. - . ..., . \\ :1.7 , v-a -. 7. 1., , ~.. . , • ht . - ...., . . f , .11 .. ..,... j p ... , 1 ,,... „.. 1 , , g ,r 7 r "1 11 ‘ )4t ~.„. . . BY W. BLAIR. VOLUME 25. pottrg. A THOUGHT. - How many •wish their lives away, All fraught with care and woe, Bearing burdens day by day, But wishing still to go, 'Troubled one, pray tell me, Has the youthful heart grown cold•? :11as joy and pleasure left thee Since the happy days of old ? Has nature„wifb all her beauty, No pe3yer to, move the soul— Must we, ,orily, do stern duty As the time, will onward roll? Is there no pleasure in thee or tlielilue - and - changing-sky, No charms of flowers to stay thee As thou art passing by ? - Does the bright and shaded river Flow on unlevedlik — fline-- - =" --- - 'No love for all earth's beauty • God. m aTiWfor you and ? ',What matte,rs,.iii „though hearts are sad, 4nd dark ; hair silver. white— • There's enough in life to make us glad' ---In_the_path_o_f_lote and 'Hope, with its fairy finger, Is pointing us onwardever— To something bright in the future Which we could love forever— With its golden halo. o'er us, To brighten our dark way,• ;With our loved ones all around us Let us pass our lives away. :BE C ABBFBL. Be careful, ye whose wedded hearts Are loyingly united; Be hepdful lest an enemy Steal on' ou uninvited. A little wily serpent form, With graceful, luring poses ; Or, coming in a different guise, A thorn among the roses. Be careful, ye whose marriage bells Now merrily are ringing ; Be heedful of the bitter word,ll The answer keen and stinging: The sharp retort, the angry eye Its vivid lightning flashing. The rock on which so many hopes Are daily, hourly dashing ! "Bear and forbear," the only way To tread life's pith together, • Then come, and welcome, shining sun Or come dark, cloudly weather. Two loving hearts dissolved in one, That cannot live asunder, Have but Love'soold,en armor on Oh, world, look on and wonder. glirallautotts gattling. That Awful Ugly Horse, OR BA.II VARNEY'S VENTURE. , Sam Varney was a Green Mountain boy .away "down" in New Hampshire. He had worked as a hired man on different farms, and had laid up some money. He had frequently been employed in bring ing loads of produce to the Boston mar ket, and had made sales quite satisfactory to his employers. On several occasions he had made little speculations of his own which was quite profitable. On one of 1 . 4 s visits to Boston, Sash had fallen in with a Bailor who was a native of the same town where he himself was born, and they had a great conversation. One of the interesting facts which Sam learned from* his townsman was that sail ors were occasionally permitted to take out a small VENTURE, as It was called, of their own, a little package of goods, a barrel of mackerel, or something of that sort,which would not take up much room in the ves sel ; this they sold and brought home the proceeds in the produce of the country they visited. Oa his return home, Sam meditated pro foundly on this subject; and finally con cluded to make a voyage to the West In dies and take a, venture with him. The next question was what should the ven ture be. He had nothing on hand at the time but a small horse, which he bad won at a raffle, and had not yet been able to dispose of. He was not a beautiful horse. On the contrary, he was generally pro nounced by the neighbors "an awful ug ly hoss." His neck was too short, his head was too long. His body was lean and scraggy, his mane was rough and re fractory, and persisted in standing up too much in spite of trimming and grooming, and his tail looked like a mop. But Sam had ridden him repeatedly and found that he was capable of great speed in running. The sailors had told Sam that whole cargoes:of horses were frequently sent from Connecticut to the West Inditts, and dis posed of at large profit. So he determin ed that his horse should be his venture. Ac cordingly he mounted him, rode down to Boston, put him in a stable, and went in search of his sailor friend. He soon found him, and communicated his plan. His acquaintance, Tom Standish by name,was afraid he would not be able to carry it out, but promised to lend all the assistance in his power. He had just shipped in a vessel bound for Jamacia, and more hands were wanted. He introduced him to the Captain, who made no objection to ship ping him as a green hand. When the question of the venture came up there was a difficulty. He had no accommoda tion for a horse on board the brig. Sam offered to put him on deck and take care of him. This would be inconvenient and would interfere with his duty. Determin ed to carry out his points Sam offered to pay freight; cash down; before sailing— and the captain rather aninsedat his per tinacity; and curiousto see how the 'ven ture would succeed, agreed to the propo sal. So the Mate was shipped; and the! vessel sailed. Sam was the 'butt of the sailors during the Whole voyage out: There was no end to their jeers at the appearance, of the little horse: Their nautical jokes, were inexhaustibk., and Sam Varney'S venture wal considered the most desperate and redieulous speculation that had ever been. attempted. 136 t. Sam was kiitilerturable. He an swered all their raileries good naturedly, and told them "they hid better wait and see the upshot: He had never made a bad speculation yet, and guessed he knew what he was about. The hoss was not it very handsome bile, but he was a very ood one. Ite guessed he could sell him." At length the blig - arrived - at-Wiugstoni Jamaica, and soon Sam had his horse landed and stabled. When he came to offer him for sale, nobody seemed inclined tebny.___The horse was decidedly too ug ly for a saddle Ur — gilh - ciiiittitltlichack--- men farm' up their nose at him. Present ly the race came on, and everybody Was hurrying out of town to the race-course; Sam mounted his horse and rode out with the rest. He observed that the hor ses-werenot_xemarkable_for their. speed. There seemed to be --- no thorough: blood horses among them ; and he concluded that the race had been got up by the plan ters from their love of sport, not having any realri - Ta-horseun - the-Island He be lieved that his little horse could beat them all; and he determined at all hazards to give him a trial ; so he went to the stew ards and offered to enter him for the next race. Sam's proposition' was received with shouts of laughter. It was considered a capital joke. - Ile was perfectly serious. He wanted to run his horse against the whole field, and was ready to bet on him. He was accordingly entered, and instant ly heavy odds were offered against him. Two to one, five to ten, ten to one, and fi nally, one planter offered twenty to one. On hearing this offer, Sam said he would take it. It was necessary to procure the amount of his bet. He was in the dress of a common sailor, and his entagonist said hewas not going to be trifled with, the stakes must be deposited with the stew ards. How much would he bet ? "Five hundred dollars," replied Sam uel; "Well, down with your dust," said the planter. Whereupon Sam took off a leather belt which he had round his waist, under his clothes, and counted out five hundred dol lars in doublpons. The planter's check was pronounced satisfactory, and received by the stewards. Many other bets were made by different persons, with heavy odds against Sam's horse. When Sam rode to the starting place there were shouts of derision at his ap pearance, and the most unsparing censures of his presumption in entering on the race. Sam paid no attention to this, but started with the rest ; and it soon becaine appar ent that he was not such a fool as they took him to be. He was among the fore most in two minutes; and at the end of the race, "that awful ugly boss" was pro nounced. clearly au unequivocally the =- tor. Sam coolly received his doubloons back again, and put them into his belt, togeth er with the planters check for ten thou sand dollars, which was afterwards duly honored. lie offered to bet on another race,.but there were no takers. For this, however he was compensated for the most liberal offers for his horse. Five hundred dollars, one thousand, fifteen hundred, two thou sand, were bid for him. The last figure being the highest, Sam accepted it.' On his return to the brig, Sam ascer tained that no one of the crew but him self had been at the races. As soon as he came on board, the usual bantering began. "Well, Sam," said the cook, "how a bout that venture ?" "I guess it will do," said Sam. • "Is that awful ugly horse sold yet?" asked the second mate, "Shouldn't wonder if he was," said Sam, "'You don't say so !" said the mate.--- "How much did he fetch?" "Guess," said Sam. • "Twenty dollars," suggested the mate. "More than that," said Sam. Guess again:" "Fifty," said the mate. "More than that," said Sam,; "guess again." "A hundred," continued the mate. "A great deal more than that," said Sam. "You don't know nothing about Vermont horses. Guess again." "Two hundred !" exclaimed the mate. "Oh, it's no use of -your guessing," said Sam. "That awful ugly horse brought two thousand dollars, besides the ten thou sand I won on him at the, races. So you fellows had better shut up, and say no more about Sam Varney's venture And they did shut up. Sam, on the passage home, was treated with marked respect. The worst that was said of him among the sailors was, "Cute fellow, that Sam. His eye-teeth is cut." Sam went to sea no more, but be bought a farm in the Green MoUntain State, mar ried a rosy-checked Green Mountain girl, and had many sons and daughters." A perfectly white robin was recently caught in Sunbury, Mus. Good men have tho resvest fears. Vivi s 4'41;14',42 ;IA )0 ;fffsp) >1.1•14 01 7 .* 1 0 toi z.A • kei•fill ir: 11 1P IXe) 7X:A /CP AyPili pit ILA WA.YNESBORO',. FRANKLIN COUNTY, PA., THUR The Boy on the Farm. A great deal has been said of late a ' bout woman's rights, the rights of dumb ' animals, etc. Nearly every class of per sons have had their champions, and boys, too, have had theirs, but I. propose to turn aside from boys generally, and talk for boys on the farm. I mean the youngest boy on the farm "is endowed by the Cre ator with certain inalienable rights ;" there, don't that sound like a Jefferson cry ? You acknowledge that is so, but how do your actions speak ? Here, boy, you go to bed now—just as he gets set tled to read the paper, which all the rest have read—you go to bed so that you can get up and build the fire in the morning. Boy. you wait, the seats at the table are full without "you," with an emphasis on the you, which plainly means that 3rou are of no account. Boy, go drive those cattle out of, the corn, and away he goes as fast as his legs can carry him, while you and a half dozen others stand still and watch him ; he must go on all the er rands; ho must carry all the water, must do all the little mean, nasty jobs, that nei ther you nor the men wilrdijHe-nrust get the cows every time afoot, while there are three or four horses lying still in the stable ; and not only must he do all these things„buthe must be blamed for doing them as he does. If tlien-h—ave—a—lit tle bile they want to work oft', they scold the boy. If your supper does not rest well on your stomach, you accuse the boy of leaving the gate open last week, or of some other ancient fault of his. If the gate _gets- off its hinges, the boy - did it. If the old rooster dies, that careless boy fed him corn from the Salt dish. If a sheep gets . its leg . broken, that ugly little boy did it throwing stones at it. If the pail is lost, the buy dropped it in the well. if any tool is lost, the boy—the boy is the - cry—left it out of-place. He is the boy that steals all the ° pears, ' breaks all the forks, kills all the geesq, fcitinderfall thehorses, eats all the pre serves, and gets all the blame; and not only does all the wrong things, but he never does anything well. If he turns the grindstone two hours at a time, he does it too slow. If he increases the speed, he turns too fast ; no matter if he works like a little steam engine, he is still that lazy boy. If he works Write faints away, he is good for nothing, always getting sick. He never has a toy unless his cousin from the city gives him a cast-off fish line or broken kite ; but that matters little, fur he is never allowed a moment for play. He never has any clothes of his own. His shoes are some his older brother out grew, but which there is little danger of his out-growing. His hat is one you wore out first. He never has but a very' few new things, and would not have these but for his mother. He is generally tough—you say on ac count of your admirable training. The world looks at him and says he is tough, because Providence has seen fit to pre pare him for your tyrannical rule. Now, Mr Farmer does this mean you ? Is this, or is it not, a fair picture of the boy on your farm ? If not, then you can finish this article without a troubled con science; but if it is, just consider one mo ment; run back in your mind thirty-five, forty or fifty years, and ask yourself were all those accusations just ? Was it my fault always when I was blamed ? Think a while- 7 it wont hurt you; then come back from your reverie to the present mo ment; ask yourself if you have been as careful as you might in your judgment? Have you done to the boy as yea would be done by? Answer these questions, friend, as you are a just man. Consider that your boy is the embryo man.' Do by him as you would have him do when he grows up to manhood. If you would have him generous, do not be small and•stingy with him. If you would have him one 'whose disposition is lovely, be not chOrlish and sour to him, for he may in many things—most assuredly in some things—be the photograph .of yourself. DRINKING IN nOT WEATHER.--Drink ing is a habit. Some people drink little not because their constitutions require less than others ;it is their habit. These peo ple never perspire so much as those that drink more. The more that is drunk, the more water passes away, or the sys tem would suffer. As it is, the strain af fects it. The skin, the kidneys, bowels, lungs, are all drawn upon. The result is, as may be expected, exhaustion. For this reason the man who drinks much water, particularly during the summer and in the hottest• weather, is less able to endure fatigue. The water is of no benefit to him —that is, the excess. It must pass away, and this requires an effort of the system, which is in the sweating process. It is a bad habit to drink water so much ; a false thirst is created. We should drink only what is needed. The habit of drinking more will soon be overcome, and the per son will feel much stronger and more ca pable of bearing fatigue. In winter, lit tle fluid is needed beyond what our food furnishes ; in summer, some more, but not much. SoNETniNo •ro HoLn oN BY.—A wo man who had been a prominent lecturer on infidelity came to her dying pillow.— Being much disturbed in her mind her friends gathered about her and exhorted her to "bold on to the last." "Yes, I have no . objection ta holding on," said the dying woman, "but will you tell me what to hold ou by ?" These words so deeply impressed an in fidel standing by that he was led to re nounce the delusion. False doctrine may satisfy the heart when in health and vigor, but it will do "to hold on by" in the solemn hour of death. A Maiden's speech—" Ask papa." . , • A Mid-Air Compromise. Not many_vears ago, and not far from the city of Elmira, at a locality known as the 'Female College," the circumstan ces we are about to relate took place. It seems that the principal of the college overheard a plan among a number of his young lady students for drawing a young gentleman up to one of the third story rooms, "in a basket, at night," as no gen tlemen suitors were permitted to visit their college lady loves, and see them alone, under strict rules of the institution. The principal acted accordingly, and at the appointed time was on the designed spot, and when the basket was let down took the lovers place, gave the signal switch, .and commenced going up toward heaven, drawn by a trin ity of angels. When two. thirds up, the angel expectant, on looking down from the window, discovered to her terror and dismay that instead of her lov er she had another man in the basket, and nearly frightened out of her wits, made the facts known 'to her fair helpers in mis chief, withthe pertinent inquiry of "What .shall_we do ? what shall we do? Oh I girls, girls, what shall we do ?"-Wh-e-renp-on-one of their number, noted for her coolness and presence of mind in trying emergen cies, said : -----`aeretyou,liold_enjo s this cord. Now, do just as'l tell you, and I'll - take caleisl the man, no matter who he is or where he comes from." Then taking out her pocket-knife and opening it, she leaned out of the window low-voice,-said Who are you there in that basket ?" No response. "I say who are you, there in that bas ket ?Do you hear ? . have a knife in ufy hand, and unless you answer this in less than ten seconds I will cut this rope." "Why, it's your principal ; don't you know me ?- Don't for mercy_sa t ke,_cut the rope Keep your knife further away-from it l" "Well, you are in a pretty fix, indeed, and hanging between heaven and earth, between life and death. What do you think ought to be done with you ? A prin cipal of a female college, who thus endea vors, at night, to clandestinely reach the room of a lady student, ought to be se verely punished and also exposed." "Oh ! I beg of you not to harm me nor expose me'; but let me down again care fully, and don't let the rope slip I" "Professor," said the shrewd beaty, 'on one condition only will we comply with you request." "Name it! name it!" "You must solemnly promise that none of us who have been engaged in this little romance shall be disciplined for it, and that you will make no mention of it to a living soul while we are inmates of the college with the understanding that we are to observe the solemn promise. What say you ? "I promise—solemnly promise." "Very well. Hold up your right hand 1 You do solemnly swear that you will faithfully keep and observe that promise, so help you God 1" "I do !" "Enough, girls He has taken the oath! Lower away." The Professor was soon carefully and safely landed on terra firma, greatly to his relief and greatly to the joy,no doubt, of the other party to the compromise,and he lived up his oath. In after years, how ever, when time had absoved him from it, and the lover, whose basket he "monopo lized" on that eventful night, had as the story . goes, married the girl who on that occasion was so "far above him"—the Pro fessor used. to tell the adventure to his par ticular friends and laughed over it till the tears ran down his cheeks, as the most ludicrous scrape he ever got into in all his college life, and as the only one he was let out of under an oath administered. PEARLS.—Charity is an eternal debt, and without limit. Have a calling in which it is worth while to be busy. Do not throw mud into a well from which thou haat drawn water. If you would have a faithful servant, and one that you like, serve yourself. Religion is a thousand voiced psalm from the heart of man to his invisible Fa ther. All the little paths and isles toward the light of the great love open into each oth er. Wholesome sentiment is rain, which makes the field of daily life fresh and o dorous. Opinions grounded upon mere prejudice are always sustained with the greatest vio lence. Genius has limits ; virtue has none, eve ry one pure and good can become purer and better still. True courage is cool and calm. But what is done in anger can never be placed to the account of courage. Life's firmest ground is insecure, its strongest fortress powerless, against the touch of the great destroyer. If doing what is to be done be made the first business, and success a secondary consideration, is not this the way to exalt virtue ? The true character of a man is revealed when his glass is before him, when his purse is to be opened, and when he is in passion. ThO perfection of wisdom, and the end of true philosophy, is to proportion our wants to our possessions, and our ambition . to our capacities. Sleep soothes and arrests the fever-pulse of the soul, and its grains are the quinine for the cold fit of hate as well as the hot fever of love. There is nothing that needs to be said in an unkindly manner. Peace at Home. It is just as possible to keep a calm house as a clean house, an orderly house, as a furnished house, if the heads set themselves to do so. Where is the dif ficulty of consulting each other's weak ness, as well as other's wants—each oth er's tempers, as each other's characters?-- Oh, it is by leaving tile place at home to chance, instead of pursuing it by a sys ' tem, that so many homes are unhappy.— It deserves notice, also; that almost any one can be courteous and patient in a neighbor's house. If anything goes wrong or is out of time, or is disagreeable there, it is made the best of, not the worst ; ev , en efforts are made to excuse it, and to ' show it is not felt , or, if felt, it is attribu ted to accident, not to design ; and this is not only easy, but natural, n the house of a friend. We will not, therefore, be lieve that what is so natural in the house of another is impossible at home, but maintain, without fear, that all the cour tesies of social life may be upheld in do mestic societies. A. husband, as willing to be pleased at home and as anxious to _pleas_eos in his neighbor's house, and a wife as intent on making things comfort:v. - Ide every day to her family, as on set days to her guests, could not fail to make their own home happy. ---Letnanot_evade the point of these re marks by recurring to the maxim about about allowances for temper. It is worse than folly to refer to our temper, unless we could prove that we have ever gained anything good by giving way to it. Fits of ill humor punish us quite as much - , if not more, than those they are vented up on •, and it actually requires more effort, and inflicts more pain to give them up, than would be requisite to avoid them. The sweetest, most clinging affection is often shaken by the slighest breath of unkindness, as the delicate rings and ten drils:of the :vine are agitated by the 'fair est air -- that - blnoms - in summer. un kind word from one beloved often draws blood from many a heart which would defy the battle-axe of hatred, or the keen est edge of vindictive satire. Nay, the shade, the gloom of the face familiar and dear, awakens grief and pain. These, in the elegant words of the preacher, Reed, are the little thorns which, though men of rougher form may make their way through them without feeling much, ex tremely incommode persons of a more re fined turn in their journey tlirough life, and make their traveling irksome un pleasant. How careful ought we to be not to darken over and multilate the sweet im ages of hope, and joy, and :peace, that might gild the current of our on, and of our companion's life, by suffering these spots to mingle with them—these shadows of upas leaves to be reflected in the stream! Of all cruel words or deeds, the word or the deed that would darken hope is the most cruel. Upon old Latin models we see Hope delineated in the act of drawing back her garment, that her footsteps may not be impeded ; and it is also worth re marking that she is always drawn in the attitude of motion—she is always advanc ing. Sweet traveler,who would have the heart to stop thee, albeit, in this world thou wilt never find the garden to which thou art journeying? Go on, with thy flow er in hand, and may the blessing of God go with thee. • ADVICE TO YOUNG MEN.—We find the following advice to young men in the Altoona. Tribune: Young men get mar ried ; you will never be worth a last years robin's nest unless you do. The fruits of disobedience are misery and misfortune, and you will never be truly happy while in disobedience to God's commandment to our first parents in the Garden. Remem ber that therf aro seventy five thousand more marriageable ladies in the United Statesitlian gentlemen, and three hundred thousand more females than males. Im agine yourself at the bar of judgment, with seventy-five thousand spinsters with toothlessjaws, and .tongues sharpened on the grindstones of temper, and honed on the strap of unrequited;ffection of your accusers ; surely your chances for eternal bliss would not be very flattering. -And furthermore, remember that unperformed duties always come home to roost, so you will be likely to go through the -world with holes in the end of your stockings,and your elbows out, and finally die unre gretted and be forgotten like any other brute. A MEDICAL MIBEIL—An anecdote is related of Velpau, the eminent French surgeon who was a miserly, disagreable man, and died some few years ago. He successfully performed on a little child five years old, a most perilous operation. The mother came to him and said : "Monsieur, my son is saved, and I really know not how to express my gratitude. Allow me, however, to present you this pocket-book, embroidered by my own hands." "Oh, Madame," replied Velpau, sharply, "my art is not merely a question of feeling.-- My life has its requirements like yours:— Dress, even, which is a Luxury to you, is necessary for me. Allow me, therefore,to refuse your charming little present in ex charge for a more substantial remunera tion." "But, Monsieur, what remunera tion do you desire ? Fix the fee yourself." "Five thousand francs, Madame." The lady very quietly opened the pocket-book, which contained ten thousand francs in notes, counted out five thousand, and af ter politely handing them over to Velpau, retired ! Imagine his feelings. An exchange says that a friend, who worketh like an adder, estimates that not less than 8,000,025.009,000,072 flies will lose their lives by falling into molasses and things this summer. Features' without grace are like a clock without a face., Typhoid Fever. "The time is coming," says a distin guished physician, "when it will be as disgraceful to have•the typhoid fever as it is to have lice or the itch." Every-' body ought to know that tke fearful sick ness is directly caused by taking into the body excrementitious matter. These al most always declare their presence to the olfactory nerve, and the instant they are detected measures should be taken for their suppression. Fresh earth is a com plete disinfectant and in the country the cheapest. Next to this is copperas water. Let it be sprinkled about drains and sew em, left standing in shallow earthen dishes t i in sick rooms, and all unpleasant odors will be quenched. Care should be taken in using it not to touch any garment that will receive stain. Lime and plaster of Paris are excellent absorbents, and car- belie acid and choloride of .lime will sweeten the foulest gutter. With all these resources at command there is no excuse for vile odors. Coffee is & deodorizer but not a disin fectant. A handful,parched and ground, when thrown on a hot shovel, will quick 1y remove disagreeable smells, but will not neutralize theilpittib. Great care should be used, especially during this hot weather, as to the water one drinks. A few years since a pie-nie party found some very cool, clear and fine-tasting water in an old well neartheir lunch ground. Most. of them drank free ly of this water. Every one of 'them was prostrated by typhoid fever and only-two or-threerecovered.—Oniuve,stigation-the skeleton of a lamb was found in the bot tom of the well. All surface water should be carefully abstained from and assurance be made sure that no sewerage contamina tes the cooling draught. Sleeping-rooms should be aired daily, bed and body linen changed frequently,- and the sun permitted to search and eleanse_thosa_apartments in dni4g use No pits, or sink-holes, or open drains. should be permitted around...our dwell ings, for deadly are the_subtle_emanations that rise from them. Dutch Justice. An enterprising butcher of Cattarau gus county, New York, some time ago bought of a German farmer a calf, with the understanding to come for it on a cer tain day. Being for some reason detain ed he did not go forthe, calf at the stated time. Meantime a liuteher from Olean came along and bargained for the calf, but could not take it just then. It hap pened they both went for the calf on the same day and both were determined to have it. The little butcher of Alleghany was not an equal for the big butcher from Olean, and therefore didn't get the veal. So he goes to sue "the Olefin feller or somebody mit the laws by the Justice."— A brother German hearing the difficulty takes it upon himself to arrange things a micably—they agreeing to leave it to him. Now, shake, you says you buys him first.? Yaw. You gets him not? Nein. Rudolph, you buys him second ? Yaw, I buys him all the time. Well, then, you gets him? Of course, he bees mine all the vile. I kills him ant, sells him in mine shop. So you gets more von you sells him as yen you buys him ? Of course—yaw. I makes no monish less I do not. Ifow much you make on dis calf ? 0, from two ash three dollars, Well, then you shunt pay dis man for his calf. Den you shunt give Shake one half what you make on dis veal. Dats what I say. So that law suit wcs tried' without swearing a witness, and equal justice ren dered. We, believe hams not been definitely determined "where the pins all go to," but a question quite as interesting is loom ing upon the social horizon, and that is, "Where do the flies all come from ?" There are experts who catch the persis tent nuisances in scores by a dexterous turn of the wrist ; small boys impale them upon pins ; vigorous women slash them mercilessly with dusters ; thousands lose their lives in milk pitchers, molasses jugs and apple pies ; while tens of thousands are deluded to their death by besmeared paper, tumblers, of water covered with a piece of bread with a treacherous hole therein, and a hundred other fatal devi ces of men and women, and yet the force seemes undiminished. Who shall tell whence they come ? Wit loses its respect with the good when seen in company with malice; and to smile at the jest which plants a thorn in another's breast, is to become a princi pal in the mischief. Adversity exasperates fools, dejects cow ards, draws out faoulties of the wise and and industrious, puts the modest to the necessity of trying their skill, awes the opulent, and makes the idle industrious, Ho who does evil that good may come, pays a toll to the devil to let him into heaven. In the march of life don't heed the or der of "right about," when you know you are about right. If brooks are as poets call them the most joyous things in nature what are they always !immuring about ? • Old truths are always new to us, if they come with the siuell of heaven upon them. How many an enamored pair bavc count ed in metry und lived in r prose. • - $2,60 PER 'YEAR - Arai i t aup Xitmer. What stands and goes without legs ? A clock.. When is a lover like a tailor? When he presses his suit. When did the greatest rise in milk take place ? When the cow jumped over the moon. then is a. young lady like a wagon wheel ? When She is tired (which don't ofted occur from work.) a• Pat wants to know why his pipe is like the figure 19. Because it comes just af ter atein. Why is a man who walks round a green horn, like - a garter? Because he goes around the calf. What is that which never asks an • questions, but requires many answers? 7 The street door. A California lady was made insane by tigff:lacing, and several California—gen tlemen have been made crazy by being otherwise tight. The colored people of the South believe in Ilifitifm — .Dtiltig — t - Weerentroniei — in— Memphis the other day one old lady, af ter she got out, exclaimed, in eastacy : Bross-de-Lord,-this is five_times I'se been_ baptised, bress de Lord l' Lake Choggoggaggoggmanehoggaggo gg, Michigan, is a' good place to go for i the summer. The place s particularly recomended for people afflicted with stam mering ; by the time they can tell where They-are; they-re-wholly-cured. Two-sons_of Erin — weretaxidhw - by=a - - - = hydraulic press superintended by a friend of mine, when one called out to the other: "Jim I'd life to put you under and squaze tie snn ou o ye." Would you,iiaLde, my boy? was the answer. iSquaze the divil out o' you, an' there'd be nothing lift !" At the opening of a breach of promise case in Kentucky, the court - asked the counsel for the plaintiff how long the tri al 'Would probably last. "I can't say ex actly," replied the counsel, "but will mention as one item that I have three hundred and eighty-four love letters writ ten by the defendant to my client, to read." • A German thus bewails the loss of a, favorite horse : "Von night, de oder day, when I was been awake in my sleep, I hear something vat I thinks not yust right in my barn, and I gust out shumps to bed and runs mid de barn out; and ven I vas dare coom, I seen that my pig gray iron mare, he var be tied loose and run mit de stable off; and ever who will him back bring, I yust so much pay him as vat been ku,stomary." ' The healthiest town ever known was in Illinoise last summer, when the doctors went east to attend a medical convention, neglecting to return for several months. The doctors found that when they did get back their patients bad all recovered, the drug stores had bursted, the nurses had opened dancing schools, the cemetery was cut into building lots, the undertaker had gone to making fiddles, and the village hearse had been gaudily painted and sold for a circus wagon. Bridget came up to her mistress, and asked for a needle and thread. "Do you want it fine or Coarse ?" asked the lady. "Sure, an' I don't know, mum," said Bridget. • "What do you want it for ?" said her mistress. "If you tell me that, I.mays;;: know what to give you." : "Well mum, the cook has jist towld . r to string the beans, an' sure an' I want a neydle an' thrid for that." . LYING AND SwnArtrzro.—Old Parson S., of Connecticut, was a particular kind of a person. One day he bad a man ploughing in his field, and he went out to see haw the work was going on. The ground was very stony, and every time the plough struck a stone the man took occasion to swear a little. • '`Look here," cried •Parson S., "you. musn't swear that way in my field." "Well, I reckon you'd swear too," said the man, "if you had to plough such a. stony field as this." "Not a bit of it," said Mr. S. "Just let me show you." So the parson took hold of the plough, but he very soon had great_ trouble with the stones. As stone after stone caught theploughshare, Mr. S. ejaculated "Well, I never saw the like." And this he repeated every time a stone stopped his onward way. When ho had ploughed around once he stopped and said to the man : "There, now ! You see I can plough without swearing." "But I guess it's nretty near as bad to lie," said the man, "and you told a dozen o' lies. Every time the plough struck 11. stone, you said, "I never saw the like," when the same thing had happened the' very minute before." _ The laziest man lives in Alabama.— Armed with a fish-line, a dog and a pieco of meat, he proceeds to business. Ho tips the line to the hind leg of the dog, casts the lino into the water, lies down in this shade, and, when the line trembles. by means of the meat he eons the dog to haul out the fish. White blackberries are awaounced Forsythe, Georgia. -