TBB WAY?iESBORO' VILLAGE RECORD ?rausEED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING By W. pLAIR. TERIIS—Two 'Dollars per Annum if paid within the year; TNVO Dollarsaad Fifty dents after the expiration • of the year. VERTISEMENTS— One Square. (10 lines) three insertions, $1,50 ; for each subsequent insertion, Thir five Cents per Square. A liberal discount made to yearly adver tisers. LOC...J.:S.—Business Locals Ten Cents per line for the first insertion, Seven Cents for suheauent insertionts Vrofroinat Ortiards. Y 3. ADEBERSON, I'L D., EIIYSICIAN AND SURGEON, WAYNESBORO% PA. Office at the Waynesboro' "Corner Drug Store." [Sane 29—tf. ID P F► RANTZ,, .Has resumed the practice of Medicine.- - OFFICE—In the Walker Building—near the Bowden house. Night calls should be made at his residence on Main Street, ad joining the Western School House. July 20-tf Y 1.2" ID., _ PEYSICIAN AND SURGEON. WAYNEspoito' PA. Office at his residence, nearly opposite the Bowden House. Nov 2—tf. JOHN A. 112,VsSit92;i1G, ATTORNEY AT LA\' , TTAYING several ,s'odunirittsei.iintroParnalerilnceLawst the Coun ty, all business entrusted to hiweare will be n.omptiv attended to. Post Office address lereersburg, Pa. 16 Vir ,ZZ ATTORNEY AT IVA.YNESMIORO', PA, Will give prompt and close attention to all business entrusted to his care. Office next door to the Bowdon }Rinse, in the Walker. Building. [July 6 s TOSMPI - I. ATTORXEY Ari.' LAW, ' WAYNESBORO', PA. Practices in the several Courts of Franklin and adjacent Counties. • N. B.—Real Estate leased and sold; and Fire Insurance effected on reasonable terms. ' December 10, 1671: ' SXOI DENTIST, GIq.ENCASTLE, P. ..,:-- . 7?' T 4.4.:; , e i..i .- ::7 - ..:p' - :":4 „ , r -14 4 -.. • ••• , • , j,17,', - , 4 :zai, (A '.4.4141.04-11=-1- I::::perieneetl in Dentit•try, will insert you ets ul Teeth at prices to suit the times. Feb. 16, 1871. B 1 Ott - v (PonmEnLy or Mincsasucno, PA.,) ®citizens his Professional services to the IJl7citizens of Waynesboro' and vicinity. Da. STRICkLER has relinquished an exten sive practice at Mercersburg, ' - uts been . prominently engaged , years in the practice of his profession. He has opened an Office in Waynesboro', at the residence of George Besore, Esq., is Father-in-law, *here he can be found at 1 times when not professionally engaged. July IA 1571.-tf. K. BR ANISHOLTS, RESIDENT DE3►ITIS r4 1 ;'67..":-T:1;4 . '' ' - '4SA. , __•T :7 3;-;:ak. ~..Nia:-....---q,..-el--.7,,,;,:i.,....1.--it.-.......• ..--, . ' __. --.--)-- • - WAYNESBORO', PA., .Can be found at all times at his office where he is prepared to insert teeth on the best basis in use and at prices to suit the times. ceth extracted, without pain by the use of morotbrm, eather, nitrous oxid egas or the irevzing process, in a manner surpassed by hone. We the undersigned being acquainted with A. K. Branisholts fl)r the past year, can rec ommend him to the public generally to be a Dentist well qualified to perform all ope rations belonging to Dentistry in the most skilltal manner. Drs. 3. B. AMEERSON, I. N. SNIVELY, E. A. 141:1,RING, J. M. RIPPLE, J. J. OELLIG t A.. S. BONBRAKE, T. D, I IZENCII. scot `29tfl S W 1-t 7.0 DEALER IN _ _ WA G—UL:S :71:47, j7d.'II;ZZE: 883 ItirsT BALTIMORE STREET, BALTIMORE, MD. ge.ll - 'Watches Repaired and Warranted. Vir - Jetrelry Made and Repaired. July 13, 1571.-tf. 23 ..A_ 1:2, 33 P, P., I N G- If. P in: subscriber informs the public that he continue.: !be Barbering business in the r • , r) pcxL to Mr. Lei, i's Grocery Store, . all times prepared to do huh. =lulying,s hanapeonine etc. in the best Yae patronage °tithe-public is respeLt lailv solicited. A:u. - .; 2t IS7I Chi iD ILEAZ ;la DA IDacIN WICKIFY'S celebratd Cholctra _ . w ar wine preped. by li.tvl e D I. 1-loorn:-. of Lid., can be, had during the .I,.ez :•on at F. FouirrffmAN's Drug Store, ar.td of cleglerti T-avel:inr; .bent, "..'7l -ilia MY7a:S. M 41.. S J. .V.ILE EMT, 31 Cll A N'T TA 11, , SI N GZlt',:. SEWING M ACP INES • S'') P.' S rz , p r h nov, - for sale a prime trm-ie ~ t Chestnut Shingles, a supple of 1% he eattinue to keep on ban - d.— lio alQo sale a second-hand ';',forn tng zi-tove and a Morning Glory Heat tr--'both in use but one season. Sept 2S-tf S. B. RINEHRT. HADA NT) IIERRING.-INless. and and otonna; Eturrin in bbiq. ier snle by w. A. REID. The following record of one day's accidents, all from the same cause, viz: the use of in ferior Coal-Oil, is taken from the Philadel phia Ledger ofa recent date: "The alarm of fire, last evening, at 7 o'- clock, was caused by the burning of the dwelling, corner of 16th and Poplar, result ing from tne explosion of a coal oil lamp.— Mrs. Hersh, occupying the second story of the dwelling had retird,to her department„ a few moments before the discovery of the fire. On entering her room, she was found lying on the floor, wrapped in flames." "About 7 o'clock yesterday morning, a coal oil lamp in the hands of Sarah Alexan der, who lives on Cowslip St near 16th.— She was severely burned. "Margaret Colligan, residing, in the rear of 618 South st., was burned by the explosion of a coal oil lamp. Her husband, while at tempting to extinguish the flame, was also severely burned. Two of the above named victims have since died of their injuries." All such fearful accidents, resulting in death and the destruction of valuable yroperty, may be avoided by using "CA.R.S'Obd 'S STEL LAR OIL." which is known to be a perfect ly safe and reliable illuminator. It is fax sale by Amberson, Benedict & Co., Waynesboro'; Christian Good; Quincy: —[feb-2-1871. MAMBO LIE E rprlE subscriber informs the public that he is proprietor of the Buss line running daily between Waynesboro', and .Geencas tie, heretofore run by Wolfersbercr b er & Ston er. With good horses and a. first-class four horse Omnibus he is enabled to convey pas- sengers to and fro with comfort and conve nience. His Buss will leave Waynesboro', at 6 '_ •• ~ • • f astle at 8 =kin.. quick time and sure connection wit first Passenger train at Si A. M. Leaves Greencastle at 5 o'clock, P. M., arriving , at -Waynesboro', at 6 45. He is himself Pro prietor, Contractor and Driver. Delivers Adams Express matter to and from Green; castle. All Express matter expressed the same morning and through to Waynesboro' • • . ealay it arrives. Persons wishin! to send goods by Express will do well by giving him a call. Persons wishing to-go to Hagerstown should take this rout. The train leaves at 9 15 making connection with the Washington County Railroad. aug 20 tf] J. R. WO LFERSBERGER. CARSON'S STELLAR OIL ! rrIIIE alarmimg increase in the number of A_ frightful accidents, resulting in terrible rleaths and destruction of valuable property, caused by the indiscriminate use of oils, know under the name of Petroleum, prompts us to call your special attention to an article which will, wherever used, remove the cause of such accideiats. We allude to CARSON'S STELLAR OIL FOR iliainar4 The proprietor of this oil has for severe ears felt the neees... ty of providing for, and presenting to the puolic, as a sub-statute—for the dangerous cc inpor nds which are sent ast_. ver the co,'ntrir an oil that is safe, brilliant, and ent.fe y — re La e. ter a long series of laborious and costly experi ments, he has succeeded in providing, and offers to the public, such a substitute, in "CARSON'S STELLAR OIL" It should be used by every family because it is safe boyond a question. The primary purpose in the preparation of STELLAJ: OIL has been to make it Perfectly Safe, thus insuring the lives and property of those who use it. Its present standard of SAFETY and B.RELLIANCY will always be maintain ed, for upon this the proprietor depends for sustaining the high reputation the STEL LAR OIL new enjoys. To prevent the adulteration of this oil with the explosive compounds now known under the name of kerosene, &e., &c., it is put up for family use in five-gallon ems, each can being sealed and stamped with te trade mark of the proprietor; it cannot, therefore, tampered with between the manufacturer and consumer. Mone is genuine without this trade-mark. It is the duty and interest of all dealers and customers of illuminating oil to use the STELA R. OIL only, because it alone is known to be safe and reliable. It is for sale by Aniberson, Benedict & Co., Waynesboro' Manon & Sutler, Marion. E. B. Winger, Quincy. Gelwicks & Burkhart, chambershurg. W. D. Dixon, St. Thomas. J. Hostetter & Co.. Greencastle. Thomas C. Grove Mercent•burg. Jno. L. Ritcherv, JARDEN & CO., 'WHOLES:AL:I AGENTS. No. 136 South Front St., Philadelphia. feb 2-1871. ALLEE M. GOOD. NIATEEW METCALF ATITInam STAN fi.AU NM CA,GTORY 'I JUST WHAT YOU WANT At Prica to suit Times uml Quality ! WORE TVA /V TED u:—G~nick Sales an d small rrnfas. We will farni-th :anything wanted in our line of buaine•F, SASH, DOORS, SHUTTERS, MANTLES, • STAIRING, &c., WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. We also contract for continued Pail Stair Ways, Newel's Ballusters, &c. furnish to order or put into buildings by the hest of workmen; Sawing, Chopping, Poast Boring, Grinding, Turning, ex. Ll:c. In short any thing you want call for it, if not, on hand we will make it. As reference we can show yon" buildings in the country or in Waynesboro' where you canjudge for z;our6elves, (we can't recommend material, it must recom mend itself) also see the quality of our ma terial compared with that of other shops. TO THE PUBLIC Thankful for pngt, favor-t, we ash- you for a caminuance of the same-. W. A. PRICE Factory 1,! miles South olWrvnfrborr, - , GOOD c'z may IS, 1•S71 P. ::: IVe v.re rilFo pre;•: - .r0,,1 to flrni , 3l Pruning :,1.1.,:1ter:z,1 aic•.,u,i,:ir..liVe !Ow CARPETS C..tllPETicl. ? has ju , t rettarned from the cities with the largest anti best. assortment of C 3 rTS ! OIL CLOTZ.S ! OIL AND LINEN NVIITDOW SITA.DMS, DRUGGET AND CRUMB CLOTHS RUGS AND MATS, COVERLETS, COUNTERPANES, (CC., &c., ever oared in Greencastle. RAG CARPETS constantly on band and made to order M:4''"goriinn• bv,vnir flinr! !I'm. Mho!. in the county. 101 - Call and - bear prieds. Greencastle. Dec.l, IN7O. WHITMORE LACE CURTAINS, with all the fixtures for putting up HALL'S ;..‘" ts. vl.ll VEGETABLE SICILIAN vp i • v en , "1A1.4? RENEWEL - Every year.creases,the ppoone larity of this valuable Hair Prep aration, which is due to merit _ __ _alone. We can assure our old patrons that it is kept fully up to its high standard ; and it is the on ly reliable and perfected_prepara tion for restoring GRAY on FADED HAIR to its youthful oolor, making it soft, lustrous, and silken. The scalp ; by its use, becomes white and clean. It removes all eruptions and dandruff' and, by its tome proper ties, prevents the hair from falling out, as it stimulates and nourishes the hair-glands. By its use, the imir grows thicker and stronger. In baldness, it restores the capillary glands to their normal vigor, and • will create a new growth, except in e . .treme old age. It is the most economical HAta-DnEssiNG ever used, as - it requires-fewer - ti-ms, and gives the hair a splendid, appearance. A. A. Hayes, . 1 .-1. D., Stale .A.snyer of 3lassachu " The constituents are • I: , , au. I carefillv selected for ex. e...llent quality; and I consider it the ; r PREPARATION for its int en pnrposes." 5!...<: Drn Q.rie aad Dealers in A(edicines. :Prico Ono Dollar. EiloL.c.ingham's Dye. lAt3 o•ir itenewer in many cases to•> long a time, and too , ',UV, to restore gray or faded V/I::skers, we have prepared this ;a one, preparation, which will :1,.;'5.1y and eireetnally accomplish 111:3 rc..,l:it. It is easily applied, / produces a color I' rub nor wash off: Sold by Druggists. Price Fifty Cents. Manniactureci by R. P. HALL & CO., WASHITA, ri.H. Aug. 24-1 y PATENTED SEPT. 21 1869 The merits of this machine consists in part, in the, attachment of curved knives to the arms of the cutting-wheel, the shear ing cut across the mouth-piece, the great power and directness of the blow, by which treble the volume of mate rial is cut, with less power than is required by any other machine ; those combined with its durabil ity and simplicity of construction, command public attention. Nothing liable to get out of order, but what a boy could remedy with a pocket wrench. Persons in want of machines of this de scription will do well by calling upon or ad dressing the undersigned. , Good and red ponsible agents wanted to sell machines and territory. The n'bove'Machine is now on exhibition at the Waynesboro' Manufacturing Compa ny's Office. Persons interested should call end examine" it, for it is whet every Elmer should.have. H: C. GILBERT, BENJ. P. STUTTER, Proprietor, Agent. Waynesboro' Pa. July 14, tf L 111. Y ! LIVERY! • rfq.HE' undersigned informs the public gen ". erally that he has purchased the Livery heretofore owned by Frank. Weagley, and is fully prepared to meet the wants of the community in his line of business. lie has had all his carriages neatly re paired and refitted, and his horses ate safe, gentle and fast travellers. Parties conveyed to any point desired, accompanied by a care ful driver. Office at the Waynesboro' Hotel, where an attentive hostler will be in attendance at all hours,of tilt; night and day. te...No ef fort will b.?, spared to accommodate all who rmy patronize him. Doe. 17, ts. WM. FUNK. • . 'CM: subscriber would' inform the public P that he is at all times prepared to make o order Gents Coarso or fine Boots, also cortr , e or fine work for Ladies or Mises, in (Audi Mr the latest style of lasting Gaiters.— Repairing done at short notice, and measur es taken in private Eunilies if desired Shop on East Main Street, in the room formerly occupied by J. Elden, as a flour and feed store. THOS. J. HOLLINGSWORTH ItYIESBOIIO' COACH FACTORY; 10. W. HAWKER having withdrawn 11.0 1 from the firm of Adams a: Hawker the subscriber informs the public that he con tinues the Cofte'making business in all its branches, at - the old stand. He will at all times have a supply of new Buggies, differ ent hinds, on hand ; also second-handed ve hicles Repairing done at short notice, .He uses the best material and employs good mechanics. He returns his thanks to the public, for their liberal patronage, and by at tention to business and a disposition to ac commodate hopes to merit a liberal share of the , uno in the future. Jan. 14-1 f LUMBER, LUMBER, &c, rrhe subscri;ler 1)::. for sale Chestnut Shin gles, Palling Fla:tering Dathii, Shing ling Laths, Pine Limber from a half to one inch. All other sizes of Lumber furnished to order. Also, Oak, Pine and Chestnut Wood by the load for sale on the ground. Vir:sqle has also Ice for sale. April 23 tf. A. S. MORN. SURVEYING AND CO:VEYAUING. E undersigiied having had some ten years ars experience as a practical Surveyor is prepared to do \ all kinds of Surveying, laying out and dividing up lands, also all kinds of writing usually done by Scriveners. Parties wishing work done can call on, or address the undersigned at Wavnestibro', Pa. feb 2—tf] A. STOLEII. CONCAVE CONVEX spectacles, at • ALEX. LEED PATENT SELF-REEBLATIING CLEANER, BAGGER AND POWERS 1 No implement more important" to the farmer than a First-class Grain Thresher and Cleaner—for none pays him so well and so speedily. The above cut shows the only Geiser Ma chine now built under the immediate eye of the old inventors themselves, with all the additional improvements made during the paSt 18 years, and now with, FIRST-CLASS WORKMEN & MATERIAL this Mach . .e just stands high above all of its class. As a thresher it is equal to the best, as a cleaner it is superior to any exist ing Machine. This is admitted by all hon est competitors. Indeed it is the only Ma chine that - really can,--by- one operation, thoroughly thresh and clean . grain fit for market. But the fact that grain direct from this machine commands from 2 to 3 cents a bushel mare than grain direct from any oth er machine, settles the question of its supe riority as a cleaner over all others. Impar tial judges at all the. State and County Fairs where it was thoroughly and practically tested, in competition With machines, always agree that it is more sim ple—more easily understood and operated by those unskilled ih machinery—more du rable—threshing as much and yet cleaning better—with less power and more comfort to •an s an an and besides all that is sold for less moi_ey according to capacity. These facts are further attested by the thousands of pur:- chasers, some of whom have had them in use for the last 18 years. To supply the wants of all, we now make 4 sizes, viz:— From a 2 Horse Railway or 3 Horse Lever Power, to alO Horse Lever Power, with . *r.6.1 rwrtgb: from $l9O to $360, without power. lire aso make t e aes imp triple-geared Horse Powers, suitable for each size machine, ranging from $9O to $135, and all fully and fairly warranted. For further information send for circular and price list. Responsible Agents in Territory not in troduc@d. Address, THE GEISER MANTTFAC'G CO.,. WAYNESBORO', Franklin County,. Jan. 21-tf Pennsylvania. dix OSAIALIS We pill li,lied en every package, there: fart it is r' , l a. secret. picparution, _ consequently ll_ SILIOS PRESCRIBE IT t is a certain cure for Serufula. S'y in all its tiams, Bkie Diseaseq, Liver Coin .. —• plaint arid all diseases of the Blend. cI;E BOTTLF, OF /108ADAII3 will do inure good than ten :301.t ICS • of the ,syrups of Sarsaparilla. • THE UNDERSIGNED PHYSICiANS 112.V0 wed ncractalli iri their practice for the past three veArs and f t ely endorse it as a rcliiifilu Alterative and Blood Purifier. DR. T. C. PUG TT of Daltimcre. DR. T. J. DO V IC IN, DR. R. :+.ARR. D rt. F . 0..11 ANNF.LLY , " DR. J. S. SPARKS, of Nicholascillo, ,RD . J. L. AIcCARTIIA, Columbia, S. C. , DR. A. 11. NOBLES, £igecomb, N.C. USED AND MOORS:ED BY /SHE undersigned would most respectfully JL inform the citizens of Waynesboro' and vicinity that he has opened a new Tin Store on East Main street, opposite Stover & Wolff's Dry Goods emporium, and keeps constantly on hand a good supply of COOK tk, COAL STOVES, MORNING GLORIES, etc., at prices to s the times. All kinds of work done in k line with neatness and dispatch, such roofing, spouting and repairing. You w' find it to your interest to give him a call b fore purchasing elsewhere. The sign of t Big Red Coffee Pot, Always on the post. Thankful for 'past favors lie hopes for a co tinuance of the same. JACO]: ADAMS YLAL THITLE: Offers at low prices a large number of 140. 1 Conk Stoves for coal or wood the best in market,also the Celebrated Morning Glory Stoves, with and without ovens, at reduced rates. Also a number of other Base Burn ing Stoves—also Parlor Cook Stoves—Par lor and Fire-place Heaters, the best in mar ket, all of which he will yarrant and sell at less rates than any Stove House in Waynes boro.' He is now prepared to put up at short no tice First Class Brick Furnaces and warrant them. On hand a stock of nine-plate Stoves and small coal stoves. A large stock of Tin pressed and iron-ware roofing and spouting of the best tin. Repairs done promptly and at prices that none can complain. Call and see his stock as it wilt pay you for the trouble, and it is right these days to keep posted. Sept 14—tf WS. KATE G. STOVER, has receive full supply of Millinery Goods. Also esmniy.v , d.ione to"rior. ay. ;rw;t_ BBACON—Country d and examine her assortment. 1 June 29. sides for sale•by W-. A.REiD eDer, 14—tf G-EISR'S GRAIN SEPARATOR THE INGREDIENT. • n S. B. FRENCR & SONS, Fail River, Mass. I. W. SMITH', Jackson, Mich. A. F. W HEELER, Linia, Ohio. B. HALL, Lim a. Ohio. 'CRAVEN & CO., Gordonsville, Va. SA3l'l.. O. McFADDEN, 11Iurfrees hero, Tenn. Our space will not allow• of any ex tended remarks in relation to the virtues of Rosadalis. To the Medical Profestion we guarantee a Fluid Ex t:aetsuperior to any they have ever used in the treatment of diseased Blood; and to the afflicted we say try Rosadalis, and you will be restored to health. Rosadalis is sold by all Druggists, price $1.30 per bottle. Address DR. CLEUENTS 84 CO. Manufacturing Chernida, Bet:"ntomt, La. July 20, 1871—lr. NEW TIN STORE. Yours Respectfully, CLAYTON /11. FEE nov 19 MS 751 E• 411121 - NarliE gliW A• D. B. Buss LL, J. B. RUSSELL. NEW PERM! D. B. RUSSELL & SON at the sign of the Big Red Horn, will keep constantly on hand and for sale a large assortment of Stoves and Tinware. 'COO= STOVES (warranted to give satisfaction.) TINWARE, STONEWARE, R-A-SSW • JAPANNED 'WARE, HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS CHURNS, KNIVES AND FORKS, SPOONS, LADLES, LARGE IRON COPPER KETTLES seful articles at the si BIG RED HORN, Waynesboro , a large assortment of COOK STOVES, NINE-PLATE STOVES, PARLOR STOVES, COAL STOVES Ste., of the latest improvements, the very best in the market, at the Cheap - Tin and Stove S. ure of D. B. RUSSELL & SON EVERYBODY THE'IMPROVED BASE BURNER, 1 - .:,.._ , ..;._4, ,, ,, , n• ;I!it'_.lis , I. oVkif , ' , li Qi.tA ; ILLAa''' __ 24444:45 i .%" 3T4*, ) .1. - .t 4 . ; le l , •\' 0 ,.f. •• _ . 1. .OA -- -4., d, tpti,,..), 1 gi gi •• ,'.o • - :e 0 r7-.:t LYNt ~1 -:,. • 1.... * '26U -. 4.i1th.. 4 4,0V! ' d Sat Retail by D. B. RUSSELL 6: SON Sign of the Big Red- Horn, ‘Vaynehoro', Pa 2 1 117/V.A_BjEl made of the best Tin in the market, and warranted at the sign of the "BIG RED HORN" D. B. RUSSELL keep's constantly on hand a large assortment of all House Furnishing Goods for sale cheap. Pure No. 1 Kero sene Oil and a large assortment eLamps. WASHING MADE EC,SY ! by calling at the sign of the "F;gßeci Horn' and getting the st Clother ;A - ringer ever made. i 9 Persons in Want of Sip - yes, Tinware House Furnishing Goods, &c. &e., can ge full value for their money by calling on D. B. RUSSELL & SON, Sign of the "Big Red Horn," Waynesboro', Pit. a PIM 3AVEr_ A PENNY MADE! SAYS THE OLD ADAGE. Well, how and where is the place to do i wherever you can use your money to the best advantage ; and poqular opin ion has long since•given the palm to STOVER & WOLFF, for keeping the best and cheap est store; all they want is for buyers to call and examine their stock and convince themselves of what they say. Our stock consists of the following articles: Ladies Dress.! Goods—SUCH As Alpaccas, Mohairs, Armuns, English Velveteens, Opera Cloths, Repellants, &c. MEN'S WEAR.—Cloths, Cassimeres, Cords, Sattinetts, Cottoned Linens, Tweeds, &c., &c. LADIES CUSTOS-MADE .SHOE'II in Lasting and Morocco, cheap. Cr 3EL C2O CI .1E . We have bought large, consequently cheap. All our goods have been bought at panic prices, consequently ye' are enabled to un dersell those who bought before the decline. GM,.Call and see, and we will prove to you what we say. ALL KINDS OF COUNTRY PRO DUCE BOUGH]. AND SOLD. June 29, 1871. STOVER & IVOLFF. A WONDER OP MECHAN ICAL SIMPLICITY. The Most Practical Sewing Machine in tha Our Motto is not to be undersold. UWE= MATCHES, CLOCKS, GOLD PBS, WATCH CHAINS Finger Rings, Charms, Bracelets, and a great variety of other things pertaining to the Jewel ry Business. FAMILY SEWING M ACHINE Warranted to do the whole range of Family Sewing with more ra pidity, with more ease of management and with less fatigue to the operator than any Ma chine now in use. PRICE FORTY (40) DOLLARS! It requires no extra attachment for embroid ering, Braiding and Gathering. It takes the thread dire ly from the spools, thus saving dt trouble an economizing time. It requires but one footo move the treadle even in sew ing the heaviest fabrics. It is mane of the best steel: andat all pOints of wear case-hardened. Its chief points are UnequalleciSimpllcit; Quietness of Operation, Ease of Management, Rapidity of Execution, ' Non-liability to drop Stitches or break thread. raiiiiiiiaiiitiUiailiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii :- . • F: Simplicity of tension, Ease of managing it, Embroidering by a mere change of spools. Braiding, gathering and embroidering with out attachments. Making, the best stitce for strength and durability. Making the only stitch slifliciently elastic as not to break in the ordinory strain of elastic goods. Its seam being less liable to rip in use or rear than the "Shuttle-Stitch," while it can lere be more east y a • • ed. n of the July 27, 1871 • IN DON'T DESrAIR kW:TN• Thousands have found relief. and • thousands will turn to this Medi- pis eine, atter wthausting their purses • and patience in search of health. • GU:dines of the head, dullness of the mind, wild breath, coated tongue, loss of appetite, pains and weals. ness in the htolitaeli, enlargement of the liver, yellow• ness of the skin, constant foyer and. thimf, 1: employ- tota disrelislt for business, pleamre or any Lind of ment. PAIIIRIEVEI PANACEA, if taken and persevered tomsa few days, will remove this whole class of symp- The fluids of the body become pure, and mind clear, the stomach strengthened. the tongue clean, the appetite improved, and the whole system so benefited that disease, in bad weather, is less liable to athict you. 'l2's Dr. P:-FAHRNEY'S As a medicine for children. the Panacea la, In every way, calculated to take the place of the endless variety of drugs which liteitalfillilly - sold - for - that pa pomTand— s Metz are ot.en very injurimm A medicine which pos ies ice the qualities of a cathartic as Nell as a mild alter ative, and which is capable of arrest lug disease without the I east injury to the child, Is of incalculable Naha? to every mother. As a cathartic, IL is very eilective, yet It does not, if given in proper quantities, cause samea or distress teethe stomach or bus ols. IL is very plea. ant to the taste, which Is a very Important feature as a medicine for children. As anretent (Le of dtsea,a it is unprecedented, ftti it acts directly upon the digestive or gans and the blood. In all scrofulozs diseases. it Is the most elective medicine ever (Mena to the public; and, if given regularly and permverlul;:v, those eruptive dis eases so common to children may be entirely eradicated. Pre,pared by P. Fahrney's Bros. & v ‘, •,. ' Id`, ._„. Co„ Wavne,boro, Pa., and Dr P. .; • •.! 41J FAHRII*.EY, 30 North Dearborn NZ4 ~... ' it., Cnic.to (a. Price fil.t.s per bottle, • , - ,' for sale by 'Wholesale and 'Wall ~.. s-0. -• " dealers. And by ORIENTAL F. Foram - lan, J. B. Amberson, M. D. and Dr. A. S. Bonbrake, 'Waynesboro% Rower & Buhrman, Pikesville. [Dee. 8, 1871-Iy. PURE DERS3, itam3ozooi.".iv 'a; ; • • Poplins, Del4ines, GO TO TO FOURTEINA pS twaqaur,w i roc:,-,-2 - .; -- kau;x*mpL4 Vv - ayneaboro', May 21, 18-41. BARK WANTED . FORNEY & SONS will pay the highest market price for 650 cords of Rock and Black Oak Bark delivered at their Tannery in Waynesboro. Hides and Skins taken in aid weighed at the cellar of C. 'Bathes' Shoe Store, for which the highest market price will be paid. CONVEX CNOCAVE Spectacles at ALTX LkEDS Worid. THE' McLEAN & HOOPER Elastic Lock-Stitch ALEX. LEEDS, AGENT, Telegraph Office, Waynesboro', Pa Celebrated unser 'D I D S &c, 4Scc., J. W. MILLEIE J. W. MILLER & CC Have lately increased their stock by the addition of a large and handsome assort ment of Fall and Winter Goods and are now prepared to supply their customers with every thing in the way of Dry Goods, 4ke. In their stock will be found all the late styles of Dress Goods, such as . BLACK . & COLORED ALPACCAS, FRENCH POPLINS, SILK FINISHED MOHAIRS, •Beautiful Styles long and square Shall; GHATS FUJFINISRUNG - CRUM, Plain and Fancy Cassimeies. Blue, Black and Brown Coatings, Black and Brown Bea ver Cloths for Overcoats. New Style Paper Collars and Neck - Ties Gloves, Hosiery, Cull's and Handkerchiefs Suspenders, over and undershirts, Drawers kc. A FULL LINE BOOTS & SHOES LadiesTises and Childrene •occo hocE) Lades and Misses Lasting Gzi:e, Ladies and Misses Gum Sandals, Mens and Ladies Artic OverSboes, Carpetings and Oil GletAs White and Grey Wool Blankets, [Paints, °il]s, Glass and Putty Their stock this season will be found su-' perior to any they have offered and their prices will be reasonable. Therefore all they ask is an eamination of goods and -prices-to be convinced Oct 19th 1871 J. W. MILLER & CO. anate — HairVigor:, For rastoring Cray Hair to Its natural ali y arid amsaing whi4 is at once agreeable, healthy, and effectual f r preserving the air. Faded or gray hair is scot restored to its original color with the gloss and freshness of youth, Thin hair is thick ened, falling hair checked, and bald ness often, though not always, cured by its use. Nothing can restore the hair where 6,3 follicles are destroyed, or the glands atrophied mid d .rayed. 13qt such as remait - i l a s ed for asefulness by this L t , _ cation. Instead of fouling• the hair with a r.sty sedi ment, it will keep it clean end vigorors. Its occasional use will prevent the hoi: from turning gray or falling off, aml consequently •prevent baldnes. Fr en from those deleterious sthtances Which make some preparations dangerous, and injurious to the hair, the Vigor can only benefit but not harm it. If wanted merely for, a HAIR DRESSING, nothing else can. be found so desirable. Containing neither oil nor ilye, it does not -soil white canala•ic, and yet lasts long on the hair, giving it - a iich, glossy lustre and a grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Cot, PnACTICAL AND ANALYTICAL C1TM.1213,. I FE Vi W COON & STONEEIOUSE Respectfully anrounce to the public that they have opened at their store room, on the South-west corner of the Di: wand, isi Waynesboro,' a large and well selected stock of DRY GOODs, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, • AND CUTLERY, Iron, Steel, Nails Coachmakers Goods of ev ery description, Queensware, Cedarware, Shoes, Carpets, Oil Cloths, Paints, Glass. Oils, Varnish Brushes, Fish, Salt, and all kind of Goods kept in a well regulated store. Our goods are all new and fresh and have been bought for cash at the late decline in prices. We flatter ourselves that from our-long experience in business, and a determination to sell goods at small profits, we shall offer unusual inducements to buyers who desire to save money. Please call and sea for yourselves. We have a large and well assorted stock of staple and fancy Dry Goods, embracing. CLOTH, CASSIMERES, &C,, Satinetts, Jeans, Tweeds, Cottonades, Cords; Stripes, Checks, Gingliains, Linen and Cot ton Table Diapers, Crash for towels, Cali coi•s, r elains, Alpaceas, Fancy DRD'S GOODS, DRILLINGS, Shawls, Brom. and Bleached Sheeting and Shirtings. Tick i n es, Linens, Flannels, White Goods, Gloves, Hosiery and Notions. We are receiving LOW roods every week and will supply any ,thicle wanted that we hate not on hand in £ few days. We pay the highest market price for a kinds of Countr,r Produce, such as Baoo Lard, Butter, Eggs, Dried Fruit, Rags, cite. Nov. 3, 1870. APPLES!, APPLES!, Iln fir Ftalc , fire present nse or for winter keeping. @et 12—tf ALEX. II .17111 'JON. t. a, inxze POPLIN PLAIDS, WOOL PLAIDS, EMPRESS CLOTHS. FRENCH MORENOS, Coverlets & Spreads, Hope Covers, Lap Rpbes an Buggy Rugs. Groceries, — Hardware, Queensvare, Ayer's LOWELL, MASS. 16s CE, $lOO.