BY W. Bid& VOLUMI4 24. THE I'irlYNtSllollo Ifittga. RECOU PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY 11ICHISING By W: BLAIR. TEI Dollars per Annuni if paid within the year; Two Dollars and Fifty cents after the expiration of the year; VERTISDHENTS-One Square (10 lines) three insertions, $1,50 ; for each subsequent insertion, Thir five Cents per Square. A. liberal discount made to yearly adver • tisers. LOCATS.,—Business Locals Ten Cents per line for the first insertion, Seven Cents for subsequent insertions. rof,tmionat (xds, J. B. AMBER,SON,, N. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office at the Waynesboro' "Corner Drug tore." [jane 29—tf. 1:)-121- Z , Has resumed the practice of Medicine. L ? • _n the Walker Building—near ;the -Bowden House. bight ea& sou,,— r I made at his residence on Main Street, ad . joining the Western School House. -July-2(34f """ - -.SN'ENTMI_J -c 1", NI- M., PIIISICIiN AND. SURGEON. WAYSESIIOR.O P PA. Office at his residence, nearly opposite the Bowden House. - Nov 2—tf. 1101 A 1 A. Id VVIONG, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 111-I=A—V-ING_lyvn %limited to Practice law at the several Courts in Franklin — C6iiii= --ty,_all business entrusted to his care will be li promptly attended to. Post °Rice address Alercersburg, Pa. ' ,1.4117 DEITIBIGIEt --:ATTORNEY-AT-LA:W, 'WAYNESBORO', PA, — Will give proznp ant e. 7 .--- -• "7" 1 . Inisines entrusted to his care. Office next door to the Bowden House, in the Walker Building. [July JOSEPH DOUGLAS, ATTORNEY AT LAW. WAYNESBORO', PA. Practices in the several Courts of Franl tin and adjacent Counties. N. B.—Real Estate leased and sold, and Fire Insurance effected on reasonable terms. December 10, 1871. ID.. S'1 1 0T.TP.PER, DZNTISP, 'GREENCASTLE, P. 9.. • • Experienced in Dentistry, will insert you sets of Teeth at prices to suit the thues. Feb. its; 1871. RJR, /Li til, STRICKLEttv (FORMERLY or MFACERSUERG, FFERS his Professional services to the Nficitizens of Waynesboro' and vicinity. Da. STRICKLER has relinquished an exten sive practice at Mercersbure ' , 1 : - ‘ been prominently engagedfbr years in the practice of his. profession. He has opened an Office in Waynesboro', at the residence of Uearge Besare, Esq., cis Father-in-law, where he can be found at 1 times when not professionally engaged. July 20,1871.—tf.' A. K. BRANISHOLTS, _RESIDENT DENT:IS 1, 4 4,10 7 4 . asa WAYNESBORO', PA-, Can be found at all times at : hi:J(3lllm where he is prepared to insert teeth on the best basis in use and at prices tO - suit the times. eeth extractektrithoat ,pain by the use of nioroform, eather, nitrous °sin eggs or the ireezing process, in a manner surpassed by mite. We the undersigned being acquainted with A. K. Bra nisholts for the past year, can rec ommend him to the public generally to be a Dentist well qualified to perform all ope rations belonging to Dentistry in the most skillful manlier. Drs. J. B. AM:BERSON, I. N. SNIVELY, E. A. HERRINU, J. M, RIPPLE, J. J. OELLIti, A. S. 130NBRAKE, t D. FRENCH. •sept 29tfj C. A.: S.. 7N-0-Ll7l, DEALER IN WA T CHEW A.ND Jr E.' WE'4.ip Ya 883 WEST BALTIMORE STREET, ' BALTIMORE, MD. Dr"rlVatel,i es Repaired and Warranted. 6l ilad.e and h'epaired. - Egt July 13,1371.-t£ BA G rpHE subscriber informs the public that he continues the - Barbering business in the room nest door to Mr. lleid's Grocery Store, and is at all times prepared to do hair cut shaving,,s harnpooning etc. in the best style. The patronage of the publicis respect fully solicited. Aug 23 1871. CHOLEItit MEDICINE'. DR. wicKErs celebrated Cholera Med icine prepared by DXV/D HOOVER of Ringgold, Md., can be had during the sea son at F. FOURTII3LAN'S Drug Store, and of dealers generally. 7 1 4%u:ening Agent, July 27,'71-Gin HENRY NITERs. .HAD AND HERRING.—Mess. Shad and SEe.tornae Herrin in bbls. for sale by W. A. REID. in the tropical seas There's a beautiful isle, Where storms never darken, The sunlight's soft smile. There the hymn of the breezci And the hymn of the strew - it' . Are mingled in one. Like sweet sounds in a darealn, "There the songbirds at morn, ' From the thick, shadows start, Like musical thoughts From the poet's full heart. There the song birds at nodn Sit in silence unbroken, Like an exquisite dream In the bosom unspoken. There the flowers hang like rainbows) On wild Wood and lea 0, say, wilt thou dwell In that sheet isle with the ? There's a beautiful star, Where no yew casts a shadow The bright scenes to mar. There the rainbows ne'er fade, And the deta:i are ne'er dry, And a circlet of moons 1.7.17 CT shines in the sky. There the songs of the blest, And the songs of the sphers, Are unereasingly heard Through the infinite years. There-thsoft_airs float down I t From the amarynth bowers, All faint wtth the perfume Of Eden's own flowers. k . There truth love and beauty Immortal will be - 0 thou gliuellaneous . 'grading. A DRUNKARD'S DREAM. It was Christmas Eve, and the shadows were falling fast and gray in the snow clad country, and that gentle hush that seems to pervade the air on Christmas tide, was setting over all things; but in the great city all was light, and bustle and confusion. Crowds of gaily dressed people thronged the brilliantly lighted stores and streets. From. one of the workshops on B--- street, came among others, one who by his dress was evidently a fireman. He was in the prime of life, but' alas ! the ruin fiend had set his mark upon his vic tim. His eyes had that bleared, vacant expression that stamps those who drain the poisonous cup to the dregs, while his bloated face, tattered garments and shuf fling tread, all told the sad tale. Al though among all the other workmen, he seemed not of them, and- many a glance-of contempt, and • a few of pity were cast on him as his fellows hurried a way. A few words float back to his ear as he shuffled along behind a couple of his co-workers. "Whatever did the boss mean by brimming that drunken dog for an assist ant fireman?" asked the first speaker.— "He's picked him up in the gutter, I'll warrant you." "Yes," replied his companion quietly, "Barton did find him in the gutter, and a lot of villainous boys were pelting him with mud, and like the man that he is, he just helped him out, and brought him to the. factory, and when he was sober set him to work. You know it's one of his hobbies to try and reclaim all the drunkards he can." The men turned of into one of the side streets, but the man of whom they had been talkino. b shuffled along until he came to one of those miserable alleys, where sin and shame dwell in hideous companion ship together. Into this alley he turned, walked a few steps, and then stopped short before one of these low gro b mmeries that always infest such streets, like huge spiders wait ing to ensnare the weak and unawary. The man stopped and looked longing ly into the brilliantly lighted windows, his day's wages, and a few dollars extra, the gift of his generous-hearted friend, were in his pocket. He moved tow;ard tie door but stop pad. He thought he heard a voice say : "Herbert Lyle, you promised your friend, Boss, Johnson, that you would let liquor alone, and to-morrow take the pledge. Your place is at home with your family, who are hungry and cold enough, I warrant." Yet still he lingered, and at last open ed the door and went in. Truly his good angel must have .covered her face and wept for this man's folly. The place was very full, and the man Lyle (he had been a gentleman once) took a seat by the fire, to wait until there was a vacant place at the bar. Ile began to nod soon, but he thought he aroused himself and went to the bar. Once there, he lost all self-restraint and poured down glass after glass of liquid poison, until he was half maddened, and went reeling home to his suffering fami ly. Up, up the flights of rickety stairs ho went until he reached the miserable garret he called home. What a mockery of that tender word seemed that cold and cheerless garret ! No fire gleamed in the rusty grate : but the winds swept through the broken roof at the two little shivering children, who huddled together under an old rag, W. A. PRIOE. *eltit poeirg. TEE ISLE AND THE STAR. BY O. D. PErMICE say, hita. In that sweet stair with me? BY MARY A. E. LESTER A E.26.I9IILY . NEWSPAPEREVaTED To iIIykRATITRE, LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS. ETC. WAYNESBORO', FRANSUN COUNTY, PA., THURSDAY, JANUARY '4, 1872. ged ciuilt, were trying to find in sleep a short respite from cold "and hunger. And she, the wife=—Heaven pity . the woman who lives to see her happiness turned to dust and ashes, as this -Woman had done! you would never have dream ed she was once a beauty Want,. and care and sorrow had robbed her bloom and; she crouched beside her fireless hearth, striving in vain to hush the starv ing babe at her breast heedless that in its frantic efforts for substance it was drinking her very lifeblood. Memory was busy leading this poor creature back to her girlhood, when the drunkard stumbled over the th,reshhold. She looked at him silently, and drew her babe shudderingly, closer to her heart. Her silence angered him. He was mad with drinks One blow, and she was lying dead at his feet, and her little ones were awake and calling.for her to awak en. Then came the gaping crowfl, the inquest; the weary hours spent in the cell, the trial—and, that, too, was over, and he was condemned to die. It was the morning of his execution ; all night long he ha been awake, stening,- to the sound of hammers as the ear• enters went steadily on with their ghastly task. " e :new hey - we - . ing his gallows, and now he could see it looming up in the gray morning light outside his windows ; he thought of his poor children, left alone to meet life's trials, with no help but the orphan's God ; he thought of his murdered wife—then the sound of footstep's were heard com ing nearer to his very door. They were coinin,g_ta_lead him to death ! Suddenly a great roaring filled his ears and over all, the chime of bells rang loud-and-clear,--and with. aloud- cry_ for help the dreamer awoke. He looked a-- round the-filthy groggery with strongly softened eyes. "How. long have I been here ?" he ask; ed, evening,-"--responel_the _liquor_ seller, "and ye must have been howling • • n minutes. I thou"ht I'd never get you woke up. a-e sut in now my boy?" he inquired moving nearer the bar—for mark you, he had caught the chink of coin in the man's pocket. "What'll I take ?". repeated the drun kard, "nothingl never again will I touch, taste or handle the accursed poison that has robbed me of manhood--1 swear it !" Something of his old manner— a rem nant of the days when Herbert Lyle had been a prince among men—awed the rough group as he left that den of misery forever and a free man, along the dark alley with the sweet peal of bells, that had awakened him from that fearful dream, ringing out their message of love and good will to his penitent heart. On ly once he stopped, at a small grocery, and when he came out he carried a huge basket laden with a store for his loved ones, He reached that same miserable garret, and it seemed more wretched than he had dreamed. His wife was kneeling beside the ragged bed, where lay her two elder children, while the babe at her bosom moaned low and piteously, as she rocked it to and fro. She turned as he entered the room, and showed him her tear-stain ed fs.ce. "Carrie, wife„' he said.tenderly, setting down his basket ; "here are some provi sions foryou we'll keep Christmas to morrow. Wife, I am sober; I have sworn never to touch liquor again. I've been a brute to you and the children, but hea ven help me, I'll be what I once was— a man again. Are you content, Carrie ?" She had risen to her feet, still holding her infant, and stood drinking in his words as the parched earth drinks in the dews of the evening, and as she realized that it was once again the husband of her youth, speaking of future happiness, she sprang toward him and lay sobbing on his breast. "0 the depth of a woman's love, who shall fathom ?" Forgotten was all the weary past with its record of sin and shame, and amid tears and sobs, they thanked that tender Father who had at last brought up a soul out of the depths. A little later, when all gathered round a cheerful fire, they heard the bells ring ing out in gladsome peals a welcome to the new born day, and the voices of sing ers came faintly to their ears; chanting a Christmas carol : "Good will on earth, and peace to men. Now and forevermore. Amen." Sam. Johnson and Banking Henry Ward Beecher tells this story of Sam Johnson, of New Orleans, a mulatto financier of an early day, but one who lived in advance of his generation. , Sant was a. great authority on the levee, and one duy he called his satelites together and addressed them on the importance of adopting a fiscal policy more nearly re sembling that which had raised to opu lence their Caucassion. neighbors. "Nic*aers," said he, "if you want to get rich, you must save your money. You must have a hank. Dat's de way de white folks does." These words fell on .st pro pitious soil. The project went into swift execution, and the earnings of the week were promptly forthcoming. "Niggers," says Sam. "I'll be de cashier; "you must posite do money wid me and when you want any you must draw onto it. Pat's de way de white folks does.". All went merrily for a while, and the depositors were highly elated about"de bank." But by-and by there began to be trouble—not with the deposits, but with the drafts. It was found easier to get funds into this model insti tution than to get them out again, and Sam was compelled to face the angry cm touters And explain. "It's all right, says he, "de bank's only suspended, and in a few day's she will "again resume ;" dat's de way de white folks does." This expedient lasted but a little while, however. SUSpicions of foul play day by day increased; and the storm was about to burst' on the' head of the great operator, when he 'found it ex pedient to gather one more his infuriat ed depositors, and "face the Music" frank ly. ".Niggers," Said he, "dar ain't no use a mou-in about it :!• De money's spent and de bank's broke; and dat's de way de -white folks does 1," WIiAT LOVEIS TO X WaxAx.—What a wonderful thing love is to a woman ! How it helps her to know that some one is always fond of her; that he rejoices, and sorrows when she grieves : to be sure that her faults, are loved, and that her face is fairer, to one at least, than faces that are more beautiful—that one great holds her sacred in its innermost recesses above_alLwomen I She can do anvthin be anything, suffer ancthing, tEts — tiphelit She grows prettier under the sweet' influ ence—brighter, kinder, stronger—and life seems but a foretaste of heaven ; and all she sees is beautiful and all her dreams gold. . _ _ But when this is gone—when the sods are piled over the true lover's breast—or when her sole has been played in one of those too frequent tradgedies, and the cur- tain has . roppe an I e oo ;..c - Ittb out, and it is all over forever, then God have mercy on the woman, life holds noth ing more for her. • How weary is her work when no one help, or praises ! How desolate her leisure! How joyless the things that gave her joy! The pain that she could bear when some dear voice praised her patience and pitied her, grows insupportable ; ambition per ishes ? The little innocent vanity that made wearing of pretty things a pleasure, fetsakeliersoul when no one smiles to ; ano_ see her look so well, or praises her with a ' word or glance. Her heart witheri; her life fades ; she grows old as love-filled years could not make her grow in a very little while,sfor love is all to woman—her hope and comfort and power. And-let those who have it, thank Heaven, and . that-they may live no longer-4h ' love dwells with them, for all that comoth after is but Dead Sea fruit—cold, bitter aches at the heart. A BACFIELOR'S PARADISE.—There is only one Territory of any size, and never has been but one, occupied by any con siderable population, from which woman is absolutely excluded. Yet such a place exists to-day, and has existed for centuries. As far qek as history reaches, to all fe males it hasbeen forbidden ground. This bachelor's Arcadai is situated on a bold plateau between the old Peninsula of Ac te, in the Grecian Archipelago,, and the mainland_ Here, in the midst of culti vated fields and extensive woodlands,dwell a monastic confederation of Greek Christ ians with twenty-three convents, and num bering more than seven thousand souls, and not one of the monasteries dates from a late' date than the twelfth century. A few soldiers guard this anti-female land, and no woman is allowed to cross the fron tier. Nor is this all ; the rule is extend ed to every female creature, and from time immemorial no cow, mare, hen, duck or goose has been permitted to make ac quaintance with hill or valley of Mount Athos Territory. A traveler was startl ed by the abrupt queStion : "What sort of human creatures are women ? The very idea of woman, whether as wife mother or sister, is almost lost. To all women ha ters; to bachelors of over forty years stand ing; to all men-who seek refuge from the wiles and ways of the opposite sex, this region can be safely recommended as a haven of refuge. THE CROWS.—Henry Ward Beecher, says of crows : "Aside from the special question of profit and loss, we have a warm side toward the crow, lie is so much like one of ourselves. Ho is lazy and that is human ; he is cunning, and that is human ; he takes advantage of those weaker than himself, and that is manlike, he is sly, and hides for to-mor row what he can't eat to-day, showing a real human providence, he learns tricks much faster than he does useful things, showing a true boy nature, he likes his own color best, and loves to hear his voice, which are eminent traits of human ity, he wilt never work when he can get another to work for him—a genuine hu-, man trait; he eats whatever he can get his claws upon, and is less mischievous with a belly full than when hungry, and that is like man, he is at war with all living things except his own kind, and with them ho has nothing to do. No wonder,:then,that men despise crows, they are too much like men. Take ofr his wings, and put him in breeches, crows make fair average men, Give men wings and reduce their smartness a little, and ninny of them would be good enough to be crows." FAIVIMIG .As A 13osnrEss.—A man who is not smart enough to run a store is not smart enough to run a, &rm.— Farmers are not to be made out of what is left after lawyers, doctors, ministers and merchants are sorted and picked out. And if a man fails on a farm, he is not likely to succeed in a store, for it requires more tallent to be a thriving farmer than an average merchant. The one , great failure is the disproportion between a man's farm and his capital. A farmer's capital is skill, and his money. If be has little cash, he must have -no more land than he can thoroughly manage by his personal labor. Every; acre beyond that is an ineumbrance. One acre well worked is more, profitable than twenty' a cres skimmed over. It is this greed of land by farmers that have not the capital to work it that keep so many poor. Small farms are better than large ones, simply because they are better suited to the cap - ital of common farmers. IloatE. -- Home is a dear word, and a dear place. It is the place where the tired wing of bee and bird, and the tir ed foot of beast and man, find rest at ev entide. It is the place where love whis pers her diviuest secret, joy has its sweet est play, prayer trembles into its most solemn importunity, and where sorrow drops its bitterest tear. The stately man sion, carpeted froki basement to attic, and furnished all through with the rich est and most costly upholstery, and:hung with art's best touches, 'does not make a home. All these _ we have seen, homes where there was no carpet nor any cush ioned chair, nor musical instrument, nor painting - of the artist. Home-is-made-oflove-and—faith,—rath-- er than brick walls, carpet, sofas, and pi anos. _A_true, tender_wife and mother ; a strong, patient, faithful husband and a ther ; innocent children playing in the yard or laughing and chattering by the hearthstone, or sleeping sweetly in the trundle or cradle—these make the home. Amid these faiths and joys, and blessed contrasts, care is dispelled, the aching heart is rested, weary feet are quickened and life gets a new purpose and impulse. s ELL I IRECTED •n+ Every week ,or two we read of the prince ly gifts of some rich man to an institu tion of learning, art, or charity. And this is well. All honor to such benefac tors. Their munificence deserves the highest commendation, and the more it is recognized and extolled the stronger will the public sentiment in favor of charity and generosity become. But we hope that our generous men will remem ber that there is no institution so grand and useful as a truly noble man, and that a few hundred dollars given to the strug gling talent and aspiring genius will of ten yield a richer return than as many thousands locked up in the safe invest ment of a college or hospital. Brick and mortar - Veneficence is a - splendid - thing but the kindness, sympathy and encour .- •o-t-Tat—ili-;vetly---into—the--. • some young man or woman struggling under a mountain of difficulties,, by the gift and friendship of a wise patron, is worth more than all the marble in the world. One of the very best uses to which generous people can put their gen erosity is just this of cheering and help ing worthy men and women to realize their highest aspirations. A BOY'S COMPOSITION ON THE GOAT.- A goat is longer than a pig, and gives milk. He looks at you. So does the doc tor; but a goat has four legs. My goat butted Deacon Tillingham in a bad place,. and a little calf wouldn't do so. A boy without a father is an orphan, and if he haint got no mother he is two orphants. The goat don't give as much ma as a cow but more than an ox. I saw an ox at a fair one day,and we went in on a fam ily ticket. Mother picks geese in the sum mer, and the goat eats grass and jumps on a box. Some folks don't likegoats,but as for me, give me a mule with a paint brush tail. The goat is a useful animal, but don't smell a. , 1 sweet as bear's oil for the hair. If I had too much hair I would, wear a wig, as old Captain Peters does.— I will sell my goat for three dollars,. and go to the circus to see the elephant, which is larger than five goats. Elephants have the bitterest enmity. to camels. When the camel scents the ele phatit it stops still, trembles in all its limbs and utters an uninterrupted cry of terror and fright. On pursuasion, no blows can induce it to rise; it moves its head back ward and forward and its whole frame is shaken with mortal anguish. The ele phant, on the contrary, as soon as he per.: ceives the camel, elevates his trunk, stamps with his feet, and with his trunk thrown back, snorting with a nose like the sound of a trumpet, rushes toward the camel, which with its neck outstreach ed and utterly defenseless awaits with the most patient resignation the approach of enemy. The elephant, with its enormus shapeless limbs, tramples on the unfortu nate animal in such a manuer that in a few minutes it is scattered around in small fargrants. A young men nevef give up the habit of lining both sides or the walk in front of the churches when services aro out in the evening? Every young lady who comes from the church sees— Eves to the right of her, Eyes to the left of her, and it is not very pleasant, even if her own beau is among the starers. How would these young men like it if some day they should see their names in print all in a line just as they stood at the entrance of each place of worship, on a previous Sun day evening ? Several young ladies hold themselves in readiness to furnish cata logues of these statutes whenever requir ed. WORDS FOR 1131; YouNe..—Young friends, education is to you what polish and refinement is to the rude diamond,— In its rude state, the diamond resembles a stone, or peice of charcoal; but when cut and manufactured, it comes out a bright and beautiful diamond, and is sold at a great price. So it is with you. Educa- Win call forth the hidden treasures and latent brilliancies , of your minds, which previously lie dormant and inactive, or, in, other words asleep. It cultivates and develops your understandings, and fits and prepares you for the ditties and re sponsibilities of coming ycurs, which, we trust, will be years of usefullness—useful to yourselves, to your associates, and so ciety at large., We hear of several weddings on the "tapis." Carrier's Address for 1812. THE mom of time bus struck again, A link is severed from the chain; For some the golden bowl is broke, • The cistern's wheel has lost a spoke, Time is dying, dying, dying, And the years are quickly flying, Like the last, they all have past swiftly by; Let us not supinely lie, for eternity is nigh, Let us see what has been done In the year of seventy-one. As CARRIER, I know who's who, But to tell you what's what, Would be hard for me to do. Soif I say ought in making my rhyme, That's - notjust - iw-tune-or-not-quite-in-time, I'll make it all right if I possibly can, And -next year adopt a different plan. Tne RECORD you know has got a new dress, And now is worked on 'an improved press, A column is added, which makes it some• bigger, And with the new type it presents quite•a Of things that have happened in the year seventy-one, to dwelTmuch upon To some it brought sorrow, and to some brought joy, To.others there came a nice little boy ;• Here and there too, a dear little daughter, Was broght from the laud where the angels had caught her. The railroad committee still has its exis- fence, But the horse that eats fire is ofT in the dis tance. On the "man in the moon" there'has been thrown some light, But without the explanation the light is not bright. - n - other - things too-there's-been—some-dig . cowries, And now I'm for an I want you tolearn Some too havegot tired of living alone, And have built up a fire on a new hearth stone. May the fire that's on them never get low, May it alwayi be burning with a bright steady glow. A Forney went over to Scotland for dice, He won the whole box. and came back in a Nextißeaver broke in, and stirred up a Rip ple, Who carried with him a Cook for a mate, And Walter 'tis said is in the same state. Some time in October or chilly November, A fellow came over and took a Miss ender, Whose name he had changed, And curried her Off to some other range Of Doctors we have quite a good number, And there scarcely is room for any new- comer. - We think this a hostility And temperate clime, Yet the doctors are having a right good time. Fevers arc billions atni fevers typhoid, And, awful to tell, ono case of varioloid; But just where it As, or who it was bud it, No one can tell but the doctor who said it. Prevention is better than cure, too be sure, So a dab and a scab, a bird on the arm, For small-pox, they say, will act like a charm, And the plague can't do you the least bit of " harm. And now lest I weary you, I'll bid you adieu, And hope that the year seventy-two may be happy to you. MEenAmcs.—They are the palace builders of the world ; not a stick is hewn, not a stone is shaped in all the 'lordly dwellings of the rich, that does not owe its beauty and fitness to the skill of the mechanic. The towering sp - r2s that raise their giddy heads among the clouds de pend upon the mechanic's art fur their strength and symetry. No edifice for de votion, or business, or comfort, but bears the-impress of their hands.. How exalted is their vocation; how sublime thefr call intl. . Neither God nor man expects a wife to submit to brutality,. but a woman find ing herself outgrowing her husband, or disappointed in him, yet takes up her cross and fitting her shoulders to, it, bears it in silence to her life's end has joys that the world knows not of and attains to, the highest type of womanhood. If women would cultivate their minds more, they would be more companionable to intelligent men. Many a husband goes out for his evenings, and many a lover tires of his betrothed, bemuse he finds her conversation insipid. Ladies try not only to look pretty but to talk well also. A man that has a friend must show himself friendly, no doubt. But don't de fend a friend at the expense of principle and truth.. If a friend does wrong, either acknowledge it or be silent. Most hurt ful as well as sinful is it to sacrifice truth to friendship. The rising generat: - mlbwa is hope fully bright. At/ one of the Sunday schools in anjoica ern the superintend ent,yeviewing the lesson, aske4 the-ques tion, "Why are we commanded to "gird our loins•?" Ono sharplittle shaver sung out, "To keep your breeches up." Every evil to which we do not succumb,_ is a bead:actor. ait and ,Numor. How long ought a lady's crinoline to be ? Not mneh above two feet. How to overcome your sorrows.—Strike out ow of your.own sighs. What is the difference between lumber and timber? A good deal. The happiest age for young women— Marriage ; at least so they 'say. What age is the• most cold-hearted ? The cabbage. Josh Eno square on a bile, - witbo — ufhurting it is one of the lost arts. An exchange:wants to know whetherl a lover can be called a "suiter," when he don't suit her ?" .00" Its.,There is a man at - Niagara Falls who actually succeeded in cheating the hackman there. The best Bus—Kissing a pretty girl.— Best Re-bus—Kissing her a second' time. A terrible Blunderbuss—Kissing the Some one says that .the lion and the , lamb may lie down together in this world,. but when the lion gets up it will be hard work to find the lamb.. Quilp and his: wife had a bit of, conten tion the other day. own that you have' more brilliancy than I." said the woman, "but I have the better judgment" "Yes said Quilp, "your choice in marrying shows that!" Quilp was informed that he was a bruit. A young married man was remarking to some ladies that it was always the wo man-who-ran after _the_znen - ,w&..n.:. his wife indignantly said, you know my dear. I never ran after ou. ' That ma le,)! it turn he replied; but you too. rug ty goo not to get out of the way!" A friend of ours courted a lady for twenty-eight years, and then married her. She turned out to be a perfect virago, but died in a few days after the wedding.— "Now," said our friend, in a self-congrat ulating tone, see what I have escaped by a long courtship." . • A Chicago lover went visit his girl one' .evening recently, lfute for some reason, probably that the • Lire had materially changed his condition in life, she received and treated him cooly. He remained standing in the parlor ler a few moments, but finally made a movement toward the . door, remarking that "he guessed .he'd go."' "Oh !" said she, starting from a beauti ful condition of semi-unconciousness,'won't 'you take a chair r "Well, I don't care if I do," was his re ply ; and he took the chair, thanking her kindly, and carried it home. He says is a good chair, made of walnut, with stuf fing, and green cover—just what he wan ted. But he is down 'on the girl—and de clairs he wouldn't marry her--not.if her, father owned a brewery. A, Fall S•roni,--We met a bay on-the street yesterday and without the.ceremo- . , ny of asking our name he exclaimed: -. • "You just orter to been down to 'the river a while ago." "Why?" we inquired, "Because a nigger was in - swimming, and a big catfish came'-up. behind him and. swallowed both of his feet and went swimming along, on the top of the water with him, and there came behind another big fish, and the nigger swalloWed' his tail, and the' nigger ancl•tWo fish went swimming about." "Well .what then?" we asked. "Why; after a while the nigger swal lowed his fish, and the Oiler swallowed the bigger, sad that's the last I saw of either of them." "Sonny," said re, with feeling of a larm for the boy, "you are in a fitir way way to become the editor of a Denio- Tratic paper and we left him. DIDN'T WANT A 3lrsisrErt —Scene in a western. State A village composed most ly rude mining huts called "housi," "cot tages," "taverns," etc., though really they were but "shanties," An old man sick on his bed. A friend,. Governor J. Nye, seeing, that his end was close at hand;" showed him many kind attentions and en deavored to ease his sufferings in every possible way. One day when it was quite evident that the poor patient could last only a few hours, the Governor said to him : "It is undoubtedly best that you should know the truth ; you are a very :sick man, and will in all• probabili ty live but a short time. Are your affairs in the condition. that you should wish ,to have them? I-should-be glad to do any thing for t you, yurt know." • "Yes,.tey're all right." "Well, would you like me to write• to any of your folks East ?" • "N - ot now—after it is over." "Would you:laze me to call in a min ister ?" The sick man, by a great efrort of wilt over a weak and shattered body,. drew himself up is bed so as to be in a sitting posture, and sternly, most soberly and earif6tly said : "Why Governor! What should I want a minister for? I never• voted the democratic ticket in city life. Lay your finder on your, pulse, and know that every EEtralm Kuno- immortal passes,to his maker; some "liAlovv,heing crosses the river of death . ;and, if' , we th ink of it, we may well: wonder that 'it slioula 71,eieo, l'ong.before-our turn. COMP.& ' 82,00 PER YEAR, 1 ' 8. says kno
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers