.a. - 4:ib'-.ti:f'...Ott_ta - 4 - ,e......c':.'46 . _0- BY W. BLAIR. VOLUME 24. am pottrg. LIVE AND LET LIVE. BY JOHN H. YATES Well ! Farmer Smith has lost his wheat, is sheds and mammoth barn; His little boy, with one 'small match, burnt up the whole concern ; I'll tell you, wife, he'll feel it sore ; a man on money bent Can't stand up under such a load, when not insured a cent. ilon f ilnow as I pity him ; I call it a great To hoard the harvest of three years in spa. : cious barn and bin ; I can't feel pity for a man who locks doub- And sto s his ears to all the cries that come WEB I like to see economy ; I like to see men save, And lay up something for their kin when they are in the grave ; But you and I know very well, from what we both have seen, ' There is a line which, when 'tis crossed, a man gets to be mean. When wheat - was sixteen shillings—a price that paid us well— . Smith saidp"l'll wait for twenty, I vow, be fore I'll sell!" _ 'Then when it reached that figure, he said to me one noon, "I guess I'll hold it longer; 'twilt be three ,dollars soon." Ile 'held it, and he ran in debt for things to ,wear and eat ; When merchants dunned him he would say "Wait "till I sell my wheat ;" Soon that old tune got fiddled out and men began to sue, And he began to borrow to pay :accounts long due. When Smith goes off to buy a thing he spins around the town, And tries with all his might and man the price to banter down ; 'When he has anything to sell 'tis priceleSs in his eyes, • And he must have the highest mark—the lowest when he buys. "Live and let live",Lre golden words; this other motto too, "ro Unto others as you'd wish that they would do unto you ;" If Smith had done as they command, he would not have to- ay, The ashes of three Warvests to load and draw away. Wife ! if you take a berry and dry it in the sun, T'will shrivel up till it takes two to make the size of one ; So may a man in grasping gain so shrivel up his soul That 'twill ne'er expand again while life's years o'er him roll. , God bless the farmers of our land I They are not all like him, Who walks around that • smouldering pile, now, in the twilight dim; Living on God's broad acres, there souls ex pand and grow ; Their ears are ever open to tales of want and woo. God ble , s the men, where'er they are, in country or in town, Who do not think it life's great work to crowd their neighbors down ; This world would be the better; this life would pleasure give, • If every man who toils to live would let his brother live. Dintellauem grading. CHOOSING FOR LIFE. i Mary Randall was in a difficulty. The time must come when her choice must be made between two persons for a partner in life, one of whom love recommended, with all the fervency of youthful affection, mindful only of the present; while cold reason, looking forward to the future, and not troubled by the present, was as strong. ly pressing the claims of the other. In the society which she moved, Mary Randall was regarded as a girl who not only had been favored by nature with many physi cal adornments, but who had received from her, also, those beauties of mind which make a woman truly lovable. On the good foundation which nature had laid, careful instruction had reared a glorious character, which governed her actions Well --so Well that it was said by some one, and confirmed by every one, that Mary Randall never even parleyed with evil when she knew it to be such. Of course, a• • rule, such a person must be a mark in society, and Mary Randall was no exception; for, in her sphere, she received the admiration and attention of many young men. But two, however, Isere looked upon as in any degree likely to be successful. They were Charlie May nard and Frank Morton. The difference between these two young men was mark ed. Charlie Maynard was handsome, plea sant, and consequently a pet in society.— Frank Morton was rather plain in appea x.mc?, and, though pleasant in manner, yet was reticent, and, on the whole was not a man to show well in a drawing room ; but those who knew him best, knew that there were great depth in the man ; all acknowledged that he possessed many sterling qualities. Charlie Maynard was the most sociable, and in looking in his frank, open face, there was so much on the exterior ad mire, that very few eaw further ; thoef wh odid,kriow that there was no strength character to support him, and their 'flews were strengthened by the fact that he nev er refused the glass of wine offered him, because, as he said, "anything to be socia ble." Frank Morton, on the other hand, often fell in the good opinion of some, by his steady refusal to take even the most "sociable" of glasses. Mary ,Randall was one of the few who noticed these differences, and they were strongly marked to her,for she loved Char lie Maynard, and often had been grieved when he had shoWn the weakness of his character, and had been led to compare this weakness with the stability of Frank Morton.—She-bad often i on-thesever wished that Charlie was like Frit: ton. But to return. Mary Randall was in a difficulty,because these two young men had proposodl - ane as of could-not-be-accepteo,-- must be made. It was a serious thing 1, her to make a choice for life, and she felt the responsibility, and had asked time in w.iich to consider; but now the period was en a defin were engage, Having nothi. to an early weds six months form rierl, and neither choice. Being di prospects, Frank . idence to a neighbor industriously mpg and see what has bec val, Charlie Maynard. Showing the ficklent of his character, he had mer love for Mary Ram stowed all his attentions , light-minded, damsel,nami ton : and, as his attentions and more marked every da • surprised to hear, finally, tl engaged to each other. Kate Rem ton, having nt. strength of character, and nt training which would have mad er, felt no fears, on the score of of Charlie's sociable qualities, ah not hesitated in the least to choose With her it had rot been a choice for she scat cely thought further ti. present. They too, having no cant delay, were married early, and abm month after the marriage of Frank .. ton and Mary Randall. Hearing g reports from Frank, and knowing that had been successful in his undertakit Charlie followed his example, and remol ed to the same manufacturing town. * * * * Ten years have passed, and if you should go now to the same town s and inquire for Frank Morton, there would be pointed out to you a man neatly dressed and fine appearance. If you should inquire of his character and standing, any one would - nu that ' true A FAMILY NEWSPAPER-DEVOTED TO LITERATURE, LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS, ETC. WAYNESBORO', FRANKLIN COUNTY, PA., THURSDAY, MARCH 14,1872. in offices of trust he may be found "most faithful of the faithful. If you should ask him the explanation of his rise to such a position from one comparatively, lowly, he would point to his wee as the cause of it all. Ask her if she ever regretted the choice she made ten years ago, and she would tell you that then she made a choice the full value of which she will never be' able to know. But how did all this hap pen? Simply in this:—Being industrious, when he had removed to the town, Mor `,on soon found work, and what he found do he did with all his might; and so, ming of a saving nature, he laid up mon ' against the bad times to come. They come, but he was prepared, and, wes tering them safely, had gone on his course independence. Soon his worth became 'own ; and he had risen from one posi on to another, until finally he had gain the position of "master" in his trade. Mary Randall, when she gave herself ' l 'rank Morton, had given only respect; loon she did give him that love which .ildeed, love, and to-day Mrs. Morton les-not-regret-the-choice-she-msde-wh-en .fts in difficulty ss Ms ry_Randall.___ 1r different from this is the history of ifs- Maynard : I th rough the_last_terL ~—No_one_whom_you should able' to tell_y_ou anything good of him. In appearance he is bloa ted, his carriage is sneaking, and nothing about him indicates nobility or even res pectability. His haunt is the gin-place, his home is in a low den ; and his once `,ty wife is now careworn, dragged down sorrow. How did all this happen ? :lie Maynard, when he went to that was an industrious man; his indust iined his reward; he obtained work; he did not know how to save. "Suffi for the present" was his motto ; and iuently, when adversity came, he :ed its worst effects. Having no work, ;mune discouraged; and that- social which lie had formed, held out pros of relief from care for the present in was called a sociable glass. ' That the beginning of his destruction; •and d — own, 'ffoWn - he went, until novi—lie ;o no further in this world. The once minded Kate Kempton is now weigh ,wn with sorrow, and as once she car ily for the present, all her thoughts (ow for the future, when she shall be forever. Bitterly does she repent her ; for she knows too well "what he do in adversity." ‘wer must 131 A Frontier Horror. terrible result of the passion for is given by the La Crosse ( Wiscon- Republican, which must fill the read th horror and pity—at the dreadful of the poor unfortunate victims. and for the Ftings of remorse which must the father and husband: . few years ago a man was living his young man with in Manketo, iesota. He was intelligent and Bue ll in business, until passion for drink .vecl him, and his business and repu in were both wrecked by its influence was force] to seek a new home for his family, and his wife, bred to luxury, Ipanied him to the frontier in the that the removal from temptation td free him the grip of the habit which K 1 him. Here they lived for several his abstinence from drink being bro only by an infrequent and occasional ich when he visited some of the near :owns. Early in December he told his that business compelled him to go to —, and that he would be absent days. She about to become a moth in, with three helpless children, and tnty supply of wood, fearing that the date clamor of appetite was the mo which drew him away, entreated him ,y, but in vain. He left. Soon af me of those severe storms of Decem lubly severe' on the unsheltered to—came on. Before its close she entirely destitute of wood, and the ibie alternative was presented to her of ibly freezing to death with her little or seeking assistance from the near ieighbor, over three miles distant. She .ageouly chose the latter, and caving her three slivering little ones with noth ing but a mother's yearning love and prayerful blessing, she started out to seek relief. The next day she was found, half buried in the snow, dead, a new born in fant at her side. The three children were found dead in the house. This, while the once fond husband and protecting father was away reveling in the delerium or doz ing in the stupor of drink. No words can add to the horror of this tale, but be side the unspeakable agony of that dying wife and mother, how trivial ou-r common losses, grieffs and sorrows seem I" A HAPPY Woxsx.—What spectacle more pleasing does the earth afford than a happy woman contented in her sphere, ready at all times to benefit her little world by her exertions, and transforming the briers and thorns of life into roses of Par• adise by the magic of her touch? There are those who are thus happy and cannot help it—no misfortunes dampen . their smiles, but diffuse a cheerful glow arbuad them as they pursue the even . tenor of their way. They have the secret of con tentment, whose value is far above the philosopher's stone; for without seeking the baser exchange of gold, which may buy some sort of pleasure, they convert everything they touch intojoy. What their condition is makes no 'difference.— They may be rich or poor, high or low, ad mired or forsaken by the fickle world; but the sparkling fountain of happiness bubbles up in their heists, and makes them radiently beautiftit Though they live in a log cabin, they make it shine with a lustre that kings and queens may covet, and they make wealth a fountain of blessings to the children of poverty. With the humble there is perpetual PORDUNK VILLAGE. BY JOBH BILLENGS Stranger! hav yn ever been to Pordunk Village, my natiff place? it iz a dear little lullaby ov a place, sleeping between two small mountains in the state ov Pennsylvania. It kontains about 1,000 souls now, and iz watered by goose crik whitch meanders thru the village az crooked and az lazy az a skool boy, on his way tow the diskrict ckool hens. I waz born there, and the ground on whicth the old hous is there yit. Mi ances tors a 1 there too, but they hav retired from bizziness, and are taking their eaze, in the old grave yard, back ov the little one story church. The red painted tavern, where years a go, the town folks gathered in, on satur day nights, to wet their whistles, and brag on their bush beans and other garden sass, iz gone, and departed. And Roger Williams, where iz he Roger was the Village blacksmith, and • uld-out-argy—the—parson—en—a—bit — of skripture, his anvil is still, and he now _livs_in his new house, with the rest ov the old people, just back ov the ittli one-sto ry c Whar iz quare — Watkinthe—jususs of the peace? He kam law, and the stet tews, just az easy az he did the 10 com mandments, hiz little ()friss, for 50 years unpainted, iz no more. No one ov hiz name iz left, he and Roger the blacksmith, lay side by side, just back ov the little one-story church az still az deth kau make them. Sue Dunham, the crazy woman, I don't see her ! Poor Sue she was not always welkum, but no one turned her away, a nights lodging no one refused, sho waz e ven butiful still, when I waz a boy, but I shrunk from the flash ov her _misterious eye. . The old folks knu her story, it waz that sad one so often told, and so soon forgot ton; a man's perfidy. - - - Sue - Dunham - raves-no more,—but-in-the farthest korner, just bak of the little one story church, whar the ded lay the thick est, lays Sue. A weep in willow, sown by acksident, hangs over her grave, and on her hed stone, these words, almost knawed away by time, ken be made out, "Sue Dunham aged 59." Parson Powell, who led his flok bi the side ov still waters, who wet with hallow ed drops at christnings, who jined in wed lock, and who asked God to take the de parting ones, I miss hint too; peacefully he sleeps, just bak ov the little one-story chErch. Deakon Tucker, who sold sugar bi the pound, and molas is bi the pint, who dolt in whale ile, and bar sops, who kept rai zens, and razor straps, who could mezzure a yard ov kotton kaliko to a thread, and who, 4th of Julys, sold 3 fire-krackers tew us boys, what has bekum ov the den kon ? Years ago he fled, not far away, but duss up tew the back wall ov the little one-story church, near to parson Powell. An odd fellow waz Ez. Farnham, and withall,az keen at a trade az a hornet. Them that swopped bosses with. Ez. once, didn't hanker tew do it again; he was honest, but oh ! how fatal to dicker. No one now in the whole village, remember him; he has gone whare thay don't giv nor git boot; they put him in the half aker, just bak ov the little one-story church. Job Piersons iz dead too, and so iz Job's wife, and all ov Job's sons and dauters. Igo up and I go down the good old village of Pordunk; the neople all stare at me az I stop here and . stop there, tew say tew miself, "here it waz that Lige Turner threw Dave Larkins, 40 years a go, on a wrassel on the village green, and thar stood the old town pump." Here old Beverly, the barber, shaved for three cents a shave, and thare Bur bank half-soled boots for a quarter." "Here—let me see! waz it here?—Yes, old mother Benueway sold taffy here each stick at least 8 inches long, and made out of Deakon Tucker's beat Porto Riko molassis." Thare stood the little red shool hous, right thare; it waz the forks ov the road then, it iz the korner of a block now." "Who kan tell me whare Daniel Pur dy, the skool master, live now, no one ! I have asked a dozen, but uo one remem bers Daniel PurdT.". "It jz a sad thing to be a skoolmaster, no one ever seems tew kno wham they go when yu miss them. Thay just seem to depart that's all. I never knu one to di, and be buried." "Ah, it iz pleasant I—it iz sad, to go bak tew the village of Pordunk, there iz more people there now than there waz when I was a boy, but how different am 1. The old trees are the same, man kant alter them, goon krik runs just whar it did, with willows in all of its elbows, the mountains each side haVe not grown any smaller, the birds sing the same songs but I don't kno enny one that I meet, and wh: t i sail more lonesome, no one Mat I meet knows me. When I go to Pordunk, and want tew see ennybody that I remember, I go down the main street to the lust korner, just where Joel Parker mice lived, then I turn tew the left, and keep ou fur a ways till I cum to the little one story-church. Just bak ov that they are all living now. They dont remember me wh..,n I go there, but I remember them. It won't be very long now before I shall jive with them. Preserve your concience always soft and sensitive. If but one sin force its way into that tender part of the soul and dwell there, the road is paved for a thousand iniquities. TIE GUESTS Of TIN UAW T. Soft falls through the gathering twilight • The rain from the dripping eaves, .A nd stirs with a tremulous rustle The dead and dying leaves ; While afar, in the midst of the shadows, I hear the sweet voices of bells, Come borne on the winds of the autumn? That fitfully rises and swells. They call and they answer each other— They answer and mingle again— As the deep and the shrill in an anthem Make harmony still in their strain— As the voices of the sentinels mingle In the mountain regions of snow, Till from hill top to hiil top a chorus Floats dewn to the valleys below. The shtalows, the fire light - of even, The sound of the rains distant chime, Come bringing, with rain softly dropping, Sweet thoughts of a shadowy time ; The slumberous sense of seclusion, From-storm-and-intruders - aloof, We feel when we Imar_iii_the_midnight The patter of rain on the roof. When the s • frit oes forth in its yearnings To take all its wanderers home, r afar in the re: ions of fancy, .tits on swift I quietly sit by the fire light— The fire light so bright and so warm— For I know that those only who love me Will seek mo through shadow and storm. But should they be absent this evening, Should even the household depart— Deserted, I should not be lonely, There still would be guests in my heart ; The faces of friends that I cherish, The smile, and the glance, and the tone Will haunt me wherever I wander, And thus I am never alone. - With those who have left far behind them The joys and the sorrows of time -Who sing the sweet songs of the angels In a purer and holier clime-!-- --Then-tlarkly r o-evening-orattuinn,_ _ Your rain and your shadows may fall, My loved and my lost ones you bring me , My heart holds a feast with them all. In Emergencies If a person falls in a fit, and begins to snore loudly, with very red face, it is ap-. poplexy. Let him be seated so as to fa vor the blood going downward, away from the head ; apply cold cloths to the head; or cushions of equal qualities of snow or pounded ice and common salt. If the person is perfectly still, face pale, and there is perceptible breathing, it is a fit of fainting. Do not touch him, except to loosen the clothing ; then keep off five or ten feet distant, so as to allow the air to come in ; make no noise,. and there will soon be a calm, quiet return to conscious ness and life, for it is unly a momentary cessation of the circulation of the blood to the head. But suppose there is a ve ry violent motion of the hands and feet, and all sorts of contortions, it is epilep sy. Let the man contort until he is tir ed ; you can't hold him still ; all your efforts only tend to aggravate the trou. ble and to exhaust the strength ; all that aught to be done is to keep the unfortun ate from hurting himself. There is no felt suffering, for as soon as he ' comes to he will tell you that he rememlltbrs noth whatever of what has passed, appears to be the only calm self-possessed person in the whole crowd, and is apparently as perfectly well as before the occurence.— Dizziness often comes instantaneously, and we begin to reel before we know it. Shut the eyes, whetheryou are walking along the street, looking over a precipice, as cending a ladder, or climbing to a ship's mast-head, the fear of dizziness disappears instantly if yon look upward.—Hales Journal of Health. The Value of a Scrap Book. Every one who takes a newspaper, which he in the least degree appreciates, will often regret to see any one number thrown aside for waste paper which con tains some very interesting and important articles. A good way to preserve these is by the use of a scrap-book. One who has never been accustomed thus to pre serve short articles, can hardly estimate the pleasure it affords to sit dawn and turn over the familiar pages. Here a choice piece of poetry meets the eye. which you remember ; you were once so glad tare in the paper, but which you would long since have lost had it not been for your scrap-book. There is a - witty anecdote—it does you good to lan]. over it yet, though for the twentieth time. Next is a valuable receipt you had al• most forgotten, and which you have found just in time to save much perplexity.— There is a sweet little story, the memory of which has cheered and encouraged you many a time when almost ready to des pair under the pressure of life's care and. trials. Indeed, you hardly take up a single paper without perusing it. Just glance over the sheet before you, and see how many valuable item§ it contains that would be of service to you a• hundred times in life. A choice thought is -far more precious than a bit of glittering gold. Hoard with care the precious gems; and see at the end of a year what a rich treasure you have accumulated. WHAT THEY THOUGHT.—Wasitinort served two terms as President of the Uni ted States, and when he finally retire& from office to the quiet of Mount. Vernon, the Philadelphia Aurora thus spoke of him :—"lf ever a nation has been debauch e 1 by a man the American nation has haen debauched by Washington. Letthe history of the federal government instruct m tniund that the mask of patrotism may be worn to conceal the foulest designs a gainst the liberties' of the people." &SIN n'SS LAW.—It is not legally ne cessary to say on any note "for value re ceived." A note on Sunda: A note obtained by fraud, or from a person in a state of intoxication, cannot be collected. If a note be lost or stolen, it does not release the maker; he must pay it. Au endorser of a note is exempt from liabilities if not served with notice of its dishonor within twenty-four hours of its non-payment. A -, ote by id__ , not by a minor is voin. Notes bear interests only when so sta ted. Principal are responsible for the acts of their agents. Each individual in a partnership is re sponsible for the whole amount of the debts of_thelrm. Ignorance of the law excuses no one. It is a fraud to conceal a fraud. The law compells no one to do• impos sibilities. urea ma . e wit. a ea , good in law. A receipt for money paid is not legal ly-conclusive. _The acts of one partner bind all the there.. inions to roam .."ontracts-made-on-Sundsy co •• • - enforced. ' A contract made with a miLor is void. A contract made with a lunatic is void. • THE GRAVE.-"Why," says Ossian, "should'st thou build thy hall, son of the winged days 2-Thou lookest from the tow er to day; yet a few years, and the blast of the desert comes—it howls in the emp ty court, and whistles around the h ale worn shield !" Then why should man look forth, as he fondly hopes, upon the sunny future with the eye of fancy, and lay upon the golden visions which have passed like sun beams in his pilgrimage, in the hope of brighter ones yet to come, when the mor row the clod may be heaped on his coffin; aiutabove - his - dust - -the-sepulehral , --yews tremble in the wind ! Alas ! if there is aught on earth which should subdue pride —which should make man feel, that the rich and poor meet together, and that the Lord is maker of them all-it is the Grave! It is there resentment dies—revenge and ambition are satisfied—lt is there, above the urn of sorrow, man must learn that, Do NOT BE AN IDLER.—The idle man is an annoyance—a nuisance. He is of no benefit .to anybody. He is an intruder in the busy thoroughfares of every day life. He stands in our path, and we push him contemptuously aside. He is of no advantage anywhere.• He annoys busy men. He makes them unhappy. He is a unit in society. He may have an in come to support him in idleness, or may "sponge" on his good-natured friends.— But in either case he is despised. Young man, do something in this busy, bustling wide-awake world ! Move about for the benefit of mankind, if not for yourself.— Do not be idle. God's law is, that by the sweat of thy brow we shall earn our bread. That law is a good one, and the bread we earn is sweet. Do not be idle. - Minutes are too precious to be squander ed thoughtlessly. Every man and every woman, however exalted, or however hum- - ble, can do good in this short life, if so ; therefore, do not be idle. HARVESTING CORN.-031011e1 Harris says. in the last number of the Agricultur ist. I believe corn will, be harvested as ye harvest wbeat--cut with a reaper, bound into bundles of a convenient size for pitching, and then thrashed or husked by a big machine driven by ten horses or a steam engine. It must be powerful e• nough to take in a bundle at a time, strip off the ears and husk them, and the stalks as they pass through can be cut up and elevated by a straw carried. I believe in less than ten years we shall see hundreds of such machines traveling from farm to farm as threshing machines now do, and we shall wonder how we ever got along without them." HASTE IS NOT ALWAYS SPEED.—No two things differ more than hury and des patch. Hurry is the mark of a weak mind ; despatch of a strong one. A weak man in office, like a squirrel in a cage, is laboring perpetually, but to no purpose, and is in constant moiton without getting out of the spot; like a turnstile, he is in everybody's way, but stops nobody; be talks a great deal, but says very little; looks into everything, but sees into noth ing ; has a hundred irons in the fire, but very few of them . are hot; and with those few that are he only burns his fingers. ' Leave nothing that, is necessary in any matter undone—we rate ability in men by what they finish,-not-by what they ate tempt. Kindness - is the music of good will to meu ; and on the harp the smallest fingers may play heaven's sweetest tunes on earth. ' That antiquated ne,gro Wonian who has a distinct recollection of the' incidents of the revollutionary -war, has died again.— This time out in lowa, at the age of 115. She did not claim to have been a servant in Washington's family this time. An lowa farmer inculcated early ris ing in a little orphan bound-boy by set ting him on a hot stove for getting up late. What is the difference between a blind man and a sailor in prison? One can't see to go, and the other can't go to sea.— is void, mreement_withont_consideration—is- "Life is a torrid day, Parch'd by the wind and sun, And death, the calm, cold night, When the weary day is gone Wit and 43nnior. An old man when dangeroualy_aick,_was— urged to thke — the advice of a physician, but objected, saying, "I wish to die a nat ural death." A. young lady in Indiana, named b,;.an cy Pratt, was accidently vaccinated in the nose. It took, and her bugle is a joy for ever. A7y_oung ladyin at Fond du La; was married without shoes or stockings. on, the other day, in accordance with an old whim that such an act would bring good luck. The first woman voter of Wyoming was an old lady 70 years of age, who vot ed on her way from the baker's, and went to the polls with a yeast pitcher in her one hand, and the ballot in the other. "Sambo, my massa always trabble ;yours ebber-stay-at- home." "Dat bery true, Jim • but you know_what_the-proverhsay "rollin' stone gadder no moss." "No, Sam bo, but it gadder polish, and dat 'ere's a qualification your massa stan' bery much in need-ob." pencil are An exchange, in describing a fa.shiona auimpeak; : _ H an . , perec_ o a acy anc too- 'er apart;" and -very ungallantly indeed adds that "it is not a very difficult feat to take a la dy apart these times ; but then there is very little left of her afterwards." The Seneca (Kansas) Courier offers to the advocates of Texas cattle the follow ing overwhelming argument: ' "It has been ascertained that the beef of the av erage-Texican, if the bones are-taken- out can be salted away in the horns." A farmer in San Joaquin county, Cal ifornia, recently scattered some wheat, soaked with whisky, over a field frequent ed by wild geese. The silly fowls gorg ed themselves with the seductive banquet,, audsot_so tight that they could not " fly, and the farmer stepped in and - ii - p - itali- - ed six hundred of them with a club. The lively young ladies of Southville, Py., have celebrated leap year by a pub lic sale of the bachelors and widowers of the town. Lawyer bachelors, evidently of an inferior grade, brought five dollars a head ; farmers were knocked otfat 84,25 and $5,50 ; doctors were something of drug in the market, but went at $5 each bachelors with no particular profession es' trade met with very little competition ; the bidding was dull and the prices rang ed from 75 cents to $1,05 ; widowers wero, run up to $l,OOO and eager bidders. DIDN'T DRIVE A WAGON.-A witness in court who had been cautioned to give a precise answer to each question, and not talk about what ho might think the ques tion meant, was interrogated as follows: "You drive a wagon:" "No sir, I do not." "Why, man, did you not tell my learn ed friend so this moment ?" "No sir, I did not.". "Now sir I put it to you on your oath; do you drive a wagon'?" "No, sir." "What is your ocupation then." "I drive a horse, sir." Mr. Sleeper sold a 'yoke of oxeh 'to Mr. Jones. "Are they all right ?" asked Mr. Jones. "They never gave me any trouble," was the answer. In about a week, the purchaser came back very highly excited. "Didn't you say them oxen never gave you any trouble ? they've torn down all the fences for fifty miles around." "Oh ! well," drawled the impurturba ble Sleeper, "I never let such small things trouble me." An exchange gives the following 'cheer ful receipt for bed-buga. Those troubled with unwelcome bed-fellows these cold nights can try it. It says the best way is to shake them down into the middle of the shoot and put a piece of ice among them. Pretty soon you will see the little fellows getting up on their hind legs and begining to thrash themselves to keep wiliga. Af ter that you need not be afraid of their biting, hut may go to bed and sleep, se cure-from their attacks the rest of the night. GOOD Puts.—.l" never hav used any ov Doctor .Emanuel's liver consoling and kidney-encouraging pills, and therefore can't tell you how influential am,but if you are looking after a pill as mild as &pet lamb;tuid as searchin as a fine tooth, comb; buy Dr. Ringbone's` silent peram 'bulators, 25 in a box, sold by all respec table draggers. • These pills don't phool round, but at tend to business, and are as good in the dad of night as an alarm clock. KEEPING THE Le.w.—Thcre was an old Quaker, who had an unfortunate re putation of non-resistance. It was said that any one could jostle him, tread on his toes or tweak his nose with impunity; until one day a blustering loafer, being told that ho was a man who, if smitten on the one cheek, would turn the other also, thought it would be sport to try him. Stepping up to the sturdy good natured Friend, he slapped his face. Tho old man looked at him sorrowfully for a inornerit, then, slowly turned his other check and received another buffet. Up on that lie 'Coolly pulled °This coat. "I hate cleared the law," said he "and" now thee Inust-take it." And hcg'ase‘the fello'v a treniendous hrashing. A%-cobattr - ..papor ieceiltly - advertised black sti:rkings of all colors." $2,00 PER YEAR NUMBER 41