The Waynesboro' village record. (Waynesboro', Pa.) 1871-1900, February 01, 1872, Image 1
W. BLAIR. - VOLUME 24. ~, e itti Vottrg. ENG TSB BELL SOFTLY. Some one has gone from this strange world of ours, • No more to gather its thorns with its ilow- No more to linger where sunbeams must fade, Where on all beauty death's fingers are laid ; Weary with mingling life's bitter and sweet Weary with parting, and never to meet, Sorim one has gone to the bright, golden shore Ring the bell 'softly, there's crape on the door. Angels were anxiously longing to meet One who walks with them in Heaven's bright street; Loved ones have whispered that some one is blest, Free from earth's trials and taking swee • st— Yes! there is one more in angelic bliss, One less to cherish and one less to kiss; One more departed to Heaven's bright Ring the bell softly, there's crape on door. , some one is resting from sorrow and sin— Happy where earth's conflicts enter not in Joyous as birds when the morning is bright, When the sweet sunbeams have brought. us their light, Weary with'sowing and'never to reap, , ' eary_wi . or, an. we coming s eep, Some one's departed to Heaven's glad ilUtolls ca ALICE CAREY. After this sweet singer passed away, newspapers gossips, as they will sometimes, took up certain old and half-forgotten sto ries, iu which her name was connected, with that of a person once well known in literary circles, and rehearsed them in the public ear. From what we know of the maiu himself, we never believed it possible for a ‘toinan like Alice Cary to have any feeling toward him higher than grad:tale for service rendered ; and we always felt something of pain and repulsion whenev er we heard their names associated. It was, therefore, with a feeling of deep stttisfietion that we read, in the Indepen dent, from the pen of Mrs. Mary Clem suer Ames, the true awry of her love and life. Here it is : "If a public career comes to a woman ly woman, the secret almost always lies ia the story of her heart. Alice Cary wa, born a singer. 'Whitter'a words of her are tenderly true : "Foredoomed to song she seemed to me; I querried not with destiny , I knew the trial and the need, Yet all the more I said, God speed !" , "Had she been a happy wife and moth er, her song would not have been less,but gladder. But it was not the "facility di vine," it was the inexorable facts of fate that made her a writer by profession.— Had she married the man whom she lov ed, she would never have come to New York at all, to coin the rare gifts of her brain and soul into money for shelter and bread. Pambe Cary, in her. touch ing sketch of her sister, Alice, written last spring, sags of her: "If in her mortal life a ie ever felt any deeper or holier affection than that fbr her kindred, except in dreams , of poesy, she rolled the s stOne over the youth of its dead sepulcher, and sealed, it with everlasting silence. Among the things hallowed by her use there was not left a single relic which could reveal such a secret. And so, knowing there was one chamber in her heart kept by her always as a safe and sacred sanctuary mine is surely not the hand to lift from it now the solemn and eternal curtain of the past." "Yet; no less because of these words sacrilegious hands have rudely attempted to lift it. The sanctuary of that pure heart is ruthlessly invaded even in the grave.— A story under the title of the "Unknown Love of Alice Cary," in the ne.spapers, is still gaveling through the length of the land. It asserts that in her youth•she was affianced to Rufus IV. Griswold ; that he was false to her.—forsaking her for a woman of the world; that, long after, when. he returned to New York friendless poor, and sick, she forgave him the great wrong that he had done, and nursed him till he died. This story, in many conflict ing phases, was often, to her great annoy ance, told of her during her life. The fact that Rufus W. Griswold did in his last will bequeath to her his personal effects was made much of in print and in private circles, and used as an unanswerable proof that at one time he had been her lover.— Within a week I have read in a letter in the New York•Esening Post that the will proved the love and relationship between the two persons beyond a doubt. Yet no less, iu its foundations; the story is false. Referring to it ones, while we two sit alone together,Mice said to me: I will tell you just the truth. If you ever think it necessary, you can tell it." I believe it to be ,but justice to her sacred life, with which idle gossip is yet too busy, to tell it now. "Bereavement in death and in life had made her Western .home too desolate to be borne. These, with the impulse of the brave will that served her to the la s t, brought her to New Yorkto make not the life that she would have chosen for her self; yet a. life worthy to be lived. "Ig norance stood mob the stead of courage," • A TAMMY NEWSPAPER-t-DEVOTED TO, LITERATURE, LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS. ETC. she said. "Had I known the great world as I have learned it since, I should not. have dared ; kit I didn't. Thus I came." The leading literateur at that time was Dr. Rufus W. Griswold. He had com piled the books called "The Female Prose Writers and The Female Post of Ameri ca." - Ile -was pharply on thelookout for every-hew genius in literature that • ap peared. He had visited the sisters in their Ohio home, and in 1850 obtained a pub lisher for their volume, and had added both their names with selections from their poems to his own "Poets of. AmerLa."— He knew everything necessary to their success in the sphere of labor which they. cho.e, while they practically knew mins to-nothing—He_encouraged_and_ helped them in many ways, and thus command ed their gratitude. "For Alice_to incur_a_debt_of_gratitutle was to pay it, if at the cost of her life.— Yet even the good will of one type of man to woman is often a misfortune. Her soul may be white as snow, yet he cannot take her innocent name upon his lips without smirching it with somewhat •f-his_own vilem ss. His vanity has been flattered by idle women, ti coniT7=s become not only the habit, but the twee* situ, of his morbid and miserable soul; till, where he knows he has not won it, he ye is base enough - to beast - of it. Such a man (judging by every record left of him)_ "was Rufus W. Griswold. He was a man of poetic teznperment of fine scholarship, of generous . impulses, and, in certain directions, of_ rare gifts,_ yet yet no less he was a man of fickle fancies, of violent temper which often fell upon his nearest and dearest friends of mons trous-vanity, and-of-ungoveriled..passions._ "I never was engaged to him in marriage; I never loved him," said Alice Cary to T enuld not have loved such a man I learned him in his best phases. Fiiine to pity him because he wu.s n_w_ owmt_eaemy:Asa_friend_l_mvel him much, and before his death I . found it in my power to pay back in part my arge cel o gra iul e. ' en ere urn to New York; - poor and-sick;-with-certam death before him, I, with Miss , hir ed a room and nurse for him. From that they have made the romantic story of my nursing him for unrequited love.— It was old Betsey who nursed him. You know how big and strong she is; yet e ven she became worn out, for his sick ness was long and very painful. Many unkind, even cruel things have been said, because he willed tome his personal ef fects. Besides• the books and picture , : which he bequeathed to the Historical Society, they are all that he posessed, and he kit them to me, not more out of per sonal regard than from a desire to repay as far as he was able the money which I had expended for his comfort during his lass lung sickness." "In the profoundest sense Alice Cary never loved but once. The man whom ...he loved is still alive, gossip, with its keenest scent, has never found or named him. With all her fulness of affection. hers was an electric and solitary soul.— He who by the very patent of his being, was more to her than any other mortal could be, might pass from her life, but no other could ever take his place. A proud and prosperous family brought all their pride and power to bear on a son to pre vent his marrying a girl uneducated, rus tic and' poor. "I waited for one who never came back she said. Yet I believed he would come till X read in a paper his marriage to another. Can you think what Ha would be-loving one, waiting for one who would never come ? "He did come at last. I saw him.— His wife had' di xi. Alice was dyinc , .— Tne gray haired man sat down b side the gray-haired woman. Life had dealt prosperonly with him, as' its wont with men.. Suffering and death had taken all from her save the lustre of her wondrous eyes. From her wan and wasted face they shone upon him full of tenderness •and youth. Thus they met with life be hind them—they who parted plighted lov ers when life was young. He was the man whom she forgave for her blighted and weary life with- a smile of parting as ever lit the face of woman," The Sealed Fountain. There has been much distress this Sum mer in many places from wells and brooks going dry, People have learned what a thing to be grateful for is even the common blessing of water. John Foster compares our life to a sealed up reservoir containing a certain amount of water. How much is in it, we have no means of knowing. We must keep constantly using it, and there is no means of replenishing the supply. Eve ry day the amount deminishes, and soon it will be gone. What a solemn thought it is that eve ry night we are twelve hours nearer eter nity than we were in the morning I How can we put off gettingleady for it? How can we alloW such trifles as occupy us eve ry day to draw our minds off wholly from this great concern? What comfort will it be to us, when the last hour comes, to remember that we were clad in the finest and most fashiottable raiment; and that we fared suwptously every day, or even that we were most diligent and Etudious in oui daily tasks, and took a high stand. lug arnoL,g our mates, when there lay our Bible all unread, its teachings unregard ed ? Remember this sealed reservoir, and how fast you are using up its precious contents. Some of these hold very little more. How will it be with you when you have quaffed the last cup ? . Will you then be sure of a welcome where the blessed "river of the water of life" is flow ing forever. If four quarters make a yard, how many will make a garden ? WA.YNESBORO', FRANKLIN COUNTY, PA., TItURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1872. SEEING THE POINT. A boy returned from school one day with a report that Ilia scholarship had fallen below the usual average. "Well said the father, "You've fallen behind this month, have you 2" "Yes, sir." - --"Howrdid - lhat -- -happdnr • "Don't know, air." The father knew, if the eon did not.— He had observed a number of dime nov els scattered about the house; but had not thought it worth while to say any thing until fitting opportunity should of fer itself: A basket of apples stood up on the floor. And he said:— "Empty out those apples, and take the basket and bring it to nme Calf full of chips." Suspecting nothing, the son obeyed._ "End now - ," he continued," pat thoie apples back into the basket." When half the apples were replaced, the sun said:— "Father, they roll off. I can't put in any more." "Put them in, I tell you." - ' "Put thetn in ! No, of course you can't put them in. Do you expect to fill a basket half full of chips and then fill -it—with—apples ? You_said—you—didn! know why yuu fell behind at school, and Till tell - you. Your mind is - like — that basket. It will not hold more than so much.- And here you've been this month filling_it up with chip dirt—dime nov -1 clic The boy turned on his heel, 'whistled and said, "Whew' 1 I see the point." Not a dime novel has been seen in the house lrottrt :t-•ay-smee, Other and older persons might well see the same point. A mind filled with fic- ion hatee and rejects truth. • person ending-historyoart,--science,or---travels, may !row - wiser - ever • -da•-•-but-a—man might read fiction a hurls re. yea s, an. ktiow no more when he finishes than when . - • --There_is_real_sin,And sorrow, and_ suf fering enough in the world for us to pity and relieve, without wasting our tear& o ver the troubles of some fictions "Matilda Jane ;"—and there is work,• and enter prise, and adventure enough in real life to engage our powers without resorting to cheap novels for inspiration and el citement. But unfortunately the girls who will shed ,as many tears over some heroine's fictions sorrow as they would while peeling a pan full of onions, are the very persons who would turn up their noses at a suffering beggar, and leave a sick person to starve unvisited in a gar ret. And the boys who wax heroic over the great doings of some count, hero, or cut-throat, are too lazy to make an hon est living, and are willing to have their mothers wait on them and black their boots while they lie in bed after sunrise, or smoke cigars, and swear, to prove that they are men ! Don't fill your apple basket with chip dirt. • A THOUSAND MILES, Sitting quietly at my desk this calm evening, the wind hushed• outside, and the sound of conversation unheard in the house, how can I believe that in spite of all this silence lam not at rest ? Is it true, as I have been told it is, that while I sit in my arm chair, 1 am at the same time traveling more swiftly than th e swiftest bird can fly ? If SO then in what carriage am I drawn and where is the steed which draws it? You and I.ire traveling more rapidly than the swiftest antilope can run. The world itself is our carriage, and tha Power which drives it is force which the Supreme Being who made the world and us, has brought to bear up on it. • Look at the sun in the early morning. It is seen in the eastern sky, just rising o ver the hills or the tree-tops. Higher and higher it climbs until noon; and then lower and lower it sinks, until it goes out of sight beyond the western hills. Men once thought that the sun did thus travel every day from east to west. We are not to trust the appearance; it tells us false.— It is not the motion of the sun over our heads, it is the motion of the earth itself, which snakes the sun appear to rise in the east. Every day the earth turns around carries us and all its burdens of hills and forests and rocks and seas with it. digit as, riding swiftly in a railroad carriage, we sometimes for a moment think the trees and houses, rocks and fences to be hurry him past us in the opposite direction; so the world carrying us swiftly onward from west to east , has made it appear th tt the sun and moon and, stars were traveling from east to west. But who can tell how fast the earth is turning on its axis? Why any boy or girl who has studied arithmatic can tell. lour the earth is 25,000 mile in circum ference and turns once round in exactly twenty four hours. Now, divide 25,000 by 24, one hour, and I. ad it to be a lit tle more than one thouand. So while you and I are sitting by our evening lamps, quietly reading or writing, we are being . whirled along our journey, never stopping, and at the rate of more than a thousand miles an hour. SOHO HON GOMIS. Many thousand stars are burning, Brightly in the vault of night I Many an earth-worn heart is yearning Upward with a fond delight. Stars of beauty, stars of glory, Radiant wanderers of the sky 1 Weary of the world's sad story, Ever would we gaze on high, What garment is too light to be either modest or useful ? The shift of the wind. A Man With Nerves of Steel. Young Donaldson, the dearing teronaut, who made a balloon ascension at Reading, Pa., on the 30th of August last, and per formed a series ottrapeze feats when' a mile or more from the earth, repeated his thrilling performance in Norfolk on Mon day last. _There_ was mo_basket_to_the bal loon,- but its - place was supplied by a trap eze similiar to those used by circus per formers, and above the trapeze was placed a hoop, secured to which was a suit of heavy clothing to be used by the aerial voyager when he encountered the cold cur rents. The Norfolk Journal, in describ ing the ascension, says that when the bal loon was released from its moorings and reached a great altitude ,Donaldson sud denly. and ienly, and apparently with little effort, 'threw himself into a sitting posture on the bar, kissing his hand to the crowd below: Suddenly, 'pretending to lose his balance, he fell backwards, sliding head down ward until he caught by his toes on the side ropes that suspended the trapeze bar. In this perlious position he swung to and fro for several seconds—a time which seemed an age to the - awe-stricken crowd e ow. was curious o o -erve e vary ing emotions of the crowd—as varying as the positions of each individual. Some were filled with admiration of the courage - of - the-daring - man — and—kept—their-*yes riveted on him. Others, shuddering with horror, turned away with pallid face and beating hearts and covering their eyes with their hands to shut out the dreadful sight. Faint shrieks were heard from the ladiw, and some turned to leave the spot, but true to the characteristic of their sex —curiosity—concluded to take one more look, and looking once looked again— -Throwing-hilm3elf-birek-hritis-seat owe bar, the mronaut sat astride the same.— Then be. : an a series of _ • mnastic evolu- tons—' a ancmg himself on his ac b,l ; side ropes,_u_pward grandly and stead ily rose the balloon, cleaving the air like a mighty bird. At length it looked like a mere spec. in he clou •s. Opera glasses and telescopes-were brought into requisition, and by their aid Donald son could be seen still performing his gymnastic feats. After rising to a tre mendious height the balloon hung for few moments seemingly suspended in mid air, and then sailed off in a southeastern direction. When the balloon was a mere speck in the distance, invisible to the na ked eye and almost through the.powerful telescopes, the man with nerves of steel and the heart of a lion repeated his dar ing trapeze feat of hanging head down ward, suspended by his toes. Such a scene was never before witnessed in Norfolk,and seldom anywhere in the world. The dis cription of such a scene reads like a ro mance, but the reality far surpasses the most vivid powers of "word painting,"and we desist from the vain efforts to depict it. When the mrial ship had reached an al titude of about half a mile, and struck the colder current of air, the mronaut was observed to climb up to the hoop and get his suit of thick clothes. Descending to the bar, he dressed himself, and then re sumed the gymnastic display—exercising himself to keep warm. Those who were fortunate to have telescpes saw the bal loon gradually descending. , Occasionally the mronaut would throw down a bag of sand to enable the balloon to rise—the country probably not being suited for a descent. Late in the evening it was ru mored that Donaldson had descended safe ly near Kempsville, in Princess Anne Co. How TO BECOME A. MILLIONAIRE.- John McDonough, the millionaire of New Orleans, has engraved upon, his tomb a series of maxims he has prescribed through life, and to which his success in business is mainly attributed. They con tain so much wisdom that we copy them.: Rules for the guidance of my life, 1804. Remember always that labor is one of the conditions of existence. Time is gold: throw not one minute a way, but place each one to account. unto all men as you would be done by. Never put off till to-morrow what you can do to-day. Never bid another do what you can 'do yourself. Never covet what is not your own. Never think any matter so trifling as not to deserve notice. .-I'ffsver - give—out that which does not first come in. Never spend but to produce. Let the greatest order regulate the transaction of your life. Study, in your course of life, to do the greatest amount of good. Deprive yourself of nothing necessary to your comfort, but live in an honorable simplicity. Labor to the last moment of your ex istence. Pursue strictly the above rules, and the divine blessing and riches of every kind will flow upon you to your hearts content. First of all remember that the chief and great duty of your life should be to tend by all means in your power, to the hon or and glory of our Divine Creator. The conclusion to which I have aril ved is, that without temperance there is no health ; without virtue, no order, without religion, no happiness ; and that the aim of our being is to live righteous ly, wisely, and soberly. JOHN MCDONOUGH. New Orleans, lifarcli'9, 1804. It is better to be proud of , your . pride than vain of your vanity. Never get trusted bemuse you think a better time for payment will come. Pay as you go. AN ANGEL. BY THE DEVI. BY PANAY FALSE. They tell me unseen spirits Around about us glide; • Beside the still waters Our erring footsteps guide ; 'Tis - pleasant; thus believing • Their ministry on earth ; I know an angel sitteth This moment by my hearth If false lights on life's waters, To wreck my soul appear, With finger upward pointing She turns me with a tear : 'Twere base to slight the warning, And-count-it-little worth.— Of her, the loving angel, That sitteth on my hearth. • A few weeks since, while on a visit to a grammer school of West Chester, recita tion in history claimed the attention of a class. The lesson was a review of a num ber of the leading historical events - of - the - Western Continent. The young lady who conducted the exercise, at its conclusion, She wins me with caresses gave an opportunity. for auy questions, From passion's dark defiles; but as the time for recess had come, after She guides me when I falter, the pupils had withdrawn, I wrote on the And strengthens me with smiles; black-board the following exercise : "Men- It may be, unseen angels tion seven historical events that may be Beside me journey forth, considered Eras in American history— I know that one is sitting giving the date of each in chronological This moment by my hearth. order." A loving wife, Oh brothers An angel heard below ; • lasiyour_ey_es are holden Too often 'till they go; Ye upward look while grieving, When they have passed from earth Oh ! cherish well those sitting This moment by the hearth. Ten Hard Dollars. Those people who are interested in anLmone will serha sbe s rated by reading the following story from the Chirstian Weekly, by Dr. Spaulding: "Mi. father was a oor man. A. large an , growing am y was . epen• eat upon him iorits daily—breaduning—home one wintiy_ev_eamgfrorn — a - weeks - will n-a neighboring town with ten hard-earned dollars in his pocket, he lost them in a light the 111. snow. Long 134 rui 3 was .AIT! -search for-them. .After the .snow was gone, again and again was the search re newed, with the same result. The snow fell and melted again for a whole genera tion, and the story of the lost dollars was still fresh in our family circle ; for a sil ver dollar to-a poor nmu in was larger thatca full moon. "About a mile away lived another fa ther of a family in similareircumstances. He, too, knew how much a dollar cost dug out of rocky farm. At least once or oftener, eve.iy week for forty years he had occasion to pass our door, giving and re. ceiving the common neighborly .saluta tions, and every time with a weight in creasingly heavy on his conscience. But all such pressure has its limit ; and when that is reached the crash is the greater for the severity of the strain. In this in stance it was as when and old oak rends its body and breaks its limbs in falling. "One day, completely broken down, he came to my father in tears, confessing : found your dollars lost in the snow forty years ago. They have .been hard dollars to me, and I can carry them no longer. lam come to return them, and ask your forgiveness, and as soon as I can I will pay you the interest." "The scene was like that when Jacob and Esau met over the ford Jabbok. "He did not live long enough to pay the interest, but quite long enough to fur nish a practical comment on the text : "The spirit of a man will sustain his in firmity, but a wounded spirit, who can bear ?" Who will say that conscience, though slumbering in this life, will never awake to punish the offender in the life to come ?" "If any man wants hard moron, let him get it dishonestly, and he will had it the hardest money that he ever saw— hard to keep, herd to think of, and hard to answer for in the judge day. LEARN ALL YOU CAN.—Never omit an opportunity to learn all you can. Sir Walter Scott said that even in a stage coach he always found some body who could tell him something he did not know. Conversation is frequently more useful than books for purposes of knowledge.— It is, therefore, a mistake to be morose and silent among persons whom you. think ignorant, for a little sociability 'on your part will draw them out, and they will be able to teach you something, no matter .how ordinary their employment. Indeed some of•the most sagatious remarks are made by persons of this ilescrilltion, respecting their particular pursuit. Hugh Miller, the Scotch geologist, owe not a little of his fame to observations made when he was a journeyman stone mason, and working in a quarry. Socrates well said that there was but one good, which is knowledge, and one evil, which is ig morance. Every grain of sand goes to make a heap. A. gold digger takes the smallest nuggets, and is hot fool enough to, throw them away,teCause he hopes to find a huge lump sometime. So in ac quiring knowledge we should never de spise an opportunity, however .unpromis- • ing. If there is a moment's leisure,spend it over a good or instructive talk With the first you meet. Winowa—An exchange paper, the ed itor of which no doubt lately "eet up" with a widow, goes on thus : For the oth er half of a courting match .there is noth ing like an interresting widow. There is as much difference between courting a damsel and a widow. as there is between cyphering in addition and the double rule of three. Courting a eirl is like eating fruit, all very nice'as far as it ex tends, but doing the amiable to a blue eyed bereaved one in black crape, comes under the head of preserves—rich pun gent, syrupy. For delicious courting, we repeat, give u$ a live ridden," diurationaL ED/TED BY D. B. M. HISTORY IN Scaooie.—lt has been tru ly observed by .a celebrated English mor alist—that to remain ignorant of the lead ing events of history is always to contin ue in the, infancy of knowledge. It would seem that under a conviction of the truth of this apothegm, the Legislature of our State wisely placed the study of History among the common school .branches u-p on Teacher's Certificate. When the pupils convened again their teacher directed the attention of the class to the board. A question naturally arose as-to-what-constitutes ras history_LFor it soon became evident that a great num ber of important events, would be presen ted to the student of history—not only a mounting to seven,—but even seventy times seven I They were informed that the leqding events of American history em= braced either such as had, or would be likely to have, the chief influence on those which were to follow. This ex • lanation al- lowed a pretty arge margin tor the eXer cise of judgment, as to what complexion marked the historical facts to be inquired ints;trnd-the-lEttitude-whieh-it-alloweri, - -jar_teth inie interestto the invest i4ation.- At any rate, there wits such a very gen eral spirit excited, in the • whole school, lIIEMI into a committee of the whole! So the school were informed that during the rest of the session, they would be allowed to consult their test-books, or the historical works in the school library for materials from which to derive their res ective au- swers. t was aso intimate , to t em t• at within the last few years,events had trans pired of great national interest and influ ence, but which have not yet been record ed on the pages of any historical work. Under the above circumstances the pu pils commenced their investigations, and it is believed that an hour and a- half has rarely witnessed ihe work of a school-room, in which the scholars ware more• interested or more closely engaged, in an exercise.— The slates were 80011 all in requisition,and the authorities to be consulted. In a short time a number of full answers was exhib ited. But the long period from the dis covery of the Continent to the present time, abounds with such a. mass of leading e vents that the more considerate and the best informed of the investigators, found that the chief difficulty must consist in making a selection of seven, great and chief historical incidents. To such it became evident that it would be easy to compile a list of chronological facts, without ever coming within a century of the invention of the Telegraph, the laying of the Atlantic Cable, or the building of the Pacific Rail road. If such was the difficulty of the pupils, that of the judge of their performance was scarcely less so. It would certainly nev er do to ignore the events of the last qua ter of a century,—and yet, there were e nough prior to and during the Revolu tionary War, to have swelled our chrono logical table to its full compass. As the slates were handed in, (most of them be ing filled with the real material,) I glanc ed over them and soon ascertained that there were several that comprised the re quired number with the proposed condi tions all included,but scarcely two of them were alike in every respect. Very Boon, perceiving that deciding on the respective merits of the answers would b 3 an endless task, the teacher suggested that her pu pils might wend a part of the afternoon in wrighting them out on paper, and, as I did not leave the place until the next day,the several exercises, some 25 in num ber, were copied and handed to me during the evening. It will be seen that by confining the Eras of American history to the number o f seven, a very limited view must be taken of the histo I I=l events that have trans pired, connected with this Continent since the voyage of Columbus. It is • believed that the students of history will find a very profitable exercise in constructing a chronological table V the leading events of this Continent. It might well be extend ed to ton or even one hundred times the number named—a,nd'such a hand-book of chronology, taken in connection with the exercise of searching for the incidents and reasoning upon them, in regard to their dependence on, or relation to each other —especially if they were traced in con nection with an atlas—would go far in lin parting•an interest in historical reSearch es,—While it would create an enthusiasm for both Chronology and Geography, vrhich the separate technical pursuit of these &portant branches of study could never confer.—Pa. School Journal. sarA woman at Westfield; Mass., con tributed to the growth of the town, last week, by giving birth to two eons and two daughters. Dr. Hall has writen a long article to prove that it is unhealthy for man and wife to occupy the same room, but we know of some wives whowould make it unhealthy for their husband to sleep any *hero else. $2,00 PER YEA, ktooniN43lll Yl3 it and al, nt or. 'What can a man have in _his pocket when it is empty ?—A big hole: litaps of ladies have got their mouths puckered up because this is leap year. • A _Wayne.boro!_lady SliyiLthe_latZ thing out is--her husband. A young lady recently betrothed says that "C. 0. theans, "Call on Dad." A Troy girl says she had rather have her corsets tight than her 'fellow. Ram—an animal whose butt is on th wrong en . ....--.., Nebra ka, has an edit4*la2y that he , spells wire, yf. --/ If seven days will make one week, how many, will make one strong? Simpkins says it is the priviledge 'of hoops to surround the lovoliest of all things amon_ which are _iris and whibky. mi... "Our children will have immense tax on their hands," mid a gentleman. "0, horrible !" exclaimed an elderly lady, "what a blessing we have nails ott-cars--- A Revenue assessor in .Ohio, asking the usual questions enquired: "Did l your wife have any income last year ?" "Yea sir replied the assessed; "both girls. A reporter who obtained entrance to a studio of a noted young lady sculptor states-thEtt-shc-wor-kethwithlherarrnscbwre - to the shoulders, and her ankles likewise. Goodness gracious. It is said thatif ou take two letters fApney, tb9rg orni, ..e Gpwi tve heard of a man w o oo mon „ey from two letters, and _there wasn't any A chap who was told by a clergyman to "remember lot's wife'," replied that be had trouble enough with his own, without remembering other men's wives. says Sam Slick, "he paints his name ovor the door, and calls it a tavern, and makes the whole neighborhood. as init . as him self." "John" said a master to his apprentice as he was about starting on ajourney, "you must occupy my place While I am absent." "Thank you, sir," replied John I'd rather sleep with the boys. • An lowa husband, a few, menthe ago, agreed to give his wife, three dollars . a week to remain in comparative silence, deducting one cent for every superfluous word she uttered. She now owes him nearly enough to pay thp national debt. In the quaint old town •of Burlington, New Jersey, lived colored divine, who was known among his ebony .countrymen by the euphonious cognomen Of."Brud der Jacksing." Some years ago; the a bove mentioned "brudder" was preaching to his "deluded bredderin,". when, all of a sudden, getting much excited, and pick ing up the elegant nex Bible s which re posed before him, upon that sacred alter for the Srst Sunday, held it poised in mid air for a moment, when down-it came like a thunder bolt to its former 'resting place. This was noticed instanter by one of "de belubbed," who thinking, perlps, the whole proceeding totally wrong, immedi ately exclaimed in a voice loud enough to be heard all over the room : "Brudder Jacksing, if yer wants to try dim 'speri ment over again why just pleaso take de old Bible." "IT ISN'T CAToarao-"---The. following little story, is told atthe . ex_pens9 of a lady school teacher, iotathousand miles from this place, who ri'Very4r,oliefly Anxious in regard to the prevention- small-pox in her school, and therefotastriolly enforces the'fule that.whenever. &Case, of:sickness is reported in the family of, oilier pupils, the. upil mutt britig. a certificate froth. the' family 'physician - Stating 'that the disease is not , ' eorittigiousOfaihng in which the pupil must iemainawak, 'until all danger is o'er. • few days .ago she was of her pupils, a lit tle girl, of Teutonic extraetion; had sick ness in her family. On being questioned the little girl admitted "she had sick at her house; that her mother was, sick.— She was. accordingly, sent. home. The next day she returned ~to the schoOl and shyly siding up to the teacher, with her finger in her mouth and her little bonnet swinging by the strino,, she said : we've got a. little baby at our house, but mother told me to tell you it isn't catch/IL TRUE As PREACHING.—Every capital istof a town ought to use his means in. stimulatinf some wealth producing in dustry. The man who iuvests his money in an establishment that makes plows, Threshers, mowers,, woolen goods, etc., i 3 local benefactor, There is no mistake a bout it. All such enterprises naturally stimulate the growth awl add to the, wealth of the community in wbich the are established , . Every &liar kept at home has its adviintages, more or less, to every citizen. The most wealthy and prosperous cities and towns . in the world are those that work on the co-operative plan—that aim to build up their own. merchants, Manufacturers,, mechanics, la borers, &c. gvery- cent diverted ron: home consumem lessens to a greater or lesa.extent, the ability of . home Vlgt trt) lACC4 their l~abilatic,,: