The Waynesboro' village record. (Waynesboro', Pa.) 1871-1900, December 28, 1871, Image 1

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    SY W. BLAIR.
TERMS-LTwo Dollars per Annum if paid
within the year; Two Dollars and
Fifty cents after the expiration
of the year.
lines) three insertions, $1,50; for
each subsequent insertion, Thir
five Cents per Square. A liberal
discount made to yearly adver
LOCALS.—Business Locals Ten Cents per
Hue for the first insertion, Seven
Cents for subsequent insertions.
,proftssignal lards. •
,ar. B. ANBERSON, N. D.,
Mee at the Waynesboro' "Corner Drug
Store." pane 29—tf.
• ID 12, _ 3EI . F Pl. V' ,
Has resumed the practice of Medicine.
OFFICE—In the Walker Building—near
the Bowden House. Night calls should be
made ,at his residence on Main Street, ad
' joining the Western School House,
July 20—tf
IL"- D.,
Office at his residence, nearly opposite
the - Bowden.House. Nov 2—tf.
AVING been admited to Practice Law
the several Courts in Franklin Coun
ty, all business entrusted to his care will be
promptly attended - to. Post Office address
Mercersburg, Pa.
Will give prompt and close attention to all
business entrusted to his care. Office next
door to the Bowden. House, in the Walker
Building. [july 6
Practices in the several Courts of Franklin
and adjacent Counties.
N. B.—Real Estate leased and sold, and
_Fire Insurance effected on reasonable terms:
December 10, 1871.
, A=
Experienced in Dentistry, will insert you
sets of Teeth at prices to suit the times.
Feb. 16, 1871.
BR., C., it, STRICAUktiv
VEERS his Professional services to the
X./citizens of Waynesboro' and vicinity.
Da. STRICKLER has relinquished an exten
sive practice at Mercersburg '
been prominently engaged fort
years Inthe practice of his profession.
He has opened an Office m Waynesboro',
at the'residence of George Besore, Esq., iis
Father-in-law, where he can be found at 1
times when not professionally engaged.
July 20, 1.871.-tf.
77 •
• A
•%".•• -1!" g t t ,
'Can be found at all times at his office where
he is prepared to insert teeth on the best
basis in use and at prices to suit the times.
eeth extracted, withaue pain by the use of
nioroform, eather, nitrous oxid eg.,ts or the
Areezing process, in a manner surpassed by
We the undersigned being acquainted with
A. K. Branisholts for the past year, can rec
ommend him to the public generally to be
It Dentist well qualified to perform all ope
-rations belonging to Dentistry in the rrinst
skillful manner.
sept 29tfl
_ _ S.. W 01.17' , .
£Watches Repaired and Warranted..9au
1:016 - Jewelry Made and Repaired. - Wa
July 13, 1871.4 f.
rrHE subscriber informs the public that he
11 continues the Barbering business in the
room next door to Mr. Reid's Grocery Store,
and is at all times prepared to do hair cut
ting, shaving,s hampooning etc. in the best
style. The patronage of the public is respect
:fully solicited.
Aug 23 1871. W. A. PRICE.
111 L. WICKET'S celebrated Cholera Med-
JJ prepared by DAVID M. IloorEn of
Ringgold, Md., can be had during the sea
• son at F. FOURTIDIAN'S Drug Store; and of
dealers generally. T , arellin q Agent,
' July 27, '7l-6m MYEns.
S 1141) HERRING.—Mess.
NiD HERRIN.—Mess. Shad and
Pcitomact Herrin in bbls. for sale by
WOOD'S gßOVSeellsOloiNE.
free during the coming year to every sub
scriber of Merry's Museum, the Toledo
Blade, Pomeroy's Democrat, etc.,
WhiCh is a ll= n evidence of its wor=t7a=i7p
ularity.Horace Greely James Parton, Theo.
I. ton, etc., write for every num
in it offers three first-class peri
odicals for the price of one of them. A var
iety of premiums on equally liberal terms.
It is an original, first-class Magazine, Vol.
Li l a, with
TLl7 7 77:=specimen copies free. Ad
mom. Mali
S. S. ViZs7.Newburgh,
Chronic and Sextual Diseases,
The cheapest book ever published—con
taining nearly 300 pages, and one hun
dred and thirty fine plates and engravings
of the anatomy of the human organs in a
state of health and disease, with' a treatise
on early errors, its deplorable consequences
upon the mind and body, with the author's
plan of treatment—the only rational and
successful mode of cure, as shown by a re
port of cases treated. A truthful adviser
to the married and those contemplating
marriage, who entertain doubts of their
physical condition. Sent free of postage to
any address, on eceipt of twenty-five cents'
in stamps or postage currency, by address
ing DR. LA CROIX, No. 31 Maiden Lane,
Albany, N. Y. The author may be consult
ed upon any of the diseases upon which
his book treats, either personally or by
mail, and medicines sent to any part of the
$495 MONTH f Horse furnish
ed..l.!xonses paid. H. B. SHAW,-
Alfred, Me
AGENTS WANTED.—Agents make more
money at work for us than at anything
else. Business light and permanent. Par
ticulars free. G. Stinson Sc Co., .E'ine Art
Pwblishers, Portland, Maine.
In CHICAGO and the WEST by Rev. E. J.
GOODSPEED, D.. 11., of Chicago. Only com
plete history, 7 0 Bvo pages ; 60 engravings.
70,000 already sold. Price $2.50. 2000 agents
made in 20 days. Profits go to sufferers.
Co.. 37 Park Row, New York.
stamp to Novelty Manufacturing Co,
Alfred, Mains.
ACTIVE AGENTS to sell the Finkle & Ly
on Manufacturing Co's Improved New Fam
ily Sewing Machine,
General Offiee for Pennsylvania, New
Jersey and Delaware,
No. 1227 Chestnut St., Phila.
J. L. F . ERGIISON, Manager.
New articles, patented, July 18th. Samples
sent free to all. Address W. H. CIIIDESTER.,
267 Broadway, New York.
iiy - rocors.7ricorailitosEs,
A Chemically pure preparation of
which is a most important constituent of
the human body,existing largely in the Brain
Nervous System, Blood. and Bones. It is
the life-giving and life-sustaining element,
which is the IMMEDIATE CAUSE of
SCROFULA, Etc., Etc. •
The proper remedy for the effectual treat
ment and cure of the above Diseases con
sists in restoring to the Brain, Nervous Sys
tem, Lungs and Blood, their due proportion
ME - yrrocarascracraalte•
is the only preparation which accomplishes
thiS result„ and it is an. absolute cure for the
Diseases above named.
Circulars, Information and Advice Free.
Prepared only by J. WINCHESTER &
CO.. CHEMISTS, 36 JOHN ST., N. Y., 'and sold
by all Druggists. Price $1 and $2 per bottle.
CY.—Victims of early TEEPOTENin
discretion,A.. self-abuse, causing nervous de
bility, premature decay, &c., will find a
most effectual, safe and permanant cure by
addressing, confidentially, Ds. WUNDER,
Post-Office, Philadelphia.
Garner of Kan & Queen 6160,
LANTZ & UNGER, Proprietors
' The UNION has been entirely refited
and re-furnished in every department, and
under the supervision of the present pro
prietors, no effort will be spared to deserve
a liberal share of patronage:
Their tables will be spread with the
best the Market affords, and their Bar
will always contain the choicest Liquors.
The favor of the public solicited.
Extensive Stabling and Attentive Hostlers.
D • 14—ly
MnKATE G. STOVER, has received
ull supply of Millinery Goods. Also
stamping done to order. Ladies are invit—
ed to call and examine her assortment.
Dec. 14—tf
Please Notice.
THE undersigned will send to his Pa
trons, through the Post-office, their
accounts for settlement, at the begining
of the New Year in accordance with his
established rule
Dec 14-3 t E. A. BERING, 31. D.
A ' - ; 0 m 4 ; • AL AND GENERA", PTEWS.ETC.
Who, looking back from manhood's prime,
Sees not the spectre of his misspent time?
And, through the shade
Of funeral cypress, planted thick behind,
Hears no reproachful whisper on the wind,
FrOm his loyed . dead?
Who bears no trace of passion's evil force ?
Who shuns thy-sting, 0 terrible remorse!
Who does not cast
On the thronged pages of his memory's book,
At times, a sad and half reluctant look,
'Regetful of the past?
Alas ! the evil which we fain would shun
We do, and leave the wish'd-for good undone;
Our strength to-day •
Is but to-morrow's weakneis, prone to fall;
Poor, blind, unprofitable servants all
Are we always.
Yet who thbslooking backward o'er his years
Feels not his eyelids wet with grateful tears,
If he path been
Permitted, - weak and sinful as he was,'
To cheer and aid in some ennobling cause,
' His fellOw man ?
If he hath hidden the out-cast, or let in
A ray of sunshine to the cell of sin—
If he hath lent
Strength to the weal, and in an hour of need,
Over the suffering, mindless of his creel'
Or home, hath bent—
He has not lived in vain. And while he gives
The praise to him in whom he mov'sandlives
With thankful heart ,
Ile . gazes backward, and with hope before,
Knowing that from his works he nevermore
Can henceforth part.
The•broken ties of happier days,
How often do they seem
To come before onr mental gaze.
Like a remembered dream.
Around us each dissevered chair,
In sparkling ruin lies ;
And earthly hand can ne'er again
. Unite those earthly ties.
The parent of our youthful home,
The kindred that we loved,
Far from our arm perchance may roam,-
To desert seas removed.
Or we have watched their parting breath,
And closed their weary eyes;
And sighed to think how sadly death
Can sever human ties.
The friends, the loved one of our youth,
They too have gone or changed,
Or worse than all, their love and truth,
Is darkened or estranged.
They meet us in the glittering throng,
With cold averted eyes,
And wonder that we weep their wrong,
And' mourn our broken ties.
Each care, each ill of mortal birth,
Is sent in pitying love,
To lift the lingering heartfrom earth,
And speed its flight above.
And every pang that wrings the breast,
And every joy that dies,
Tells us to ,seek a purer rest,
And trust to holier ties.
Pi sttilantons lading.
The late terrible "trunk tragedy," fol
lowed closely by other tragedies well as
terrible; have started and shocked the na
tion. This time the serpent has thrust
his hissing -tongue into our very faces; but
there is a whole brood like unto him
nestling still in dark concealment. In
two or three dens of death the day-light
of detection has streamed; but they are
only specimens of a class more numerous
than we have dreamed of. There are
fresh proofs of the fact that in our .great
cities there exist a distinct class of "insti
tutions," Organized for the sole purpose of
extinguishing human life. They "run"
by a body of infamous creatures, whose
only trade is to murder. While we are
sanding our money and missionaries• to
convert heathen women who are flinging
there babes into the Ganges, we have a
rirong us scores of dens to which our own
women go voluntarily for the murder of
the unborn: So prosperous are these a
bortion dens that their proprietors cau
buy farms and drive fine carriages.—
Such prosperity bespeak large patronage.
Who are the patrons ?
It is an undeniable fact that many of
them murder the solemn vows of wed
lock. Some of these having broken the
seventh commandment are driven to break
the sixth commandment in or der to
conceal their transgression. They com
mit murder to hide adultery. But another
and larger class are those who regard the
sweetest blessing of wedlock as a burden
and a bane. Instead of feeling that "chil
dren are a heritage of the Lord," these
most unnatural "monsters" regard them
as a plague and nuisance—a heavy tax
on time and strength and purse, a hin
drance to their gayeties, or a hatefull in
truder upon their ease and self indulgence.
So, rather than become mothers they , are
willing to become murderers. Nor Is it
only in those hideous slaughter houses
where the modern Herods slay the inno
cents that these deeds of darkness are done.
This crime is perpetrated in. hundreds of
private dwellings. The "Medicines" and
"reliers" so widely and wickedly adver-
( selttt •Otittrg.
tised are sent for and used for the preven
tion of maternity. Medical art has de
vised a dozen "sure and easy" methods of
destroying the germs of infi nt life. That
they are used to an extent almost incred
itable is well-known by family physicians
who are called upon to repair the ravages
of these vile potions, For these methods
are not so "easy" after all. They cost
many a woman a ruined c ons t itu
tion. They cost the power of after prop
agation. They sometimes cost the life of
the guilty wife who harbers this serpent in
the home nest. We heard.recently of the
death of a gay and beautiful wife in the
pangs of premature child-birth. The ter
rible secret came out that her constitu
tion was utterly ruined by a half dozen
previous crimes of abortion. The broken
law of God "found her out" at last. Ev
ery woman who practises any method to
destroy an unborn life does it at the per
il of her own. This serpent stings the
breast that harbors it.
That secret crimes for the prevention
of offspring are fearfully prevalent and on
the increase is an undoubted fact. One
proof is found in the relative decrease of
the size of families. A fine, bountiful pro
geny is frequently spoken of as an "old
fashioned family"—such a one as was
common before the discovery of "sure and
easy" arts of foeticide. Other proofs are
found in the shattered health eif wives.—
Others still are furnished by the family
physicians. Is it not time that this dan
gerous and diabolical crime was stopped ?
Should not every pulpit thunder against
it ? Should not physicians be plain and
emphatic in their warnings to the wedded
pairs whom they may suspect of their se
cret sins ? They are not so secret as their
perpetrators imagine. Murder will out
But it is not alone amOng the married
that the dens of child-murder or the arts
of abortion find their patrons. Thousands
of - the unmarried-who have sinned - against
God's law of chastity, flee to these accurs
ed arts to hide their shame. The poor
Patterson girl, who was stung to death
by this serpent, was but one of an increas
ing army of victims. Let us not - stop with
results, but go back to cause. Why is
the sin of licentiousness in all its phases
growing so rapidly ?
One cause is the growth of a licentious
literature. The unclean "frogs" are now
creeping up into our "kneading troughs."
The news stands and the news rooms are
stocked up with pictoral journals that are
enough to make a harlot blush. One of
these filthy sheets is reported to surpass
Harper's Weekly in extent of publication.
And every such lecherous paper that en
ters a family becomes a serpent in the nest.
But the filthy journals do not stand alone.
Some of the fictitious literature that is
read by the rich and the cultured is fair
ly rotted through with immorality I
have seen scores of well-dressed people in
cars and cabins, who had in their hands
a poisonous book called "Terrible Temp
tation." I only know of its contents by
creditable report ; but I should think the
volume is a "terrible temptation" to lash
soundly itsauthor and its publishers. Pas
sion exciting books have poineeled more
than one seduction. It is said that the on
ly books found in brothels are novels.
A second source of demoralization has
been the attractive indecencies of an inde
cent stage. Thousands of men and wo
men have gone together (are we sure taht
there were no church members among
them ?) to gaze on these lewd exhibitions.
One thing these patrons of the licentious
play house ought to know, and that is that
in the sight of God those in front of the
stage are just as guilty as the half nude
creatures on the stage. Who can tell how
often an ev'ing at the theatre has paved the
way to such dens of death as Rosenweig's
or Restell's.
A third root of licentiousness is found
in the prevailing passion for display. The
history of prostitution has proved how of
ten infatuated Avomen have been ready to
defile their souls in order to decorate their
bodies. A good man in Chicago took the
trouble lately to answer some of the "per
sonal" advertisements, and discovered that
several of the female authors of them liv
ed in respectable streets, and were intent
on selling their honor to purchase dress.
Satan baits his hooks for man with dol
lars, and' for women with dress.
A fourth source of sexual immorality
is the growing rage for social dissipations.
These weaken the conscience, inflame the
passions and sensualize the very soul.—
The ball room with its indelicate dress and
its promiscuous caresses, and its wine sup
pers, leads the giddy young man and mai
den to the verge. The next step is—over
the precipice. And young people ought
to know that:it takes but one step to go
down Niagara ! The poor, pitiable girls
whose names have lately been dragged be
fore a horror-stricken public, took but
that single step. When and how they
did it is known now only to Him into
whose presence their sad and fatal sins
have summoned them.
We are tempted to add still other fruit
ful causes of the sins against chastity that
terminate in disgrace and self-destruction.
But we have said enough to warn those
who are most in danger. We have writ
ten these plain words mainly for the eyes
and consciences of parefits. Blessed be
that household that has no serpents in
the nest ! "Blessed are the pure in heart,
for they shall see God." This whole sub
ject is one of infinite moment to our whole
people ; for no nation has yet survived
wide spread unchastity.
A few days since a little raagW. urchin
was sent by a tradesman to collect a bill.
He began in the usual way, but becom
ing more and more importunate, at length
the gentleman's patience being exhausted
he mid to him : •"You need 'not dun me
so sharply ; am not going to run away."
don't suppose you are," said the boy
scratching his head, "but my master is,
and he wants the money.
Bear Hunters Traublei.
Bear hunting is not always the pleas
antest kind of amusement. So thinks
Mr: Hamilton of Missouri. The gentle
man shouldered his rifle one morning
and went into the timber about a mile off
to shoot squirrels. At'night he had not
returned, nor did he make his appearance
during the night. As squirrels are not
apt to devour a man, several neighbors
the next morning went in search of him.
About three o'clock in the afternoon they
found him up a tree thirty' feet from the
ground, and unable to extricate himself.
He said that about 3 o'clock the pre
vious day he came across a large black
bear and shot at him but missed him,
when the bear made for him with all his
might. •He ran and finding the bear
gaining on him he threw away his rifle
and climbed up s sycamore tree, with the
bear following right at his heels. The
top of this tree had been broken off, and
was 'hollow, in which hole he trust one of
his legs to keep himself from falling, but
he soon found that his leg was fast when
he tried to extricate himself, and could
not draw it out. The bear ia_the_ mean-
tinie - had tom the boot off on the outside
and was knawing and eating the flesh
from the foot and ankle. Mr. Hamilton,
took his pocket-knife out and cut at his
eyes, but with one sweep of his paw the
bear struck the knife from his hand,
with a part /of two of his fingers. He
could not see no help, and gave up to die
expecting to be eaten alive by the beast.
But soon a happy thought stauck him.—
That morning he had put some salt in
his pocket to salt some cattle he had
runing in the timber, which providen
tially he had not found. Of this he
took a small handful and sprinkled in
the bears eyes. It had the desired effect.
He shook his head, growled and went
down. He soon, however, returned, when
illittle - inore salt drove him away the - sec- -
ond time when to Mr. Hamilton's inex
pressible delight, he now saw .him trot
ting off into the forest. And now Mr.
Hamilton advises all hunters in Osage
county to carry a pocket full of salt with
them, or else to be sure that they are
"dead shots" before they practice target
shooting on a black bear.
Nellie Parsons went to a school in the
country. It was about a mile from her
home. It was too far for her to walk
in the winter. Her father always sent
her to school in the morning in a car
riage or a sleigh, and brought her home in
the night in• the same way.
One afternoon he stopped at the school
house, and calling Nellie out, said, "I am
going up the road several miles, 4nd may
not return till after school is out. But
wait for me till I come I will be here be
fore dark."
When school was out, the children
wrapped themselves in their cloaks and
overcoats and shawls, and set out for
"Are you not going?" asked one of
the last that left the school room, as she
saw Nellie take her seat by the stove.
"Father told me to wait for him," said
"Are you not afraid to stay here alone ?"
" What is there to be afraid of ? It is
nice and warm here."
"I should be afraid to stay here alone,"
said the girl. "It'll be dark pretty soon."
"Father said he would be here before
' "What will you do if he don't come ?"
"Father will come for me ; he said he
Nellie was left alone. Time seemed to
move very slowly ; yet the sun went down,
and it began to be gloomy. She went to
the door and began to look, for her father.
He was not in sight, although from the
door of the school house you could see
nearly a mile along the road. Presently
a man came along with a yoke of oxen
and sled. He was a neighbor of theirs.
"What are you doing here ? he asked of
Nellie, when he saw her standing in the
"I am waiting for father," •was her an
"It will soon be dark," he said, "you
had better get on my sled and go as far
as my house. It would not be pleasant
for you to stay here all night."
"Father will be sure to come for me,"
said Nellie , "he told me to wait for him
till he comes."
It was nearly dark, but not quiteen
her father droVe up to the door. He had
driven so fast to get there that his horse
was all covered with perspiration. He
had been detained longer than he expec
ted; and he had left his business unfinish
ed, in order to keep his promise and get
back to his dear child before dark.
"Were you afraid I would not come,
Nellie ?" he asked, as he wrapped her up
in the nice, warm buffalo robe.
"No, sir," was the answer of the loving
child; "you said you would come, and I
"knew I could trust
How beautiful this Is ! If we could have
the in our Heavenly Father
that Nellie Parsons had in her earthly
father, how happy, we should be l And yet
Nellie's fatherhad not done one-hundredth
part as much for her, as our Father in
Heaven has done for us. He is the God
who telleth the number of the stars, and
calleth them all by their names ;" and we
should trust, with our whole hearts, eve
ry word that he has spoken.
At the marriage of an elderly female
recently in church, the organist played
the well-known hymn beginning:
"This is the way I long have sought.
And mourned because I found it not."
Why are hens immortal ? Because in
addition to having their necks twirled in
this, their sons never set.
"Do Not . Give Up."
A gentleman traveling in the northern
part of Ireland, heard the voice of chil
dren, and paused to listen.
Finding the sounds proceeding from a
'small building used as a school house, he
drew near ; and as the door was open, he
entered,-and listened to the words the
boys were spelling.
One little fellow stood apart, sad and
"Why does that boy stand there?" ask
ed the gentleman.
"Oh, he is good for nothing," replied
the teacher. "There's nothing in him.—
I can make nothing of him. .He is the
most stupid boy in the school."
The gentleman was surprised at this
answer. He saw that the teacher was so
stern and rough that the younger and
more timid boys were nearly crushed. He
said a few kind words to him, then plac
ing his hands upon the noble brow of the
little fellow who stood apart, he said :
"One of these days you may be a fine
scholar. Do not give up, but try,. my
boy,. try." The soul of the boy was aroused.
His dormant intellect awoke. A new
purpose was formed. From . that hour he
became studious, ambitious to excel. And
he did become a fine scholar, and the au
thor of a well-known commentary on the
Bible ; a great and good man ; beloved
and honored. It was Dr. Adam Clark.
The secret of his success is worth know
ing : "Do not give up, but try, mr boy,
try !"
Would You.
Would you keep your rosy complexion,
wear thick-soled shoes. •
Would you enjoy quitet content,do away
with airs and pretense.
Would you have others respect your o
pinions, respect and never disown them
Would you marry and be happy, to
announce of love add at least a grain of
good sense and judgment, in choosing a
Would you have good health, go out
in the sunshine. Sickness is worse than
Would you respect yourself, keep your
heirt and body clean.
Would you retain the love of a friend,
do not be selfishly exacting.
Would you gain the confidence of bus
iness men, do not try to support the style
of your employer, on - a small salary.
Would you never dread to look, any
one in the face, pay your debts.
Would you never be told a lie, do not
ask personal questions. •
Would you sleep well and have a good
appetite, attend to.your own business.
Would you command the respect of
men, never permit yourself to indulge in
vulgar jokes or conversation.
Would you deserve the name of lady,
never, either to men or women, decend to
obscenity - or low allusions. To your face
they may laugh at your wit ; but to others
they will speak disrespectfully of you.—
E/enz Orlou.
I Cannot, Sir.
A young man—we will call him honest
Frank—who loved truth, was a clerk in
the office of a rich merchant. One day
a letter came recalling an order for goods,
which had been received the day before.
The merchant handed it to honest Frank,
and, with a persuasive smile, said :
"Frank, replied to this note. Say that
the goods were shipped before the receipt
of the letter countermanding the order.'
Frank looked into his employer's face
with a sad but firm glance, and replied :
"I cannot, sir."
"Why, not, sir ?" answered the mer
chant, angerly.
"Because the goods are now in the yard,
and it would - be a lie, sir." '
"I hope you will always be so particu
lar," replied the merchant, turning upon
his heel, and going away.
Honest Frank did a hold, as well as a
right, thing. What do you rappose hap
pened to him ? Did he lose his place ? No;
quite different. The merchant was too
shrewd to turn away who would not
write a lying letter. He knew the untold
value of such a youth, and at once made
him his confidential clerk;
BE A I\Lix.—The following good ad
vice is clipped from an exc;ellent little pa
per, called the Working Man:
"Foolish spending is the father of pov
erty. Do not be ashamed of bard work.
.Work for the best salary or wages you
can get, but work for half price rather
than be idle. Be your own master, and
do not let society or fashion swallow up
your individuality—hat, coat and boots.
Do not eat up or wear out all that you
can earn. Compel your selfish body to
spare something for profits saved. Be
stingy to your own appetite, but merciful
to others' necessities. Help others, and
ask no help for yourself. fee that you
are proud. Let your pride be of the right
kind. Be too proud to be lazy ; too proud
to give up without conquering every dif
ficulty; too proud to wear a coat you can
not afford to buy; too proudto be in com
pany that you cannot keep up within ex
pensees; too proud to be stingy."
REFINED H031123.--SOMOM do we see
a greater truth more beautiful expressed
than this from the New York Nation
"Refined homes are the end of civilization.
All the work of the world ,. ` the the railreaci
ing, navigating, digging, i tMving, ,
facturing, inventing, tesi.ebbg, writing,
are done, first of all to i i secure to each
family the quiet of its'Owns hearth, and,
secondly, to surround as many as Foil
ble with grace, and culture;and beauty.,
The work of all nations,. for five thousand,
years, is represented in the difference be n :
tween a Witpia,):u . -.p:nii:a lady's parlor."
$2,00 PER YEAR
Nlit and ,g 'tutor.
What would a pig do who wished to
build himself a habitation ? Tie a knot
in his tail, and call a.pigs-tie.
A riddle which ought never to have
been printed : Why are engaged ladies
like old. boots ? Because they are no good
without their fellows.
Next year is'leap or woman's year.—
all unmarried men desiring to marry la
dies of their choice are advised to do so
before next January, as a general attack
is threatened by the unmarried woman.
A writer says that lovers are not aware
Perhaps, that there is a vein which runs
from the right finger of the left hand right
straight to to the heart, and that when a
lady offers you her left hand at parting,
there is a meaning, in it—but forgets to
tell the, meaning, which is quite important
"The first bird I shot in Ameriky," said
an Irish sportsman, "was a fork-upine
pork-upine. I treed him under a hay stack,
and shot him with a barn-shovel. The
first time I hit him I missed him, and the
second time I hit him I hinim the same
place where I missed him the first time."
A pious negro woman was once caught
by her master stealing a goose, and the
next Sundayshe partook of the communion,
after which her master accosted her as fol
"Why, Hannah, I saw you to-day at
the communion table." .
"Yes, tank de Lord, masse. I was 'low
ed to be dare wid de rest ob his family."
"But, Hannah, I was surprised to see
you there," he said. "How about-that—
goose ?"
She looked a little surprised, as if she
did not understand the question, but catch
ing the meaning, exclaimed:
"Why, sah, do you tink l'se agoin' to
let an ole goose stand atween me an' my
Maker ?"
Quicx Wonxs.—Several years ago,
when new churches were erected, and pros
perity dawned upon Virginia City, a cer
tain earnest clergyman, on a Sunday
morning, was eshortingthose with anx
ious and troubled conscience to be sure
and call on their pastor for guidance and
Said he, "To show you my brethren, the
blessed results of these visits with your
pastor, I will state to you that only yes
terday, a gentleman of wealth called up
on me for counsel and instruction ; and
now to-day my friends—to-day—he sits
among us a happy husband, and a father
and* a christian.
A Young lady in the audience whisper
ed to a matron. "Wasn' tthat pretty quick
work ?"
Sam at Fort Donaldson.
"Were you in the fight, Sam r
"Had a little taste of it, sa."
"Stood your ground, did you?"
"No. sa, I runs."
"Ran at the first fire, did you?"
"Yes, sa, and would. hab run sooner,
had I knowed it war comin."
"Why, that wasn,t very creditable .to
your courage."
"Dat isn't in my line, sa—cookin's my
"Well, but have you no regard for
your reputation ?"
"Reputation's nub to me by de side
of life."
"Do you consider your life worth more
than other people's 1 1 "
"It's worth more to me, sa."
"Then you must vabie it very highly ?"
"Yes, sa, I does— more dan all dis
wuld—more dan a million ob dollars, sa,
for what would dot be wuth to a man
wid de bier' out of him? Self-preserbash
un amu de fust law widme."
"But why should you act upon a dif
ferent rule from other men 2"
"Because different men, set different
values upon dar lives-mine is not in de
qßut if you lost it, you would have the
satisfaction of knowing that you died for
your country."
"What satisfaction would that be to
me when de power ob feelin' was 'gone ?"
"Then patriotism and honor are noth
ing to you ?"
"Nuifin,whatever, sa—l regard them
as'among de vanities."
"If our soldiers were all likeu,
traitors might have broken up the Gov
ernment without resistance:"
"Yes, sa, dar would hab been no help
for it, I wouldn't put my life in de scale ,
'ginst any Goberment dat eber existed,'
tbr no Gobernment could replace de loss
to me.".
"Do you think any of your company
would have missed you if you had been
killed ?"
"May be not, sa—a dead white man
ain't much to dese sojers. let alone a nig:
, a—but I'd a missed myself, and dat
was- de pint wid me,"
There is a mysterious feeling of sad
ness that frequently passes like a cloud o
ver the spirit, It comes on the soul in
the busy bustle of life, in the social cit%
cle, in the calm and silent retreat of sol
itude. Its power is alike supreme over
the weak.. and the iron-hearted. At one
time it is caused by a single thought a
cress the mind. Again a sound will
come booming across the ocean of memo
ry, gloomy and solemtvas the death knell,
overelmdo*lng all the bright hopes and
sunny feelings of the heart. Who can de
scribe it, and yet, who has not felt its be-
Wildering iufluenCes ? Still it is a deli.'
cious sort of sorrow, and like a cloud
dimming the sunshine of the river, al
thOugh casting the momentary• shade of
gloom, it enhanc6 the beauty of return