The Waynesboro' village record. (Waynesboro', Pa.) 1871-1900, August 08, 1872, Image 2

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    Viaptsbani Peri
Thursday, Aug .18, *72.
iveeTxolcl closed in New York on Sat
urdav at 115 k.
PS.Netv Yorkers make.
in 7,500 bar-roorns.
tn,..9crt - cn hundred subscribers in one
small town in Ohio last week "cut" the
N. Y. Tribune. •
ts,.Hon. Stanley 11atthev, tempora
ry mirman ( the thitzinuati Conven
tion, has declared fbr Grant and Wilson.
ter The maelvine shop of the Harris
burg (Pa.) Car Works was bugled ou
Saturday night. Loss $50,00.0 insured
for $45,000. Four firemen NIZQTQ injAied•
doubts about correvwlent-
Stanley having found Dr: Livingstone will
.now be set at rest,, the Doctor having fur-_
nished the New York Herald with e long
account of bis travels in Africa.
SRI - Alderman MoMulkn, of Philadel
delphia, still survives, the shot of Mara
,not having yet proven, fatal. Mara has
not yet been arrested, reward of
$2,500 is oared for him.
M.Col. Rairetty, President of
a Manufacturing Oompany at Patterson,
New Jersey, died last week, leaving near
ly a half million dollars and a policy on
his life of $40,000, to his wife and five'
children. Forty years ago he came to
Patters, a poor boy. and went to work
at 75 cents per week.
colored man, and an able political speak
er, was shot and killed while addressing a
Republican meeting at Newbwa, F 4 ssex,
coun - yt - 7171Waourthe — ?0111 - It:—A-ro
fian who was standing in the crowd delib
erately fired three shots from a revolver
and Mr. Vessells fell dead on the platform,
rgerA joint political discussion took
place at Salem, Va. on Saturday last be
tween Gen, Mosby and Gen. Ifunton, the
former for Grant and the latter for Gree
ley, A Dr. Withers was stung by-some-
thing said by Mosby stud sent him a chal
leng which was accepted, 13oth parties
were placed under arrest, but it is said
they will go to Bladoushurg to fight it out
SeirThe following States and Territor
ies hold their elections before November :
Not* Carolina, August 1 ;• _Kentucky,
Moititna and Utah, Aug, 5; New lklexi
co, Sept. 1; California, Sept. 2 ; Vcrraont,
Sept. 3 ; Maine; Sept, 9 ; Colorado, Ter'y
Sept. 10 ; Dakota, Indiana, lowa, Ne
braska, Ohio, Pennsylvania and District
of Columbia, Oct. 8 ; South Carolina,
Oct. 10 ; West Virginia, Oct. 24, Twen
ty States bold their State election at the
same time as the Presidential, which saves
much trouble,
yta.The Baltimore American says : Qer
ritt Smith has requested the President to
pardon Hezekiah Porter, S. G. Brown and
David Collins, Ku-Kluk prisoners, con=
fined at Albany. He asks pardon fbr the
first on the score of ill-health ; for the
second, because lie is nearly sixty years
of age, and plead guilty under bad advice;
and for the third because his past char
acter has been irreproachable, and he was
the victim of circumstances, The Presi
dent has Mr. Smith's request under con
rideratir. We remember the testimony
against each of 'these men, and with* the
exception of Porter none were engaged in
any nudignant, cnse of ku-kluxing, Squire
Brown is a man of more than average in
telligence and ought to have known better
than to attend the meetings of these out
laws. We hope the President will par
don these three, and such others as did
.not 'personally assist in the whippings,
rapes and murders,
AN INCIDENT,-011 one of the recent
New York excursions for poor children
little pale.faced, hatless boy was noticed,
who carried his ticket tightly cWped in
his band all the day., lie found in the
grove a small fruit basket, which he qui
etly filled with earth, and then planted in
it one of the wild weeds which there a
bounded, Many times during the day
lie carried his little basket to the spring,
and filling his hand with water, dashed it
upon the plant. Poor child he longed
to carry 'back to his miserable home a
bit of the freshness be had scarcely tast
ed himself.
tr. The Machine shops of the Erie Rail
road Company, at Jersey city, were des
troyed by fire on Wednesday morning of
last week, Loss supposed to be $1,000,-
000. Several men were killed by the fall
ing of the walls. Twenty-four first class
Engines were destroyed. The men at
work in the buildings lose their entire kits
.oftools. Six hundred workmen are thrown
out of employment, Spontaneous com
bustion was the cause of the fire.
M.A good story is told °ea candidate
before a county convention in Ohio. He
was out electioneering, And stopping at,
a house Prank., asked the lady
who came tq the door if her husband was
at home. 'Me replied in the negative.—
The candidate expressed regret, as be
:ranted to secure his vote for the coming
.convention. "0, if that's all," returned
the old lady, "you needn't give :s-ourself
Any uneasiness ; vote for yon. There
,•:ts seven candidates along here this morn
ing, before he left home, and he 'promised
to vote for every one of then."
Fruit peddlers are in tnyvndnily.
Still ergwdpd 7 -the Mountain HPUS.
Mir - Peaches promise td be, plenty in this
Ds -Apples, are sold, la Carlisle at four
cents a peck.
2E1..4 co w t i s pr e dicted for the 12th
of August,
cTho vend% crop or Adams county,
was never better.
ItED-All the wells in Smithburg except
Imo are dry,
re—Grave--,-n . home o rest where ends
weaty, day.
AarThe first twenty years take the lost
room ix& our memory.
tlerning sunb.enna - whose
memory gilds the day.
le - Katy-did and Katy-didn't is again
heard to break the stillness of the twi
light hours.
aPErnergency preparation—Wickey's
Cholery Medicine, manufactured by Mort.
or Hoover.
larrae publicatior; pf the Cleyersburg
Broad Axe has h,een temporarily saspea
CarAs roasting ears are no in. season
farmers should look out for 'iraids" by
1 the boys,
PREAcnt.NG,— Rey. J. W. Wightman
will preach in the Presbyterian Church
iirthis - place - ou - Sabbath next.
Th3E6Would it not be well to set (mit 1 1 '
fov posts in front of our churches for young
men to lean against while waiting for their
,ta;The Record is the best advertising
medium in this section. Almost every
body has subscribed for it, 'and those who
have not, borrow it of their neighbor,
CAMP MEETING.—The District Camp
Meeting at, Oakvill, Cumberland county,
commenced yesterday morulug 4nd will
close on Friday_of_next_week. Our town
is represented by a number of families.
THE FESTIVALThe Festival by the'
ladies of-the M. E. Church was closed at
the Town Hall on Tuesday evening. We
understand it was well attended and that
the ladies were liberally patronized,
'itm,John. Kahle of Chambersburg was
arrested one day last week and fined $lO
for abusing a horse which he was driving.
Every town in our county should have a
Society for the Prevention- of Cruelty to
Animals. ' '
406 - Robert Swan who was tried some
years since for the murder of young Sprigg
of Cumberland, Md., and who figured
somewhat conspicuously as a reb. during
the late rebellion, died at Selma, Ala., on
the 22d ult.
tention to the advertisements of David
Mort and David M. Hoover. As the sea
son prolific of cramp, cholic, oholerainor,
bus, etc. is at ham' families should not
fail to avail themselves of this excellent
remedy. We have used it for years and
can without hesitation recommend it.
• Zei - The Cumberland (141 d.) News says
S. P. Harbaugh, Esq. of that city, has re
ceived from the authorities at Washing
ton, a patent for a device for propelling
canal boats by steam. The patent was
granted over seven hundred other models
of appliances for the same purpose. Mr.
H. was formerly a resident of Chambers
IterA gentleman of this place bad ship
ped to him by a friend in Philadelphia a
kit of mackerel ; the charge on it from
Philadelphia to Chambersburg was twen
ty-fire cents, while from Chambersburg to
Mercersburg the charge was fifty eco.-
11fereersburg Journal. •
Xceir'Potomac Lodge No. 31 of I. 0. 0.
P. Hagerssown had a splendid Pic Nic at
the Blue Ridge Summit on last Thursday.
About '2,500 persons. were present, with
three Bands of Music; the grove vas full
of people and the best spirit possible pre
te,,,Dr John McCron, of Baltimore,
Pastor of the Ist English Luth era
Church, Lexington street, who was elect
ed sometime since President of the }la
gerstown Female Seminary, has accepted
the position, and will enter upon his new
duties on the Ist of September.
The advertisment of this institution
will be found in to-day's paper,
trlgl-IVe heard a good joke the other day
on a Greeley politician in this county, for
merly identified with the Republican pare
ty. The gentleman in, question, it seems,
had a colored man in his employ, and un
dertook to iuljuence him to vote for Mr.
Greeley by recounting a host of good deeds
performed by the latter far his oppressed
race, all of which ebony acquiesed in—
bn t added as a rejoinder : "You know Mr.
a good cow after giving a big buck-
PrDlilk will some times turn and kick
it. over. It is just so with Mr. Greeley.—
lle ed the bucket and spilt the
Vt^:l , lr. _Augustus Shrivel., a prominent
citizen of Carroll county, President of the
First National Bank of Westminister,
and President pf Inc Carroll Cu. Agricul
tural Society, di•.-1.1 on Sutulay a week aged
50 yemz..
NORTH CA,RwANA.-e-The 'first State e.
lection, that of North Carolina, for Gov
eroor, #tc, an t s held ea the Ist inst. The
first retoras gave the State to the Demo
crats by upwards of 10,000 majority which
occassionekreatrejoicing in differentparts
of the vountry. But the latest advices
reverse the resolt, giving the Republicans
a majority 1000 or more in the Stab.
are pained to announce
the death of Franklin, eldest son of Mr.
George Frick, which occurred at the
deuce of his father in this place yesterday
morning, of typhoid fever. He was a
most exemplaryrung man, aged about
twenty-one years, We understand a sec
ond son, 18 or 19 years old, is also pros
trated with the same disease. Our citi
zens generally sympathize with the dis,
tressed friends of the deceased,
FtsruNG Excurtsw.i.—Mesers. Samuel
J. Lidy, John Stoner; John Harbaugh
(of Henry) and Napoleon Beard, of this
place, visited Frederick county, Md. on
the 2d inst. on a fishing excursion. Dur,
ing the night they caught in Owen's creek
near Mechanicstown, thirty-five Eels, four
large Turtles, besides a large lot of other
fishes, and on their return the next day
t3hot a Coon, a large Hawk, etc. The
parties express themselves as highly pleas
ed with their vjsit .having gnjoye4
good time in general,
Snider of this Borough had - a valuable
horse killed by a stroke pf lightning dur
ing tli thunder stoma on Monday avail
ing, The animal was in an open pasture
let at the time. Mr. S.'s loss is said
to be about $250,
During the same storm the barn on the
premises of Mr. John Price, Jr., near the
Toll f _ate on the Greencastle turn like
-was-struck—by-lightning nrul_a_valuaLle
co* killed. Fortunately no special dam
age to the building was done.
FINE RAlNS.—During the latter part
of last weeek this section was visited with
several refreSbing rain showers. But on
Monday evening last the finest rain or
succession of showerp for a long time fell
here, The storm set in about 6 o'clock
and continued almost without intermis
sion until half past 10, nearly five hours,
flooding the streets and thoroughly soak
ing the parchedearth, The growing corn,
potatoes and pasture fields have of course
been much improved thereby. We can
now, we think, safely predict an extra
cora crop for the coining fall, which will
in a measure relieve our people of the fi
nancial depression caused ,by the short
wheat harvest,
GREAT SToius.—A great storm passed
over. a portion of this county on Thurs
day afternoon last. The Public Opinion
reports considerable damage in Chambers
burg and vicinity. The smoke stack at
the paper mill of J. Heyser At Son, was
blown down and the property otherwise
damaged to the amount of $l5OO or• $2,-
000, The Nichols monument in Cedar
Grove Cemetery was also blown down. A
frame building in course of erections 'on
West King Street, by Mr. J. B. Stewart
was leveled, to the ground. Loss about
$5OO. The roof of Kurtz & Wertz's Blew
cry was blown off and about one-third of
the front wall demolished. Loss about
$5OO. In the country trees were uprooted,
barns and other buildings uncovered,fruit
and forest trees destroyed,
following transfers of real estate were fil
ed for record in the office of H. T. Sny
der, Register and Recorder of Franklin
county, during the last week :
John Harbaugh to Daniel Leehron,
128-10 perches of land, in Washington
township, for $3.
Jqbn Walker to Ellen R. Geiser, a lot
of ground in Waynesboro', for $2,500.
Peter C. Holler to Benjamin C. Ross,
160 acres and 1.23 perches of laud, for
DEATH AT Woux.—During the past
week four residents of our town departed
this life, viz :—On Thesday the 23d, Mrs
Lynch, consort of Mr. Blackstone Lynch;
on Wednesday the 24th, Mr. Samuel
Bloom, long a well known and highly re
spectable citizen ; on the same day day,
Mrs. Cramer, consort of the late John
Cramer, Sr., and on Friday,Mrs. Boward,
consort of the late Jacob Boward, Sr.,
both these latter ladies having attained
the advanced age of eighty years and up
wards. Truly, our old people are leav
ing us, and we are rapidly following in
their footsteps.—herald.
MR. RECORD:—What will we (lo in
the event of a fire since Mr. Leeds pur
chased the New Market Engine and has
thorenghly repaired it. A few small boys
have shown us that it is a first-class En
gine, just what our, town needs, and if
not too late let the Council buy it back
fron4 Mr. Leeds. In saying this I only
repeat the expressed•sentiments of
/Z-Many people take newspapers, but
few preserve them, yet the most interest
ing reading imaginable ig an old file of
newspapers. It brings up the very age,
with all its bustle and every day affairs,
and makes its ge”ius and its spirit more
than the most labored description of the
historian. Who can take a vapor dated
Italia century ago, without the thought
that almost every name there printed is
cut upon the tombstone at the head of an
epitaph. It is easy to preserve newspa
pers, and they wilinvell repay the trouble,
thr like that of wine their value inenases
with their years.
J. F. Newman,
Geo. U. Flory,
J. H. Haas,
Geo. Davis,
Samuel Rodgers,
John W. Good,
Christian Miller,
L. C. Gilbert,
John Hauptman,
Jacob 0. Freet,
Nick. Minehart, •
J. B. Wertz,
H. E. Wertz, '
Henry Hege,
Jacob Lesher,
_jogathan Phili
4Egr The Threnologica? ,Tourua for Au,
gust, luairktains its high place among our
leading monthlies. Its articles on Hon.
Geo. 1.-Post ; the Republican Nominees
for. President and Vice-President, and
Fisher Ames, whose portraits aro given,
are readable sketches of eminent public
'men. We find also, Social Science; or
.what do we mean by Love? Expression
Diseases of the Skin ; Prison Reform ;
What are comets? Effects of the mind up
on the body ; Have you a character ? The
Pre-Adamites Again ; Character and Suc
cess; eminently worthy the consideration
of the general reader. There is also a
good deal of interesting miscellaneous
matter. Price for the No. 30 cents ; for a
year $3.00. SAMUEL R. WELLS, Pub
lisher, 389 Broadway, New York.
THE NORMAL ScHooL.—ln answer to
the Chambersburg Opinion,and numerous
inquirers from other sources, as to when
the State Normal School at Shippensburg
will commence its sessions, we would say,
that we have, within a day or two, "in
terviewed" a Trustee of the corporation,
who gave it as his opinion that, under ex
isting circumstances, the sessions will not
commence before April, 1873. The con
tract for the completion of the building
called for the Ist of November, 1872,which
agreement will be complied with. The
heating, gas and water, pipes are all in
the building, and the plastering and car
penter work is pushed forward vigorous
ly. We can assure all interested in the
State Normal School at Shippensburg,
that the first session will not commence
later than. April 1, 1873. Will the pa
pers in the district make a note of this ?
—Shippensburg News.
EIS By DIPTHERIA.—Mr. John Kurtz is
well to do farmer, diving in West Perry
township, Snyder county. Not two weeks
since he had an interesting family consist
ing of himself, wife, four daughters and
three sons. To-day it consists of himself,
wife, a son and infant daughter—all of
the rest of the family being called Oft to
the land from whence no traveler ere re
turns by that terrible disease—diptheria.
His 'wife was the first to take the disease,
then a son aged about 10 years, then fol
lowed all the members of his family to
gether with himself. On last Thursday
his son Jacob, aged 6 years, died at 2 o'-
clock P. M.: his daughter Ande, aged 4
years, at 5 P. M. and his son Samuel at 7
P. M., and on Friday they were buried in
one grave. On Sunday evening at 7 o'-
clock his-daughter Kate, aged 15 years,
died ; on Monday morning, at 2 ,o'clock
his daughter Barbara, aged 16 years, de
parted to the Spirit land, and were both
buried on Tuesday. Thus in less than a
week has Mr. Kurts been bereft of five—
and his family almost broken up by death. li
Truly ,this is a great bereavement, and
one which calls forth the sympathy of
every one. The infant daughter is not
expected to recover.—..Thniata Democrat.
LOsT.—A black cloth coat was lost be
tween this place and Hagerstown on Tues
day last. The finder will be rewarded by
returning it to this office.
ea-The nights arc nearly an hour lon
IDLENEss.—ldleness is the nurse of all
vices. It moves so slowly that they all
overtake it. The Clermans and Italians
say proverbially that "Idleness is the
devil's pillow." Some affect, to excuse
this hydra-headed habit by asking what
harm can a person do when he does noth
ing. The reply is ready stud plain, Ho
who is passive in allowing decay, is him,.
self a destroyer, While standing still
and refusing to help, he obstructs the
movements of others. We are told in
Holy writ, "By much slothfulness the
building decayeth, and through the idle
ness of the hands thO house droppeth
through." And again, it is said, "I went
by the field of the slothful, and by the
vineyard of the void of understanding,
and lo it was all grown over with thorns,
aund nettles had covered the face thereof,
and the stone wall thereof was broken
down." The words of Cato the elder are,
in the proverb, "that one who does noth
ing learns to do evil." Idleness has been
described to be a moral leprosy which
soon eats its way into the heart,, and cor
rodes our happiness while it undermines
our health ;
REcErrrs, , --The following is our list
of subscription receipts for the month of
July : .
Benj, Shatzer, '_ 4;00
Susan Heckman, 2,00
James J, Thompson, 1,00
Abrro. S. Adams, 10,20
Benj. Miller, 2,00
W. B. Stewart, . 2,00
Samuel Needy, sem i 2,00
Isaac D. Shockey, 2,00
Thomas Robinson, 2,00
Mrs. Salome Smith, 2,00
C. - _H._Unger, 2,00
Michael Kriner, . 2,00 :-
Jesse Baer, •• 5,00
sol. Harbaugh, - 2,00
ter Intelligencer is responsible for the fol k .
lowing: A few days ago a woman in
Columbia was 'jawing" her children, the
neighbors, a hired girl and everybody in
general, when her husband entered and
interposed a mild word. She opened her
mouth for an angry reply, a spasm con
tracted her cheek,' her lower jaw fell, and
she could neither speak or shut her mouth,
but remained in that condition ; her tongue
hung out, and her eyes nearly started
out of their sockets. She had dislocated
her jawbone in her violent effort to make
a stinging reply to her husband. A sur
geon was called, who reduced the dislo
cation, bound up her head, and Prescrib
ed a quiet diet. The old man is now en
joying the quietest time he has had in for
ty years.
BEST Ix UsE.—Halford Leicestershire
Table Sauce, for meat, soups, and fish.
MELONS.—We sold a large lot last
week, and we will have a large lot on
Thursday night at lower prices.
W. A. REID, •
MONEY WANTED. -$BOO is wanted
for one year or longer, for which the best
security can be given and seven per cent.
interest allowed. Apply to the Printer.
July 25—tf
ciToLE4A.L-To avoid the dread of Chol
era or nilder summer maladies, buy a
bottle 'of cholera• medicine prepared by
D. Mort, Waynesboro', Pa. •
The Wilson New Underfeed Shut
tle Sewing Nachi4e does to perfection all
kinds of coarse and fine sewing, with
less-machinery,-and=less liability
to get out, of order
.than any other ma-
The Wisson is more durable than any
other machine, because constructed on
better principels and has fewer parts to
wear. A trial will convince.
A. E. WATNANT, ag't.
DENTIsTny.—Dr. A. K. Branisholts
offers. special induements dnring Ady and
-August-to-all_persons_who stand in need
of Artificial Teeth, Those who have
badly decayed and aching teeth should
have them extracted at once and artifi
cial sets inserted, Full sets for $l2, $l5,
$2O. Thus suiting his prices to those of
limited means. July 11.--6 w
FOR SALE.-W, H. Funk of this place
offers his Livery at private sale, horses,
vehicles, &c.
• SPECIAL NOTICE.—People who have
subscribed for thes‘Christian Union," Hen
ry Ward Beecher's W9olcly Journal, and
with which they received a handsome pre
mium of two Oil Chromos, Wide Awake
and Fast Asleep, can now be furnished
with frames of any description at a much
lower price than they can be obtained
elsewhere. I receive the frames direct
from New York City,and have them made
the exact size, with neater finish than can
be done by a poor class of workmen.—
Frames will be delivered to patrons.
aug. B—tf C. H. Coo:.
On the' 23d of July, by Rev. T. M. Reese,
JAMES M. REMICK, of Harrisburg, to
ANNA E. STouou, of Greenvillage,Frank
lin Co., Pa.
On the 25th ult.. by Rev. J. Smith Gor
don, at the residence of the bride's father,
J. Besore, Esq., Mr. HALLOWELL FREET
to Miss CARRIE BASORE, all of Fannetts
burg, Pa. '.
On the 23d ult., by the Rev. M.*Kieffer,
Tti , H. ATINE to Miss
t ll
On the 24 ult., by i ev. J. S. Kieffer,
Mr. ALEXANDER B. r ' TIAN, Of Leit
ersburg. and Miss ELIZAB •TIILEAPHART,
of Cumberland Co., Pa.
On the evening of the 17th of July, at
the residence of the bride's father, by the
Rev. Dr. U. C. Roe, Dr. N. C. Ron and
Miss FLORENCE R. SECRTST, daughter of
Mr. J. C. Secrist, all of Franklin, Illinois.
D M AM" 13 S -
SUSAN BARR (wife of the late Abm
hani Barr, dec'd.) died at her residence in
Waynesboro', July 266, aged 52 years,
7 months and 27 days.
To the christian whose life has been full
of care that would not lift itself, and on
whom chilling rains of sorrow have fallen
at intervals through many years, death
with its sudden blast and storm, is but
the clearing up shower ; and just behind
it are the songs of angels, and the sereni
ity and glory of heaven. ,
Near Mt. Hope, Quincy township, on
the 2d inst , Wsr. A. ROOK, son of Na
thaniel Rook, aged 15 years, 10 months
and 29 days.
- - _
This bud of life and parental affection
was taken early by a wise and kind father
into a land of unmixed pleasure and pure
William was fair and beautiful, mild
and 'amiable. Indeed one' of the good in
the earth. He had endeared himself to
all who knew him—to know him was to
love him.
But God loves to transplant such. To
his parents his loss it great. but his gain
is far greater. He is not dead. No not
dead, but asleep in Jesus,
He lives in paradise expanding his mind
and enjoying the felicities of his true
home. M. C. W.
On the 25th of July, Jowl EDWARD
RENO, raged -,t3 months.
He has gone with the angels to dwell
In that land of peace and love,
For Jesus has called him there
To dwell with him above
On the 31st of July, 1872, EDDIE, in
fant son of J. W. and N. y ; Fletcher,
aged 6 months and 21 (lays.
On the 29th ult., in Letterkenny town
ship, MARY HUDSON, in her 76th year.
Near Greencastle on the 27th ult., CAR
RIE, daughter of James Hicks, aged 1
year, 2 months and 7 days.
Pl ' arlM" NRM'VMII
BACON " 7c
POTATOES ..... . ............ ............40
BAMEKORE Aug. 5, 1872.
FLOUR.-100 Western $5,
75 : 100 do. Family at $8,50 ; 100 do. at
$9,371, and 100 new Indiana Extra at $B.
WHEAT.—The sales reported were 1;
800 choice white at 170@175 cents, and
1,000 good prime do. at 160®165 cents;
8,000 amber at 170@175 cents ; 3,000
good to prime red at 160®167 cents, 2,
000 common to fair do. at 145®157 cts.
CORN.—The sales reported were 1,000
bushels white at 69(0)71 cents, and 1,500
do. yellow at 62@63 cents. '
OATS.—Sales were reported of 3,500
bushels in lots at 40@42 cents, bulk at
inside figures. Western 2,000 bushels
bright at 46®47 cents.
RYE.—Is firmer with light receipts,
'and we note sales of 500 bushels at 66®
Beeves very dull this week ; the market
thvors buyers ; sales 2,800 ; extra Penn
sylvaniu. and Western Steers 71 to 71 cts.;
fair to good 6 to 7 cents ; common 4 to 51
cents. Sheep in fair demand ; sales 12,-
000 at 51 61 cents. Hogs higher ; sales
3,326 - at $7,75 to $8:
For Sale at J ELDEN'S.
August 8-5 t
Notice to Teachers.
HE Board of School Directors of Wash-
M ington District will meet in Waynesbo
ro' on the first Saturday itOieptember—for
the purpose of employing 16 teachers for
said district for the term of five months.
August 8-5 t
Tot WICKEY'S celebrated Cholera Med
-I.Ficine prepared by David M. Hoover of
Ringgold, Md., can be had during the sea
son at FemeritmAN's Drug Store, and of
dealers generally. Traveling Agent,
August 8-4 - m - HENRY—ITY-E-ES.
THE subscriber informs his customers
and the public generally that he has now
for sale the genuine Wickey Cholera Medi
cine, in different sized bottles. He has
manufactured the article for- years and
could, if necessary, furnish numerous certi
ficates from persons who have used it and
who attest its genuineness. A bottle should
be in every household at this particular
season of the year. DAVID MORT.
August B—tf
PERSONS who -gave notes at the sale Of
the subscriber on the 6th of April ;last
will please take notice that the same were
due on the 6th hist, Said notes arc in the
hands of Theodore Wiesner, to whom pay
ment must he made within ten days. Oth
erwise they will he placed in the hands of
an officer for collection with interest from
date. WM. FLEAGLE.
August S-3t
THIS Institution, most beautifully situa
ted in one of tho finest sections of the
State, offers the highest advantagesibr in
struction in every department of study,
Its next session will commence on Thurs
day, September sth. For Catalogues or a
ny desired information address Rev. JOHN
McCRON, D., Principal, Hagerstown,
N. B.—References : J. C. Bridges & Co.,
6, S Commerce street ; Humrichouse, Bay
liss & Co., 10 Commerce street.
August 8-76 t
OACOB C. STOUFFER has made a Deed
of assignment of his estate to Isaac Shock
ey, Esq., in trust for creditor's. The assign
ee hereby notifies all persons knowing them
selves indebted to said Stouffer that he
wishes them to pay up immediately.' lie
also gives notice to those holding claims a
gainst said Stouffer to produce them at once
properly authenticated. It is to be hoped
that the creditors will not neglect this no
tice because the nonproduction of their
claims ratty delay the action of the assig
nee. The assignee will either receive the
debts and credits at his house or the Way
nesboro' P. 0. ISAAC SHOCK EY
- - - - -
Assignee of Jacob C: Stouffer
August 8-6 t
This widely-known School affords thor
ough Christian education, at a cost of little
more than $5 a week ; one-fourlk qrfor cirr
gynten. The 87th session (20 weeks) opens
September 11th. The address of all former
pupils is requested. A grand re-union at
the close of the next year. Send for circu
lar and particulars to Rev. CIIAS. C. BEA
TY, D. D., LL. D., Sup't., or Rev. A. M.
REID; Ph. D., Principal.
.i.x.Perryville Station Pa. R. R. (ForTII
and Female Pupils' Long • established,
thorough, successful ; location healthful and
accessible ; community social, moral and
religous ; buildings large and costly ; a full
corps of able leachers; mountain air, pure
water ; safe bathing, fine skating ; emphati
mlly a home school. Whole expense, for
Board, Tuition, Room, Fuel and Washing
(for 40 weeks), loss than two hundred dol
lars. Winter session 'begins Sept 3. Send
for circulars. WILSON & PATTERSON,
Port Royal, Juniata Co., Pa.
Send for circular and Testimonials. D. D.
STONE, A. M., Ph. D. 3. J. PATrEats.ox, A.
Pottstown. Montgomery Co., Pa.
The twenty-fourth annual session of this
Institution opens September ,12th. For
Circulars. Address Ref. JOHN' 3I0()).q.,
on Phila. & Reading R. R, Twenty-second
annual session opens Sept. 11th. Situation
healthy and beautiful. Classical, English - ,
and Mathematical course of study—thor
ough and practical. For Circulars, contain
ing full particulars, address GEO. V. MEWS,
A. M., Principal.
atory to College, Business, Scientific School
U. S. Military and Naval Academies. Fall
session, 36th year,. begins Sept. 13. For
catalogue, address lien. WM. H. RUSSELL,
LEGE.—Thorough instruction. Health
ful and beautiful location. One of the most
carefully conducted and best sustained in
stitutions in the State. For terms, etc., ad
dress Rev. JOHN U. BRAKELEY, Ph. D.
'Struts/sic) of '72 ;
A Novelty in Political and Popular Literature.
A Graphic History of the Republican and
Democratic Parties; a racy sketch of the
so-called Liberal Republican Party ; an in
side view of the Cincinnati Convention.—
The minor tickets or inside show of the
campaign. The finest Illustrated Book
Published. A Book wanted by every A
merican citizen. To secure territory at
once, send $1 for outfit. UNION PUBLISH
ING CO., Chicago, Ills., Phila., Pa., or
Springfield, Mass.
Agents wanted for our Campaign goods,—
Sell at sight. Pay 100 per cent. profit. Now
is the time. Send at once for Descriptive
Circulars and Price Lists of our Fine Steel
Engravings of all the Candidates, Campaign
Biographies, Charts, Photographs, Badges,
Pins, Flags and everything suited to tho
times. Ten Dollars per day easily. Full
samples sent for $3. Address !doom;
Geoesrasn, 37 Park Row, New York.
Thirty new and beautiful de
signs. Get Price List of T. C.
RICHARDS & CO., Manufac,
turers, N 0.47 Murray St; N. y
Reject all violent Purgatives ; They runt
the tone of the bowels and weaken the di
RR APERMENT is Used by rational people as
a means of relieving all derangements of
the stomach, livenand intestines, because
it removes obstructions without pain and
to the_org,ans whiclkit purr
Is the cheapest and best article in the mar:
ket for Blueing Clothes. The genuine has
both Barlow's and Wiltberger's carne on
the label, and is put up at AViltberger's
Danz Store, No. 233 - North Second St., Phil.
adelphia. • D. S. WILTBERGEB, Proprie ,
tor. For sale by Druggists and Grocers,
Contains biographies of Drew, Vanderbilt,
Gould, Tweed, &c., with a financial history
of the country for the last three years, and
what GRA.24:r KNEW about "BLAcs: FRIDAY."'
Over 500 pages. Price $2. Address
N. YORK BOOK CO., 145 Nassua
New York.
Bleeding, Itching
or Ulecirated Piles that Dc-Ring's Pile Rein-.
edy fails to cure. It is prepared expressly
to cure the Piles, and nothing else. Sold by
all Druggists. Pi ice, $l,OO.
A GENTS WANTED.—Agents make mom at work for us than at anything
else. Business light and permanent. Par
,tieulars free. 0. Stinson & Co., Fine Art
7 1 whthrhers, Portland, Maine.
rr HE. subscriber anvourices to the citi
zens of Waynesboro' and vicinity that
he has the agency for then sale of the above
named machine, and begs leave to submit
the following testimonials as to its worth.
OESTS:—I. take pleasure. in recommend
ing all who want a good Family Sewing
Machine, to get a Wheeler & Wilson. I
have used one in my himily for the laSt two
years, and it has given me most perfect sat
isfaction. MRS. SALLIE: J. CLAYTON,
Waynesboro', Pa.
GCN7LEMEN: — The Wheele & Widson,
Sewing Machine will do all the work it is
represented to do, with the greatest of ease.
I can highly recommend it to any person.
wishing a first-class Machine.
Mas. LIZZIE llnovm,
Waynesboro', Pa.
DEAR Sins :-I have used one of the celebra-.
ted Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machines
for the last eight( en mont ns, and must say
that I pr( fer it to any other Machine 1
have used. Mss. MAav A. CarrlAN,
Waynesboro', Pa.
Our Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machine
gives perfect satisfaction, and I cordially
recommend it to all wishing a perfect Fam
ily Sewin; Machine.
Miss LIZZIE Bnowx,
Waynesboro', Pa.
may 30—tf.
HE undersigned announces to the Pub
lic that he is engaged in the sale of
Violoncellos, German anti French Accor
deons; Violin, Viola and Violoncello Strings
Band Instruments of the best American
Manufacture. In short all kinds of Musi
cal Merchandise furnished at short notice
if not on hand. All Instruments guaran
teed to give satisfaction, before payment
is required.
The "New England Organs" are non• con
sidered the best and cheapest Organs now
made. A session of instruction given free.
Will visit Waynesboro' Ist and 3d Saturday
in each month.
The undersigned having an _experience
of fifteen years in the business feels confi
dent that he can give perfect satisfaction to
any person wishing a good instrument.—
Repairing instruments done at short notice.
Orders may be left and reference had at
W. L. HAYS Book store, near Washington
House. Address
Hagerstown, 3rd.
May 9—'72. ly
MITE subscriber offers at Private Sale an
I Omnibus for two or four horses, in fine
order and on easy terms.
July 11—tf J. It. IVOLIFERSB7'c,EIt,