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Morning - is lo vely, .But a holier charm Lies folded close la evening's robe of balm; ;1-nd - weary - in Must ever love her best, For moining calls to toil, Flat night brings rest. filie comes from licacen, And on her wings (loth bear • A holy fragrance Like the breath - of prayer; Footsteps of angels follow in her trace, To shut the weary eyes Of Day in peace. All things are hushed before her As She. throws O'er the earth and sky ller mantle of repose ; There is a calm, a beauty, -Atld a power, That morning knows not, "Until to \Ve must weep and toil, Plough life's stern furrows, the weedy *oil, Uread with :iad feet our ruugh and thorny way, And bear the heat And burden of the day. ©II! when our sun is setting, :May we glide, Like summer evening, Down the golden tide ; And leave behind us, As ire pass away, Sweet, starry twilight Round our sleeping clay ! atliatellatteaus (geadinir,. GRAND 3URY sronms. Col. T.. W. Knox, in Scribner's for March, has an article on the famous New York Grand Jury of which he was a member. We quote trout it as follows : NotAnany days after we were conven e, a ease that touched the heart of every m n in the room was brought before us. ..t . young girl had been accused of theft ; a few dollars in money had been stolen; it WAS ibinlii in her possession. The com plainant was a woman, and the accused had been in her employ. When the case was called the woman entered the jury room and was sworn by the foreman. She took the chair assigned to witness, and the foreman questioned her. "Did you lose some money ?" "Yes sir." " 1 Vhen did you lose it ?" • "On the first day of December." . "Who took it?" "The girl named in the complaint." "11ow do you know she took it?" •"1 found it in her posssssion, and she ,confused taking it." "fnat will do ; you may go." But the woman kept her seat, and mov ed her hands uneasily. "You can go," said um foreman again, but she did not start. A juror sitting near the door rose to show her out, and as he did so the wo man said : "I do not wish to press the complaint. I want to withdraw it and have the girl released." "Why so ?" asked the foreman. "Because," and her voice began to choke, "because the girl is young, and I do not wish to ruin her, homebody else urged her to steal the money, and I think she will do better hi future. , • if I send her to prison she may become a professional thief, but if I give her a chance she will be a good girl, She is'an orphan and has no friends, and I want to be her friend. I know she is guilty, but I want to be mer ciful, and I beg You to be merciful, gen tlemen." Half her utterance was dzowned with tears, which flowed rapidly down her face. The foreman told her to step outside and he would call her again iu a few moments, and inform her of the result of her elo quent appeal. "Be merciful, gentlemen," were her last words as she closed the door. It was voted to dismiss the comP \ Wnt, and when the foreman called her to `tile room, to infbrur..her of the result of the vote, and commended her for her kind= ness of heart, her tears flowed afresh, and she thanked us through broken sobs. I know that in that room more eyes than .hers were wet--eyes not accustomed to rears. But soon a discussion arose as to the propriety of our action. When the Grand Jury was impanelled the fbilow•ing oath was administered to the forenran : "You Lucius S. Comstock, as Foreman of this Grmid s!m!! qUire and true presentment make, of all such matters and things as shall be given you in charge; the counsel for the People of the State, your fellows and your own, you shall keep secret ; you shall present no one from envy, hatred, or malice ; nor shall you leave any one unpresented thro' fear, favor, affection, or hope of reward; but you shall present all things truly as they come to your knowledge, according to your understanding. So help you God!" And to the other members the following oath was administered : "The same oath which your Foreman has taken on his part, you, and each of you, shall well and truly observe and keep on your part. So help you God !" some of the jurors thought we had no right, under our oath; to show favor, no matter how strong might be the appeal to our sympathies. Every man in th., room wished to be lenient, but at the same time, above all other things, wished to do his duty. The discussion resulted in our send ing for the District Attorney and asking his advice. After hearing the case, he said there vas-a-difference-o f-opinion - a - s - t - o -- the pow er of Grand Jury. "You can nndbubt edly." he continued, "exercise your discre tion in certain cases, and act as you think is for the best interest of society. It is botirribrlrt - arrd - moper that the Grand Ju ry, and also the District Attorney,-should be clothed with a discretionary' power, as it frequently happens that they eau do more good by exercising it than by follow ing the strict letter of the law. I will give you an illustration : Some years a go, the case of a young man charged with eubezzlement was placed in Jay hands to prosecute. His employer was determined to push the case ; he was rather ugly a bout it, and there seemed n) other course than to prosecute. The young man was out on bail, and come to me to be , b to be let oil: He said he was guilty, and should so plead ; that he had an invalid sister, and with the utmost economy on hisqmal sw a - ry - re - was - unalde - to support iii Ile knew that this was no excuse for his theft,_but_ temptation, and did not realize the enor mity of his offence until after he had com mitted it. "You can send me to the peni tentiary," he said, "and nobody can blame you ; but you will ruin me for life, and bring disgrace upon my parents and sis- ' ter, who do not know that I am charged with crime. If I can be released and the matter hushed up, I will faithfully prom ise to do better in future, and I think.this Will be a life-long lesson to me." He pleaded sa earnestly that I promised to do what I could for him. I sent for his accuser, and urged him to withdraw the charge. At first he refused, but I laid the case before him in such a light that he at once consented. And I then urged him to take the young man back and give him a new trial, and after much talk I sue- Ceeded. The complaint was withdrawn ; the young man was restored to his posi tion ; in a little time his salary was in creased ; by-and-by the firm di. , solved in consequence of the death of one of its mem bers ; the young man went to another house, proved himself worthy of confi— dence, and to-clay he is a member of that house, and as honorable and upright as any business man in New York. lie has never forgotten,and never will forget, that lesson. If he had gone to the penitentia ry his worst fears would have been realiz ed. When an offender is young, the of fence is a first one, and the offender ap pears penitent, it is entirely proper for you to exercise leniency by dismissing the com plaint; and in the case now before you, gentlemen, you have been entirely right in your .action." As the District Attorney ended his re marks there was a round of applause, in which I am very certain every member of the jury participated. Those who had been most doubtful of the propriety of our action were heartily glad that their doubts were not well founded. President Lincoln's Dream. An incident of the cabinet meeting held the day before Lincoln's assassination is thus related by es• Secretary Welles, in the April Galaxy: The president remarked that the news would come soon and conic favorably, he had no doubt, fir he had last night his usual dream which had preceded nearly every important event of the war. I in quired the particulars of this remarkable dream. He said he was in my depart ment—it related to the water; that he seemed to be in a singular and indescrib able vessel, but always the same, and that he was moving with great rapidity t•ward a dark and indefinite shure ; and that he had this singular dream preceding the fir ing on tl;uniter. The battles of Bull Run, An ti.:tam, Gettysburg, Stone River, Vicks burg, Wilmington etc. General Grant remarked with some emphasis and asper ity, that Stone River was no victory; that a few more such victories would have ru ined the country, and lie knew of no hn portant results from it. "The president said that perhaps he should not altogether agree with him, but whatever might be the facts, his singular dream preceded that fight. Victory did not always follow his dream, but the e ,?ent and results were important. He had ro doubt that a battle had taken place or / was about being fought,"and Johnson will be beaten, for I had this strange dream again last night. It must relate to Slier, man . ; my thoughts are in that direction and know of no other very important event which is likely just now to occur." "G; eat events did indeed follow. With in a few hours the good and gentle, as well as truly great man who narrated his dream was assassinated,and the murder which clos ed forever his earthly career aMeted for years, and perhap:i forever, the welfare of A FAMILY NEWSPAPER---DEVOTED TO LITERATURE, LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS. ETC WAYNESBORO', FRANKLIN COUNTY, PA., THURSDAY, APRIL 25, 1872. How Gunpowder is Made. A House Where Men Never Laugh How do you think you would like to live, fearing every moiaent to be blown up ; not daring to speak loud, to jar any= thing, for fear of starting an explosion that would send you in au-instant to the 6th-eF-Worldl- You don't think it would be very pleas ant ? Well, it isn't ; yet hundreds of men live in just that state, work, receive pay and live L year aftery_o_nr,in_the-ver - sight d - death,as it were;all that the world may have gunpowder. You can easily guess that these men go . very quietly, and never laugh. You -know that gunpowder is very dangerous in a gun, Or near a fire, but perhaps you don't know that it is equal ly as dangerous all though the process of making. A powder mill is a fearful place to visit, and strangers are very seldom allowed to go into one. They are built far from any town, in the woods, and each branch of the work is done in a sep arate-building: are quite a distance from each other, so if one blows up, it won't blow up the rest. Then the lower parts of the building are made every strong, while the roofs are very lightly set so that if it explodes only the_rouf_will suffer_ Tint in spite of—eve ry care, sometimes a whole settlement of the powder-mills will go off almost in an instant, and every vestige_of_the -work of years, will be swept away in a few sec onds. But thougXyou - feel like holding your breath to look at it_it_is_reall-y—a—very interesting --process - to — seC — ll is made, perhaps you know, of charcoal, saltpetre and brimstone. Each of these articles is prepared in a house by itself, but the house where they are mixed, is the first terrible one. in this building is an im mense mill-stone, rolling round and round in an iron be hi.461--and—, -ilm-=tone F are-put-the-three = fearful - i: t r l g „, re: clients of gunpowder. There they are thoroughly mixed and grouud_tug • This is - a very dangerous operation be cause if the stone comes in contact with its iron bed, it is very apt to strike fire, and the merest suspicion of a spark would set off the whole. The materials are spread three or fbur inches thick in the bed ; the wheel which goes by water power, is Started, and every man leaves the place. The door is shut, and the machinery is left to do its terrible work alone. When it has run long enough, the mill is stopped and the men go back. This operation leaves the powder in hard lumps or cakes. The next house is Ichere these cakes are broken into grains and, of course, is quite as dangerous as the last one. But: the men can't go away from this ; they are obliged to attend to it every moment and you may be sure no laugh or joke is ever heard within its walls. Every one who goes in has to take off his bouts, and put on rubbers, because one grain of the dangerous powder ; crushed by the boot, would explode the whole in an instant. The floor of this house is covered with eather, and is made perfectly black by the dust of the guhpowder. It contains a set of seives, each one smaller than the last, through which the powder is sifted , and an immense ground and laboring mill, where it is ground up, while men shovel it in with wooden shovels. The machinery makes a great deal of noise, but the men are silent, as in the other houses. The reckless crashing of the ma chinery even seems to give greater horror and one is very glad to get out of that house. The storing house is the next on the list, and there the gunpoWder is heated in wooden trays. It is very hot, and no workman stays there From there it goes to the packing house, and is put up in barrels, kegs, and canisters. Safely through all these houses, it goes at last to the storehouse. One feels like drawing a long breath to see the fearful stuff safely packed away, out of the hands Of men, in this curious house. You've heard of things being as dry as a powder house, but wou wouldn't think this house very dry. It is almost inibed ed in water. Did you ever hear of a wa ter roof before? Instead of steps to go in, there are shallow tanks of water, through which every one must walk to the door. In none of these powder houses is any light ever allowed except sunlight. The wages are good, the day's work is short, ending always at three or four o'- clock. But the men have a serious look, that makes one think every moment of the danger. and glad to get away. Though curiosity may take a man once to visit a powder mill, he has no desire to go the second time ; and he feels all the rest of his life that for once, he has been very near death. A CALIFORNIA CURIOSITY.—Among the curiosities of history in California is an occasional deserted city. A few years ago gold was discovered in certain parts of the Grass Valley region, and Meadow Lake City sprit! , up almost like Jonah's gourd, in a singl'e night, and became a town of 3,00 J or 4,000 inhabitants. In a few months the mines proved unprofita ble, and the entire population left for oth er parts. The town remains alone in the distant valley utterly deserted and slow ly falling to decay. A traveler lately ex plored its lonely streets and looked into the empty habitations, which seemed as if a spell of enchantment had estinguish ed their life centuries ago and left them to moulder in silence and gloom, Gold is an idol worshipped in all countries without a single temple, and by all classes, \rid' ou t a single hypocrite. "Bellos"tali i rrat nmily pAmfle to church- "Y Have no Chance." Don't say that. You have chances in each hand. Then you have thirty-six in your head. Every faculty you have will vote you into office if you only enfran chise it, and for a confederation between the freemen in your brain and the free- Linen at the_ends of your-arms.—Chances,- plenty of them, all under your eyes, if we only have eyes to see them and hands to pick them. The falling of an apple was the oppor -1•' • ki—lttac secret of the skies. On Weminfines6T earth permitted to rest, .ids to And the depths of the ocean its presence ' . was the Oppor- confessed; - lie - 71 Twill be w t - — lTi iblve the found the epheie when it is A floating seaweed, drifting by the ves sel when the crew were uttering mutinous threats, was the chance seized by Christo pher Columbus to pacify an incipient re bellion, and to inspire his men with the promise of a new continent and a new world of enterprise. The picking up of a pin in the city of Paris, by a poor boy, as he was going from a great bank, saddened at the denial of his application for a place, was the founding of the success and prosperity of one of the great bankers of the queen city of the world. That simple act, illustra tive of the economical spirit over present_ grief, was observed from the Window;_ the lad •was recalletl, and - tlfe refusal recalled at the same moment—industry; patience and honesty did the rest._ - A chance reinsirk-from-a-peasant-girl - 7 - in an obsecure country district in ,ling laud, falling upon the young, observing thinker, Dr. Jenner, gave vaccinnation to the world,aa(Lsaveq hundreds*f-thou sands -- of lives annually. _A-pc wter-p-late-founda tl Peel fami ly. Robert, in the poor country about .lilackburn seeing a large family growing up about him, felt that some income must be added to the meager products of the little Ihrni. He quietly conducted exper iments in calico printing in his own home. One da thou htful y handling a pnwt • ate from, which one of the eatdreulad dined, he sketched upon the smooth sur f-lice the outline of a parsley leaf, and fill ing-this-with-coloring - matter, he was de lighted to find that the impression could _be_accurately—conveyed-to the surface of cotton cloth. Here was the first sugges- tion towards calico printing from metal rollers. The "parsley leaf" on the' pew ter plate opened up a world of industry to Lancashire, and Robert Peel to this day is called in the neighborhood o Blackburn, "Parsely Peel." Richard Arkwright, the thirteenth child in a hovel, with no knowledpe of letters —an underground barber, with a vison for a wife, who smashed up his models and threw them out—gave his successful models to the world, and put a scepter in England's right hand, such as no sover eign ever weilded. The jumping tea kettle lid is said to have put the steam into that boy's head, who•gave us the great giant of modern in dustry. A kite and a key in Benjamin Pranklin'S hands, were the great parents of our telegraphs, and all the blessings of modern inventions applying electricity. A swinging, greasy lamp, just filled with oil by-a Berger in the Cathedral of Pisa, caught the eye of Galileo, at eighteen pais of age, taught him the use of the pendulum, made many a discovery in as tronomy, and navigation possible, and gave the whole modern system of accu rate measurement of time. Don't say you have no chance ! You have the same chance, . and better than the world's greatest and best men have en joyed. Men unitbrinly overrate riches and underrate their own strength; the for mer will do far less than we suppose, and the latter far more. "The longer I live," says one of earth's most noble sons, "the more I am certain that the great and powerful, the great and the insignificant, is ENziatuy—invincible determination, a purpose once fixed, and then death or vic tory?" That quality will do anything that eau be done in this world; and no talents, no circumstances, . will be worth much witriout it. VALUE OF SMALL COURTESTES.-Civ ility costs nothing and is often productive of good results. Here is an instance. A local doctor of medicine at Bath, England, has just had a legacy of twenty thousand dollars, and a comfortable house left him by a lady who was only known to him by his once offering her a seat in his carriage. A gentleman known to the writer, once assisted a very old and feeble man to cross from the London Mansion House to the Bank of England. This crossing is a ve ry dangerous one, especially at raid day, when the city is frill of cabs, omuibusses, drays and other vehicles. When the old gentleman got safely across, he exchang ed cards with his obliging friend; and there the matter rested. Some four or five, years 'alter this incident occured, a firm of London solicitors wrote to the yourig gentleman who had taken pity on the old man, informing him that a legacy of five thousand dollars and a gold watch and chain, had been left to him by a gentle man who took the ppportunity of again thanking him in his will, for an act of Ml looked for civility. It is not likely that all will have gold watches and chains left to them, or neat little bundles of crisp notes, but it is certain that acts of civility are productive of sufficient results to our inner selves as to make it worth our while to practice them wherever we find" the'op portunity. There is a chestnut tree standing on the slope of Mount Etna, in the island of Sic ily, which is said to be the oldest tree of its kind in the world. It is or colossal di mensions, and is named the Hundred Cavaliers, on account of the Queen of Arragon and her court having found shel ter beneath its branches. It is nearly two hundrnfl fstst : ..:,a, ~,1 ,' ; thr mg ! l t be nut less than three hundred year:, old. I A POETICAL RIDDLE. The following is generally epnceclod to be the best riddle in the English lan guage: 'Twas - whispered in Heaven, 'twas mutter -- ed in hen; And Echo caught the faint sound as it fell; riven asunder, Be seen in the lightning and heard in• the thunder: 'Twas alloted to man with his earliest breath, - Attends at his birth, awaits him in death ; It_presides o'er his happiness, honor and health. Is the prop of his house and the end of his wealth ; Without it the sailor, the seaman. may But woe is the wretch who expells it from home; In the whispers of conscience its voice will -- be - found, Ainr - e'en-i - n-the-whirlwind - of - passlou be drowned ; 'Twill not soften the heart, and though to the ear, 'Twill make it acutely and instantly hear; 1-But-in-the-shade-let—it-restTlike-a—deli-eate- floc er, .oftl3 , ,it-41ies-in-an-hour r=-MNIIE-AIORNUcG The following pathetic verses are said to have been written by Stephen A Douglas: Bury me in the morning,* mother, 0, let me have the light CIF n Ere you_len._ve_me alone with Night; Alone in the night of the grave, mother, 'Tis a thought of terrible fear— nc you vi )e lore alone, mother, And stars will be shining here. You tell of the Saviour's love, mother, I feel it is in my heart— Ent, 0 ! from this beautiful world, mother 'Tis hard for the young to part ; For even to part when here, mother, The soul is fain to stay ; For the grave is dark and deep, mother, Aud Heaven seems far away. Walking. Walking briskly, with an exciting ob ject of pleasant interest ahead, is the most healthful of all forms of exercise except dint of encouragingly remunerative, stea dy labor in the open air; and yet multi , tudes in the city, whose health urgently requires exercise, seldom, walk when they can ride, if the distance is a mile or more. It is worse in the country, especially with the well-to-do ; a horse or carriage must be brought to the door even if less dis tance have to be passed. Under the con dition first named, walking is a bliss ; it gives animation to the mind, it vivifies the . circulation, it paints the cheek and spark !le3 the eye, and walkes up the whole be ing. physical, mental, and moral. We know a tinnily of children in this city who, from the age of seven, had to walk ,nearly two miles to school, winter and stammer ; whether sleet, or storm, or rain, (c burning sun, they made it an am bition never to stay away from school on accow tt of the weather, and never to be "late and one of them was heard to boast hat in seven years it had never been necesa lry to give an excuse" for being one raiaute behind the time, even although in Win ter it was necessary to dress by gas light. They did not average two days' sicknet a in a year, and later they thought nothing of walking twelve miles at a time in the Swiss mountains. Sometimes they would be caught in drenching rains, and wet to the skin. On such occasions they made it a point to do one thing,--let it rain,—and trudged on more vigorously until every thread was dry before they reached borne. There is no unmedicinal remedy known to men of more value in the prevention of constipa, - ,ion than a few miles' joyous walk ing ; let cue follow it up a week—a walk of two er three miles in the forenoon, and as much. in the afternoon—and, except in rare cases, when a longer continuance may be madv, the result will be triumphant; and yet nine persons out of ten would ra ther give a dollar a bottle for some nau seous drJps or poisonous pills than take the trouble to put in practice the natural remedy of walking. or is there an ano dyne an all the drugs in the world which is the hundredth part so efficacious, in secure ig refreshing, healthful; delicious, glorious sleep, as a judicious caulk.--Hall's Journal of Health. PLAYI ENG POTATOEF , .-Dr Hemmer, of New York, gives a result of an experi ment of planting potatoes in seventeen different ways, and found the best results were given from one large potato, whole, in each Lill; the next best from two large half potatoes cut lengthwise; next from medium sized potatoes planted whole; the smallest from small half potatoes. A me dium potato he plants whole; large ones cut in ludf and the largest in four pieces, each lengthwise, always taking care to se lect his best and soundest potatoes for seed. J. T. Warden, of Ohio, in an experi ment with Harrisons, found that large seed cut in halves give the most saleable potato. He says : "This experiment, in connection with one made last year indu ces me to cut good sized potatoes for seed in preference to planting themwhole; and years of scarcity to use small potatoes with plain z..n) Help Yo-arself. Fight your own battles. Hoe your own row•. Ask no favors of any one, and you'll succeed five thousand, times better than one who is always beseeching some one's influence or patronage. No one will ever help as you can help yourself', be cause no one will ever be so heartily in 7 ited•" The ;t ste ce - re7,4',,, in your atlairs. _ first step will not be such a long one, perhaps; but carving your own way up the mountain, you make each one lead to another, and stand firm in that while you ellen still other out. Men who have made fortunes are not those who have had five thousand dollars given them to start with, but boys •who have started• fair with a well earned dollar or two. Men who have acquired fame have never been thrust into popu larity by puffs begged or paid for, or giv en in friendly spirit. They have out stretched their own hands and' ouched the public heart. Men who win love do their own wooing, and I never knew a man to fail so signally as one who induced his of grandmama to speak a good word for him. Whether you work for fame, for love, for money, or foranything else, work with your hands, and heart,and Say-"I-will;"-and some day you will conquer. Never-let-any-man-have-i to say, "I have dragged you up." Too ma ny friends sometimes hurt a man .more than-none at all. - - • As for woman, this applies to them as well.__A woman_who_iightslier_awn_way upwards always succeeds. Begin by say ing, "I'm as good as anybody, if not a little better." Don't say it ou , • ut act it.You_can_teach-a-school,or-start—a manufactory; or paint or serilible, and live by it as well as the best man, if only you know your forte, and do not pitch upon the very thing you have no genius fOr. Shut up your troubles and your embarassments in your own 'heart. Ask no man to help you because you are a woman--a •" • • • I i I I kill, — ont - of - thekindness of - their hearts and such aid, unasked for, can harm no one •,_tuid_yoor first Cl 7 ecess,-achieved-by your hands, will be so sweet that you shall hardly have words in which to speak of it. Ask help of heaven And of ten—you will be heard ; but of man as seldom as you can. I never saw the words, "She helped herself," written on a woman's tombstone by way of eulogy.- But I should like to have 'it truthfully engraved upon mine at least. I should like deserve it.—Grace Greenwood. Marriage Maxims. A good wife is the greatest earthly blessing. A man is what his wife makes him. It is the mother that moulds the char acter and destiny of the child. Never make a remark at the expense of another ; it is meanness. Never part without loving words to think of' during your absence. Besides it may be that you will not meet again in "How gentle glides the marriage life a away, When she who rules still seems but to o bey !" Never both manifest anger at once. Never speak loud to one another, un less the house is on fire. Never reflect a past action . which was done with a good motive and with the best judgment at the time. Let each one strive to yield oftenest to the wishes of the other, which is the mu tual cultivation of au absolute unselfish ness. Never find fault, unless it is perfectly certain that a fault has been committed; and even then prelude it with a kiss, and lovingly. Never allow a request to be repeated `I fbrgot" is never an acceptable excuse. Marry into a differea blood and tem penitent from your own. FIFTEEN GREAT MISTAKES.-It is a great mistake to set up our own stand ard of the right and wrong, and judge other people accordingly. It is a great mistake to measure the enjoyment of oth ers by our own; to expct uniformity of opinion in this world; to look for judg ment and experience in youth; to endeav or to mould all dispositions alike; not to yield in immaterial trifles; to look for per fection in our own actions; to worry our selves .and others with what cannot be remedied; not to alleviate all that needs alleviation, as far as lies in our power; not to make allowance fbr the infirmities of others; to consider everything impossi ble Nhich.we cannot perform; to believe only what our finite minds can grasp, to be able to understand everything. The greatest of all mistakes is to live only - I,kr time, when any moment may launch him in to eternity. A good prOtical education, including a good trade, is a better outfit for a youth than a grand estate with drawback of an empty-mind. Many parents have slaved and pinched to leave their children rich, when half the sum thus lavished would have profited them fitr more had it been devoted to the cultivation of their minds the enlargement of their capacity to t observe and work. Tit, one strut: taro that no neighborhood can afford to dun ithout is the school-house. The door betceen us and heaven can not be opened if that between us and our fellow men ba Amt. A paper says : "Another pour girl has died in Virginia from the use of tobacco, at the.age of 100.',She was an orphan. Most of the troubles and vexations of this life consist in the anticipation of calamities which are never realized. He that bath 130 brittle OEt his zongue hath on grace iu his heart, NUMBER 47 ait and :31 u tit r. Why is ft man's life safest beibre din ner ?---Becauselle can't di-gest then: Why is a girl like a music book? Be cause she is full-of airs: What is better than a promising young man? A paying one. What is it that has flue, not walk, sixtcen nails and cannot scratch ?—A yardstick. There is never a man so bad, says a celebrated writer, but some woman loves him and has faith in him. Why is a young lady forsaken by her lover like a deadly weapon ? Beeauso she is a cutlass. The . Western confectioner who, a few months ago, taught his parrot to say "pretty creature" to every lady who en ttld his store is now a millionaire. Why is a man riding fast up hill like another taking a little dog to a young la -dy-?-13ecatibe-he flsra Dick, who is a shade or two black er thanlbefe is tiny - nee - a - of; says he hates "dese yer spring winds, dey is so tannin. A Western lawyer included in his bill ainst his - client: "To wakin..o in the it and thinking about your case, five -dollars." /a — bunkum fence was described by a witness under examination in court, as a fence that is bull strong, horse high, and pig tight. Judge—Well, you are fond of stealing; steaLno-w—wida would -you-steal ? • Prisoner-1.-would-steal-awayi -- your Honor. ma ;inative V es ern e itor in orms his readers that"no jeering skeleton mocks him from the battlements of melancholy's lofty peaks." Isinglais contains much glue, and Frank reports that he saw two eyes in the glass at the end of a railroad car he rode in the other morning which have stuck to him ever since. A fellow lately started a store in Kan sas. The following was the sign he hung out: "Dry Goodg by John Smith, who wishes to get married." This sign drew all kinds of custom. The single ladies went, of course ; and the married men told their wives to go, under the impression that they could easily cheat so great a fool. His OBJEar.—A doctor was called in to see a patient whose native land was Ireland and whose native drink was whis ky. Water was prescribed as the only cure. Pat said' that it was out of the question; he never could drink it. Milk was then proposed, and Pat . agreed to get well on milk. The doctor was soon sum moned again. Near the bed on which the sick man lay was a table, and on the table a large bowl, and in the bowl was milk, but flavored strongly with whiskey. "What have you here ?" said the doc tor. "Milk, doctor; just what you ordered. "But there is whisky in it; I smell it." "Well, doctor," sighed the patient, "there may be whisky in it, but milk's my object." A MELANCHOLY STORY.-A sad tale comes f'rom Selina. It appears that 12 young men of that city swore 'option New Year's day, 1871,' and agreed to deposit with one of their number, on the first of each month, $lO each, the total to be divided among the members of the asso ciation who, on the Ist of January, 1872, should prove to have been faithful to their pledge. One by one, the members backslid and yielded to the liquor temp tation, until only a single individualwas left, who at noon on New Year's day was to receive $1,400. This Abdiel faith ful found, among the faithless, proceeded to the rendezvous at the appointed hour. He waited until ten minutes after noon, and then thought he would run into the , ; • saloon next door and get a knip. He 'it:: just swallowed it when ten of the oth* members entered to take their noonday - Angostura, and he found to his horror that his watch was twenty minutes fitst and the money was lost. The eleven proceeded to the residence of the treasure and fbund that he had lust all the money playing draw poker. Once upon a time a genuine son of the Emerald Isle accosted the captain of a steamer running- between Portland and Boston, as follows : "Good niornin', captain. Could you be afther 10e what's the fibre to Bosluon?" "Three, dollal•s," answered the eaptaiu. "But suppo , c 1 tvint outside?" "In that ease," said the captain, can go liar two dollars. iS was •Indouhtedly beyond the ex tent of Pat's worldly possessions; so 110 • Fcrl: (cited his head and looked perplexed tau• a 1;:w moments, when a bright thought seemed to :strike hirn : "I say, captain dear," what would yin be sillier ;akin' a hundred and sixty pounds freigiit for:" "Seveuty-five cents," replied the Cap tain. "Be ja,ber3, thin, ye may put me down, captain, for I'm jilt the boy that weighs that !" The captain turned to the clerk, say ing, "put on the froiellt lit one hundred anti sixty pounds ni . five irvlnunn, and stow Mtn in .tilc ttold." raM