The Waynesboro' village record. (Waynesboro', Pa.) 1871-1900, March 21, 1872, Image 2

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    Wantsbardlia,gt Pore.
Thursday, !arch 21, 7.2.
The number of small-posy deaths
in Philadelphia last week was I'2o, au in
crease of 2 over the previous week.
m.. The Superior Court of Kansas has.
granted Dr..11 - cdlicott, the convicted mur
derer of Ruth, a new trial.
Sa - Capt. 'Andrew Heath, the oldest
Free Mason in the State of Maine, died
at Bath on Saturday last, aged 93 years..
Wm Simpson, of New York, dealer
in obscene publications, was sentenced to
one year in the penitentiary and, a fine of
$l,OOO. "
Zga'The colored people of Hagerstown
—have-formed-iv-building-association, and
have already subscribed. .$50,000 of the
capital stook.
IS—Dan Rice, the circus man has been
thrown, financially, and his peasonal prop
erty in Erie country, Pa,. is advertised for
sale by the Sheriff.
—The election of Postmaster by the peo
ple is being agitated in Congress, and has
many advocates among the practical men
of both branches.
vA great name abroad—the name
of Lincoln. There are said to be nine
cities in Germany and two in Italy, each
with a Lincoln street.
DS..When John Jacob Astor died he
' • . :9 111 111 r• •
B. Astor, his son, is now estimatea to be
worth nearly $50,000,000.
lar'The election in New Hampshire
last week resulted in the election of the
Republican Governor and, a Republican
majority in the Legie:
—Ex-Governor Francis Thomas, of
Marylandjs- an -applicant: for-the-mission=
to Peru, and his appointment has been
strongly urged upon the President.
Stiff - The Massachusetts-LegLslative - Com
raittee hare reported a resolution to a
mend the Constitution so as to give wo
men the right to vote and hold office.
te..Harvey Thacker, a son-in-law of
Daniel Boone, died a few weeks ago in
California at the age of 128 years. He is
supposed to be the oldest man in the Uni
ted States, if not in the world.
1t ..There are about three million eight
hundred thousand head of cattle in Texas:
Seven hundred and fifty thousand calves
aro raised on the great Texan plains,which
cover an area of 152,400,000 acres.
, Catharine Shearer died at Re-'
begonia, Berks county, an the 14th inst.,
nod 99 years, 1 month and 20 days. Her
decendants have been 11 children, 51
grand-children, 113 great-grandchildren
and 18 great-great-grandchildren ; aggre
gation, 193.
E'The judiciary Committee of the
House has reported, with an affirmative
recommendation, the bill from the Senate,
enabling the court of Cumberland county
to hear the arguments for a new trial in
the Schteppe case,
*®'The Germans of Baltimore city are
making a great eflbrt to have the sunday
law of that state so modified as to permit
all places of amusement to be open on
Sunday afternoon, Immense mass meet
ings have been held by them,and long peti
tions in favor of the project have been sent
to the Legislature. Mass meetings in op
position to any modification of the Sun
day law have also been held by the Chris
tian people of Baltimore.
1t Through tickets around the world
are now issued, the price being $1,145 in
gold and the running time 81 days. The
line of route going westward is : From
New York to San Francisco, about 3,000
miles; San Francisco to Yokohama, 4,-
700 ; thence to Hong Kong, 1,600 miles ;
thence to Calcutta, 3,50) miles ; thence to
Bombay, 1,400 miles ; Bombay to Suez.
3,000 miles ; from Suez, by way of Alex
andria and Brindisi, to London, about 2,-
303 miles, and London to New York, 3,,
200 miles.
• re—Philanthropists bent on the aboli
tion of capital punishment and. substitu
tion of the solitary cell for the gallows
will, perhaps, be surprised to learn that
some of the tender hearted people of the
State of Maine deem even imprisonment,
without the solace of companionship, too
cruel for convicted murderers There is
a bill now pending -before the Pine Tree
State Legislature providing for the aboli
tion of solitary confinement. Should this
measure be adopted the convicts of Maine
will hereafter be granted the sweet solace
of society and assassins be able to compare
notes. As both the halter and lonely dun
geon seem too cruel for a.,sassins in Maine
it would he we:Lend may, perhaps, prove
nece.4;ary, to provide asylums .for mur
derers, pleasant retreats fitted up with
gardens, Ji.brarics, and other adjuncts of
luxuron; civilization, NV:I(`T men and
women, too unfortunate enough to have
ioihrind flo a hands in the blood of.their
can their lives in dignified
—ft •i- to lie ti!:iv-four yearzi ago
this minter :Ince a ..easr,n has run fro);
3;ortlatier to ill;tr(h witinunt a general
tiunc or "wonh np. At that time the scar
city of witti.J. )‘:1; Z`iiilii3r to that
INDIAN MAS2ACRE.—The last Valley
Echo publishes by request the following
account of and Indian murder near green
castle, taken from the History of the five
Border Counties :
CYreencmtle, Jan. 23, 1845.
Exhumation of the bones R f the murder
ed school,, comprising ten scholars and teach
"On the 4th of Hugest 1843, the fol
lowing persons, via : Dr. Wm. Grubb,
Dr, Jas. K. Davidson, Dr. Charles Mich
aels, Messrs. Jas. Mitchell, Goo. Sites,
Jas. Johnston, Jacob Mowrer, John Os
braugh, Geo. Short, Christian Koser, Jer
emiah Burke, John Rowe, Jr., Win. Os
braugh,Col. David Detrich,Adam Shirey,
Thoa. Atherton, /and two youths, M r.
Irvin and Isaac:Reichert, repaired to the
farm of Christian Kpser, about three
miles north of Greencastle, in the town
ship-TX-Antrim, where-tradition said, the
bodies of the murdered victims were hur
ried, at the foot, and on the south side of
'a large hill, near a spring. Mr. Koser
Pointed out to them, a small plat of ground
unmarked by anything, save the grass
and the briars that distinguish it from the
land around it—The spot is an open
field, and the land around it was
ted. Some of the party soon commenced
removing the ea-th ; and after digging to
the depth of four feet and a half, found
some rotten wood and several rusty nails
of ancient construction. After digging a
little deeper, part of a, small skeleton was
'found ; the bones were much decayed—
and when the scull was handled, it crum
.l•d into dilst The_teeth, how- .• • ~
ed sound. Near by the side of the skele
ton, there was discovered another, which
from its size, was evidently that of a man
full grown—it was in a much better state
of preservation and from relics found in
_close_contactorltere_were_a_large metal
button, some small ones, part of an iron
box, which seemed to have been a tobao
-co box—it-was manifest-that-it -was the
skeleton Of the teacher. Several other
smaller skeletons were discovered. The
skeletons were found lying with feet and
head in opposite directions.
I remember, when a youth, forty-five
years ago, to hear it stated, that the teach
_er_amischolarswere allburiediorthe same
grave, being put into a large, rudely con
structed box, with their clothing on, as
they were found after being murdered.—
The relics found proved the truth of the
tradition. The foul murder was perpe
trated by the Indians, in August 1764,
(July 26, i. D. R.) just 79 years before the
exhumation took place. The name of the
teacher was Brown, and three of the sehoL
ars were said to be named Taylor, Hart
and Hale.
The relics above mentioned are now in
the possession of those who were present
when they were found. Some of the citi
zens of Greencastle and vicinity, to ren
der sacred, and perpetuate this spot, where
lies the bones of the innocent victims of,
Indian ferocity, design in the course of
the ensuing summer, to raise a mound up
on it, and inscribe its history upon a stone,
to be placed at the side.
Some of the remains of the school house
still exist and mark the place of its loca
tion. It was truly a solitary one, and
would be considered so at this day. It
was situated on the brow of a hill. In
the front of it, there is a ravine, deep and
dismal—on the north and west, the sur
rounding hills are covered with a thick
growth of underwood and pine. At the
foot of the hill issues a clear spring, where
rest in silence the bones and dust of the
murdered school. A. B. RANK/N.
The Richmond Journal of March 9th con
tains the following curious extract taken
from the will of the late Horace L. Kent,
lately a resident of the city :
"To my daughter—,who has done so alienate my affections, but who I
still deeply and tenderly love, I give as an
evidence of the beauties of her doctrines
Of secession and rebellion, doctrines and
aims which have reduced me from afflu
ence to beggary, and as she yet thinks per
harm that "The Last Cause" will be re
gained, she may think my request as val.:
uable, more so, possibly, than the same
amount given in Yankee securities. I
give her the following via : Twenty-five
Confederate bonds of K. P. fi. Co., $25,-
000 ; eighteen servants emancipated by se
cession, $lO,OOO ; insurance and bank
stocks, $15,000 ; all my claim against the
so-called Confederate Government for the
wanton, cruel and wicked destruction of
my property on the 3d of April, 1865,
$20,000. I could continue the list to the
extent of more than half a million of dol
lars, but the above will suffice. She will
see what the effects of secession has been,
but for which I could have left all my
children a handsome competency."
til-7` Grace Greenwood thus writes on
the "Woman Question :" "If I had the
framing of the law-, only such women
should be allowed to vote as had sewing
machines, and kbew bow to use them ; no
woman could have a vote who could not
read and write ; who was not able to cast
up her millinery account.: and cut them
Sloan ; who could not make a loaf of
bread, a pudding, sew on a button, wash
and, ou a pinch, .keep a boarding
house, and support a husband decently."
Corn is knee-high in some parts of
Texas. And all kinds of vegetables bayft
been planted, and there am indications of
an abundant crop. aliirs.
To OUR PA.TRONE4,—in Additke tO our
usual expenses during last year this of-
ce incurred a heavy indebtedness in the
procurement of a new press and materi
al, the bulk of which indebtedness falls
upon us next spring, and the object of our
present writing is to bring this fact clear
ly before patrons in arrears, either to large.
or small amOunts.' For the outlay we ask
nothing but prompt payment of what is
due, the subscription and advertisiifg rates
remaining the same as before the enlarge-
went. We therefore intend this as an ear-
nest appeal for payment on the part of ALL.
in arrears. It would be difficult for us in
the midst of a throng season to draw off
the accounts of individual subscribers liv-
ing in distant parts of the country. They
have an idea as to the amount of their in-
dobtedness and can enclose the money, a
cheek or P. 0. order through the mail;
here doubts exist as to the amount they
can give us the benefit of them by send-
ing enough, which will be properly placed
to their credit. This notice, or, their fail-
ure to comply with it. will tell 118 who our
Se-Equal—the days and-nights
M-Adrancing the price of flour.
NEW GooDs at Mt. Hope. See advt
1 1 30.,n0r. - --=-See notice of H. Carbaugh.
SerMonday a week will be the fiat of
April. _
ta..Falling in—new subscribers to the
Record. •
stand. See advt.
SeirGood Friday, the 29th, is a legal
_by statute.
atir Several old maids in our town are
sighing for Home one to love.
egt.The man with _the "big feet" still
takes his "pine•top" occasionally.
nizs.Striped dresses are to be very fash
ionable this spring, a' la zebra style.'
gefirA hen up town in said to weigh
twelve pounds in her "stocking feet."
r Flittings and movinge and rump
ling up the carpets will soon commence.
—lnsure your property in the "Way
nesboro' Mutual Fire Insurance Conipa-
Mirii. town loafer was in lack the eth
er day—he was presented with a paper of
mAdvertise in the Record. Its in
creasing circulation renders it a valuable
LlME.—Messrs. Hess it, Bro., have for
sale wood-barnt lime for white-washing,
plastering, etc. See advt.
..Jacob Wolf, of Wolfsvills, Md., a
soldier of the war of 1812, died on the sth
inst., aged about 84 years.
SUSPENDED.—We understand work for
the present has been suspended on the Scot
land and Mt. Alto Railroad.
is one case of small-pox in Leitersbnrg.
The victim is said to be Mrs. Robt. Slick.
THE WEATHER. — We have experinced
March weather in reality during the past
few days—cold, blustery and disagreea
ble generally.
ae_Parties commencing house-keeping
this Spring should visit Ike Whitmore's
Mammoth Furniture establishment, at
ing to a statement in the Moil there had
not been a now case of small-pox in Ha
gerstown for eleven days.
19..." Dying for loves" We recently
saw a young gent at it, bnt the barber got
pay for the job. The chap's upper lip
looked like a prairie after a fire.
DEAD. — Henry S. Dorwart, fermerly
associated with Mr. Wm. H. Hiteehew, in
the dry goods business,Chamberßburg,died
in Lancaster ou Sunday.
ssa,The Young Men's Christi/In Asso
ciation Prayer Meeting will be hold in the
basement of the Lutheran Church at 3
o'clock on Sunday next-.
rPs..lZcsolved, "that too much regard is
paid to antiquity," is the question for dis
cussion by the Mt. Vernon Literary So
ciety this (Thursday) evening,
-Re- - The Bill to prevent the sale of in
toxicating liquors on Election days, hos
passed both Houses of the Legislature.—
The Goveinor has signed the bill.
Vii—As Easter draws near it will be well
to keep a look out for year ews, and
keep stables loeked. We have beard of
plenty of egg thieves—mostly boys.
IXN.CoI. J. L. Richie, Collector of In
ternal Revenue for this district, has ap
pointed Harry Strickler, IF,sq., of Green
ca:;tle, his A cleycr app:•intment.
PATTEE3OII having sometime since engag
ed in the Milling business at Pittston, Pa.,
offers for sale; we understand, his valuable
41111 property, on the Antietam, near this
place. The improvements, including a
fine brick Merchant Mill, are not perhaps
excelled in this section of Franklin coun
ty. It has also the advantage of a most
exeelleat water power, and is situated in
. the heart of a wheat-growing section
which may be said in this respect to be
almost unrivaled. With the necessary
elements in abundance—water and mate
rial—it might be turned to profitable ac
count by capitalists investing in it as a
Site for the manufacture of paper. The
shortest and most feasible line for the pro
posed Branch Railroad, and therefore the
one most likely to be adopted, passes near
the buildings, which would make tit still
more desirable as a site for the manufac
ture of paper. A gentleman of more than
ordinary business experience impressed us
with this idea the other day in the course
of a conversation with him, and hence
this brief "local." Perhaps some one
among our readers better posted as to this
particular branch of manufactures will
furnish us something more practical on
the subject.
R. R. SOVVEYS.7 - Mr. Gitt, Engineer,
on Monday last finished running a second
line from this place to the Western Mary
land Railroad,making the connections two
and a half and three miles North of Smith
burg. The distance by either will be
about six miles. He
now engaged in
running a line from the Summit North.
e_probabilities_are that-a connection-in
this direction "would make a- longer road
by from three to five miles. His report
ich will be completed in a few days
afterfiiiiihing the gurneys, will,howeNier,
set at rest all surmising on this point.
Locer. OrTlON.—Under the Special
Local - Option - law - passed forShippensburg
that borough voted last Friday on the
question whether licenses to sell liquor
within-its-limits-should be granted by-the
Courts. The question was determined in
the negative by a strong majority and
Shippeasburg must do without taverns
for a while.
From the information we have been
able to gather, we feel sure that a gener
al Local Option la* will be passed for
the State, and Chambcrsburg will have
the chance to vote on this question next
Towxsuth ELEcTiox s —The following
gentleman were elected on Friday last to
fill, for the ensuing year, the respective
township offices :
Judge, Simon Lecron ; Inspector, Hen
ry 'Walter ; Assessor, Jno. Harbaugh, Jr.;
Constable, Henry Henicle ; School Direc
ters, Samuel Frantz, James 11. Clayton,
Aaron Funk; Supervisors, Daniel Potter,
Geo. V. Mong, John Rodgers, Jonathan
. Auditor, Peter Rouzer ; Treas.
urer. 11. Garver; Clerk, John
Price, Jr.
SEES AGAIN.-A gentleman from Park
Hill informs us that Messrs. Nathaniel
Churchman and Jonathan Bowman on
Tuesday night a week were confronted by
that strange "animal." This time it is
represented as appearing about the size
of a yearling calf. The parties are said
to have been as badly frightened as Mr.
Hoke's "nag," and of course beat a 2:40
retreat. Our informant says Bo'wrnan's
first leap was only excelled by that of Sam
BE CHEERFUL„—Emerson says: "Do not
hang a dismal picture on your wall, and do
not deal with sables and glooms in your
conversation . " Talmage takes up the
strain: "Some people have:an idea that
they comfort the afflicted when they
groan over them. Don't drive a hearse
through- a man's soul. When you bind
up a broken bone of the soul, and you
want splints; do not make them of cast
iron." After such connselings and ad
monitions, lay aside your long faces.
QUINCY ELECTION.—The election in
Quincy Township resulted ,in the choico
of the following persons :
Judge, David M. Lowery ; Inspectors,
H. M. Small, J. S. Small ; Supervissors,
Alexander Johnson, Henry Rowe ; School
Directors, Samuel Essick, Geo. Cook ; As
sessor, J. R.. Smith; Constable, Calvin
Krome ; Auditor, Wm. Slaughenhatipt ;
Township Clerk, Geo. W. Beaty.
illness we noticed last weelc, expired on
Friday evening. An examination revealed
the fact that his death was caused by can
cer in the stomach. Mr. I. was an enter
prising and much esteemed citizen. An
unusually large concourse of friends and
acquaintances •accompanied his remains
to the M. E. Church burying ground on
Sunday afternoon.
iiiirNow is the time to decide the long
mooted question—" Which is the mother
of the chick, the hen that laid the egg, or
the one that hatched it ?" Can't the Pikes
trifle Debating Society decide the matter ?
Ns..lVe are willing to receive payment
from any of our friends wbo may owe for
subscription, advertising or job printing,
and expect to continue in this frame of
mind for some time.
.The old ladies say that water ob
tained from snow on or after the 17th
instant (Saint Patrick's Day in ;.he morn
ing•,) will be good for sore qes.
day we received a Circular from P. T.
Barnum, the renowned Showman, at the
bo . ttoni of which he stated in a note, that
his great traveling Museum, Menagerie,
Caravan, Hippodrome, Polytechnic In
stitute; and International Zoological Gar
den, in which he has One Million of Dol
lars invested, will probably visit our town
during the spring or early summer. lie
has added some remarkable novelties to
his establishment, among these are his Fi
jian Cannibals, his Sea Lions,and his Rid
ing Goat Alexis. We copy the following
from the New York Tribune of Feb. 24
"A private exhibition was given yes
terday by four Fiji Island cannibals, at
room No. 14 Astor House, under the au
spices of Mr. Barnum t 0.150 friends. He
has obtained three of these natives by de
positing $15,000 with the American Con
sul as security for their return in August,
1874, to Thokambau, the king of the lar
gest of the Fiji Islands. In the event of
their return they are to suffer death, and
posibly will be eaten alive by piece -meal,
accordirg to cannibal custom. Mr. Bar-'
num, howevei, .disclaims any intention of
sending them back to satisfy the demands
of Fiji justice. A woman, who had been
educated by missionaries accompanied the
agent to this country, through the advice
of the Missionary Society. She read pas
sages yesterday from a copy of the Bible
printed in the Fiji language. The cap
tives were liberally daubed with paint,and
displayed ostrich and peacock feathers on
their heads. They performed war dances
to the accompaniment of m onotonous songs.
The dwarf, Ra Biau, who has the most
fierce and treacherous aspect of them all,
varied the entertainment by playing on a
flute through his nose. The tune was as
enlivening as variation on two notes could
possibly be. Mr. Barnum has lost none
of his customary zeal in providing rare
and expensive novelties for the patrons of
his last great achievement. His Sea Li
ons, living Giraffes riding goat "Alexis,"
Black_Leapa_rd,_Akyssintan Vi eke Var.
-Moving - Musical - and - MechanicalAutorn=
atons, and last, though not least, the four
Fiji Cannibals, and the Museum Collec
tion of Curiosities from the South Sea Is
lands,- are sufficient of - themselves to - m ake
a great show. But these are only few of
the many thousands of extremely rare and
recherche attractions with which this show
prilice proposes to regale his - customers
throughout the country during the travel--
ineseason of 1872."
_IC lair. George Small, of Small's Mill,
Quincy township, met . with a fatal acci
dent in the mill on Thursday morning,
the 7th inst. About 3 o'clock he got out
of bed to put some lard in his lamp, and
while doing so he set his clothes on fire,
and burned himself fatally. He died on
Saturday arening following. He suffered
greatly, but bon. it with patience. He
was 58 years old, unmarried and wealthy,
and was noted for his•strict integrity.—
CLOSED.—The Brewery of Mr. A. D.
Gordon in this place was closed one day
last week by Geo. J. Balsley, revenue offi
cer, for alleged infraction of the revenue
laws. We understand the difficulty lies
in this: Mr. e7ordon could not procure
fifty cent stamps and used twenty-five
cent ones in their stead.
DENTISTRY.—From the amount of Den
tal work executed by Dr. A. K. Branis
bolts since his location in our midst we
feel warranted in recommending him to
all persons in want of the services of a
good Dentist._ Few operators anywhere
are better qualified to perform all opera
tions known to the profession.
1103 — The coming "Spring bonnet" is go
ing to be "too elegant for any-thing." A
convention of milliners will be held this
month, to see whether it shall be trimmed
with ostrich plumes or the gorgeous tail
feathers of a shanghai rooster. The price
will be the same in either.
'Our devil gives vent in this wise :
I pressed her gentle form to me, and whis
pered in her ear: if when I an► far away,
for me she would drop a tear; I paused
for some cheering words, my aching heart
to cool, and with her rosy lips she said :
"Oh, you are such a fool."
The Pennsylvania Conference of
the United Brethren Church, which re
cently met at Duncannon, appointed the
Rev. W. T. Lower, as pastor of the Cham
bersburg Church, and the Rev. J. C. Smith
as Preiciding Elder of the Chambersburg
SADDLES.—For style, Variety and pri
ces, the stock - of saddles now offered for
sale by W. P. Wengley, is not.exeelled in
the county. Persons wanting saddles
should go and see fir themselves.
the most remarkable colored men of the
time is said to be John Lynch, the Speak
er of the Mississippi House of Representa
tives. He is not over twenty-three, and
could not read at the time of the capture
of Natchez by the Union forces. Having
received his first lessons of one of the A
merican Missionary Association teachers,
a Northern lady, lie has been so diligent
as to have acquired a fair general English
education and a tolerably good acquain
tance with law. His character stands la n -
bl em ish ed , and his habits of study and at
tention to business are such that a distin
guished career may with certainty be pre
dicted for him. He excels as a presiding
A Saloon keeper named Holmes, in Gal
va, 111., was on a continuous drunk for
clays, during which time his horses were
left to starve in a barn well stored with hay.
The famished animals devoured their man
ger, stalls, and each others manes and
tails until they had not strength to gnaw
and they sank down and died
Done Giving.
"I have done giving," was the answer
of a man to me when asked to contribute
to one of the benevolent purposes of the
church of which he is a member,
Done giving ! what a subject for reflec
tion and thought. Done giving? have
you indeed, given all .you have to give ?
Come, brother, let us reason this matter
among us. Has the disciple done, what
his master did ? was he rich, and has he
become poor so that others through his
poverty have become rich? Oh no, broth
er, you have more of this world's goods to
day than you had one year ago. You
have an abundance—more than enough
far your support. Your children have
plenty, you have in no way impoveiished
yourself. You are, through the favor of
Providence, full of this world's wealth ;
your barns are not emptied by giving—
they are full ; you are successful in busi
ness;. the Lord gives lavishly to you; you
are his steward; can you say, I have done
giving, and thus honor your master ? He
says, behold, all these or mine. At His
coming he will ask you to return the tat.
en t given you, with usury.
Why, my brother, is there no longer.
any to whom you need to give ? are all
the hungry ones fed? are the naked all
clothed ? have all had the gospel preached
unto them? is there a Bible in every house
in our own land ? Do nations no longer sit
in darkness? Have the glorious tidings
of "Peace on earth, good will to men,"
been published everywhere? Do men no
longer worship gods made with their own
hands? Are the swords all turned into
plow shares and spears into pruning hooks?
Does one hand of brotherhood bind all na
tions, and kindreds, and tongues, and do
men learn the art of war no more? Is
the wail of the orphan no longer beard ?
do the widow's tears no longer flow ? has
the cup of gladness everywhere taken the
place of the cup of sorrikw ? Have you
nothing to do with all these things? Yes,
you are one of the Lord's husbandmen ;
the fields are white unto the harvest. As
checks are never protested at His counter,
if you hail) funds there. "He who giv•
eth a cup of cold water to one of these lit
tle ones in the name of a disciple, shall
have his reward."
By your charity you may lay up treas
ures in- heaven. "In-the-morning sow-thy
seed, and in the evening withhold not thy
hand, for thou knowest not, oh man, which
shall prosper." And now, my
are you done giving? If you cease to give
will you grow rich ? Yea, you may in
crease the amount of "yellow dirt" or rust
_l g_paper_;_you ay,. lik e Shylock, claim
the bond, but remember you will he called
into judgment. You are done giving be
cause others do not, give as you think they
should ; for shame, because you think oth
ers niggards, will you be a niggard too ?
Think again, brother. Remember the ex
ample of your Lord, how He went about
doing good. Yes, brother, continue to
give as the Lord prospers you. "Let not
your left hand know what your right hand
doeth." Benevolence is the hot-house of
grace, "For what shall it profit a man if
he gain the whole world." D. B.
—Boston Corbett, the man who once
enjoyed notoriety as the killer of Booth,
is dead.
—Little Onions for sale at Rim's
Reid's Grocery on this (Thursday) even-
It — Just received at the new Variety
Store, a fine selection of Hymn. Booki of
the different . denominations..
TEETH—TEETH.—Artificial teeth in
serted by Dr. A. K. Branisholts at prices
to suit all persons.
Btir Will receive on Friday a fine lot
of Pocket Albums, Initial Paper and Tx.-
velopes, Reward Cards, &c.
NOTlCE.—During the past two and a
half years Dr. A. K. Branisholts has per
formed Dental operations among the citi
zens of this section generally,. and which
we undersfand have given the most per
fect satisfaction. Persons wishing teeth
extracted or inserted will find it to their
interest to give him a trial. Permanent
ly located in the rooms above Coon &
Stonchouse's store, corner of the Diamond.
gPhiladelphia ct, Baltimore Dailies
at Book Store of
Ea — There are no assessments in the
Mutual of N. Y. A certain amount in
cash every year according to the age of
the party is all that is paid or to he paid.
Call on me and learn what the Company
proposes to do. W. A. REID.
FOR RENT.-A store room nearly 50ft.
deep, with open front and show windows,
in the bnsiness part of Main St. Also
several pleasant rooms and private houses
for rent. Enquire at this office.
eLadies' Furs at less than cost, 2 sets
Mink Sable, 1 set of German Litch, 2 sets
of White Ermine, 8 sets of childrens and
other Furs, the remnant of our Stock. In
tending to alter our Fur and Glove Room,
we are anxious to get these goods out of the
way and will close out at a sacrifice, for
that reason only—come and see, at 13pde
graff's Hat, Glove and Fur Factory, op
posite Washington House, Hagerstown.
0- _
By the Rev. Dr. Schenks, Mr. JACOB
S. SMALL, of Chambershurg, and Miss SA.-
RAIT C. MUSSER, of Carlisle.
On the 14th inst., by the same. Mr. IsAAC
llocKEnsmrrrt of Quincy, to Miss SUSAN
STICKEL, of Jackson Hall.
On Wedne§day, the 13th inst., by the
Rev. J. A. Crawfbrd, 'Maj. JAMES Gn.-
monr, of N. Y.. to HALLIE, only daugh
ter of Walter Beattie, Esq., of Cambers•
Near this place, on the 16th inst., Mrs.
EMMET: MIDDLEKAUFF, daughter of Geo.
dec'd, aged 30 years, 1 mohth and
24 days.
In this place, on the 15th inst., Mr. Jonx
J. IRVIN, aged 51 years and 10 days.
Near Shimpstown, on the 15th inst., Mr.
M. SLYER, aged 40 years, 7 mouths and
7 days.
At Welsh Run, on the 26th ult., OLIVER
S. son of John and Amanda Angle, aged
3 years, 11 mouths and 13 days,
In the llth of March, near Scotland,
Jon L. LESIIER, aged 24 years.
On the 11th inst., near Scotland, Joinr
L. LESHER, aged 63 years, 5 months and
23 days.
On the 11th inst., in• Marion, HARRIET
PIPER, aged 26 years,2 mos. and 19 days.
At Dry Run, CLARA L., infant Baugh:
ter of Mr. John A. Harry, aged 10
On the 11th inst., near St. Thomas, Mrs.
CATHARINE CRIDER, wife Of Samuel Cri
der, aged 42 ) ears,
Near St. Thomas, on the 11th inst., Mrs.
Jno. Zarger., aged 49 years, 10 mo. and
4 days.
On the 17th inst., near St. Thomas, Miss
IDA BETZ, daughter of Mr. Geo. W. Betz,
in her 15th year.
Near Greencastlo, March the Bth, '72.„
Mr. JaSEPEE TRYIN, aged 20 years and
18 days.
BACON... .......
' 8UTTER..........
11ARD SO.A.P •
BALTIMORE, Afarcli, 18 1872
FLOUR--Prices for flour continue to .
ness being confined to supplying the im
mediate wants of consumers. Sales on
'change to-day only 800 bbls., viz: 200
Howard Street Super at $6,50(cc 3 6,62i , 100
Western do. at $7,100 each Western and,
Howard Street Extra at $7,62/.
WHEAT—Continues steady and firm.
Some 5,500 bushels at market to-day,and
We note sales 0f3. - 200 Pennsylvania d.
at front 2.68 to 172 cents, and of 2.500
Michigan white at from 190 to 200 cents.
CORN—For white Southern the mar
ket was active, some 35.000 bushels sel
ling at G 2 64 cents, but yellow do. was
dull and weak, 1,500 bushels selling at
62@ ; 63 cents, and 8,000 - do. at 60(661
cents, at which figures it closed.
OATS.—We notice sales to-day of
500 bushels Western at 51 cents, and of
650 do. Southern at 51@;56 cents, but the
market may be written quiet and rather
heavy. •
18.—Beeves in fair demand and firmer ;
sales 2,800 head at 7i(a 8 cents for extra
Pennsylvania and Western Steers ; 6ia7
cents far fair to good ; 5a6 cents for com
mon. Sheep in fair demand • sales 12,-
000 at 6ia9 , 1, cents. Hogs in fair demand,
sales 3,200 at $7,50a8.
A Worse and Spring Wagon.
lll\larch 21-3 t W. A. REID. 7
Office in the rear of his Drug Store in the
Waynesboro' Hotel Building.
mar. 21-tf.
%Int subscriber has on hand a large (pa
-1 tity of Early Rose Potatoes in good con
dition, which will answer for table use or
for seed. They are of excellent quality and
sound. I wiil warrant them to be the gen
uine Rose Potatoes.
Near Waynesboro'.
mar. 21-2 w.)
ripTIE Subscriber having purcbased of John
Morgal his property about 2 miles West
of Waynesboro', informs the public that he
will continue the Plant and Vegetable busi
ness as heretofore, and hopes to be able to
merit a continuance of the public patronage.
March 21-3 t J. F. STOUFFER.
Ir HE subscriber informs the citizens of
.I. Waynesboro', that he will continue to
supply them regularly as heretofore with a
prime article of Milk and Cream. He has
a fine selection of Stock and hopes by punc
tuality and fair dealing to merit a continu
ation of the citizens' patronage.
rrIIE subscribers would inform their old
1. customers and public generally that they
have now for sale at their well-known kilns
a prime article of Wood-burnt Lime for
White-washing, Plastering, &c., and pur
pose keeping a supply on hand during the
season. HESS & BRO.
March 21-3 -
Executoets Notice.
XTOTICE is hereby given that Letters
11 Testamentary to the Estate of John J.
Irvin, lato of Waynesboro', dee'd., have been
granted to the undersigned. All persons
knowing thetuselves indebted to said estate
will please make immediate payment and
those having claims against the estate, will
please present them properly authenticated
for settlement. ' JOHN PHILIPS,
March 21-6 t Executor.
Administrator's Notice.
OTICE is hereby given that Letters of
Administrrtion to the Estate of Dr. T. J.
Oellig., late of Waynesboro', dee'd., have
been granted to the undersigned. All per
sons knowing themselves indebted to said
estate will please make immediate payment
and those having claims ac'iinst the estate,
will please present them properly authenti
cated for settlement.
March 21-6 t
rir HE well-known Old Tavern Stand (form
erly Shank's) in Quincy will be offered
for rent at public-outcry. on Tuesday the
Dith inst., at 2 o'clock, P. M. The nouse is
well calculated for private residence and
public business. The renter will have choice
of business eNcept hotel and restaurant
keeping, either of which can only be earri..
ed on by pKillission fruta the subscriber.
3Lreit 21-1 t A. S.