The Waynesboro' village record. (Waynesboro', Pa.) 1871-1900, May 30, 1872, Image 1

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11031 E AGAII
Yes, there • it is, the old, old home !
The garden trim and neat,
The gambrel roof of ancient shape,
The rustic wooden seat;
The very smoke, it curls aloft,
As it was wont to do,
When years ago, with heavy heart,
I bade my home adieu.
The rustic stile on which I lean,
The fields all around me spread;
The silver streamin yonder glade,
The trees above my head ;
The waving corn like yellow gold,
The hedges thick and green,
All tell me that I am back.again
In some familiar scene.
villelittle - ebureh - whose - old — gra-y-spi .
Stands dark against, the sky, .
Now throws a shadow over the grave
Where both our brothers lie;
there's the tree I loved to. climb
And swing among its .oug ;
The tree where happy lovers,.eame,
To whisper lovers' vows.
'Bow many, many weary years
Have passed since that glad time
With shrinking feet I've often had
The hills of lila to.climb.
Climb on, brave heart, and do no£ fail ;
Halfway, 0, never stop,
For thongliAis gloomy in the vale,
There's sunlight at the top.
LitlirAtilatitous Neading.
Pretty Barbara Ferros would not mar
ry. Her mother was in consternation.—
" Vhy are you so stubborn, she asked,
you have plenty of lovers."
'But they do not suit rue," said Bar
bara, coolly tying her curls before the
"Why not ?"
"I want when I marry, a man who is
brave, egnal to any emergency. If I
give up my liberty, I want to be . taken
care of."
"Silly child ! what is the matter with
Barney, the blacksmith ?"
"He is big, but, I never learned that
he was brave."
"And you never learned that he was
"What is the matter with Ernest, the
"He's as placid as goat's milk."
"That is no sign he is a coward. There
is little Fritz. the tanner, he is quarel
some enough for you, surely."
"He is no bigger than a bantum cock.
It is little he could do if the house was
set upon by robbers."
"It's not always strength that wins a
-fight, girl. It takes brains as well as
brawn. Come now, Barbara, give these
fellows a fair trial."
Barbara turned her face before the
mirror, letting down, one raven tress and
hooking up another. "I will mother."
said she at last.
That evening Ernest, the gunsmith,
knocked at the door. "You sent for me,
Barbara ?" he asked, going to the girl,
who stood on the hearth coquetishly
warming one foot and then the other.
"Yes, Ernest," she replied. "I've
been thinking of what you said the oth
er night, when you were-here.",
"Welt, Barbara?"
Ernest spoke quietly, but - his dark
blue eyes flashed, and he looking at her
"I cant to test you."
"How ?"
"I want to see if you dare do - a very
disagreeable thing."
"What lS It ? "
, "There is an old coffin up stairs. It
smells of mould. They say Redmond
the murderer was buried in it, but the
devil came after his body and left the
coffin empty at the end of a week, and it
was finally taken from the tomb. It is
up stairsin the room my grandfather di
ed in, anti they say that grandsire does
not rest easy in .his grave, for some rea
son though that -I know nothing about:—
Dare you make that your bed to-night?"
Ernest laughed. "Is that all ! I 'will
do that and sleep soundly. Why pret
ty one, did you think that 3 had weak
nerves ?"
"Your nerves will have a good proof
if you undertake it. Remember, no one
sleeps in that wing of the house."
"I shall sleep the sounder."
"Good night, then. I will send a lad
to show you the chamber. If you stay
there until morning, "
said the imperious
Barbara, with a nod of her pretty head,
"I will marry you." •
"You vow it."
"I vow it ?"
Ernest turned straightway, followed
-the lad in waiting through dim rooms
.and passages, up echoing stairs, along
narrow, damp ways, where rats scuttled
before them, to a low chamber.' The
boy looked pale and scared, and evident
ly wanted to hurry away, but Ernest
made him stay until he took a survey of
the room by the aid of his lamp. It was
very large and full of recesses, with high
windows in them, which were barred a
.eross. He remembered that olcl grand
sire Ferros, had been crazy several years
:before his death, so that the precaution
had been necessary for the safety of him
self and others, In the centre of the
room stood a coffin ; beside it was placed
a chair. The room otherwise_ perfectly
Ernest stretched himself in the coffin.
"Be kind enough to tell Miss Barbara
that it's a very good it," said he. The
boy went out and shut the door, leaving
the gunsmith alone in the dark.
Meanwhile, Barbara was talking with
the blacksmith in the keeping room.
"Barney," said she, pulling her hand
away from his grasp when he would
have kissed her, "I've a test to put you
before I give my answer. Theie is a corpse
lying in the chamber where my grand
sire died, in the untennanted wing of the
house. If you dare sit with it all night
and let nothing drive you from your post
you will not ask me to marry you in
"You will give a light and a bottle of
wine, and a book to read ?"
"Are these all the conditions you can
orer me, Barbara?"
"AU. And if you get frightened you
need never look me in the thee."
"I'll take them, then."
—So-Barney_wo a' pow -laded to 11 °, 4 p. •
' by the lad, who nad been instructed in
the secret, and whose voluntary stare at
-- Efn - at's - pla - cid - firce - as it lay-in-th-e-cof
fin, was of a corpse. He took his seat
9and-tbe-boy-lett-him- alone-with-the=
darkness, the rats and the coffin.
Soon after young Fritz, the tanner,
arrived, flattered and hopeful, from the
fact that Barbara had sent for him. "Have
you' changed your mind Barbara ?" he
•`Nq; I shall not until I know that
you can do a really brave thing."
What shall it be ? I swear I shall sat
isfy you Barbara.
"1 have a T preposaLto_make_yfiu.__My
plan resiinres_skill_m_welLas_mu_rup,"
"'fell me!"
"Well, in this house is a man Watch
ing a corpse. He has sworn not to leave
his post until morning. If you can make
him do it I shall be satisfied that =you
are as smart and as brave as I require a
husband to be."
"Why nothing is so easy !" exclaimed
Fritz. "I can scare him away. Furnish
me with a white sheet, show me the
room, and go to your rest, Barbara. You
will find me at my post in the morning.
Barbara did as he required, and saw
the tanner step blithely away to his task.
It was then nearly twelve o'clock and
she sought her own chamber.
Barney was sitting at his vigil, and so
far all had been well. The night seemed
very long, fbr he had no means of count
ing the time. At timel3 a thrill went
through him, for it seems as if he could
hear icw suppressed breathing not ihr
away, but he persuaded himself it was
the wind blowing through the old house.
Still it was very - lonely, and not at all
The face in the coffin gleamed whiter
through the darkness. Tue rats squeak
ed as if famine was upon them and they
smelled flesh. The thought made him
shudder. He got up and walked about
but something made a slight noise, as if
somebody was behind him, and he put
his chair with the back against the wall
and sat down again. He had been hard
at work all day, and iu spite of every
thing he grew sleepy And he noded
and snored.
Suddenly it seemed as if somebody had
touched him. He awoke with a start
and nobody near, though in the centre of
the room stood a white figure. "Curse
you get out of this!" he exclaimed in a
a fright, using the very words that came
to his tongue. The figure held up its its
right, hand and approached him. He
started to his feet. The spectre came
nearer, pressing him into the corner.
"The devil take you," cried Barney in
his extremity.
Involluntary he stepped back ; still the
figure advanced, coming nearer and near
er, and extended both arms as if to take
him in a ghostly embrace. The hair
started up on Barney's head, he grew
desperate, and as the gleaming arms
would have touched him lie fell upon the
ghost like a whirlwind, tearing off the
sheet, thumping and pounding, kicking
and beating, more and more outraged at
the resistance he met, which told him the
As the reader knows, Barney was' big
and Fritz was little ; and while pum
meling the tanner unmercifully, and
Fritz was trying to lunge at Barney's
stomach, to take the. wind out of him,
both plunging and kicking like horses,
they were petrified to hear a voice cry :
"Take one of your size, Big Barney."
Looking around, they saw the corpse
sitting up in his coffin. This was too
much. They released each other and
sprang to the door. They never knew
how they got out, but tbey ran home
panting like stags.
It was Barbara herself who came and
opened the door upon Ernest next morn
"It's very early; one more little nap,"
said he turning over in his coffin.
So she married him ; and though she
sent Fritz and Barney invitations to
the wedding, they did not appear. If
they discovered the trick, they _ kept the
knowledge to themselves and never will
itwly faced J3arbara's laughing eyes t?a
In one of Courts out Nest, a juryman
being called and pot answering, the usu
al notice that he would be fined was pro
nounced against him; which a person
who stood by said to the, "You may Judge
fine him as much as you . please hut I
don't think that you will recover the
fine, for I saw him 'hurried ab •ut a week
• a I a . 4I ti ;:. NII 7 , • II- :. :. ..;ps 4,, :;:.
It is generally held that there is very
little of the romantic element in the Anaer
kart PreSidency, and not without reason,
for men enter the .Presidential offices Se
late in life 'that they have' become a mat
ter Of fact as soapsuds and sileratus ; •bitt
ex-Governor Wise, of Virgil:di:tin his re
cently published and very clever volume,
"Semen decades of the Onion"--well de
serves reading, gives' an account of PreSi
dent Tyler's second marriage that is very
interesting. Mr. Tylor become a widoWer
while he was President, Josing a wife alto
was a very noble woman,, a member of
the well-known family of Christian, in the
Old Dominion. He was a domestic man,
and a pure man, and a second' marriage
is the most 'natural - "thing in the world
when a man has been happy in the first
marriage; but then it is thought that a
widower should' marry a lady of experi
ence not unlike his own: Mr. Wise says
that he was in Mr. Tyler's coach, taking
a drive with him, in March, 1844, when
he soon discovered that his friend would
talk only of love and ladies. "We had
always heard," said Mr.; Wise,"that an
old fool is the worst of fools in love sick
contortions into hideous shapes of seem
ing. He got out at last that he thought
of marriage, and wanted to know our o
pinion on the subject. "Well of course"
you - lave sought ararfou - hduntsbme lii li
ly honored dame of dignity, who can bring
grace to the White House and add to your
domestic comfort ? '"Oh no dame,
but a
sweet damsel." "Who, pray, of' damsel
degree could or should au old President
win ? He told us, and we uttered our as
tonishment by asking, "Have you really
won her ?" he replied, "Yes ; and why
should I not?" 'We answered that he was
too far advanced in life to be imprudent
ed. "Easily—, you-are-mtLoaly-past—the
middle age," '(he was then 54,) "but ycu
are President of the United States, and
that is a • dazzling dignity, which may
charm a damsel more than the ma ;I •
marries." "Pooh he cried chuckling.
"Why, my dear sir, lam just full in my
prime !" Ah, but has John Y. Mason told
me about an old frieucl of his on the south
side of the James, rich and full of acres,
calling his African waiter, Toney, into
council upon the tender topic of marrying
a miss in her teens ? Toney 'shook 'his
head and said, "Massa, you think you can
' stand dat ?" "Yes Toney; why not? She
is so sweet, so beautiful, that she would
make me rise from a bed of illness and
weakness to woo her for .a bride; but I
am yet strong, and I can now, as well as
ever I could, make her happy !" "Yes ;
but, Massa," says Tony, "you is now in
your prime," dat's true ; but, when she is
in her prime, where den Massa will your
prime be ?
He laughed heartily at Toney's philo
sophical observation, but afterward, in
seriousness, said that he longed for the
renewal of his domestic life, and had been
fairly caught by the liame'of Miss Gar
diner. We remonstrated th his lifewas
renewed in his children in That, he had
daughters, full of grace, fit to do the
honors of the White House, and some of
them were the elders of his intended.
What if family dissent should Make domes
tic jars, and his latter days be troubled?
He had, he said, always been too tender
to the pledgs ofhis past love for them
ever to withhold from him their filial
confidence, or deny to him his parental
authority to judge and act J . ()) his own
happiness! We saw the game was up,
and then said': 'We see you are• beyond
counsel,and you have ever been too lucky
for us now to doubt or distrust your
fate. You are going to marry the dam
sel, and we are not foolish enough to
make two enemies by opposing the pas
sion of the wooer and the won. The mar
riage took place on the' 20th of June,
181 7 4. President Tyler being then in his
55 year, and the bride, Miss Julia Gardi
ner, about 20, and whom we remember
being' much spoken of as a beautiful girl,
and a Washingthn Belle of those long
gone days. She was a 'New York lady,
of good family, as the phrase is, and de
scended, we have heard, from old Lyon
Gardiner, who flourished in the colonial
'age, and who gave his name to Gardiner's
Bay and Gardiner's Island, on Long
island Sound. The marriage proved a
very happy one, and Mrs. Tyler, who
has survived her husband more than ten
years, d is not yet old. Mr. Tyler some
years' tiller the marriage, said to Mr.
Wise, when the latter noted that his
friend kept 'a double-seated, four wheel
ed wicker carriage for small children.'
'Yes you see how right it was; it was no
vain boast when I told you I was in my
prime. I have a household of goodly
babies budding around me, and if you
will go up with me to Sherwood, I will
show you how bountifully and rapidly I
have been blessed. They are all so near
in age that they are like stair-steps, and
the two youngest arc so much babies alike
that each requires the nurse's coach ; and
we have to have one with two seats!' So
that marriage turned out well, despite the
fact that the gentleman was old enough
to be the lady's grand-father, and we are
glad of it, for Mr. Tyler had so much in
justice done him as a public man that he
was entitled to compensation in his pri
vate life.
An old bachelor picking up a book,
exclaimed upon seeing a wood-cut repre
senting a man kneeling at the foot of
a woman: "Before I would kneel to a
woman I would encircle my neck witd a
rope, and stretch it?' And then turning
to a young woman, he inquired : "Do
you not think it would be the best thing
I could dor "It would undoubtedly be
the best for the woman," was tho sarcas
tic reply."
John Tyler.
The following hri . ef, but trite and truth
esay is from the pen of Dr. Chas. S.
Hayshain, of Newton township, this coun
ty. We take it-from the Ware; Gazett:
When Adam was turned from the Gar
den of Eden inconsequence of his trans
gressing the'law imposed on him ,by his
Creator, he .was informed that he should
{earn hip , bread by the sweat of his brow,'
and* earth shoUld only yield her in—
crease to the earnest efforts of the inhabi
tants thereof. This, although figurative,
teach us that it was the intention of the
Divine Creator of us all that man should
not be, idle:. „ .
, .
You will always fiad that the laws 'of
nature, which are those' of God, invaria
bly point to the good of his creatures,and
will, if you carefully study, discover that
this seemingly hard sentence imposed qp
on first parent,was not so great a mis
fortune as it might appear to be.
If you study the human system you will
find that it is necessary for the proper de
velopment of every function that it should
be exercised, no matter whether those
functions be animal Or intellectual. Man
being compelled to work for his very sub
sistence is compelled to exercise his .var
good health, both mentally and physical
ly. ,The laws of nature are immutable,
and those who transgress them are sure to
suffer in the .end.
Where-wei4e - an - ittdividt4 - who - d - cce
not work, we see one who is in the way of
every hody—who is generally' an intruder
wherever he goes, and although his society
may be for a while tolerated, his absence
is as much desired wilds company, But
as his senses are pftert obtuse he fails to
see it, and sometimes we have fairly, to
push him out of the way, in order to save
his feelings, and prevent ourselves from
doing that which we would 'not like to do,
so, and if you will observe the people of
our nation, you will find that only those
wbo . aw the most active have apparently
themost pleasure. Did you ever observe
ly busy
11. -- tlCy busy man ? How happy he ar;-
pearel,".to be ! He has had no time to at
tend to the business of his neighbors. • He
is entirely taken up by his own ailairs. 7 -r
Yet strange as it may appear, he knows
all that is going on in the nation, and Can
give to his lazy neighbor all the infbrma
tion he may desire. The brain of a busy
man is in constant activity, and in conse
quence of this is capable of appreciating
things which are totally incomprehensi
ble to those of lazy habits.
We find those of the present day who
try to make us believe that work is de
grading, and only those who do nothing
for a living areon their own words, re
spectable. This feeling produces more
injury to society than at first my be im
agined. It takes hold , of the young, the
uneducated; the immature mind, and by
thus doing leads them on to destruction.
It is necessary for every member of'a com
munity to do their share towards the com
mon weal, and in order to do this they
must work—fbr only by work can they ac
complish anything. IdlenesS is the parent
of vice, and you will always find the idle
ready for mischief or crime, and it has
been seriously contemplated to compel
every. parent to teach, or have taught,
each and every one of the children some
useful occupation, this being the only way
in which crime may be prevented.
It has been said by those who have been
styled political economists that a man who
can make an acre of ground prOduce twice
:IS much as it did before he took hold of
it, has done more for the good of the hu
man race than he who gains a. gieat bat
tle. Work ennobles not degrades a man.
A man at work may not always be well
dressed as his tastes would desire ; but he
can always be decent, andneed never be
ashamed. In one of the courts of London
a brickmaker was summoned as a witness.
He the court-room from the brick
yard, and, of course, his clothes was soil
ed. "How dare you come here so dirty ?"
asked the Judge. "I am as well dressed
as you are,' answered .the workman. Ta
ken all aback the Judge asked him to ex
'Jain. "I am in my working dlothes,you
are in yours." The Judge acknowledged
the corn, and so the matter ended.
By work alone can we prosper; by work
alone •can we be healthy ; by work alone
can we be physically, mentally, and mor
ally good, and you musttemember that if
we find nothing for our own hands to do,
the devil. will.
ious facts about the Bible were ascertain
ed, it is said, by a convict, sentenced to . a
long term of solitary confinement:
The Bible contains 3,586,489 letters,
773,692 words, 31,173 verses, 1,180 chap
ters, and 66 books. The word "and" oc
curs 46,277 times. The word "Reverend"
but once, which is in the 9th verse of the
11th Psalm. The middle verse is the Bth
verse of the 118th Psalm. The 21st verse
of the 7th chapter of Ezra contains all
the letters of the alphabet except the let
ter J. The finest chapter to read is the
26th chapter of the Acts of the Apostels.
The 19th chapter of 11 Kings and the
37th chapter of Isaiah are alike. The
longest verse is the 9th verse of the Bth
chapter of Eshter. The shortest verse is
the 36th verse of the 11th chapter of St.
John. The Bth, 15th, 21st and 31st ver
ses of the 107th Psalm are alike. All the
verses of the 136th Psalm end alike. There
are no words or names of more than six
A man who has a strona , mind can
bear to be insulted, can bear offences,
because he is strong, The weak mind
snaps and snails at a little ; the strong
mind bears it like a rock, and it moveth
not, though a thousand breakers dash
upon it and east their pitiful malice in
spray upon its summit. •
I love to dream of olden days,
When you and I were young,
When happily life's golden rays
Above our pathway hung ;
And though the present brings its joy
To gild the passing hours,
I dream of days without alloy—
A spring-time and its flowers.
I love to think of those bright honrs,
Though happy days come now—
well to prize the faded flowers•
That bloom on youth's fair brow ;
How bright the future then appeared
How sweetly birds then sung,
When loving friends our path cheered,
When you and I were young ! •
The loved companions of those days
Have left us, one by' one—,
And some have trod the golden ways
To realms beyond the sun ;
Yet death's hand shall bring to view
,The scene that hope had sung,
Oh! may 'we meet the friends we knew
When you and 1, were young
Take ninety pounds of flesh and bone
but chiefly bones—wash clean, bore holes
in the ear and cut of the small toes; bend
the back to conform to the Grecian bend _
r3e ostou dip, the kangaroo droop, the
Saratoga slope, or the bull-frog break, as
the taste inclines; then add three yards
of linen, one hundred yards of ruffles and
seventy-five yards of edging, eighteen yds.
dimity, one pair silk cotton hose with pat
tent hip attachments, one pair of fidse
calves, six yards flannel,
pair Balmoral boots with heels three inch
es' high, four pounds whalebone in strips;
seventeen hundred and sixty yards of steel
- wire; three quarters eta — milif - W ten
ids --' - • --- wire he '
pouth 4 raw cotton or two wire hemis
pheres , one wire basket to hold a bushel,
four copies of the biggest newspaper you
atn'get, one hundred and fifty yards of
•s' ks anil other dreqq goods,fm—hundred.
yards of point lace, fourteen hundred yds.
fringe and other trimmings, twelve gross
of buttons, one box of pearl powder, one
saucer of carmine and an old bare's foot,
one huphel of false hair frizzled and fret
ted a la Manitujite, one bundle Japanese
Twitches., with rats, mice and other var
mints, one peck of hair pius,one lace hand
kerchief, nine inches square, with patent
holder, . Perfume with ottar. of roses, or
Sprinkle With nine drops of the "Blessed
Baby" or "West End." Stuff the head
with fashionable novels, ball tickets play
bills and wedding cards, some scandal, a
great, deal of lost time and a very little
sage ; add a half grain of common sense,
three scruples of religion, and a modicum
. of modesty. Season with vanity and af
fectation and folly. Garnish witliearrings,•
finger rings, breastpins, chains, bracelets,
feathers and flowers to suit the taste.—
Pearls and diamonds may be thrown in
if you have them ; .if not, paste and pinch
back from the dollar store will do.
Whirl all around in a fashionable cir
cle and stew by gaslight for six hours.
Great care should be takenthat the thing
is not overdone.
If it does not rise sufficiently, add more
copies of big newspapers, folded.
This dish is highly ornamental, and will
do to put at the head of your table on
grand occasions, but is not suitable for
every day use at home, being very expel
siveand indigestible. If sometimes gives
men the heartburn arid causes them to
break, and is certain death to children.
When you cast a slur at religion, stop
and think whether you have anything bet
ter to offer the wayfarer to guide him thro'
life in ways of peace and respectability.
Of all the thousands who are doing
their best to tear down Christianity, who
offers to build up a better and a stronger
temple than they would destroy ?
Were you in a house with a family of
children, would you, while a fierce storm
raged outside, tear its shelter from over
their' heads, because it was not perfect in
architecture, if you had no other house of
safety into, which to conduct your fathily?
As a rule, it is not well to change a faith
in middle or mature life, which has car
ried a soul thus far in safety through vi
cissitudes and temptations. To love God,
be charitable and tolerant to others' opin
ions and actions, guarding' more our own
house than our neighbor's, is the chief
thing—leaving quarrels and disputes over
creeds and dogmas to die out, as they are
a curse to the huinan race.
Grains of Gold.
A woman who has never been pretty
has never been young.
Dishonesty is the tbrsaking of-perma
nent for temporary advantages.
Providence, it has not been inaptly
said, provides for the provident.
A noble heart, like the sun, -shows
is greatest countenance in its lowest
sta, te.
Show me a people whose trade is
dishonest and I will show you a peo
ple whose religion is a sham.
Minds of moderate calibre are apt to
ignore everything that does not come
within their own range.
Great power and natural gifts do• not
bring priviledges to their possessors so
much as they brinw b duties.
the superiority of some men is mere
ly local. They are great because their
associates are little.
• The difficulty in fife is the same as
the difficulty in grammar—to know when
to make exceptions to the rules.
It is a mortkying reflection for any
man to consider whit he has done, .com
pared with what he might have done.
Subscribe for the Record
Andersonville in 1/3'72.
The National cemetery, north of the
railroad, contains fifty acres and it is sur
rounded by a white board fence, with an
Osage orange hedge inside. Here are the
graves of 13,716 Union solders, nearly 13
000 of whom died either within the stock
ade or the hospitals of Andersonville dur
ing the short period of fburteen months.
The first burial was on February 27, 1864
and the last, April 28, 1865. During the
summer of 1864 the deaths averaged over
100 a day. Placed side by side in trench
es,-and as closely as possible, in rows of
150 each, the dead were 'buried by their
'comrades. -The graves occupied nine acres
of the grounds and all are marked by a
head board containing the name, rank,
arm of the service, regiment, company,
State and date of' death of each soldier.
Four handsome avenues with walks on
either side, bordered by two rows of trees,
leads to a circle where stands a tall
staff, from whose top - floats the star spang
led banner. _ During the past two years
'many young trees have been planted,that
will soon greatly increase the beauty of
the enclosure. At the intersection of the
paths-and usually- in close proximity to
he - ft,ra• •vavyysts-have-been--put-up---bear
ing tablets with appropriate inscriptions,
two of which read as follows :
''On Fame's eternal camping , ground
Their silent tents are spread,
And glory guards withWolemn round.
The bivouac of the dead."
"The hopes, the fears, the blood the tears,
That marked the bitter strife,
Are now all crowned by victory,
That saved the Nation's life."
As was fitting and convenient, the stock
ade was only three hundred yards from
the cemetery and the roads so arranged
that_the_wagons_could return from it by
44ty-of'the-bak-errand-receive the b uad
to be distributed among the surviving
souldiers. The stockade was constructed
of large pine logs, twenty feet high,set five
feet in the ground, and as closely as pos
sible together. Within the interior space,
seventeen feet from the logs, was the fam
ions dead line,marked by small posts driv
en into the clay and a board nailed on top
of them. Fifty-two sentry boxes *ere plac
ed upon the inner stockade, raised above
the top of the palisades and reached by'
ladders. Outside, seven forts, with field
artillery, commaded the entire grounds.
Within this enclosure of less than twen
ty-six acres, there were confined at one
time as many as 30,000 prisoners, without
eithes shade or shelter, and dependent for
water from a small brook that was the re
ceptacle of the oflitll from the enemy's
camp, situated a short distance above.—
This was their only supply, except that
small amount procured by digging holes
in the ground, until August, 1864, when
a spring of pure water burst forth from
the dry, sandy hill-side within the stock
ade. This was named`Providential Spring'
and it appeared to our poor men as much
an interposition of God to preserve their
lives as when He, by the hand of Moses,
slaked the eonsuming thirst of the Israel
ites at the rock of Horeb.
It would be impossible, were it not worse
than useless, to discribe our feelings as
we walked through the city of the dead,
and trod the soil, every foot of which was
moistened by the: , tears and reddened by
the blood of so many patriots. What
those 39,000 heroes suffered during the
fburteen months they were shut upin that
stockade, without a tree, shelter or blan—
ket, faint from sickness, and pestilential
air, scorched, drenched, mocked, hunger-
ed,•starved—let us not draw the picture,
but lover it up as too appalling for mor
tal sight, and commit the decision of the
cause to the righteous Judge of all the
earth,—Rev. itlr. Craighead in Observer.
A Fortune at a Word.
I heard the other day of a Profitable
transaction made by to young Israelites,
who recently arrived here penniless and
almost in rags, which, for shrewdness and
success, has seldom been equaled. They
were walking about the town looking . for
employment, when they noticed in the
custom house a quantity of damaged cof
fee advertised to be sold at 'auction in a
few days. At once forming their plan of
operations, they immediately visited vari
ous wholesale dealers, and offered to so
cure them coffee at five per cent. discount.
This was accepted, and orders received
from reliable firms enough to cover the
whole cargo in the custom house. On
the day of the sale these two poverty
stricken men were among the crowd of
dealers assembled to inspect the various
sacks of coffee.—When the bidding com
menced, these two venturesome ones bid
very low. The crowd looked at the poor
devils once, thinking they wanted a sack
or two, let their bid remain good, and it
was knocked down to them at an extreme
ly low figure.
`How much do you want, more than
one sack ?' inquired the auctioneer.
`The whole cargo, sir,' they quickly re
There was a general laugh at their au
dacity, which increased when the auction
eer mockingly asked for their Pecurity.
But the tables turned when the poor men
very quietly drew out. orders from lead
ing merchants, whose genuineness could
not be denied, and these paupers of an
hour before found themselves possessed of
eighty thousand dollars without expend
ing one cent to obtain it, or seeing the
coffee at all.—New— Irk letter -to New
BedArd Mercury.
An excelleni, mother, in writing to one
of her sons on. the birth of his eldest
child, says: on,
him an education,
that his life ; teach him re
ligion, thaehis dco4:ll2zlY - be haPPY."
$2.00 PER YEAR
flit and ,Numar.
When is butter like Irish children ?
When it is niade into little pats.
Why is a large carpet like the late re
belion ? Because it took such a lot of
tax to put it down:
It may sound like a parodox, yet the
breaking of both wings of an. army is a
pretty sure way to make it fly.
If you can't coax a fish to bite, try
your persuasive powers upon a cross dog
and you will be sure to succeed.
The last question that has troubled
philosophers is this: Which milks a
girl most pleasure, to hear herself prais
ed' or another girl run down ?
If your neighbor's hens are trouble
some and steal across the way, don't let.'
your angry passions rise ; fix a place for
them to lay !
Why will people persist in calling scis
sors and shears a pair of scissors, ctc. Be
cause a man• has two legs does that make
- hima - pairo .
A gentlethan of Ellsworth, Maine, made
a bet with.his 'Wife that he could unalress,
go to bed, •et up, dress and then undress,
- and - go'to--bed-againr- while-she- was pre:-
paring to go to bed. He won his bet.
Stubbs wonders where all the pillow
cases go to. Ile sags lie never asked a
a girl whai she was making, 'while engag
ed in white sewing, without being . told it
was a pillow ease.
An Eastern man locked his wife into
an upper room,and not being satisfied with
this punishment, but wishing to aggravate
hot still fui titer, 'seat • •
bone. The youth innocently brought it;
and said, "Mother, father sent this up, and
says there is a bone for, you to pick." The
gentle mother replied : "Take it back, and
tetl him I say, 'he is not your father; and
there's a bone for him to pick."
A stolen kiss saved a girl's life in Leav
enworth, for if theiman who did the deed
had not pulled ber head forward just as ho
did, a beam, which fell from the . upper
floor, Would have dashed her, brains out.
Such is the story, anyhow. And now the
Leavenworth girls, when in - gentlemen's
company, cast their eyes furitively at the
ceiling, and act just as if they would as
leaf have a beam fall as not, if they were
certain the young men would pull their
heads in time.
Next to being married to the right per
son there is nothing so' important in one's
life as to live under one's own roof. There
is Something more than a poetical charm
in the expression of the wife ;
We have our cozy house : it is thrice
dear to us because it is our own. Wehave
bought it with the saving of our earnings,
Many were the soda fountains, the con
fectionary saloons, and the necessities of
the market we had to pass; many a time
my noble husband denied himself the
comfort of tobacco, the refreshing draught
of beer; wore his . old clothes, and even
patched up his boots; and I made my old
bonnet do, wore the plainest clothes, did
the plainest cooking; saving was the or
der of the hour, and to 'have a home of
our own' had been our united aim.
Now we have it ; there's no landlord
troubling us with raising the rent, and
exacting this and that. There is no fear
harbored in our bosom that iu sickness or
old age we will be thrown out of house
and home,and thtirnoney we have saved to
pay rent is sttfficieut to keep us in comfort
in the winter days - of life.'
What a lesson do the above , words
teach, and how well it would be if hun
dreds of families would heed them, and
instead of living in rented houses, which
take a large share of their capital to fur
nish, and quarter of their earnings to pay
the rent, dress and eat accordingl
would bravely curtail expenses;and con
centrate their efforts on having a 'borne
of their own.'—'Better a cottage, of your
own than a rented palace.'
One day a young man entered a Met..
chant's office in Boston, and with a: pale
and careworn face, said ;
"Sir, I am in need of help. I haw)
been unable to meet certain payments, be ;
cause certain parties have not done as
they agreed by me, and I would like to
have $lO,OOO. • I name to you because
you were it friend to my fitther, and
might be a friend to me."
"Come in," said the r old merchant,
"come in and have a glass of wine."
"No." said the young' man, "I don't
"Have a cigar, then ?"
"No, I never Ilioke,"
Well;" said the old gentleman, "I
would like to accommodate yuu, but I
don't think I can."
"Very well," said the young man, a
he was about to leave the rooni, "I thought,
perharrA you might. Good-day, sir."
"1-lold on," said • the merchant, "you
don't drink?"
"Nor smoke ?"
"Nor gamble., or anything of that
kind ?"
"No, sir, I am Ftworietecdent of' the
Sender School."
"Well," Sai4i the merchant, "you sbail
have it, and three times the amount if
you wish. Your father let me
$5,000 once, and asked mo the same
questions. He trusted me, and I will
frlist yen. No tlituzicti owe it to you
for your father'a:trust.'‘':