PUBLgB snLE g On WEDNESDAY the 6th of MARCH; '72 TITHE undersigned intending to discon 1. tinue firming will offer at public sale, •un the 'premises of the lielesof Geo. Wiles, •dec'd., on Wednesday the 6th of 'March, on the turnpike from Leitersburg tci-Waynea boro', 3 miles from the farmer and 2 from the hater, the following personal property ---to-w_ it; '7 HEAD' HORSES; 2 of which are Brood blares, 1 good 3 year ling Colt, 1 one yeafing Colt, 13 HEAD OF :CTTLE, 7of which are Milch Cows, good, 6 young Cattle, 80 33211.69.30 . 3ISEC)CI6I9, among which are 10 Hogs and 20 Pigs ; 1 Broad-tread Road Wagon and Bed, 1 Farm Wagon, 2 Spring Wager's, new; 1 Buggy, 3 Hay Carriers, all new; , 1 SELF-RAKE RUCK BERM 1 Wood's Mower, 1 Grain Drill, 1 Spring Rake 1 Wheat Fan, 1 Polling Screen, 1 B a SH'ELS OF NORWAY OATS, 100 Bun dles of Rye Straw, 276 BARRELS CORN, 4 Barshear Plows, 5 double and 3 single Shovel Plows, 3 Harrows, 1 Large Cultiva tor, Rail Ladders, 1 Circular Saw, 1 Sleigh, 2 Sleds, 3 sets of Dung Boards, 2 Dung Hooks, 2 treble, 4 double and 30 .single 'trees, a lot of Crobars, pith forks, mattocks and shovels, 1 SET BLACKSMITH TOOLS 2 Fifth Chains, 2 Spreaders, 2 sets of Butt and Breast Chains, a lot of Cow Chains, 3 Log Chains, I Cutting Box, 1 IVheelbarrow, a small lot of 'Buckwheat, 2 'Breechbands, 4 sets Front Gears, 6 Housens, 7 Collars, 10 Bridles, 7 sets Plow Gears. 5 Fly-nets, 7 Halters, 1 Riding and Wagon Saddle, 2 Rid ing Bridles, 1 Side Saddle; 4 Beds and Bedsteads, 2 Bureaus, 4 Tables, 3 sets of Chairs, 3 Featherticks, a large lot of Com forts, Blankets, Coverlets and. Quilts, 40 YARDS CARPET. 1 Eight-day Clock, 1 Twenty-four Hour Clock, 3 Sewing Stands, 2 Ten-plate Stoves, Parlorl Stove and 1' new Cooking Stove, 1 new Secretary, 2 Corner Cubboards, a lot of crocks, a lot of Queensware, IDoug,htray, 1 Flour Chest, 1 Churn, a lot of Pork, 2 Iron Kettles, 2 Copper - KettlesTl - Preserv'ng - Ket- - tie, 3 Barrels of Vinega, a lot of meat tubs, 1 Sausage Grinder and St.,Ter, a lot Wash 'Tuba, lot of Caned Fruit and 'lot of Lard Cans, and -many other articles not neces .sary to mention. :• At the same time will be offerred for sale 67 acres of Mountain Land.. and two shares of stock in the Waynesboro' and Maryland State Line Turnpike Co. VieirSale-te-commenee-at-9--o'clock-on mid dnywh~ -41dit of 9 - -nibs Cen a credit months wi, RACHEL WILES, Jos. Boward, Alta 8:114_ given. Feb 15—ta PUBLIC SALE •PERSONAL PROPERTY. . fir H 1 undersigned, administrator of. Dr. I J. J. Oellig„will sell at public outcry at his residence, in Waynesboro', on Saturday the 2 , 1 day of March, 1872, the following per sonal property, to wit: 1 COW, 4 HEAD OF HOGS, 1 Buggy, I Sleigh, I set of Harness, I String Bells,l gumblanket and horseblanket, new, 1 Wheelbarrow, 1 maul and wedges, lot forks and shovels, 1 Saddle, 2 feed Boxes, 2 Locust Posts, lot wood, 3 Ladders, 1 meat Bench, 1 saw and hoes, 5 barrels of Corn, lot Shelving and Drawers, lot Medical Jars, lot Instruments and Medical Books, 1 Shot gun; HOUSEHOLD & KITCHEN FURNITURE, consisting of 1 Secretary, 1 Sideboard, 1 Safe, Tables, Chairs, Stands, Wardrobe, 1 Bookcase, 1 Parlor Stoi4,l Cook Stove and fixtures, 1 Coal Store MN Drum, 1 Stove and Pipe, lot Carpet, Oilcloth, pair bli - lot og Queensware, Tinware, Crocks, Jars, 1 Iroh Kettle, 1 rack, 5 Tubs, 2 Meat Vessels Bacon and Lard by the pound, and many articles too numerous to mention. Ra-Sale to commence at 10 o'clock on said day when terms will be made known by SIMON LECRONE, Adin,r. PUBLIC SALE ! THE subscriber intending to quit farm ing will sell at public sale at his resi dence, about 2 miles from the Marsh Store, on the Abrin. Fox farm, on Tuesday the sth day of March, 1872, the following property, to wit: 6 HEAD HORSES, two Of which are Brood Mares with foal, 3 good flow Leaders; 10 Head of Cattle, a mong which are 2 Mulch Cows and 1 young Bull; 2 Farm Wagons, one broad-tread; 1 Reaper and Mower combined, Ball's patent ; 1 Grain Drill, 1 Hay and Grain Rake, 2 Wa gon Beds, 2 pair Hay Carriages, 1 pair Hay Ladders, 2 sets Dung Plank, 3 Barshear Plows, 2 three-horse and 1 two-horse; 2 Harrows, 1 single and 4 double Shovel Plows , ' single, double and treble trees, 1 Wheat Fan, 1 Rolling Screen, forks, rakes, &c., 2 sets Breechbands, 4 sets Front Gears, 2 new; 4 sets Plow Gears, 4 housens, bri dles, collars, halters, fly-nets, breast, butt and cow chains • 1 set Blacksmith Tools, including anvil, bellows, vice, screw-plate, &c., and many other articles not necessary to mention. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock .on said day when a credit of Ten Months will be given on all sums of $lO and up wards purchasers to give notes with approv ed security. D. M. BAKER, Feb I.s—ts G. V. Mong, Auct. PUBLIC SALE. THE undersigned will sell at public sale, at his residence, 2 miles East of Way nesboro', near Patterson's Mill, on Friday the Bth of March, 1872, the effects of Susan ah Stoner, late of Washington Township dec'd., to wit: • SEORETABY c& sal :Aar, I Bureau, 1 Corner Cubboard, 1 Safe, 1 Sink, 2 Tables, 3 sets Chairs, 1 Large Eight-day Clock, 3 Bedsteads, 2 Feather Beds, quilts, comforts, sheets, slips, &c., a volumes of Clarks Coritratntaries, Cook and 1, Ten plate Stove, together with Kitchen Utensils and many other artielei not necessary to mention. Ear Sale to commence at 12, o'clock on said day when terms will be made• known .I),y HERBY BAER, Agent for the Heirs. G. V. Mong, Auct. Eeb 16—te NT I] TO tHERINGOM, .of the Geiser Self-Regulating Grain Sep . arator, Cleaner and TVIIEREAS there are certain parties infringing on the above machine, in 3 -well as other parties making, usingor vend ing the above named infringements, notice is hereby given that they will be dealt with by law, as 1 have Leased the right to mann ticture said machine to The Geiser Mann. Tacturing Company, of Waynesboro', Frank. ;lin Co., Pa. . GEIZER. jab. 15-13 t, NEW GOODS BURSON BENEDICT & CO'S, E' IR, S'l l S *U' 1' B 13 'Y. wr , arenow soceiviug our first supply of new FALL AND WINTER GOODS to which we would ask the attention of our customers anb the public generally—beleiv ing it to be to the interest of all to give us a call before buying elsewhere. Among ourstock you will find a heavy stock of the following : Mens wear of all .kinds Overcoatings Cloths, Cassimers fancy and plain, Cords, plain and striped, Shirtfngs wool 'and cot ton Boots and. Shoes. . Boys wear of all . kinds, Boys Boots and Shoes. Ladies Dress Goods of all descriptions Delains, Cobargs, Allpaccas, Plaid, plain wool and worsted goods, Also a large assortment of FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, IMPORTED CARPET, HOMEMADE CARPET, • CARPET CHAIN OIL BLAID.9, WINDOW OIL CLOTH, CHECK MATING, PLAIN MATTING, CURTAIN FIXTURES HARDWARE, GROCERIES, QUEENWARE, NAILS, &C. Please give us a call and we will try to satisfy you in price and quality. AMBERSON BE'NEbICT & CO. Oct 12, 1871. ISTONISTIING NEWS! TilE whole world are invited to learn that notwithstanding hard times and tightness of money, 11. A. McKEE is pre pared to astonish all who may call upon him at his CHEAP and extensive establish ment, on the North East Cor. Public Square, Wayne4boro', the exhibition of a STOCK OF GOODS, which for variety, styles and especially Cheapness, has never been nresented to the citizens of Waynesboro' ai.d vicinity. Only look at my low figures for a few prominent articles, and then COME ONE, COME ALL, and judge for yourselves. Scotch Ginghama 12 and 10 cts. Yard wide Muslins 12 Pins 5 cents per paper. Needles with lightning points 5 cts paper. 500 pairs Ladies Gaiters $1.40 to 2,00 pair. A full and complete assortment of all kinds of GOODS_ and multitudes of other things, which we have not time to enumerate, not forgetting Hoop Skirts, 30 springs, for 75 eta, Alexan tiers Kid Gloves for $lOO and 1,25. All in our line will be sold at prices to gladen the hearts and comfort the pockets of every man, woman and child in Franklin Co. Join the throng that is pouring in upon us day by day and benefit your families and save your money, and see if I have made a sin— gle statement which is not truth itself. Jan 18—tf H. A. McKEE. BOW IS . THIS FOR iIIGII, TOHN FORDirr returning thanks to the el/public for their patronage announces that he intends removing his shop to the Base ment of Walker's Building, (and not leav ing town as is the belief of many) where he intens's carrying on the BOOT AND SHOE BUSINESS as usual. All persons knowing themselves indebted to me will please call and settle their ac counts immediately, for I pay cash for my stock and must have my money. Don't want to see the face of that unwelcome visi tor, the Deputy from 'Fort Fletchor," prowl ing about my shop seeking whom he may devour, ,&c. Customers will therefore find me at the Basement refered to after the first of April next. jan 26] JOHN FORD. CU UK HOTEL Cantor of Zan Qualm St&s CHAMBERSBURG, Penn'a. LANTZ & UNGER, Proprietors The UNION has been entirely mated and re-furnished in every department, and under the supervision of the present pro prietors, no effort will be spared to deserve a liberal share of patronage: Their tables will be spread with the best the Market affords, and their Bar will always contain the choicest Liquors. The favor of the public solicited. Extensive Stabling and attentive Hostlers. Dec. 14-1,-y MILLINERY GOODS 1. TO THE LADIES! MRS. C. L. HOLLINBERGER has just reenivdd a full supply of new 211illinMy goods. Ladies are invited to call and examine her stock. apr 20. THOMISROBINSON, DEALER IN FLOUR AND FEE? STUFI S One door West of the Bowden , House. PUBLIC SALE i On THURSDAY the 29th FEBRUARY '72. MMILE undersigned, administrators of i. Jer emiah Potter, deed. will sell at public sale, on the premises of said deed., three miles 'Northwest •of Waynesboro', on the road leading from 'the Waynesboro' and Greencastle turnpike to Besore's Mill, the following personal property, tp wit: 10- EMYHORSES,- among which are 4 good leaders, for wag on or plowil riding and driving chest nut Sorrel Horse, noted for style, 2 good Brood Mares, 2 four year old Colts, 2 year ling Colts,. 1621EAD:CA.TTLE, among which are two Mitch Cows, (lie will be fresh aboutthe time of sale, 2 fine Bulls, the balance young cattle; ' 37HEAD o.l' HOGS, two of which are Brood Sows ; 1 Grain Drill, 1 Hay Rake, 2 pair Hay Carriages, 1 Spring Wagon and pole, 2 MN ITABSIL four-inch treat, one nearly new; 1 Cart, vine make; 1 Rol ' Screen,l Fodder and Hay Cutter, .3 three-horse and 2 two-horse Barshear Plows, 2 single and 4 double Shov el Plows, I Corn Coverer, 3 Harrows, Horse Power and Jack, 1 REAPER. AND MOWER, combined Dodge & Stevenson's patent, nearly new, 1 Hay Fork, rope and pulleys, 1 Jackscrew,2 sets dung boards, 2 log chains, fifth chain and spreader, breast, butt and cow chains, 2 spreaders, trebble double and single trees, 2 sets Breechbands, 4 sets Front Gears, 5 sets Plow Gears, 6 Collars, 6 Hous ens, Blind Bridles, 2 riding Bridles, 1 riding and 1 wagon Saddle, 1 set Single Harness, 4. Fly-nets, 1 string sleigh Bells, 5 halters, 25 Grain Bags, 1 Bag Wagon, 1 mattock, 1 diging iron, 1 drill and a lot stone augers, 2 stone sleiges, 1 maul and wedges, 1 set planes, augers • and chisels, 1 Grain Cra dle, 4 mowing scythes, 1 grindstone, a lot of white and • YELLOW• NINE FLANIIE forks, rakes, shovels,' a lot of old iron, 1 dinner bell, also I Secretary and Book-caso, 1 Bureau, 3 Bedsteads, Potatoes by the bushel, Vinegar by the barrel, empty bar rels, and many other articles not necessary to mention. M.Sale to commence at 10 o'clock on said day when a credit of 10 months wiii be given on all sums of $lO and upwards. DANIEL POTTER, WIVI. H. POTTER, Adm'rs. Geo. V. Mong, Auet Feb. B—ts A GENTS WANTED.—Agents make more limoney-at-work-for-us-than-at-anything else. Business light and permanent. Par ticulars free. G Stinson & Co., Fine Art Pwblishers, Portland, Maine. HISTORY OF THE GREAT FIRES In CHICAGO and the WEST by Rev. E. J. GOODSPEED, D. A, of Chicago. Only com plete history, 700 Bvo pages ; 60 engravings. 70,000 already sold. Price $2.50. 2000 agents made in 20 days. Profits go to sufferers. AGENTS WANTED. H. S. GOODSPEED ei Co.. 37 Park Row, New York. (Incorporated 1860.) COLUMBIA FIRE INSURANCE CO, OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS. S. S. Detwiler, Pres't. l Robt. Crane. H. Wilson Vice Prest. WM. Patton. Herb't Thomas, Treas I Jas. Schroeder. J. F. Frueauff, Suety. J. S. Strine. J. B. Bachman. M. Id. Strickler. Geo. Bogle. R. T. Ryon. For Insurance or agencies, address J. F. FRUEAUFF, Sec'y, Columbia, Pa I NUM EATERS R97ard for anv S .case of Opt= Habit oil. ote will not cure. No pain or inconve nience. Sent on receipt of $3.00. S. G. ARMSTRONG, M. D., Healing Institute, Berrien Springs, 3lichigan. UQ, Piano Co., N. Y. Ist class . L., • $290. No Agent. Names of pa trons in 40 States in Circular. WHAT TO READ AND ROW TO READ, Being classified Lists of Choice Reading, with appropriate Hints and Remarks, adapt ed to the General Reader, to Subscribers. and to persons intending to form collection s of Books. 1 vol. 12mo. 1 . 52 pages. Price 50 cents. Sent free by mail on receipt of the price. D. APPLETON di: CO., Prnmsn- Ell 9, New York. 'ANTED, THIS SPRING, 10 1 0 0 o FARMERS, To improve 1,700,000 acres of the best Farm ing Lands in lowa, free from mortgage or other incumbrance. These lands comprise the Government railroad grants adjacent to the great thoroughfares between Chicago, Omaha and Sioux City, and lie chiefly in the MIDDLE REGION OF WESTERN lOWA, its most fertile and healthful portion (fever and ague being unknown,) and traversed by railroads in every direction. Now is the time to SECURE A HOME AT $4 AND $5 per acre, upon long time, with six per cent interest, in the luxuriant valley of either the Boyer, the Maple, the Soldier or the Little Sioux. Agents at stations are iro vided with teams to show lands free to pur chasers. Send for a guide. It gives prices terms, descriptions, where exploring tickets are sold, and •how to reach the land s. County maps also sent free. Address JOHN B. CALHOUN, Land Comissioner lowa R. R. Land Co., Cedar Rapids, lowa. (I f, EPILEPSY OR FITS. Amax max for ads diftrentagoormlalnt Mthrwmade blown Ina Treadle( era occa.o.i)i ou Foram and Bathe Herbal PrsparaticamPub t D. O. rum-To Hamm Thoptasoriptkat was Mums byluna In snob =s= i n i tiator that be cannot s irt e rt be liona k ly ) ban sued It Dm Pita, MOW haring Pitted In a Ogl: am. The ingradlants may be obtained G m any drag dm Persommtaandar new may address Gm° Parma Hamm, No. di Grand Einem Jaw CIG, 11 .4 sad it W ill be imuLDT mom assil, trim. iteSSIONEES' TICE.ACO 1 1 VOTICE is hereby given that the under signed has been appointed Assignees of D. Snavely Smith, ofWaynesboro', under a deed of volunary assignment for the bene fit of creditors. All persons knowing them selves indebted to said estate on note or book account will please make immediate payment, and those having claims will please present them to the undersigned. W. S. AMBERSON, JOHN J. ERVIN, • Assignees. Feb 15-6 t NOTICE. LL persons indebted to me aro request tied to call at the "Captain's Office" and settle their amounts. Persons indebted to me for one or more years are informed that I have not learned the art of paying city biils without mtaev Feb 15-3 t OBEYING- INTELLIGENCE! - - - Has - now-on - harni - a - Fuil - M:te - of GOODS JUST RECEIVED. HATS for Men and Boys: All the 'Latest Styles BOOTS, SHOES & GAITERS Kisses and Childsens Sitoes in great variety. .Watches, clocks and Jewelry repaired at short notice and warranted. Thankful for past favors he hopes by fair dealing to all to merit a continuance of pub lic patronage. Juno 29. 1871. NEW FU ! NEW GOODS ! LAU STATUS / LON PRIM I D OERNER 45,-.WAYN..kNT have just open ! ell atthe Conti EA C LOTII niaSTomr., a sqlen- FRENCH, ;Ca hk AND AMERICAN GOODS embracing Clothes of 'Various grades arts colors. PLAIN AND FANCY CASSIMERS, latest styles and best qualities, Doeskind, Cheviots, Tweeds, Linen and Crape Coat jugs, stylish Vest Patterns, etc. All of which will be made to order with the best Trimmings and in the best manner. A Goon Fir GUARAIcrEED in, every case or no safe. READYMADE CLOTHING Paper Collars, Ties, l3ows, Suspenders, Hos iery etc., always on hand. Gontlemen desiring stylish and, good fit ting clothing should give us a trial. BOERNER ck..WAYNINT, ap 27 S. Cor. Diamond. The subscriber announces to his friends and the public that he has purchased the coach Factory formerly owned by Israel Hess, and is nclw engaged in the above bus iness, on Main Street, at the East end of Waynesboro. Haying a knowledge of the business, and employing none but the best workmen, and by strict attention to busi ness he hopes to merit a share of patronage. All kinds of new work on hand orders filled promptly. Jan. 14 tf. MANUA NM INTELv N. W. Cor. Fayett and St. Pau/ Scree BALTIMORE, MP Terms $1.50 Per Dal. ISAAC ALBERTSON, Proprietor J. S. HARPER, Manager. [aug 24—ly E subscriber announces to his custo mers and the public that Le will contin ue to furnish a prime article of Beef at the &liar in the Walke Building on Monday evening, Tuesday morning, Thursday even ing and Friday morning, regularly' during ne season. Customers Also supplied with Veal and Lamb when desired. Thankful for past patronage he hopes by selling nothing - but the' choicest meats to merit a continuance of the same. may 25—tf THOS. J. CUNNINGHAM TEEEttegEl UNDERFEED SHUTTLE and ' SEWING lIIACHINS! $25 cheaper than any other. For Simplicity,Durability rind Beauty, they stand unrivaled. For &itching, Hem ming/ Tucking, yelling, Quilting, Cording, Binding, Braiding, Gathering, Gathering Sewing on gathers, they are .uuexcelled.— Warranted. A. E. WAYNANT, S. E. Corner Diamond, Mar. SO, 1871, Waynesboro" Ph. fir HE undersigned has appointed Freder ick Doll, of Quinev township, agent to collect his accounts and transact other husi- IIeSS pertaining to the same. July 6-tf JEItEMIAII lIESS M. D. IV, A. REID MI_AD - 0,1", Look at the List! For Men and Boys Wear. At very low prices. Also, Ladies Shoes, Latest and Best Styles of all kinds and varieties. ENGLISH GEO. B. IiAIVEER OPPOSITE BAILNICII'S CITY HOTEL, E - EF, BEEF. mTosrion 11191381 RA Y! Wholesale s and Retail Dealer, and Manufse- turar of HOUSE .FURNITURE V.PIIO2.tSTMR/MR, GREENCASTLE, Pa., takes this method of informing his custom ers_and the_public thathe_has REDUCED THE PRICE OF FURNITURE from ten to twenty per cent. Owing to the adirantages he has over other manufacturers he can and will sell Furniture at a less price than any other Manufacturer in the State. HAVING THREE STORE ROOMS, filled with every variety of Furniture, from a plain, common article, to the finest in use, he feels warranted in saying that be can please all tastes. EXAMINE LIST OF PRICES. Cottage—lmitation of Walnut $5, 6,7, to 8 Solid Walnut 8,9, to 10 Jenny Lind-3-Arch Top Panel, Walnut " " 14, 16, to 18 S-A.reh Top Panel, Imitation 10, 12, to 14 VauntTt,--It:eg-,=3-rattels-11-almm---- . Carved " Foot, Oval Panel Walnut, Moulded 30, 35, to 40 Antique—New Style° 25, 30, 35, 40, to 60 Fine Antique Chamber Suits, Full Marble 130 to 175 Cot. Chamber Suits 35, 33, 40, 45, to 60 Solid Walnut Suits 60, 75, to 85 BUREAUS. Im. Wal. 4 drawers, with glass, wood top 14, 15, to 16 Ira. Wal. 4 drawers, with glass, Marble top 17, 13, to 30 Solid Wal. 4 drawers, with glass' wood•top 20, 22, 25, to 32 " " Marble top 25, 30, 32, to 6(i halt..l:don Walnut 10, 12, to 14 E. ELDEN TABLES. Dining Table, six legs, Breakfast, do., four legs, Mar. do 20 ditY. peterns, Extension Tables mx foot CH AIRS. Windsor or Wood seats ( doz) $5, 6,7 to 10 Cane seats (i doz.) 9, 10, Ilk, 12i to 30 (Have over 600 of the above on hand.) Wood Seat Rocking Chairs, 1,25 to Cane Seat Rocking Chairs, 2 to 7 Willow Seat Rocking Chairs, 2 to 11. Spring . Seated Chairs, Upholstered in Hair Cloth, Brocatel, Rep and , Terry, ranging in prize per half dozen from Rocking Chairs uphol. as above Tete-a-Tetes, uphol. as above, (each) from 20;22, 25, 30 to 75 Box or plain Sofas, from 18, 20 to 30 Lounges upholstered in Hair Cloth, Brocatel, Rep, Terry and Da * - Spring - S - eits - Celieh) 7,8, 9, 10, 11, 12 to 30 WARDROBES. 'thitation Walnut, for .$lO, 12, 14, 16 to 30 Solid Walnut s for • 15, 18, 20, 25 to 60 TM.Also, side Boards, Wash Stands, Mat tresseS, and in fact everything in the Furni ture line. The limits of an advertisement is entirely too narrow to give' a full list of ' Furniture made at this establishment. CALL & SEE FOR YOURSELVES. 3Ell..Remember the place, 1. H. WHITMORE, Greencastle, Pa. Dec. 1,1871 ruts? GRAND oPmcnvio OF FILL AND WINTER COOL ! PRICE & HOErLIOR'S, Black Alpacas, Mohair Lustres, Plain and Fancy Poplinins, in double warps, English and American manufactures Japanese Silk Robes, Japanes Repp Poplins, In new affects. .. Black silks and Empress clothes, sublime qualities. V Ottoman and Water villette Shalls, both long and square, Morning and Breaktlu3tlls, all colors—cheap. Wool d. Cotton Flanens, Plain and Opera Flanens, in large and elegant assortment. Checks, Shirting Stripes, Chambrays and Domestic Ginghams, in every variety. Ladies Water Proof Cloakings, in black and colors. MensElland Fancy clothes and cassimeres. Also corduroys, Kerseys and Scotch eheri ots, in quantities and at prices to suit all. Men's Chinchila and Beaver over coatings, in heavy and light weights—Cheap. Large lot - of Ladies Trimmings rind Fancy goods, in new and elegant designs. Gents Furnishing Goods, under wear &e., a large supply. White Good, Hosiery, Gloves and Notions, a full line of each. Mons Booti and Shoes, Ladies Shoes and Gaiters, Gam and Heavy Shoes. Ingrain (berthing, Rag and Stair Carpets, at reduced prices. Carriage Robes, Horse Blankets and Fancy S.preada, a full line. Queensware, Class ware, Hard and Wooden ware, all kinds cheap. Rio, Laguira and Roasted coffees. in large quantities. Portorico and Orleans Sugars, Demerara and White Sugar, large lot in store. Don't fail to examine our stock. Oct 12,1871. PRICE & HOEFLICIT isiDto se* nid4 6) PIM subscriber requests his patrons in debted to him to call and settle their in debteclnass on or before the first day of I March nest, at which time be will be great want of money, by go doing they will confer a special favor FO) 15—a VALENTINE Enryv.E, I. H. WHITMORa, BEDSTEADS 5 to 6 9, 10, 12 to 15 PRICK & BOWMAN'S 25 to 30 !STEAM ENGINE AND BOILER WORKS, :STATIONARY AND PORTABLE STEAM ENGINES Boilers, Tankspand sheet-Iron Work ; Machinist's Tools, Wood Working Machinery, Shafting, Pulleys and Hangers; Gear Cutting, Portable Circular Saw-Mills. Felloe-Bou ders, Laundry Furnaces. Also, Agents for Stillwell's Patent Heater, Lime Extractor and Filter, combined . ; Cameron & Co's Special Steam Pamp ; Saws of all kinds, (andDiost manufacture ;) Iron Pipe and Fittings; Brass Work ; Gum and Leather Belting ; Manu facturers and Engineers' Supplies, generally furnished at lowest Retail Prices. All kinds of Foundry Work—heavy br light, Iron and Brass Castings—made to order; REPAIR ING carefully done. gErFor further partioulars, send for Catalogue and Price List. Waynesboro', Franklin County, Perni'a, June 29, 1871. Ma 13 'AED. tiAS in store and for sale, Cranberies, ILlChoice Layer Raisins, Currants, Citron, Lemons, Figs and other fruits. Canned Fruit ad Vegetables. MINCE MEAT, Beans, Hominy, Cheese in 'Winter and Summer. $7,50 t4D D 25 to 75 9 to 15 - New crop New Orleans Molasses, Syrups that cannot be excelled at 60 eta. 80 cts. .er _allon. best in the 'market:. Coffes and Teas WHITE & BROWN SUGARS Pulverized Sugar always on hand. Pure Spices, Flavoring and Baking articles, qual ity unsurpassed. - GRADIERS 41 ALL 1111NOST, I get my goods fresh from the factory- of James Mason and Co. Have many differ ent kinds. The newest kinds out. FRESH AND SALTED FISH. The Fish department we keep up full, and will play second fiddler to none. All thro' the proper season we get string fish, iced shad and herring. We sell sound fish and 'sell them right that is the reason we sell them fast. Customers wanting one shad or 100 waited on with the same alacrity.— Housekeepers wanting to lay in_a supply or the summer should buy very soon. • ' GLASSWARE.—Look at the goblets, tum biers, sets, small dishes. QUEENSWARE.—Granite ware of the very best make im. ported in tea sets and by the dc-en and half dozen. Also a large stock of common Teas and dishes. NOTIONS AND SUNDBIES.--Baskets, buckets, brooms, tubs, brushes, soaps, clothes pins, pocket books, es sences, Barlow's blue, • chewing, tobacco and segars, ac., &c. I ask the public to cull and examine.— Will always try to make the prices suit Cash buy ers. Jan 11. W. A. REID. T3OVTDINC3- THE subscriber informs the sporting public that he has leased of A. D. Gor don his Ten-pin Alley, where he will be found at all times ready to wait upon those wishing to avail themselves of such delight ful exercise. C. HOFFMAN. Feb 8-4 t, Mi.. C. "J8PJA.C1r.., PHOTOGRAPHER, S. E. Corner of the Diamond, WAYNESBORO', PA., r$ AS at all times a line assortment of Pic- Eitures Frames and Mouldings. Call and oas specimen pictures. June tf. t 1 7fIJ?NATRATGSI NOTICE is hereby given that letters fo Administration on the estate of May McKee, late of Waynesboro', dec'd.,have been granted to the undersigned. Al per sons knowing themselves indebted to said ettate will please make immediate payment and those having claims against the same will present them properly authenticated for settlement. J. W. COON, Jan I.S-6t Administrator. CHOLERA. MEDICINE. D R. WICKET'S celebrated Cholera Med icine prepared by DAVID M. Hooi - En or Ringgold, Md., can be had during the sea son at F. FOURTIDIAN'S Drug Store, and or dealers generally. '&arellin9 Agent, July 27,'71-6m HENIZY MYERS. SURVEYING AND CONVEYALCING. /TIE undersigned having had Fomo ten IL years experience as a practical Surveyor is prepared to do all kinds of Surveying, laying out and dividing up lauds, also all kinds of writing uSuallfdone by Scriveners. Parties wi:dlinr: work done cancan on, or addre::s t he undert4igned at Wavneshoro', Pa. feb --tf . STOLEII, :WAYNESBORO', FRANKLIN COUNTY, PENN'A. MACKERAL A. S. BONBRAKE DEALER DRUG-S, CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDICINES, PREPARATIONS FOR THE HAIR, OILS & VARNISHES, cOC. tea, Vllysicians dealt with at 20 per cent discount, WAYESBORO' lIOTEL:BITfLDING, March, 27 1871 URSLNUS. COLLEGE! Located at Freeland, Montgomery Coun ty, Penn'a. THE ACADEMIC DEPARTMENT: (FORMERLY FREELAND SEMINARY.] A. First-class English, Mathematical and Classical Boarding School for MINAG NEN AND ariVlSt Under the immediate Tuition and Manage ment of the faculty of the college. TERMg MODERATE. All necessary expenses, including Tuition, Boarding, Washing, Books, &c., not exceed ing $230 a Year. THE COLLEGIATE DEPARTMENT will be distinct from the academic, and will afford all the advantage - 5 of a full college coarse in the usual higher branches of study, under the direction of a Faculty of sir. Professors. 11 .The Academic Year for both Depart ments will be divided into the following three terms:—The School opening with the Fall term, September G, 1870 to December 22. Winter term, January 1871 to April 5. Spring term, April 12 to July 7, 1871. For further information f.pnly to Rev. J. H. A. BOMBERGER, D. D., President of Ursinus College, Freeland, Montgomery County, Pa. July 30 tf. WIYNESB OPtO' FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, IF,II - 11 - E,STOI2O', INSURES :IGAINit LOSS OR D MACE ET )E - ' X Mt. M On all safe class property at reasonable rates OFFICERS W. S. AMBERSON, Prel-iclent SIMON LEtmos, Vice Pre::iilent. J 11ouc, .As, SzcanTAßy. Jos. W. MILLER,rer. DI RECTORS: W. R. Amberson, Simon Lra•rnn, Lewis S. Forney, Jacob Hoover, Jos. Douglas, .14)s. Pried, Jacob J. Miller, Jos. W. Miller, Benj. E. Funk, D. B. 'Russell, Levi Sanders, Jamb Good. DAVID M. 0001), Agent, june IG,'7o] Waynesboro', Pa Administrator's Notice. VOTICE iahereby given that Letters of II Administration to the Estate of Sue A. Gordon, late of Waynesboro', deed.. have been granted to the undersigned. All per sons knowing themselves indebted to laid estato will p.easc make i ft-mediate payment and those haring claims against the N.H. Ei. , tate, will preent them properly authen ticated for settlement, - An 25 =-St Waynesboro'. Pa ;b. 1). c;oßnu.s. •r.