The Waynesboro' village record. (Waynesboro', Pa.) 1871-1900, July 25, 1872, Image 2

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    Uagnesboro' ilZa a getoril.
Thursday, July 25, '72
car shops za ihrrishutg employ.
seven hundred. men.
two hundred:and fifty'.• guests
are at Bedford Springs.•
CO—Ex-Vice-Pre, , ,ident .13reeltinridge
vas in New York last week,, and express-
td hinnelf in favor of Greeley,.
tiZr . David , Paul Brown, the eminent
Philadelphia, lawyer,. died s-ai the 11th.
inst., aged 78.
tra,.A Georgia fro killed 51 snakes
in one day last week—and it vasn't
good clay for snakes, either.
vs_A. Chicago man oilers a, large num
ber of lots and houses for sale, and a-
-grees - to - wait - for - his
elected President.
__Mr/lon. Andrew . Stewart—Tariff An
ut his residence, Uniontown,
Payette county, on Tuesday a week, aged
ed 8/ years.
—The .Cincinnati minister who was
liatcheted for kissing a fair parishioner
will recover. It' is paying pretty dear
for a kiss, but it migit have cast a great
deal more.
tliirMrs. Mary Gray, of Greenup coun
ty, is the oldest lady in Kentucky, being
118 years old and still in vigerous health.
Her youngest son is 70 years old.
Senator Cameron repudiates the
policy of defeating Bartranft, and will
.Andrew C. Clark, convicted and
sentenced to death for rape, was- hanged
at New Castle. Delaware, on Friday last.
He - expressed a willingness-to-di-e7lla—de
.elaied his innocence.
1165-Alexander Johnston, father of ex-
Governor Wm. F. .Tanqnn, died at hi.
residence in Kingston, Westmoreland Co.,
on Tuesday last, iu the ninety-ninth year
of his age.
Ater_Bismark_giles_the Jesuits-but—six
months time to close up their establish
ments and take themselves beyond Ger
man boundaries. The promulgation of
the law for their banishment has been
made, and it is evidently to be rigidly en
xtel..Thely report of the Department
of Agriculture figures up a goad showing
for the growing cottoncrop. Only in four
States is there less than an average, while
in the States having the largest cotton a
rea the standard is more than maintained.
The result of the State electiorritt
north Carolina, which takes place Au
gust Ist, is looked to with considerable
interest as indicative of the way the Pres
idential vote will 'be cast. In 1868 the
State went Republican by 18,641 major
ity ; in 1870 Democratic by 4,995 major
ity ; and in 1871 Republican by 9,345
mThe Rev. Henry Highland Garnett
takes up the challenge thrown down by
Saunders and offers to meet him in public
discussion in defence of General Grant in
New York at any time during the month
of August. These two men will be worth
hearing on the stump. Saunders is a good
speaker, and Garnett perhaps a bettor one;
besides having the advantage of Saunders
in culture and oratorical training.
In-Cholera, that dreadful scourge, has
made its appearance in different portions
of the Russian Empire, and is proving
very destructive. Iu Moscow the disease
bas assumed the most malignant fbrakthe
proportion of deaths to the recoveries be
ing eight to one. This terrible death-rate
has caused a panic among the inhabitants,
and those who can quit the infected city
are fleeing into Western Europe. Now
that the disease has found a lodgment so
near Germany, it my be expected that ere
many weeks have elapsed that it will find
its way into New York, and from thence
to every city in the United States ; it is,
therefore, necessary that measures should
be immediately taken to successfully meet
the impending danger.
Be - The Independent thinks that when
a child is whipped just as hard for break
ing a dish as tbr breaking a command
ment, there is need that somebody should
pray for his parents that they may be a
ble to distinguish between things that dif
Se - Under the revised postage law,
transient newspapers (weighing two ounc
es and undyr—low weigh more) go
through the wail at one cent, prepaid of
ttle..lthetunatisaris said to result from
rwaat of acid in the systein: theret . re, take
demon juice, with as little sugar as possi
,ble—ta least one lemon a day. Another
:remedy—A table-spoonful of mustard
every nwrning, for thee mornings: then
,skip three, :tad so on, until you have ta
ken .it nine auornin,zs.
sonie,iaarts of .Nlinnei•ota milk is
Fel ling at a ccot.a quart. Such prices as
that wouldn't pay for the wear and tear
eow's tails in switching fliez: in this re
haii n ia,:tory which hulls out
100,cA0 peach .bogie:- a ,day.
Soul alturq.
Delightful-043, evenings.
—CI.Q:ce apples 40 Cents par Umbel.
.A_. &loci is predicted in August.
ge-Thc "cherry gripe' is over in our
—New potatoes are selling at 40 cents
Per bushel.
'Ripe apples and roasting ears are
around again.
Ittss''Tlie Republican County Committee
meets on Saturday.
—The fine for shooting robins is $5
Remember that.
m.The "political weather cocks" are
washing the cobwebs out of their throats
preparatory to yelping for old—.
i,..a. lie — TomstOwn "berry-tri--fii-P—is
'-reg,ularly on time. The crop is represen
ted as unusually prolific.
—The political campaign has fairly o.
pened. A warm time may be anticipated
between now and election day.
I'll mountain patron informs us
that the chestnut prospects are unprece
dentedly fine,
lier The first roasting cars of the sea
son were sold at Reid's Grocery last Fri
119—The county Fair this year will take
place on the Ist, 2d, 3d, and 4th days of.
ne.liellons and cantelopes may. be
counted nest among the rarities of the
re Ms -e-
- --Mr.-Jos. S. Gitt,—ltailroad Engineer
of New Oxford, Pa., is writting the local
history of Hanover, Pa. •
re—The latest style of a fashionable
suit is said to consist of a garter tied a
round the left leg. Goodness gracious!
IM..Tl►e matrimonial market is very
t-present,but we confidentally_es,_
pect business more lively in this line af
ter a while.
PREACHING.—The Rev. R. F. McCain,
terian Church of this place nest Sabbath
morning and evening,
—The travel over the W. 11I'.R. R. be
tween Baltimore and Hagerstown and
intermediate stations, it is said is increas-
ing every day.
in„.the Lock Up had only one inmate
during last week, which speaks well for
the morals °lour town when it is known
that we have an efficient police officer.
CIIANGED.—The regular time of hold
ing the Young Men's Christian .Associa_
tion Prayer Meetings has been changed
from Tuesday to Monday evening. The
public are cordially invited to attend.
tn.... Citizens who subscribed books to
the Young Men's Christian Association
are requested to deliver them to' Brack
bill Cr, Geiser's Store or have them ready
when called for pest week.
The supply of flies and fleas are far
in excess of the demand, and some com
plain that the manufactories are still turn
ing them out at the rate of 10,000,000 per
—The recent showers have cooled the
air and made everything around and a
bout decidedly pleasant. The thermom
eter has lowered its temperature from
blood heat to the cooling zephyrs of an
airy day.
H. & P. R. IL—According to our Cum
berland county exchanges work on the
Harrisburg & Potomac Railroad is pro
gressing vigorously. Anything favoring
the final success of this important rail
road enterprise is welcome news to our
—Grading and piking Marsh Street as
far as the old Hagerstown road is pro
gressing rapidly. The report that a 'strike'
had taken place among the hands on
Tuesday is denied. The completion of
the work before the "muddy season" sets
in will prove particularly gratifyiit to
citizens in that part of the town.
A53-The present political aspect of affairs
points to another Democratic candidate.
That such a one 'will be in the field in a
few weeks does not admit of much doubt.
Greeley is eminently distasteful to a large
percentage of the party. '
reii7Japan must be a pleasant place.—
There arc no old maids there. When the
girls don't marry voluntarily, the authori
ties hunt up husbands fbr them, and make
them marry. We know of several ladies
who intend emigrating to Japan as soon
as the weather becomes a little less melt
La — Alderman Wm. McMullen the no
torious Democratic politician of Philadel
phia was shot in the breast on Monday
evening by a pardoned convict named
McNamara. They quarreled about a
boquet. McMullen vas not expected to
tILS..On one street in Waynesboro', it is
said there are thirty young ladies, who
expect to marry betbre they are twenty
live years of age. Sensible notion that.
w•e will have to call 'roma—Fulton. IRe
Vineland, N. J., Is to be reinforced by
II coTonv of Irish fanners.
Zie'There are people (says an 'exchange)
who seem constitutionally happy, an d
whose mere presence diffuses joy. There
are others against whom nothing can be
said except that they appear to be desti
tute of the power either to enjoy or create.
enjoyment. There are many causes of
this diversity, but the most common one
we conceive to be this : The joyous and
and joy-giving person was happy in his
childhood, while the individual whose
. - piYits — raever rise o over' owing, a. a
childhood of gloom, constraint and con
tradiction. The happy man was received .
into the world with a welcome. His coming
was to his Parents a delight and pridb.—
The tenderest love hovered round his cra
dle, and nurtured his expanding heart.—
Ho was always loving and always belov
ed. Not cruelly 'indulged in every boy
ish caprice, but gently and wisely train
ed to do his duty, and supplied with ra
- ion:Ameans-I SW, OW
possible to overstake the blessings of a
happy childhood. It is worth while to
make any propersacrifice in order to Store
the memory of children witb happy days.
The merry Christmas, the family pi c
nic, the childrens party, the occasional
gift, are delights that do not cease when
the little tired head sinks on the pillow at
night ; they live again in the character
of the joy-inspiring man ; they shine in
the pleasant countenance of the merry old
grandfather. So much for pitrental du
ties in regard to this important matter.
On the other hand, no young—person
should consider it an advanta eto
of parental supervigion and care. Though
to the child there comes a period when it
irks the ear to be perpetually taught_and
restrained, yet there is_nothingin_afler_
life that can take the place of father and
mother to him. There is no other insti
tute like the family; there is no other
love like parental love ; there is no other
friendship like the friendship of father
and mother. While the boy arid girl are
yet sprouting into manhood and woman
hood they , may be a little impatient un—
der restraint, yet every after year of in-
dependence, NV nr teach the young man
and maiden that there were no aavantages
these_AvWeh their arents-g4ye_them
Young man, there are no persons who
vill-tela-the-truth-so faithfulb-rthe
are rio persons that know your faults so
well, there are none so disinterestedly con
siderate for your well-being, as your fa—
ther and mother.
COMPLIMENTARY.—We clip the follow
ing complimentary paragraph from a let
ter by Prof. J. Zuck, Jr., P:incipal of the
Central High School of Tremont, Pa.
published in the Tremont _Yews of the
18th instant:
"Well, I thought this should suffice
for schools, but I just now think of atith
educational project in the Cumberland.
Valley that deserves mention. This is
the advance steps taken during the past
year by the school board of Waynesboro',
Franklin county. Instead of having on
ly 4 or 5 mouths schobl as formerly, they
are now going to have nine. Instead of
having demoralized ungraded schools in
a. rickety old shell, they are now going
to have a well-graded system in one of
the finest buildings to be fbund anywhere
in the State—echuylkill county not ex
cepted. In • some respects, I think it is
superior to any other school building
that i have yet been in. It is a two
story house with a basement to ansiver
the purpose of a gymnasium or play
ground in bad weather. There is a well
arranged recitation room in conaection
with each school room ; and yet the space
has been so nicely economized that about
GOO pupils can be accommodated. The
house has been erected at a cost of about
$13,000 ; the ground cost $3,000 ; and a
• TEACIIER . S RESIDENCE is to be erected
which will cost $3,000 more, making a
total of about $20,000. The Board has
the "Central High School" project in view
and has, I think,• fine prospects of suc
FAMILY :NIEDICINES. — Through the po
liteness of Mr. J. W. McKinney, travel
ing agent for Dr. P. Fationey's Bros. it
Co„ we are in receipt of a Family Medi
cine Case from Messrs. Schrock a:, Kuep•
per, Druggists, Somerset, Pa. It is the
handsome littlest &Lir we have seen for
many a day, containing simple remedies
for most all ailments common to the hu
man family. It is divided into as many
different compartments, the preparations
being in heavy flint, two-ounce bottles,
neatly labeled and numbered, with the
necessary directions for - administering
them. Besides the bottles there is a till
containing Healing Ointment, a graduat
ed medicine glass, a tea-spoon, a piece of
of court plaster, and a quantity of cotton,
the whole constituting the most complete
assortment of family medicines. The
preparations are vouched for upon medi
cal authority as excellent remedies: The
cost being only $5 every family should have
a case. As they arc sold by subscription
only, an agency in our town might prove
ti Our mountain houses are doing a
good business this season—nearly full all
the time. We might say a word for our
town, We have two good hotels and
several private boarding houses, at which
a score or two of visiton might be enter
tained. The cost of living would not be
as high as in sonic larger towns. This is
a healthy town and neighborhood, and we
believe if our Baltimore and Philadel
phia friends would try it they would be
pleased well enough to try it over next
rs,.The colored citizens of Car/isle will
hold a celebration in commemoration of
the Emancipation Prockupation, on the
I€ 2 of Atvinit.
title, the Columbia Herald says :
"A new railroad project, in which a num
ber of Colombians and Lancastrians are
interested, is about to he consummated.—
It is chartered under the name of the Na
tional Railroad Company, and is an air
line between Philadelphia and New York.
Col. Wm. G. Case, of Columbia, is presi
dent, and among the directors are C. S.
Kaufman, of Columbia, and D. .H. Car-
penter an eo. . ' eas ,o:
The road will crass the Delaware river
between Trenton and Yardleyville, and
strike Attleboro' Bucks county, connect
ing either with the Germantown or North
Pennsylvania road. It is proposed to e
ventually extend the road through Bucks,
Montgomery,Chester and Lancaster coun
ties, and thence on to Hancock, Maryland,
where it will strike the Baltimore and
Ohio road. It will be ten miles shorter
I I I 1 7 " : 11 I I an any
other road. The contracts for grading
this part of the road—that is from Phil
adelphia to New York--have ;already
been given out, McGrann & Co, having
been awarded the section from Yardley , .
ville to Philadelphia. The company com
posing the firtu,we understand, are Messrs.
B; J. McGraw' and R, H. Brubaker, of
Lancaster, and Robert Crane, of Colura,
bia. Shanties will be put up nest week,
and within a, fortnight a thousand men
will be at work. The road when extend
ed to Maryland cannot but prove of im
mense advantage to Lane - aster county.—
This-road-will- probably cross the Susque
hanna near Gmbh's Furnace in this bo-
illitie - Several Sabbath. School Picnics
Tiofn — fraiers - tOiiii - ifel 7 e7flilen over the
W. 111; R. It. to Blue Ridge Summit Sta_
tion, about 1 k miles from Monterey, last
week. Tzviee A Week says-:-L-The spot
that has beer* selected is represented as
-one-of-the-most-beautiful-u on-the-road-,H
being well supplietl with water and shade
and for scenery is unsurpassed anywhere.
The distance is about 18 miles and the
- rate - ofcharges; - 25 - cen ts-for-ehildren-am
-50 cents for adults for the round trip is
quite moderate, bringing the tri ) within
the means of almost every one.
ofz: - "he Fultei iepu can. says Itere
has not been a death in Cleversburg—a
town in Cumberland county—for over
twelve months. Coffin-makers are man
ufacturing carriage spokes ; apothecaries
have closed their shops ; some of the doc
tors are preparing to emigrate, while oth
ers have torn M. D. from their names,
and are roving the hills and fields pick—
ing berries for a livelihood. Instead of
going to Saratoga or Bedford Springs for
your health, we would advise the afflicted
to lose no time in visiting Clcversburg.
PEnsox 7 u.:—The Daily Alta Californian
of July 13, says :—Mr. C. P. Speck,
formerty of the Vallejo Recorder, • leaves
for Portland to-day, on the steamer John
L. Stephens, to take charge of the local
department of the Oregon Bulletin.
• The Bulletin is the great paper of the
northwest an enjoys an extensive circu
SELLING FAmrs.—Persons having real
estate to sell should advertise it through
the Record. It circulates through the
most wealthy and populous sections of
Franklin county; Pa., and Washington
county, Md., and averaging only two to
a family has nearly two thousand readers.
ROCK FORGE SHOPS.—The attention of
farmers and others is called to the adver
tisement of Mr. John S. Dayhoff. Mr.
D. has his shops in full blast and is pre
pared to supply the public on the best
terms with wagons of all kinds, plows
and cider mills, farm implements, &c.
FESTIVAL.—The ladies of the 111.. E.
Church Nvill hold an Ice Cream Festival
in the Town Hall, commencing Thursday
evening August Ist. There should be a
general attendance. Let the ladies be
liberally patronized.
IgrA sufficient amount of the Freder
ick and Pennsylvania Line Railroad Com
pany's second mortgage bonds have been
sold to complete the road. It is confident
ly expected that it be in running or
der to Frederick by the 15tb of Septem
103 - Dr. Wm. Ranklin, one of the old
est and most popular physicians in Cum
berland Valley, died in Shippensburg,
last week. All business places were clos
ed on the day of his funeral.
REAL.gSTATE SALE.-4ttention is cal
led to the sale of real estate iq this issue
by D. B. Russell, Esq., Conunittee of Ja
cob Heartraan.
Ile_ he weather continues seasonable,
alternating between sunshine and' show
ers. Of course the prospects for a corn
crop are most cheering.
Huckleberries two cents a quart in
North Carolina.
A Kentucky farmer has sold two short
horn heifers for $6,500 each.
A Des Moines street beggar is 105 years
old, fought for his country in 1812, and
thinks it owes him a hying now.
Judge Minna left a fortune of over
$3,000,000 and no children. His wife
had an independent fortune when he mar
ried her, in 1850.
A North Carolina goose was lately
struck by lightning ; so feather-beds do
not posess the virfrue Claiuted to them af;
ter all.
grave of Thaddeous Stevens is still with
out monument or head-stone to mark the
spot. The great commoner sleeps his last
sleep in the shadow of a - common school
house. Appropriate resting place for one
whose energies were ever bent to the cause
of popular educational. Perhaps he needs
no other monument—certainly he needs
none to perpetuate his memory—but
something is needed to mark the spot, in-
asmuc I as on I c aration lay as , t year
some difficulty was experienced in finding
it. A correspondent who recently made
a pilgrimage to , the place says:
"The cemetary in which he rests is a
very - small private one, known as Shrein
er's He was about to purchase a lot in
,Woodward Hill, but on learning that no
colored persons could be interred there,
he bought six feet of earth in Shreiner's
cemetary. Consistent even in &rah, he
could not have rested in peace in a grave
- • vhere—the—dewrt-trodden—race—faD
whose rights his eloquent tongue had ever
pleaded, were denied the right of sepul
ture. In his, will, written by his own hand
in the - Inst - year of his life, although - he
made no provision for. the care of his own
grave, he set apart an ample sum of mon
ey to be devoted to planting flowers about
his mothers grave each spring.
The Stockton (Cal) Independent, of
June 24, says : On the west side of the
San Joaquin river, in this valley, there is
a grain field which extends for thirth-five
miles, and is of an average width of eight
miles, thus covering au area of 170,200
acres. Persons who have lately traveled
through this immense grain field estimate
the total average yield at sixteen bushels
-to-the-acre,w-hieh-will-give a total yield
of 2,861,200 bushels, or 86,015 tons.—
Thera is, however, a much larger area
cultivated in grain on the east side ofthe
-San-Joaquin-than - on - the west side: From
-Ilathrop-to -- 31 - erced; - a --- distu ce-of-over
fifty miles, the railroad runs through an
aliast unbroken grain field, extending as
far as the eye_can see °neither side. The
product of this whole valley will be much
greater than ever before, and the railroad
company will find it very diffi_c_ult_to_move
-the immense-amount-to the market be
fore the rainy season.
,Cush for butter—This motto I wish
scud to me for butter.
MONEY WANTED.-$BOO is wanted
for one year or longer, for which the best
security can be given and seven per cent.
interest allowed. Apply to the Printer.
July 25—tf
re — Reid has sold out a tierce of very
choice hams in the last four days. He
will open another on Friday of the same
kind. On the same day several barrels
new syrups and molasses will be opened
for inspection.
DENTISTRY.-Dr. A. K. Branisholts
oars special inducments during July and
August to all persons who stand in need
of Artificial Teeth. Those who. have
badly decayed and aching teeth should
have them extracted at once and artifi
cial sets inserted. Full sets for $l2, $l5,
$2O. Thus suiting his prices to those of
limited means. July 11-61 v
STYLM AND CoLouns,lB72.—We invite
the attention of Ladies (as well as Gents)
to our New Spring Styles colours of Gloves
and Mitts, comprising six styles and twelvo
colours, after eight years experience in the
manufacture of "It. Genuine Best" Dog
Kid Gloves. Having made thousands of
pairs for all sized and sorts of odd shaped
hands, having warranted the fit, make and
durability, .We can safely say that they out
wear five pairs of Kid Gloves, fit as well
and arc almost as neat. We send out: per
mail, gratis, our Photographic Styles, Col
our Cards,and Circulars. With these Cards
you can see the style, materials, Colours,
prices and measure your own hand so that
we can send you with certainty through
the mails any kind of a Glove you may
order, or fit any sized odd shaped hand.
Send fur Circular and see Styles and Col
Glove Manufacturers, Hagerstown, Md
Mardi 27, 1872-3 m.
FOR SALE.—W. H. Funk of this place
offers his Livery at private sale, horses;
vehicles, &c.
D M .A.TI' I-I S..
On the 16th inst., near St. Thomas, Mr.
SAMUEL BOWERS aged 72 years,B months
and 28 days.
On the Bth inst., in Chambersburg,
HARRY SCRIVELY, aged ,10 years.
On the Ist inst., near New Franklin,
Ifx rum LUTHER WILDMON, aged 23 yrs.,
7 months and 29 days.
On the 16th inst., near St. Thomas,
Mr, SAM'L BOWERS, aged 72 years, 8
months and 28 days.
pPlr. •M
POTATOE47i ......
13A.T.TuloTtE July 22, 1872.
FLOUR.—The receipts today were 1,
082 bbls., With sales reported of 1,700 bbls.
as. follows : Of Western, 300 Extra at $6
@i6,75; 309 at 7Ng7,75; 200 Fam
ily at $8,20(0,25, and 200 do. at 88,75.
Of Howard Street $9, and 100 choice Vir
ginia Family at 810,25.
WHEAT.—The sales were 2,000 bush
els white at 147@)170 cents for infirior
to choice, and of red 1,200 choiCe at 150
@l7O cents, and 2,000 common to fair at
130@;145 cents. At the close we quote
good to choice white at 155@170 cents ;
amber 165@170 cents, and good to prime
red 150@160 cents.
CORN.—The sales of Southern were
4,000 bushels white at 77@80 cents, 500
blue-eyed at 50 cents, and 400 yellow .at
64 cents, closing steady.
OATS.—New Southern at 37@40 cts.,
2,500 Western mixed at 39@40 cents,
and 1,500 bright at 42@43 cents.
bushels new Southern Rye at 60070 cts
and 400 Western at 60 cents. -
Beeves dull this week ; sales of 2,100 head
extra Pennsylvania and Western Steers
71 to 7* cents; fair to good 6 to 7 cents ;
common sto 51 cents. Sheep in fair de
mand ; 12,000 head at 5 to 01 cents.—
Hogs higher ; 3,100 at $7,25 to $7,50.
LETT-ERS---of-Adm irristratiorron -- th - e - e - -
tate of lienry•Henicle, late of Washing
ton Township, dec'd., have been grant( d to
the undersigned, who duly notifies all his
decedent debtors to make-payment of such
and all creditors to present
their claims to THEO. IVIESNER,
July 25—fit Adner.
sirorge Shop.
rPHE subscriber informs his customers
1 and the public generally that he con
tinues to repair all kinds of Machinery at
the Rock Forge Shop, 3 miles from Way
nesboro', near Antietam Junction, and man
ufactui es to order WAGONS, PLOWS, H AR
RO WS. CIDE,R. PRESSES and farming im
plements generally. He employs none but
experienced mechanics and uses the best
material, and is therefore_euabled_ba_gu.,x,_
antee all work to give satisfaction. He has
now ready for- purchasers, Wagons, two
horse, three-horse, four-horse and six-horse,
Motz and Self-sharpener
Plows, Cider Presses, &c.
&c. Plow CastingW always on hand. v He
• assures-the public that any of the above ar
ticles can be had at the lowest price. Per
sons wanting anything in his line are in
vited to call, see and satisfy themselres. He
also takes this occasion to return thanks to'
his friends and patrons for past encourage
July 25—tf
Public Sale, on the premises, on
at 10 o'clock A. M., the following VALUA
BLE BEAL 'ESTATE, located in the village
of Pikesvillc, Washington Township, wit 11-
i n one mile of Waynesboro' Station, W. M.
R. R., containing
OF LAND, neat measure, surveyed and
laid off in separate lots, viz:
LOT NO. I—is good tillable land, adjoin
ing lands of Michael Lookabaugh, John
Stephey, john Hovis and others, and con
out of which n lane, or alley 12 feet is to be
reserved on North side.
LOT NO. 2—adjoining land of John Ho
vis—fronh on the turnpike 8 perches (139 ft)
and is 17 perches (2801 ft) deep, contain
with a new Two-Story Frame Dwelling
House thereon erected.
LOT NO. 3—fronts on Turnpike 4 3-10
Perches ( ft) and is 17 perches (2301
ft) deep—and contains
73 AND. 1-10 PERCHES
of Land. •
LOT NO. 4—fronts on Turnpike 14 perch
es (231 ft) and is 17 perches (2801 ft) deep,
has a Two-Story Log Dwellims, Log Sta
ble and out houses erected thereon, and a
Yell of good water on the premises.
LOT NO. s—fronts on Turnpike 16 6-10
perches (306 9-10 ft) and is 22 7-10 perches
(374 55-10 ft) wide in rear, and 17 perches
(280 i ft) deep. This ldt will be subdivided
into Building Lots of convenient size to
suit perchasers if desirable. Being on ele
vated ground these lots are among the ve
ry best in the whole village and must in
crease in value every year.
Also at same time and place will be offer
ed a tract • of good Timbered Land lying
on the South Mountain, in Washington
County Md., containing
of Land. The W. '►l. R. R. runs through
this tri ct and contzins a fine spring of wa
ter. SrarTerms made known on day of
sale by D. B. RUSSELL.
Committee of Jacob Hartman.
July 25—t3 Geo. Y. Mong, And.
CAN be found in his office at all times,
where he is prepared to perform all
Dental operations in the best and most
skillful manner. _ .
AVe being acquainted with Dr. Branis
holtssocially and professionally recommend
him to all desiring the services of a Dentist.
Drs. E. A. HERING.,
Procinco Commission Aferchnnts
Pay particular attention to the sale of
Flour, Grain, Seeds, &c.
July IS, IS72—ly
Having associated themselves in the prac
tice of Medicine and Surgery, offer their
professional services to the public.
Office in the room on the .‘orth East
Cor. of the Diamond, formerly occupied by
Dr. John J. Oellig, dee'd.
July 18, 1872-1 y
received a full supply of new 31:illnery
goods. Lad ies are invited to call and examine
her stmt.
P - ME3I_,TO
STA - T - E I
HE undersigned Committee of Jacob
E principal objections to most of tho
Shaft Couplings now in use are that
they necessitate a great deal of labor in.
changing from Shaft to Pole, or vice versa.
It generally takes from twenty minutes to
half an hour, besides one wrench, and
sometimes two must be used. It is also a
well-known fact that the nut on the bolt of
the old style couplings will not stay on if
After the nut is off the bolt will come
out, the Shaft drop down, and the result is
a run off, a broken vehicle, or perhaps, as
is sometimes the case, a loss of life.
In offering this new Coupling to the pub
lic, the Inventor has designed to obviate
these difficulties. How Nvell he has done
it, the hundreds in use themselves can tes
tify. Its prominent feature is convenience
of operation. The Polo can be taken off
and ,Shafts put on in half a minute. itio
wrench used. It is perfectly secure, the
bolt being driven in place and held there •
by a spring. Everybody who has occasion..
tffeif POW riiid - ShTills should try
them. They give satisfaction wherever us
ed, and are destined to come into universal
use. Simple in construction, any ordinary ,
blacksmith can put them on. Volumes of
testimonials can be produced if necessary.
FOR SALE Os Reasonable Terms, Ad
dress the Inventor and Patentee :
Greencastle, Pa.,
Or his Agent, " J: N. Woixr,
Waynesboro', Pa.
July IS-3w
THE subscriber informs the traveling
public that he is running a Daily Coach
front Waynesboro' to Blue Ridge Summit,
leaving Waynesboro! at 9 o'clock, A. .11 ;
clock, A. M., at _Monterey at ] 1 o'clock, A. M.,
at Blue Ridge Summit at 12 M., making con
nection with the 12:25 train oft the W. M.
R H. from -Baltimore. -- Express matter
from Baltimore fhr Waynesboro'•should bo
through to Waynesboro' the-same day.—
The train for Baltimore leaves Summit Sta
tion at 2 ;44, P. M., arriving in-Baltimore at
-6 :30 P. - - - B. F. BARR.
July 11, 1872—tf
NOTICE is hereby given, that in aceor
.lll dance with the provisions of the Act of
Assembly of this Oommonwea(th, approv
ed the 21st day of April, A, D. 1871, the.
I--Board—o f—Di recto rs--o-f--the—Wayn esbare
' School District, will make application at
the Court of. Common Pleas of Franklin
- - county, on Illoadav the 12th day of August,
will expose to 1) . a tiets autl - Hing tlr
TOr «. .:Ce Arn r iZA. 11 t 9 t
to borrow Eight Thousand Dollars, and to
f - issrte — ixaas — cheretbr ; redeetnabb3 in 29
years ruin tle c ate o sal eeree, curing
seven per cent.—interest, free from all tax,
ation. By order of tile Board,
July 11-4 t
jTIE subscriber, informs the public that
be has contracted for the U. S. Mail,
from the C. V. R. at Greencastle, to the
W. M. R. R. at the Blue Ridge Stuton, (via
Monterey Springs,) a distance of 161 mites.
He still continues to run the Omnibus line
with good horses and a first-elms four-.
horse Coach and is enabled to con% ey pas
sengers to and fro wide comfort and conve
nience. His Bus will leave Waynesboro'
at 7 o'clock, A. M., arriving at Greencas
tle, at 81, A. M., making quick time and
sure connection with the first passenger,.
train at 9 o'clock, A. M. Leaves Greencas ,
tie at N, P. Id., arriving at Waynesboro' at
'7 o'clock - . He is proprietor, contractor and --
driver, delivers Adams Express matter to
and from Greencastle. All Express matter
expressed the same tuurning, efreess throat ll
totWaynesboro' the same day it arrives I.t•
Greencastle. Persons wishing to send good.,
by Express will do well by giving hint a
call. Persons wishing to go to Hagerstown
should take this route. He has sub-let the
Eastern end of the route to R. F. Barr,
which will'he run by him vi Alt a good two
horse Coach daily. Leave Waynesboro'
at 9 o'clock, A. M., arrives at 11 o'clock at
the W. M. It. R. (via Monterey Springs.)
He returns thanks for past patronage and,
solicits a continuance of the sante.
Juno 27, lB72—tf
13 OERA - 11 &IVAYNANT have. just open,
led at the COPNER CLOT/lING STOW; a splen
did line of
embracing Clothes of various grades and
latest styles and best qualities, Doeskind,
Cheviots,Tweeds, Linen and Crape Coat
ings styish Vest Patterns, etc.
An of which will be made to order with
the best Trimmings and in the best manner.
A GOOD FIT GUAILIIs:TIZED in every Cade or
Paper Collars, Ties, Bows, Suspenders, Hos
iery etc., always on hand.
Gantlemen desiring stylish and good fit
ting clothing should give us a trial.
Cor. Diamond.
box that recommends itself to the consid
ation of all who use cut feed as the cheap
est Box in use. Price 10 to 12 dollars, ac
cording to the size. The easiest to oper
ate. Ahoy of from 12 to 15 years old can
use them. Less liable to get out of order.
Their constructfen renders them less lia
ble to get out order than the ordinary
cutters. These Boxes are well built, of
good material. Warranted to give entire
satisfaction. Agents wanted in every Coun
ty and Township in the States cf Pennsyl
vania, Maryland and Virginia, to whom a
liberal per centag,e will be given. For fur
ther particulars call on or address
Waynesboro', Franklin Co.,
June 20,1872—tf Penna.—
MYTY Molasses Barres and Sugar do.
I.lfor sale at Reid's Grocery.
July 11—tf
BITS M'OR, S_A..l_,M_
.TIE subscriber offers at PriVate Sale an
Omnilnls for tw•o or four horses, in fine
order and on easy terms.
July 11—tf J. R. WOLFERSBERGER..