_. "YY ~N .. i ~~'t'v -4, - '..',.... 4 v. 1:: • .‘,. • ' , • . . , .. , . • - . . .. • .. .. ' , ...... . . • - .. . . , . , . ~... .. ... - . • , • , ~,,,... ~ ,_. . , -.• ... 70 : , . . , „ _ . • • ~..: , r o t a i,.. v .,....•....... t . . . ~,., •:,..,:..., ~,.,;;...?..v..•::,:,.:,..::.. ~ ~.. t ...... •.. ... „,.. •, .40.•,_ . •... ~.•....•_. • „,.. • ~„•,..„r,,,„•„k:.• :..:,. ,y, 1 ~ • • 4 ',' • " lie, • • ~ I r:r • 411, ..• . , J , ---• , • , ,ANTEMMINTIMNI , . . . . . , , . , , . .-. ... . • • BY W. BLAIR. . VOLM 24.. - TILE WAYNISBOUO' -VILLAGE MOOED. PUBLISHED Evyay TnuEsDAY Alon.Nnro By - NW BLAIR. TERMS—Two Dollars per Annum if paid Within the year; Two Dollars and Fifty cents afLer the expiration of the year. ADVERTISEMENTS—One Square (10 lines) three inseriions, 4,1,60; for • each subsequent insertion, Thir five Cents per Square. A liberal discount made to yearly adver tisers. LOCALS,—Business Locals Ten Cents per line for the first insertion, Seven Cents for subsequent insertions. Piro fessional Olards, 3. B. AraßzusoN, M. D., YDYSICIAN AND SVIatEON, WAYSESBORO', PA. Office at the Waynesboro' "Corner Drug Store." [bane DR_ 13_ • has resumed the practice of Medicine. OFFICE—In the Walker Building—near the Bowden !louse., Night calls should be made tds residence on Main Street, ad joining the Western School House. July 20--tf I_ 3NeE. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. IVAYNEBBOB.O' PA. Office at his reidence, nearly opposite the Bowden ICov 2—tf. foes A. 4:4•l',oi4iNti, HIVING been adinited to Practice Law at the several Courts in Franklin Coun ty, all business entrusted to his care will be promptly attended to. Post Office address Mercers burg, ra. L .0 W We 0 L'' — rzi — o, tr s, ATTORNEY AT LAW, WAYNESBORO', PA, Will give prompt and eloseattention' to all business entrusted to his care. °thee next door to the Bowden House in, the Walker Building. truly 6 JOSEPH I:)OT_TG-T_JA.S, ATTORNEY AT LAW, WAYNESBORO', PA. Practices in the several Courts of Franklin and adjacent Counties. ' N. B.—Real Estate leased and sold, and Fire Insurance effected on reasonable terms. December 10, IS7I. la. A... DENTIST, GREENCASTLE, PC . 14. 1 frAit.,„ . • 441:". • *4ly, wo 7 s Ivo Experienced in Dentistry, will insert you sets of Teeth at prices to suit the times. Feb. 16, 18M. URA, 16, it., t TRA.OIE,LEEtiv (FORMERLY OF 31ERCERSBUTZG, PA.,) gAFFERS his Professional services to the 1./citizens of Waynesboro' and vicinity. Da. STRICKLER has relinquished an exten sive practice at .I.ercersburg, w'•^- '".htta been prominently engaged for. .years in the practice of his profession. lie has opened an ()!lice in Waynesboro', at the residence of George liesore, Esq., his Father-in-law, where he can be found at all times when not professionally engaged. July 20, 187.1..-tf. A. K. BRANISIIOLTS, RESIDENT DENTIST ~~<~r s~~ WAYNESBORO', PA.., -Can be found at all times at his office where he is prepared to insert teeth on the best basis in use and at prices to suit the times. 'Teeth extracted, toitl.nut pain by the use of chloroform, eather, nitrous oxid egas or the freezing process, in a manner surpassed by - none. • We the undersigned being acquainted with A. K. Branisholts for the past year, can rec ommend him to the public generally to be a Dentist well qualified to perform all ope rations belonging. to Dentistry in the most .skillful manner. Drs. J. B. AIiI3ERSON, I. N. SNIVELY, E. A. HERRING, J. N. RIPPLE, J. J. OELLIG, A. S. BONBRANE, T. D. FRENCH. •eept 29t.13 C. A- S. WO , ?3F, DEALER IN • WA TORE'S AND JR WELB ,883 WEST BALTIYORE STREET, .BALTIMORE, MD. glerWatehea Repaiied and WarrantellßlL SarViteelry Made a 4 Repaired. July 13, 1871.-tf. • SURVEYING AXD CONVEYVAIING. TIE undersigned having ' had some ten yeats experience as a practical Surveyor is prepared to do all kinds of Surveying, laying out and dividing up lands, also all kinds of writing usually done by Scriveners. Parties wishing work done can call on, or address the undersigned at Waynesboro' Pa. feb 2—tf ) A. B. STOLE'S. 13A..1Z33MR1 rr Q.! 11 , m subscriber informs the public that he _IL continues the Barbering business in the snom next door to Mr. Reid's Grocery Store, and is at all times prepared to do hair cut. shaving,s bampooning etc. in the best style. The patronage alba public's respect • 011 y aolialtad s 23 Z7l. VP. A. NOM , if{ ,r . „ • :V,. ,4; d^•• . • - gelent Voetrg. TWENTY IB4RB AGO. I've wandered through the village, John, I've sat beneath the tree, Just east yon house on the high ground. Which sheltered you and me. But none were there to meet me, John, And few were left to know, Who worked with us within the mill, Some twenty years ago. The grass is justas green, John, .And weavipggirls at play, Are,working4USt as we did' then, spirits jiat, as giy, When Hobart lived upon the hill, Which, coated o'er with snow, Afforded us a sliding-place, Some twenty years ago. The Cotton Mill is altered now, The looms have been replaced, By new ones, very like the same, On which the shuttle raced,. The same old iiress and clinking Bar, The,bell swingSto and fro, The music just the same, dear Wallis, As twenty years ago. The river ran beneath the hill, Close by the spreading beach; It's very low, 'twos once so high, That we could scarcely reach. In kneeling down, to get a drink, Dear John, I startled so! To see bow very much I'd changed, Since-twenty—years ag' Near by the barn, upon theElw, You know I cut your name, And Lathrop Armes' beneath it, John, And you did mine the same. Some heartless wretch had peel'd the bark, 'Twas dying sure, but slow, Just as the one whose name we cut, My eyelidsdbad been dry, John, But tears came in my eyes; I thought of those I loved so well' 'Mid Oxford's broken ties. I visited the old church yard, • And took home flowers, to strew Upon the graves of those we loved, Some twenty years ago. Some are within the churchyard laid, Some fell by Traitor Lee, But few are left of our-old class, Excepting you and me. And when our time shall come, John, And•we are called to g 0,4-- I hope they'll lay us where we worked, Just twenty van ago. BY WM. IC VAN 11ORTNVICIC. Our country's flag, whose silver stars, Hath lighted land and flood ; Has been upheld by LABOR'S sons, And crimson'd with their blood. Where'er that banner hath been borne, Wherever yet unfuri'd ; It spoke of liberty to man— Redemption to a world. It speaks with silent voice to-day, To ev'ry sighing 'soul ; Bids each press on with earnest zeal, T'ward freedom's happy goal. Why then should LABOR'S sons permit;:- Corruption's hated throng; : To find protection '".eat "our flag," For tyranny and wrong? Shame on the cowards who bow dc4n And worship sordid knaves; Who meekly kiss oppression's rod, And live the life of slaves. Up, brothers up, the hand of time Has mark'd the coming hour; When tyrant might shall be o'erthrown, And right assort its pow'r. Up, brothers up, let not our flag Wave o'er a robber's den ; Colin, swear that sheet shall symbolise, A. race of freeborn men. Come bear it on from clime to clime, A galaxy of light; Whose silv'ry beams shall dissipate The toiler's , groo.uay night. • . - - - ----;------. gitstellauro6 leading. A TOUCHING STORY. The following affecting narrative pur poses to have been givim by a hither to his son, as a wa niug derived from his own bitter experience, of grievance and resisting a motlivr's love and counsel. What agony was visible on my_ moth ers thee when she saw that all she had said and suffered had failed to move .me. She rose up to go home and I followed her at a distance. She spoke no more to me till she reached hei own door. 'lb is school time now," she said' Go, now my son, and once more I beseech you to think on what I have said. shant go to school," said I. She looked astonished at my coldness, but replied firmly : "Certainly you will go, Alfred ; I com mand you." "I will not," said I in a tone of defi ance. "One of the two things you must do,AI - go to school this 'morning, or I will lock you in your room, and keep you there until you are willing, to prom ise implicitobedience to my wishes in the future. "I darn you to do it; you can't get me up stairs." "Alfred, claim now," said my mother who laid her /mad upon in arm. She A PANI:iLIe NEWSPAEVOTED I TO LITEELS.. LOCIAX AND GENERAL NEWS, ETC. W.A.YNESBOROVOIAAJLIN COUNTY, ' Pi., DiCEUER: 7, IS7I. Ey OEO. If ORATT years ago OVA FLAG. trembled violently and 'was deadly pale, yUu touch me I will kick you. said /in a terrible rage. God. knows I knew not wbat•• I said." • "Will you go, Alfred IP" "No," I replied; but quailed beneath her eye. • "When follow me," she said, as shegrasp ed my arm firmly. "I raised my foot—:oh, hear mel—l raised my foot and kicked her—my saint ed mother! How my head reels as the torrents of memory, rush over me I I kicked my mother, a feeble woman—my mother!—Staggered back a few steps, and leaned against the wall. ' She did not look at me; I saw her heart beat a-, gainst her breast ; "Oh ! Heavenly father," said "she - for give him—for he knows not - what he does: The gardener just then passed the door and seeing my mother pale and unable to. support herself, he stopped she beackoned him m: "Take this boy up stairs and lock him in his room," said she and turned from me. Looking back as she was entering her room, she gave me welt a look of .ag uny mingled with the most intense love lt was the last utterable pang qout a bro ken heart. "In a Moment I found myself a prison er in my own room. I thought fur a mo ment, 1 would fling myself from the open window, and dash my brains out, but .1 was afraid to do so. I was not penitent. At times my heart was subdued; but my stubborn pride arose iu an instant, and bade me not yield. The pale thee of my mother haunted me. I fiang myself on a bed and fell asleep. Jrt_ut twilight .1 yeard - a - ti:sitstep - appro eh the -door:-It was my sister. "What may 1 tell motherfor you ?" She asked: "Nothing! I replied. "Oh, Allred!" tor-my sake,-for-all—our co forgive you." d—uot-answer.l—heaid--he - steps slowly retreating, and again threw myself on the bed, - to - pass another wretched and, tearful night. Another footstep slower and feebler than my sister's disturbed me. A voice called me by name. it was my mother's. "Alfred my on shall I come 7" she . asked. I cannot tell what influence, operat ing at that moment made me to speak adverse to my to lings. The gentle voice of my mother thrilling through me, and incite I the ice my obdurate heart, and I longed to throw myself on her neck, but did not. But my words gave the, lie to my heart when I said was, not sorry. heard her withdraw. I heard her ..troan.. I longed to call her back..—But I. did not, • I was awakened from my uneasy slum ber, by bearing my name called and my sister stood at niv bedside. • "Get up, Oh I don't wait a minute. Got up and come with me. IQ iher is dying. I thought I was yet dreamibg, but up mechanically and followed my sister. On the bed cold as a marble lay my Mother. She was pot undressed : She had thrown herself upon the bed to rest ; arising to a gain go to me, she was seized with .palpi cation of the heart, and was borne sense lers to her own room. I cannot tell with what agony I looked upon her ; my remorse was ten fold more bitter from the thought that she would never know it. I believed myself to be tier murderer. I fell on the bed beside her. I could not weep. My heart burn ed in my bosom ; my brain was on fire. My sister threw her arms around ate and wept in Aimee. Suddenly we saw a light motion of mother's hand ; her eyes un closed. She had recovered consciousness, but speech. She looked at me and moved her lips. . I could not under Stand her words. "Mother! mother!" I shriek ed "say only that you forgive me !" She could not say it with her lips, but her hand pres ed mine. She smiled upon me and lifting her thin, white hands, she clasp ed my own between them, and cast her eyes upwards : She moved her lips in pray er, and thus she died. I remained still kneeling beside that dear form till my gen tle sister removed me. That joy of youth had gone fbrever. Boys who spurn a mother's control, who are ashamed to own that they are wrong who think it manly to mist her authori ty, or yield to her influence, beware! Lay not up fur yourselves bitter memories for future years. Manners and Taste We will prize good manners at their real worth, which is high, when they are truthful, when they faithfully represent what the heart is and wills. Good man ners promise much ; let the promise. be fulfilled. If it is not, they are false man ners, however good they may look. There is nothing hypocritical about the genuine gentlenign, and the heartiest would ra ther have his outward mine below than above his interior self, and under no cir cumstances other than simple. Over-dressing is vulgar, especially in women, for the glare of the sun-lit and eye-lit street. Toilets, even when taste ful as to color and style, denote, if habi tually rich and showy, mental vulgarity, their transparent design being by superfi cial, material means, to impress the' be holder. The refined beholder is unfavor ably impressed, suspecting such outward richness to be the mask of inward pover ty. A prevalent fashion of costly Br ing is a sign of - general vulgarity. 'The finest type of ladyhood would recoil offend ed from her mirror at seeing herself be- Bilked, and befeathered, and bejeweled, for a morning walk or driye. aze wilt be as simple elegant in her Attire, and' will not exhibit, either in the one or the other, the slightest effort to ontvie her neighbors.-- "3 U Gantlemsareakerk I have good opportunities, now, says James.Breoks in' a. letter from China, -to see iiirm life, garden lif , Te, in gen:. eral. The agriculture, especial y the tar nace agriculture, is not what expected to see. Farming is not ea y to such perfection' as in japan. Mountain land is net rescued from its barrenness where it might be. But every spot of good land is put under cultivation for millet, or sor ghum, or corn, or peas, or beans', tic. The. sorghum runs up to 12 Ur 15 feet high, and its stalks and roots are used for fuel in winter. l'lnsre. is no grass land in this part of China; and hence, few or no cat tle raised here. There are no green fields, therefore; though 'Often green hills, and these, now, as green as in Switzerland, and very Swiss-likamong the mountains, with the Swiss disease of the goitre among wo men there. And on these hills there are sometimes ea ttle and goats. .A. country thus all ploughed, and hoed, and cultiva, ted, or its plains, now full of creps..and teeming with agricultural wealth, is a novelty to an. American eye. I could see nothing but crops for miles, as I wander ed through the fields, and the field-paths, called roads. There are some few fruits here—the apple; now ripening, not bad— the peach, not good nor bad, and thegrape, excellent as a .garden grape. Figs and pomegranates are growing in the garden of the Legation about me, and they are housed in winter. The winter here, indeed, must be terri ble, judging from the good, thick ice I see on the table, and from the abundance of furs and skins of all sorts in the mar kets, offered for sale as clothing: The sun -in summer is too fiery hot, andin midday the safest way is to keep out of its rays. But the climate of Pekin I have found agreeable and healthy, and in the moun tains not far off the air is asr pure as in Switzerland or in Oregon, or in iNt• fire — Every - offe — below iu the un healthy regions told me "it was as much IiEM kin as a tourist in August; but I 'have found improved health and vigor: April and May, and September, and October, however, are the safest months to be here. Pekin is cut off from the rest ,of the world in winter, as ice bloclis• up ipery stream everywhere about here, anti only long,andlediou.s 'overland tritVel then is practicable. ' Walter and the Judge. One day, passing through Washing ton Market, New York, Walter observed a gentleman making a payment for some purchases, who, in ,so doing, dropped a bank-note. A draft of air blew it to, ward the boy, while the•gentleman pass ed on ignorant of his loss. In a few mo ments, however, he was overtaken by the boy, who said, as he held up the bill, "You've loshoine money, sir." • It was a lifty-dollar note. The gentle man, whom we shall call Judge Russell, looked surprised, but on eicamining Ms pocket-book, found that it was so, and handing the lad a smaller bill, said : "You're an honest little fellow ; take this." "No, sir, thank you," replied the boy, Idbis'astonishment Mr. Russell sur veyed the boy from head to' foot. He was evidently poor, for his clothes bore the indications of poverty. The Judge said : “Why, my boy, what is .the reason you will not take the money ?' "Because I did not earn it, sir. I don't think my mother, would like me to tyke pay for doing as I would be done b. ” • "A fine littlefellow 1 Would you like to live with me and be a lawyer 7" said the Judge. "Yes, sir" replied the boy, as they parted. About two months atter a boy was shown into the Judge's study, who came up to him and asked, Are you ready for me now, sir !" "For what, Wild?" asked the Judge who now recognized the finder of the bank note. • "Why, to have me live with you and learn to he a lawyer," replied the lad.. ' The Judge now recollected that these were his own words to the boy, 'and struck with the artlessness of the little fellow, he restrained his mirth and asked, "What do your parents say ?" • "I have no father ; but my mother says you are a good man, and that God has' answered her prayers in providing a good place for me ; and here is a letter from her, sir." The Judge ,was much moved, and more so after reading the letter, contain ing the mother's committal of her "pre cious child." Consulting with his :wife she- became much pltased with the boy.— The result was, he was adopted , and ul timately became eminent in his profes= sion, and the comfort of his foster parents in their declining years.—Sehoo/ Visitor. A Wolin TO GIRLS.—The woman 'Who is indifferent to her looks is no true wo man. Gnd meant women to be attractive, to look well, to please, and it is one of her duties to-carry-out this-intention of her Maker. But that dress is to do it all, and to suffice, is more than we can be brought to believe, just because we do love to see girls look well, as well as live to some pun pose. We would urge upon them such a course of reading and study as, will con fer such Charms as no modcste can supply. A well-known author once wrote a very pretty essay on the power of education to beautify. That it absolutely chiselled the features; that he had seen many a clum sy nose and ands thick pair of lips so modi fied - by-thoughtnsvakend and active yen- timent as to be lanrecognizciL; And he .pnt it - on.that ground.thet we so often see. people, homely and unattraotive in -youth,; bloom in middle life into a softened In- dian summer of good looks' aad mellow larteik . - ; Farin Lift in China. A Plague of Darkness Coming. A very diaitreeable prophecy is quoted by the journal de Bruxelles. The prophe cy attributed to the venerable Anna Maria Tale, arul is to the, efrect that two great chastisements may liiiiitliected—the one from heaven the other from earth.— The latter, whieh' wilkonsistin.wars, rev olutions and, other, calamities, being ter minated- that from , heaven will succeed, and • is explained as follows :—"Great dark nets is to prevail over whole land dur ing three days and three nights. It will be so thick that absolutely nothing will be visible, and will be 'accompanied by pestilences which will chiefly fall on the enemies of religion, although the scurge will not be confined exclusively to them. While this da'rkness lasts, no' light will shine. , no fire will have any' brightness, and only those who have blessed• things (candles ?) will be able to see. All' this is very horrible, and it is to be hoped that the lady may be mistaken in her predic tiOEU3, and that they • may turn ont to be as erroneous as that of the great tidal wave which .wits - thelither day to have destroy ed Nevl Orleans.. The prophetess, how ever, giv,es full directions as to the proper course to he pursued during this reign of darkness and pestilence. People are ex horted to not endeavor to scan the hea vens curiously during the darkness, for whcoever shall-go audlook , out of a win dow, or leave his house for the purpose of descrying what is passing in the firma ment, will be •immediately struck 'down. The whole time that the Judgement shall last ought to be employed in prayer, and above all imreciting the. Rely Rosary.— The director of :.Anna Maria. Taigl said, in August; 1864 is-meet true that the venerable servant of, God announced the scourge of three- day's darkness, ex tending over the whole earth' While it, lasts the windows must be kept closed." . cSrLvER - RurE: - --=1 f - "iirrttnto—ot ers.as you would have others do unto you" he-CToldenitulemind your_ own bu '- Hess" is the Silver Rule. And, on second thought, I believe we may obtain the bene fits of both rules in the latter. .. It isn't a pleasant thing to acknowl edge, but I believe nine persons mir of eve ry ten meddle with their neighbor? bus!. ness. They may not carry it to the ex tent that the old lady did, when she crept like a thief into her neighbors's clothes yard to assertain whether..the 'stockings upon the line were darned or"patched ; but that we do, sometimes, meddle with what is none.of our business, .is , undenia ble. .....,„ If our neighbor displays more style then - we think his - circumstandes warrant, we are quite willing, and sometimes anx ious to learn whether •he pays as-he goes, or not, And among the ladies,(bless them) the habit of minding the business of their neighbors gets to be alniost a mania. They know to a dime the cost of every, dress and bonnet that comes to their church, and whether the minister's wife wears im ported gloves, or gloves of home manu facture. ANdame knows to a dollar the worth of every set of jewelry on her visi ting list, and if there is a set of fhlse dia monds, it is whispered about and Com mented upon. But not alone among the women does this habit prevail, The men are equally ready to break the golden rule, and I'll tell you some of their ways one of these days. Meanwhile, let us carefully. attend to our tarn business, that we may have time to Attend to that of our neighbors when we have a convenient opportunity. A Youth Who Never Saw a Woman. Meadows history of the Chinese, late ly published in London, in a chapter on Love, has the foll Owing: A Chfnese who had been disappointed in marriage, and had greviously suffer ed through the women m many other ways, retired with his infant son to the peaks of a mountain range in Cweichoo, to a spot quite inaccessible to little foot ed Chinese women. He trained the boy to worship the gods, and to stand in awe and abhorrence of the devils; but he nev er mentioned women to him, always de scending the mountain alone,to buy food. At length, howeve4 the infirmities of age 'compelled him to take the young man with him to - carry'the heavy bag of rice. As they were leaving the market town together, the son suddenly stopped short, and pointing to three approaching objects cried : "Father, what are these things ; Look ! look 1 What are they ?" The father instantly answered, with the pe remptory order : "Turn away your head they are dev ils !" The son, in some alarm, turned away, noticed that the- evil things were gazing at him with surprise from behind their fans. He walked to the mountain in si lence, eat no supper, and from that day lost his: appetite, and was afflicted with melancholy.• For some time his puzzled and anxious parentcould get no satisfac tory answer to his inquiries, but at leng th the young man burst out crying with In explicable pain : 'Oh, father,. that tallest deiil 1 - That tallest devil, father !'" REXEDY FOR CROUP.--A lady correspondent of the Maine Earmer says the following is an effective remedy for croup. Half a teaspoonful of pulverized alum in a little molasses: It is a simple remedy, one almost always at hand, and one does seldom fails to give relief. If it should, repeat it after one hour. Those :whO in the day of sorrow 'have owned God's p . resenee in the aloud; will find him also in the pillar of fire,' bright ening and cheerio' tho - abode u night 11101131011131 L ~, 5r Tbrise Jolly Husbands. Three jolly husbands, by the names of Tim Watson, Joe Brown, and Bill Wale ker, sat, late one evening drinking at the village tavern, until, being Well corned, they agreed that eich on returning home should do the first thing his wife told him in default of which he should, the next morning pay the bill. They then seperated for the night, en gaging to meet the nextnaorning and give an holiest account of themselves and their proceedings at home, so far as tley related to their bill. Toe next morning Walker and Bioich were early at their posts, but it was some time bat ore Watson made his • appear ance. Walker began first; You see, when I entered my house the candle was out, and the fire giving but a glimmering of light, I came near walk ing into a pot-of batter that the ,pancakes were to be, made of next morning. My wife, who was dreadfully out of humor et sitting up su late said to me, §arcaetical ly "Bill, do put your foot in that batter." "Just as you. say, Maggie," said I, and without the slightest hesitation I put my foot in the pot .of batter, and then went to bed. Next Joe Brown told his story. My wife had retired to her usual sleep ing room, which adjoins the kitchen, and tne door was ajar. 'Not being able to nav igate perfectly, I made a dreadful clatter; iog among the household furniture, and my wife in no pleasant tone, drawled out, "do break the porridge pot." No sooner said than done, I siezed hold of the tail of the pot, and striking it a gainst the chimney jamb broke it in a thousand pieces. After this exploit I re tired to rest, and got a curtain lecture all night - for-my - pains, t-tvas_ntuCrinajfi an account of himself. DI wife gave me most unlucky call in the wort for as 1. was hi der ag up stairs in the dark, she called out, "Do break you.r neck, Tim." "I'll be cussed if I do Sate," said ' as I picked myself up; "I will sooner pay the bill." And so landlord, here's, the cash for you, and this is is the last time I will'risk five dollars on the command of my wife. The poorest education that teaches self control, is better than the best that neg leets Payion tiaye "Whi.n we meet in .hea yen we shall see how little we know allol it on earth." Wit resembles a a:qtett ; those.who the most eagerly run after it are the least favor ed. The human soul, like the water of the salt sea, becomes fresh and sweet in rising to the sky. • You may gleam knowledge by reading, but you must separate the wheat from chaff by thinking. Real., happiness is cheap enough, yet how dearly are we in the habit of paying for its counterfeit. , How, noiselessly the snow comes down? You may see it, feel it, but never hear it. Such is true charity. There are persons who would lie pros trate on the ground, if their vanity or their pride did not hold thentt'up. Value the friendship . of him who ittands by you in the' stormswarms of insects will surround you in tite sunshine. Grief knits two beards in closer bonds than happiness ever can , and common happiness 16 a far stronger link than coin -111011 joy.. True religion shows its influence in every part of our conduct, it is like the sap of a living tree, which penetrates the most dis tant boughs. One cannot learn everything; the ob: jecta of knowledge have multiplied beyoncl the r powers of the strongest mind to keep peace with them all. Men are capable of greater things than they perform. They are sent into the world with bills of credit, and seldom draw to their full extent. If good people would but make good•, ness agreeable and smile, inst ad of frown ing in their virtue, how many would be won to the good cause. What is the love of a restless, roving man ? A vagrant stream that dallies with each, flower on its bank, then passes on and leaves them all in tears. • • RULES FOR THE JOURNEY OF LITE.— The following rules, froth the papers of Dr, Wet, were according - to. his memo randum, thrown together as general way, marks in the journey of life !Never to ridicule sacred things, or what others - may esteem such, however absurd they _.may appear to be. Never to show levity when the people are professedly engaged in worship. Never to resent a shpposed in jury till I know the views and motives of the author of it; nor seek occasion to re taliate. Never to judge a person's chorea , ter by their external apperance. Always take the part 'of an absent man who is censured in comany, so far as truth and. propriety wi ll a llow. sever to think the worse of another on account of his differ._ ing from me in political or religious opin ions. Ifevar dispgte if I b.-. n fairly 8. void it. ' • -0 • , Every eainest . ghkuce: we_ give ; to, the realities around us„ldtti, intent jr,9, learnt , proceeds frsen.a‘Apilr f p* rik.:‘ komi.or prom 's turn to Items in Brief. $2,00 PER YEA _ . „ - ! UMBER-IA Wit and „Yuman What can a ma NI when it is empty ? A A Wisconsin mother has actually named her poor baby Horace Gree When a wife reigns, it SokIIIIS natural that she should storm too. She generally does. It would be a much better arrange. ment if the wrinkles of old . ag© were to: come on our heels 'Mstesd of our faces. Why - are - yofineltitres - Tcria - rtial: to sunset and twilight? Because they daughters of Eva, ' , • A gentleman, describing a lady's ec - etr'' big dress, said it was low-necked and en "more so," If you were the wife of your grand-mo ther's uncle's cousin's half-sister, what re- IntiOn would you be to your uncle's gtund fittber's husband, and how many? The most,laconie will on record is that a man who died in 1796.. It ran thus: "1 have nothing ; '.l owe a great deal— the net I give to the poor, A Mossouri, lady advertises for the pPrson who is in the habit of serenading , her to stand nearer the hone so that she can scald him. A boy gave a good definition of a horse in his composition, when he said, "He is an animal with four legs, one in each cor ner." An old rail quietus upon - frim - alsourhis ba "Youn_ man wb as yours, I can — A — Prenclrauthoreas-saya, "A kiss gives more pleasure than anything else in the world." To this an editor responds, "That writer evidently never experienced the childish rapture of descending the stairs by sliding dOwn the banisters." A son of Erin just arrived in this land cf plenty, being in want,, was told by a person to whom he applied for aid, to go generally considered a very • warm region. • "Civility indade," said Pat, "to invite me to your father's house." ' Mr. Theophiias Popp, of Poppville, Pop county, fancying _ buneiAf tole very • popular with his lady love, popped the question to her-under- the , popular tree, where she referred him to her poppy, who, when asked for his content,. laboring - 1 . der the influence of gixour. RO/40 popp ed him tint of the door to' the tune of "Pop gees the Weasel I" "See here, 'Jim grown did you ever rip that my father hadn't se much sense as Sam Smith's yeller dog?" - ",`No I never said any such,a thing. • I said that Sam Smith's yeller dog had more seise than your father ever had, anathat's every word I said." "Well, it's lucky you-didn't say the other thing, I tell you SALT FOB cettegrm,,—Ji poultry Mall says he always lost more or less chickens evgry year from gapes until he has adop ted the plan - of feeding salted dough' and loses none; the chickens are vigorous and always commence laying early in the fall. The Ohio Farmer adds, "we have chickens commence laying within one hour or two after eating salt, and lay ing continually." In an lowa breaCh of promise case, • the plaintiff swore that the defendant 'hived her every night for several months, and .Sunday nights until two and three o'clock in the morning ; while • the defendant swore that he did no, such , thing. The jury based their verdict of $1 damages o 4 the ground - that If he did hug her, it was worth at least $1; while if he didn't be ought to. be sued at- least that amount tbr dereliction in notiiving up to his pri• vileges. D. F—was the President of a youth: era College, who profeovi to be correct in his language, and, )herefore, ezpected hie pupils to be likewise. Playing cards was strictly forbidden on the school prem. ises, but as is often the case, this law was violated by the students without being de tected. A-number of Freshmen collected in one of their number's room, were en joying a game of euchre, when a Imo* was heard at the door. "Who's there?" One exclaimed. "Me!" was the laconio reply: "Who's me?" "Professor F—r--." "You lie! Prat F---would not say Me; he would say, "it is X, sir." Here's per nice roast chick'n," cried an. aged colored man, as the cars stopped at a Virginia railroad station. "Here's yer roast chiek'n 'n. taters, all nice and hot," holding his plate aloft and walking the platform. "Where did you get that chick'n. uncle ?" asks a passenger. Ire cle looks at the intruder sharply, and then turns away, crying. "Here's yer nice roast chick'n, gent'm'n, all hot;-- needn't go into the house for dat." "Where did yon get that chicken ?" repeats the inquisitive passenger. "Look-a-yer," ,says uncle, speaking privately, "is you from de liorf 1° "Yes." -"Is you a . friend ... Of otthe colored man ?" "I hope I am."— "Pen don't yon aebber ask me whar I got dat ehiek'ne lAero's 3'or ,! -Value .the friqcOthip hirit—rho .guirois bY, yquin.s otapal ; swan* iu ' ao&a. tprittisii4ika4 Vie statiut tc , - , 0.,;.• • ," : ye in his picket g hole. ' in Indiana put a. man who chaffed • ea. , to t ese words: k-• v head •ts as soft • air to BOIL"