, 41'4 ‘,..,*•,'" ~^ ~y '~,, WOE . , ~,VtignOtt : 2 1 111 x 3 tkiV, •• . ' Tx 6ll oB'44u: - ' , Wagi" synapsis, of the Preao.ileao" Xessage,. ' ~2';lB4ol,llreltrPt,' g c .i!„k: l oo4l..atoq to sett Lao.. of „troll. . Vies frith 84 4 942.1.1": 0 F it h i , he kope# • AiteaMitiiiiiiik'auct * l O - ;4tore Att 494tERPYP:ii; ritWAMA I itTDVnlitliftlilik e 4*: l43 tgo:ol:4 4 Rnteiof The.uuuatory ster'inken 'h" r NCIF 4I 4 Alitb ' ii'Lltsub.ot.:lor-contrittiluition,ll.o the hOpe eXprge4sol- alai it may. soon lea * its 1 , 9**1 0 1,4* ed that Spain has not carrien.ontots ised , reforms in this; .directioti *l4 lireo press is Called to the, ootthATAlMzinsl4: , the United , Statesonr. -persons p;rofessit,o ; . he titilens, : kra , ,iarge holders offeaveli: "„. in foreign ion& :s recommended'against the hoklingnt:974l. ing or dealing:in. slar*inqieh?g, interest tediir slave property :in foreign;;,,laids, ther as owners, hirers +or 4 inortgrigein citizens of the United Staten -With(fe..lation: - to Gain; the President : `regards-itsdiOtirbedoondition'atia sOuree' of annoyance rind -, ciflOsiety;= , Par ttit*til officers lave been . instrueted, in cise. :0 51 03,0 e **" 186selisav " le j ivisl pie Aetkeii'etux Ott 'zehi; ihd - te•maiptaii dignity Mtg. 'Hopes iste'ex:preaged:thats j4g flocOooi4vith, ',4BPoiM ". • ' •-• ' ~ , , -4 The',.`einint67trconiiatiiitttOTalTli action' of tlie; national debt during 'the • dollars; and. .4:4'.ileienteeti millione u the.: amou4t.,* . ; 13:*34 for, ,4.10*t• - •; . :} 1 .0' • 'lli jt;„10w-, t • • , :Pr-7. : 66 04 4 4 1 * ( 4 4;eePuJ#17,?311,(44(k scßque to he4iifr4 t#,P94.4i#, 444 8 ;RIPift ,lje therefore recommends,that from internal sources ~e4J eicepttliose collectallcoM aPirltimmt4, Opus and'malt Zoo s , itsVeldPus ~fPrmat an 4 ~,from stamPs. Lil4,4:edgction o;the *Ur is also reconmwoled ~"nrn ; those, articles, w ich-can,besttealit,.with • : borne iniadnation ar t educing the wages o t , ViMermuklaline" -, y„ 1 71 knnyrectininendationwf the Postmaster, Genalthoitheis.:Gov.eraintnt take: ,POS-. session-of thet*garphs imd Conduct them 'ionder'System; is'earmitl)r,appro-v -• . The. (laity ;of . 'enforeing the Kualizzlaw South-Caroling has been - reinetantly exercised, and the Prisident asserts that it; ,wits lint until thousands of inoffensive and , 'Well,disPesed 'citizens had been ' scourged laideSS - violence that be issued: his -proclamation-suspending tlie. , writ ham ! corpus. Great caution has beenr,kercis: ed in making ,the arrests; end the , Presi dent believes that "no innocent-person is in custody," whilSt those who: have fled are believed to.have , violated the laws. " _ : 'the,l4nuons dent says that neither -polygamy, nor : Any Other violation teexistmg statues will . : be permitted, and that they will not be .per !flitted longer to violate 'the laws _under the cloak .of religion. "Ii is pot with their; religion atilt' "pp Are: dealing; but' their • practices,' " • . ." 'The Indian policy pursued is' 'stated to have resnitediavorahly,.so far as 'can be ;judged from tlieihnited'time. The ,eitab liihment of an ;Indian Territory is reeom mendCd, • The public lands, the President Teem mends,'shill be reg,iirded as; ii. heritage to •our children, to he' disposed ef s'gtly,„gs quircd'for occupation and; actin.' ; settle- , went, and for the promotion of eatication nl interests, The Work of the hgricultu ralDeparinent highly recommended , as promoting a great national &Cid. • The Preident redornrileoils general rim 7 nesty to all who - were engaged •bellion, but, says, thatlf. there aro any great- criminals .disting,ushed—above, ;all others for the, part they teek opposi , tion to the Government, theymight, judgment,O*Congre.ss, be excluded from' such4n Amnesty. ' - • The, nextle,commenclation of .the ,dent is foi,the protection of emigants ar riving in , this r conntry.„ ,lle.proposei the appointment of officers to look after them . on laedlug aMtprotect‘them from ; the au , merous and 'flagraut.,impositions unposed upon them.. The•elinclusienuf thomessage is on civ -51 reform.; The. President says Abet if bad men have secureeplaces, it haii been the, fault of the ikystem- established by ler/ and,:custom for9nahing'appointments, or the fault of.those who recommend for Gov ermitent positions perions not sufficiently well , known to, them • persona/Iy, or who . givesletters endOrsing character NinithOrit' propenseilw of ,the graVeresponsibility which such *course devolves upon them. "A civil service reform which can correct this abuse," the President says, "is very desirable." • • • • - par The Bible -war, in the public school at Hunter's Point, N: Y., is at an end, a compromise having been affected between tho Catholic committees and the School Commissioners.: The . expelled children are to be reinstated, and no 'opposition to the reading of the Bible will be made by the Catholies.' . .. The persistent teacher would not give' up religioUs instruction in the school room. ' om. The Wharton trial progresses at Ainaapidis; The aidenee so ..far prodneed, is regardi:das particular]y dud aging ,to..the prisouer. rias , ;The balance- in , the Treasnry .on 'aturday was 'a100,976,290 in coin, SS,- g 642,092 in currency, and $30,48,640 in , .certificates: • The latest foreign news is, to the etfec,t. that the Pi thee of .IV was in a oo,ndition; that all hopw of ‘ his .. re. , ..covert' from a protracted . spell, of:sick ess:4o,(l.,beeA aha whaled. Zei'llie,yclaiga"ted stallion Gold Du . st, :for which the owncr was ofllied: $60,000 a few days ago, died ,on Sunday, at Lou- Ky.,of : in.anatp.;ttj.m 0! the boweh. ,' ' : .:',*:l *.,s, ': . .;P,-",.J.,.:. 4 cust ., . 4,,, ,4 , , 0 ti• • '1 :•• - , was ~..,„ ''..,,,',. *. ,•,, , , ~ - Nr.,2;.; ,, ,:,.! i vui ''' , '" - ',.'. 4f 'P-,... , ! . 7, 3 # ', l l4 W ' i t " r,‘l4at: "NlirAltOiltanOte*lk" 7Bllol / 1 ‘ Ps; bear Brsugles Mill, this 000 , 1 0' , ' ' on; Monday last. Stover I* open out Another sup ply of New " - 404 . 444014 - 41444410**39- .this, 0,, of, • • Dol9o *;u,pmuae.,Tenit.:: • .7 4 • 1 :' 7 'Ata 13bbiti -1 1 9 13 4 3 , 5 PA1M , t ri ,. #004049n...i.:fia571 viii lie sold t The oliairit4ol;,ll6 on sitiaday. , • I f t rqq ,l3 - . 36 , 41 ` 2 4' , AfilDcl44!r''wil'°9 value. v i et it o t ia:.: . oii i4lt r .oti:F44oy ,f, , ;ice '' - ''''iion;s:, ; being, arks, txte ' iiiiii:Pli#Pitol,XPU:. g,,.. 31 ..' 14,.-tißißig'"."' Co : ;: at a , ~, .__,_ ,i ) OA ~ , Cumber lan d ' ~: ,T,:,1163179,,; In're . burg"• tors: ate •,, , ~,. --, near 'qeyar.,e,inii.l),i4siin..„P 1:i. -44'-':''-,,.. - iii*::Y,;." - i. o4° .-1..!,,A.,-.iina..pA„, LLwahoie_mhikljritiliU hear (if Geiratut as it 1 1 Fe 2 c4a *Or .014P10.1 4 04 i4e'FrOch 'WRAP, 74* Should hear the'Lecture on eveziing; ....:I,fll:4fizigica-ii-mMeAttierstand r , a* "i 4 rthi.s: tba;TkelNjoitieOLPOW been, trapping - APpilnibiz4nti3xol3 if the o ; ettoo:s rOpea result. . ;Great : Pl° l l 4 4 l #, the, P___.4o l P ) ;'q)* this uR' nity-at this time.' liardlr a day ~asses ba!,, tlr), lifeless reinuins df sera'? unlucky :ff.lol ;• • , P.:WAlier; rPst -IVlaiter at Greencastle, aied • last lipek; 7311. r - gilierTwas--a highly respected citizea'nfGrcan edntle: , „„, 4sp p4id'i.atd var. efirAs :the season, of frosted feet t setingjli n pw,pig „folk : for -re lieving will conic quite handy:in somellFl - : •Dissolye-a-lump-of alum in ;a little :Water, and tiatlie`' the ' pitit • with ,warning in before the „fire: • One or' `two applications, are sine A Oiend, gives us another, simple I rein ed • ' table- s -3 &Neu' ' of, s'al't' iri datii", if iii the b01.A' . ..9r shoe,c!F t o or s @eq ; '‘ BACK TQ Bn4.Ng.ss.—lt Iva e,seen y refetence:t6 our advertising columnp, that our friend Johnny :Lantz has kat°. more en:gage - din the, Hotel businesi..}fehai ta ken ' connection with' a Mt, linger;', the Union Hotel,. a firstAass houss, on,, •thd corner Main and Queen Sts, _Chanibsrs-: burg, the• gentlemanly and. obliging land lord, Mr. if. Feldman, ,retiring,'tliere from. 'Persons from this ,the county should not pass, by the .."Union." t.Acennia.—Mrs: tlizalaeth Dultrow .4z*ne day last week fell:with. a !dick .qfiood. and lyoke her leg near the ankle joint. ` • - , •. - . ithi•Ertilay lasiMr. Jas. P.,tow; ell, forenian in tlia 11Ioulding;Shop of the Geiser MannfaenningWompany, fell in in Oio'cellar . '•grocery store?, , •serioino s'praiiajf,',one is stili confined' to. 'ilia, honk:, lAir we are pleased to learn in aniroproveci, conclitiOn. ' Frre Ox THE Mouxer,ll ,80nth ]Fountain was fired on Thursday iLfter. : neon „ hort distance belo.w whai is knoWn 4 ,"Franklin Cliff," or Hie l Rock, by sparks from an engine Vie Western Maryland Railroad... A ' , high wind, pre: veiling tie fire spread with fearful tepidity and continued its *Vag* up to:Mono)e,y ; last when it Was finellysulidued; ,4 Urge Apace, several miles, in length, was., burnt over and , no doubt ,a very heavrloss sus”; tamed by 'the destruction of valuable tim: ber, isils, ite. r „ . 'A FALL.—The lour" • in , the employ of our neighbor, ,Reininger, met with an n.c.- cident on Monday evening which' might have proved fide/. •-Ho tripped at . the to of the steps leading.from our office ' to' , the street, regaining, ' : his equilibrium- at.: the bottom, performifig "ieveral sninmer-. saults in his transition from • top to 116 , torn. - Fortunately no injury, was sustain ed beyond a slight bruising ' of the 'nose and a little ' • < ClitraCH CoxszoßAtioN. 7 —Trinity Re-' formed Church. of this place, Nato!' loci R,ev." H. IL W. Hil?ihmart;', will be - eon spCrate4 , to. the diViOeierviee of *E) .Tri une God, on Sunday.' December,.24th.- - Scrvces will commence on EatUrday pre.,:, vious. First sermon will 'be' , preached ' 3 bYltev„'G- W. el. 'cr. 'll4iy of' the older citizens.will re e mber Rev,' Gless ner, as the boa 31g1" pastor of timi Re _formed congreption f ,this town, 40; years ego. tha . Silt ay. evening, Rev. Prof: W. H. Super,, wil4reach. The ser vices wil I commence precisely at 10 o'clock o..a.Suoday-•rooming. .The consecration' sermon will be preached ' , ,by the eloquent Rev., J. .H A;Boniberge, .r, Ek D.,;' Presi dent of Vrsipus College. .'d..a . the . after noon the Lord's - Supper will -be adminis tered, sermon by Rev. B. S,. &thneck;D. D. ••••„•0: • ,)114: • ; a'prosem U=IM 0 1.1 '0 of rirectrtea OilatePectirk 'con - ROlRl i Mr49o,ts l +olo4#l.x.Pia l l en k , ..m t_ t rs: The'niost iiiiikortent ,thwe 10 The Our' :s , 41 1W i r 44: 4 11 041 1 1#014 t A 1 0 5 0),k 1 %. and, runs - 4 Sion; the West base of the SouthliOitiitiiht tolisesboriti', dinfaziew tfenttfighPlqrk*eVgh 4 Waynigliciro i ait ptiint il r a,*:stbrfe - Mai.tiaktd - Stiattqlotel" l 4 4l thence - t° 41 5 04 4/ 60 Vcomfalqiiera s tmn , Virginia. The first section of 'this road= i being .c°fistrutat The`lOperft hold ei I * . l l r°° l oill.g l Ae hull pre P ) !4e.0# 1 10 1 r e;whieli is to, be laidiry thexiebanon *ley Rail- Road,' a branch , tif the *ailing `Road, stock rim.' the road -F4VWCl4jslei roaa, 'Athitk )4 C II / 44 i/L Roadivill make .a • eormeation•ltith Minunar Road. 'ni . ocristrttetion of-Ithe Leeiiiiero t scuth ienntlietthi *4lb;effort.:mad to put this.portim} ;If theYoficl Pn 4 1 . 0 s'ime footing all that now under coursenf con. %tuition, , ' 'The 7 advantages esti& a'road'to he W4* ll ii 4 / a l 4 Rgad *Oillif lie en s suing ro'tO Fbilade'phis, *hen the Mimumr ready?. ompleted s will h IRO Wiese-- To Eakin torg it, will be'less than. 80 miles. O th3 J ,o e ren. e? 6414 /oe wilt of Zourse, 41 rt ), W -0- P -WaVi i i 311. 4 1 a — orIM. all the gram and flour trade of this dis. tritit amounting to more than /25,000 bbls. dour to ntualy, 0 ,1 111 'r i d= 'fiei g / L S t * eahauTe: - nl Of LlK9ilfgrearn --4 least five-sixths would necessarily belong to the WesternJ Maryk94 On the west• ern end of the latter road considerable monq would be earned by the transpo sition of bitumimis coal to replace the an. su ' j ig thracite coal Pow osolin tTle,l lo °. Work° along the South Mountain: In Addition to this, the .tnnnibgburg 'brand-744"ba'itteked: llilinersiown. .The.4ist4lie • s7' Bl 4:rt,": l ,i 44. Aq:Fefl4 ,I)6,builtby_tholrioper_ty=iQdersothoiare, 'deslions of establishing built:ass connec tions with Thatimere. . .` The Inth ey q• of the:propased road from 'Williainai'ort Cumberland `are being' .plished steadily,-fdpiard, but *in not be completed, for some time ,to come.,: There every: probability :tbatithie rgad 1011 be complefed, The capitalists who are iuterrested Canton are 'eat , isfied.:that it As_ their jicttereit to make , 6 ViezitccouLdepot - at this point: -,' Their amagements, ctitk,thO•peonsylvapiatew, teal wilt enable them t 6 boritko4.thP p - ioleuin.ttade,:atislitiis necessary, for the efficient development ofth6,property,'.; to l eitablish . a new and comp6t4 :risnte for' Oazetk. CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION.-11 , have' lcMg thought that an organization. of this kind was' much needed here.. ; .',The. first meeting was ;held in the Lecture room of the Lutheran church on the 30th ult., and a temporarYmianiration effected, J.BurriS ‘ Amberson being ehosett,•president.: , ' The, next meeting'ivas held iii.the same , place on Thunday eveniaiDee,'7,:*hen a Con stitation - was adopted fining. ; the:annual* for metnbetsidp, at, one - dollar, for andfifty cents for:ladies. Times of Month.' ly 'Meetings Were flied for the second Mon.' day evening:of each Month. The'At4 teg , ' ular meeting, was ". held 'on 'Monday; even , : ing4lte tlth, in the;'Lecture rpom n ot the V. E.:Church. , 'At, this meetingt, code., efl3Y - LaWs 'Was 'adapted by the ilarcia= Lion 'The ne t;rcguiar",meeting-will,be held, in. the Lecture Mop — cif tha.BeforMed* Church en the second Monday •evening of Jantiary at 61 e'elock;at which time there will be air election of offieers far the en- suing veal% The object :er the Association i.i., \ !!thespiyitunl;moratandsticial improve ; m& \ :lt of, oung none 21 1 1i , y'iurpoie securing rooms and-a fli brai'v3, ik-heit'S•puti. 4 ,inen may spend iheir evenings . , • • r, REP.7.76C,TIt•igcoNEY AT .4 03 1 . - 7 - 0 habit senile• pe=enshave of purelmOlg ar ticles - awa y f ron i borne, 4ecause they :can get them' u little Ciiesper,.is very injour 7 to . a town or cciiir unity. Buying a w4y, frpm .11anaeis "pert 7 wise and pound foolish." Every comneuLity; and especi ally every country town; skmld haie its 'citizens. o*rgatized into - a =Old , ail so"- cieti, and so far as possible - shoild spend their /nappy mneng each other, keep it at home. It is true that goods may cost a little more, but the man who buys them 'at . honse saves iu time and - bother," throb , ..not always counted i i , . and has a , chance to. make lua money:hack. A good. doetrine of protectionis to help each other. Andthe moat'substantial way for our peo ple to dois,'never let - dollar 'go out 'of youi,toWri that you can passios•:with rea son spent. ire it.,, Tbis kind of "reciprocity treaty' A(ill help all our pock*booko, and materially assist in 'Mil - ding up our towns.: public• disgrace ;was put - upon Ma* lialkof Neva York, recently, by his beini exyjelledlrota the Union Club of that city on ateount,of "connection ivith the frauds or! the City ury, 46711 turns out thai Gov. Campbell, of Wyoming TerritOry, -vetoes ilie bill re pealing the isomen's 'aufferage act: i., , . , ' m—tx-Governor Bigler, of California, died in Sacramento last lynch:. :;i;`'fe~ ~~L+~.~av`K ~~~' j, ~ ~ '' ~ ; ° 1 ':~(,' Yip °, '.i• ~ji ~ ! ~ ;I ,'r,~l ;; ,!•~~~~ ~'~ ~- tt»4~t'~~~5~.~~ •'P:' l '; . ''' • •":'s;:,:rt.',,;: ;.4 --•;-.;_::':„._:•:,::",:',:,_,,,: I , „tksk , ,,. Pfsclita*:" 3 , ~,,, Res`' ' • - . •4* -- '': here ' ?„' ? - en t fula • , - , 4 met , ha . et, tome folloWin • rdbatee rigidly o o l ime ' l , g 0 41, ' # ll -0R0P',..#0 11 (00 1 4."4,408,41 1 P; coming holao :-, ' , * '. ' 1, *!..4.iAitilMs . s4 l o 2 ,4f: necessarily or fire ofF any ' gun 'Odor 'or ' °OW ''' 4 re 'a*, or shall ', - oisi, trto,i4.rPpir , anr kvos. ,. -roluatioik Emitter, ArolVdikier Au'ill cbailaiii it tlieihaye itn luau: rance'bf $8;54)(1 iii the Agency pf Mutual ; ..German 02,000, ; 0,4 0 0 i , PeoSe'S :$1;5901 (England). $1,:: 500:,':There'irtiS uri insurance of $3OOO . - 'on 'the liiseeial'eterch, and''ssoo 'on the ‘9,11P!1!.: CHANGE of NAlliAt 'a meeting of the stockholderi Of"thellirsitniu• Railroad Co'MPany;'hehi keuryine on Monday lni4 was, deCided to change the.name of the company to thit of-the Harrig aqd, , Potomac Ectilroid Company: This change Was Vesir&th mad of 'the siockholileis as the name "Atiramar"iiis a' Metie 'fan= (33 , 1,4;1ea ,viithout any. special , significance, The new title is very, appropriate as the road, will extendlroin Harrisburk;through the Whole leng•th of thii`Curnberlind,N:al leyto the Potomac river. The vote iafavor of the change was almost unanimbus.-. 7 - 'Broied Axe. ' A MISERLY CLIVITYMAN.—A :Meth°. 4ist" clergyman; *Med HaMthond, hitely died in" CharlestoWn; ivsed 'upwards •ef • 8 0, years. - - . Foi •ie4 s hits S•alax,' , bad' • been from two $2OO to 8600 a year- • His family, knew that he liad . some.4ittle real.. estnte which 'they_ Understood had apiire!. 'elated The tthiprise WI: pnr 7 may., be imagined ~when *m mond's• executor found. •mpoey, • boridsi athrtitle . deeds 'to real estate iralued Yn all' a Over $310,000.,, ',,Upwards' of '520,000 in coin wkingoind 'in a,, Cobweb. covered trunk vhi* hits stowed.. away in. an ,un.: uteci, the same- time: of 'John 113orgaa'a; ,laid `' in the ,noocit6ill66d•L" EliPP?sq4 to. 4ir 6 " t*, l the, xesult,of slewnceututtlation and, the ad vance In the value- of real property,, though its amount is loOked upon as . al most unaccountable. „ A POLT49I , BusnrEss. - .;--The ' wide spread' inilucnbe 'of ..American and enterpriie has outstripped the comprehen sion:of the AmeriCaus theinielves. •:.The fabricksof , our mills °lathe the savages of hoth continents:, They _wrap thelious of Africa, and the tawny skins of Smith Ainericau pampas. But, wider still are. spread the products of our skill in medi cines. Aide visit to Dr. -J. C.• -Ayer & Co t 's laboratory and office in • Lowell, shwa ui• that the whole surface 'of the habitable globe .pays its . tribute there ; there they.. eater to.and servetberequire-, meats of. almost alLnations.. Their pUb .arein the 'many 'tongues that widelrseveredpeoydes use.. Their letters must be• read.fromend written:. in many, tongues foi. which there sitsu long ,range 'of .correspondents with• the indispensable uncomplishments for.their, duties. Their , day ly ' mail-- of , half a bushel, of letters 'brings' them adviees,. ;orders and . taneesloani -the circle of-the:world.' We ars ovei-whelmed 'with amazement,.4 our 're,ade.rs would-be by: aninspectiba of thi s i vo ndegully-extensive, health-dealing enterprise.-- 2 3/olly Spriugs , an- - Dar Don't forg:st the Lecture t a : _pri.: day evening; • -. . • Persons at Bed -Oak, JoNita„ are buy ing corn at fifteen cents per bushel to use 0n 1917 , * g frexii farside his , residence ~on. Mechanic etr eti,, See advt. . , • -", Blip*ALO RouEs:=-7A splendid lot 'or assortatßugulo Bobes, , together - with a, let of Horse Blankets, Buggy and sleigh Blankets; just feceived; call and see, at - - riiklrafi's %puska Washington House, awn. j Dee. 1,1.-4 t, If) 1 1 f. IEIIEI 44 'los4lo, 4 ,•.,', ,',:..; .:' ~,...t . 4,.;. , L -,,,:v. 1 ,; ,7 : ;:: :L. , , 6P* ' P 63 i 4 P4; B o l oo' 6 6 lll .lo l .o l iti'L,P r i ,So*si3i *WA i*crivn..,old,'*.re.::,. iiii*i; . diiiiiiiiill#l,liiittiledo, - fail* 47 4P44,9)1r",aA . 41k1ki . 4 4tei30,930,1f,c4 11 41 - ; flour,iii:;.33ikkiirlietit. Oidioiiiiikit- , Ai .if . ... . the'ilfoiTsiddr,ana.ii,Mtoiiiiand:4,nd Rio' ai , ' */ C* 9131 ': 5441; :l?°'''' 11 ! :(1 " 4 14 * : ` , PT. i " 1 q.' rq, -:,-. r -!...,,,..':,, -ii"rp:,...«4:.- 4x - ,, , „ i r t,-r•o r , .a. , ..,e,:, r, 1 '-`„Hcfr! . riilt act EfOLM.I.I , B t--Get rid of 1, 4 . 31 ,*** 012 .f , i'-ick4llo. l3 raOill's ino'nd Galtdry 50: 31 40 110 t9g 4 4?h . ..7 tow, jabto hlwnelr froM the biti ailot 'of fine : Cii.roujos,:- 1 - s(ov:scopes and vim* `Fancy, cti~res off' et Ovilinoe4 6 i 11 1 4/ g s fiimA 9 ; 0 1 4 itll;:i4e ,Se turis, - G 0,0- bur and iuulce your then 'merry' on Clirietnaa and '`happy' . Nen; Year. ;.Punwe.SAT-E.7-4-net subocr,l*, admirk: *rata of Miss-May McKee,. deed, Will iellatPublio' sale' at;the late'residenee'of :so*day, :04 9 at 1 fol 7 loWing articles, viz 4 :1 Bed and Bedding, ' l ane.' len-plate Stesre,..,2' Safes, 1 Table, 1;, 0t04.; . 2 - ,'Oliests, a let' of quasi - and deverlets - i - s , BOOlis, and Otber Terms madeknowa • •: Dee. 7:,2t., Cook;Adner. liiplESTl7l3ll . 4.NDTErroirms.--Mink S A ble r yitai r 44B6lEa,-Vanada--1/1-init - , Fetich • GeMiln 6 A0 11 044 1‘ 4 ,eques , , Astrachan and :Azgora l'Anieni White .Ermine, Swan's Down 'Muff' Tasselej_eoldgOlnt- tons ; gums; Linings , and laet, 'every 'thin connected with a first-class Ladies' Fut Manufactory, at 'Updegiraff,'s Glove andTur Factory; , opposite "irV,ashirigton lionse,illagerstown- Dec. 14-4. . . THE HOLIDAYS AP; would dunounce'to the dein= of. Waynesboro', that I - hivie . justfetunied froxii the — elty; and -am ; receiritig one' Of ,tbe'largegi col lec#oll6 X 0 3 - /a ever brongilt to this town, Suitable 'both; for 'old and• young.:'' Those that intend'to make' Christmas - presents Will do well' by calling; as I am prepared With - a well ielccted' stock, and 'intend to. sell very law. Come aloag boys and girls and see the sights. at liennebeiger's Bak ery, Confectionary, Oyster Saloon and Toy Shop. Tr , ITENNWERGER. Nov dr i p CHE4•CIOTiriNG . FOR THE TIOLIDITS. — AII Parkins not yet supplied With winter clothing should' at'cinee avail themselves of the - Bargainsnow. offeted at BOerner /3r— is -(lo ' • .1' `• both - in heavy made , ' clothing' and . piece geo i ds. TheiTsteCkof Cloths, Caasinier,s, Over-coatings, etc., for variety, quality, and-cheapaess; is unrivaled. 'New nupply. of ,rauly-made elothing th§'very,lowint, tigqni;,'ilints $2,50 tMd Upward ? $2,09, 4 nd pynr coati as, low. as $15,00. , and" e#lm ine.' No trouble to show goods: • ' - IifoEnNER St , W.ATNANT, . " S.E. coi.`Diamond.' • • • • • ..ku , aj3:7 -- Look at these features and see_ the agony, depicted in:the:face: Tt 'cannot,be Aielped While the trouble iemains.--- The sufferingtmipii& is of ayety atrgrmiia ,ted decription; Yoncannotwalkulth any , con ifort; ,you 'cannot ride in geace; you Cain aot,sit with ease, and ~ the,, suffering when ettenaing,tb nature is ables:unbearable, and.ca.uses'. 04 feeling of dread that • is put off at, greaesacrifice to health and Com fort:4n many i a stanees increagbigthe alarn4 extent Use Dr. Briggs'. Remedies ac,Cord'g'te'directions'tO cure internal, external; itching or bleeding Piles.. They aro'nald rOiable, Mad warran ted as represented. , -• • • .$ Ol -4 by Druggists. It€l..Corrur,,Betdons;: IngrOwing Nails' and their atteadantills, hnvelpen, - Myears gone, by, and . will be , years to come, a' course, , of much ' d'iscomfort. iiiihs-ppi ness to those who are annoyed with them. By persistent efforts .and untiring perse vertuee, Dr..J:l 3 rigge'gflYe thee suffering humanity 'his' rem:7—.A.lleviator' and' ,Cuitttive. The popidarity which they have gained, and the 'entiresatisfaction derived •from their use; is well known and Can be ,attested by all classes who haVe' suffered ivitliCorius;Bunions,lngrowuiNailS,Chil blalns, Frosted .or 'Blistered Feet,' SOW I?3i drUggiits: ' • ',NERious DisiAsa,--Ilew many thous ands of the meet refined ladies, of the larid are slayes to nervOuidiseasies'iii: various` forinstrenibling; twitching, arid,prking. Of the nerves, headache, hTsteries,,midden outburits of temper on tritral 'occasions; peevish.n6s, a feeling of d&iperatien; des pondency, or fear, Ar,e„ to any unhealthy condition ,of the nervons • system,,Briggs'. ~Alley-antorJias absolate Control over t,he nerves, • creating• a radical change Ind pos itive cure. ,SOld. by F. FoargnitALN and arr.s~:~;z~z.A:G:as~_ • Ai. Alto Dale, Noi'emlier sth; ,hy the Rev. D. Y. Heisler,, DANIA ROE xsAucEi= and miss :s.trio o.zikeetiv.vr, all: of Alto Dale, Pa. " • ; At Mara Alto, Nov,' 21st, byfthe same . Wm. 'Qua ff ,and 8AR8A33,4 A.ko KEEzE, all - of Mont: Alga:, " At Moiat,Aitcp, sara'q, Gat= * and Miss Maur ,PAIEBAITA . .:all ..Of Alto, Dale; Pa, < nm-4. 1 1' -1c In ehainbersbaig, pi the 96 ink,; LIZAB l& Pravict,. in her, 80th, 'ear. • On the 26th ult., near Hei4ter's Mill, Mrs:; . aged 69 years,9 : . montki, anc12.16 , . On the .s til inFt q in.CaEnbersburg, aft. ter a lingeiing illness, Air. GEO. FOREM) aged 57 years, 7 mouths and a days. lurl==l reaMM/8011....0111•11011.11.1.14111•11.,,IE 71;C (C PA , " 11.7 AActit4l B, . . • t , umms BUTTER. . .. 23 . EGGS.. . .... , 190 APPLES—Dar'. ' •'' 75 ~ -APPLES--GnEE).I ' 80 `, I '''''PEARIIO'SOAP ' 7 . ' • PRITIADELKILty. 7)c.11. : ,•• • • e c`lkUlt.—.There, is no change.; 'of 'irtance to notiee in the flour market: 7 — . , Vdettiand'iir•atifitied "rtits* 6 :l6 7 lk , '• wants of the llonnk camniniem; whose iiurl chases Pot •'up' 500 barrehi, kicluding .I.fln,e, at $5,25®5,75, extras at56®6,25 isconsiu:ext a,family at .7A25 ®7,62i, Minnesota da:do, at $7,87f@525, Perin, sylVtufia do:do. at ',6,75®70,,, , 1ndiana: and Ohio; do. do: at , $7®7,50i, and.: fancY, brands' at $7,50@8,50 58 i 4 (111034, r,ityB is steady at. $5®5,121. • AR.4.l:q„, 7 4The offerings, ,of Wbeat., are' very moderate , but fully aMple „for the: demand' wbrch is„ sales , et* :800 bushels Penn,sylkania red, at,14).4®1i" 58, and 400 bushels Michigin White - 01mM at , 51,72,:• Rye Camicit 'be quoted at'. Over 95 cents fOr PennsYlvania • and', western. Corn: is•quiet•but steady;•sales of old• yel-• low at 80 cents, 2,600 bushels , new Ao. a 70 cents, and 400- bushels old western mixed at - 80 cents.. Oats:are ,withont • • sential, Change: sales of white ' at , .54@55 ANOTHER. ARRIVAL.. _ . IIaitSOKA:TE G. ST O VE R has received full supply of Millinery Goods.. Also stamping done to order, Ladies are invit— ed t,±lLall_entLexarainelter-ies6rtment.. --- rDec. 14 7 —tf ' ' • ' • rlsflE undersigned will . .send s his Da trons, ;through the_ro.at-offier., .wits for settlement, lit,,,the begining 'of . ,the New Year in accordance with his. established rule Dec 14-3 t ',MSS Ort fir M- • XTOTICE is hereby given that the coipart nership heretofore- existing;' between Hooi , er & Hartman, in the bUtchering busi ness was mutually-dissolved 'ont.the lst of NoveMber, 1871. Personis indebted by note' or book account are requited to call on either of the'subscribers and make imme diate payment : ' • • -JOHN 0. HOOVER, _Dec. 14-7.-At „D. 7 IV. HARTMAN. - T "property_oectipie4- e uladerslgn . ed; sitiutted on 3elechtinic Street, Way-. • bore', is offered at 'Private Sale until -• On SATURDAY the DEC:, 1871.. And if not previously : Sold 'will on that day be offered at public -outcry, the. house is built ,of hrick and is' comparatively' new one, all in' complete order in every re speci. The cellar is mecsidamized -to the depth of 0 inchai and thoroughly cemented_ with the best Hancock cement, mating it impervious to water, there' is never any dampness or.:•mouldfness.' Milk , will keep sweet and fresh, meat sound for—alonget time in sultry weather, than 'in any other cellar. 'New Cistern at the Kitchen•odoer. Large stable built' last March.', • Dec.l4-1§ , liOn NUTE,L. garner's: Nen fe Queen Ste q , cHAMBEitSBURG, Penn'a, The' UNION ..has been ,entifely,reAted and re-furnished in every department;and tipdCrAe.sapetvisioif of - the;present pro.,. prietors, no effort Will be spired deserle a liberaishare of patronage: . neir,.. tables be.,. spread with the best the Market - afford:4, and 'their Bar, Will, always contain the '.choicest 'The'favor of the publie'solicited. " Extensile Stabling and Atteraiveltostlers„ Dec - A4=ly, -•!„ " '.• REAL :.#3i'.PERSONAL , 'PROPERTY" . HEilindeisi' g ned; executor of 'Ain Ma 'ria Blair; late of Waynesbare; Pa., de=' ceased will expose. to pub* on. &TUB DAY. TA.II'.23;TEI tIDAY, or. DEoEmsm t , 1871, on thepremises the following real estate, viz. A 'GOOD ViI:STORYIYEATHBOARPED , , . 2., D N E,' with tWo.story _back building—lately occu pied by the .dec'd, situated on. the, south, east corner of ,Churcli St. •and, 12 ',foot ; alley Waynesboro', :Pa: . Also on same day and place the following personal property,' - . • • • - 0. , 1 settee, 1. Bureau, 2 side tables, „P 'sets, chairs, 4 tables,.2 looking . glasses, ; 1 kitchen, .cupboard, 1 hasp Illoclpng Oben.; 5 Bed- . steads and Bedding, 41eather pillow's,' 5 . fea ther tieks, lot _Blankets,. Quiltsi'COniforts, Counterpanes, 1 . - • • • 89 YARDS OF' CARFETIN,G, 2 Ten;plate 'Stoies,''.l . set Brass LadleS, 1 Brass presorVing Kettle, 1 - ..1r0n Kettle,. 1 pot . rack—lot Queensware crocks, jars, tinware, 5 crocks 'batter, lard and can, 1 meat-vessel meat bench, lot..soap,, vinegar and barrel, lot'eannecl'frult,' 2 stands; lot bake' , pans,, baskota.'and a great' variety of other artic les.' Sale to:continence . at 10 o'clock 31. when terms will be made known by: • JOSEPH W.' MILER, Eier. ',Dec; ,7•Lts , . V. Max°, And. 3B.AI*TIC "m 7 MCTION -- .. - N Election wilt be hel ut the' Ist Na .M.tional Bank of Waynesboro'; on Tues day, the 9th day 'of 'January, between the hours of 10 A. If. ik 2 PLll..foraine direct ors; to serve for the ensning_year: Dec 7—ti 3,OliN'BlaniPs,.cash.' THE DileetorsthoAst, National Bank of Waynesboro!, 'declared clividenci: of 6 per cent,plearnf, taxes-_—fer the „Past six months, paYable on and after 'the:4flg(De 'eamber JOHN • LikieriTS*Linetitary. • llOOTICE:is hereby giren'thai lettere iaMentary to •the estate.. of Ann Maria otWayneeb,o,rot .Franklin Co., have been' granted to the, tra 7 deMigned. Allpeisone-lindebted to said.es tate willpleate make - iMmediate. payment, and flu* having 9laima'iriWpresehtAhem properly anthentieated.for settlement,' to Dee 7--fit • MT? 7R, Ex'r. • rr%.llE Subscriber lute now'-for • sale Coin I shelled and on the Cob; also, Oats and Ha • • H ' oy • SO—tf ALEX. HAMILTON. MEI =Eli • : - Please Notice. E. A. HERING,II. D. aßiox'arous-E. 'Geo. V. I,noliik;;Atiet. LAVTZ &, TIN,GEp, Prieiors. BARK virmario, FOR MEE ..,M gJrr ~:{ &~t', ._, ~ `81 . x .. r r COIS/TRECTIO 4 A ailitel*kof 'ber .pasty X k present, trtbure;).Wi k aehic ,scenes; , meidexits•ana4full detaiis'Of the disaster, by 'Geo.; P Sheaban, editors p Rttkt•49figq;lll 6 l 4 ne, Aick :AGO atge bu nuatemitions„ 'lid now ready for delivery: • , . units Iv ANT ED a x , Seiict . sl;6o2 fo rs ut. fi fit . choice f ter ' iitory : Union Publishing Co 4 Chicago, or Phila; Pa. . , CU N DU It Arta° t , rillle:*ca*r l .l7 r 6 / 4 00 4 F,c*Mt,,SYPE7 nis,`,bCaoirtiLA, 14Ellai- PULMONARY Coid, mitirrs,,SAtir Rilaust,a3ad Disziaas, I.sj,Prepared-' , from-'the- GENUINE CI:WWII/NG° Baar.,.from •Loja, Ecuador se :cured ,by,:the aissistance )of.2.the authorities of , •that, country. . , ,is • most' effective, prompt and certain altemtiyerand BLOOD rini4 man 'known. Sold ~,hy .411, , Druggists, in ,pint ,bottics; haviiti on them • our name,, trade Mark and directions: -, Send for a eir r,Office('a,nd' Litboratoiy,'No. 60 ' .Cedar St:, N. • Y. - , • " ' • DA:1111 :T Az PIPE „ The Nery Best' in Use • Made *ern Superior, Clay, thoroughly binn ed; Are'entirely , FßOST PROOF. Send far eirnilars - to'l . 6 " ' A VOID . victim of early hi- I' discretion, causing debility, pketnattire decay; ette.;: - Iltering tried in vain' .every"ndrorlised remedy;bun Aiseoyei el a, simple maims of self cure, which , lie will send to his . fellow.sufforers, Address J. H. REEVES •78 - .Nassau , St.; j.c. Y. ' • • • • rI'HE BEST SAW-01=ER 011 T, .ON:. 1 LY $l5. Emery,. Grinders et $25, $4O, and - .,Plamand Turning Tapia. $15.--; The Tulare Stroudsburg, Monroe Co., Pa 1 pips , . of :superb 1 1 1 1 , Trench Oil Chroinos—sahjerts•tiryt_sirg exquisit ac-sinales of original Oil Paiitin;git, GIFEN AWA yto every, subscriber.to • • ~, Ilepry Ward Bee,cher!,- GREAT LITERARY,. RELIGIOVS' WEEK:, .LY NEWSPAPER., 'Agents 'having . great Success.' , One took 1;000 intmes - intniontlis; another 672 in 3b days; another 118 in one week,; one 47 in one day, and many' others equally well; making ft'orn Oa $lO to $ 4 O per,day.. ',TakeS, on:sight!An old agent who.knous, who. knousr;says; ; . ".T , think it the best Gunn 'ne,sl,+:o! eeneassers.reir .offrred. .: did not'engagesooner'' Pays better: than any .book, agency. Tara chance to make LOCAL.. AG EN'thi ' l l***-TIED. Intelligent men and Women 'wanted every:. where. If yOn:wish - good' territory;: send early for. circular:and-Apr= !: J. B. FORD. Sz CO., 27 Park Place; N.; Y,; Bloainfield ' St.; Boston .Mass ;.. ' 28 5 'West Madison St., Chicago, .. • , Te• ~ 0 S VErlt per Angoin, including .:Yent •T.iont; `ll.olp4E,` &:co., 'Orit i ark 4104. : itrikeir SAitPLE--COPIES'IT:ER .21or ee•samply,- copy of CHRIS TIAN LEADER, a tirst-class : Aireekly jour nal, pub,lislied;by the New, York State Con- Arentlon-. of , baud containing 'Sernions 'of Du.: E.': H: CHAPIN: Terms $2,50 rieivear." . ..NddreiB CHRIS TIAN OA:l)En,l2SBllil6.,inirAY,NEwYons. EVF o RVFARMER. Is invited send his address and receive . FREE ?Alpo copy of the' , sTOUTiIaI, Theandst PracticW,theAlest and Cheapest Illustrated 'Agricultural paper ' Itt the Uni ted States. OfilY'7s cukrs per year.. Send fora specimen copy. 'Address. , `MILLER, LOCO CO: '• Toledo . Ohio. ,- gio j se# l ... IleFOL:= 111 1f1 6 3 ` f l i tt Alfred, 311 e. • WOOD 9 S -11CVEISeliadlkTa.. • 'gamine is oil er ed free durimg tbe coming year, eyery, sub scriber MerrY's Mew*, the Veledar Blade, POrnroy's Democrat,. wgrxl=7l7.7ll.o77,7mraA7p iilarity.llor4co Gioelyaitiesiilitton,, 'Theo. Tilton,:..' gi • am con,;ete„ :write er •,eyery_ num- Tir7l=ng7it iiffet3 three' peri odicals for the price -of one efthem. ' A var iety of prctniums .equally liberal; terms. It is an ominal, firit-elais;:,tatikti,:in, • Vol. X beers with ail Trier spechneti copies free. Ad- Wrarirlrg 7 , 7:17 7 0 , a . , . ~,,,. 4,7 JOIRR36II OWE' GNE IiUNDPED PAGES;' . Printed in Twci Coums, on 'Suplirb TIXTED PArait. Fora Ell 4 ;atAVniag: os .F.Low,gas,,Pr...crrs 431:DIVEGETABLES, with - de scriptions and „ O,_COLORED PLAVES, ' Direaions and. plans for making Walks, Lawns,Gaiden &e. The handsomest and best FLORAL GUIDE in the World. All for" Tux Onwris,, to thoSe who think .of buy ing Secds..Not quarter the cost. 200,000 sold. for 1871 : - _ Address,, . JAMES VICE,' _ Rocuusrsa, N. Y. WHITCOMB'S REMEDY FOR _ASTHMA ] 'For AstJana, Rose Cokr,' Pay Fever. do. "Nothing as suceessfoLmr-T.' lifrour,r, Druggist, Boston.' Recommended tiy 137 2 ..0. W. Holmes.- itaiwfts nliever: 413.11=nT7.4 CO" • Boston, Wass. 'Sold Wall droggida— EARTH CLOSETS.Get the beat: EARTH CLOSET Cb.,.2IS,STATEST.; HARTP,ORD, Cr. Sole' S. "Proprietors :o.P . 4lfaule's, Houle & Girdleaton's, Luther's, Warugg's, Newton's and - Patent's. , ' The, only . Closets ,that ktaire'proved effe ctive. ,' The Earth, Closet, by its. disinfection of face s ; is the 'most; val uable means'of pret'entingSvFead: :of chol era and,' other contagions dineases.. Send for circulars: "Agents, vaiited,everrehere.— SALundbus: Doane, , .Boston • 696 Broadway; . ; 1221 Market Streo,'Phil adelphia: CII .EA.F . , ..,.. ES:•1 AIV E RTltl NG • •;'.,.. :, XN TAFJEAVOKIAD !' ' ' ''.'.Fen- s64: , ii.itl2 - I:,:en - ise. Merril, we liiii ; 141sert"trin"Adiiitisereent in 156 nze!*&_ f ii3tiP44.ls - kwiltvavii, melanin:a roux 27.k.raPAItans: Proportionate ratee for imtll - list aent'free.• Address 'GE4O.I I . aOWEL I: - at ClO. O 40 and 41 PA U: 110 W, NEW-YORE:. ~~~~'~J hJ~~R. :k00.0401.46,;,,:, =', 430YNTON- & CO:, ••-: WtionaluDGE, J. 50th; TE4IO HAREM