TIE WAYNESBODir, VILLAGE _RECORD EvEriy Tnurismir 31olisEgG By W. BLAXR. TEL' liS—Two Dollars per Annum if paid within theyear; Two 1 tollarsand Fifty cents after the expiration of the year. ADVERTISEMENTS—One Square (10 lines) three insertions, $1,30 ; for each subsequent insertion, Thir tive Cents per Square. A liberal discount made to yearly adver tisers. LOMS.—Business Locals Ten Cents per line for the first insert ism, Seven Cents for subset' cent insertions rofh!iional qtartls. B. AraßialSON, :1 3 :1116:1 - ClAg AND E WAYNESBORO', I. Office at the Waynesboro' "Corner Drug ore." • [jane 13_ FRA.NTZ, Has r esuifed - flielitactice - of - M - efli - eitte r T ---- OFFICk.',--In the Walker Birilding—near the Bowden House. Night calls should be -made at hisiesiclence on Maio Street, ad joining the Western Sch:3l - 11 7 = July 20-tf • C. 1/1" PIIYM lAN AND SURGEO?i. WAYxEsnono' PA. Office at his residence, nearly opposite he Bowden lious,e. Nov 2—tf. JOAN A. flaYSSONikki, ' ATTORNEY AT LAW, HAVING been a.dmited to Practice law at the several Courts in Franklin Colin tyadl business entrusted to his care will be promptly attended—t-o-.—Post—Oince—address Mercersburg, Pa. LEW W'e, DETBIGIN, ATTORN EY AT LAW, AVAyNESBOIto , Will give prompt and close attention to all _lmsitiess cntru - ..4ted - to - his care. Utlicc_ne~t door to. the BoNi'Llen House - , in the Walker Duly 6 J-o-p-Espx. DOITC3 - ' LAS ; -A.T_TARITE • AT LAW. WAYN L'6130 - 110; - Pa . Practices in the several Courts of Franklin and adjacent Counties. ---..N: 11-lteal—Est-ttte--leasecLand,sold, and Fire Insurance effected on reasonable terms. December 10, I.FI. RI,. tR . iT'Eil]attLEß, (-F-on:aratAl_or 3.l.sr,cpsuunci, PA.,) ? )is Professional services to the •• citizens of Waynes mro am DR. STRICKLER 11:1S relinquished an exten sive practice at Mercersburg, been prominently engaged for I. ~,,, years in the practice of his profession. lie has opened an Office in Waynesboro', at the residence of George Besore, Esq., is Father-in-law, where he can bp found at 1 times when not professionally engaged. July 20, 1871.—tf. F. S . BPANISHOLTS, 111 . 15 S I P 1 111.4.:.T DEXTI§T t i t IV Y ESBO Ro', PA., Can he found at all times in his oflice in his rooms above Ale , srs. Coon & Stone honseg Dry hoods Store. May 2—tl 0 - _ S WOZ,F, DEALER IN At E! ; A.N,D) gr , Tyrk,a 833 11 7- EsT aummanE STREET, _BALTIMORE, MD. Ve•Watehes Repaired and Warranted. - Sa [t "'Jewelry Mute and Repaired. — at July 13, 1311.-tf. • B__ -_E> G sub,,criber infdrma the public that he continues the Barbering business in the room next door to Th..:Raid'st.iroeery More, and is at all tittles prepare ' • •I‘ , hair cut ting, shaving s hampooning etc. in the best kit y le. The pat rundge tin., .s respect fully solicited. Aug 23 THOMAS Or. FIL - BERT, MERCHANT TAILOR, ANT> .IA;ENT 1,011 SINGER'S SEWING MACF T N F. 5 - - - BA R., TT_ :VT _A. IN -1 1'.=1) FORNEY & SONS ill pay thelligthevt market price for Girl cords of Ruck and Black Oak Bark delivered at their Tannery in Waynesboro. hides and Skins taken in :aid weighed at the cellar of C. Undies' Shoe Store, for Nvldeli the highest market price will be paid. L_ C. - P)8../..A_CIc 33II L I , PIIOTOCIRAPHER, .. S. E. Corner of the Diainoml, AVAYNF-SBOno', PA., XI Sat all tine: , , a tine - assortment of Pk turcA Frame:- and :73.1.uultlings. Call and O.) specimen pictures. June tf. 118 r/ TI II 5.T t corqor of .Ig.ifi7 47 ALizz4o,l*., CHAMBER SEUF.G. Penn'a. LANT7, , L I;SUE I:, Pruprietors Tirol'N )N en.tirely reiltet.l re-I'itriii,lw , l in every (lei 1.1 rt tuvi tlie .o.i l iervi , ion. of the pri)-. u vaCitt a ;II tie •Ilit rot to deserve a li'‘wr,3l , ii tre patr0ii....,4,.: T.R . .•;r will l :spread with the lbe , t the :drunk a;,l their Lar al 1.•:ty, , , rolitnin Liquor-. Tlw the l; pit lhi~u St.thlinganilattenti Oct. 14-1-v E Q?., s. ~ L iIL. I - 10LN, Bye, Out ,, , )v,•r- , col, I loy (Cloy itelivetea it valitic:i to suit April -I—if r inviersiplo, ha:: appointed Freder iivk Ur, 11, of gail'y townAlii., agent to colleet Li, IL:wortnt:...ot (,tdwr I,• 1 It.. Jul, 6 - Ll . lIESS M. D. MUM UfiEl rrITIE subscriber informs the public that he is proPriker of the Bliss him running daily between Wayneshor6', and GegneaF tle, heretofore run;by 9 Wolfersberger o:Ston er. With good' horses and a first-clasS Tour horse Omnibus he is enabled to convey pa:— seugers to and fro with coMfort and conve nience. • His Buss will leave Waynesboro', at 61 A. M., arriving at Greencastle at 8, making quick time and sure connection - with 'the firs Passengertrain at 8 --- A - : — M.l7efti-e. Greencastle at 5 o'clock, P. M., arriving, at Waynesboro', at 6 45. He is himself .Pro prietor, Contractor and Driver. DeliVers Adams Express matter to and from Green castle. All Express matter expressed the same morning and through to Waynesboro' the same day it arrives. Persons wishing. to send goods by Express will do well by giving him a call. Persons wishing to go to Hagerstown should take this rout. The train leaves at 915 making connection with the Washington County Railroad. pig 20 tfl. J. R. WO 3 LPERSBERq 3 ALLEE GOOD SUR MU 0203 fiIIGTORT T At Pric.-s to suit Times aud Quality 31 - crrro :—Quiek Sales and small Proffits. We will furnish anything wanted in our line of business, SASH, DOORS, WHOLESALt 0.1 l RUAIL. We-also--contraet—for-continued---Rail--Stair- Ways, Newel's Ballusters, &c. &c., furnish to order or put into buildings by the best of workmen ; Sawing, Chopping, Poast Boring, Grinding, Turning, &c. &c. In short any thing you want call for it, if not on hand we Wilrfifak - elts - referetiecrwe-eatrldiliwyott= buildings in the country or in Waynesboro' where you can judge for yourseivQs, (we can't recommend material, it must recom mend itself)' also f-ee the quality of our ma tOriaL as compared with that of other shops. TO TEE PUBLIC Tha..g.ful for past favors, we ask you for a-continuance-aLthe_same a - ctory milesouth-of-Wayncr" GOOD & MED may 18, 1871. 9re_also Training material at comparativel7 l(" '‘ ' IN.VALIDS DON'T DESDAII3 I Thon , ands have found relief. and A - -,, , themunda u 111 turn to thlq Medi- L."....,... , eine, afu• e , :bauralmr.their nurses N... land PIIIIIMCC In search of health. tinlainn.s of the head. dullee,a of the m nr,rt , .4 - cd - artllett.errtaiirvitn ne-,s in the ,tomaelt, enlargement of the liver, ne , N of the clan, constant lever and thirst, nth dl•rell.sh for lyt•lnea., pleware oe anv kind of meat, PAT:MN - EVE; PANACEA, If taken and pi In for a h.w darn, will remote this whole, elkse 1001 s. The !hada of the body become pure, I clear. the stomach strengthened. the tongue appetite Improved. and the a hole bvstem t.o that dlacase, In bad weather, la leas liable to • Dr. P. FAHRNEY Celebrated Blood Cleanser or Pan At a metilelne for, children, the Panacea It, In every way. caletlated to take the place of the endlets variety of drag; which arc annually bold for that purpose, unit ohich are often %en- inja Noes. A medicine n Lich p05t.e....te.3 t.e....te.3 the qualities Of a cathartic. as well as a mild alter ative, and which is capable of arreNtiqg dluea,e without the lea , : injury to the child, Is of incalculable t Milo to every mother. At a cathartic, It it very eiiective, yet Iv (Inc, not, If given in proper quantitlea'' cause moven or dist rent to the ntoniaeli or bowels. It is very pleasant to the taco, %%Melt Is a very important feature an 8, medicine for children. As nprevent,re of (Ikea. o it 11 unprecedented. an it nets directly upon' the digestive or- , gans and the blood. In all scroftilmi., ditetisr , . It Is the too Lidera yo m cullelne et er mien Ito Inc public; and; if given regularly anti penes erirotiv, those eruptive di•ts et..et common to children may he entirely eradicated: . • sx Preoared by P. Palirney's Bros, d: pep. on,. ivu,ne,boro, ru., and De It. a, 30 North De:l:barn • C., CIIICAOO. Price al.vti per bottle," for f.ale by Wholesale and :iletail+ 51 .' dealer.% And by 1. Forthinan, J. B. Ainberson, 111 1). and Dr. A. s 4. Bonbrake_)llraynesboro'; lionzer tl Bubrinan, Pikesvilie. ;Dec. 8, 1871-Iy. Uri EI NUJ 33 LE.GE Located at Freeland, Montgomery Coun t;-, Penn'a. THE ACADEMIC DEPARTMENT: (FORMERLY FREEL..ND SEMINARY.] A. First-class English, Mathematical and Classical Boarding School for ' TRIG EN AND RaTg Undar the immediate Tuition and Manage ment of the faculty of the college. TERMS MODERATE. All neeesgary expenses, including Tuition, Boarding, 'Washing, Books, &c., nut exceed ing $230 a year. THE COLLEGIATE DEPARTMENT A,PIZICE will be distinct front the academic, and will aihn•d all the advantages of a full college course in t 11,3 usual higherbranches of study, under the direction of a Faculty of six Professor:. ItP,The Academic Year for both Depart ments ed inti; the following three teruis:—The School opening with the Fall term; September 6, I ti7u to December '22. Winter term, January 4, 3871 to April 5. Spring term, April 12 to July 7, 1811. For further information apply to Rev. J. If. A. 130.311;ER“ ' D. n., President of trsinns ('allege, Ft'tzpland, :Montgomery County, Pa July 30 tr. WAY? ESBORO' COACII FACTORY! 0 - I,d. W. lIAWKER having withdrawn from the firm of Adams cL Hawker the subscriber informs the public that he con tinues the Coachmaking business in all its Iminches, at the old stand. Ile will at all time 4 have a supply of new Buguies, differ ent kinds, on hand • alsoseetind-hantied ve hicles. Repairing