The Waynesboro' village record. (Waynesboro', Pa.) 1871-1900, December 07, 1871, Image 2

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    waßlistuo' S4rd:,
ThilttSdiZbY, •LetnnalMir
Fozi SALE:—We still twin', for
'sub, the. Washington Press upon which the
Iddclad Wa s printedrevious thins ettlnrOte.
meat. Price; $lOO.
...M.Gen. 'FrantzS.lgel oominated,b,y.:
the Republicans for' Register,' of the city.
of Isteirt:.:taik: was' Acted `6p' llia;ma
riZPIIon. C: I.4Vallan!liughOn'4 4 4,tate
fettles up worth over $lOO,OOO willehgoei
to his son.ChFles, who is um , in, acew
.Lisbon, Ohio, Un a visit toliis relatives. ,
The assistant Treasurer et ,New
York has been authorized to purchase $1:- .
000,000 of bonds every Wednesday ; and
dispose of $l, 000; 000 of gold every
Thursday - during the present month..
teak , small-pox is raging to a fear
-1111 tent in Philadelphia, there being no
less flan two hundred and thirty-three
deaths from the disaue in the city last
Xiif•lt is reported that J. Edgar Thomp
'on will shortly retire from the Presiden
ay of the Pennsylvania Road; and'he suc
ceeded by Col. T. A. Scott, and he stic
ceedNl as Vice President by Col. A. K.
There is a young woman in Bos
ton, fivsfeet fbree inches . in hight, whose
Bair, whenslae 'stands erect, falls to her
feet and trails a quarter of a yard/al the
floor. It is six feet throe inches in lenth.
What a glorious creature she must be.
I,Q—Both Houses of Congress assem
bled at Washington on Monday and at
once proceeded to business: The Presi
dent's Annual Message was read and at
ientively listened to. It is said to be the
shortest Annual Message that has ever
come from the Executive Mansion, and is
very favorably commented upon .by the
rum. b synopsis of its contents next
-milt is ascertained that the national
currency, greenbacks, and bonds lost, a
mounting it is known to several millions
of dollars, will more than pay the cost
of engraving and printing the various
kinds of currency, etc., that have been is
sued from time to time. In fact the 'Na
tional debt is not as large by many mil
lions as it is footed up in the books.—
There has been many enormous private
lessee by fleod and fire of papei currency
and bonds. •
A Wow Dooros.—Miss Fowler,
Whose sign tung„out !,;,it Orange, N..= 3, as
practitioner (Thome:apathy, seems Itoc
have met with extraordinary success, high
- ly encouraging to her sisters lin the medi
cal profession. Her income from her prac
tice for one yter ; past is said to amount
to from $15,000 to $20,020 yearly. She
treats patients of both pesos, has the names
Of over sir hundred families on her prac
tice books, and has more business than all
the half dozen of the male doctors of the
place put together. In carrying on her
profession she drives between forty and
fifty miles every day.
411 ,
te.Tho trial of Mrs. Wharton for tthe
poisoning of Gen. Ketchum wns oqm . -
menced at Annapolis, Md., on Monday
last. It had progressed no farther titan
the selecting of eight jurors. .
A correspondent of. the BaZtintsre ; li 4
merit= says, during , the reading of 'the:in
dictment ample opportunity was afforded
to scan the features and study the physi
que of Mrs. Wharton. She shows very
plainly the effects of her prison life. The
papers described her a tall, spare wo
man. She never could have been spare,
though trouble Seems to have worn inden
tations into her face, tier features are
remarkably regular. She has a restless
gray eye, wthich . appears to leap from one
object to anclthei, And probably is sel
dom at rest - until it is closed. She re
garded attentively the ladies who were
present to witness the trial, and, perhaps,
not an article at their apparel escaped
her sweeping glano,N. To tell the truth
she displayed no &:avado, but looked
calmly and coolly prep b tred for anything
th a t might happen.
.41 A correspondent of ill Lawrence
Tontnal says that the meet ,stmrin was
vary severe on the plains of Western'
Kansas. Large mimbers of Texat, cat
tle were frozen, phd herds disperied, Sev
eral herders were also frozen to death.'
Five bodies were brought into Hays City
frozen stiff. They are supposed to be buf
falo hunters, as the bodies of a large num
ber of buffaloes were found near them,
which perished in the storm. Great atm
g iety is felt on account of other para.% of
buffitio bunters who are out, and have not
,been heard 'of since the storm. Beebe
brothers; of Ellsworth, bat 51 horses and
23 . cattle. - The cokl4ll,Kla' unprecedented.
On Monday 'morning, 40 Catholic chit•
area, who; under hastructions front their
parents, objected •to hearing the Bible
weed in the public school at Hunter'a
Point, Were dismissed from the
itsaiiinat Gtioiley,brother to Hondo,
as p.footst**fitaiir.:titt.Peoniyivatiite
Aii."7.lhortest:;:ly, 22:d in
~'Tuikefe~exe; ui, demand.
' this vicinity pis
now &Ford good skating.
' EP ; P.reisiratitais. are beilig made for
1 1 0'.___U„..n.ausual severe winter is pro
weather prophet in thikiplaeS.
' , ,, 4 146,A fine• Deer will be wheeled for -at
Sta r its for salt.
Cliriauntts Turkey '
• Viti 6 .Attention' is directed to the sale of
real and'personal iiropertY by J. W. Mil
ler in to-diy's paper.
Woon.—=Some brie Among; our many
delinquento is requestedlosena us a load
`of good- hickory mood.-
DEAD.—Jarues Buchanan died near
Caste ? Cross Roads, in Washington
county, Md., on the 6th ult., in the 99th
year of his age.
Down.—J. H. Crebs has removed the
old log building on Main street, known as
the Nuce property. He purposes the erec
tion of 'a handsome brick building on its
site during next summer.
Drvr.DEND.—lt will be seen by refer
ence to our advertising columns that the
First Nat. Bank of this place has declar
ed a dividend of 6 per cent. clear of taxes,
for the pait," six months. -
COLD.—We had a snow storm of short
duration, but more than ordinary severity,
on Monday evening last. On Friday morn
ing the weather was quite severe, the mer
cury standing two degrees above zero.
WORi. SUBrENDED. — We learn that the
cars on the w: M. Railroad now run as
far as.Smithsbum at which point work
is to be suspended for the prewnt, purhaps
during the winter months.
tfirTho Farley Spirit says Mr. Eli Lit
lo, proprietor of the Washington hotel in
Chambershurg, will take possession
the hotel now occupied by Mr. Francis
Bowden in Hagerstown, on - the let of
April nest.
OrThe Sheriff elect (Capt. Bamfort)
of Washinington county,. took possession
of the HagerstoWn jail on Monday a week.
The Republicans now have possession of
the Court House, Jail, Poor House, a me
jority of the Commissioners, etc. A rad
ial/ charige, politically, in that county.
• ,
• Ii*I:=.••-•Rev. Charles J. Little; who
§iii - lately returned from, Germany will
htoturn in the Lutheran Church, in this
place on i'riday evening December 15th.
Subject—" Germany as I sew It." Tickets
25 cents. Doors open at 6i. Lecture 7
Ax Accinzsix.—We regret to learn
t~aq Mr ., John Cahall , foreman in Frick -
Bowman's boiler deparpment met with
an accident on Ttiesday evening. He was
removing some heavy iron, a portion of
which fell upon his leg breaking one of
the bones and otherwise seriously injuring
the same limb.
THANKSGIVING.—BUsineSs generally
was suspended in this place on Thursday
last, Thanksgiving Day. ,In the .morn
ing a disqourse appropriate to the occasion
was delivered in the Presbyterian Church
by Rev. Q. L, Seedy of the Lutlcteran
Art APOLOGT.—We ask our readers to
excuse the apparenee of the .Record this
week. Our winter ink failing to reach us
in time we.was compelled to use an arti
de only , fit for use in the months of July
and August. We promise a more reada
ble sheet hereafter.
A Suassnrro - s.—The
. 11achelor editor of Clarion makes the fol.
Toning suggestion :
Winter is coming and for the good of
old bachelors and old icy maids, we sug
gest matrimony. Think over it ye old for.
gttful and remorseless blanks, and try to
agree together. Any good minister will
put you under one set of blankets for a
five dollar greenback, or three dollars, in
silver or gold.
cote.—The Waynesboro' Building
Association on Saturday last sold the
house and lot in this place belonging to
David Eichelberger for the sum slolo.
Purchmer,.Gen. W. Davis.
The Association at the same time sold
the house and lot of S. H. Brown in this
tivmship for the sum of $261. Purchas
er, Daniel Snowberger.
TATton 1V ANTED.—The village of Alt•
R o pe, gainey township, in this county,
wants a goNI tailor next spring. A com
fortable houN, and Shop can be had on
reasonable term...", It is an excellent place
for business---has' • a first-class country
store, i'lloemaker - sh.V, blacksmith shop,
perchant,mill, etc.
Coztris or ay OrD Tacsr.—At
Charlestown, Clark county, Ind., a \few
days since, al old trunk was found in the
house of ono Mr. Hammond, and upon
opening the trunkit was found to contain
gold and silver - coin and bank notes .to
the value of 620,000. Mr. Hammond,
vbo bag been dead for acme time , ' never
intimated to bisfatray that bailed such
a treis'are a eislp hid 'Away. in the
Irz MEhtonts.m.—At a meeting of the
DiagnothiamSocietfof Franklin and Mar
shall College, Lancaster, Pa., the death of
R44;<: Rukiti4.l;, of Camden, DO3.
*are, wa ,
sanndunced a coriireitt& was
tip plated drasy up resolutions expres
the-feelings:q. this. society, with.
reference to.the deceased, afterovhich, out
reilPect:ltitk;itihtdory 'of th)s dePankfl,
brother, the society adjourned.
The followingresolitioits were adopted :
Xruznmis, 'Rim been the Divine will
ot'a 4 ti sertitable l "NiVidge*e; 'remOve
from our. midst our beloved - brother, 'the
Res: C C.-Russell, whoie industry; whilst
ah active, member, added inth to our in
terest arid Welfare, and whose. deportment
socitilly,,ntuf minister ilk) gospel,
re'flected:hen4 upon our literary' brother,
hood; therefore, .
Becolved, That we sincerely regret his
loss as' a - member of this soaiety, as a
worthy and respected citizen, and as. an
earnest and =Thus labor in the vineyard
of the Lord, and as one who promised, by
his active devotion to the. church, and his
literary attainments, to attain‘to a high
rank and much honor in the church.
Resolved, That while we.deeply lament'
his loss, we recognize in it a solemn ad•
monition to renew our energies, not.only
in our endeavor after literary attainments,
but also to a more earnest devotion to our
spiritual welfare, so 'as to be the, better
prepared to meet the dread summons
which awaits us all.
Raolved, That .niar deepest and most
heartfelt sympathies are with tho . friends
and relations 4 their sad' bereavement
and affliction.
Rigged, That it: copy of these resolu.
tions be recorded in the minutes of this
society ; be transmitted to the afflicted'
family ; published in tbG WATNEIMORA'
VILLAGE REMED, main the Reformed
Church Messenger.
T. A. autmluarz.
VERISo.v, Nov. Ist, 1871.
FRIEND BLant.—With pleasure I cora
l!' ."cata to you. the exercises of the Mt.
ernon Literary Society, on Friday eve.
After the society was called to order by
their efficient president, and unfinished
business disposed of, the exercises were
opened with a lecture by a member of the
society ; Subject : "Our Times." This
concluded, Prof. Hull, of Pittsburg, read
several choice selections, after which the
resolution, that the "Statesman deserves
more honor than the Warrior," was ably
discussed, and a decision rendered in the
affirmative.: The judges being discharged,
the general debate was opened, which was
. very interesting, - and participated in by
tnth visitois and. members. Decision re
versed by the house. A vote of thanks
having been tendered Prof. Hull, the soci
ety initiated several new members, after
. adjoUrament was' in order. The
society is in a flourishing condition, and
deserves encouragement. Quite a num
ber of prominent citizens of your town
were present and well pleased with the
exercises. OBSERVER.
John Hoke,
Miss C. F. Williams,
Mrs. J. Carbaugh,
J. D. Miley,
Melchor Elden,
Jacob. Summers, Sen.,
D. E. Price,
Jacob Frieze,
Samuel Gossart,
A. H. Rowe,
Chas. J. Smith,
Jos. M. , Hess,
The above is our "cash receipts" for the
month of November. The fact consider
ed that we print within a fraction of one
thousand copies per week, is an evidence
that too many of our patrons are any
thing but prompt-paying Ones, The above,
amount doe§ not cover one item of our
expenses, mei. It is simply impossible
for any newspaper to live, much less pros
per, under circumstances so discouraging.
Every subscription is due at the expira
tion of the year, and - advertising, yearly
or transient, should be promptly paid at
the expiration of the time for which such
advertisemrnis were inserted ; but too ma
ny have, the "cheek" to defer such pay
ments, not only for months, but for yea's.
Docroß Scnce.PPE.—The Harrisburg
Telegraph. of Saturday Jest contains the
following: "Dr. Seho3ppe has been in
prison for nearly if not altogether three
years, with a suspended sword -held be
a single thread, hanging over him. If he
is guilty ho ought to be executed. But
if there are reasonable doubts of hic
guilt, as we believe there are, and 'especi
ally since the acquittal of giehl. he ought
to recivo the benefit of. such doubts by
the exercise of Executive clemency. It
is better that ninety-nine guilty persons
should escape than that one innocent per
son should be executed. Dr. Schceppe
has suffered much by his long confine.
ment. If ho is guilty ho deserves it• but
If innocent, he should be set free. And,
if he is even in some measure culpable, the
anguish, lie has suffered during his long
oonfineieent will be a warning tohim for
the rest of We hope, therefore,
that GOv. Geark . will -.decide SchocePPe's
fide without further delay."
TAnop. Wm:min:4=4 journeinan Tar
for will find constaatepaploymeot at gooci
wages with Reimer - & Wapping, Way. ,
fter Splendid, heavy weight,• all wool
mite, only $15,00, at Boorner -S5 WO--
tiorlhdika &Litwin 'and r Qg icultw
inl.isiterests.ate:lnvtariablymutually bery
7:0 g cite ii:lgict. ,
lealo the„reader to tnali.. , up in his 'own
nund;as.he can costly do similar cases in
every section
. of Pennsylvania, or any
ot* Manufactories have
been introduced.
Pat, Baldwin, near
Harrisburg, Pat, were commencedinl:B67,
*voted-:Wholly - 6 farming.
40441 ? rtsind was then worth $l5O per
'nem: Thee-was no' buildingS' in the -'vi
einitY exiiejitiiigibur farm houses. In two
. yearepie; average price of land, per acre,
iventupio 8500. It, has . since sold, in
lots, atthe:rate of 33;000 ' per acre.- Nine
ty. Six houses w no erected , in two years.—
There are niriv une'll4ndred 'and twenty
five houses, and a large village, many of
the houses lteing owned and occupied by
the workmen emi cloyed in the Steel Works.
'A church and selool houses are among
the improvements. . '
This comVauy pays. one:eighth of the
township taxes, bilsjjes-State and federal
taxes, w th Which additional schools have
been supported; roads have been ale,
improved and repaired, which would oth
erwise have ,been lea. untouched for want
of' fnnds. A market. has sprung up for
.garden prodficts,-floa,r and meat, that has
put rnoneyin . the pockets of neighboring
farmers, andenhanced the value of their
farms. - lime-kilns and quar
ries, in the vicinity, have had a large in
crease of ,OrdPrs for their products, and
employmealiasheen given to Mechanics
in building,Forkshoiosancl dwellin'gs for
the company _and their, workmen. The
denaand,ofAo company for iron, supports
one largo, furnace wholly, and others par
tiallyAesicTO",the large Consumption of
mineral coßtZaid charcoal, and the in
crease of :frillific afforded- to railroads, in
the transportation of coal, iron and fin
ished rails.'
• These aid some:of , the results of intro
duping Nanufactories through the rural
districts„ and) infusing into then life and
Yigor by ajnitielous isystem of protection.
4, $lOO,OO Ckitl.rzD3.tbttMa.—Skc. years
ago: a boy; 'then only fourteen years of
age, left 14,1rOine. in Millwhat, Ireland,
and livorkeil=h% way to New York. He
left behind 9roty two relatives, his mater
nal grand Mother, then an old woman,
nainal .4.iikti:eng, and his patermil grand
father, named'. White. The boy's name is
• • o
.4 %cn . Whi, •
,vtte.. Ho arr:ved in
New York about six years ago without a.
doll:444llolt r et, but.being determined
'to make a; living, and not finding .any
thing'else deolthoug'n he had received
a fair education, hement to work black
ing boa!ts . abent the Battery and Wash-,
ington street. - After heshad been at that
about two years he added to his business
by selling newspapers in the evening. Be
ing a steadyand economical boy, he saved
in nearly sli Years almost $2,000, which
he bad placed in the savings bank in
small multi.' 'TWO months ago a gentleman
who had been his regular customer in the
bootblacking line, advised hire to go to
Philadelpdhi,pand he did, and there ob
tained a situation as assistant barkeeper
in Mr. Col 4 'Worm. White had been
there only two months, when Mr. Cole
showed hiurt4.iiiepy of the Philadelphia
Ledger wittithelollowing advertisement:
"423,92414M' William A.:White, by
the death 4i iris grandmother. A letter
in 'the PlAlirdelphia post-office for him."
"That must bte.for. you, William," said
Mr. Cole. ' :White hurried to the post-of
fice and found that he was heir to .£23,-
928, hegireatlid•by 114 s grandmother, Mrs.
Armstrong.'' The letter also contained a
draft for $2,000 in gold, and a photograph
likeness, hy,which he was identified. For
tunately he*as in good hands, and Mr.
Cole gave hit
,money and advised hide to
come to Newlrork, to place the case_ in
the hands ok ,t t lie British Consul. White
did so, ands:4llle papers necessary were
safely lodged with Mr. Archibald yester
day.—N. Y.•iitancktrd Nov. 13.
$7 00
2 00
4 00
6 00 ,
2 00
2 00
2 00
2 00
2 o 0
4 00
5 00
5 00
DIBTRITOTO:E FIRE.—*3 SVe , go to pms
we learn that. the Court House and Epis
copal Church, in Hagerstown, were last
night burned to the ground.
'IN EARNEST.---Persons
in arrears for subs-01.4i
tion, job work or adver
tising 4 . this office, are
again requested to call
and settle their accounts.
We must. pay for our pa
per or inspend publica
NoTrcz.=Persons'ere notified not to
cut keen. the dam . belonging' to Peter
Fahmestock .without permission from the
undersigned , •
it _ ^a As J. Fauszurocnr.-
Ear•TheAvai to make home happy, is
to imp a Vatagja, underfeed Shuttle $45
Sewing Mathikid, and. - relieve you wives
and daughters from - toiling with the nee•
dle until lygalth and eyesight fail, and
prematate4kage a i Le. : mat,
- TerAt-lied Bay your - ice ca.
IdatOterW"Agna n nChristmas peek
'ant, the rthit'uberal-Us - ' irell as 'Most ne
ieeptable-ixf Holiday
A.-E.. " aymant, Av.;
-• , S. E. eor. Diamond.
eu) . )sisiber, admire
31aylktegfie, dec'd,
sell at public sale attbe late residence of
the dee'd, in Waynesboro;.: on Saturday,
the 16th inst., asl o'clock, P. If:, the fol.
lowing articles, viz: 1 Bed and Bedding,
one Ten-plate Stove, 2 Safes, 1 Table,
1 Stand, 2 Chests, a lot of Quilts and
Coverlets, Books, and other articles.—
Terms made known by
Dec. 7-2 t. Jong W. Cocis,Adni'r.
THE 139LIDAY4 . AT would
announce to the citizens of Waynesboro',
that I have just returned from the city,
and am receiving one of the largest col
lections of Toys. ever brought tothis town,
suitable both for old and young.. Those
that intend to make Christmas presents
will do well by calling, .as .lam prepared
with' a well selected stock, and intend to
sell very low. Come along boys and girls
and see the sights at Henneberger's Bak- -
ery, Confectionary, Oyster Saloon and
Toy Shop.
Dec. 7-3 t. H. HENNEBERGER.
HOLIDAYS.--. 2 k11 persons not yet supplied
with winter clothing should at once avail
themselves of the Bargains now offered at
Boerner & Waynant's Clothing Store,
both in heavy made clothing and piece
goods. Their stock of Cloths, Cassimeres,
Over-coatings, etc., for variety, quality,
and cheapness, is unrivaled.
New supply of ready-made clothing at
the very lowest figures. Pants $2,50 and
upward. .Coats $2,00 and upward. Over
coats as low as - 115,00. Call and exam
ine. No trouble to show godds.
S. E. cor. Diamond.
HOLiDAY PRETENTS.-E Elden of the
"variety store," two doors from Minter's
Hotel, has recently replenished his stock
of goods, and is now prepared to furnish
beautiful Christmas presents to both la
dies and gents. He is also well supplied
with gloves; ties, and fiwh supplies of no -
titms, all styhm. Elden'o is the place. Go
and see 1
LAST NoncE.—All person knowing
themselves indebted to the Estate of Hen
ry Besore, either by note or book account
ou the Mill Books, or Grocery Store, will
save costs by calling and settle the same
befere the 15th day of December. Fur
ther indulgence cannot be given .
1). B. Rva . sELp,
• 2t - , Assignew.
PLEB.—Look at those features and see
the agony depicted in the face. It cannot
be helped while the trouble remains.—
The suffering from piles is Of a very aggrava
ted decription. You cannot walk with any
comfort; you cannot ride in peace; you can
not sit 'with ease, and the suffering when
attending to mature is almost unbearable,
and causes such feeling of dread that is
put off at great sacrifice to health and com
fort, in many instances increasing the clifii
cultyt oan alarra'g extent. Use Dr. Briggs'
Pile Remedies accord'g to directions to cure
internal, external, itching orbleeding piles.
They are mild and reliable, and warran
ted as represented.
Sold by Druggists. -
• .Corns, Bunions, Ingrowing Nails
and their attendant p 4, have been, in years
gone by, and will be in years to come,. a
sourse of much discomfort and unhappi
ness to those who are annoyed with them.
By Persistent efforts and untiring perse
verence, Dr. J. Br;.ggs gave the suffering
humanity his
. remethes—Alleviator and
Curative. The "popule.rity which they have
gained, and the entire satisfaction derived
from their use, is well imown and can be
attested by all classes w;io have suffered
with Corns, Bunions, Ingrowing Nails,Chil:
blabs, Frosted or Blistered Feet, &c.—
Sold by druggists. . .
. - ,2A.P.,_TZ,I.i , &.C+:ES.
On the 23d inst., at the residence of the
bride's parents, by Rev. H. Koontz Mr.
JOSEPH F. EMMERT of this place, to Miss
Emu BENEDICT, of Quincy township.
Oct. 26th, in the evening, at the resi
dence of the bride's father, by the Rev.
H. H. W. Hibshman, Mr. BARBIE D.
ECSENROTE, of Adams Co. Pa. to Miss
CATHARINE BENDER, of Waynesboro',
Nov. nth, at the Reformed Parsonage,
by the same, Mr. JOSEPH W. MOORE of
Ewing's Mills, New Jersey, to Miss Az:-
ZILE E. Si,nit of Fountain Dale, Adams
Co. Pa.
At Harristown, Macon Co. 111., by El
der M. S. Newcomer, Mr. CMS Gos
sEßT,formerly of Quincy township, Frank
lin Co. Pa., to Miss Mena E. BRISBY, of
the former .lace.
On the 26th tat., Mr. CHRISTIAN MIL
LEE, Sr., near Marion, Guilford township,
aged 87 years, 8 months and 5 days.
On the 27th ult., Miss SUSAN Buns
uoumt, near Marion, 'Guilford township,
aged 25 years, 4 month and 23 days.
►~ r
(CORRECTED vim:lux.)
8UTTER...................- ............ ....-23
- 75
...... 80
iwca) 2041.1 . ) ......... 7
actanionr, Dec. 4.
FLOUR,—The market was adive a
gain to-day the demand however being
confined ahem entirely to the local trade
and I
_.n.ioes remain steady and firm. Bales
cm Vbange abont 2,500 bhle., viz: 500
Western Super'at from $6 to $6.25, 1,000
do. Extra at $05'7,25,100 Howard Street
Fine at $4,873, 450' do. Extra at from
$6,621 to $6,873,,
.250 do. at 47q57,25.
end 200 do. Family at 87,75@57,873
per bbl.
WHEAT-rlras firm this
morning, the demand beilsg Chiefly` from
millers, and the reeeipts about 12000
bushels, were all sold as follows, via :-
6,000 Yentwilyania . red at from 160 to
166 cents, 2,000 Western do. at 166 ®165
cents, 2,500' Maryland do. at 145 @IGO
cents for common to fair, 165@170 cents
for good to prime, 1,000 do. amber at; 180
@lBB cents, and 500 do. white' at from
170 to 185 cents.
"RYE.—Iio receipts or sales to-day.
Quote nominally at 90(d)98 cents for fair
to prime. . . •
ClATStiult but ateadi. Bales to-day
of only 1,400 bushels at ho®s2 cent,.
A N Election will be held at the Ist Na-
AM:mai Bank of Waynesboro'; on Tues
day the 9th day of January, between the
hours of 10 A. M. & 2 P. 1%!. for nine direct
ors, to serve for the ensuing year
Dec 7 —tf JOHN PHILIPS Cash.
MAE Directors of the Ist National Bank
of Waynesboro', declared a dividend of
6 per cent clear of taxes—for the past six
months, payable on and after the 4th De
cember _JOHN PHILIPS, Cash.
- Dec 7-3 t
THv' undersigned, executor of Ann Ma
ria Blair, late of Waynesboro', Pa., de
ceased will expose to publfc sale on SATUR
the premises the following real estate, viz.
with two-story back building—lately occu
pied by the dee'd, situated on the south
east corner of Church St. and 12 foot alley
Wayne:.-boro', Pa.
Also on same day and place the following
personal property, viz.
1 settee, 1 Bureau, 2 side tables, 3 sets
chairs, 4 tables, 2 looking glasses, 1 kitched
cupboard, 1 large Rocking Chair, 5 Bed
steads and Bedding,4 feather pillows, 5 fea
ther ticks, lot Blankets, Quilts, Comforts,.
2 Ten-plate Stoves, 1 set Brass Ladles, I
Brass preserving Kettle, 1 Iron Kettle, 1 pot
- rack—lot Queensware - crocks, jars, tinware;
5 crock. 3 butter, lard and can,'l meat vessel
meat bench,-lot 'soap., vinegar and b,lrrel;
lot canned fruit, 2 stands, lot bake pun , ,
ba:,k - et:s, and a great variety of other art ir
les. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock A. M.
when terms will be made known by
Dec. 7- is . G. V. Mono, Auct.
Letters Testamentary.
NOTICE is hereby given that letters tes
tamentary to the estate of Ann Maria
Blair, late of Waynesboro', Franklin Cg.,
Pa., Dee'd, have been granted to the un
dersigned. All persons indebted to said es
tate will please make immediate payment,
and those having claims will present them
properly authenticated for settlement to
Dec 7-6 t 'J. W. MILLER, Ex'r.
THE subscriber offers his services to the
public as an Auctioneer. Having had
a number of years experience in the bn•i
ness in this county and in Washington Co.,
Md., he flatters•himself that he will be able
to give general satisfaction. Residence one
door East of the Presbyterian Church.
Dec 7- 3m JOHN H. HERR..
THE members of the Waynesboro' Mu
' .tual Fire Insurlnce Company are noti
fied that the annual oleo, ion for twelve di
rectors f)r the said company will be held
at the office of the Company, in Waynes
boro', Penn'a., on the recond Monday of
January. A. D., 1872 (Bth) between the
hours of ten A. M. and two P. M.
Dec 7—St • Secretary.
FOR- SA-1..M.
' 1 HE subscriber has now for sale Corn
shelled and on the Cob, also Oats and
Nov 30—tf ALEX. HAMILTON..
A full and comeete history of her past,
present and future. With graphic scenes,
incidents and full details of the disaster, by
(ieo. P. Upton and .1. W. Sheahan; editors
of the Chicago 7fribune. With over 400
pages, and 50 illustrations. it
I. now ready for deliyery.
AGENTS NVANTED, ge a n n d a sl4 l o o o ice fo o r r uut
ritory. Union Publishing Co., Chicago, 111.,
or Phila., Pa.
UY 1S D U , N A .
.131,735, KEENE & GO
.'b Fluid Extract
The wonderful remedy for CANCER, SYPH
DD3WES, is prepared from the 6EIN - tram.
ConnuaA.Nno .11ing, - from Lojo., Ecuador, se
cured by the assistance of the authorities
of that country. It is the most effective,
prompt and certain alterative and BLOOD PUR
IFIER known. Sold by all Druggists, in
pint bottles, having on them our name,
trade mark and directions. Send for a cir
ular. Office and Laboratory, No. 60 Cedar
St., is. 7. Y. •
'1 KAllli Tl'Lli Pi VIE.
1) ' Tue Very Best• ioi U•e
Made from SuperioiClay,thoroughly burn
ed. Are entirely FROST PROOF.
Send for circulars to
AVOID QUACKS.—A rictim of early in
diseretion, causing pervious debility,
premature decay, etc., having tried i vain
every advertised remedy, has discovered a
simple means of self-cure, which he. will
send to his fellow-sufferers, .4ddress J. H.
REEVES, 78 Nassau St., N. Y.
LY $l5. Emery Grinders at. $25; $4O,
and $lOO. Diamond Turning Tools. sls.
Solid Emery Wheels of all eizes. Address
The Tanite Cb., Stroudsburg, Monroe Co., Pa.
HE subscriber will pay the highest mar
_ ket prices , for Hides delivered at his
Tannery, in Qincy, or at th e Hardware
Store of S. B Rinehart, in Waynesboro',
where a supply of hie ieather will •be kept
for sale, •
Sept 2 8 -tf JOHN J. STULL'.
33-A.72,3330.12,1NG - I
R subscriber informs the public that he
continues the Barbering business in the
room next door to Mr. Reid's Grocery Store,
and is at all times prepared to do hair cut
ting, shaving,s bampooning etc. in the best
style.. The patronage of the public is respect
fully solicited. •
Aug 23 1871. W. A. PRICE.
Ctar EP,"
"air of superb
French Oil Chromos--Vects LIFE SIZE,
Y . to o e f v ° ery subs c riber to
Henry Ward Beecher'
LY NEWSPAPER. Agents having great
success. One took 1,01,0 names in 3 months;
another 672 in 30 days; another 118 in one
week; one 47 in one day, and many .otheis
equally well, making from $5 and $lO to $4O
per day. Takes on sight! An old agent
who knows, says: "I think it'the beat brai
n= for canvassers ever offered. Sorry I did
not engage sooner." Pays better than any
book agency? A rare chance to make' money
Intelligent men and women wanted every
where. If you wish good territory, send
early for circular and terms ! J. B. FORD
& CO., 27 Park Place, N. Y ; 11 Bloomfield
St., Boston, Mass ; 285 West Madison St.,
Chicago, 111..
50th CA. as .
$3 per Annum, including Yearlook - for '7l.
MiI:NEI( E. 1111.011V4E, 6; CO.,
37 11 1 ::4111:: Itow. New Torii,
Send for free samply copy of the CHRIS
TIAN LEADER, a first-class weekly jour
nal, published by the New York State Con
vention of Univenialists, and containing
Sermons of Da. E. ,H. CHAPLN. Terms
$2,50 per year. Address Publisher CHRIS
CITY. • '
Is invited to send his address and receive
American Farm Jouniai,
The most Practical, the Best and Cheapest
IliEttrated Agricultural paper in the Uni
ted States. Only 75 CENTS per year. Send
for a specimen 'copy. Addrebs. MILLER,
LOCKE & CO., Totedo, Ohio.
1r 13 DIONTH! unto furnish
'ilec . • Espouses paid. H. B. SHAW,
iv!'Alfred, Me.
? l oilt i
i a
free during the conking year to every sub
scriber of lilerry'a Mueeum, the Toledo
Blade s Poirieroaltinocrat_ etc.
str..IIIO.MIS 1511111Mr11
W'E7Zr: t=e=nce=wortlt m=ri`3p
ularitillor.tee Greoly James Paßon, Theo.
U at 'am ton,_me.ovrae_lor every num
. _
7.;17=g, it offers three first-class peri
odicals for the-price of one of them. A var
iety oPpretniurns on equally liberal terms.
it is an original, first,class magazine, Vol.
X beLtins with
rirLl77 7M''e;"specimen copies free. Ad
dress •
S. S.
1 " ,-, j •
(, •.- .: via •'. t.-
I . • ...
k: •
~,,..„,, ,—., em,
iitS -9 2 at „ ....,,,,': 5.,'"„, 1. 1r...1
. N-• •,i ' -- •N 6 L ''' ' j :.9 ~ I:UO'..
Printed in Two Counts, on superb' Tirrizi
scriptions aid . .
T %lb 40 '4l) LO 414: PLATES.
Directions and plans foi making Walks,
La*ns, Garden's, &c: The handsomest and
best FLORAL GUIDE in the World. All
for TEN CENTS, to those who think of buy
ing Seeds. Not quarter the cost. 200,000 sold
for 1871. Address, JAMES VICK,
Rs. detluna, Bose Oslci, Hag Never. eta.
"Nothing so—T. leirreAm
Drives; Noslon. Recommentledpybr O. W.
Holmes. llalways relieves. nl. BURNETT& Cau
Naito& Hass, Bold Ilan druggist&
RA.E.TII CLOSETS.—Get the best: Dann
Sole U. S. Proprietors of Houle's, Moule d
Girdlesion's, Luther's, Waring's, Newton's and
Doolittle's Patent's. The only Qlosets that
have proved effective. The Earth Closet,
'by its disinfection of faces, is the most val
uable means of preventing spread of chol
era and other contagious diseases. Send
for circulars. Agents wanted everywhere.—
SALESROOMS: 19 Doane St., Boston • 693
Broadway, N. Y.; 1221 Market Street, Phil
FOR SALE.—A choice farm of 183 acres
1: in Chester Co., 30 miles from Philadel
phia. Address JAI3EZ BAILY, Marlboro,
P. 0., Pa‘
THE ed9A,3t+L,l) T
Will insert an Advertisement in 156
TEEN DAtur.s. Proportionate rates for smrdl
er advertisements. List sent free. Address
CEO. P. Be EDIT :HAO, 111. t .
40 and 41 PARK ROW, NEW-YORK.
$3O. Wo will Pay 830.
Agents $3O per week to our great and valu
able discoveries. If you want permanent,
honorable and pleasant work, apply for
particulars. Address DYER & CO., Jack. ,
son, Michigan.
Chroni' ana Sextuai Dlseasos,
The cheapest book ever published—con
taining nearly 300 pages, and tore hun
dred lard thirty fine plates and en&tavings
of'the anatomy of the - human organs in a
state of health and disease, with a treatise
on early errors, its deplorable consequences
upon the mind and body, with the author's
plan of treatment—the only rational and
successful mode of cure, as shown by a re
port of cases treated. A truthful adviser•
to the • married and those contemplating
marriage, who evitertain doubts of their
physical condition! Sent free of postage to.
any address, on receipt of twenty-five cents,
in. stamps or postage currency, by address
ing Dn. LA CROIX, No. 31 Maiden Lane,
Albany, N. Y. The author may be consult,.
ed upon any of the diseases upon which
his book treats, either. personally or by
mail, and medicines:sent to any part of the
PETER S l7 # 4. ktb4 Prim Oft , his
19 pleat Vocal and Instr'l
Piano Music, worth four dol
lars in sheet form. .We will
. .
• mail two back Nos. for 80c.,
or s 2
25, kica) p
' fo l a , r f for 90 . c., or Jan to
ri Dog , .
• ' $3.) . Bonnd copes for '7l,
:• • et aides and edges, The
pfloc is by Hays, Thomas;
Kinkel, Gonnod, etc. .44.4-
. dress J. 1.. Peters, 599 Broad
. ' way, N. Y. P. t). Box 5429.
= BliORTI—Aok Parana de Tint% s
Rr, Ra„ far free Circular of
zi—Catter._ltalie.s corn-fodder equal to hay.
New thing!