IV.! ';:11,•Pf•tA',1..,:3! vy ^ , t , 2'.t. r ; ? ~ ,.. 1•':•,, ,; ::-,,71v, t i ,:-„;7 . 7 i'ilVi• .'.`....1::7...,...:,;', . , r:.,*l 4 " • tr',.'eirt V, • 7G ., 0 . 0 B :, s - 1.. y .~. Y~;~kY-. r~' r ~~~ ~ ~ ~ IMBEoiikil,tid,i)gits,,CO'.. I,') • ..•l . , 7WE arenow receiving our first supply of new ' " • WINTER, GOODS • IMEIIIi to which we would ask the attenllon of our customers anb the public generally —beleiv 'ing it to be to the interest of all to give us a call:before buying elsewhere. :Among' our stock you will find a heavy • ' .stock of the following : gen.'s' wear of all kinds , Overcoatings • Cloths,. Cassimers fancy, and plain, Cords, -plain and striped, Shirtings. , wool and cot 'ton Boots And Shoes. • Boys wear of all kinds, Boys lloots and Shoes; • -• Ladies Dress Goods of all descriptions 'Delaini,".Coburgs, Allpaccas, Plaid, plain - .wool and worsted goods, :Also a largo assortment of FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, IMPORTED CARPET, - HOMEMADE CARPET, CARPET CHAIN. OIL BLAIDS, WINDOW OILCLOTH, • . CHECK MATING. .PLAIN MATTING, • ,CURTAIN FIXTURES, HARDWARE, GROCERIES, QUEENWARE, • • YAILM,•&C. Pleitse give us.a call and we will try to : satisfy you in price and guality. .A.3IBERSON BENEDICT.&.,CO, ;-.-1-12r3s ,FIRSV GRAND OPENING Fitt AND 'WINTER GOON PRICE & HOEFLICEL'S, IN PART AS POIZOWS ;Illack - Alpacas, :Mohair Lustres, Plain and Fancy Popliuins, in double warps, English -and American manufactures Japanese Silk Robes, Japanes Repn Poplins, In new affects. Black silks and Empress. clothes, sublime qualitips. Ottoman and Water villette Mttis, both long and square, Morning and Breakfast Shalls, all colors—cheap. Wool ct; Cotton Flanens, Plain and Opera Flanens, in large and elegant assortment. Cheeks,- Shirting. Stripes, Chambrays and Domestic Ginghams, in every variety. Ladies Water Proof Cloaking, in black and colors. Mons BM and Fancy clothes and eassimerqs. Also corduroys, Kerseys and*Scotch eheri ots, in quantities and at prices to suit all. Chinchila and Beaver over coatings, in heavy and light weights—Cheap. Large lot of Ladies Triminings and Fancy 4. •r•oods in new and elegant -designs. Gents Furnishing Goods, under wear (fee., a large supply. • White Good, llosiers,- - , Gloves and Notions, .a full lino of each: Mens Boots and Shoes, Ladies Shoes and Gaiters, Gum and Heavy Shoes. Ingrain Gerthing, Rag and Stair Carpets, at reduced prices. Carriage Robes, Horse Blankets and Fancy Spreads, a full line. Queensware, Glass ware, Hard and Wooden ware, all kinds cheap. Rio, Laguira and Roasted coffees. in large quantities. Portorico and Orleans Sugars, Demerara and White Sugar, large lot In store. Don't fail! to examine our stock. Oct 12,1871. PRICE 4: HOEFLICH QHAD, AND HERRING,—Mes Shad and Potomac Herrin in bbl 0. for Wo by W. A. 'UEID. Elei ENE ;'r „ , ,'` ASSIGEESSALE' • lrE urtilersigitell, - Asi3ighees 'of 'Henry l ßesoro, of Washington township,F4-ank‘t. lin county, l'a., will expose to Public Sale - on the premises, On, Friday the 15th *day ot December, 1871, at 10 o'clock, 41.31.,that va - noble " . ' . „ .. Itilsll.l and Witter: Right appurtenant, iyith !iwo Tenant Houses ; with about. , - 1 0, A-C I" • LAND, sitnated Quincy township, Frankl in krioWn as the' "WharrMill,Property,!,' be ing midway between the Turnpikesand Mt. Hope. 'This is a splendid property. The Mill is 1:1415, and. nearly new,., being three stories'high, 'haying 'three' pairs ' of . 13uris and .Ohe Chopping Stone. It has fine'Wa ter-Zan-6r' an Overshot—Wheel- of feet high: 'EverYthing in •the Mill is' in com plete order, haling thelatestimprOvements 'the forbey and flood gates just new. It is an excellent location fora. for• . MERCHANT and its Custom work is Unequalled by any in the neighborhood. In.. Persons wishing to view the premises will please call on B. F. Burger, at the Mill, or ,on either of the undersigned. Terms made know ,on day of sale D. B. RUSSELL, OLLIVERBESORE, - Assignees. Nov. 23=ts '.DESIRABLE . SMALL PROPERTY Private Sale. TIRE undersigned,n Attorney for the heirs I of Elizabet Barnhart;' dec'4l, offers at Private Sale a esirable small farm, situated in Washington township,' adjoining lands of C. Beaver, Miller and Simon Lec rone, contal . ng, 21 ACRES ANDIIS PER . - CHES, bast quality, limestone land. The improveme4ts are, A COMFORTABLE LOG I HOUSE, Tenant House, Frame Barn, Car- 1 penter'Shop, Smoke House, Hog Pen, an excellent Ozchurka — Well -- of - Goacl -- WaerT Sic. For terms, &c. ; apply to. JACOB J. MILLER, Attorney. Nov 9—tf WAYNESBORO' COIN FACTORY; riEO. W. HAWKER having withdrawn lA from the firm' of Adains & Hawker the subscriber informs the public that he con tinues the• Coachmaking business in all its brandies, atthe old stand.. He will at all times have a supply of new Buggies, differ ent kinds, on hand ; also second-handed ve hicles. Repairing done at short notice. He uses the best material and employs good mechanics. He returns his thanks to the public for their liberal patronage, and by at tention to business and a- disposition to ac commodate hopes to merit a liberal share of the samo in the future, Jan: 14—tf i\l , r r{q~4iri THE subscriber offers his services to the public as an . Auctioneer. Having had a number of years experience in the busi ness in this county and in Washington Co., - Md., he flatters himself that he will he able to give general satisfaction. Residence one door. Mast .of the Presbyterian Church. ' Dec 7--;3m JOHN H. HERR. Elklg.43C•_).o-111 tual Fire Insurance Company are noti fied that the annual-election for twelve di rectors for the said company will be held at the office 'of the Company, in Waynes boro', Penti'.l., on the second Monday of January. A. D.; 1872 (Bth) 'between' the hours of ten A. 31. and two P. M. JOSEPH DOUGLAS, Secretary . Dec 7 —St 30 YEARS? EXPERIENCE I THE TREATMENT OF Chronic and Sextual Diseases, A PHYSIOLOGICAL VIEW OF MARRIAGE. The cheapeSt book ever pUblislred—con taining nearly 300 paps, and one han dled rad thirty line plates and engravings of the anatomy of the human organs' in a state of health 111 d disease. with a treatise on early errors, i.s de ph r..b!e consequences upon the mind and body, with the author's plan of treatment—the only rational and successful mode of cure, as shown by a re port of cases treated. A truthful adviser to the married and those contemplating marriage, who entertain doubts of their physical condition. Sent free of postage to any address, on eceipt of twenty-five cents in stamps'or postage currency, by address ing Da. LA. (1-101 X, No. 31 Maiden Lane, Albany, N. Y. The author may be consult ed upon any of the diseases upon wLi:h his bock treats, either personally or 'by mail, and medicines sent to any part of the world. PETERS /ThePee. N• 9., price 30c., has 10 pieces Vocal and Instr'l Piano Music, worth four dol lars in sheet form. We will MUSIC AL mail u• o back cs. for 50c., uri t rcor i antoec '7l, for $2.25, (regular price, $3.) • Bound copies for '7l, gilt sides and edges, $5. The MONTHLY . 1 1i u nt e el is G y ou li n a o Y d s , , O r tc h . orn A t Cl , - dress J. L. Peters, 599 Broad • way, K. Y. P. 0. Box 5429. SHORT !—Ask Parsons & Finney, Har .,zrisburg, Pa., for free Circular of DEXTER >—Cutter. Makes corn-fodder equal to hay. New thing! 830. We,will Pay•s3o. Agents $3O per week to our great and valu able discoveries. If you want permanent, honorable and pleasant work, apply for Particulars. Address DYER & CO., Jack son, Michigan. • rott — g - ALE.—A choice farm of 183 acres in Chester Co., 3U miles from Philadel phia. Address JABEZ BAILY, Marlboro, P. 0., Pa. • HMS &ND LEADER., THE subscriber will pay the highest mar ket prices for Hides delivered at his Tannery, in Quincy, or at the Hardware Store of 2 S. B Rinehart, in Waynesboro', where a ssupply of his leather will be kept for sale, Sept 28—tf JOHN T. ST (Mt. tiIIMIINASTRiikIIANI NATIZE., LETTERS of Administration on the es tate of Geo. Besore, late of Waynesboro', dee'd., having been granted to the under signed. All persons indebted to said es tate are requested to. make immediate pay ment, and those having legal claims against the same will present them, without delay in proper ,order for settlement to Nov 2-6 t A. H. STRICKLVdt, Adm'r. AGENTS WAlTED.—rents make more money at work for us than at anything else. Business light and permanent. Par ticulars free. G. Stinson & Co., Fine Art Pmblishers, Portland, Maine. APPLES'', APPLESt THE subscriber has apples for sale for present use-or for winter keeping. Oct 12—tf ALEX. HAMILTON. cnr_so - Nniamm. d .3E3E31-: 2000 Bushels Clover Seed wanted, Sept - ELDEN, STOVER & WOLFF t 21-3 m, ' '. 13 # 0 -4= l . 'A.=xv'n. ' The following record.of one day's accidents, all fronithe same cause, viz : the use of 'in ferior Coal. 4 oil, is taken fromthe Philadel phia Ledgp• of a'recent date: '• , • . . • "The alarm of; tire, • last evening, at 7 W..' clock,:was , :capOd - by the'. burning of the center of 16th and Poplar; result-' ing.from the expickslon of a coal oil latnp. 7 - Mrsaersh; occupying the second story of the ':iwellingliad retired to her department, a few moments before thOdiseevery •• of the fires • On entering:her rdorn i sbe.was found tying ,on theitioor;-wrapped ' flames." , "About'. 7 ~.L.O'elock 'yesterday morning, 'a coal oil lanip'in:the haiids of Sarah Alexan der, who lives !an Cowslip,., S. near 16th. , 7 She was severely burned. •• 4 ' "Margaret Colligan,Tesiding in the rear of 618 South et.; was-burned•by, the explosion' of.a coal oil lamp. Her husband, while at tempting to extinguish the flame, was alio -severely-burned.. _Two_of the_above_named' victims have since died of, their injuries." All such fearful accidents, resulting in death and the destruction *of valuable property, may be avoided bY using "CARSON'S STEL 'LAE OIL," which is known to be. a: perfect ly safe and reliable illuminator. It is fox sale by, . Amberson, Benedict & Co., Wayneshoro'; Christian Good, Quincy. [feb 2-1871. 011113U2 MBE subscriber informs the Imblic that he is proprietor of the Buss hne running daily between - Waynesboro', and Geenca.s tle, heretofore run by" Wolfersberger & Ston er. With good horses and a first-clabs four horse Omnibus he is enabled to convey pas sengers to and fro with comfort and conve nience. His Buss will leave Waynesboro', at 6i A. M., arriving at Greencastle at 8, .making quick time and' sure' connection with the first Passenger train at 8 : 1; A. M. Leaves Greencastle at 5 o'clock, P. M., arriving at Waynesboro', at 6 45. He is himself Pro prietor, Contractor and Driver. Delivers Adams Express matter to and- from Green ' castle.- All Express 'matter expressed the -Same-morning- . and-:through to Waynesboro' the same day it 'arrives. Persons wishing to send goods by Express will do well by giving him a call. Persons wishing to go to Hagerstown should take this rout. The train leaves at 915 making connection with the IVashington"County Railroad. aug 20 tf] J. R. WOLFERSBERGER. CARPETS! CARPETS ! I. H. WHITMORE • has just returned from the cities with the largest and best assortment of . C.1.111)1 1 3! OIL CLOTHS! OIL AND LINEN - vv - IN - Dow SHADES, DRUGGET, AND CRUMB CLOTHS RUGS AND MATS, COVERLETS, COUNTERPANES, &c., &c., ever offered in Greencastle. LACE . CURTAINS, with all the•fixtures for putting up. RAG CARPETS constantly on hand and made to order tar Selling lower than any other hous in the county. ligirCall and hear prices. reencast e, I ec. G'1870;-- JACOB ADAMS NEW MILLINERY GOODS! 4ISSES. STICKLE •& GORDON, an nounce to the ladies of Waynesboro' and vicinity, that they have just opened out a full line of new Fall and-Winter Mil linery Goods. They return thanks for past patronage and invite all in want of any ar ticle in the Millinery line to call and.exam hie the latest styles, learn prices, &c. Sept 19-tf =a, ST .A_ pap., 1 - v - A L THE subscriber announces to his custo -1 mers and the public generally that he has just returned from the Eastern cities and opened out a full assortment of new goods, embracing all articles usually kept by coun try merchants. He returns special thanks to his patrons for past patronage, and asks their attention and the attention of others to' his new selections. Calland compare styles and prices. W. H. BROWN. "Mt. Hope, Oct, i2,—tf. 111117 SEWING MA.CHINS! $25 cheaper than any other. For Simplicity, Durability and Beauty, they stand unrivalled. For Stitching, Hem ming, Tucking, Felling Quilting, Cording, Binding, Braiding, Gathering, Gathering t.t: Sewing on gathers, they are unexcAled.— Warranted. A.E. WAYNANT, S. E. Corner Diamond, Waynesboro" Pa. JOHN FORD in returning thanks to the public for their patronage announces that he intends removing his shop to the Base ment of Walker's Building, (and net leav ing town. As is the belief of many) where he inten..'s carrying on the BOOT AND SHOE BUSINESS as usual. • All persons knowing themselves indebted to no will please 'call and settle their ac counts immediately, for I pay cash for my, stock and must have my money. Don't want to see the face of that unwelcome visi tor, the Deputy from 'Fort Fletchar,",prowl ing about my shop seeking whom ho may devour, &c. Customers will therefore find me at the Basement refered to after the first of April nest _ jan 2G] , JOHN FORD. NOTICM , ririllE undersigned has appointed Freder ick Dull, of Quincy township, agent to collect his accounts and transact other busi ness pertaining to the same. July 6-tf JEREMIAH:HESS M. D. THE undersigned having bad some ten years experience as a practical Surveyor is prepared to do all kinds of Surveying, laying out and dividing up lands, also all kinds of writing usually done by Scriveners. Parties wishing work done can call on, or address the undersigned at Waynesboro', Pa. feb 2.—tf A. B. STOLER. ITTIE subscriber informs the public that he continues the Barbering business in the room next door to air. Reid's Grocery Store, and is at all-times prepared to do hair cut ting, shaving,s hampooning etc. in the best style. The patronage of the public is respect fully solicited. Au ;43 1371 C 1 ONCAVE CONVEX spectacles, at ALEX. LEEDS 1: r 1 ...'4 , MEMO MT. ROPE STORE ! UNDERFEED SHUTTLE and Mar. 30, 1871 HOW IS THIS,POI HIGH, Mlle subscriber has for sale Chestnut Shin gles, Pailings, Plastering Laths, Shing ling Laths, Pine Lumber • from a half to one inch. All other sizes of Lumber furnished to order. Also, Oak, Pine and Chestnut Wood by the load for sale on the ground. SURVEYING AND CONVEYATANG.E .1.3 has also Ice for sale. , April A. S., 3fo\'l 3B.A_PaBMIZING-! . , - f10p.*.:.:.1.04 : „ ! .40,,p,0_t I. H. - • Wholeiale and IttaitDetdez!, and Nannfac- HOUSE. FURNITURE ' M , ,• , 'GREEXC.ASTI.E, Pa., , takes this method' f informing his custom ore and the publid that' he has " REDUCED THE PRICE F ITTI;NTITRE 'from ten to twenty per Cent. Owilw to the advantages he has over other' manufacturers, he can and will sell Furniture at a lessprice' than Any other Manufacturer in the Rtate. HAVING THREE STORE ROOMS, filled with ,every . variety of Purnitnre . , from a Plain • common article, to the finest m he feel; warranted in saying -that-he-can please all 'tastes. EXAMINE LIST OF PRICES. ' BEDSTEADS. Cottage—lmitation of Walnut $5, 6,7, to 8 • Solid Walnut -8, 9, to 10 Jenny Lind-3-Arch Top Panel, • Walnut " 14,16, to 18 3-Arch Top Panel,' Imitation 10, 12, to 14 Round, Corner-foot, 3 Panels Walnut, Carved 25 to 30 " • " Foot; Oval Panel • ' • Walnut, Moulded 30, 35, to 40 Antique—New Style 25, 30, 35, 40, to 60 Fine Antique Chamber Suits, Full Marble 130 to 175 Cot.• Chamber Suits 35, 38, 40,45, to 60 Solid Walnut Suits . 60 ; 75, to 85 BUREAUS., Im. Wal. 4 drawers, with glass, 'wood top. 14, 15, to 16 Im. Wal. 4 drawers, with glass, Marble top 17, 18, to 30 Solid WA 4 drawers, with glass wood top 20, 22, 25, to 32 Marble top 25, 30, 32, to 60 Imitation Walnut 10,12, to 14 TABLES Dining Table ; six legs, Breakfast do., four legs, Mar. do 20 diff. paterns, Extension Tables per foot • CHAIRS. - Windsor or Wood seats doz) $5, 6,7 to 10 Cane seats (/ doz.) 9, 10, 11k, 12/ to 30 (Have over 600 of the•abgve on hand.) Wood Seat Rocking Chairs, 1,25 to 5 Cane Seat Rocking Chairs, 2 to 7 Willow Seat Rocking Chairs, 2 to 10 Spring . Seated Chairs Dpholstered in Hair Cloth, Brocatel, Rep and Terry, ranging price per half dozen from Rocking Chairs uphol. as above Tete-a-Tetes, uphol. as above, (each) from 20, 22, 25, 30 to 75 Box or plain Sofas, from 18, 20 to 30 Lounges upholstered in Hair Cloth, Brocatol, Rep, Terry and Da mask, Spring Seats (each) from 7,8, 9, 10, 11, 12 to 30 WARDROBES. Imitation Walnut, for $lO, 12, 14, 16 to 30 Solid Walnut, for 15, 18, 20, 25 to 60 IDS..AIso, side Boards, Wash Stands, Mat tresses, and in fact everything in the Furni-. ture line. The limits of an , advertisement is entirely too narrow to give a full list of Furniture made at this establishment. GALL & SEE FOR YOURSELVES. re—Remember the place, . I. Li..WHITMOI{..E, WAYNESBORO' MURAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, INSURES AGAINST LOGS OR D RAGE BY On all safe class property at reasonable rates OFFICERS : N. S. AMBERSON, President. SIMoN LEC.RON, Vice President. Jos. DOUGLAS, SECRETARY. • Jos. W. MILLER, Treasurer. DIRECTORS: W. S. Amberson, Simon Lecron, Lewis S. Forney, Jacob Hoover, Jos. Douglas, Jos. Price, Jacob J. Miller, Jos. W. Miller, Benj. E. Funk, D. B. Russell, Levi Sanders. Jacob Good. DAVID M. GOOD, Agent, june 16, '7o] ' Waynesboro', Pa PRIVATE SALE, Fr HE undersigned, Executor of the Estate of Sohn Lantz, Sr., late of Guilford town ship, dec'd., offers at Private Sale, the follow ing described Real Estate, bounded by lands of Jacob Stouffer, John Metz and Benj. Metz being.ssituated on the Falling Spring road amiChambersbulig and Gettysburg turnpike' and containing SEVEN ACRES of first quality Limestone Land. The im provements are a two story Brick Dwelling Hous,having 12 rooras, 2 basements and 2 cel ars ; wash and bake houses under one roof; Frame Barn with barn floor, wagon shed at fached ; hog pen, buggy shed.andall the ne cessary out buildings. There is also on the premises, an orchard of choice fruit and cher ries, pears. peaches, plums, grapes, Ac. in abundance. The Falling Spring runs thro' the end of this propety. Also, at Private Sale, a _Valuable Tract of Land being situated in Greene township, ad j oining lands of Robert Black and John Craw ford, on the Gettysburg turnpike. about one mile South-East. of Greenwood. containing 25 acres and 34 perches, neat measure, of Rock Oak, Chestnut and Timber Land. This land is highly valuable and worthy of the attention of purchasers. Parties wishing to see either of the above can do so by call ing on the undersigned, residing in Stouf ferstown. • JOHN LANTZ, Sep. 7-- , -tf Executor of John Lantz, Sr. LUMBER, LUMBER, &c, r'1'T1r1 . ‘7 . 17) . '77 Fr HE subscriber would inform the. public * that he is at all times prepared to make o order Gents Coarse or fine Boots,. also coarse or fine work for Ladies or Misses, in cluding the latest style of lasting Gaiters.— Repairing done at short notice, and measur es taken in private Wallies if desired 'Shop on East Main Street, in the room formerly occupied by J. Elden, as a- flour and fecal store. CHOLERA NIEDICINN, ThR. WICKEY'S celebrated 6holera Aled _LP leine prepared by DAVID 31..floovin of Ringgold, Md., can be had dhring, the sea son at ForitTlDlAlsi'S Drug Store, and of dealers generally. T..avelting Agent, July _7, '71-fir, ITENIgy MYEas. Tr . . A. PRICE EOM tuner of $7,50 to 9 5 to 6 9, 10, 12 to 15 2 t,o 3 WAYNESBOW , PA., THOS. J. HOLLINGSWORTH GRITIFYINC INTELLIGENEI M; 13 ? - EN; ;• • , Has now on band a 1;to11 Line of GOODS-J.TJpT RECEIVED. Look at the'List! HATS for Men and Boys All the latest Styles BOOTS, SHQES & GAITERS Ladies Surg Gaiters, .At very low prices Also; Ladies Shoes, Misses and Children Shoes in great variety of all kinds and varieties 19 ,Watches, clocks and Jewelry repaired at short notice and warranted. • Thankful for past favors he hopes fair dealing to all to merit a continuance f pd lie patronage. June 20, IS7I. • el T.ll. Has a complete assortment LA DIES, GENTLEMEN'S, • * MISSES AND 25 to 75 9 to 15 BOOTS, SHOES AND GAITERS. Call and see goods and get prices TIIOAIPSON'S "GLOVE FITTING COR- SETS," at SCHOOL BOOKS AND STATIONARY, of all kinds at 1-I_A_E'S AND CAPS, A. full stock now ready, consisting of all the SMITIVS. latest styles, at -:,=, PAPER COLLARS; TIES, GLOVES, Suspenders, everything in that S Vie i t s Town liall Store. Nov: 3,1870 COACI-11/LES-MING-- rime subscriber - announces to his friends JL and the • public that •he purchased , the Coach Factory formerly owned by Israel Hess; and is new engaged in the: above bus iness,,' on Main Street, at the - East end of Waynesboro. Haying a knowledge of the business, and employing none but the best workmen, and by strict attention to busi ness he hopes to merit a share of patronage. All kinds of new work on hand orders filled promptly.. • jan. 14 tf. ANTIETAII MARBLE WORKS! H. WALTER & BRO. MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN . Monuments, Tombs, headstones, WE call attention to our assortment of tha above, comprising the newest and most approved styles. . Having the athantage of Water-Power, and a long experience in the STONE CUTTING EITSLN'ESS, we are able to fill orders at the shortest no tice and on most reasonable terms. Give us a call at our Yard, near Antietam Junction, on the- 'Wayesboro' and Hagers town Turnpike, two miles from the former place. Post Office address, Waynesboro', Ea. N. B. Orders can be left at the Tillage _Rec ord (Vice and will receive prom iDt attention: April 3—tf • 11. W. 4: BItO. TO TUE AFFLICTED T. DOCTOR JACO33 I'ATIRNEY'S CELEBRATED, ROOT AND SPICE BITTERS. It is the best bitters of the age. For the cure of Dyspepsia,' Indigestion, Siek-liead ache, Lowness Sprits, Rheumatism, Cram .. .), Cholic, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, and diseases of the system generally, many testimonials could be given by those, who have used it, but it is not necessary. Use it and be con vinced. It is worth a trial , to The afficted. Preperee. by Dr. Jacob Pahrney, Waynes boro', Franklin County, Pa. FORS _A.. M TWO PINE BIILCFI. COWS, one was fresh in August, the'other will be fresh in a few - weeks ; also two yotuag mares, one a family mare. Enquire of the Sept 10-4 f . • PRINTER. =II For Men and Boys Wear ' Latest and Best Styles E. ElibEN., CHILDREN'S SMITH'S. SMITH'S GEO. B. ITAWKER Nov 2-3 m ruicx, ,:tk BOWMAN'S STEAM ENGINE AND BOILER WORKS, WAYNESBORO', FRANKLIN COUNTY, PENN'A. . STATIONARY AND PORTABLE STEAM ENGINES Boilett Tanks, and. Sheet-Iron Work ; Machinist's Tools. Wood Working Machinery, Shafting, Pulleys and Hangers; Gear Cutting, Portable Circular Saw-Mills, Felloe-Ben ders, Laundry Furnaces. Also, Agents for Stillwell's Patent Heater, Lime Extractor and 'Filter, combined; Cameron & Co's Special Steam Pump; Saws of all kinds, (ndDiost - manufacture ;) Iron Pipe and Fittings; Brass Work; Gum and Leather Belting; Manu facturers and Engineers' Supplies, generally furnished at lowest Retail Prices. All kinds of Foundry Work—heavy or light, Iron and Brass Castings—made to order; REPAIR ING carefully done. fier .For further particulars, send for Catalogue and Price List.-1 - 2)3 Waynesboro', Franklin ,County, Penn'a, June 29,1571 MI 61130 W MO a, THIITLE Offers at low prices a large number of No. 1 Cook Stoves for coal or wood - ,the best in market, also the Celebrated Morning Glory . Stoves, with and without ovens, at reduced rates, Also a number of other Base Burn ing Stoves—also Parlor Cook Stoves—Par lor and Fire-place Heaters, the best in mar ket, all of which he will yarrant .and sell at less rates than any Stove House in Waynes boro.' e is now prepar• • I S " re • lice Fist Class Brick Furnaces and warrant • .m..On hand a stock of nine-plate Stoves and small coal stoves. A largestock - orrii . - pressed and iron-ware roofing and spouting . of the best tin. Repairs done promptly and at prices that none can complain. Call and see his stock as it will pay you for the trouble, and it is right these days to keep posted. • Sept 14—tf • A DESIRABLE PADPERTY AT XbiNTEI. to M o. THE subscriber offers at Private Sale the FAIR VIEW MILL PROPERTV, situ ate 1 mile Southeast of Waynesboro'. This property is delightfully situated, the im provements unsurpassed, and the land in a high state of cultivation. A more desirable property of its kind is perhaps not. to be found in the county of Frankhn. For par tiCulars address the • subscriber at Pittston, Pa., or call on W. S. Amberson, in Waynes boro'. 'July 27-tf. DAVID PATTERSON. BUMS! BARGAINS THE RVSII 1 7 --THE MISR Q'TILL continues at the cheap \ew York k 0 Store. Goods sold cheaper than ever. Terrible slaughter in Dress Goods &Domes tics. .Notions at a tnere trifle Bargains in every thing. Tremelt dons auction drives coming in every day.— We never keep goods on hand long ; we sell them fast and cheap and consequently we are always got new goods. We get them every any. Call early and secure sonic of the2grand inducements ware offer ing. Spool Cotton—one cent spool ; Coats 4: Clarks Thead-6 cts. spool Heavy Bro. Cotton Flannel-121; • Extra Heavy Bro. Muslin, one yard wide —124,c; Good Brown 'Muslin-10c; Men & Womens Hose-10 and 121 c; All Wool Stockings-25c; Pure Linen Handkerchiefs—Sc; Bargains in Hats and shoes; ,liens Hats from 50c to 1,75 ; A fine assortment of latest style Ladies Hats from 25 to 50c; 104 Blankets-42,50 per pair; A large lot of German Quilts which we are selling less than the cost to import them. H. A. McKee of Hagerstown wishes to inform the inhabitants of Waynesboro t nd vicinity that he has opened the •store late ly occupied by Caldwell with a nice and well assorted stock of Pry Goods and No tions, &c. Ho solicits a..r early call from town and country buyers as ho knows he can sell goods ehaaper than any other House in the trade. He nas bay-en:attending all the great AuctiOn. Rooms in Now York and Philadelphia securing baigains, so that no other house can possibly compete with his. Call and see for yourselves the astonishing low prices of goods Respectfully. • Nov. 30,1371. H. A. McKT.E. THE GREAT ENGLISH, REMEDY. TRE sub scriber informs the public that he has the agency for the sale of Moth er Noble's Healing Syrup, in Washington and Quincy townships, for the cure of di seases of the Bowels, and Stomach, Female Diseases, Rhionmatista, Dropsy, Dyspepsia,. &c. He has also for sale the MOSS OIL,. • • u * cure for Consumption. These remedies have so far all cases given satisthction., Best references given if required. P. 0. Address, Quinev, Pa. Sept 10-Sin J. C. LORMYN,,..kg't. WANTED.BASK FORNEY:'& SONS • will pay the 'highest , market :price for (15Q cords of Rock and BLackithßai,k-delise.ced.: at their Tannery' in fill Hides and Skins taken hi and weieiiiicat the cellar of C. Hittites' Shoe Store r fer3lo4o, the highest market price will be pahl. r. Ti.;; s. ~r J.W.MILLER & CO Have lately increased their stock by the addition of a large and handsome assort ment of Fall and Winter Goods and are now prepared to supply their .ciistomers with every thing in the way of Dry Goods, Sc. In'their stock will be found all the lead styles of Dress Goods, such as BLACK & COLORED ALPACCAS, FRENCH MORENOS, Beautiful Styles long and square Shalls, 016 - NITS E.WINIFSHANJOI ININT v Plain and Fancy Cassimeres, Blue, Black • and Brown Coatings, Black and Brown Bea ver Cloths for Overcoats. Nuw-Style-P-aper-Collars-a-nd-Neek—Ties, • Gloves, Hosiery, Cuffs and Handkerchiefs, Sus I enders over and undershirts Drawers &c. A FULL LINE BOOTS & SHOES Ladies, 3lisses and Children Morocco Shoea Ladies and Misses Lasting Gaiters, • Ladies and Misses Gum Sandals, Mens and Ladies Artic Over Shoes, • Men and Boys Custovt-made Boots for Win ter. Garpathags g all Cloths" Their stock this season will be found su perior to any they have offered 'and their prices will be reasonable. Therefore all they ask is an examination of goods and prices to be convinced Oct 19th 1871 J.. W. MILLER. & CO. fr 1114.subserPhei• inforns. the citizens or IntYtteribaro a that' he, iniTpekts contiyin ine; the .Pitiry business corning , Ninten soasop, Fainpio suppifarekulr.ilv every teeming ,vith Cecil at!ticlic.ety,' milli! • . Nov HENRY C.AREMIItItt 1 l'' J. W. 31ILLE.R. FRENCH POPLINS, SULK FINISHED MOH-AIRS, POPLIN PLAIDS, • WOOL PLAIDS, - EMPRESS CLOTHS, White and Grey Wool Blankets, Coverlets & Spreads, Horse Covers, Lap Robes and Groceries, Hardware, Queensware, Paints, Gills, Glass and Putty A\NISEIN tilQUJSEliatEtv N. IV. Cur. Fayett and St. Pad Sired OPPOSITE ts.ursum's cm HOTEL, BALTIMORE, MD Terms $1.50 Per Day. ISAAC ALBERTSON, Proprietor. J. S. ll.AnrEn, Manager. [aug 24-1 y,!: SELL PROPERTY FOR SALE! THE subscriber offers at Private Sale a , JL small Tract of Limestone Land contain ing 203- Acres, situated 1 miles Southwest of Waynesboro', Franklin county, Pa. Tho' improvements c onsist OgE AND HALF STORY LOG HO?, 1 anti' log tarn, Wood and Wash House. a never-liiiltug well of water convenient to the house, with two cisterns to,the building:•• also a good Apple Orchard with a variety of ,choice fruit, such as pears, peaches, cherriel grapes; *.e.:- • • nu '2F-6q Axwthw 33,e1.1"1E1.1Z - -117043-NM,IZ- S. C. MILLE'? Buggy Rugs