One Story Log and Stone
House with Basement, Log and Frame Barn,
spring House, Wood Shed, good. Hog, Pen
&c., with a well of excellent water close to ,
the houses ; a fine ORCILARD OF GRAFT
ED FRUIT TREES, and a four-acre PEACH
ORCHARD, (one year's growth,) besides
pears, plums, grapes, &e. The Antietam
flows through the one end of the land to
which stock can have access.
The above small farm is conveniently
located, being only + of a mile from 'Luther
an, Reform and U. B. Churches, stores, mill,
shops, 4.. c.
He also offers for sale 13 ACRES OF
MOUNTAIN L AND adjoining lands ofJohn
Fahrney, the Mt. Alto• Iron Co. and others,
well set with old and thriving young;timber.
August 15-2 m WM. STULL.
rpHE subscriber informs his customers
1 and the public generally that he has now
for sale the genuine Wickey Cholera Medi
cine, in different sized bottles. Ho has
manufactured the article' for years and
could, if necessary, furnish numerous certi
ficates front persons who haVe used it and
who attest its genuineness. A bottle shotild
be in every household at this particular
season of the year. DAVID MORT.
August B—lf
- DERSONS who gave notes at the sale of
the subscriber on the 6th of April fast
will please take notice that the same wore
due on the 6th inst. Said notes are in the
hands of Theodore Wiesner, to whom pay
ment must be made within ten days. Oth
erwise they will be placed in the hands of
an officer for eollection with interest from
1131. FLEAGLE.
August S—St.
NEW ADM nava:NTs,
This widely-known School affords Jim-.
ough Christian education, at a cost of little
more than $5 a week ; one-fourth off for clo
gymen. The 87th session (20 weeks) opens
September 11th. The address of all former
pupils is requested. A grand re-union at
the close of the next year. Send for circu
lar and particulars to Rev. CHAS. C. BEA
TY, D. D., LL. D., Sup't., or Irev: A. M.
REID, Ph. D., Principal.
Aurermryvi Ie VI
t E io W n, P ACADEMY
and Female Pupils.) Long established,
oroug 1, success u ; oca ion ma iu tun
accessible ; community social, moral and
religous ; buildings large and costly; a fun'
cove of able teachers; mountain air, pure
water, safe bathing, find skating ; emphati
cally a home school. Whole expense ' for
(for 40 weeks). less than two hundred dol
lars. Winter session begins Sept 3. Send .
for circulars. WILSON & PATTERSON,
Port Royal, Juniata Co., Pa.
Send for circular and Testimonials, D. D.
Pottstown. Montgomery Co., Pa.
The twenty-fourth annual session of this
Institution opens September 12th. For
address Rev. JOHN MOORE,
Principal. •
on Phila. & Reading R. R. Twenty-second
annual session opens Sept. 11th. Situation
healthy and beautiful. Classical, English,
and Mathematical course of study—thor
ough and practical. For Circulars, contain
ing full particulars,.address GEO. 1). MEIUS,
A. M., Principal.
r I Al I 1. ' A -
If ETN - zur — HAN,LN CB— • I. -
atory to College, Business, Scientific School
U. S. Military and Naval Academies. Fall
session, 36th year ; begins Sept. ,13. For
- eittalogue; - addressAxenlV - M - HRUSSEL
LEGE.—Thorough instruction. Health
ful and beautiful location. One of the most
carefully conducted and best sustained in
stitutions in the State, For terms, etc., au
dress Rev. JOHN H. BRAKELEY, Ph. D.
SEit-t e colt' X7_2;
A °ye ty in `o t ica andlWar Literature.
A Graphic History of the Republican and
so-called Liberal Republican Party ; an in
side view of the Cincinnati. Convention.—
The minor tickets or inside show of tbo
campaign. The finest Illustrated Book
Published, A Book wanted by every A
merican citizen. To secure territory at
once, send $1 for outfit. UNION PUBLISH
ING CO., Chicago, Ills., Phila., Pa., or
Springfield, Mass.
Agents wanted for our Campsil.m- goods.—
Sell at sight. Pay 100 per cent. profit. Now
is the time. Send at once for Descriptive
Circulars and Price Lists - of our Fine Steel
Engravings of all the Candidates, Campaign
Byographies, Charts, Photographs, Badges.
Pins, Flags and everything, suited to the
times. Ten Dollars per day easily. Full
samples sent for $3. Address Aloonn Lt.
GOODSPEED, 37 Park ilow, New York.
Thirty new and beautiful de
signs. Get Prim List 01'f T. C.
turers, No. 47 :Murray St, N. Y
Reject all violent Purgatives. They ruin
the tone of the bowels and weaken the di
ER APERIMENT is used by rational people as
a means of relieving all derangements of
the stomach, liver and intestines, because
it removes obstructions without pain and
imparts vigor to the organs which it puri
fies and regulates.
Is the cheapest and best article in the mar
ket for Blueing Clothes. The genuine has
both Barlow's and Wiltberger's name on
the label, and is pnt up at Wiltbersel - 's
Dral Store, No. 233 North Second St., Phil
adelphia. D. S. WILTBERGER, Proprie
tor. For sale by Druggists and Grocers.
Contains biographies of Drew, Vanderbilt,
Gould, Tweed, &c., with a financial history
of the country for the last three years, and
Over 500 pages. Price S 2. Address
N. YORK BOOK CO., 145 Nassua St.,
New York.
For an }• case Blint. , ,
Bleeding. Itching
or Ulcerated Piles that De Rin's Pile Rem
edy fails to core. It is prepared expressly
to cure the Piles, and nothing else. Sold by
all Druggists. Pike, 451,00.
A GENTS WANTED.—Agents make more
money at work for us than nt anything
else. Business light and permanent. Par
ticulars free. G. Stinson et: Co., Fine Art
Ptrblishers, Portland, Maine.
TACOB C. STOUFFER has made a Deed
0 of assignment of his estate to Isaac Shock
ey, Esq., in trust for creditor's. The assign
ee hereby notifies all persons knowing them
selves indebted to said Stouffer that ho
wishes them to pay up immediately. He
also gives notice to those holding elaims a
gainst said Stouffer to produce them at once
properly authenticated. It is to be hoped
that the creditors will not neglect this no
tice because the nonproduetion of their
claims may delay the action of the assig
nee. The assignee will either receive •tlie
debts and credits at his house or the Way
nesboro' P. 0. ISAAC SHOCKEY
Assignee of Jacob C: Stoufler.
An_ st 8-6 t
Notice to Teachers.
ITE Board of School Directors of Wash-
M ingtOn Disttiet ;will meet in Waynet-ho,
ro' on the first Saturday in September for
the Bur/rose of employing 16 teachers for
said district for the term of five months.
itilgtist S-5t