The Waynesboro' village record. (Waynesboro', Pa.) 1871-1900, December 28, 1871, Image 2

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l'hursaaor, liappnibei
Wert Sykes was marriedive
-Logaa on Tuaday,'
let-Bricklayers in Chicago are de
*manding $6 per day, or theyvill quit
la'The first, temperance society in this
country was formed at Saratoia in - 1808,
It was local in its character, and number
ed '4 g "members, innstly farmers, who
pledged themselves to abstrain- frifin dis
tilled livots and ordained that no men - i.
ter should be intoxicated .under penalty
of fifty cents. • ,
U.krnoolous Ku KLux.—Reverdy
Jchnsop,of Maryland; who was employ.:
ed, for the defense in theSoutli - darolina
Ku Kllux trials, after listening for five
days to testimony which clearly proved
the atrocious character of the organiza
tion and the cruel and bloody deeds
committed by • its. individual members,
vas ashamed, in his eloAng speech, to ac
knowledge himself; a * defender of such
- awlessness and - crime: - He said :
"Neither my distinguished friend (Mr.
"Stanbery) nor myself are here to defend
or justify, or palliate any outrages that
..natty have been perpetrated in your State
by the association of Ku Klux. I have
listened with horror to some of the testi
mony which has been brought before you.
The outrages proved have been shacking
to humanity ; they admit neither of jus
t' ca on nor •x , - • • • *lute-eve •
obligation which law and nature impose
upon men. These men appear to have
been alike insensible to the obligations of
humanity and religion. The day gill
come, however—if it has not already ar
rived—when they will - ikeTkriftmentil7l
Even if justice should not overtake them
there is another tribunal from which
• there is no ems e. It is there own con•
science ; that tribunal which sits — hi - Ali - 4 -
breast of every living man ; that Still;
small voice that thrills through the heart,
and as it speaks give happiness or tor
-re,the_voice of conscience--the voice
of-God,__Andifit_has_notalready spok
to them in tones which have waked
ts• is it e enornn y o S ll i
I trust, in the mercy of Heaven, that
voice will speak before they shall be call
e, to t e real ifiburral to at,counf.
the transactions of this world."
Doylestown Democrat gives the particu
lam of a lady who lived down in White
Marsh, and ever since the small pox has
been the topic of talk in that neighborhood,
has been in the most deadly fear of infec
tion ; her terror was so great as to cause
her to keep all the windows of- her house
Closed on side toward a neighbor's who
had the plague, although the distance of
a mile intervened between the two houses.
Some two weeks since, such was her nerv
ous excitement that she was taken ill, and
her physician discovered mild symptoms
of varioloid. This becoming known to
her, she immediately gave herself up for
lost, and in a few days 'actually died from
sheer fright, as the physician says there
is no reason why she should not have
thrown off the disease and recovered.—
This is only another instance of the ne
.cessity of a cool head and quiet nerves in
the time of the prevalence of an epedemic.
There has been much astonishment ex
pressed in the press of late that the fact
that no appropriate stone or column marks
the spot where rest the remains of the
Great Commoner. We are pleased to
learn that this will not be the case much
longer. The• Philadelphia Press says :
"At halt a monument is to be erected over
the grave of Thaddeus Stevens. Late
Lancaster county advices say that the ex
ecutors of his estate have commissioned
a monumental sculptor to erect 'a hand
some-granite monument, with marble tab
lets, Art. Sheriner's cemetry, where • the
'Great Commoner lies ,buried. It has
Been hoped heretofore that either the col
,or people of the 'United States or the
• schopol children of Pennsylvania would
raise a memorial to the great benefactor
of both, but it seems that Mr. Stevens'
executors have not thought proper to let'
his grave remain any longer without any
thing to mark its place."
WINTER TRAVEL.- It appears that
the buffaloes were very Mach discommod
ed by the• late terrible snow=storm on the
Pacific Railroad. While one train of
cars was embeded in the snow these ani
mals gathered to the lec side. for shelter.
A correspondent says : If any one felt
disposed he might from his 'seat in the
car, pop them over with his revolver— the
rest would not move thewcould not be
driven away by engine whistling or hu-.
man voice, hut crowded their shaggy sides
close up to the cars and there stood with
bowed heads for the storm to pass. Ma
ny were seen. to fall down in their tracks
dead from cold, and when at last the
train was dug out and moved off the track
was lined with these huge, shaggy, frozen
carcasses." •We think a robe a luxury iu
muter—so it is. Imagine the severity of
the weather when the animal which fur
nishes the robe freezes to death under his
natural protection-
FnOZEN To DEITIL—On last Thurs.
, day night four colored men,
who had been
-.engaged nt work on the Chesapeake and
-.Ohio Railroad, in Mason county; were froz
,en to death in the woods a few miles west
of the White Sulpher Springs. It is
said' they had started to walk home to
.spend the christmas. holidays.
aarThe . Adams County,. Teachers In
-gfitute will commence January Vith
•45. Y-)
( Total Pirs".
- ne..The sgstiensitin of work in ;our, of
lice Onllon4ay anitihe absence of one of
Oufhaincl.s sinceliyili Account for the, :Inek )
of reading matter in this .)issue.
ozo-A happy New Year to all our good
patrons. 0.
.advt. of Thos.-Bringmam, boot
and shoemaker.
us. Wednesday of last week was the
coldest,day of the year in this latitude,
the mercury MOW zero.
'Our .Carrier, Jacobs," will
be around next Monday morning with
his New Year's Address. Give the Devil
his dues on that occassion.
XerSorne oPour more bashful Bache
lor friends are said to be growing "weak
kneed" at the neat approach of leap year.
Are they:afraidlof the young "widders."
-aWe had a short season ofsleigbing
last week, embracing Thursday, Friday
and Satuiday. The weather, since has
been mild and the snow and ice, bas-en-
tirely disappeared. •
SOLD.—The house and lot on Church
Street, the property of Mrs. Ann M.
131 air, dec'd., was sold on Saturday last
for the sum of $B4O. Purchaser, Conrad
4 • •• • T O Suggart—that-cartain—patrons
turn over a "new leaf" with the commenc
ment of the New Year, by leaving some
of their "sum's" at this office, where
the' are much needed:'
we..NEAR at land—Tanuaiy Ist—a
fitting season to square 'up old accounts,
an to e a res. sar 611—notTthose
in arrears for the RECORD take the hint,
and promptly ad upon it? The money
is badly needed.
- Rabbits - gre - said :tc—be—unusually
-roux this ceasei-- • •
of Shady Grove, in this count---vhereit_
is said they trap partridges in violation
of law—about 100 wencatitbDiddFir
ing three days last week, after the snow
Egr'BOY'S; LOOK OUT !—We learn
that shooting off guns, pistols or fire crack
on Saturday evening or Monday morn
ing next will not be permited. Officers
Homer and Zimmerman have express
ed a, determination to lodge all offenders
in the Lock Up—where they will be
compelled to remain until morning when
they will be taken before the Burgess. who
will impose the fine.
UGLY.—During the couple of days
sleighing. last week we noticed that our
town boys acted very rudely by crowd
ing upon the backs and sides of sleighs,
throwing snow balls, and acting .other
wise rowdy-like. In several instances
teams were thus frightened and "run offs"
narrowly avoided. Zimmerman, High
Constable, should abate this nuisance in
the futuie.
BUFFALO MEAT.—We are ' indebted
to Mr. A. G. Nevin, our Worthy Post
Master for a choice Buffalo Surloin,
which was sent to him from Abilene,
Kansas, by his son and son-in-law, T. S.
Nevin and D. R. Gordon, Esqrs. A lit
tle darker in color when served up than
beef, biit more tender and nutricious. Mr.
N. served several other citizens with a
mess. They agree with us in pronounc
ing it the choicest bite of the season a
part from fat and tender fowls.
CHRISTMAS TURKEY.—Our kind, geni
al, and at the same time jolly friend,
Mr. FRED. MCINTIRE, of the vicinity
of Emmittsburg, Md., made us the recipi
ent of a fine fat "gobbler" for Christ
mas. This was the first present of the
kind received during many years. We
appreciated the gift more because it came
from Fred., for Frederick county does
not boast a citizen of more noble and
generous impulses.
CHRISTMAS.--On Monday last, Christ
mas day, business as usual was suspended
in our town, and the ' streets thronged
with corners and goers, among whom the
fair sex, handsomely "rigged," (the fas
cinating young widows of course includ
ed) were largely represented. About 10
o'clock our Brass Band made its appeaf
ance and enlivened the occasion, with
choice mu.ic, a repetition of which the
citizens were again favored with in the
evening. The day passed by pleasantly,
only a few "tipsy sports" making their ap
pearance after night-fall.
RUCKING BusrxEss.—lt is astonishing
how ignorant many persons are in regard
to the bauking business: If they chance
to have surplus funds on hand they are
at a loss to kt ow where to put them,• and
in too many lutances they go into irre
sponsible hands . and both. principal and
Interest are lost. They seem to be not a
ware that sums of avy denomination can
be deposited in the • Bank at any time
and drawn out whenever called for. The
institution is controled by . a responsible
board of directors, in whose hands such
money must necessarily be safe. With
.Bank in our community it is not. neces
sary for any person to bury • in the ground
or otherwise conceal money for safe keep
ing as has been the case.
monies, attending the consecration of , the
nev(ltefOrtned Church in' this place "were
the most, interesting ; choiicter. ; , :As
Wait announced, thq Consecration Samoa.
was , delivered by Rev.'Pr. liO3I;BERGThi ,
President of Ursinus College. Services
Commenced on Saturday, and very able
Seriricins'were listenedto froni the' ey
Schneck and ,Supper.--
The latter was formerly and for
ber of years pastor of the congregation.—
In the morning (Sunday) the congrega 7
tion was perhaps the largest ever. assem
bled in our town. A. , subscription., waa
taken,, , which •footed. up the handsome
sum of over $3000.._ There is yet a debt
of about $l4OO on the building, but we
learn there is enough in the hands of the
original sithscribem, if it can be collected,
to, cover this indebtedness.' The church
is very . handeepiely , frescoed and other
wise.tastefully arranged; with—appropri-=
ate mottoes inscribed upon its walls. For
beauty of finish it is perhaps - not
ed in the county. .
ent year is rapidly drawing 'to a 'close.—
A few more days and it will 'have reached
itirte - f - min - AtiurFand - the - mighty -events,-
which ,distinguished it, be spread upon.the
accumulating pages of the past. They
will live only in history, and will • proba
bly, soon be lost sight of, altogether, in
new and broader accessions and brighter
and more interresting events. The year
has been an eventful one, not only so far as
these-sts tP% su-e coneernecLbut_throu hout
thd world. Germany has taken •ttstand in
the galaxy ofnations, which she did not oc
cupy before. Her successful struggle, with
France as given her a distinctive - prom in--
ende, among civilizerhovernments,chang
ed herpolitical complexion and character
and made her one of the mightiestpower of
the-world. and hu
has had her eyes opened, to her
true position, has discovered her weak and
client-points 'ma will, doubtless, after she
has risen again, like Phoenix from her ash
es, put on new garments m ore beautiful
Ring Nvoravitur 'll tome; t ,
ITI - shTirr -- Iged her fornrof—government and
the papal ower which heretofore, ruled
her with an iron hand, has lost its potency
and infallability. Brazil has knocked off'
the shackles from the limbs of her slaves
and now oCupies a place, upon the plat
form, among those who recognize the doc_
trine of fredom and equality to all men.—
In England there is a growing tendency
to a change, if not in the form at least
in the spirit of the government, , and the
uncertainty of the present succession may
work a revolution such as of which, at
present we can form no adequate concep
The world everywhere, is making rapid
strides towards republicanism and the
time does not seem to be far distant, when
the spirit of the example of those free and
independent States will be universally in
ititated. The year, which is about clos
ing, has wrought' a mighty work upon the
face and character of humanity and the
future historian will refer to it as one of
the most significant in the march of ages.
How TO RUIN A SON.-1. Let him
have his own way. 2. AllOw him free
use of money. 3. Suffer him to roam
where he pleases on the Sabbath. 4. Give
him full access to wicked companions.-
5. Call him to no account of his evenings.
6. Furnish him no stated employment.
tB...We are not responsible for the an
nual address of our Carrier. He claims
that it is his composition and his first ef
fort at "machine poetry."
FRESH OvsTEr-s—On Friday evening
at Reid's Grocery.
Nicc BUTTER—At Reid's.
PoTAToEs—Good cooking potatoes at
NEW. —D. S. Smith of the Town Hall
Store is on hand with another supply of
Shoes—something new in this place.—
Go and see them.
BROOMS.-If you wish to have your
brooms manufactured for 12i cents, ev
erything found but the corn, send your
corn to D. B. Rrsa.
BUFFALO ROBES.-A splendid lot or
assorted Bugalo Bobes, together with a
lot of Horse Blankets, Buggy and sleigh
Blankets, :lust received, call and see, at
Updegrall's Opposite Washington House,
HageAtown. Dec. 1.4.-4 t.
NoTrcE.—The subscriber notifies his
patrons that he will, in accordance• with
an established custom, send-them a state
ment of their accounts, through the P. 0.
next week, and that he desires prompt
payment. D. S.• Sartre.
announce to the citizens of Waynesboro',
that I have just returned from the City,
and am receiving one of the largest col
lections of Toys ever brought to this town,
suitable both for old and young. Those
that intend to make Christmas presents
will do well by calling, as I am prepared
with a well selected stock, and intend to
sell very , low.' • Come along boys and girls
and see the sights at Henneberger's Bak
ery, Confectionary, Oyster Saloon and
Toy Shop.
Dec. 7-3 t. H. IlmomsEriaErt.
ZADIES RIM AND Tnnstsuagus.—Mink
'Sable, Fitch," Alaska, Camilla" Mink,
French Sahle,Pqnirrel. Children's Furs,
Genuine Astraeliaff Jacques, Astrachan
aqd Angora :Fringes, White '•Erniine,
swan's Down, Whiff "Tassels; suds; tut;
tons, gums, Linings and in fact every
thing connected with a first-class Ladies'
.Fur Manufactory, - -at .13pdegraff's 'Glove
and Fur Factory, opposite Washington
?louse, Ilageretetn.‘: Ded.
NERVOUS DISRASE.—How many thous
of the most reguaed ladies; of the land .
are slaves to nervous diseasscs in various
ermsr--tre.mbling, f . , i - witel)ing,,and jerking_
the nerves, headache, hysterics, sudden
iitbursts of temper •on trivial' occasions,
peevishness, a feelinvif desperation, des
ondency, or fear,7l.c. In any unhealthy
ondition of' the'nezrvons system, Briggs'
levantor has absolute control over the
erves, creating a radical change and pos
tive 'cure. Sold by F. FOURTHMAN and
a ggists - generally.
1 1 3 11.Esr—Look-at-- - thosefeatures_and see
e agony depicted. in the face. It cannot
be helped while the trouble remains.—
e suffering from piles is of a very agg,rava
- d decription. , You cannot walkwith any
omfort; you cannot ride in peace; you can
, ot - sit ; • a. a , -
ttending to nature is almost unbearable,
nd causes such, feeling , of dread that is
ut off at great sacrifice to health and cam
`Tort, in many instancesincreasingthdiffi--
ultyto analarm'gestent. * Use Dr. Briggs'
ile Remedies accord'g to directions to cure
interne , exnut - ITitchingorbleeding-piles._
They are mild and reliable, and warran
ted as represented.
Sold by Druggists.
Togl.Corns, Bunions, Ingrowing Nails
and their attendantills, have been, in years
gone by,.tind will be in years to come, a
Bourse of much discomfort' anlrtaihrTpi=-
ness to those who are annoyed with them.
By persistent efforts and untiring perse
verence, Dr. J. Briggs gave the suffering
umariihin — remedies--Alleviator_and_
Curative The_' ularit. which the • have
gained, and the entire satisfacfro—n—delTWd
from their use, is well known and can be
attested by all classes who have suffered
, •*th-Conas r .linnio • owin Nails,Chil-
Mains, Frosted or Blistered Feet,
Sold by druggists.
1E A.
On the 21st inst., atthe Lutheran Par
sonage in .
Keedy, Mr. 'ALVIN KnomE,to MSS
ELIZABETH, daughter of Wm. B. Baby,
On the 14th inst., at the residence -of
the bride's father, by the-Rov.-J—Dona
hue Dr. J. M. RIPPLE to Miss MiLoom
Coos, all of Waynesboro'.
HARD 50AP.....
FLOUR—Market very quiet indeed
this morning, the only sale reported ozi
'Change being one of 100 bbls. choice
Howard Street Extra at $7,50 per bbl.,
but it is firm nevertheless, and prices for
all descriptions are steady maintained.
GRAlN.—bales to-day only about 2.-
000 bushels, viz: 400 Pennsylvania red
at 155 cents. 500 Maryland do. at 155
@165 cents,•6s9 do. amber At 175 cents,
and 400 Western white at 185 cents,—
Corn—We have only to note sales of 2,-
400 bushels Western yellow •at 70@71
cents. and 500 to 600 do. Southern Torn
at 67@68 cents for white and 70 cents
for yellow Rye—Sales 200 bushels- at 95
(a)100 cents. Oats—No sales reported.
71 E subscriber would inform the citizens
Waynesboro' and vicinity that he has
"turned up" in town, and opened a BOOT
and SHOE SHOP in the Coach Factory of
Geo. B. Hawker, on second floor, East Main
street, where he is prepared to do all work
in his line of business.
te'Measures taken at private residences
if desired.
Dec. 27-tf THOS. BRINGMAN.
REPORT of the condition of the First
National Bank of Waynesboro', Pa., at
the close of business, December 16, 1871.
Loans and discounts, $57,858,95
Overdrafts, 76,22
U. S. Bonds to secure circulation, 75,400,00
U. S. Bonds on hand, 29,200,00
Other stock bonds, 1,298,50
Due from redeeming agent. 5,064,76
Due from National Banks, 4,903,64
Dae froia other banks and bankers, 4,578,45
Cash items and. stamps, 1,033.85
Bills of other National Banks, 167,00
Fractional currency and nickels, 171,65
Legal Tender notes, 8,839,00
Capital stock, $75,000,00
Surplus fund, 15,000,00
Interest, profit, lyss and exchange,
Circulation outstanding, 63 350 o 0
Dividends unpaid, •
Individual deposits, -
Due to National Banks,
Due to State Banks and Bankers,
State of Pennsgrania, Cownty of Franklin,
S. S: ,
I, John Philips, cashier of the "First Na
tional Bank of -Waynesboro', do solemnly
swear that the above statement is true to the
best of any knowledge and belief.
304 N PHILIPS, Cash.
Subscribed and sworn to before' me this
22d day of December, 1871,
J. BURNS Aarazusox, N. P.
, Correct attest :
W. S. ANDERSON, Directors.
MITE undersigned, in accordance with an
established custom; will send through
the Post Office about the second week in
January accounts to his patrons for settle
ment. Prompt payment is requested
Dee 21-3 t S. B. RINEIJART.
Of New Goods at the New York Cheap
Store—Splendid assortment of Goods from
the late auctions of New York—received
this, week for Christmas. The largest as
sortment - ever brought to 'Waynesboro'.
Now is the time-for-
—cheaper than ever. Those looking for
Christmas Gifts will do well to call and see
the inducements I am offering. Shawls from
40c to $4O. -
Lace Cams and Hankfs, by the wagon
A splendid line of Gents Scarfs, and Ties
Large assortment of Blankets. Dont for
get the place.
North East Cor. Diamond,
WOOD'S rovsc e lt?tiffieLa
free during the corning yeat: to every . sub-
TsTrib - e ---- setun=4ln - s- 2 fole! !-
Blade, Boineroy's Democrat, etc.,
WIIIMESMO ••••111 1111111 i
Wl= 1771 . 1171=1Ce= Mrt
ularity. Horace Greely James Parton, Theo.
rll it offers three first-aass peri
odicals for the price of one oftheto. A var-
iety of premiums on Itutlly — liheral — ter us.
It is an original, first-class Magazine, Vol.
X begins with
=- - -" '•
S. S. WM7Newburgh,-=
The cheapest book ever published—con
tainifig—nearlv 300 pages, and one hun
dred and thirty fine plates and engravings
of the anatomy of the human organs in a
state of health and disease, with a treatise
on early errors, its deplorable consequences
upon the mind and body, withthe author's
plan of treatment—the only rational 'and
successful mode of cure, as shown by a re
port of cases treated. A truthful - adviser
to the married and those contemplating
marriage, who entertain doubts of their
physical condition. Sent free of postage to
any address, on eceipt of twenty-five cents
in stamps or postage currency, by address
ing Dn. LA CROIX, No, 31 Maiden Lane,
Albann N. Y. The author may be consult
ed upon any of the diseases upon which
his book treats, either; personally or by
mail, and medicines sent to any part of the
$/125e MONTH ! Horse furnish
ct. Expenses paid. H. B. SHAW,
Alfred, Me.
A GENTS WANTED.—Agents make more
money at work for us than at anything
else. Business light and permanent. Par
ticulars free. G. Stinson & Co., Pine Art
Publishers, Portland, Maine.
In CHICAGO and the WEST by Rev. E. J.
GOODSPEED, D. D., of Chicago. Only com
plete history, 700 Svo pages ; 60 engravings.
70,000 already? sold. Price $2.50. 2000 agents
made in 20 days. Profits go to sufferers.
Co.. 37 Park Row, New York.
.4A_P stamp to. Novelty Manufacturing Co.,
Alfred, Mains.
ACTIVE AGENTS to sell the Finkle & Ly
on. Manufacturing Co's Improved New Fain
ily Sewing Machine,
` 4 7 - ICTOMJ ) . 7,
' General Offlee for Pennsylvania, New
Jersey and Delaware,
No. 1227 Chestnut St., Phila.
3. L. FERGUSON, Manager.
Agents vortlrw S 57.60. pretolorfei
New articles, patented, July 18th. Samples
sent free to all. Address 11. enumsrmi,
287 Broadway, New York.
3EC - 5 ,- rocoroh.cassmohttegs,
A Chemically pure preparation of
which is a most important constituent of
the human body,existang largely in the Brain
Nervous System,Blood and. Bones. It is
the life-giving and life-sustaining element,
which is the ThiMEDIATE CAUSE of
SCROFULA, Etc., Etc.
The proper remedy for the effectual treat
ment and cure of the above Diseases con
sist.; in restoring to the Brain Nervous Sys
tem, Lungs and Blood, their clue proportion
IX pro carikuplEi I:a:Lit et
is the only preparatinn.which.accomplishes
this result„ and it is an absolute cure for the
Diseases above named.
Circulars, Information and Advice Free.
Prepared only by J. WINCHESTER &
CO.. CHEIIIBTS, 36 JOHN Sr., N. Y., and sold
by all Druggists. Price $l. and $2 per bottle.
TATQTEITCY.—Victims of early in
_s_ retion, self-abuse, causing nervous de
bility, premature decay, &c., will find a
most effectual, safe and permanent cure by
addressing, confidentially, Da. WUNDER,
Post-Office, Philadelphia..
THE undersigned will send to his Pa
trons, through 'the Post-office, their
accounts for settlement, at the begining
of the New Year in accordance with his
established rule
Dec 14;--St E. A. HERING, N. D.
s free. Ad-
Please Notice.
THE property occupied by the undersign
ed, situated on Mechanic Street, Way
boro', is offered at Private Sale until
.On SATURDAY the 80th DEC, 1871.
And if not previously sold will on that
day be offered at pnbhc outcry, the house
is built of brickrand is a comparatively
new one, all in complete order in every re
spect. The cellar is inecadamized to the
depth of 6 inches and thoroughly cemented
with the best Hancock cement, making it
impervious to water, there is never any
dampness or mouldiness. - Milk will keep
sweet and fresh, meat sound for a longer
time in sultry weather than in any other
cellar. New Cistern at the Kitchen door.
Large stable built last March.
Dec.l4—ta W. A. REID,
Greo.-V. Mang, Auct.
Corner of in Quo= tins.,
LANTZ & UNGER, Proprietors.
The UNION has been entirely reflted
and re-furnished in every department, and
under tlie supervision — of - the - present - pro=
prietors, no effort will be spared to deserve
a liberal share of patronage:
Their tables will be spread with the
-best-the Market affords, and their Bar
will always contain the choicest Liquors.
The favor of the .ublie solicited.
xfP - - Stabling n • • . • • . • ; -
benstv. z 6.
Dec. 14—ly
riF subscriber announces to the citizens
f Ringgold and vicinity that he has re
turned from the East wit]
for Ladies, Misses and Children, embracing
all styles ; also gaiters, . shoes, etc., for Men
and Boys. He has also Groceries for sale,
such as
ugars, (51 ees, is- =is I
_He_ continues to manufacture to order
men's Boot and Shoe and ladies and chil
dren's work of all kinds,
He returns thank for
Ltinuance - orpublie patri
ed at the CORNER CLOTIIING STOR, a sq en
embracing Clothes of various grades ans
latest styles and best qualities, Doeskind,
Cheviots, Tweeds, Linen and Crape Coat
iugs, stylish Vest Patterns, etc.
AU of which will be made to order with
the bATrimmings and in the best manner.
A GVOD Fir GUARANTEED in every case or
no sale. ,
Paper Coilars, Ties, Bows, Suspenders, Hos
iery etc., always on hand.
dontlemen desiring stylish and good fit
ting clothing should give us a trial.
,ap 27. ti z ,, S. E• Cor. Diamond.
TrE alarmimg increase in the number of
righiful accidents, resulting in terrible
deaths and destruction of valuable property,
caused by the indiscriminate' use of oils,
know under the name of Petroleum, prompts
us to call your special attention to an article
which wilkwherever used, remove the cause
of such accidents. We allude to to -
The proprietor of this oil has for several
years felt the neces , .. ty of providing for, and
presenting to thn public, as a substitute for
the dangerous cf mpounils which are sent
broadcast over the col nifty, an oil that is
safe, brilliant, and entieely reliable. .After
a long series of laborious and costly experi
ments, he has succeeded in providing,. and
offers to the public, such a substitute, in
It should be used by every family because
it is safe boyond a question. The primary
purpose in the preparation of STELLAR
OIL has been to make it Perfectly Safe, thus
insuring the lives and property of those who
use it. Its present standard of SAFETY
and BRILLIANCY will always be maintain
ed, for upon this the proprietor depends for
sustaining the high reputation the STEL
LAR OIL new enjoys.
To prevent the adulteration of this oil with
the explosive compounds now known under
the name of kerosene, &c., &c., it is put up
for family nee in five-gallon cans, each can
being sealed and stamped with the trade
mark of the proprietor; it cannot, therefore,
be tampered with between the manufacturer
and consumer. • Mone is genuine without
this trade-mark.
It is tee duty and interest of all dealers
and customers of illuminating oil to use the
STELAR OIL only, because it alone is known
to be safe and reliable. It is for sale by
Amberson, Benedict & Co., Waynesboro'.
Manon & Statler, Marion.
E. B. Winger, Quincy.
Gelwicks & Burkhart, I.,hambersburg.
W. D. Dixon, St. Thomas.
J. Hostetter & Co., Greencastle.
Thomas C. Grove. Mercersburg.
.Trio. L. Ritchery, ti
No. 136 South Front St., Philadelphia.
feb 2-1871.
IPHE partnership heretofore existing be
t tween Miller & Beaver was dissolved on
the Ist, of March 1871, by mutual consent.
The Books are at the old stand and will be
settled by J. W. Miller. All persons indebt
ed are requested to call arid settle immedia
The business will hereafter be conducted
by T. W. MILLER & CO.
mar 16-tf
L_ CABB.i.A.ClC33l_T_al_t,
S. E. Corner of the Diamond,
ifIICAS at all times a fine assortment of Pic
-I.lLtures Frames and Mouldings. Call and
see specimen pictures. June tf.
Mr. KATE G. STOVER, has received
full supply of Millinery Goode. Also
stampin g done to order. lAtaiCS oreinvit—
ed to call and examine her assortment.
Dec. 14—tf
The Most Practical Sewing Machine in the
Finger Rings, Charms, Bracelets, and
a great variety of other things
pertaining to theXewel
ry Business.
It requires no extra attachment for embroid-r
ering,BKiidmg and Glltherhig. — ltlakesthe'
thread directly from the spools, thus saving
trouble and economizing time. It requires
but one foot to move the treadle even in sew—
ing the heaviest fabrics.
It is mane of the best steel. and:at all points
of wear case-hardened.
1113t0C • 0
Simplicity of tension, Ease of managing it,
Embroidering by a mere change of spools.
Braiding, gathering and embroidering with
out attachments. ➢caking the best stitce
for strength and durability. Making the
only stitch sufficiently elastic as not to break
in the ordinory strain of elastic goods.
• eintr-bei-nl"' aa a - a
wear than the "Shuttle-Stitch," while it can
be more easily taken out if desired.
ALEX. LEEDS, Aonts^r,
Telegraph Office,
u y Wainesboro'T-Pa.
lt IRS. C. L. HOLLINBERGER has just
IVireceived a full supply of new Millinery
oods - .-I=diesa-re-inlited-tocalland-examin
her stock..
,a zd2O. -
past favors and asks
Physicians: dealt w!tla at 20 per
cent discount,
March, 27 1871 Waynesboro', Pa
Located - at Freeland, Montgomery Conn--
ty, Penrea.
A . First-class English, Mathematical and
Classical Boarding School for --
Undar the immediate Tuition and Manage
ment of the faculty of the college.
All necpssary expenses, including Tuition,
Boarding, Washing, Books, not exceed
• inn' $230 a year.
will be distinct from the academie, and will
afford- all the advantages , of a full college
course in the usual higher branches of study,
under the direction of a Faculty of six
• Ite)..The Academic Year for both DePuvrt=
ments will be divided into the following
three terms:=The School opening with the
Fall term, September 6, 1870 to December
22. Winter term, Janum- - 4 1871 to April
5. Spring term, April 1; to July 7, 1871.
Pier further infarmation apply to '
Rev. I. H. A. BOMBERGER, D. D.,
President of Ursinus College, .
Freeland, Montgomery County, Pa.
July 30 tf.
TIME subscriber announces t) his custo-
mers and the public that he will contin
ue to furnish a prime article of Beef at the.
Serial' in the Walke Building on. Monday
evening, Tuesday morning, Thursday even
ing and Friday morning, regularly during
the season. Customers also supplied with
Veal and Lamb when desired.
Thankful for past patronage he hopes by
selling nothing but the , choicest meats to
merit a continuance of the same.
may 25—tf THOS. J. CUNNINGHAM'
THE subscriber offers his services to the
public as an Auctioneer. Having had
a number of years experience in the busi
ness in this county and in Washington Co.,
!dd., he flatters himself that he will be able
to give general satisfaction. Residence one
door East of the Presbyterian Church.
Dec 7- 3m - JOHN H. mum.
: Elastic Lock-Stitch
Our Motto is not to be undersold,
Warranted to do the whole range
_ of Family Sewing with more ra
pidity, with.more ease of
management and with
less fatigue to the
• operator than
any Ma- •
chine now in use.
s c ie poin • ,
Unequalled Simplicity,
Quietness of Operation, •
Ease of Management, '
Rapidity of Ezecutlon,
'Non-liability to drop
Stitches or break thread.
!aightneedle and the shortest in
Di~~ ~1 ~:
1 1 414 - 0 ,2, 0# kVA *O• .):(4 • "f4l
c~'ca tea.,