The Waynesboro' village record. (Waynesboro', Pa.) 1871-1900, February 29, 1872, Image 2

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    9 - agiusboro' eilbge.getord.'
Thursday, *Amax , '" 20,
.Ltx Ribismint.—The public tisales of
'real and personal property advertised
through the columns of the Recon4 COM 3
bitin the foll Owing order:
D. & W. H. Potter, personal property,
on Monday, February 29.
Simon Lecron, personal: property, on
Saturday, March, 22,
D. M. Baker, personal property„March
Rachel Wiles,,persocalpropertiy, March
Henry Baer; personal property ; Match
Henry Oaks, personal property, March
24. • -
J. B. Secrist,perscaud property, March
ter: D. Holsinger, personal property,
March 10. -
4 - osephAdiddowerp- ersona4ro• -
Friday, March 22.
S.-B. Bowdon, personal Property, Mon
day, March 25.
'The income of the late Gen. Ilalleck
was $150,000 a year.
23;1n Harrisburg prime Norfolk oys
ters retail at 25 ets. per quart.
`According to constitutional limi
tation the Maryland Legislature will ad
journ on the first day of April.
Is-Prayers were offered on Sunday in
all the churches at Sheffield, England,
for the prevention of war between Eng
land and the United States.
£A contract for rebaihlin_ the Pa-
cific Hotel, in Chicago, was awarded last
week. The building is to cost $1,000,000
and be completed by the Ist of January
es-DaNid Leith-has-commenced-Fiat-in
the Circuit Court at St. Louis against
Henry Dansman .to recover $lOO,OOO
damages for the 'loss of his wife's love, so
ciety, service, assistance and comfort, thro'
the machinations of the defendant.
of Henry' Spinel, in Yarmouth county,
vas burned on the 17th, five children per
in the flames. Parents absent with
children left in care of an insane grand
—A Disastrous fire occurred in Selins
grove Pa.,
.vri Wednesday night a week.—
It destroyed one church, five stores, sever
al dwellings and twelve stables. The loss
may reach $lOO,OOO
. ras.A. correspendent of the N. Y. Her
ald says that "if the head of any family
will only take the trouble to sprinkle
spirits of turpentine on their carpets and
bedding in every room in their House,
.they will have no small•pos. The above
is a sure cure disinfectant. Repeat this
twice every week.
VirOn Sunday night a farnier named
Daniel Kramer, residing in Schuylkill
county, was brutally murdered and his
wife left for dead. Kr' amer's son on en
tering his father's house in the morning
found his mother on the bed with Iter skull
fearfully fractured, still living but una•
ble to speak. His father he found one
hundred yards from the house with his
brains beater out and frozen to the ground.
The murderers robbed the house. Mrs
Kramer cannot recover.
—Tile committee selected in the Senate
to try the Gray Me'Clure contested elect
ion, is a very able one,' and will no doubt
see that justice is done. It consists of
four Democrats and three Republicans.
Each political party selected the mem
bers and the seventh member of the com
mittee was obtained by lot as follows:
The names of all Senators present are put
in a box, when thirteen names are drawn
out and each contesting party alternately
stalking off a name until only one is lett
who is to be the member of the commit
tee. In this case, the member so chosen
was Senator A. G. Brodhead.
—Late reports.from Dakota corfirm the
statements in regard to the depth of snow
.and severity of the weather during De
cember and January. John W. Smith's
wagon train, whitit left Whetstone -nen
.ey for Spotted Tail's new' reservation on
the White Earth river, only two hundred
miles distant, was six weeks making the
trip. The train encountered snow drifts,
many of which were one hundred feetdecp
and extending a, great distance, through
which it was necessary to force a passage
by shoveling. The weather was so intense
ly cold that every watch stopped and eve
ry man on the train was more or less fro
zen, some of them quite seriously. The
party suffered greatly, but no lives lost.
Dar Rev. S. j. kierring, of the Reform
ed church has connected himself with the
Lutheran Church. The American Luth
eran says this step wen taken on account
of dimitisfaction with the Mercersburg
theology and opposition to revivals of re
—The citizens of Shippeasburg arn en
deavoring to get a kcal option net passed
fbr their town. Petitions to that effect
.have been signed by more than three
fourths if the voters of the borough.
20—The sew . ist Louis diretary just pub
lished, estimates the present: pormlaion of
zbe city at 375,000.
.Jeater• bitattay .this year, Ala 14.
APino.tentNo—the garden making sea
son. Look up the spades and hoes.
Der Ne w is the time to prune your
grape vines.
DissorsED—The firm of Ronaer &
Edna n, .
Skieranierraw (Friday) be the
first day, of Spring.
GETMG Man—the. railroad , excite.
Is IT Comm. ?—that pro'ildsed wood
and cornfodder. .-* , •
'CifirOux 1 . 30r0ar32 and Township election
will he held PAday, March 15th.
m.An early spring is predicted by
the "oldest inhabitant."
6EsrThe Eminittsburg Branch Railroad
will be fully graded by the Ist April.
VirAtention ss called to the valuable
personal property for sale by Joseph Mid.
dower and 8. S. Bowdon.
TELims.—Hon. T. M. Mahon of the
House will accept our thanks for valua
bk. legislative documents.
is.. Applications for hotel or restau
rant licenses must be attended to on or
before the 18th of March.
ts..lf you want to make the best in
vestment in the world, insure your life in
the 3fittnal Life of N. Y.
VWAn eagle was recently brought 1
down by a sportsman in Fulton county,
•hiclrmeasured - terrfeet - fourin . clies from-'1
tip of wing to wing. -
PRAYER NEEriNG:—The Young Men's
Christian Association Prayer Meeting will
be held in the Reformed Lecture Room
on Sunday next at 3 o'clock, P. M.
atch sa
'ne - lat3 - 11farylanders - are - very - lenient
towards one class of lecherous villains, a
fine of ten dollars being the pmalty for
the crime of seduction and adultry.
cans of this Township will meet at the
Town Hall on Saturday at -3 o'clock,
P. M., to select candidates for the several
township offices.
Mr. A. S. Monn, has left with us several
more fine specimens of iron ore recently
taken from shifts sunk on' his land in
Quincy township. Persons interested in
ore lands should call and examine thorn.
BURNING OF Cmcm3o.—Maurice
ler of this place has the agency for the
sale of a 'very interesting work recently
issued, giving 'a thrilling account of the
burning of Chicago,a perusal of which will
amply compensate the remler for the price
of the work.
DRY TrAE.—There is much complaint
just now as to the scarcity of water. The
cisterns generally are exhausted and many
of the wells. On Chureh Street the wells
are all dry. The same is said of other
parts of the town. A "wet spell" would
therefore he hailed with more than ordi
nary delight.
REvrvAL.—We understand an inter
esting revival of religion has been in pro
grm at the Waterloo School House, hear
Pikesville, for several weeks, under the
auspicies of the Church of God, which has
resulted in the accomplishment of much
DEMOCRATIC MErrtgo.—The Demo
crats of Waynesboro' and Washington
Township are requested to meet in the
Town Hall, on Saturday the 9th of MarCh
at 2 o'clock P. M., for the purpose of
nominating a ticket to be voted upon at
the ensuing spring election. •
oft,."What is it" was encountered on the
public road; near the residence of Sam
uel Barr, by Mr. Henry Oaks, on Friday
evening last. Its camping ground'is there
fore still confined to the Shady Grove
On last Sunday night, the barn on the
the farm, of Alex. Duncan in Southamp.
ton Township, about two miles from Ship
peusburg, in the occupancy of Mr. Sies
ter, was consumed with its entire con
tents. Five horses and fifteen head of
cattle were burned. The fire occurred a
bout 8 o'clock in the evening The sup
position is that the barn was fired by some
malicious scoundrel, as there is no accoun
ting for it as an accident. There was no
insurance on the property, according to
our information.—Spirit.
thet following appointments for Chain.
bersburg District, for the coming year; J.
C. Smith, P. E; Chatubersburg, W. T.
Lower; Mechanicsburg, S. A. Mowers;
Rocky Spring, P. Cori; Greencastle. J. T.
Shaffer; Orrstown, J. P. Anthony; New-
file, J. H. Young; Big Spring. D. R.Burk
holder; Alto Dale, L. A, Mickey; Mer
catburg, J. S. Wentz; Path Valley, A.
H. Rice; Carlisle, W. S. Wagner; Ship
peusburg, .1. X. Quigley; York Springs :
J. T. Bradford; Shippensburg. circuit, 41.
Lac..!:ev: Irig=sTippi tlit!r_l.,
3 °tat gems.
Dome4:tur town for the past week. '
ne'lle season. for "tramps" is coming.
~ca~s=d~ 'y---Amon--I
surssEer—The Committee appointed by
the Corn and Float Exchange to ;visit
this• plrs* to; make. 'observatiens and in
quins into the expedioietof 'the city as-,
oting to build a Branch Railroad to con
nectaur town with the Western Mary
land Railroad, reached here on Thursday
evening last. A deputation of citizens
met them at the Blue Ridge Summit and
brought them down in private conveyances
The following are the names of the gen
tlemen : William S. Young, Esq., Pres
ident of the Corn and Flour Exchange ;
Jno. R. Cox, Esq., Chairman of the:Visiting
Committee ;Messrs. James Warden, Fran
cis White, Michael Duffy, Joshua Walk
er, Henry Duvall, Joseph S. Meixsel,
Chas. W. Slagle, Jacob H. Forney, F. K.
Carey, Henry Seim, Wm. Coin, M. A.
Miller and Geo. N. McKensie, members
of the committee ; W. F. Wheatly, Sec
Tetary of the Corn and Flour Exchange ;
John T. Rigney, Esq., Master of Trans
- . ortation-eo fti&Axitertalarldaf f ;1•
road ; Chas. B. Manning, Chief Engineer
of the Union Railroad ; W. W. Taylor,
Esq.; Captain Robert Irvin ; Geo. M.
Bokee, Esq., late President of the West
ern Maryland Railroad ; Geo. Robinson,
sq.; A. E: Smyrck, Esq.; B. T. Hyn
son, Esq.; Robert Hooper, Esq., Secretary
and Treasury of the Western Maryland
A public meeting was held at the Odd
Fellows' Hall in the evening. We was
not present but learn that all possible in
formation in reference to' the amount of
freighting, &c. which would likely be con
veyed by rail from this region was given
the Committee. Two routes were pro
posed, one to make the connection on the
Summit, near Monterey, the other in the
direction of Smithburg. The President
of the Corn and Flour Exchange, Mr.
Young, advised that the proposed routes
be run and said that when they were fur
timated cost of construction Baltimore
would respond favorably. According to
a' correspondent of the American, who ac
companied the Committee, the gentleman
were favorably impressed with the impor
ance of connecting this section with the
We - subjoin the—elos'
paragraphs of the correspondence, of which
we would be pleased to give a more ex
tended synopsis did onr space permit :
Mr. John Philips, Cashier of the First
National Bank of Waynesboro', read a
statement showing the production of tho
section of country which the proposed road
would benefit, and the amount of freight
that might be expected. Tnere are fourteen
mills in the vicinity, of the town that ship
yearly 110.000 barrels of flour; 1,000 fat
cattle are annually sold, 2,000 fat hogs,
and 400 holies ;1,000 tons of hay ; many
bushels of oats, rye, corn, &c : also 3,000
tons of machinery. Waynesboro' has five
stores whose annual sales of general mer
chandise amount to $llO,OOO ; seven other
stores *hose aggregate annual sales 'are
over $140,000; four stores in the immedi
ate vicinity, sell $35,000 worth of goods ;
one patent medicine factory sells proprie
tary medicine to the amount of $30,000;
one tannery sells $30,000; three carriage
shops sell $25,000; and the annual sales
of three machine shops amount to $250,-
000. These establishments use 3,000,000
feet of lumber, which costs $75,000.
The committee were much impressed
with• Mr. Philips' exhibit of the produc
tion and consumption of this rich, indus
trious and prosperous community. On
Friday morning they visited the - fine ma
chiuo shops of the Geiser .Manufacturing
Company and Messrs. Trick & Bowman.
Of this latter establishment more partic
ular mention will be made hereafter. The
same procession of carriages that brought
the party down the mountain returned
them to the summit, and at 2 P. M., they
left for home. The committee is unani
mous in the opinion that immediate ac
tion should be taken, and that Baltimore
should forthwith contribute from $75,000
to $lOO,OOO to secure the building of the
branch. The trade of Waynesboro' is too
rich a prize to be lost by &day. A meet
ing will be held at the Porn and Flour
Exchange on Tuesday next, at which some
definite plan of action will be decided on.
To the above items there are other pro
ducts to add, such as grain, produce, hay,
marketing, &c. &c. It I estimated that
from 40,000 to 50,000 tens of freighting
would be supplied at this point annually.
We are not advised, but presume our
Committee will at once make the neces
sary arrangements to determine the adop
tion of a line by survey, which will of
course be the shortestand most practicable.
That this should be the decision is but
reasonable ; hence there should be no
room foi division or wrangling as to the
merits of the proposed routes. Should
Baltimore conclude to give the project the
aid expected, in order to success their
must be no division, but unity of purpose
awl action among our own citizens. If,
through this assistance, au outlet can be
secured in that direction, it will be the
duty of all to contribute liberally and
cheerfully to obtain it. This oneo secur
ed the Harrisburg & Potomac Road, so
vastlY important to our beat interest. will
speedily follow, affording an inlet for our
coal, lumber, iron, gke. &e. A most re-'
liable citizen remarked in our hearing
yesterday that as soon as sufficient stock
subscriptions ware obtained to secure con
nection with the W. M. R. 8., he would
subscribe as much, one thousand dollars
for the other, and for which he believed
subscriptions would be more easily obtain
ed. We trust this view of the matter
may prove correct and that the lime may
not be very far distant when we shall
have railroad communication with both
Baltimore and Harrisburg.
T). V. ,Slll. Esc.. President of the Her
rieburg aed Potomac Railroad, J ohn
Moore, Esq.,- of Cumberland Co., and
Nusam,' Esq.- of 'Carlisle, were
present at the meeting on Thursday even
ing. Mr A. to . ok no:part,hi the proceed
-itigs, but cluringikhrstay , gime 'our citi
zens the
. most encouraging assurances as
to the progress of the work on the line of
his road East Of the mountain. Firmly per
suaded, as already intimated, that secur.
ing the one will - secure' the other; we
would urge upon our citizens the impor
tance of harmony and perseverance to the
accomplishment of so .desirable an , end.
This Society 'held ittfirst session in Way
nesboro' on the evening of the 22d inst. It
is deemed expedient to make few state
ments to those who may feel interested.
The Society was organized at the Mt.
Vernon school-house near this place in Oc
tober, 1871. A number of young men from
town and the Mt. Vernon community, o
riginated the idea of a Society for mutual
benefit, in literary research and mental
exercise on e mpo n su sjec • o u
cation and business. The object was to
organize a society similar to the Literary
Societies in our colleges and Normal schools
by which we would secure at home the
same advantages of mutual improvement.
The Constitution and By-laws of the So
ciety were compiled from the Constitution
and By-laws of our State Normal School
at Millersville, Pa. The Society has its
Rules of order and Regulations which
place every member under ample ,moral
and social restrictions. The Society has
proved to be a success, and we have evi
dence to convince us that much discipline
and benefit have been derived.
We wish it distinctly understood that
this Society is not an ordinary, old-time
"Debating Society." The Society is gov
erned by a Cabinet consisting of President,
Vice President, Recording and correspond
ing Secretaries, and Treasurer, who are
regularly elected for a. term of four weeks.
A faithful discharge - of - the dutiec-Thelong
ing to these offices qualify young men for
the same duties in business life. In the
order of Exercises are, Miscellaneous bus
iness, consisting of Reports of Committees
&c., Unfinished business, Oration, Essays,
_Poems, Exer '-es in Reading. Discussion
af - iaerite of important questions, in which
the speakers may investigate both sides of
the subject. Speakers are not allowed to
use unbecoming language or deceptive ar
gument. We aim at a higher standpoint
than the mere idea of."victory." , Our mot
to is "Educate the mind,"and we are grat
ified to say our' 'endeavors have not been
fruitless. The Society has also a regularly
appointed Critic whose duty it is "to .notice
and report at.the cies° of the session, all
misdemeanors, errors, impropriety, and of
fer suggestions. .
In conclusion, we say, we believe the
Mt. V. L. Society is a moral, useful, well
regulated organization for the educational
benefit of the Young Men of our town and
country, and worthy of encouragment.
Feb. 27, 1872. M.
COUNTY PRINTING.—The public print
ing of Franklih county cost last year $2,-
486,16, while that of Cumberland county
cost $1,209,00—a difference of $1,278,20.
The printing of Cumberland county is
distributed amongst all its papers, while
that of Franklin county is confined to
those published in Chambersburg. If the
"Ring" should succeed in getting theiLe
gal Advertising act" passed, then papers
away from the county seats will have a
"hard road to travel.", Yet when some
of these papers protest against the cen
tralization 'or the legal printing, some of
the editors of the "big blanket sheets" get
their feathers up, grow red . in the face, and
cry f' "Why these suburban papers
have rio circulation; • no.. influence, and
why should they get what properly be
longs to us?", It is an old saying "the
more a man has the morello wants," and
it is with these self-constituted influential
journals, which the figures enumerated a
bove will fully verify.—Echo
timore-papers contain astounding revela
tions recently brought to light in refer
ence to the Rev. L D. Hustow, lately
pastor of one of the most fashionable
Methodist Churches in the city. The ac
counts allege that he has "accomplished
the ruin of a number of young ladies,
members of his flock," and to have "fled
the city, leaving his wife and family be
hind him. The brutal wretch is said to
be a man over fifty years of age, and be
longed to Methodist Church South, with
which the M. E. Church Nurth has no
LARGE TnEE.—A. correspondent sends
us the following: "Mr. Henry R. Winger
of this county, cut doWn a tree on hb;
farm, a few days ago, which, was 271 i
years old. It was hauled to Ebersole ds
McKee's saw-mill, where the sap-rings or
or grains were counted, there being & a
bove stated, 276."—Pub. Opinion.
TEA AVD, Copes.—Tea and coffee mil I
now, in all probability, be placed upor
the free list. In the House a motion t'
suspend the rules, take from .the Commit
tee of the whole the bill repealing the &I-
V on these articles and pass it, was car
ried by the immure) , majority of 155'. to
38—more than-four to one. The Senate
will doubtless concur, and there is every
prospect, therefore, that tea and coffee,
which constitute almost the only luxuries
of the poor, will shortly he made free.—
The duty on coffee is now three cents a
pound, and that 'on tea fiftetn I ..n"nfin
ag.The iftock of School Books, has
,been teplenished at thelown Hill Stoke.
Fos RENT-:'—'4.ree Rooms. 'Enquire
at this office.
um,Gents, the - finest segar in town is to
be had at the Town Hall Store.
Ate.. Wm. Stewart, of Ringgold, has a
second hand cook stove (good) for sale.
11417-We ask you to try the new tobac
co, at the To vn Hall Store.
Fox SAL 1. riding and driving horse,
six years old, perfectly gentle. Enquire
of the Printer.
NOTlCE.—Persons indebted to A. K.
Branisholts, Dentist, are earnestly reques
ted to call and settle their accounts on or
before the first day of April next.
Feb. 29-3 t.
DErrisznY.—Do riot be annoyed with
badly decayed and aching teeth. Call on
ted and new ones inserted.
feb. 29—it.
LIVERY FOR SALL—The subscriber of
fers at private sale his extensive Livery
n Waynesboro', consisting of horses, ve
hicles, ezc. W. H. Furs.
FOR RENT.-A store, room nearly 50ft.
deep, with open fiont and show windows,
in the business part of Main St. Also
several pleasant rooms and private houses
for rent. Enquire at this office.
LIFE INstmexcE.—The Assets of the
N. Y. Mutual Life nn the Ist of Janua
ry, 1872, $51,577,997.00. Cash receipts
for the year 1871, $15,565,644,77. Cash
dividends paid to policy holders in 1871
were $3,365,495,12.
This is 'in• truth an Insurance Com
pany. Persona wishing to insure will
please call on W.A. RnID, Agt.
Siiir Ladies' Furs at less than cost, 2 sets
Mink Sable, 1 set of German Litch, 2 sets
of White Ermine, 8 sets of childrens and
other Furs, the remnant of our Stock. In
tending to alter our Fur and Glove Room,
we are anxious to get these goods out of the
way and will close out at a sacrifice, ' for
that reason only—pomp and FIPP,At U de-
graff's Eat, Glove and Fur Factory op
posite Washington House, Hagerstown.
would respectfully announce to the citi.
zens of Waynesboro' and vicinity that
we have opened in the room recently fit
ted up in the New Building of Mr. Adam
Forney, 3 doors East of the P. 0., a full
and complete assortment of goods usual
ly sold by Grocers and _Produce Dealers,
which we will sell at fair prices for cash.
Fresh Butter can be had daily ; Fresh
Fish and Oysters on Friday and Satur
day of each week. Dressed Poultry ev
ery Saturday. Call and see us.
MUse black ink in writeing documents
for preservation.
M _A. 8., IR, I.A_ C. - 7E S _
On the 22d inst., by the Rev. A. K.
Nelson, Mr. Wm. M. GILLAN of Mt. Par
nel, to Miss SARAH J., daughter of Mr.
John Gillen, near St. Thomas, this coun
On the 22d of February, by Rev. F.
Dyson, Mr BENJAMIN F. DICE to Miss
SUE WINEMAN, all of Franklin county.
At the Lutheran Parsonage, on Mon
day evening._last, by Rev. C. L. Keedy,
Mr. CHAS. H. DICKEL, to Miss MAtamm.
J. ZEIGLER, of Smithsburg, Md.
I) M .A2l' I-T. S..
In Wyandot City, Kansas, on the 12th
inst., John, son of Samu'el Stoner, of this
county, in the 28th year of his _age. His
remains were brought to this county for
In Fayetteville, on the 11th of Feb.,
Mrs. RACHEI SNIDER, aged 72 y ears, 6
months and 9 days.
In Shady Grove, February 13, JACOB
MARTIN', son of Rev John Zuek, aged 11
months and 13 days.
(cowmen:l3 WEEKLY.)
BACON... .......
LARD... .........
HARD 50AP.......
FLOUR—Market quiet again to-day
but still very firm in tone. Sales report
ed on 'Change of only 450 bbls;, viz; 150
Howard Street fine at 8537/, 100 do. Ex
tra at 8750, 100 do. at 87,75, and 100
Western Extra at $7,62} per bbl. Pri 7
ces are unchanged generally.
WHEAT.—bales on 'Change 10'000
bushels Pennsy lvania red at 165Q170c.
one or two choice lots only bringing the
latter price, 1,000 do. Maryland do. at 1,-
67®168 cents, 1,00 do. Maryland amber
at 185 cents, and 400 do. choice Western
white at 200 cents.
CORN.—Sales of yellow include 14.-
00 0 do. Pennsylvania at 64565 cents and
10 0 do. Western at 85 cents.
RYE—There were some 400 bushelsat
market to-day, but sales were reported of
only , 100 bushels at 95 cents.
OATS.—We note sales to-day of 3,
000 bushels Western at 511652 cents,
and of 1, 600 do. prime bright Southern
at 58 c,..nts.
26.—Beeves dull this week; favor boyers:
2,g00 head sold: extraTennsylvania and
Western steers 74®8 cents; fair to good
7®B cents; common 4@si cents. sheep
in fair demand ; Sales 13,000 at. 73t0 10
cents. the latter for choice. Hoag firmly
Iheld at full prix ; 2,(300 !.k.7
Oa FRIDAY the 22d dad of MARCH, 1872.
THE subscriber Will 'sell at Public Sale at
his residence, in the village of Quincy,
on the 22d day of March, thefolllowing pro
perty, to wit :
well calculated for bbth riding or driving;
2 Spring_Wagons,(one_with_top)-i Pallin_
Top Buggy, 2 sets single Harness, 1 Har
ness Net, , 1 set Front Gears, 1 Sleigh, 2
strings Bells, 1 Wheelbarrow, 4 long laddens
shovel and mattock, forks and rakes;
3 Feather Beds, 1 Secretary, 4 Stands, 2
Side, 1 Breakfast and 1 Kitchen 'fable, 1
Cook, 1 Parlor and 1 Ten-plate Stove, 1
Spring Bottom Lounge, 6 Mirrors one a
large Parlor Mirror, 4 sets Chairs, 4 Rock
ing Chairs, 1 Copper Kettle, 2 Iron Kettles,
one 40 gal. ; 2 pot racks, 2 Preserving Ket
tles, sausage cutter and stuffer, lard press,
crothes wringer, tubs, buckets, churn and
stand, 1 pair counter scales, 3 pair Butcher
Scales, with knives, 2 meat saws and clea
ver, 1 large Butcher's Table, wood, band
and compass saws, maul and wedges, 2 ax
es ; 1 Corner and one Kitchen Cu • board, 1
:: • _
consisting of 30 yards Brussels, SO Girthing
and 20 Imported. and 30 Rag Carpet; Stair
Carpet and rods, 35 yards Straw matting,
50 yards of Oil Cloth ,
20 8111111 S Hasty EL AS:STOCK,
1 Aquarian with a lot of Gold and Silver
FishAl large Thermometer, 1 eight-day clock
6 maps, 1 double Barrel Shot Gun 1 Re
volver, 1 Grind Stone, well rope and buck
et, 2 Barrels of Cider Vinegaa, 2 empty C:-
der Barrels, 60 .cans of different kinds fruit,
Bacon and Lard by the pound, Apple But
ter by the crock, Potatoes by the bushel, a
lot of lumber, a lot of old iron •and cast
ing, and- many other articles not necessary"
to mention. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock
on said day when the terms will will be
made known by JOS. MIDDOWER,
Feb 20--ts J. R. Smith, Amt.
On MONDAY the 25th day of MARCH, '72
THE subscriber will sell at public sale, at
his residence at the Bowdon House, in
Waynesboro', March 25th, the following per
sonal property, to wit :
7 STOVES, one large Cook, one medium
sized Cook one Parlor, one small Morning
Glory, one large Egg. one Parlor Wood, one
large dining room and one small Egg for
coal ; 1 Good Sofa,
. 1 TABLE,
3 large Dining Room Tables and several
other small Tables, 1 dozen Parlor Chairs
cushioned, 4 dozen good Common Chairs,
4 Rocking Chairs, (one a Parlor cushioned)
Several Bedsteads. 1 Wardrobe, 2 Cupboards,
Window Blinds, a lot of Carpeting,
19 Dinning Room Stools, 2 Water Coolers,
12 Lamps, 2 Settees, Screen Refrigerator,
empty barrels, kegs, demijons, castors, bot
tles,. tumblers, 3 Ice Cream Freezers, fruit
cans, jars, and other articles not necessary
to mention.
Se'Sale to commence at 1 o'clock on said
day when terms will be made known.
G. V. Mong, Auct
Feb 29—ts
~~ ~~ ~: ~ ~ y ~ ~• ~ ~~
Ir HE firm of Router &-Buhrman has this
day(Feb. 9th,1872) been dissolved by mu
tual consent. The creditors are hereby
notified to come and settle their accounts
either by money or notes.
The business will he hereafter carried on
by C. H. Buhrman.
Feb 29-3 t ROUZER & BUHRMAN.
NALL' SIM!. ?.
On SATURDAY the 16th day MARCH, '72
/VIII: subscriber intending to decline arm
ing will sell at public sale at his.residence
in Tomstown, on the 16th day of March, the
following personal property, to wit:
well calculated for riding or driving;
2 HEA 0 or CATTLE,
one a good Mulch Cow which will be fresh a
bout the time of sale; .
133083 C, c•rixicici•st
one of which is a good Brood Sow; 1 two
horse Wagon, 1 pair Wood Ladders, 1 Trot
ting Buggy nearly, as good as new ; 1 pair
Hay Carriages, Oaks' patent ;1 Cutting Box,
2 Barshear Plows, 4 double and 2 single Sho
vel Plows, 1 Corn Coverer, 1 Harrow, spread
er, double, single and treble trees, mattocks,
forks, rakes and shovels, 2 sets Yankee Har
ness, 3 sets Plow Gears, 3 Fly-nets, 1 riding
saddle, 2 riding bridles, 3 blind bridles, col
s and halters, 1 pair Check Lines, 2 sets
Single Harness, butt, breast, log , and cow
chains, 2 grain cradles, 1 mowing Scythe, 15
Grain Bags, 1 sled, a lot of old iron; also the
one-half of
also 1 Bureau, 2 Corner Cupboards, 3 Tables,
1 Cook Stove, 2 Ten-plate Stoves, 3 Bed
steads, 1 Sink, 2 sets Chairs, 1 Rocking Chair,
30 yards Carpet, 1 meat stand, doughtray, i
ron kettle, tubs, barrels, tinware, qneens
ware, crJekery, a lot apple butter, 500 pounds
Bacon, one can Lard, 2 barrels Vinegar,'
meat bench, 2 large benches, 1 churn, 10
bus. potatoes, and many other articles not
necessary to mention. Sale to cdmmence at
10 o'clock on said day when terms will be
made known. J. B. SECRIST,
Feb. 22—ts G. V. Along, Auct.
TITiE subscriber intending to move West
will sell at public sale, at his residencp,
Jpbn Price's farm, miles North of
Waynesboro', on Tuesday the 19th of I(arch,
1872, the following personal property, to
ono-horse Wagon •1 Spring V . lngon, 1 Bug
gy and Harness,. 1 Sleth, 2 riding Saddles,
1 Side Saddle, riding bridles, halters, fly
zeta, chainm, breechbands, double and single
trees, Sleigh Bells, forks, shovels, wood saw
and Cross-cut Saw, axes, maul and wedges,
Sausage Cutter and Stuffer, 1 mowing Scythe
/ uskets also. , '
eucb as tables, stands, bedsteads, corner
cupboands, cha irs, sink, benches, rocking
cradle, wood box, crocks, j ars , plates, dishes,
tuba and buckets, 2 ten-plate Stoves and Pipe,
1 meat vessel,
Cucumber Pickels and Stand,.l Copper ICet.
tle 1 Iron mettle, a lot of Grain Bags apple
butter by the crock, a lot of Books, dX,
ga;Sole to commence at 10 o'clock on
said day, when terms will' be made known
; by DANIEL 1101ASIN-C ER,
Feb ,T2—ts Yong,
, .
, 1111113 E subscriber will sell at public sale at
..11. 'his residence, at Antietam Xiinction, 2f
miles from Waynesboro'; on the Leitersburg
turzpikeoon Thursday the.l4th day March,
18n, the following personal property, So
3 Mach Cows,
one of them fresh ; 2 Head ofCattle, 1 Ches
ter White Brood Sow,! fine Chester White
Vir AL Cr CP MT ,
1 an extra three and four-horse broad-tread,
(new) 2 two-horse narrowtread, (new) 1 one
horse wagon, 1 new Spring Wagon ; 1 new
Wagon Bed, 1 Hay Carrier,l Sleigh ; 2 Bar
shear Plows, single and double Shovel Plows
(new) 1 Harrow, good as new ;
Hay by the Ton, Fodder by the Bundle, a
bout 20 bus. Ramesdell Oats, Potatqes by:
the bushel, a lot of
1 good Work Bench ; 1 Bureau, 1 Safe, 2- Ta
blest 2 Stands, 2 sets of Chairs, 2 Rocking
Chairs, 3 Bedsteads, one a new Cottage Bed
stead, Beds and Bedding,
(new) a lot. Oil Window Blinds, 2 Ten- .late
. - : • - 7 - 7 - 7 - 7:
Corn Brooms, 1 Fish Net, also about
and many other articles not necessary to
Sale to commence at 10 o'clock on
said day, when terms will be made known
Feb 22—ta G. V. Mong, Amt.
THE Fittailla
Have still another chance to come in
to the
Great Sale,
at the new firm of
For cash at still Granter Reductions than
ever beforeo tmake. room for Spring pur
chases. There wus never such a good oppor
tubity for
as are now offered by
We have a good stock of
&c. ace.
Dont forget the place, TOWN HALL
STORE. Call and see us.
Feb. 22, 1872.
rrHE subscriber announces to his old
1 customers and the publicgenerally, that
be is now offering for sale an unusually large
stock of Saddles and Harness, embracing
all styles and prices. He has not only ex
ercised great care in the selection of his
material but has "had his work made by
first-chiss workmen. His Saddles have been
manufactured by Mr. Joni; W. JAMISON, of
Baltimore, than whom thqx,e,is perhaps not
a better mechanic in the Mate, and whose
.workmariship has stood the test of nearly
thirty years in this section of Franklin
Persons in want of any article in his line
nre requested to call at, the 'well-known
stand, ,one door west of the Bowden House
and examine his stock.
Feb £O--ts Wl4l. P. WEAGLEY
W11:1 1 197.49 , 7_.
F. B. Wnarrosr, President.
The oldest and strongest Company in the
United States. Assets over $50,000,000 in
W. A. REID, Agent.
Feb n—tf Waynesboro', Pa.
STRAYM from the premises of the sub
scriber sometime in January last a Ches
ter White Boar, with the right earmarked. A
liberal reward will be paid for such infor
mation which will lead to' his recovery,
Feb 22-3 t HENRY OAKS
TEtmdersigned gives notice to sal per
sons knowing themselves indebted to
the estate of Susannah Stoner, late of Wash
ington Townshipoleed., to make payment,
and those having claims or demands to pre
!sent therm in.01.-.:1: r • rer settlement.-
Feb 15-3 t • I.IENRY BIER, Agt.
Great Sale