id class U. S. W il go Agent. .oturisB of pa trons in 40 States in Circular. $l.OOO Irl' Mn jcare • d e i , Bleeding, Itching or Ulcerated Piles that )e Rizig's Pile Rem edy fails to-cure. It is prepared expressly to cure the Piled, and nothing else. Sold by all ists. Pr ice, , $lOO. • • , BOOKof useful knowl edge to all. Sent free for two stamps.— Address Dr. Bonaparte& Co. Cincinnati, 0. (IncorporatedlB6o) COLUMBIA FIRE INSURANCE CO. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS. :S. S. Detwiler, Pres't. I Robt. Crane. H. Wilson Vice Prest. Wm. Patton. .Herb'tThomas,Treas I Jas. Schroeder. J. F. Frueauff, See'y. J. S. Strine. .J. B. Bachman.M. M. Strickler. %Geo. Bogle. R. T. Ryon. For Insurance or agencies, address J. F. FRUEAUFF, Sec'y, Columbia, Pa AGENTS WANTED .— Agents make more moneynt work for us than at anything else. Business light and permanent. Par ticulars free. G. Stinson Sr, Co., Fine Art Pzublishera, Portland, Maine. PORTABLE SODA . FOUNTAINS. $4O, $5O, - $75 and $lOO. GOOD DURABLE, AND CHEAP Shipped ready for use ! MANUFACTURED BY 3. W. CHAPMAN & CO., Madi son. lnd. Eliii'SEND FOR CIRCULAR-62 Cheap Farms t Free Homes ! ON TUE LINE OF THE 1E11.1031 PACIFIC R. R. A LAND GRANT Or 12,000,000 A. C, It ID Si , BEST FARMING AND MINERAL LANDS Is A MERICA 3.000.000 ACRES ix 7 , 7 ....EBITASICA l!IfM GARDEN OF THE WEST, NOW FOR SALE! These lands are in the central portion ol the United States, on the 41 degree of North Latitude, the central line of the Great Tem perate Zone of the American Continent. .and fox grain growing and stock raising un surpassed by any in the United States. CHEAPER IN PRICE, more favorable terms given, and more convenient to mar ket-than - can be found elsewhere. FREE HOMESTEADS FOR SETTLERS, 'THE BEST LOCATIONS FOR COLONIES. SOLDIESS ENTITLED TA A HOMESTEAD OF 160.ACEFS. Free Passes to Purchasers - of - Land. Send for the new Descriptive Pamphlet with new maps, published in English, Ger man, Swedisk and Danish, mailed free eve• ry w here. Address 0. F. DAVIS, Laud Commissioner, U. P. R. R. Co., Omaha, Neb. CLERK 0 IP THE COURTS. EA'. W. DE_TEICIi will ask for, anti us mem s will urge that he shall have the Republican nomination for the Office o Clerk of the Courta. Convention meet. June 31, 1872. May 2—te PIANIST, PUNTS Fr HE subscriber notifies all persons in want of Plants that he has now on hand and for sale Early •Cabbage, Beet, and the different varieties of. Sweet Potatoe Plants. May '2-3t M. C. DETRICH. SELLING AT COST. T" s•bscriber would inform his cus tomers and the public that he is selling off atfirst cost his city Shoes and Gaiters for 7 ,, "n, women and children, and is therefore off ning•great inducinents to dies° wanting an: thing in his line. de has also several kinds of prime Syr ups which he is retailing at short profits, WM. STEWART. Ringgold, May 2-3 w. snarly:REF GOODS_ t It4ISSES STICKEL & GORDON annoucn their lady friends of Waynesboro' anp vicinity that they have received their Spring and Summer supply of new Millin ery Goods, embracing all styles of Bonnets, Hats Trimmings, &e. &c. Call next door to Dr. Amberson's Drug Store. April 25--tf 40 BARRELS OF CIDER VINEGAR. riNiiE subscriber oars for sale in quanti -1 ties ranging from fivegallons and up wards, about forty barrels of pure cider vinegar. Warrunied a genuine article. April 25—tf B. F. FUNK. LILT NIL BEIM FOR SALE. T"Esubscriber notifies the public that he is now sawing to order at his Steam Saw Mill, about of a South of Shady Grove, on the farm of Melciior Snively. all kinds of Building Material. All•orders ad• dressed to him at-Shady Grove will receive prompt attention. He also offers at Private Sale his Steam Mill, Shingle Mills, Stave Cutter and all the machinery connected therewith. April 25-3 in GEO. STOLER. 'WAYNESBORO' BAKELY__ AND CO=MC'TIOWA.R;I7".. rr HE subscriber announces to the eg g zens of Waynesboro' and vicinity that he has fitted up a room in the dwelling house of Mrs. Brotberton. opposite the Ho tel of S. P. Stoner, (formerly the Bowden House) as a Bakery. And first class Confec tionary, where perstiais can be supplied with the finest Confections and Sweet Cakes of all kinds Nuts, Fruits, &c. He will also supply Tice Cream in season, Lemonade and other mild drinks. Sweet Cakes bak ed to order if desired, and candies manu factured and sold wholesale as well as re tail. As he purposes keeping on hand a well assorted stock of articles in his line, he hopes to merit a liberal share of public pa tronaqe. April 38 —tf :T. Ti CT T. A Ctr t ...- VILA. A a a x v... •aeilL.... 1., THE subscriber living at Ileantifill View prings, four and a ha,lf miles East of Waynesboro', would inform the public that having had considerable experience in raising hardy plants, he intends making it a permanent business, and will have all the new variety of Sweet Potato plants, in . due time for planting; also Cabbage, To matoes, Beets, 6:c. He will always endea vor to get the best variety that can be had. With ri disposition to give every one the value of his money, he hopes to get a liber al Share of public patronage. 4F1 . 1 B. GILBERT. i - tnrni.l'E coNvr,x spei-tuu t:„ L t t-• -7 ALEX. LEED RENY 120003 AUERSON BENEDICT & CO% --:o virE are now receiving our new supply of new • SPRING GOODS, to which we respectfully call the attention of our customers and the public generally. We have a full stock of all kinds of goods usually kept in town, among which area full line of Groceries, Hardware, Queensware, Glassware, Oil Cloths, MEN AND BOY'S C A SSIMERES AND COATINGS, A HEAVY BROWN AND BLEACH'D MUSLIN% TICKINGS, DENIIMS, &C., &C ALSO - LADIES DRESS GOODS OF ALL KINDS Please give us a call before going else— .there and we will try to convince you that , )ur prices are as low as the lowest. AMBERSON, BENEDICT & CO. April 25-1872. J. W. MILLER GRAND OPENING Magnificent .!Jrray SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS FOR 1572 AT THE STORE OF J.W.MILLER E take pleasure in announcing to our V friends that we have opened for in inspection a handsome stock of goods fot the Spring and Summer trade, Our stock in every department was selected with a view to please both in style and quality.— The following list embraces in part the leadin2 styles rOMICEIS Ssi ca- CIC)r, IS, Black 8,-. Cold Alpaccas, Plaid Japinese Cloths, Persian Cloths, Princess Mixtures, Mohairs, Poplins, Paris Oriental and American Percales, "Dolly Carden" Prints. In the cloth departmont we have all the modern styles iu ENGLISH, FRENCH, SCOTCH AND MORINO CASSTMERS Coatings 4: Vestings, Cotonades, Jeans, Denims, Linens, &c. Domestics, Tickings Prints, Drillings NOTIONS !• NOTIONS ! Hip Gon Corsets, Bustles, Switches, Glens, Hosiery, Lace Collars, Ladies & Gents Hdk'fs, Silks & Palm Fans, Paper Cuffs & Collars, Mystic Ruffle. Pique Timing, Jaconet Eding, &c New designs Spring and Summer • Holley Comb & Jacquard Quilts, - Importad& - Rag Carpet, Stair Carpet & Oil Cloth, Floor & Table Oil Cloth SHOES AND GAITERS, Ladies Masses and Chilclrens, Shoes 4: Gaiters, "Dolly Verdens" Slippers for Ladies. Meals Heavy A full. line of prime Groceries . always on hand, HARDWARE, GLASSWARE, QUEENSWARE, CEDARWARE, Paints, Oils and Window Glass, Call and examine goods and prices. No trouble to show goods. April 25,1872, J. W. M. & CO. Executor's Notice. NOTICE is hereby given that Letters Testimentary to the estate of Eliza E. Stoner, late of Waynesboro', Pa., dee'd, ht s been granted to tlie undersigned. All pet sons knowing themselves indebted to said . estate will please make immediate payment and those having claims against the Sallie will please present them properly authent:- eated settlement. tlprE 11--6 t JOS. S. STONER, Ex'r SPRING MOE GREETING Pold and reliable firm of PRICE & IMEFLICH•take pleasure in informing the host of patrons that they havejust op ened a large and. elegant selection of DRY-GOODS & GROCERIES • which they are offering regardless of the recent rises in the City, prominent among the many specialities' are the following. amass 41343 , 07:10 2 SILKS, - BL'K de COL'D ALPAC . AS, • MOHAIRS, • LUSTRES, POPLINS, CHAMBRAYS, PERCALES, LAWNS, and all the latest Novelties of the season.. 4ID, 11E4 €Olll r3IL" 3E3 19 al A full Line of - English, French and American Cloths & Casimers, Corduroys, Jeans, Carpets, Oil Blinds, ro m 331 ria x ss . Quilts, Oil Cloths, COTTONADES , ar -c) c, Coffees, S. C. MILLER Queensware, &c., in large quantities cheap. PRICE & HOEFLICIL EXCELSIOR POST BORING AND W DOD SA WING MACH IRE PATENTED, APRIL 16, 1872. riIHE subscriber informs the public that J. he is now manufacturing to order at the Quincy Foundry and B tachine Shops the above Machine, which excells anything of the kind now in use. It can be attached to Steam, Water or Horse Power. With this machine from twenty to twenty-five cords of wood can be sawed in one day; it also bores at least three hundred Posts per day. The Shop prices of the machines are, 45 dollars without Saw, 60 dollars with Saw and Table, all complete. Persons . wishing to purchase either machines at:territory. He also is prepared is do all kinds of re paring on reasonable ter ms and castings fur nished to order, such as Separator Castings, Plough Castings, a variety of Fence Pattern, &c. Persons will do v:ell to 'give him u call. - 31uslins, Ginghams, CARPETS ! CARPETS ! has just returned front New York and Phil adelphia with the largest and best assort ment of CARPETS & OIL CLOTHS in the County, Consisting of New Styles and Patems, ENGLISH BRUSSELS,, zniry 04111P.8r t OIL CLOTHS all widths, 4-4, 5-4, 6-4, 8-4, 10-4, Brogans, Oil and Linen "NAT2Z73:DaVV . SH.IILDMS, Rag Carpets, constantly on hand and made Selling lower than any other house in the County, call and see my large stock be fore purchasing elsewhere, as I ant selling at old prices, THE snlaseriber has now for sale a prime article of Chestnut Shingles, a supply of which he will continue to keep on hand.— . Ile has also for sale a large lot of alastering 1 Laths. April 18 NEW GOODS, NEW GOODS. Denims, Fastens, Summer Shalls, Counterpanes, Ginghams, Shirting Stripes, In large quantities at original figures. N 0 up x 0 MIT SI ,o Hosiery, Gloves, Y. andkerehiefs, Suspenders,, And in feet everything in the Notion line. Sugars, Rice, Spices, Soaps, Glassware, April 1.&-tf METCALF'S JOHN L. METCALF, Quincy, Franklin Co., Pa April 4, 102—ly I. H. WHITMORE. Extra super, superfine and Cotton Chains, and Drugget and Crumb Cloth, Rugs and Mate, China Matting, Rope Matting, &e. &c., EVER OFFERED GREENCASTLE, PA. to order at wholesale and retail March 14, 1872 SHLNIGLES, S. 13. RINEHART 1872. SPRING; 1872. MOODS. •M. IN MS. BEAVER & JACOBS, Have opened a complete assortment of NEW GOODS, SPRING IND SUMER SEISON As all Goods are sold at Marked with And purchased at Cottons, Linens, &e. We are justifiable in promising Buyers, decided advantage in price. BOOTS, SHOES, HATS-iND Carpets, We keep every descnption of these We abo name a few of the many artic- UMBRELLAS, KERCHEIFS CUFFS, CAP PAPER, LETTER PAPER, COMBS, I WA Si. PORTEMONNIES, GLOVES, KNIVES, Anything you want in the Notion line you can get at the TOWN HALL STORE BEAVER & JACOBS. Feb 22, 1872—1 y GRATIFYING INTELLIGENCE! GOODS JUST RECEIVED. HATS for Men and Boys: All the Latest Style Ladies Sorg Gaiters, Latest and Best Styles. Misses and Childrens Shoes in great variety in-Watche.s, clocks and Jewelry repaired at short notice and warranted. Thankful for past favors he hopes by fair dealing to all to merit a continuance of pub lic patronage. Juno W. 1871. E. ELDEN. JACOB B. COOK, of Wishington Town- ILI, ship, will be urged as 'a candidate for Prothonotary at the next Republican Nom inating Convention." Waynesboro', April 11, 1872. MTCYTICUEI. ' THE subscriber notifies the public that on and after the 15th inst,o he will run a Hack regularly between Waynesboro' and the \V. M. 1 R., to meet the daily train. Passengers wilt be conveyed to eith- Station desired. - April 4-6 w 3 li. BUHRMAN. NOTIC Tim subscribers have on hand and for sale at the Mill of Peter Fahnestock a quantity of Cern, Rye and Oats, which they will sell at a small profit for cash. Persons in want of any. of the above named grains will do well by giving us a call, and learn our prices, as they will be such as will be satisfactory. April 18—tf HOOVER & SUMMERS. VERS. C. L. HOLLINBERGER has just .I.V.Lreceived a full Kimply of new Millinery goods. La;liczarc invite d.. to call nid exarair.e her etock. apr 20. TOWN HALL' VTORE•,,.. . TOR THE 1 Et 7 21 Strictly one price, Original wholesale cost PAPER COLLARS, LADIES LACE COLLARS, FANCY SOAPS M. MI_OD:74:IN t Has now on hand a Full Line of Look at the List! BOOTS, SIIOES & GAITERS For Men and Boys Wear. At very low prices Also, Ladies Shoes, of all kinds and varieties. PROTHONOTARY. arniamor GOODS' I TO THE LADIES! RADWAY'S READY RELIEF CORES THE WORST PAINS In from One to Twenty Minutes. NOT ONE HOUR after maders advertisement need any one 8 FEY. MTH FAIN.. =min DY Emmy ts CIIRE ros EVERY PAO. It was the fltzt antrifl Who Only Pain Itymectv, than twaantly stops the most excrocisting palm allays Inhumation& and cures Condom, whether of the !Ands, thomi. Bowels, or other glands ar organs, by as tr FLA oks. TO TWENTY IdErtilllB. no matter how violent or exam:intim , . the pvin the RUEIIMAT/O, Bed.rldden Infirm, Crippled, It MMUS. Neuralgia, or prostrated with disease may =aro RADWAY'S READY RELIES' WILL AFFORD INSTANT EASE. INFLAMMATION OF THE KIDNEYS. INFLASIMATION OF THE BLADDER. INFLAMMATION OF THE B_OWELS. CONGEST/ON OF THE MTN. GS. SORE THROAT, DIFFICULT BREATHING.PALPITATION OF THE HEART. HYSTERICS, CROUP, DIPHTHERIA. CATARRH, INFLUENZA. HEADACHE, TOOTHACHE, NEURALGIA, RHEUMATISM COLD CHILLS, AGUE GRILLS. The application of the Ready Relief to tho part or andparts wh fortere the pain or difficulty exists will afford ease com. Twenty dro CRAMPS , tumbler of water STOMA C H f momenta ewe bPAI33IB. SOUR HEARTBURN, SICK HEADACHE DIARRHEA, DISENTERY,_COLIC. WIND IN TILE BOWELS, and all INTERNAL PAINS. - - - Travelers should always aim a bottle of Radway% - Ready Relief with them. A few drops In water will prevent sickness or sine from change of water. It is Dotter than French Brandy or Bitters as a sthnulaut. FEVER AND AGUE. I , XVnat AND AGUE cured for fifty cents. There Is mot & remedial agent In - this world that will cure Fever and Ague, and all other Malarlows. Blltcans,Scarlet, Ty hoid, Yellow. aodether Fevers_ (aided byRADWAY'S PILLS) ao quick as RADWAY'S READY RELIEF. Flay cents per bottle. Sold by Dirugglats. HEALTH BEAUTY 1 ! STRONG AND PURE RICH BLOOD-INCREASE OF FLESH AND WEIGHT-CLEAR SKIN AND BEAUTIFUL COMPLEXION SECURED TO ALL. DR. RADWAY'S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT Small Profits, HAS MADE THE MOST ASTONISHING CURES' SO QUICK, SO RAPID ARE THE CHANGES THE BODY UNDERGOES, UNDER THE IN FLUENCE OF THIS TRULY WONDEJ2FUL MEDICINE, THAT Every Day an Increase In Flesh and Weight Is Seen and Felt. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. Every drop of the SARSAPARILLIAN Urine, and through the Blood, Sweat, Urine and other fluids and juices of the system the vigor of litl for It roptirs the wastes of the body wit new and smut material, Scrofula , Syphilis, Consum don, Glandula disease, Ulcers In the Throat, Mouth, Tumor,, Nodes In the Glands and other parts of the system, Sore Eyes. Strnmons Discharges from the Ears, and the worst forms-of - Shin-diseases„Eruptlone,Fever-r3ores,-Scald Head, Bing Worm, Salt Rheutn,Erysipelas, Acne, Black Spots, Worms In the Flesh, Tumors. Cancers in the Womb, and all weakening and painful discharges, Night Sweats. Loss of Sperm, and all wastes of the life prlncl ple, are within the curative range of this wonder of Mod ern Chemistry, and a 'few days' use will prove to any person uping It for either of these forms of disease Its potent pdwer to cure them. 1 -- ittlWalltakei g iiiPlfa l aifi l ePplritemng, Sue ceeds in arresting these wastes, and repays the same with new material made from healthy blood—and this the SARSAPARILLIAN will and dom secure, Not only does the Sartaszsattusar Exsoivszer excel all known remedial agents; In the cure of Chronic, Scrofu lous. Constitutional, and Skits diseases; but it Is Greenly positive cure for "'s Kidney dc Bladder Complaints, Urinary. and Womb diseases, GraveL_ Diabetes, Dropsy. Stoppage of Water, Incontinence of Urine, Bright',, M eese, Albumlnuria and In all cases where there are brick dust deposit,, or the water is thick, cloudy; mixed with substances like the white of an egg. or threads like's:white silk. or there is a morbid. dark. Wilms appearance, sad white bone-dust deposits, and when there Is a pricking, burning_ sensation when passing_ water, and pain in the Small of the Back and along thel.,olna• Prlec, dr.ors, Ike InM,72rahjree only known sad sure Remedy —for r nmor of 1 2 ' Years' Growth Cured by Radway's Resolvent. Maes.,July le, lees. Da. ZALMAT I-4 harp had Ovarian Tamar brae ovaries and bowels. All the Doctors said ‘, there was ne_belmforic_teted Aldurtherwes - wrnmmedel - dibut steadxffittdPM ” t saw year lolerest , and thought I would try it; at had no faith In It, because I had sneered for twelve years. I look its battles of the Resolrut, and one box of Midway's Pills, end Iwo tot- Bee of your Reedy Relief; and there Is not a sign of tamer to be ma or felt, and I feel better, smarter ; and happier than I have for twelve yam. The waist tumor was to the left aide of the bowels, owe the groin. I write this to you for the benailt of other. You eau publish it If yen choose. HANNAH P. KNAPP. CANES, NOTE PAPER, BOOKS, - HOSIERY, SUSPENDERS, DR. RADWAY'S PERFECT PURGATIVE PILLS, perfectly lastetem, elegantly coated with sweet oim, purge., regulate, Purify, cleanse ani strengthen. had. way a Bole. for the cure of all disorders of the Stomach, Liver, Bowels, Kidneys, Bladder, Nervous Diseases, Headache, Constipatiosi, Costiveness. Indigestion, Dyspe •flin, Biliousness. Bilious Foyer, Ineatomation of the Bowels, Dimond all Derangements of the Internal Vis cera. Warrantedlo effect a positive cure. Purely Vegeta. ble_,_containing no mercury, minerals, or deleterious dmigs. fN — Observe the following symptoms resulting from Disorders of th e Digestive Organs: Conetlpation, %Irani Piles, Fullness of the Blood In the Heed, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn Disgust of Food, Fulham or Weight in the Stomach, Sour Ertakatione, Sinking or Flattering at the Pit of the Stomach, Swimming of the Head, Hurried and Difficult Breathing, Fluttering at the teat, Choking or Suffocating Seneatlone when In a Lying Posture, Dimon. of ti Woo, Date or Webs before the Sight, Fever sod Dull Pain inc the Head, Deficiency of Perspiration, Fellowmen of the Skin and Eves, Attu he the Side, Chest, Mate, and engine Flashes of ' Heat, Burning in the Flesh. A few doses of RADWAT'S PILLS will five the sys tem front all the ahove-named disorders. Price, 25 cents per box. SOLD BY DRUCOISTS. READ "FALSE AND TRUE." Send one letter. stamp to RADWAY At CO., No. 8y Malden Lane, How l-Mk. Information worth thousands will bo sent you. 11 . 11 ' 111(4V, tunti:diji MllWlrtirap I. H. WITMORE, Wholesale and Retail Dealer, and Manufnc turer of HOUSE FURNITURE AND B 0 S2' ` RE R, GREENCASTLE, Pa., takes this method of informing his custom ers and the public that lie has REDUCED THE PRICE OF FURNITURE from ten to twenty per cent. Costing to the advantages he lute over other manufacturers he can and trill sell Furniture at a less price than any other Manufacturer in the State. HAVING THREE STORE ROOMS, filled with every variety of Furniture, from a plain, common article, to the finest in use, he feels warranted in saying that he can please all tastes. EXAMINE LIST OF PRICES. BEDSTEADS. Cottage-Imitation of Walnut $5, 6,7, to 8 Solid Walnut 8,0, to 10 Jenny Lind- &Arch Top Panel, Walnut ." " 14, 16, to 18 3-Arch Top Panel, Imitation 10, 12, to 14 Round, Corner-foot, 3 Panels Walnut, Carved 25 to 30 " " Foot, Oval Panel Walnut, Moulded 30, 35, to 40 Antique-New Style 25, 30, 35, 40, to 60 Fine Antique Chamber Suits, • • Full Marble 130 to 175 Cot. Chamber Suits 35, 33, 40, 45, to 60 Solid Walnut , Snits 60, 75, to 85 BUREAUS. Im. Wal. 4 drawers, with glass, wood top 14, 15, to 16 Im. Wal. 4 drawers, with glass, Marble top 17, 18, to 30 Solid Wal. 4 drawers, with glass wood top 20, 22, 25, to 32 " " Marble top 25, 30, 32, to 60 Imitation Walnut 10, 12, to 14 TABLES. Dining Table, six legs, $7,50 to 0 Breakfast do., four legs, 5 to 6 Mar. do 20 cliff. paterns, 9, 10, 12 to 15 Extension Tables per foot 2 to 3 CHAIRS. Windsor or Wood seats (/ doz) $5, 6, 7 to 10 Cane seats (/ doz.) 9, 10, 11k, 12/ to 30 (Have over 600 of the above on hand.) Wood Seat Rocking Chairs, 1,25 tos Cane Seat Rocking Chairs, 2 to 7 Willow Seat Rocking Chairs, 2 to 10 Spring . Seated Chairs. Upholstered in Hair Cloth, Brocatel, Rep and Terry, ranging in price per half dozen from 25 to 75 Rocking Chairs uphol. as shove 9 to 15 Tete-a-Tetes, uphol. as above. (each) from 20, 22, 25, 30 to 75 Box or plain Sofas, from 18, 20 to 30 Lounges upholstered in Hair Cloth, Brocatel, Rep, Terry and Da mask, Spring Seats (each) from 7.8, 9, 10,11, 12 to 30 WARDROBES. Imitation Walnut, for $lO, 12,14, 16 to 30 Sylid Walnut, for 15, 18, 20, 25 to 60 Ite)-Also, side Boards, Wash Stands. 3lat tresses, and in fact everything in the Furni ture line. The limits of an advertisement is entirely too narrow to give a full list of Furniture made at this establishment. CALL 4r, SEE FOR YOURSELVES. ..we.,..Remember the place, I. H. WHITMORE, Greencastle, Pa. Dec. 1,1S;1. R. R. R; razoK & BOWNI&NS STEAM ENGINE AND BOILER WORKS, WAYNESBORO', FRANKLIN COUNTY, PENN'A, STATIONARY AND PORTABLE STEAM ENGINES Boilers, Tanks, and Sheet-Iron Work ; Machinist's Tools 11lood Working, Machinery, Shafting, Pulleys and Hangers ; Gear Cutting, Portable Circular Fellue-Ben ders, Laundry Furnaces. Also Agents fal. Stillwell's Patent Heater, Lime Extractor am. Filter, combined; Cameron S:Co's Spech.l Steam Pump; Saws of all kinds, (andDiost manufacture;) Iron Pipe and Fittings; Brags Work ; Gum and Leather Belting ,m • Mann• facturers and Engineers' Supplies, generally fu:.nished at lowest Retail Prices. All kind: of Foundry Work—heavy or light, Iron and Br./se Castings—made to order; REPAIR ING carefully done. SCd 3- For further particulars, send for Catalogue and Price List.'imp Waynesboro', Franklin County, Penn a, Jane 21, 18i1. NEW FIRM ! NEW GOODS ! UTE STYLES t LOW PAR MES t D °EBNER &WAYNANT have just open -1 / eds.t the CORNER CLOTH !NQ STORE, a sqlen did line of FRENCH. ENGLISH AND AMERICAN cZOODS embracing Clothes of various grades :ins colors. PLAIN AND FANCY CASSIMERS, latest styles and best qualities, Doeskiud, Cheviots, Tweeds, Linen and Crape Coat ugs, stylish Vest Patterns, etc. All of which will be nu de to order with he best Trimmings and in the best manner. A GOOD FIT GUARANTEED in every case or ,to sale. READYMADE CLOTHING Paper Collars, Ties, Bows, ruspenders, Hos .ery etc., always on hand. Gantlemen desiring styPsh and good fit ting clothing should give us a trial. BOERNIN. & WAYNANT, S. E Cor. Diamond. - 4 1 • IN THE AUCTION 110031 S IN NEW YORK, EVERLVERL ASTING Slaughter of Dry Goods ASTING Notions! There is now a splendid chance for real CHEAP ARGAINS. My agents in New York attending every auction sale, every failure, every tire. By our connection with the SHERIFF, the BAsicaurr and ASSIGNEE I am able to of fer BARGAINS heretofore unknown to the people of Franklin county, and which will attract the masses from every quarter. We receive direct from the Auctions Rooms in New York every week (and some time:• twice a week) every description of Dry Goods, Notions and Shoes. We are receiv ing this week a magnitiicent Stock of SPRING- GOODS. Grand Prives in Cassimers, Gigantic Slaugh ter in Dress Goods at 45 cts. worth to im port them $1; Gold Scotch Ginghams at 14 cts ; 200 yards Spool Cotton at 5 eta ; • 5000 pairs Ladies and Gents Shoe at 10 and cts; 100 Fine White Skirts only 51,25, worth $3; Splendid Poplins at 25 cts., worth 75 cts. SHOES, VIOL'S 4: Min, Temendous drives in Shoes ; Ladies Fine Gaiters at $1,75 ; Men's Hats at a mere song. Then save every dollar and every penny and buy your goods of H. A. McKEE at the Cheap Nee• York Store, North East Cor. Public Square, Waynesboro', Pa. April 11—tf MAR VIN fiIaUSE itaTEL.,, N.. W. Car. Fayett ,Ind St. Paid Stra OPPOSITE RAI:NI:WS CITY ROTEL, BALTIMORE, Mi) Terms $1.50 Per Day. ISAAC ALBERTSON, Proprief (.7 J. S. HARPER, Manager. [ang LOT FOR SALE. Adesirable Building Lot on Church St.. :10 feet and 9 inches front, adjoining toff, of Wm. Smith and Mrs. C. L. Hoilinber• ger is offered at Private Sale. For further particulars enquire of . , April 18—Gt GEO. STOVER. 4 7. Vinegar Bitters are not a vile Fancy Drink, made of Poor Rum, Whiskee Proof_Spirits_ana-Refuse ---- Li4uors, doctored, spiced, and sweetened to please the taste, called "Tonics," "Appetizers," "Restore's." &c., that lead the tippler on to drunkenness and mins but are a trite Medicine, made faun the native roots an. ter•• of - California. free from all Alcohol is Stimulants. They are tile Great Mood ifier and a I.ife-,giyiti7, Principle, a Perfect Renovator and Invigorator of the System, carrying oti all poisonous matter nod restoring the blood to a healthy tour: tion, enriching it, refreshing and invigorating both mind and body. They are easy of administration, prompt in their action, certain in their results, safe mid reliable in all forms of disease. No Person can fake these Bitters accord tog to directions, and remain lung unwell, provided their bones are not destroyed by mineral poison or oilier means, and the vital or,,,atis wasted beyond the point of repair. DyYPepllitl or Imill:rest ion. Headache, Pain in the Shoulders. Cim•glis, Tightness of the Chein, Diz• ziness, Sour Erticiatoins of the Stomach, Dad Taste in the Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Palpitation of the Heart, Inflantma nem of the tains, Pain in the regions of the Kidneys, and a hundred other painful winnow., are the olTsprings of Dyspepsia. in these complaints it has no equal, and one bottle rs ill prove a better guar antee of its merits than a lengths , advertisement. For Fettanatt Complaints, w young or old, married or single, at tine dawn of synnianliond, or the turn of life, these Tonic Fitters display on decided an influence that a marked improvement is soon percep tible. For Inilinnenatory and (hronic. !then— mat Ism and Gout, Drpepsia or IndigeGlloll. I finite, Remittent and Intermittent Fevers, Diseases of the Blood, Liver, I(idoeys and Bladder, these Bitters have been most successful. Such Diseases rue caused by Vitiated Blood, witch is generally produced by delauge meat of the Digestive Organs, They are a Gentle Parr...alive ale welt as a Tonle, possessing also the peculiar merit of acting as a pus erfal agent in leheving Congestimi or Inflam mation of the Liver and Vaceral Organs, and in Diseases. For Skin DlP:eltes, Ertimirins, 'retire, Salt- Rhemn, Blotches, Spots, 1.1/111/let, Voisinles, Valk Car buncles. Ring•worms, Scald-Read, Sore Eves. Erv-' siprlas. Itch, Scurfs,l)iscoloratians of the Skin, Humors and Diseases of the Skin, of whatever name or nature. • are literally dug tip amt cartied inn of the system in a short time by the use of these Bitters, One bottle such eases will convince, the moot incredulous of their curative effects.. eternise the Vitiated Blond whenever von find its unpin itios hununi I o the w Emples, Eruption c, or Sores; cleanse von hind it ob structed and sluggish in the veins; cleanse it wheo nit foul; your feelings will te'l you ,Oiett. Keep the blood pure. and the health of the system nil' follow. Grateful I honennili proclaim VlttlrtiAlt niT TOR,: the most wonderful Invigorant that ever sustained the coking system. Pin, Tape, nod oilier 'Wormy, litrh hug in the system of in nnny thousands, are effectually de stroyed and removed. Says a distinguished plvestol ogist : The] •CarCe!V ism individual Ilium the face of the earth whose hotly ise,iiipt icon the pi eNetice of vvio It i 4 lint opal the liya"thy elements of the body that worms exist. liot noon the diseased humor, and slimy deposits that bleed these living monsters of dneaa•. No system of Medicine, no vet toifogeo, tin Mithelimo-- ities, will flee the systetu from Wal 1113 like Mae lin ters, Illocitrittlent Dlstraxeitt. Person< engaged in Paints and literals, such as Plumbers, Type-setters, Gold-beaters, and Millets, as they advance to lire, *rill be subject to paralysis of the Dowels. To guard against this take a dose of IVAIT:III4'S V14 , 411.0A1C lIITTIIRs once or twice a meet. as a PreNeu Live. Bilinitts. Item iltent, and Intermittent VC Vell-1/4, which ars so prevalent in the valleys of our great rivers thlomi.linitt the United States, especially those of the Itlisseedpiti, Ohio, Missouri. Illinois, Ten nessee. Cumberland, At kattsas, Red, Colorado, Ilotact, Rio (hamle t Pearl, Alabama. )Inltile. Savannah, Roan oke, James, and many others, with their vast tributa ries. throughout nor tithe country during the Stummr and Atuumn, and remarkab l y so &runt s'ea•nns ttl unusual heat and dryness, are invariably accompanied by extensive derangements of the stomach and Sat, and other abdominal viscera, here are always more or In., obstt uctions of the liver, a is car'''ess and irritable soya of the stomach, and great torpor of the bowels, being shagged up with %%mom accumulations. in their treat ment, a pivgative, exerting a pun edit! influence oena oesolarinus organ+, is essentially necessin V. Theft ri no cathart.c fur the put poae equal to Dn. J. %V%1.1.4HL VINITE4‘II Ilvrrnris, as therein speedily reunite the•colored viscid matter with which the bowels ate loaded, at the &ante tittle stimulating the SeattiOtiS of the liver, and generally tutoring the healthy functions of the dieestive organs, Serofealn, or Khatt's 'Evil, White Swellings, Ulcers, Erysipelas' i Swelled Neck, Goiter, Scrofulous Inflammations. I tittilent Inflammations Mercurial At• fections, Old Sores , lit uptitets or am Skin, Sore Eves, etc., etc In these, as ill all other constitutional Di g . eases. WALICIEIe% VINIEG tg RITTV.H% Itlye rtII.IWIIIII.4IT great curative pJtvets in tit: ntstst obstinate and Mune:- able cases De. Wu: 7x erlis C tllfodnlnVinegar Meters act rat all th,s, r :ses itt Zi.tular manner. li' purifying the Dlon I they remove the cause, anti by reSOnting away the eTeet• rit the Intl no:nation tilie tubercular deposits) the affected pat ti 'scene heath, and a permanent cure is effected The prnprrllei of nn. eve's VILIRGAIt 111 T Trlts art: ocrietol • iJianhnt etie and Carminative, Nutrnutn , , I/ mew., Setlatite, Cathaertirit tant. Stub., tile. Ad-move, and A ati-Ilittons. Tito A tiarle•i t. std m. 41 prop erties of Du W%I taco's VI r4. , ..4 1:1T - 4 - rns e the ' best safe guara lit all e.acs , t eruptions and malignant then 1.0%.4111iC. I/ •al in, a 1.1 snnil jug ploperties ptotect the or oe f meets. „cit . Sedative I , loll.tiet allay paint jn Ili, or-nous al atsm, stomach, and bmseis e salt-e trout I flue n t t i me, NV1:1I. c. . m.. cur'. a, cu. Their Loam !roma i iflue, e ce exteri • thrombi - tot the ~,tem 'Tim, e met , I.mtutt:tcs a...t on tile Rt•i• lieu rorret :log AI 11 riocit'atatti the Iltey amine. ,r Ar ti-Ihutunu. proor , ttessto .31ate.t , te bye?. to the se.•rt si. chat-A, 1111111.11,11 y duct an d are supyr t ., to 0.1 reneoltil agents, for 1110 cure .1 .1;41001. 7'.•••••L 4 FCV.-1. anti Ague. etc. liortify rug - rtinot illiienve lore • fying all its fluid tilt IIITTV,k% Ni. alelll.o Call like ho at s.tactit 'lots itottainted The hem, the stomach, iii- ).one the '.'tine.. an , l the verve. ate rtaldit doca.te-lautti by this it teat envie or nu. Dlrrrtintla.—T de of tlie Elvers on -ming to hod at night limn el 11111 10 0 , 4 Anil .11,i1.1 I 'AllaC .. l: o " ,, i l lean gt /I I, I nntiriSl•in ; fee t, z•lf.l at ht ••1,t.1k, MIL • , ' , l china ven.v.u. (meet, anti Vt...elahle, anti t eke ran-dour cose, They are cnotpoz,A ui tutte.y..Tr4Cl.• al, e inrtovilients. at d contain no spit it. WALKER, Prou'r. It. H. 11Ic DONA LO CIS«, Druggists and Gen. Agts., Sin Franinco, and cot, of Washington and Charlton >a , Nen York. SOLD 131 AL!, DRUGGISII's AND. DE REGISTER AND RECOL DER. ESIZY E, SHAD'. will o;_niin he a e4ln .ll.ll.cli.late if) r nfill.e. 41f tie-i.ter at ,1 /icon - der, lit me. :Is% It i.edli; • - 4.:111 ent or Fr..)ll:lia Tilt..-lnalts . . -1:11H