Mailaesboroi i9iltagt geteriL „ Thursday,llloob. 14, "7,2. to... There were 118 deaths flint pox in Philadelphia lust weekt CEirThe income of Wm. 'B. Astor is $5.000 per day, and he owns six hundreit houses. teens total loss by; the burning of Dr. Jayne's granite building iq,•l?hiladel• phia, is nearly a million of Itls - Black or spotted fever ;hits mode its appearanco in Scranton• in sack a form that the public schools lie been dosed. Stfinwo hundred' and fifty canary birds, formely the. property of James sad. at auctioa last week,, bringing sa,ooo Itgt.Barnum , advertises for 309. tuna to travel with. his 'great moral show, He says that they must abstain from the,use of spiritous liquors and profane language. terNew Hampshire elected her Gov ernor and State Legislature on Tuesday.— Thn Republicans, this Democrats, the La bor Reformers and the Prohibitionists 'had a ticket in. the field. ffirThe death penalty is abolished in KILBSDS, the lower House or the Legisla ture having passed the bill, (Nhieh had previously passed the Senate) regulating the punishment of convited murderers.= imprisonment for life is the severest pen, silty under the new Law, CS-On Monday a neelL a large bundle of vouchers Were stolen from the Court House — -affair it turns out that York has a Tam any Ring, and that it has made away 'with $310,000 belonging to the taxpay ers, m.A man narrowly escaped being burried alive at Sleepy Hollow Cemetery near Tarrytown. N. Y. As the eoffut was about to be lowered into the grave a noise proceeded from it, causing the interment to be delayed long enough, to. dlacoNer that the man was alive, - : la -Resolutions have beep. introduced tho California Legislature asking Cons gress to repeal the act giving the raonoply • of the fur business in Alaska to one firm. Last year the importation of raw fur _from Alaska to. California aggregated two millions of dollars, one steamer alone . bringing $BOO,OOO worth, tar The case of Dr. Lluston of Balti more was last week before the Conference of 81. E. Church South, at Warrenton,. Va. Of course the Rev. gentleman plead martyrdom. The disgraceful affair was. referred hack to the Presiding Elder of the East Baltimore Conference for imme diate investigation. I via.. The present winter has written a tale of unparalelled horror on the pages of Western history. As yet however not half the story of suffering from terrible . frosts, and damage from blinding snow storms, has met the public eye. Snow has been piled house high in many local ities, and men, women and children frozen while endeavoring to obtain food and fuel. In some cases, parties were overtaken in the open air and killed by the blight ing ern brace of the North wind; in others, whole families died by their own fireless hearth stone, cold hungry and alone. These aro some of the incidents which have mark ed the winter of 1872 in the West. vm.The facts of the immense frauds per petrated on the treasury of New York by the Tammany Ring have been known for so many months that they are almost an old story, but the practical workings of the thievery were not perfectly illustrated until Andy Garver returned from his ex ile and turned State's evidence against the rest of the robbers. In the trial of Mayor Hall of last week Garver was plac ed on the stand as a witness for the pros ecution and told the whole story of his own rascality in the presenting of a fraud ulent bill to the city for 5395,600 for plas tering pretended to have been done on the Court House. He was paid thirty-five per cent. of the olaim, of which he kept $5O, 000 for himself, gave Tweed the same a mount, and the remainder was distribu ted among the other thieves. There was nothing directly implicating Hall in the affair, except that the warrant for pay for labor never performed must have pas sed through his hands and been audited by him. Ex-Comptroller Connolly has tied from New York on account of the threats of his former confederates of the Ring, that if' lie came into court to testi fy against them, they would produce evi dence that lie had been convicted of crime in Philadelphia and been pardoned out of prison by the Governor of Pennsylvania. sts-The eases of the Southern Pennsyl ,vania railroad company against a num ber of citizens in the vicinity of Mercers burg, which were to have been tried in the court of Common Pleas of Perry coun ty have been settled and the suits with drawn. Dr. Jacob Thomas, a Frederick, who was arrested some months ago, on the charge of killing a Mr, Belt near Buck eystow•n, and who was indicted by the Grand Jury of that county a few days J3inco, haS xiiiaoved his trial to Rage* town. The Telegraph (ace is now next door to the Waynezboro Hotel. Sectfl pats. SA.l,ll4tnawri&v:- , -Tlie public sales: of . real; and. personal property advertised . thronifil the columns of tin. Record eQn; t e oftin tlie following order : J. B. Secrist, personal property, March 16, Rev. D. Holsinger, personal property, March 19. Joseph Middower, personal property, Friday, March 21 S. S. Bowdon, personal property, Mon day, March 25. Joseph 011 o r; personal property, March , GOlNG—the snow. SLoxpli—Alle . roads, WAXTE3S---a town school for boys, etost•—:the first otApril' 10,Election dwy, to-morrow GOING Down—a well in front Jimmy Richardson's house, REGISTER—your name% delinquents, on our receipt list for March, xm..REcolumENcEnt—work on the ziew Sulinol Building. ta.Coramunications on hand wall re-. eeive attention from week tq week, ETh& equinoctial storm is to come of on or about the 29th.. JSerA groat flood this spring is predict ed. 19...5n0iv fell here on Monday to, the depth of three of four inches.. Stine,, the duich, Rag Peddler was* town on Timidity, Irm Lreg..--The hogs destroyed the fodder we was to get, Has the ground squirrels skeddaddled, with the wood ?. • Vei - Ur„ Napoleon - Beard, .harness-rnak er, by a slip of the knife, cut off the end of one of his fingers or Tuesday, Poing well at last accounts, brEir FlRss..—M.. C. Crilly has associaA ted -John-Irvin, Jr.-witb, him. in-the eery business, Advertisement rteU. week, 11fo~ ~r~Y En .— persons having mou, ear to put out on the first of April at a reasonable per. cent. will fin.d an. applicant by calling on the Printer.. ILL.—Mr.. John J. Irvin of thia place, we regret to learn,is lying seriously ill, so much so, that all hopes 'of his recoxery have been abaudoued, t RnrovEr4 7 —Dr. John M. Ripple has removed his office to the room formerly occupied by Dr. John J.. Oellig, on the Northeast corner of the Diamond..,--W. H., Brown, the Mt. }lore Merchant, is now East laying in goods for the Spring trade, He will he on hand itua few days, Fon. CONSTABLE.—WErt Gou►der re , quests us to announce that he is an hide. pendent candidate for the office of con stable in Washington township. ne—Mr. E, S. SUNK has taken pos session of • the Washington Home, on the S. E, Cor. of Market and Second Ste., Chambershurg, having purchased the pro perty sometime since, A clever landlord. Don't forget him when you go that way. FATAL ACCIPENT.—On Thursday 'of last week Geo. Heiman, son of Michael Heiman, of Guilford township, was thrown from a horse and had one of his legs bro ken, from the effects of which he died with lock jaw on Friday last. Aged about 15 years. LARGE Rm.—Quincy township, so far as big hog axe concerned, bats the coun ty. On Friday last Mr. Samuel S. Win gert, of Mt. Hope, slaughter a Chester White hog which weighed six hundred and fifty pounds, clean meat, Gnanuarns.--Among those who grad uated at Jefferson Medical College, Phil adelphia, on Saturday last, we notice the names of Drs. ANDREW S...ABONDRAICE, Of this place, and JosEes M. EaratEßT, of Washington county, Md. We congrat ulate our young friends upon the credita ble examination through which they have paced, and wish them like success in their profession in the future. COURT.—The following persons have been selected as jurors from Washington and Quincy townships for court, comMenc lug April Bth 1872: Grand Jurors.—John 01ler, Geo. She ffer. Traverse Jurors—Jeremiah Small, W. J. Bickle, Win. H. Brown, John Be misderfer, John Duey, Levi Kepner Da vid Rider, D. B. Reah, Geo. W. Sarbatigh, Chas. West, ..An act to prevent e sale of in. toxicating liguor on election days has pass. ed the State Senate. It allows no spiritu ous or malt liquors to be sold, furnished or given away on election days, during the hours of voting. Violation of this law is punished by one hundred days im. prisonment and five hundred dollars fine. Constables are to enforce the law • under the same penalty. Vir Leaeock township, Lancaster Co. boasts the largest steer in th© world.— Stock dealers say he will weigh 4,000 pounds, 19EX&e Carpe,t arlvertiscracrit, L II lirrt M Cirecneattle. THE R. R. Sunratr.—Our Railroad Committee have secured the services of Joseph S. Gitt, Eaq,,, Civil. Engineer, to run, a couple of experimental lines to as certain in which direction thli sborteSt and most feasible route for.thß pleposecibranch road to Connect with the Western Mary land road lies. The time appointed to commence the work was this morning.— A couple of weeks will elapse we are in formed before Mr. Gitt's report will be completed, when we hope to be able to give something mote definite as to the pro bable enema-of-the-project. If a line that is practicable and satis factory can be found our railroad men should lose no time in completing the ne cessary arrangements to make its success a reality and insure an early commencement of work this spring, If the connection can be had in six or seven miles, a few months, after a commencement, should suffice for the completion of the road. .If we aro to get this outlet to Baltimore the sooner the better.. For this want our community has. too long suffered pecuniary loss and in convenience. Our business men and far mers can therefore well afford to act with promptness and liberality in behalf. of a public Qnterprise, so vitally important to. their best interests, For want of a_ rail road enough money bas already been lost to build a half dozen branch roads, Y. M. C. A.—.We are glad to learn that our Young Men's Christian Association --is-growing-and-under-the-blessing - o,f - GEod prospering., At a meeting of the Aaso-. citation held on Monday eyening it was agreed to rent the Hall aboye 13eaver's store room for a reading room.. Ono or -the-members-kindly-offering - tofurnislrthe room at his own charge and the Associa tion to repay him as it is able.. The ob jects and purposes of the Association are good and it deserves the help of all per sons.. The regular prayer meetingof the Association will be held in the Methodist Church on Sunday Afternoon at 3 o'clock. Let there be a, full tu.rr% out, DruocnAnc TrexEr.—The Democrats on Saturday nominated the following town-. ship ticket to he supported at the election to-morrow. Judge, Simon Lecron ;: Inspector, Ilen- I - ry - Walter;SuporvisursTAamold - ReAgersT Samuel Lecron,Jona.Hefne4Samuel Shef ler ; School Directors, Wm. Fennel, Da vid R. Miller, Samuel Nichodemus ; As, sessor, John llarhaugh Jr. ; Constahle, Daniel. Johnston ; Auditor„ Wm. Popp. For the Borough the ticket is—Assessor, L. C. prackbill ; School Directors, W. L. Hamilton, Ferdinand Farthman ; Consta. ble, Wm. F. Hp.ner. PAVEDIVNTS.—Many of the pavements in our town are sadly out of joint at pre sent and should, he relaid or repaired. In their arrangements for spring work pro perty holders should not forget this im portant item.. In front of a dwelling house nothing looks more untidy than a ragged pavement, which•may be put down as a fair index to its occupants' inside surroun dings. If you would not then be regarded by passers by as untidy or niggardly„ or both, order material for the work; DIED SLIDDENIS t -Nr. John Scott an old and well-known citizen died at his residence near Park 11111 on Saturday last after only a few hours illness. His remains on Monday were conveyed to SA lem burying,ground for interment. Mr. Small, and aged citizen also ex pired suddenly at his residence at Small's' Mill, Quincy township, the same day. " WHAT is IT ?"-.- This strange visitant in animal form has another witness in the person * of Mr. John Hoke of Park Hill.— It, exhibited itself to him one dark night last week in a field at the roadside near Mr. Samuel Frantz's Mill. According to our informant the animal presented eyes about the size of a large apple and resem bling balls of fire. John's nag is said to have made her best time that night over the turnpike. Enough—such a strange sight—to scare any horse, RESOLVED, '!That the Hope of Reward prompts man more to action than the fear of Punishment," is the subject for De bate at the nest session of the Mt. Ver non Literary Society, this (Thursday) ev ening. The ladies are all invited to at tend. The society is called to order at 7 o'clock and the doors aro permanently closed at 8, after which hour none will be admitted. 18!.. A timid old bachelor at a tea par ty thus gave vent to his "pent up keliags:" Three long dreary years I have waited for this Now if you'll pop the question I'll surely say yes. To which a lady promptly responded as follows: The man without courage to do his own wooing, May do his own washing, and baking, and sewing, Bar The Conference of the M. E. Church which recently held it session in Balti more, made the following among other ap pointments for West Baltimore District L, F. Morgan, Presiding Elder ; Meehan icatown, Thos. J. Cross; Srnithsburg, Reu ben Kolb; Frederick, Job A. Price ; Lib erty, Emory Buhrman and William Mck. Hammack ; Linganore, Wtn. M. Fergu son ; Buckeystown, Durbin G. Miller and J. B. Hall ; Middletown, E. E. Shipley ; Union Bridge and Middleburg, C. D. Smith ; 2,7ew Windsor, T. M. West and Geo. E. Dorsey ; Hagerstown, J. Edwin Amos; Westminster, C. H. Richardson. Itsinas.—"Billy" Green, an old •pau. per:die4 at the Poor House -last Friday Morsdag, aged 93 years, lid• had been blindifor thirty yea*.. 14gh McDonnel 4uni Alex. 'niggle, di edAt the same place tifew weeks ago, each aged about 87 years. ...,., Mr. Be*min Huller, died near Becky Spring on 2d inst. in his erglif- - ninthieiti: :He was a member of the United • Breth ren Church for 60 years. He had eight children, fifty five grand-children and thir ty one great-grand,ehildron.-.—Spirij. Barnum the great Showman is com pleting an aogements fora toor through the United States next summer with a great traveling Museum, Menagerie, Caravan, Xt will have many-new -features it .is said and promises to be one of the most extensiv shows of the kind ever exhibit ea in this country. • *The Governor's veto of the Hagen. town Court House bill was not sustained in the Senate, and was passed, by a vote of yeas 15, nays T. The veto was sus, ta.inecl in the horse, 53 to 14. DEAD-Pr. S, L, Swormstedt died in. Westmirkster, Md. on Friday a week, irk the 71st year of his ago, EcomiwNicATuD, EdueationaL, On yesterday afternoon I was pleased to. visit our School Room in Quincy, that afternoon eing t e as o t ree quarters taught b.y our worthy John W. Brown, who stands second to none in the county as a teacher and a scholar, His labors have proved a success, as was practically demonstrated on the afternoon of yestert. ay, J was, ainazjirgly, astonisWKl — fffiY. such a great number of bright scholars, who. for all time during their existence should ever bold cherished in their mem. ories the name of J. W. 8., who has la bored with so. much zeal during his series of terms at this Village, I dare say that the minor portion of teachers in this count try (by this I do not mean to speak dis respectfully of other teachers. I merely want to show the. advance they have Made in education) would be able to solve such difficult problems as were there solved yes terday. The declamations, compositions, dialogues, &c., were elegant (some a little sidesplitting like) and extremely interest ing, Almost any one would have suppos _ethat_grahairs wore their author and that no such intellects could ever exist in heads of children of so few summers. The days of fogyism and knownothingistn, arc among those of the have-beens. They did have their day, but thanks be to our learn • ed teachers wherever they be for the out rooting of: ignorance and the upbuilding of knowledge. 'Tis an old adage, that we live in an age of progression, and we sure ly feel that the people of Quincy have reaped the benefit of the adage. During the last few years we have been paying such wages for teachers as will induce the rising generation, to.make themselves fit subjects to teach those yet unborn what they have obtained by attention to their studies and having as tutors men and wo men of knowledge.. I therefore feel that it is the duty of the School Boards to em ploy the best teachers of the land at such wages as will secure their services (he that what it will) even if it would treble our present taxes. Only too many of us I am afraid have been made to feel the want of a more thorough education. We should view the matter as suicidal to do anything that won d prove detrimental to our chil drn's interests, which could be otherwise done by not grasping so tightly the Al mighty dollar. We had at the close of the afternoon several very elegant addresses by 11tr. Brown and - Jno. Hayman. The latter is a member of the School Board,all of which added very much to the afternoons enter tainment. A great many fathers and mo thers of pupils wero present as well as otht er visitors from our 'Village, which tended toomake the afternoon still wore pleasant and profitable. A. CITIZEN, A WontAN MusDEnEn.—The Pitts burg Commeicial says: The vicinity° of Johnstown, Cambria county, is at present startled by the discovery of one of the most fiendish murders that has been com mitted in this State for years: The body that of a female, was first seen on Fri. day morning by John Shriver a resident of Johnstown, lying on the side of a moun tain, on the lands of the Cambria Iron Company. He, it appears in the evidence had been out fox-hunting, when one of the dogs he had with him got upon the track of a man in the snow. The dog followed it and Mr. Shriver continuing in the course pursued by the dog came to the dead body of a woman, evidently about 45 years old. It was some distance from the place to the nearest house, and Mr. Shriver at once proceeded to alarm the people. During his absence from the bo dy, some person, yet unknown, covered it with brushwood and leaves and set them on fire. When Mr. Shriver and some persons to whom he bad communicated his discovery, returned to the spot the fire was stilt smouldering. Mr. J. A. Harrold, the coroner of Cambria county, was notified of the find ing of the finding of the body, and empan neled a jury for the purpose of holding an inquest. Near where the remains were found there was picked up a tuft of bloody hair, a pair of spectacles, two combs, a white handkerchief, and a full set of ar tificial teeth. These articles are now in possession of the coroner. The coroner cut from tip victims' fleck a piece of cord which was sunk into the flesh. LATER, —From information obtained at the inquest, it appears that the mu ck:ad woman was a Mrs. Moore, and her husband, Michael Moor; is now in custo dy, on- the charge of committing the mur der. To OpR PATRONS.--In addition to our usual expenses 'during last year this of. ftee incurred a heavy indebtedness in the procurement of a new, press and materi al, the bulk of which indebtedness falls upon us next spring, and the object of our, present writing is to bring this fact clear ly . - before patrons in arrears, either to large Or small amounts. For the outlay we ask nothing but prompt payment,of what is, due, the subscription and advertising rates remaining the same as before the enlarge ment. We therefore intend this as an ear nest appeal for payment on the part ofALL in arrears. It would be difficult for us in the - midst of a - throng season to - draw off the accounts of individual subscribers liv' ng in distant parts of the country, They have an idea is to the amount of their in , debtedness and can enclose the money, a check or P. O. order through the mail; where doubts exist as to the amount they can give us the benefit of them by send ing enough, which will be properly placed to their credit, This notice, or their fail ure to comply with it, will tell us who our o .4ead heads" are, ANTI-SWEARING AssociAllox.--The Miners' Journal says : An anti•swearing association has been formed at Harrisburg by-the_erew-o.f-the_shifting_engijAe_Rich , mond, of the Philadelphia and - Reading railroad. B.y the rules of the association, a fine of ten cents is inflicted for every oath uttered by a member.. We should like-to-see-moral-courage-enough-display ed for the formation of several such socie ties in this borough. In Newport, Ken tucky, swearing on the streets costs a dol lar an oath, We believe there is a law in this State imposing a similar fine for this offence, but who ever heard of it ing enforced ? And yet, why should it n, be ? Why should our statute books be E led with laws which are thus permitted become null and void. Far better rope; than allow them to be thus repeatedly at shamefully violated, -- may_only be _a. concpit of_ ours,_bi we are daily impressed with the idea thi t ere is more s ame ess,copen profitnil and blasphemy in cur streets and piste( of business than ever before, at least with in our recollection. It will not, perhaps exercise any influence upon the minds the profane to say what we propose doh in the next sentence, but with the hoj that it will possibly induce some yaw man to pause and reflect for a moment we will pen it : Profanity, whether on old or young lips, is an abomination in the sight of God. It has neither sense nor re: son for its indulgence. It is the indelib: evidence of a depraved and vulgar mini and no one who aspires to the title of gentleman has a right to inflict it ups others. BUSINESS LOCALS. FoE RENT—Three Rooms. Enqui at this office. NoTicE.—Person indebted to A. K. .13ranisholts, Dentist, are earnestly reques ted to call and settle their accounts on before the first day of April next Feb. 29-3 t. TAITEXq FOR SALE.—The subscriber o: fers at private sale his extensive Li n Waynesboro', consisting of horses, W. H. Fon RE:WT. 7 ,-A - store. room n,early 50,ft. deep, with open flon,t and show windowf in the bnsiness part of Main St. Al: several pleasant rooms and private bow for rent. Enquire at this office. hides, 4e DIRECT FROI TgE TYI 4 %..IIITEA.CTITITM Messrs. PRICE & I.l6Ercia take p 1( uro in informing the public that tht have just received direct from the man facturers a large and elegant assortmei of Glass and Queeusware at prices to su all. Do not fail to call and examil their stock and' make purchases from so fine a selection, Lug I.xsunexcz.—Young man or wo man you can take out a policy payable to yourself in five, ten or more years.— Capitalists can make the best interest in this way. Have you parents, sisters, wife or children depending on your exertions ? Then insure. Can any Christian neglect to provide for-them of his own household ? Persons now making application through me need not pay any money before the 10th ,of April. W. A. Rnrn, SEW - Ladies' Furs at less than cost, 2 sets Mink Sable, 1 setof German Litch, 2 sets of White Ermine, 8 sets of childrens and other Furs, the remnant of our Stock. In tending to alter our Fur and Glove Room, we are anxious to get these goods out of the way and will close out at a sacrifice, for that reason only—come and sec, at Upde graff's Hat, Glove and Fur Factory, op posite Washington House, Hagerstown. ' NEW STORE AND NEW GOODS.—We would respectfully announce to the citi• zens of. Waynesboro' and vicinity that we have opened in the room recently fit ted op in the New Building of Mr. Adam Forney, 3 doors East of the P. 0., a full and complete assortment of goods usual ly sold by Grocers and Produce Dealers, which we will sell at fair prices for cash. Fresh Butter can be had daily ; Fresh Fish and Oysters on Friday and Satur day of each week. pressed Poultry ev ery Saturday. Call and see us. WALTER BONBIZAKE HIGHJX are a few of the reasons for the great pop ularity of the Wilson Shuttle Sewing Machine. Ist--itnplioity, has the fewest parts, the least friction, the least wear, runs light est, and is the easiest learned. 2d—Durability, has steel bearings for ne• eT-Eiiirtiaeirery wearing part eith er case-hardened or springtempered. 3d—Does a larger range of work, than any other machine. 4th—Has self-adjusting shuttle tension: t,25 - le — ss than any other first class machine. Its manufac turers and agents, on account of their e normous sales, are content with a moder ate profit, while others selling compare_ tively few machines exact an exorbitant profit from - each purchaser. Lastly, nobody is asked to believe these assertions ;without investigation, or to buy a - Wilson T,Jnderfeed unless satisfied — that it is the nE,sx machine in the market. A. E. Wayoant,; . Agt„ 6, Cor, Diamond. 'NEW STORE,—Chromos, Wall Pockets, Wall Brackets, Frames of all sizes and latest styles, Stereoscopes and Views, School Books, Hymn Books of the differ ent denominations, Family Bibles, Pho tographs, Al'bums. And a fine assort. meat of the best Stationary, Pens, Pencils, Ink, For sale cheap for cash, at the new Store, under the Photograph Gallery. . C. BE4CKB L _ e_llN_A_Xx=zl Z.A.12 , R, , 1.A..0.7Z5. At Pikesville, on the 12th inst. by Rev H. Stonehouse, Mr, JEREMIAH LESHER -to-Miss--Messy - arHcrync - both of this vi cinity. At Williamsport, Md., on the 6th inst., by Rev. G. a Smith, Wk.l3, Dowl4:Y, Esq„ editorof the Leesburg (Va.) Repub lican, to Airs. KATE MOODY. IVAYNE§BORO' MARKET. (CORRECTED WEEKLY.) BACON HAMS BUTTER.... EGGS LARD POTATOES . APPLES-DRIED. APPLES-GREEN HARD SOAP. BALTIMORE, March 11 FLOUR.—We report the market still very strong and buoyant, with an active demand from buyers for local consump tion. Sales to-slay add up about 2,200 bbls., and they include 1,500 bbls. City Mills Extra, "Viaduct," taken fey home consumption on private terms, and 700 bbls. Western and Howard Street, viz: 300 Super at 86.87t®7. 2.00 Extra at 87,50®7,75, and 200 FaMily at $8,75 per bbl. WHEAT—May be written firm, though.inactive under light supplies.— Sales *day about 5,000 bushels, viz: 3,- 000 Pennsylvania red at 1,68@1,72 cents 800 do. white at 170 cents, 300 southern white at 185 cents, and 'BOO Western do. at 1901095 cents. CORN. -4,000 bushels white at 64(70 66 cents, and 500 do. yellow at 65@66 cents. RYE—Steady. Sales today 400 bush els prime at 100 cents. OATS—DuII. Some 5,000 bushels of fered ou 'Change, but sales reported of only 1.200 bushels at 51@54 cents. SEEDS.—Choice _clover sold at $6,25 per bushel, and we quote it as ranging from $5,75 to 6,75 per bushel for fair to choice. PIIIIADETTIII. I / 2 . CATTLE ''..I...tREET, March, 11,—Beeves . in better demand this week; sales 1,600 Pennsylvania and Western Steers at %PS c. - fair to good 6 @a cents; common 4@& cents. Hogs in demand; sales 32,000 at $7,5,0 to 88. IVCIPMCCMII. • - DERSONS knowing themselves indebted 1. by book account to M. C. Crilly, are re quested to call and settle their accounts without delay. Owing to change of firm it it necessary to close the old books. The business will, be continued as hereto fore by the undersigned. March 14 —3t CRILLY CARPETS__ CA.RPETSI I. H. WHITMORE. has just returned from New York and Phil adelphia with the largest and best assort ment of __CARPETS & OIL CLOTHS in the County, Consisting of • NeW Styles and Paterns,, ENGLISH BRUSSELS 9 , Extra super, superfine and Cotton Chains, and ZINEN CARPET : OIL MOMS . 411 widths, 4-4, 5-4, 6-4, 84, 10-4, Oil and Linen vriwrx7 - w . SILAJDMS, Drugget and Crumb Cloth, Rugs and Mats, China Matting, Rope Matting, &c. eze,, EVER OFFERED GRE.ENCASTLE, PA, Rag Carpets, constantly on hand and made to order Selling lower than any other- house irr the County, call and see my large stock be fore purchasing elsewhere, as I am selling i-a-t-old-priee-, at wholesale and retail". March 14, IS7it NEW ADVERMARNeNTS. '';'.-I -7.,...,.•;':, • ENSATION OF NEW YORK, A. WORK DESCRIPTIVE of the CM OF MN TOM 4111111.11= splendors and wretchedness; its high id low life ; its marble palaces and, dark .tns ;its attractions and dangers ; its RINGS ND FRAUDS; its leading men and politicians; :s adventurers ; its charities.; its myster- Js and crimes. Illustrated, with Nearly 250 Fine Engravings. AGENTS WANTED.—Send for circulars id see our terms and a full-description of work. Address National Publishing Co., March 1.4-4 w.. (Incorporated.l.?6o.) COLUMBIA FIRE INSURANCE CO-i. - OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS. . S. Detwiler, Pres't. I Robt. Crane. /-I. Wilson Vice Prest. I Wm. Patton. Herb'tThomas,Treas Jas. Schroeder.. J. F. Frueauff; Sec'}. I J. S. Strine. J. B. Bachman. M. M. Strickler. .Geo. Bogle. • For Insurance or J. F. FRUEAUFF, A GENTS WANTED.—Agents make more "money at work than at anything else. Business light and permanent. Par ticulars free. G. Stinson & Co., Fine Art Puthliehers, Portland, Maine. UQPiano Co.. N. Y. Ist class . k_7. $290. No Agent. Names of pa trons in 40 States in Circular. HOLLIDAYSBURG, PA., SEMINARY, Rev. 3os. Waugh, Prin. SPRING TERM BEGINS APRIL Ist mccessful, Thorough, Economical, Health hl. • CELTIC WEEKLY, The greatest illustrated Original Story Pa per in America. Eight New Origina'. Sto ries in that number. No literary treat e qual to IL Agents and Cavassers wanted , in every town and city of the Union. $lO a week easily realized by the sale of this extraordinary Irish and American Journal. Specimen copies free. For sale by all news paper. Price, 6c. ; $2,50 per year. Address M. J. O'LEARY 4-t: Co., P. O. Box G,074,. N. Y. EXTRAORDINARY IMPROVEMENTS,. CAME? Organ The MAsoN & HAMLIN ORGAN Co, respect fully announce the introduction of improv ments of much more than ordinary inter est. These are • eed and Pipe Cabinet Or gans, being the only successful combination of Real Pipes with reeds ever made; Day's Transposing '.ev-Board, which can be instantly moved-0 the right or the left, changing the pitch, or transposing the key.. For drawings and descriptions, see CircuT lar new and Elegant Styles of Double Reed Cabinet Organs, at $l4O, $132, and $125 each. Considering C'ompacity,, Elegance,, and Thor ough Excellency of Workmanship, these are cheaper than any before offered. The Mason & Hamlin. Organs are. ac-. knowedged BEST, and from extraordinary facilities for manufacture thisComPany can afford, and now undertake to selL at prices which render them, UNQUESTIONABLY, THE CHEAPEST.. Four Octave Organs $5O each ; Five Oc-. tave Organs $lOO, $125 and upwards. With three sets reeds $l5O and, upwards.. Forty• styles, up to $l5OO each. ew illustrated Catalogue and Testimoni-- al Circular, with opinions of More Thusand Musicians, sent free. Mason & Hamlin Organ. Co,, 154 Tremont St., Boston. 596 Broadway, N. Y• • SECURE THE AGENCY AT ONCE For the best Family Sewing Machine. 'lir X C) rla 0 R. J. L. FURGUSO;;i, 1227 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Penna. Profitable Employment. For one or twoersons, male or female, in every town in the United States b y by which they may realize from $3OO to $l,OOO per year, with but little interference with ordinary occupation. 4,,the whole time is devoted a much lam/ sun ,will be realized, Boys and girls can make nearly as much as grown people. Some making from $7 to $l5 per week. For particulars, address J. 3. FARDELL ik CO., 767 Broad way, N.Y. WAN'T'ED. AGENTS To Bell the Improved Florence Sewing Ma chine. MAHE. FOUR DIFFERENT STITCHES. RUNS THE WORN. FOUR WATS. FASTENS ITS OWN ENDS. For Beauty, Simplicity and Durability, is without equal. Liberal terms. Salesroom, No. 1123 Chestnut St., Phila. WILSON & PENNYPACKER, Managers. R. T. Ryon. gencies, address .ec'y, Columbia, Pa