The Waynesboro' village record. (Waynesboro', Pa.) 1871-1900, November 23, 1871, Image 4
. _ • t, , S. BONBRAXE, Dr i, Di • ]DRUGS, , . CHEMICALS" • PATENT MEDICINES, PREPARATIONS FOR THE HAIR, PIMP 8Z TABNISIIES, Physicians! dealt with at 20 per sent d WAYNESBORO' HOTEL BUILDING, March, 27 1871 Waynesboro', Pa IJBSINUS COLEGE! Located at Freeland', Montgomery Conn ty, Fenn'a. THE'ACADEMIC DEPARTMENT: [FORMERLY FREELAND SEMLNARYJ A. First-class English, Mathematical and Classical I:oarding School for YOUNIGI MIEN AND BOAR Under the immediate Tuition and Manage ' meat of the faculty ofthe college. • TERMS MODERATE. • All necessary expenses, including Tuition, Boarding, Walling, Books, &c., not exceed ing_s23o a year. _ THE COLLEGIATE DEPARTMENT . ': • . from the academic and will afford all the advantages of a full college course irk the usual higher branches of study, under the direction of a Faculty of six Professors. IM.The Academic Year for both Depart ments will be divided into the following three terms:—The School opening with the Fall term, September 0, 1870 to December 22. Winter term, January 4, 1871 to April p. Spring term, April 12 to July 7, 1871. For further information I apply to . Rev. J. H. A. BOMBERGER D. D. ' President of Ursinus College, Freeland, Montgomery County, Pa. July 30 tf. • A WONDER OF MECHAN lOU, SIMPLICITY. The Mod Practical Sewing Machine in the THE McLEAN & HO OP.ER Elastic Lock-Stitch Our Motto is not to bo undersold JEWELRY, WATCHES, CLIMES, COLD PENS, WATCH CHAINS Fingeiltings, Charms, Bracelets, and a great variety of other things ' pertaining to the Jewe lry Business. FAMILY SEWING MACHINE Warranted to do the whole Tango of Family Sewing with more ra pidity, with more ease of management and with to a fatigue to the operator than any Ma chine now in ase. PRICE FORTY (40) DOLLARS! It requires no extra attachment for embroid ering, Braiding and Gathering. It takes the 'thread directly from the spools, thus saving trouble and economizing time. It requires but one foot to move the treadle even in sew in" the heaviest fabrics. It is mane of the best steel. and at all points of wear case-hardened. Its chief points ars Unequalled Simplicity, 'ettiatnas of Operatiom, Ease of 3famagement, .Rapidity of Execution, to drop . Satehes or brook thread. Having a straight needle and the shortest in use. Simplicity of tension, Ease of managing it, Embroidering by a mere change of spools. Braiding, gathering and embroidering with out attachments. Making the best stitce for strength and durability. Making the only stitch sufficiently elastic as not to break in the ordinory strain of elastic . goods. Its seam being less liable tp rip in use or wear than the "Shuttle-Stitch," while it can are more easily taken out if desired. .ILEX. LEEDS, Am:sr, Telegraph Office, ' Waynesboro', Pa. • July 27. IS7I DIV IS HIS Fah. HIGH, Car:tomer:4 will therefore find me at the .1-34tiement refered to after the: first ,cf April next. j:ua 25] 117 - 7,74mE57 octoza TO TEE LADIES! Ik,ITR.S. C., L. HOLLINBERGER bris just IVlLremived a full supply of new Millinery goods. Ladies are invited to 00 and =amino heir Atoelt. 0 .:4101. iff N X CVO AVE spec %flea. a LEEDS. J. BURNS AMBERSON, M.. p:, Drugs of the best quality, PATEND ME DICINES 'of all kinds, PUKE WHITE LEAD and COLORS, OIL, TURPENTINE, 45:e., at BRUSHES, COMBS, POCKET BOOKS, RA aors, Penknives, Stationery, Soaps, Perfum ery, Toilet and Fancy Goods, etc., full as sortment at DESIRABLE in every 'leasehold, Pare Bahing_MateriaL_You can always get the DR. AMBERSON'S Vegelable Vermi cide. The beat remedy for worms. SAFE, RELIABLE AND PALATABLE. WHISKEY, BRANDY, RUM, and QIN for medicinal purposes at NEW GOODS ! NEW GOODS ! TitiP subscriber announces to the citizens Ringgold and vicinity that he has re turned from the East witk a stock of for Ladies, Misses and Children, embracing all styles; also gaiters, ,hoes, etc., for Men and Boys. He has also Groceries for sale, such as Sugars, Coffees, Teas, Syrups and Spices. He continues to manufacture to order men's Boot and Shoe and ladies and chil dren's work of all kinds. He returns thank for past favors and asks a continuance of public patronage in the fu ture. ALL= M r GOOD. ' MATIIEW METCALF • MUM JUST WHAT YOU WANT AND At Prices to suit Times and Quality !: WORK WARRANTED Morro :—Quick Sales and small Proffits. We will furnish anything wanted in our line of business, SASH, DOORS, SIIUTTERS, • MANTLES, STAIRING, WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. We also contract for continued Rail Stair Ways, Newel's Ballusters, &C. &c., furnish to order or put into buildings by the best (. f workmen ; Sawing, Chopping, Poast Boring. Grinding, Turning, &c. &c. In short any thing you want call for it, if not on hand we will make it. As reference we can show you buildings in' the country or in Waynesboro' where you canjudge for yourselves; (we can't recommend material, it must recom mend. itself) also see the quality of our ma terial as compared with that of other shops. TO THE PUBLIC • Thankful for past favors, we ask you for a continuance of the same. • Factory lk miles South of IVavnesboro',Fa. GOOD & METCALF, may 18, 1871. P. S. We are also prepared to furnish Framing material at comparatively low rates. G. & M. TDISSOM.t . T.TTION. ►yviil; partnership heretofore existing be- Ei Miller & Beaver was dissolved on the Ist, of March. 1871, by mutual consent The Books are at the old stand and will be settled by J. W. Miller. All persons indebt ed are requested to call and bottle immedia tely. The business will hereafter be conducted by J. W. MILLER & Co. mar 16-tf mg thanks. to the Inge n nonnceA that hop to the Base intr, (and hot leav of many where he BOOT AND SHOE .emPelves indebted nd t‘ettle their ae- I pay cash for • my my money. Don't at nnweleome yir-i -rtFlettlhar," 'ng whom he maY TIELONAS J. FXLBERT, MERCHANT TAILOR, 4.OENT FOR SINGER'S SEWING' MACP IVES . CABELA_CIC3E3II_3I.2, PHOTOURAPHER, S. E. Corner of the Diamond, WAYN.t.b.6oite, PA. All+ AS at all times a fine assortment of Pic 'l. tures Frames and Mouldings. Call and see specimen pictures. June tf. JOHN FORD qinw- , 11:0-0.=-0.101 DittrG STORE. IS still /theta RF4 I ). REFLECT, and be convinced. THE CORNER DRUG STORE. DRUG STO CARNE THE CORNER DRUG STORE. PURE GROUND SPICES ar© sold at !THE CORNER DRUG STORE FLAVOMG - EaTRACTS. 15 different kinds at THE CORNER DRUG STORE THE C0R3.71,R DRUG STORE. TRUSSES at • THE CORNER DRUG STORE. Get your Prescriptions filled by DR. J. BURNS AMBERSON. ZUEW BEIOEWAIRE Ringgold ? May,ll, '7l. W. STEWART 2000 Bushels .Clover Seed mounted, ILDEN, STOVER & WOLFF Sept 21-32 n. ARSON'S STEAM OIL ! alarmiingincrease in. the number of F frightful accidents, resulting in terrible . deaths and. destruction of valuable property, caused ,by the indiscriminate use of oils know under the name of Petcoleurn, promas us to call your special attention to an article which will, Wherever used, remove the cause of such accidents. We allude to CARSON'S STELLAR OIL FOR ILLUMI NATING PURPOSES.' • . The proprietor of this oil has for several years felt tie necessity of providing for,.and presenting to_ the public, as a substitute for the dangerous compounds ,which are sent broadcast over the country; an oil that is safe; brilliant, and' ntirely reliable. After a long series of laborious and costly experi ments, he has succeeded in providing, and offers to the public, such asubstitute, in "CARSON'S STELLAR OIL" It should be used by every family because it is safe boyond a question. The primary purpose in the preparation' of STELLAR OIL has been to make it Perfectly Safe, thus insuring the lives and property of those who use it. Its present standard. of SAFETY and BRILLIANCY will always be maintain ed, for upon this the proprietor depends for sustaining the high reputation the STEL LAR OIL new enjoys. To prevent the adulteration of this oil with the explosive, compounds now known under the name of kerosene, &c., &c., it is put up for family use in fave-gallon cans, each can being . sealed and stamped with the trade-. mark of the proprietor; it cannot, therefore, be tampered with out.zeen the manufacturer and-consumer._Mone_is_genninewithout_ this trade-mark. It is the duty and interest of all dealers and customers of illuminating oil to use the STELAR OIL only, bee4use it alone is known to be safe and reliable. It is for sale by 1 --A-mberseno3enediet-&-Co.:Waynesboro'. Manon & Staler, Marion. E. B. Winger, Quincy. Geiwieks & Burkhart, lihambersburg. W. D. Dixon, St. Thomas. J. Hostetter & Co., Greencastle.• Thomas C. Grove. Mercersbnrg. . Jno. L. Ritchery, GARDEN & CO., WnommALE AoaN'rs. No. 136 South Front St., Philadelphia. feb 2-1871.. tieing ' HALL'S ..-1 1 pasleA''''era. METABLE sums 0* ItJ • RENEWER. Every year increases the p'bpu larity of this valuable Hair Prep aration, which is due to merit alone. We can assure our old patrons that it is kept fully up to its high standard; and it is,the on ly_ reliable_ and _perfected_prepara- ' tion for restoring GRAY ox FADED HAIR to its youthful color, making it soft, lustrous, and silken. The --scalp,by-its-use,-becomes Ake and clean. It removes all eruptions and dandruff and b its tonic urci er- • ties, prevents the hair from falling out, as it stimulates and nourishes the hair-glands. I3y its use, the hair grows thicker and stronger. In baldness, it restores the capillary glands to their normal vigor, and will create a new growth, except in extreme old age. It is the most economialint-DaEssiNo ever used, as it requires fewer applica tions, and gives the hair a splendid, glossy appearance. A. A_ Hayes, M.D., State Assayer of Massachu setts, says, "The constituents are pure, and carefully. selected for ex cellent quality; and I consider it the BEST PREPARATION for its intended purposes." SG d try all Drujgistsanrl Dealers in Medicine. Price Ono Dollar. Buckingham's Dye. FOR THE 'iITHISEERS. As our Renewer in many cases requires too long a time, • and too much care. to restore gray or faded Whiskers, we have prepared this dye, in one preparation, which will quickly and effectually accomplish this result. It is easily applied, and produces a color which will neither rub nor wash off. Sold by all Druggists. Price Fifty Cents. Nanufactured by R. P. HALL & CO., NASZUA, N.S. Aug. 24-Iy. _ 1 21 1869 The merits of this machine consists in part, in the , attachment of curved knives to the arms of the cutting-wheel, the shear ing cut across the mouth-piece, the great power and directness of the blow, by which treble the volume of material is cut, with less power than is required by any other machine ; those combined with its durabil ity and simplicity of construction, command public attention. Nothing liable to get out of order, but what a boy could remedy with kpocket wrench. Persons in want of machines of this de scription will:do well by calling upon or ad dressing the undersigned. Good and res ponsible agents wanted to sell machines and territory. The above:Machine is now on exhibition at the Waynesboro' Manufacturing Compa ny's Office. Persons interested should call and examine it, for it is what every farmer shouldhave. H. C. GILBERT, Barn. F. STOUFFIZR, Proprietor, Agent. Waynesboro' Pa. July 14; tf 1111 3111111 1111341 E undersigned informs the public gen erally that he has purchased the Livery heretofore owned by Frank. Weagley, 'and is fully prepared to meet the wants of the community in his line of business. 11 . Ai 8 bad all his carriages neatly re paired and refitted, and his horses aze safe, gentle and fast travellers. Parties conveyed to zmypoint desired, accompanied by a care ful driver. Office at • the Waynesboro' Hotel, where an attentive hostler will be in attendance at all hours of the night and day. fort will be spared to accommodate all who nay patronize him. Dee. 17, is .~ _ - ~ C-i-FISER'S iMENT SnfiEGUartin CLEANER, BAGGER AND POWERS No implement. more important to .the farmer than a First-class Grain Thresher and Cleaner- 7 -for none pays him so well and so speedily. The above cut Shows the only Geiser Ma chine now built under the immediate eye of the old inventors themselves, with all the additional improvements made during the past 18 years, and now with FIRST-CLASS WORKMEN & MATERIAL this .Mach:; - .e just stands high above all of its class. As a thresher it is equal to the best, as a cleaner it is superior -to any , exist ing Machine. This is admitted by all hon est competitors. Indeed it is the only Ma chine that really min, by one operation, .thoroughly thresh and clean grain fit for market. But the fact that grain direct from this machine commands from 2 to 3 cents a bushel rrtore than grain direct from any oth er machine, settles the question of its supe riority as si cleaner over all others. Impar tial judges at all the State and County Fairs it—ivasr-thoroughly—and—p-cticlfily tested, ,in competition with other leading machines, always agree that it is more sim ple—more easily understood and operated by those unskilled ih machinery—more du rable—threshing as much and yet cleaning better—with less power and — more comfort to hands than any other machine in use— and besides all that is sold for less money according to capacity. These facts are further attested by the thousands of pur chasers, some of whom have had them in use for the last'lB years. To supply the wants of all, we now make 4 sizes, viz:— From a 2 Horse Railway or 3' Horse Lever Power, to alO Horse Lever Power, with prices ranging from $l9O to $360, without power. We also make the latest impproved triple-geared Horse Powers, suitable for each size machine, ranging from $9O to $1.35, and all fully and fairly warranted. For further information send for circular and price list. Responsible Agents in Territory not in troduced. Address, THE GEISER MANUFAC% CO., • Wevimsnoxo', Franklin County, .Tan. 21-tf Pennsylvania. I 'OSABALIS July 20, 1 NEW E 'TE STYLES t LOW PRIM t OERINIER WAYNANT have just ()pen t ed at the CORNER CLOTHING STORE, a sqlen did line of FRENCH, embracing Clothes of various grades aris colors. PLAIN AND FANCY CASSIMERS, latest styles and best qualities, Doeskind, Cheviots, Tweeds, Linen' and Crape Coat lugs, stylish Vest Patterns, etc. AU of which will be made to order with the best Trimmings and in the best manner. A GOOD FIT GUARANTSED in every case or no sale. IiEADYMADE CLOTHING Paper Coilars, Ties, Bows, Suspenders, Hos iery etc., always on hared. Gentlemen desiring stylish and good fit ting clothing should give us a triaL - BOERNER & WAYNANT, S. E• Cor. Diamond. I n a aa 11! I rE undersigned would most respectfnlly i!form the citizens of Waynesboro' and vicinity that he has opened a new Tin Store on East Main street, opposite Stover & IVolB's Dry Goods emporium, and keeps constantly on hand a good supply of . COOK & COAL STOVES, MORNING GLORIES, etc., at prices to suit the times. All kinds of work done in his line with neatness and dispatch, such as roofing; spouting and repainng. You will find it to your interest to give him a call be fore purchasing elsewhere. The sign of the Big Red Coffee Pot, Always on the post.— Thankful for past favors he hopes for a , con tinuance of the same. nov 19 11113.4. Country sides for sale by JLO - Jane-24i. W. A.R.WD W3l. 113 NE. GRAIN SEPARATOR THE IN GIILDIEN T 11AT COMPOST: ItO SA DA i .16 --nr on overy package, tlmre• fore i t is rr; t u secret preparation, consequently PHYSICIANS PRESCRIBE IT It is a certain cure for Scrofula. Syphilis in all its forms, Iliamins lista, Skin Diseases, Liver'Coin plaint and all diseases, of the Blood. ONE BOTTLE OF ROSADAIZS will do more good than ten bottles of the Syrups of Sarsaparilla. THE UNDERSIGNED PHYSICIANS' havensed Rosadalisin their practice for the past three years and Ucery' endorse it as a reliable Alterative, and Blood Purifier. DR. T. C. PIIGR 2 of Baltimore. DR. T. J. BOYKIN, ` 4 DR. R. W. C ARR. if DR. F. O. DANNELLY, " DR. J. S. SPARKS, of Nicholasvillo, y. DR. J. L. McCARTHA, Columbia, S. C. DR. A. IL NOBLES, Edgecomb, N. C. USED AND ENDORSED BY J. B. FRENCH & SONS, Fall River, Mass. F. W. WITH, Jackson, Mich. A. F. WHEELER, Lima, Ohio. B. MALL, Lima, Ohio. CRAVEN & .CO., Gordonsville, Va. SAWL. G. McFADDEN, klurfrees bore, Tenn. Our space will not allow of any ox. tended remarks in relation to the virtues of Rosadalis. Totbo Medical Profession we guarantee a Fluid Ex-, tractsuperior to any they have, ever used in tho treatment of diseased Blood; and to the ailLeted we say try Bosadalis, and you will by restored to health. Resedalfs is sold by all Druggists, price 81.50 per bottle. Address DB, CLELIENTS do CO. Mantsfacturtng Chem:" Itsurzuonx, BM !! NEW OHM t ENGLISH AND AMERICAN Yours Respectfully, CLAYTON M. PREY. D. B. Bit, ' ,L Btionku. NEW 'FIRM ! D. B. RUSSELL & SON at the sign of the Big Red Horn, will keep constantly on hand and for sale a large assortment of Stoves and Tinware. COOK STOVES (warranted to give satisfaction.), TINWARE, STONEWARE, BRASSWARE, HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS TUBS, BUCKETS, CHURNS, KNIVES AND FORKS, •SPOONS, LADLES, LARGE IRON COPPER KETTLES. And other useful articles at the sign of the BIG RED HORN, Waynesboro', Pa:, where a large assortment of COOK STOVES, NINE-PLATE STOVES, PARLOR STOVES, of the latest improvements, the very , best in the market, at the Cheap Tin and Stove Store of EVERYBODY 0.*1814;01 , A3 BASE BURNER, Sold at Retail by D. B. RUSSELL & SON, TINWARE made of the best Tin in the market, and warranted at the sign of the "BIG RED HORN" D. B. RUSSELL keeps constantly orb hand a large assortment of all House Furnishing Goods for sale cheap. Pure No. 1. Kero sene Oil and a large assortment of Lamps. WASHING MADE EASY ! • by calling at the sign of the "Big Red Horn' and getting the best Clothes Wringer ever made. tta..Persons in want of Stoves, Tinware, House Furnishing Goods, &c. &c., can get full value for their money by calling on D. B. RUSSELL Sr, SON, Sign of the "Big Red Horn," • Waynesboro', Pa a MAT um A PENNY MADE! SAYS THE OLD ADAGE Well, how and where is the place to do it? wherever you can use your money to the best advantage ; and poqular opin . ion has long since given the palm to STOVER. dr WOLFF, GOODS for keeping the best and cheap est store; all they want is for buyers to call and examine their stock and convince themselves of what they say. Our stock consists of the following articles: Ladies Dress Goods—Sacs es Alpaceas, Reps, Mohan, Poplins, Armuns, English Velveteens, Opera Cloths, Repellants, skc., d;e. MEN'S WEAR.--Cloths, Doeskin Cassimeres : Cords,. Sattinetts, Cottonades, Luiens, Tweeds, &c., Ike. LADIES 'CUSTOS-lI:UDE SHOES, in Lasting and Morocco, cheap. 4131- EL CO C 7 M LX . We have bought large, consequently cheap. All our goods have been bought at panic prices, consequently ye are enabled to un dersell those 'who bought before the decline. VES-Call and see, and we will prove to you what we say. ALL KINDS OF COUNTRY PRO DUCE BOUGHT AND SOLD. June 290871. STOVER a: WOLFF. THOMISROBINSON, MnMr One dre We* of the Bowdon ,Rouse.: JAPANNED WARE, COAL STOVES &c., D. B. RUSSELL 4S; SON COME AND SEE ORIENTAL Sign of the Big Red Horn, Waynesboro', Pa. GOOD NEWS I ,CAN BE UAED Tai item pr. w ... A.. R ID . X have just bought in the 'East a choice stock of goods. A full supply of • COFFEES, TEAS, • RICE,•WHITE SUGARS; '- (Coffee, cracked loaf and pulverized.) and N. 0: Molisses and Syrups, Dried Fruit, Sugar-Cured Hams, Smoked Beef &e., In the way of Pure Spices and baking ar ticles generally, and flavoring articles, &c., the quality stands unsurpassed. Do not forget to look at our 10 cent and levy sugars. I am prepared to keep with the market. CHEESE.—The very best quality on hand winter and summer. ORAGIiERS OF ALL KANOSt I get my goods fresh from the factory of James Mason and Co. Have many differ ent kinds. The newest thing out is the "Imperial." FRESH AND SALTED FISH. The Fish department we keep up full, and will play second fiddler to none. All thro' the proper season we get string fish, iced shad and herring. We sell sound fish and sell them right that . is the reason we sell them fast. Customers wanting one shad or 100 . waited on with the same alacrity.— Housekeepers wanting to lay in a supply \e summer should buy very soon. MACKERAL. I now have in store and for Bale a choice lot of Mackerel in whole.bbls, halves and iluarters, at about one-half the price per lb. of bacon. There is nothing else so cheap in the provision line as Mackeral. Make a note of this. GLASSWARE.—Look at the goblets, tum blers, sets, small dishes. QtrEENSWARE.—Granite ware of the very best make im. ported in tea sets and by the dozen and half dozen., Also a large . stock of common Teas and dishes. NOTIONS AND SUNDRIES.—Baskets, buckets, brooms, tubs, brushes, soaps, clothes pins, pocket books, es . • sences, Barlow's blue, chewing tobacco and segars, &c., I ask the public to call and eiamine.— Will always try to make he'prices suit cash buyers. April 20, 1871. t: INVALIDS DON'T DESPAIR! A" tiS.VI - Thansanda-hare found relief. and ~ ...k . , c, -- thCrmarratin7lll - tu. aJ to - this — Med - .; , : r j rl.,, btPhr„, . Chic, e.: ham Ling their purses • <,,, , rt41.;:j ;O:J4 'V' 1 and pa.lenee la hearch of health. , lic. , " ", tialtane -4 of the luatd, dullneia or the min , f.....1d nest in the stomae . t, enlargement of the liver, yellmt , ness of the skin, constant fever and thlr.s. o I,h a tee al dl.,relish for bashiess, elm:tetra or_ any_kind of employ ment. FaxteXay's PANACEA, if taken and persm ered in for a few days, will remove this u hole class of symtr toms. The fluids of the body become pure, and mind clear, the stomach strengthened, the tongue clean, the t t ig t e petite improved bad rrggltr.welle s eas ystem so benefited I Dr. P. FAHRNEY'S 67, Celebrated Blood Cleanser or Panacea. As a medicine for children, the Panacea is, in every way, calculated to take the place of the endless variety' of drugs which are annually sold for that purpose, and hich are often very injuriona. A medicine which pos. seises the qualities of a cathartic as well as *mild alter. Mice, and which is capable of arresting disease without the least Injury to the child, i s of incalculable value to, every mother. As a cathartic, it is very etsective, yet it does not, if given in proper quantities, cause nausea or distress to the stomach or bowels. It is very pleasant to the taste, which is a very important nature as a Medicine for children. As *preventive of disease it is unprecedented, as it acts directly' upon the digestive or gans and the blood. In all scrofulous diseases. It Is the mon. eJective medicine ever °Pored to the public; and, If given regnlarly and perseveringly, those eruptive dis eases so common to children may beentirely eradicated. •iitt Prepared by P. Fahrney's Bros. & 7.5 • *P" b.. Co„ Waynesboro, Pa., and Dr P. FARRIMP, 30 North Dearborn .1 - : St., CHICAGO. Price $1.215 per bottle, 111 7, , for sale by Wholesale and Retail dealers. .And by F. Forthman, J. B. Amberson, M. D. and Dr. A. 8. Bonbr4e, Waynesboro'; Ronzer Buhiman, likesville. [Dec. 8, 1871-Iy. UV!ilat t MC IEI 7CO M'CLIC 33T 3EI Si 0 OILS Z'" 1111_ lE TiakT 71E` SW .) &c., dm, ao To zovanizaPs Lailat.sqLlc.r - iiirc,:X . tats;Ft 41. m 40Xi Wiartesixvre, May 21, 1871. A:. AN; • • J.l VINEGAR Brrima . vitr Hundreds of Thousands g 4 , t Pi • p.'" P Pi XBB. ' r4' . 4 4 b, 0 S I.b M P w . P 6 ova "8 cl~> Le .1: e -•• .4 2 3 1 n ° P ,44 0 § do's. O § fEET ARE NOT A NILE 4 :?; et:FANCY DRIWIC: ' ut•_ sl ' :lade Poor Whiskdiri Proof S pirit s' and Ilefeso Liquors doctored, spiced and wee, coed to please the taste, called " Tordes,"..Appetla cm," "Restorers," ae., that lead the tippler on to drunkenness and ruin, but are a true Medicina, made . Rom the Native Roots and Herb& of Califon:l a, free from all Alcoholic Stimulants. They - Ire the' GREAT BLOOD runiurr.u, and A 11Fts GIVING ritiNCIPLE a petted Renova .or and- Invigorator of the System, carrying off all po sonoor 11 - Latter and restoring the blood to a healthy condition. No person can take these Bidets according to dime , ' lion and remain long unwell. $lOO willbe given for on inebrable ease, provided tho bones are not destroyed by mineral poison or aher means, and the vital organs wasted beyond Ito point of repair. For Inflammatory and Chronic Dilemma: Clem and Gout, Dyspepsia, or Indigestion • Bilious, Remittent and Intermittent Fewer Diseases of the Blood, Livery Kidneys, and Bladder. these Bitters have been most success: fal. Such 'Diseases are caused by Vitiated Blood, which is generally produced by derangement of the Digestive Organs* • DYSP'itt MIA INDIC4RSTIONO neat echo, Pain in the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of tho Chest, Dizziness, Sour Eructations of the Stomach. Bad taste in the Mouth, Mimi Attacks, Palpitation of the Heart, .Inflammation of the Lungs, Pain la the regions of the Kidneys, and a hundred other painful • symptoms, are the offsprings of Dyspepsia. Theyintlgorate the Stomach and stimulate the tor pidliver and bowels, which render them of unequalled efficacy in cleansing tho blood of all impurities, and imparting new life and vigor to the whole system. FOR SKIN DISEASES. Eruptions, Totter, Salt Rheum, Blotches, Spots; Pimples, Pustules,Boi/s, Car , boucles, Ring-Norma, ScaldKead, Sore Eyes, Erysip else, itch. Smith, Discolorations of the Skin, Humors and Diseases of the hicin, of whatever name or nature. are literally and carried out of the systemic short time by the um of these Bitters. One bottle in such cases will convince the most Incredulous of their curative effect. Glenna, the Vitiated Blood whomever you Lind its impurities bursting through the skin brim:tiptoe, Keep. lions or Sores ; cleanse It when you find it obstructed and sluggish in the veins; cleanse it when It Ls foul, and your feelings will tell you when. Keep the blood pore and the health of the system will follow. ' , IN, TAPE and other WORKS, lurking in the system of so nanny thousands, are eiroctnally.destroy ed and removed. For full directions, real carefully the circular around cacti bottle, printed in four ion guages—EngUsh, German, French and Spanish. J. WALKER, Proprietor. It. FL MoDONA.LD & CO., ru - ggistu uud Glm. Agents. — San — Frnacisecr;—Cal.T, 'end 82 and Si Commerce Street, New York. " Eli SOLD DY ALL DRUGGISTS AND prwralvt. W. A. REID -Ayer-'s Sarsaparilla, The reputation thls ex. client medicine enjoys, 3 derived from its cures, cumy of which are truly narvellous, Inveterate lases of Scrofhlo us sys, here tbesystem teeme we d w saturated with irruption, have been nailed and cured by it. irefolous affections and, irders,whichwere ag wated by the scroll'- , contamination until. ....wig, have been radically _ numbers in almostevery sec tion of the country, that the public scarcely need to be Informed of Its virtues or uses. Sdrofulous poison is ono of the most destrue dye enemies of our race. Often, this unseen and unfelt tennntof the ottanism undermines the con stitution, and incites the attack of enfeebling or fa tal diseases, without exciting a suspicion of Its. presence. Again, It seems to breed Infection throughout the body . , and then, on some favorable. occasion, rapidly develop into one or other of its hideous forms, either on the surface or among the. vitals. In the latter, tubercles may be suddenly deposited in the lungs or heart, or tumors formed. in the liver, or it shows its presence by eruptions on the skin, or tbul ulcerations on some part of the body. Renee the occasional use of a bottle of this Sarsaparilla Is advisable, even when no active symptoms of disease appear. Persons af flicted with the following complaints 'generally And immediate relief, and, at length, cure, by the use of this SARSAPARILLA: St. Antho ny's Fire, Rose or Erysipelas, Totter, Salt Ltheum,. Scald Head, Rin , Sore .Eyes, Sore Ears, and other erup one or visible forms. of Scrofulous disease. Also in the more con cealed forms as .Dyapepata, Dropsy, Heart Disease, • Fits, Epilepsy Neuralgia, and the various -Ulcerous affections of the muscular and nervous spelling. Syphilis or Venereal and Merestrial Ms eases are cured by it, though a long time is re quired for subduing these obstinate maladies by any . medicine. But long-continued use of thiis medicine will cure the complaint. Lettcorrhaqs or Whites, Uterine Ulcerations, and Female Diseases, are ymmcinly soon relieved and ulti mately cured b its purifying and invigorating effect. Minutedirections for each case are found In out Almanac, supplied gratis. Rheumatism. and Gout, when caused by accumulations of ex traneous matters in the blood, yield quickly to it, as also Liver Complaints, Toqiidity, Gemara tion or inflammation of the Direr, and Jaun dice, when arising, as they often do, from the rankling poisons in the blood. This -SARSA PARILLA is a great restorer for the strength and vigor of the system. Those who are Lan guid and Listless, Despondent, Sleepless, and troubled with Nervous Apprehensions or Fears, or any of the affections symptomatic of Weakness, vill find immediate relief and con vincing evidence of its restorative power ,upon • PREPARE') BY Dr. Jr. C. AVM do CO., Lowell, MaU., Practical and Analyticat chemists. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS EMIR :cc AEN Air attALII COON dr, STONEHOUSE Respectfully announce to the public that they have opened at their .store room, OS. the South-west corner of the Diamand, in Waynesboro,' a large and well selected stock of DRY GOODs, • GROCERIES, HARDWARE, AND CUTLERY, Iron, Steel, Nails Coachmakers Goods of ev ery description, Queensware, Cedarware Shoes, Carpets, Oil Cloths,. Paints, Glass, Oils, Varnish Brushes, • Fish, Salt, and all kind of Goods kept in a well regulated store. Our goods are all new and -fresh and have been bought for cash at the late decline in prices. We flatter ourselves that from our long experience in business, and a determination to sell goods at small profits, we shall offer unusual inducements to buyers who desire to save money. Please call and see for yourselves. We have a large and well assorted stock of staple and fancy Dry Goods. embracing CLOTHS, CISSIMERES, &C„ Satinetts, Jeans, Tweeds, Cottonedes, Cords; Stripes, Checks, Ginghauus, Linen and Cot ton Table 'Diapers, Crash for towels, Calir cues, Delains,.Alpaccms, Fancy DIM% GOODS, DRILLING% Shawls, Brown and Bleached Sheeting and Shirtings Tickinks, Linens, Flannels, White Goods, Gloves, hosiery and Notions. We are receiving new Foods every week did will supply any article wanted that we Ulm* not on hand in a few days. We pay the highest market prim kup all kinds of Country Produce. snap as Bacon, 'Lard Butter, Eggs, Dried Fruit, Rags, &c. Pioc. 3, 1870. a MEE IBLOOD.