( alariaesboW Airline, 'guard. Thursday, rebrusry 8, '172. .General Hancock declines to be the Democratic candidate for Priacnt, nellobcrt J. Brent, Fsq., a prominent - lawyer of Baltimore, died on Sumlay... Mir The House at Harrisburg, has pass ed a bill to prevent the selling or giving away of liquor on election days. • 'im,..The number of d&Lths from mall pox in Philadelphia for the weak :ending Monday last were one hundred mk...A contemporary threatens to send a sraali-pnx patient after his subscribers n•ao are in arrears for their paper for more, than a year. AZ - Chief Justice Chase is buying up Rhode Nand. He has nh•eady pur chased five acres, and is keeping a sharp eye on the other fifteen. YThe Georgia Republicans have ap pointed a full list of delegates to the National Convention at Philadephia, and instructed them to vote for Grant. . The Supreme * Court of * 'Kansas suspended the execution of Dr. it/kali cott, who was to have been hanged last Friday for poisoning Mr. Ruth, until the 22nd of March. . The enormous quantity of $13,000. 000 worth of dry goods were imported in iew or . uring t• e mont o anuary, being the largest importation on record, with one exception. M. M. POMEROY, called "Brick," was receLtly sued . for $25;000 damages for breach of promise of marriage by Sadie Wilkinson, of New Haven, he having —promised-to-marry-her-in-1866. ta.Pennsylvania, has more post offices than any other State Union. The number of post offices in Pennsyl anis is 2,893, and in New York, 2600. e whole army of postmaster in the United States amount to 30,045 —The-residence of R S Pope,one_! and a half miles from Jerusalem, Va., - _LI_ !..9..1.0 • II I I - •••••••1 cr and sister of Mr. Pope, while attempt ing to save their effects upstairs were burn ed to death. terThe bill authorizing the people o Baltimore to take a vote upon the ordi nance granting further aid to the amount of $1,000,000 to the W. M. R. R. has passed both houses of the Legislature, and nothing now remains but to put it to a vote of the people. eiiirOn the 22d of day February it has been suggested that every man, woman and child in the land give one cent for the finishing of the national monument. This will make about four hundred thousand dollars,and the great work will be properly called the Nation's tribute to the Father of his country. So says an exchange. igirA party of masked men visited the Jail at Richmond, Kentucky, on Fr'i day, and took therefrom the wife mur derer Stough, and hung him to a tree.— The action of the mob meets with gener al approval from the people of Richmond as the' circumstances attending the mur der of. Mrs. Stough were of the most re volting character. SADLY AFFLIOTED.—The Bloomfield Times says : "on Friday of last week asad fiction befell the family of Robert Mil ligan, in Madison township, Perry county. On that night three of their children, the youngest aged about three years, died from scarlet fever. ~The deaths all occurred within fifteen minutes. It is one of the saddest .cases we have had occasion to re cord. They have but ono child left, and that is also ill with the fever." re The Sheriff of New York must be posessed of a sensitive heart. On Satur day he was handed warrants for the ar rest of Ring parties indicted by the Grand Jury, but declined to receive the documents, for the reason, as ho said, that it would be an act of cruelty to drag the men from their families on Sat urday and incarcerate them in jail over Sunday when they could readily find bail if left unmolested until Monday. SW-A terrible accidentoceured on Thurs day morning last, on the Lehigh Valley railroad, near Lock-port. As the Buffalo express train was nearing that point a rail broke, precipitating the train over the -embankment about thirty feet bigh,wreck 'mg the cars, whNi were set on fire by the kty Four of the passetr:ers were instantly killed.utd four more silee died from their injuries, and some eiglitt'inn others ar e more or ler,s wounded. rs-V;hile the English press iJ scowling over the Alabama claims, and preiieting hill manner of foolish results, the Cavil:ri me:lt at Washington has no fears that the•Genev:. arbitration will fail in its oh:eets. The English press appeur to forget that in corn ing t h e' Bric-i .Coaimis: , :otters. Queen Victoria pier' , el her royal tvw:(l that wltatever her (tern. "qui;.iioner?.. vgawd to sito.uhl and regarded in .the fullest .iner 'x.)3:l that :be mould nerer.ftuffer in 'xiholc Cr in part :slay person whomsoever ti t in the,Farne or aet•rontrary there .0 a 5 t. . 4:'1.1 C.. gia,l SALE REGISTRY.—The public sales of real aid personal. property advertised through the columns of the Record' come off in the following order :. 3. W. Miller, a house and: lot,. Satur day, Feb..lo. J. R. Welsh, a house and lot, Satur day, Feb. 10. A. S. Eichelberger, personal property, Monday (February 12. - Trimmer & Fogler, real estate Tuesday, February 13. Jacob S.' 'Bassier, ;personal property- Wednesday, Feb. 141 • ' DAniel Hearten n, personal property, Monday, Febrty. / ry 19. - Frederick/Lesher, porsorial property, Tuesday, Debruiry 20. Abrra..Snowberger, personal property, Wedp csday;' Feb. 21. ohn Shank i personal-property,—Thum rl.iy, February 22. Frisby M. Stouffer. personal property, on Friday; February 23. Samuel Wishard, personal property, on Friday February 23. A. D. Gordon, Personal property, Sat urday, February 24. John Wiles, personal property, on Weduesday, February 28. D. & W. H. Potter, personal property, on Monday, February 29. Simon Lrymon, - personal property, on Saturday, March 2. mOne-third gone—old winter SerGetting larger—our subscription list. ter The 14th will be St. Valentine's Day. ' efirGo to the RECORD office for your sale bills. lerThe sun is course northward. This is leap year, but look before you "leap," ladies ! Se - Examine our list of sales to ke found in another column. 'TheID& man with the "illuminated nose-frequents_the Tem,pin_Alley. 'The handsomest clerk in Waynes- boro' now carries a love pov "Leap year has'nt swelled the =tr iage column very perceptibly yet. vm.Mr. C. Hoffman has leased the Ten pin Alley in this place. See advt. a'rOur town boasts not only pretty widows, but a couple pretty old maids. The next holiday is Easter—most too soon though to begin to save up eggs, boys. lel.There is not a saloon in Mercers burg. .The Court refused to license appli cants. air Township Supervisors are required by law to put up guide-boards at all cross roads. • VirA window glased with old hats is a sure indication that the occupants have seen a rum-bottle. rtn..There is a, youth in town so bright that his mother .has to look at him through a piece of smoked glass. Xt eirin Chester county, ground hogs climb up cornstalks and cat the corn off,— and then pull the stalks up after them. rEn,,.. The reader will excuse the crowed state of our advertising cclumns. The "printer's harvest" comes but once a year. VEN'''Dr. Samuel. Weisel of Williamsport Md., brother of Judge Weisel of Hagers town, died on Friday last, in the 63d year of' his age. te•Last . week Mr. 'Newcomer presen ted a petition in the Maryland Legislature for the suppression of liquor licenses in Lcitersburg district. rEarMr. Jonas Q. Huffer has sold Ms farm of 158 acres, on Beaver creek, in Washington county, to Mr. Wm. Shif. fier, at about .$lOO per acre. RECOTERING.-Mr. • Joseph Keepers, whose serious situation s noticed last week, has so far recovered from his inju ries as to be regarded out of danger. MA stock company is being organized in Middletown, Md. for the purpose of es tablishing in that place a Cheese Factory. Better stir up that Branch Railroad pro ject, friend Rboderick. . Sxow.—Snow fell in this region on Friday night last, covering the ground on Saturday morning to the depth of five or six inches and affording tolerable sleigh ing up to Sunday noon. CHANCE FOR & TAILOR.—An unmar ried mnn wishing to engage in the Tailor ing hnsinmrs will find a good opening at Mt. Hope, 4 miles North of this place.— Shop, boarding, 4c. can be had on rea onable terms. A LAYME•LecTST TREE:A large and valuable Locust tree on the farm of Mr. Seth Dickey, 'known RR the "McCauley Farm," situated in Peters Township, was recently cut by, Mr. Jonas Ke e f er an d P. E. • Clemons. It produced one hmn dred and two good sound poste, while six or seven more we.rs destroyed in falling the tree.—Who can beat it 7.—,lfer.-Jour- AttontEo. R. n. MovEst=i—Another move for a Raikoad has been started up in oar town within, the past week among some• of our leading titizens, including, it is said, the betuKof our manufacturing establishmentt. The proposition is, we be lieve,to construct aßranch road to connect with the Western Maryland road near Monterey. A committee left . on Tuesday for Baltimore to seek aid in that direc tion. We understand the , line would ° be about ten miles long and the cost not less than - $200;000, so that without assistance from some outside quarter it would be fu tile to attempt such an undertaking. It is a little strange to our mind that such a movement should have been inau gurated at this time, when the Harrisburg and Potomac Railroad company are push ing the work of grading their road in this direction with commendable zeal and per severance. We may be wrong in Our vie* fthematter,but_w_e_think_thecompler_ tion - of the latter line would afford us all needed freighting facilities, besides devel oping a vast extent of valuable ore lands, much of which lies in close proximity to our town, and to secure which not more perhaps than sixty to seventy thousand dollars would be required of our town and township in stock subscriptions. If our moneyed men however take an adverse view of the matter, be it so. We are anx ious that our town should have a; railroad inlet and outlet from some quarter, and wish to offer no special dictation to those upon whom the responsibility, pecuniari ly and otherwise, must devolve. But whether we get a road between here and Monterey or not, the completion of the other in our opinion is only a matter of time, and tile time not fir distant when its line will be completed from river to rives, a time too to which 'the extortionists of the Cumberland Valley road may well look with forebodings of ill. A short time retracing his we presume will determine the result of this last movement. Rner.lrTs.—fho following is a list of .o moni(ll:4' receipt January sane ' .._ mum John 0. Hoover, John Summers, Wm. Young. Abrm. Mickley, 2.00 Hen t y Socks, 2.00 Jacob Summers, (of John) 2.00 Dr J. B. Hamilton, 2.00 C. Beaver, 2.00 B. F. Stewart, 9.00 Cyrus Garver, 2.00 Lewis Morganthall, . 1.75 Daniel Oiler, 2.00 J. S. good,' 2.00 Solomon Stamy, (Towa,) 6.00 Mrs. W. Benshhoff, 1.00 Joseph Mentzer, 4.00 Jacob Lohman, 2.00 M. D. Burkett, 5.00 Wm. Smith, (Ohio) 2.00 Wm. Adams, 4.00 Jos. M. Hess, 2.00 Samuel Stover, '2.00 Dr. J. A. Royer, 5.00 D. 11. Mentzer, 1.00 Geiser & Rinehart, 7.00 S. B. Rinehart, 2.00 Mrs. Jacob COrbett,. • 4.00 David F. Stoner, 4.00 John W. Good, 4.00 Geo. Lackens, . • 3.00 Jacob Bossier, 5.00 James M. Stoops, ' 2.00 M. A. Gordon, 4.00 D. B. Reap, 4.00 E. J. Bonbrake, Esq., 4.00 D. M. Detrich, 2.00 John L. Newcomer, 6.00 Peter Rouzer, 2.00 A. S. Oiler, 4.00 John L. Metcalf, 2.00 Jacob E. Price, 8.00 James Robinson,2.oo Abrm. R, Kohler, 6.00 • Hnery Gayer, 2.00 Wm. Startzman, 2.00 GOOD FOR Qurscy.—lt seems that one among the many enterprises that will be started and completed on the line of the Harrisburg and Potomac Railroad is a large Rolling Mill in the village of Quin cy. Already a company is partially form ed to carry out the project. It has at its lead men of action and busine^s energy like W. B. Raby, Esq., Edmond Brown, and others. Their purpose is to build a large 'establishment to manufacture exten sively all kinds of bar and other iron. This is certainly a move in the right di rection, for no better locality than Quin cy could be selected for either a Rolling Mill or Furnace, or both, as ore in that region abounds in inexhaustable quanti tiw. We heartily wish out enterprising friends success in this commendable under takinS. TritErt.—.k subscriber requested us to publish a cure for Tetter. Not having any receipt at hand, we should be glad to publish aPy well-tested cure that may be sent to us.—Gettysburg Star. .The following is vouched for as a soverign remedy: Heat a fireshovel red hot, put upon it a dozen or more grains of corn, press with a smoothing iron.' Two applications of the oil which adheres to the smoothing iron, well rubbed on the diseased parts, *ill effect a cure. GROUND HOG DAY.—Friday last was Ground Hog Day. Many suppose that if this little animal comes out and sees his shadow, he returns for six weeks long er, during which time severe winter weath er will continue. If, on the other hand, it is cloudy that he cannot see his shad ow, it is considered indicative of mild weather the remainder of the winter. If this theory be correct cold snaps are yet 11 , -; tx; re 4C.) ti . or su scrip ion or Aar Accrumm.—Mr. A. E. Waynant met with an accident on Thr.rsclay last which might have proved a serious one.— its horse took fright at a pile of ice at. the bridge on the turnpike East of town . upsetting his wagon, throwing him out breaking one of his sewing machines, one wheel of the vehicla passing over his head. Fortunately he escaped without serious injuries. The turnpike company are lia• ble for damages in such cases and we ad vise the party who has supervision of the road to have the nuisance removed. SADDLES. - "We direct special attention to the advertisement of Wm. P. WEAcr LEY, in to-day's paper, Mr. JAMISON' of Baltimore, who is an extra workman of long experience, has put him up an as sortment of saddles which are perhaps un surpassed in this or adjoining counties. tar Mr. Wm. Wangly, principal of the public school at CavetOwn, Washing ton county, was found dead in his bed on Thursday morning of last week, hav ing retired in his usual health.—He was about 33 years of age, and leaves a wife and three _children.. _The average age of farmers is 05 years, while that of printers is ,but 33, which shows the necessity of prompt pay ments to the latter, so that they may have the pleasure of handling their own money during their short sojourn on this sublun ary sphere. To BE ENLARGED.—We understand Messrs. Frick ez Bowman .ur ,ose the en- largement of their extensive Machine Shops in this place during next summer and the employment of a larger force of hands. litarin a notice of the terrible accident on the Lehigh Valley road on Thursday, the Norristown Dailg Herald sip: "The Frequent occurrence of accidents of this kind during intensely cold weather is not surprising, as the irbn rails are lia ble to be misplaced by contraction if by nothing else, whilst the car wit& other equip_ments are also put to a re ..,.00 2.00 2.00 CO - 0 2.00 severe test. Extreme cold, like extreme heat, causes traveling by rail so danger ous-an-operation-tb at—persons—who—have not urgent business, if wise, will remain There is too much danger attendant upon railroad traveling to indulge in it for pleasure or pastime. Those who are not compelled by urgency of business, or oth er pressing , cause, had better give the cars a wide berth. There is quite as much safety at home es on the railroad, if not a little more. ta.A. shocking railway accident occurred on the Allegheny Valley railroad, on the 29th As theVenango accommodation was going West, it run off the track at the Burning Well Station, just below Foster and plunged clown an embankment into the river, a heighth of some thirty or for ty feet. The train consisted of two cars, one engine and tender. There were twenty-one passengers ablard, and of these all but two were injured, more or less seriously, and some of them fatally. Among those who were killed was "Oil Tom Kin'," who was widely known throughout the oil regions. BUSINESS LOCALS. To Our PATRONS.—In addition to our usual expenses during last year this of fice incurred a heavy indebtedness in the procurement °fa new press and materi al, the bulk of which indebtedness frills upon us next spring, and the object of our present writing is to bring this fact clear ly before patrons in arrears, either to large or small amounts. For the outlay we ask nothing but prompt payment of what is due, the subscription and advertising rates remaining the same as before the enlarge ment. We therefore intend this as an ear nest appeal for payment on the part of ALL in arrears. ' It would be difficult for us in the midst of a throng season to draw off the accounts of individual subscribers liv ing in distant parts of the country. The have an idea as to the amount of their i • debtedness and can enclose the money, check or P. 0. order through the m where doubts exist as to the amount can give us the benefit of them by s d ing enough, which will bo properly phlced to their credit. This u( Pi.l4ll lt%e, or their fail ure to comply with it, will tell us who our "dead heads" are. GARDEN SEEns.—Fresh assortment o Garden Seeds at Reid's Grocery. Pres.—Gentian Peas and Lentiles, and Canned Peas and Corn, at Reid's Gro cery: Scrroor..—Mrs. J. A. Fuss will com mence a select school, Monday, Feb.l9th, in Mr. J. Miller's hall. fob. 8--2 w. FOR BENT.—The new dwelling house belonging to A. 1). Gordon is offered for rent. jau.. 18—tf. FOR RENT.—A store room nearly 50ft. deep, with open front and show windows, in the bnsiness part of Main St. Also several pleasant rooms and private booms for roil. Exiqu'ire this crux. .The new railroad to Waynesboro' with the following named officers at its head; is now a certainty : President, D. Geiser ; • Treastwy, John Philips; Gen: Supt., Dr. E. A. Hering ; Conductor & Breaksman, L. S. Forney; Engineer, IJ. Miller.. The . first train will arrive with a special load of Chro mos, Pens. Ink, Paper, Valentines and everything pertaining to the Photograph ic trade, consigned L. C. Brackbill. His cheap goods made it necessary to have the Depot at his store to enable him to keep goods constantly on hand. - LIVERY FOR SAL - E.—The subscriber of fers at private sale his extensive Livery in Waynesboro', consisting of horses, ve hicles, &c. W. H. FuNs. CALL AND SETTLE.—Being anxious to close up all outstanding accounts between this date and the first day of April next, I request my 'patrons indebted, without respect to persons, to call and settle their accounts, as I have money to make up by that time. JACOB REININGER. Fon RENT on SALE.—The subscriber offers for rent or sale a- two story brick house and lot of ground, pleasantly situa ted on West Main street, Waynesboro'.— The house is in good repair and has all necessary conveniences. feb. 8-tf FRANKLIN WEAGLEY. Thg..The Wilson New Steel Underfeed .huttle Sewing Macchine is the best in he world. Warranted 5 years, and sold h• r . • . • . • 1111'1 •I • class machine. A trial will prove the Wil son to be all that is claimed for it. A. E. WAYNANT, agent. No family can afford to be without a Wilson Shuttle Sewing Machine. The price is only $45 ; does all kinds of light and heavy work- and is so simple that a child can use it "Tlie Wilson uses the la test and best attachments, one of which will do nine different kinds of work with out change. Don't buy until you see it. A. E. WAYX_OIT, agen would respectfully announce to the cid• zees of .Waynesboro' and vicinity that e - have opened - in - th - e - room — re - cerrtly - frt , ted up in the New Building of Mr. Adam • , . s - East - wf the P. 0., a ft and complete assortment of goods usual ly sold by Grocers and Produce Dealere, which we will sell at fair prices for cash. Fresh Butter can be had daily ; .Fresh Fish and Oysters on Friday and Satui-* day of each week. Dressed Poultry ev ery Saturday. Call and see us. WALTER' Sr, BON/MAKE FOR SALE-A second-hand Sewing Ma chine—the Parker—price $l2. Enquire of the Printer. FRIZEI FISII.--Call at Reid's Grocery on Friday. MA~'vR=ACxES. On the Nth ult., by Rev. Thonias Creigh, Mr WILLIAM. F. Mtsn to Miss MARY E. MONTGOMERY, both of Mer cersburg. • . On Chrisnias Eve last, by Rev. L. A. Gotwald, Mr. DAVID L. RAFF to Miss MARTHA KunN, youngest daughter of Isaac Kuhn Esq., all of this county. • On the Ist inst., by Rev. L. A. Got wald, Mr. JOHN F. KUHN, of Oil City, Penna., to Miss EM MA F. Wots, of Cham hrsburg. On the 4th inst., at the residence of the bride's mother by Rev. J. S. Harkey, Mr. EDWARD REED and Miss ELLIE S. .STO -I;ER, both of Quincy, Pa. I) M .A.'T I-1 S _ On the 21st ult., at Concord, Miss ELIZABETH HATS, aged about 90 years. On the 30th ult., in Chambersbarg of congestion of the Brain, A. JACTSON Wurre, son of A. J. and Sarah J. White, aged 14 years, 3 months and 27 days. At her residence in this -place, on the 4th inst., Mrs. MARGARET COCHRAN, CCM sort of George Cochran, Esq., dec'd, aged 77 years, 4 months and 28 days. In Quincy township, on the 2d inst., Mrs. CA.THARINE REIBMAN, aged 72 yealS, 11 months and 22 days. r. WAYNESBORO' MARKET (comEcTED wEEELY.) BACON HAMS 8UTTER........ EGGS • LARD POTATOES APPLES—DRIED APPLES—GREEN HARD -SOAP.—... BALTIMORE Feb. 5 FLOUR—Transactions very limited to-day in Flour, themarket steady though criet. Sales on 'Change only 300 bbls., viz: 100 Howard Street Extra at $7,25, 100 do. Family at $B, and 100 do. at $8..1 50 per bbl. WHEAT.—SaIes to-day as follows, viz: 2,500 bwhe:s Pennsylvania red at 1, 55R1,58 cents, 3,600 do. at 1.60 cents, and 280 do. choice Maryland do. at 1,75 cents. CORN.—Sales 1,600 bushels Pennsyl4 vania yellow at 67@69 cents, and 1,200 do. Maryland do. at 70 cents. White we quote, in the absence of transactions, at 65@70 cents, and Western Mixed at 69(a170 cents. RYE AND OATS—DuII but steady. Sales 2)0 bushels Rye at 102 cents, and 700 do. Oats at 55 e. PHILADELPHIA CATTLE MARKET, February s.—Beeves dull this week; sales 2,600 head: extra Pennsylvania and Western steers 74@7i. cents; choice 8 c. fair to good 6f(7 cents common 41®6 nerds. Sheep in demaqd at an advance; sales of 12,000 at 808 i cents. Hogs in .demand at an advance sales of 3,000 had at $7.217€7.75. PUBLIC SALE . On FRIDAY the 23d of FEBRUARY, 72 rFHE undersigned will sell at publis sale . I , at his residence in Washington Co., Md. on the road leading from Leitersburg to Welty'a Church, near Garver's Mill, on Friday the 23d inst., the following proper ty, to wit : 6 VALUABLE NORM HORSES, among which are 3 excellent brood Mares, 2 with foal; 2 two yearling Colts ; 20 Head Cattle sof which are Mich Cowe,3 Bulls of thor ough-bred Durham Stock, one of which is fat, the balance young cattle of superior stock ; 1396 STS 3:0 among which are 3 Brood Sows, 3 Boars of EsEex breed; paas V/110118 one three inch and 1 two inch tread, 1 good Shifting-tnp Buggy with spring seats,-1 Uart, 1 Springtooth Rake, new gum-spring. Grain Drill, with guano attachment in complete order, ERR REAPER AND 1110 IVER combined, 1 pair of Wood Ladders, 2 pair of Hay Carriages, 1 Rolling Screen, 1 Bar shear Plow, 3 double and 2 single Shovel Plows, 1 Corn Coverer, 4 Harrows, treble, double and single trees, 2 log chains, 1 fifth chain and spreader, 2 pair of Spreaders, 2 pair butt Traces, 2 pair of Breast Chains, 2 sets of dung Boards, 1 Jackscrew, 2 sets Breechbands, 2 sets Front Gears, 6 sets Plow Gears, 4 Fly-nets, collirs, bridles and Halters, 12 Cow Chains, 1 Wagon Saddle,l four-horse line, 1 set of Cart Gears, 2. rid ing Saddles, 1 set of single Harness, 150 LOCUST POSTS, r=IMWII I MrIWWWWnnW and many other articles not necessary to nenaon. X' , ..-.trSale to commence at 9 o'clock on said day when n credit of Ten Months will be given on all sums of $lO and upwards, the purchaser giving note with approved secu rity, all sums under ten dollars the cash will be required, and if said notes are not paid within ten days after maturity, inter est will be charged from date. No goods to be removed until settled for- FRISBY M STOITITER, John M. Zimith, And Feb. S—ts PUBLIO SALE PHRSONIL PHOPERI .d of n ast—fro Wiles, the undersigned will sell at- Pub lic Sale, at the residence of Jacob Wiles, on the road from Ringgold to Wayreiboro' ; Half a mile from the former and — o — from — th - e latter, on Wednesday the 28th day of Febru orl 1872 the follow - 1w! ereonal )roperty. to wit : 3 HEAD HORSES, 2 of which are Brood Mares, 2 three year ling Colts, 1 two .yearling, 2-one yearling Colts, PAD ( P t ,A1111: 1 P ,4 , nniong Irhicla'are 4 Cows and 2 Heiferp, 2 Callies, 0 HEAD HOGS, 4 Barshear Plows, 5 Shovel Plows, 2 liar rowr, a► lot of Single and double trees, 1 four-horse Wagon and Bed, 1 two-horse Wagon and Bed, 1 Spring Wagon, 1 Buggy, 1 Sleigh, 1 SET OF BLACKSMITH TOOLS, 1 Kirby Mower, 1 Hay Fork and' Bake, I Jackscrew, 2 set of Butt and Breast Chains, 1 Wheelbarrow, 1 Hay Carrier, 1 Grain - Drill, 1 Cutting Box, 1 Wheat Fan, 1 Bag Wagon, 25 Grain Bags, I Grindstone, 1 set dung boards, a lot of Sawed Lumber, 150 eszsTriTuT 11.11.11r.a. 40 Locust Posts, 1 work Bench and Tools, such as saws, ainzers and chisels, 2 Pets of Front Gears, 4 Collars, 4 Hon Pens, 5 Bridles, 3 Fly-nets, 1 Riding Saddle, 1 Ten-plate Stove, 4 Chairs, 1 Table, 2 Clocks,l7 crocks of Apple Butter, a lot of tight barrels, 1 barrel of Vinegar, half barrel of Cider, 21 AfsEES OF WET THE 011011 and other articles not necessary to men tion. ftqrSale to commence nt 30 o'clock on said day when a credit of 13 months will be given JOHN WILES, Trustee. Feb S—ts Geo. V. Mong, Auct. I do hereby notify all persons having, claims against the said Jacob Niles, to pre sent them to me on or before the day of sale JOHN WILES. PUBLIC SALE! On FRIDAY the 23d of FEBRUARY, '72. TEM subscriber intending to quit fltrm ing, will sell at public sale at his resi dence, about 2di miles West of Waynesboro' along the road leading to Salem • Church. nn Friday the 23d of February, the follow jag persom - 1 property, to wit : 3 NEAD RDIZES 1 yearling, Colt; 2 HEAD OF CATTLE; 2 Brood sows, ti Shoats, 1 one.horse Wagon, 1 set Breechbands. 2 sets of PloW Gears, Collars and Blind Bridles, 1 Barshear Plow, S Sllovel Plows, one single, two double; tre ble, double and single trees, 1 Harrow, 1 ton Hay, Fodder by the bundle, GORINI BY THE BitßißiElLv Apples by the bushel,, and many other ar ticles not necessary to mention. A 4 Ss'Sale to commence at 10 o'clock on amid day, when a credit of 10 months will be given on all sums of S 5 and upwards, purchasers to give notes with approved security, upon which if payment is not made within ten days after maturity inter est will be charged from date. SAMUEL WISHARD, Feb. B—ts ' Geo. V. Mong. Auct. TO FARMERS ARO OTRERS SADDLES AND HARNESS ! THE subscriber announces to his old customers and the publicgenengly, that he is now offering for sale an unusually large stock of Saddles and Harness, embracing all styles and prices. He has not only .ex ercised great care in the selection of his material but has had his work made by first-class workmen. His Saddles hare been manufactured by Mr. Jorts W. JAMISON, of Baltimore, than whom there is perhaps not a better mechanic in the State, and whose workmanship has stood the test of nearly thirty years in this section of 'Franklin County. Persons in want of any article in his line are requested to call at the well-known stand, one door west of the Bowden House and examine his stock. r,••.) s—tb WM. r. WEM ILEY. PUBLIC SALE! On TEITIRSDAT the 29th, FEBRUARY 12 THE undersigned, administrators of Jer. lemiab Potter, deed. will set at public sale, on the premises of said deed., three miles Northwest of Waynesboro', on the road leading from the Waynesboro' and Greencastle turnpike to Besore's Mill, the following personal property, to wit: 10 HEAD .HORSES, among which are 4 good' leaders, for wag. on or plow, 1 fine riding and driving chest nut Sorrel Horse, noted for style, 2 good Brcod Mares, 2 four year old Colts, 2 year- ling Colts; 15 HEAD CATTLE, among which are t two Mach Cows, one will be fresh about the time of sale, 2 fine Bulls, the balance young cattle ; 3YREAD Or HOGS. two of which are Brood Sows; 1 Grain Drill, 1 Hay .Rake. 2 pair Hay Carriages, 1 spring Wagon and pole, 2 EIM VM5.030,, four-inch tread, one nearly new; 1 Cart, 1 new Wood Bed. 1 Wheat Fan, Fayett ville make; 7 Rolling Screen, 1 Fodder and Hay Cutter, 3 three-horse and 2 two-horse Barshear Plows, 2 single and 4 double Shov el Plows, I Corn Coverer, 3 Harrows, 1 Horse Power and Jack, 1 REAPER AND 'HOMIER, combined Dodge ac Stevenson's patent, nearly-nen-, 1 Hay Fork, rane and pulleys., Jackscrew,2 sets dung boards, 2 log chains, fifth chain and spreader, breast, butt and cow chains, 2 spreaders. trebble donble and single trees, 2 sets Breechba n (Is. 4 sets Front Gears. 5 sets Plow hears, 6 Collars, 6 Hous ens, Blind Bridles, 2 riding Bridles. 1 riding and 1 wagon Saddle, I set Single Harness, 4 Fly-nets, I string r-leigh Bells, 5 halters, 25 Grain Bags, 1 Bag Wagon, 1 mattock, 1 • • on, 1 drill-tnid-a—lot—stonc attgersr 2 stone sledges, I maul and wedges, I set planes, augers and chisels. 1 Grain Cra dle, 4 mowing scythes, 1 grindstone, a Tot of white: and YELLOW PINE PLANK, forks.rakes, shovels, .a lot of old iron. 1 dinner bell. also 1 Secretary find Book-ease, 1 Burcan, 3 Bedsteads. Potatoes, by the• bushel, Vi”^-' the barrel, empty bar rels, an ler articles not necessary to meal IMS; mid da menco at 10 o'clock on. redit of 10 months wilt .s et' Al 0 and onwards. )ANIEL TOTTER; TILII—POTTER Aclm'ks. _ Geo, V. Along, Auct.. be give PUBLIC SALE P-FiRSONA-L-FR-O-P-FA-T- 1 1/ 1 .- HE nndersi , med, administrator, of Dr J. J. Oel ig. WI se of pn IrY 011 rry n his regidenee. in Waynesboro'. on SaturchVl the 2d-day of March, 1872, the following per sonal property, to wit: - • 1 COW, 4 HEAD OF HOGS, 1 Brggy, I Sleigh. I sot of Harness. 1 String gumblanket and horseblanket, new, 1 WheellSarrnw, 1 maul and wedire2; lot fork"; and shovels. 1 Saddle, 2 feed Boxes, 2 Locust Posts, lot wood, 3 Ladders, 1 meat Beneh, I saw and hoes,s barrels of Corn, lot Shelving and Bran - en., lot Medical :Tars, lot Instruments and Medical Books, 1 Shot gun ; HOUSEHOLD & KITCHEN FURNITURE, consisting. of 1 Secretary, 1 Sideboard, 1 Safe, Tables. Chairs. Stands. Wardrobe. 1 Bookcase, 1 Parlor Stove, 1 Cook Stove and' fixtures, 1 Coal Stove end Drum, 1 Stove. and fine, lot Carpet. Oilcloth, pair blinds, lot of Onoensware, Tinware, Crocks.- Jars, I Iron Kettle, I rack, 5 Tubs, 2 Meat Vessels Bacon and Lard by the pound. and many article too numerous to mention. AP„rSale to commence at, 10 o'clock on said day when terms will be made known by . SIMON LECRONE, Adm,r, BOWLING TE subscriber informs the snorting public that he has leased of A. P. Gor don his Ten-pin Alley, where" he will be found at all times reatV to wait upon those wishing. to avail themselves of such delicht fnl exercise. C. HOFFMAN. Feb 13---It PUBLIC SALL On THURSDAY the 22d FEBRUARY, '72 rf`HE subscriber will sell at public sale at I his residence about of a mile South east of Ringgold, Washington Co.. 31(1., the following personal property, to wit: 9 HEAD HORSES, among Which are 5 good Brood Mares, one with foal, one extra wagon leader, 2 good Plow Leaders and 2 three year old Colt; 2 . 1 HEAD OF CATTLE. seven of which are Mulch Cows, 2 will be fresh about the time of sale, 1 fine Young Bull, the balance young Cattle ; 26 HEAD Or E.OGS , 3of which are good Brood Sows, 2 PLAN TATION WAGONS, one a 4-inch tread, and one 3-inch tread and bed, 2 pair Hay Carri ages, 1 Cart, 2 Buggies, one a new Trotting Buggy with extra back, 2, sets dung Boards, 1 Sleigh and bells, 1 Spring Drill, I RI !RAPER AND MOWER, 1 Wheat Fan, Cutting Box, Wheelbarrow, 4 Barshcar Plows, 2 three-horse and 2 too horse, 5 double and single Shovel Plows, 1 Corn Cover, 2 new Harrows, Spreaders, treble and doubletrces and singletrees , 1 Ulmer Bell, Stone . Sledge, mattock, forks rakes and shovel. 2 sets Brcechbands, 3 sets Front Gears, 5 sets Plow Gears, 4 Fly Nets, 1 Waggon Saddle, 1 Riding Saddle, 2 Rid ing Bridles, 5 Blind Bridles, Collars, Hal, tors, houeens, 1 four and 1 six horse line, butt, breast, fifth, carrying, cow, and log chains, 1 Grind Stone, work bench, 1 Spring Rake, the one half of 70 ACRES OF GRAIN IN TILE GROUND, Corn by the Barrel, flay by the Ton; Corn fodder 'by the bundle, 4 Barrels Good Vin egar, Int, empty barrels, kegs, and many other articles not necessary to mention. try 'gale to commence at 10 o'clock on said day when a credit of 10 months'will be given on all sums of Ten Dollars and up wards, purchasers giving their notes with approved security, and if not paid within ten days after maturity, interest will be charged from date. JOHN SHANK, Agent. for W. H. Shank. L Boward, Auct. Feb. I—ts Ti • N ÷ i* A. - ` ll 3:o_ MOB School Board of Waynesboro' want IL to borrow Eight Thousand dollars. for which they will issue Bonds bearinginter. est nt the rate of seven per cent, per an num, clear of taxes. Enquire of J. W. Coon, Treasure. By order of the Board Jan 3. B. TINI:111:TON, Secretary.