The Waynesboro' village record. (Waynesboro', Pa.) 1871-1900, November 23, 1871, Image 3
- :,-;-= • ,','; . .'.,,c , '. , . - : to;;;.4.1:. , ; ,;',.,, -'. 'NEW GOODS IMBERSON BENEDICT & CO'S, stri , cy-. Ware now receiving our first supply A' new , FALL AND WINTER GOODS customers aim the public generally— . e etv ing it to be to the interest of all to give us a call before buying elsewhere. - Among our stock_you _will find a heavy stock of the following : Diens wear of all kinds Overcoatings Cloths, Cassimers fancy and plain, Cords, plain and striped, Shirtings wool and cot ton Boots and Shoes. Boys wear of all kinds, Boys Boots and Shoes Ladies Dress Goods of all descriptions Delains, Coburgs, Allpaccas, Plaid, plain wool ad worsted goods, FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, ' IMPORTED CARPET, HOMEMADE CARPET, • CARPET CHAIN OIL BLAIDS, WINDOW OIL CLOTH, CHECK-MATING PLAIN - MATTING, CURTAIN FIXTURES HARDWARE , GROCERIES, QUEENWARE, Please give us a call and we will try to satisfy you in price and quality. AMBERSON BENEDICT & CO. Oct 12, 1871. FIRS 7 GEAND CDPENZIM FILL AND WINTER, COOL ! PRICE ik. HOEPLICH'S, IN PUT AS NOLLOWS : 'Black Alpacas, Mohair Lustres, Plain and Fancy Poplinins, in double warps, English and American manufactures Japanese Silk Robes, Japanes Repp Poplins, In new affects. Black silks and Empress clothes, sublime qualities. Ottoman and Water villette Shalls, both long and square, Morning and Breakfast Shalls, all colors—cheap. Wool & Cotton Fla.nons, Plain and Opera Flanens, in large and elegant assortment Checks, Shirting Stripes, Chambrays and Domestic Gingintms, in every variety. Ladies Water Proof Closhings, in black and colors. Meng Bl'k and Fancy clothesand cassimeres. Also corduroys, Kerseys and Scotch chari ots, in quantities and at prices to suit all. Men's Chinchila and Beaver over coatings, in heavy and light weights—Cheap. Large lot of Ladies Trimmings and Fancy goods, in new and elegant designs. Gents Furnishing Goods, under wear &e., a large supply. White Good, Hosiery, Gloves and Notions, a full line of each. Mens Boots and Shoes, Ladies Shoes and Gaiters, Gum and Heavy Shoes. Ingrain (berthing, Rag and Stair Carpets, at reduced prices. Carriage Robes, Horse Blankets and Fancy Spreads, a full line. Qneensware, Gloss ware, Hard and Wooden ware, all kinds cheap. ' qnantitaes. Rio, Lagt:dra and Roasted coffees'. in largo . and Orleans Sugars, Demerara to Sugar, large lot in store. Don't faill to examine otrr etock. Oet 12,1871. PRICE & HOEFLICH. CIHAD AND HERRING.—Hees. Shad and OPotornac Herrin fin bble. for ealo by W. A. REID. rge assor J. B. CROWELL. J. DEARDORFF. •, GREEN CASTLE, PA., would be pleased to call the •attention the public to their large stock of Hemlock and White Pine Lumber. All the different grades of boards in the .• i wAtrawo OF 18711 erz,aßsitr p.a.& C4BtPAIGRI ADVANCE IN DRY GOODS. A Grand Swindle .1 •. . • " A. Giiinerrilif t - NO REASONABLE CAII BE FOR ITI Then. listen to the voice,of reason and trust to your own judgment. Bay your goods where you can get the best value for the least money. Just think of the price for Buttons. Pins,. Tapes, Spool Cotton, Needles, Shoe Strings, and Hooka and Eyes, and 'remem ber that when you bianch r out into finer goods the waste is much heavier. Look at the SMASHING BARGAINGwe are now offering in the face of the cry of high prices. Heavy standard Muslims at 12i quoted at 13/ by bail Merimack prints at ),I.c, for which the agent asks 12; Splendid Alpacas at 30c, worth 45c*; - Pure Mohair Alpacas at 40c, wholesale price 55c Rich Lustres and Silk Warps at 50c; regu l'r price 75; Magnificent beauties in Dress Goods 37k, worth 60; Hand some Dress Goods at 25c, case price 37i; Auction Bargains at 12i and 20. The ignorant country merchant cries out a gainst Auction Goods because he does not understand his business. He buys Dress Goods regularly on time (twice a year style,) at 40c; and charges 50c. We buy the same thing-m - the Auction - Room-at-23-and-sellat 25, thus saving to our customers 25c. a yard. These are only a few of our stunningspec ialties. To enumerate all would take too much time and space; Among our latest pur chases, reported by telegram from our ad vance agents in New York, are 170;000 - DOZT — HOSIEBT. 1000 CARTONS OF RIBBONS, every sbada & quality ; Four Hundred and Fifty peices Cassimere, A QUARTER OF A MILLION BLANKETS, ibr one hundred thousand dallars. Sin Cases o Flannela below manufacturers prices This is the music, and these prices that crowd our Stores whilst other merchants stand - in astonishment and watch the crowd go by. We claim to be working on the short e=thasightroadr- r _a- nd-have-the-inside track and intend to keep it. The enormous amount of our business speaks for itself, and tells the tale of low prices in everything. CA.LDWELL & COMPANY I y HAGERSTOWN, MD., Nora East Corner Public Square, WAYNE,SBORO', PA. Hemlock Flooring, Palings, White Pine Flooring, Plastering Lath's German Siding, Shingles, &c. &c. Also -keep on hand or manufacture at short notice Sash, Blinds, Doors. Shutters, &c. &c. Walnut Newell Posts, Railing and Balusters, and in fact everything connect ed with house-hulding. All who want - anything in our line will remember the place, South end of Green Castle, Pa. Oct 26-4 t CARPETS! CARPETS.! I. H. WHITMORE has just returned from the cities with the . largest and best assortment of CARPETS ! OIL . CLOVIS ! OIL AND LINEN WINDOW SHADES, DRUGGET AND CRUMB CLOTHS RUGS AND MATS, COVERLETS, • COUNTERPANES, &c., ever offered in Greencastle. LACE CURTAINS, with all the fixtures for putting up. RAG CARPETS constantly on hand and made to order ItiiiirSel‘ lower than any other howi in the county. Siiiir•Call and hear prices. Greencastle, Dec. 1,1870. NOTICE TO THE LADIES.! NEW MILLINERY GOODS! MISSES. STICKLE & GORDON, an nounce to the ladies of Waynesboro' and vicinity, that they have just opened out a full line of new kali and Winter Mil linery Goods. They return thanks for past patronage and invite all in want of any ar ticle in the Millinery linb to call and exam ine the latest styles, learn prices, &c. Sept 19-tf 8,M118112 I.IIE, /SHE subscriber informs the public that he is proprietor of the Buss line running daily between Waynesboro', and Geencas tle, heretofore run by Wolfersberger 8: Ston er. With good horses and a first-class four horse Omnibus he is enabled to convey pas sengers fo and fro with comfort and conve nience. His Buss will leave Waynesboro', at 61 A. 11., arriving at Greencastle at 8, making quick time and sure connection with the first Passenger trstin at 8/ A. M. Leaves Greencastle at 5 o'clock, P. M., arriving at Waynesboro', at 6 45. He is himself Pro prietor, Contractor and Driver. Delivers Adams Express matter to and from Green castle. All Express matter expressed the same morning and through to Waynesboro' the same day it arrives. Persons wishinz to send goods by Express will do well by giving him a call. Persons wishing to go to Hagerstown should take this rout. The train leaves at 915 making connection with the Washington County 'Railroad. aug 20 tf] R. WOLFERSBERGER. ADMIttitSTRATUIN NOME, T ETTERS of Administration on the eS .Litate.of Geo. Besore, late of Wayne3boro', dec'd., having been granted to the u ader signed. All persons indebted to said es tate are requested . to make immediate pay ment, and those having legal claims against the same will present them, without delay in proper order for settlement to Nov 2-6 t A. H. STRICKLER, Adm'r. TEE IEN .171111E2 UNDERFEED SHUTTLE and SEWING HACH:ENS! $25 cheaper than any other. For Simplicity, Durability and Beauty, they stand unrivalled. For gtitching, Hem ming: Tucking, Felling, Quilting, Cording, Binding, Braiding, Gathering, Gathering 8: Sewing on gathers, they are unexcelled.-1- Warranted. A.aE. WAYNANT, S. E. Corner Diamond, Mar. CO. 187/. Waynesboro" Fa. PUBLIC.. SALE EtiraTE TaEgndeisigned will offer at i public sale—in front,of Minter's Hotel n 'Way boro', Penna. . " On SATURDAY 25th of NOVEMBER. at 10 o'clock, 4. M., all that . valuable real estate described.below, viz : No. 1--:-A VALUABLE -FARM lying and being situated in ;Washington and Quincy townships, Franklin county, Pa.: along the Chambersburg road; bout three miles from Waynesboro', Pa., bounded by lands of J. H. Gordon, Samuel Foreman Ephraim Sni der and others. Thii farm contains 165 Acres and 20 perches, Lg one of the best in the a foresaid townships, being in • a high state of cultivation. The improvements consist of a good, two story WEATHER-BOARDED DWELLING, - a commodious bank barn, weather-boarded, wagon shed, corn crib and all other necess ary out-buildings. There is a well of never falling wat r in the yard, and the west branch of the Antietam Creek runs through the farm close to the barn. The orchard is one of the finest anywhere—all chiiiiit - fidiC - The Wharf Flouring Mill is only about one hundred yards distant from the premises. No. 2—BEING A LOT OF MOUNTAIN LAND, lying on South Mountain along the turnpike road. between V. B. Gilberts, and ontery_Springs_propertY_,_an_daear the Toll Gate, bounded by the lands of H. Stoner, George and Elias Snowberger, con taining 22 ACRES. This lot is well - set with splendid chestnut timber. No. 3—BEING A LOT OF LAND lying Pied, bounded by lands of John Gehr and P. Wiesner, well set witli od-Pine Oak and Chester tim . No 4,—A - . - MOUNTAIN - LOT - containing 16 acres and 110 perches, well set with ChJstnut and Pine timber, bounded by lands E. Miller, Nich. Bonbrake, and others. The ahove tracts of land can be seen by applying to Simon Lecrone, Samuel Nicode -mus-or-Geo.-,L-Bals1; Terms made known on day of sale LEVI SANDERS. G. V. MONO, Auct, Nov 2—ts ADJOURNED JP -17 33 la ICD .19 X..g . • . OF • REAL ESTATE PRE -undersigned-will o ffer-nt-Public-S , lo_ on Friday and Saturday, the 24th and 25th 'Tarn of Normber, 1871, on the rrPlnive4. all hat-yaluable--Real-Estate-deseribed-belo • . Nos. 1, 2 and 3 —Being three new two story LOG 'WELLING HOUSES weathrelnarded) and Lots, situate on west r Leiter: b ira Street, in Waynesboro', Pa., North of Main Street. The lots each have 0 • • PO n usual lenoth—all of rhe-e lots have Cisterns and convenient out houses—one of them an excellent well of water. These dwellings have been erected within the last two years—are each large e nough and especially 'arranged to suit two families, are well plastered: celled and fin ished up in complete style in every respect. Nos. 4, 5 and 6 THREE BUILDING LOTS immediately adjoiningjon the South side of the above dwellings and lots—of the same width and length. These lots are nicely lo cated, and are as desirable building lots as any in the borough and will be sold sepa rately. All of the foregoing real estate is subject to the dower interest of the heirs of John Gilbert, sen., deceased. No. 7—Being all of that excellent tract of land, lying and being situate partly in Wash ington township, adjoining Borough of Way nesboro' and partly in said borough—North side—on Mount Hope road to Chambers burg, containing ABOUT ELEVEN ACRES, which will be sold in tracts to suit purchas ers, either as building lots or for firming purpose 4, being in a high state of cuUiva tion. try. All of the aforesaid property lying in the boruugh is free from any ground rents. Sale to commence at 9 o'clock on each of said days, when terms will be made known. LEVI SANDERS. nov GEORGE V. Mona, auct. REAL ESTATE FOR SILL THE Waynesboro' Building Association• will offer at public sale in front of Min ter's Hotel, in Waynesboro', Pa., on Satur day the 2d day of December, next, the follow ing real estate, to wit : No. 1-Being a NEW TWO STORY FRAME DWELLING HOUSE, 22x24 ft., situated on the extension of Mechanic Street, just out side the borough line of Waynesboro'. The house is well plastered and in excellent re pair, has a cistern and all necessary out houses, and choice young fruit on the lot. No. 2—A HOUSE AND LOT lying in Wash ington Township, Franklin County, Pa., bounded by lands of heirs of Leah Barnes, Henry Brown, and others. The house is a comfortable two story log dwelling, lying on the Mt. Alto Forge Road, and would make a desirable home for any person of moderate means. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock when term. , will be made known ov a GEO. V. MONG, Auct. FIRST .A. 12, R., IV _A.l_l AT THE MT. HOPE STORE ! THE subscriber announces to his custo mers and the public generally that he has just returned from the Eastern cities and opened out a full assortment of new goods, embracing all articles usually kept by coun try merchants. He returns special thanks to his patrons for past patronage, and asks their attention and the attention of others to his new selections. Call and compare styles and prices. NV. H. BROWN. Mt. Hope, Oct, 12,—tf. • MU PROPERTY FOR SUE! " E subscriber offers at Private Sale a Irmall . Tract of Limestone Land contain ing 20/ Acres, situated 3 miles Southwest of Waynesboro', Franklin county, Pa. The improvements consist of ONE AND A HALF STORY LOG HOUSE and Log Barn, Wood and Wash House. a never-failing well of water convenient to the house, with two cisterns to the buildings; also a good Apple Orchard with h variety of choice fruit, such as pears, peaches, cherries, grapes, &c. au 24—ts] ANTDREW SENGER. 3:11.436XX1L1' I 3CP..A.X3ELIE" ! THE subscriber informs the citizens of -IL Waynesboro' that he purposes continu ing the Dairy business during • the coming winter season. Families supplied regularly every morning with a good article of milk and cream, Nov 16—tf HENRY CARBAUGH. C ON'CAVE CONVEX spectaclea, at ALEX. LEEDS. WIITNESB ORO' MITIIIL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, , WAYNESBO.WO', PA., • ritigITIIES 41.0611413 T LWOB D A MA= BY X Et. 333 On all oaf* class property at reasonable rates OFFICERS : • W. S. ANBER.SON, President. Slum imam ) Vice President. . .Tos. Dosouli,l'Szonurasy. Jos. W. Muzak Treasurer.% • D.IRECTORS: W. S. Amberson, .Simon Lecron, Lewis S. Forney, Jacob Hoover, Jos. Douglas, Jos. Price, Jacob J. Miller, Jos. W. Miller, Benj. E. Funk, D. B. Russell, Levi Sanders, Jacob Good. DA.VID. M. GOOD, Agent, june 18,'70] Waynesboro'. Pa. Eti MlNlTratb I. H. WHITMORa, Wholesale and Retail Dealer, and Manufac- HOUSE FURNITURE ..3jtmga• CT'REESCASTLE, Pa., . takes this method of informing his custom • re-and-the-public-that-he-has • REDUCED THE PRICE OF FURNITURE from ten to twenty per cent. Owing to the advantages he has over other manufacturers he can and will sell Furniture at a less price HAVING THREE STORE ROOMS, filled with every variety of Furniture, from _a_phdn, common article, tothe finest in use, he feels warranted in saying that he can please all tastes. EXAMINE LIST OF PRICES. BEDSTEADS. Cotta - ge - - - - - -Imitation - of - Warnit -- 15;*ITto - 8 Solid Walnut 8,9, to 10 Jenny Lind-3-Arch Top Panel, . Walnut " " 14, 10, to 18 3-Aron Top Panel, . Imitation • 10, 12, to 14 Round, Corner-foot, 3 Panels Walnut, Carved - 25.t0'30 " " Foot, Oval Panel Walnut, Moulded 30, 35, to 40 Antique—New Style ' 25, 30, 35, 40, to 60 Fine Antique Chamber Suits, Full Marble 130 to 175 Cot. Chamber Suits 35, 38, 40, 45, to 60 - ST:did - Wanut - Sifits - 60, - 75; 085 BUREAUS. Im. Wal. 4 drawers, wit,. wood top Im. WaL 4 drawers, with glass, Marble top • 17, 18, to 30 Solid Wal. 4 drawers, with glass wood top 20, 22, 25, to 32 Mirble tip 25, 30, 32, to 50 Aim Walnut • 10, 12, to 14 TABT.P.I, Dining Table, six legs, Breakfast do., four legs, Mar: do 20 cliff. paterns, Extension Tables per foot CHAIRS. Windsor or Wood seats (k doz) $5, 6, 7 to 10 Cane seats (k doz.) 0, 10, 11k, 12k to 30 (Have over 600 of the above on hand.) Wood Seat Rocking Chairs, 1,25 to 5 Cane Seat Rocking Chairs, 2 to 7 Willow Seat Rocking Chairs, 2 to 10 Spring Seated Chairs, Upholstered in Hair Cloth, Broeatel, Rep and Terry, ranging in price per half dozen from Rocking Chairs uphol. as above Tete-a-fetes, uphol. as above, (each) from 20, 22, 25, 30 to 75 Box or plain - Sofas, from lB, 20 to 30 Lounges upholstered in Hair Cloth, Brocatel, Rep, Terry and Da mask, Spring Seats (each) from 7,8, 9, 10, 11, 12 to 30 WARDROBES. Imitation Walnut, for $lO, 12, 14, 16 to 30 Solid Walnut, for 15,18, 20, 25 to 00 US,.Also, side Boards, Wash Stands t Mat tresses, and in fact everything in the kurni- Lure line. The limits of an advertisement is entirely too narrow to give a full list of Furniture made at this establishment. CALL & SEE FOR YOURSELVES. Its-Remember the place, I. H. WHITMORE, Greencastle, Pa. Dec. 1, 1871 PRIVATZ-, SA THE undersigned, Executor of the Estate of John Lantz, Sr.; late of Guiltord town ship, dec'd., offers at Private Sale, the follow ing described Real Estate, bounded by lands of Jacob Stouffer, John Metz and Benj. Metz being situated on the Falling Spring road and Chambersburg and Gettysburg turnpike' and containing ' SEVEN' ACRES of first quality Limestone Land. The im provements are a two story Brick Dwelling Hous,hav i lig 12 rooms, 2 basements anti 2 cel ars ; wash and bake houses under one roof; Frame Barn with barn floor, wagon shed at tached ; hog pen, buggy shed and all thene cessary out buildings. There is also on the premises, an orchard of choice fruit and cher ries, pears. peaches, plums, grapes, &e., in abundance. The Falling Spring runs thro' the end of this propety.. Also, at Private Sale, a Valuable Tract of Land being situated in Greene township, ad joining lands of Robertßlack and John Craw ford, on the Gettysburg turnpike. about one mile South-East of Greenwood. containing 25 acres and 84 perches, neat measure, of Rock Oak, Chestnut and Pine Timber Land. This land is highly valuable and worthy of the attention of purchasers. Parties wishing to see either of the above can do so by call ing on the undersigned residing in Stouf ferstown.JOHN LANTZ, Sep. 7—tf Executor of John Lantz, Sr. LUMBER, LUMBER, &c, rnie subscriber has for sale Chestdut Shin- AA files, Failings, Plastering Laths, Shing ling Laths, Pine Lumber from a half to one inch. All other sizes of Lumber furnished to order. Also, Oak, Pine and Chestnut Wood by the load for sale on the ground. He has also Ice for sale. April 23 tf. rri HE subscriber would inform the public that he is at all times prepared to make o order Gents Coarse or fine Booth, also coarse or fine work for Lathes or Misses, in cluding the latest style of lasting Gaiters.— Repairing done at short notice, and measur es taken in private families if desired Shop on East Main Street, in the room formerly occupied by J. Elden, as a sour and feed store. . THOS. J. HOLLINGSVirORTH. CHOLERA InEDICINE!. R. WICKETS celebrated Cholera Med al icine prepared by DAVID M. HOOTER of Ringgold, Md., can be had during the sea son ,at F. FoturramAs's Drug Store, and of dealers generally. T-arelling Ayent, Silly 27, '73-43tu il.rcr Ivfrms. 11=111 GIiTIFYING"iTELLIGENCE! GODS JUST RECEIVED. Look at the List! ,- EATS for Men and Boys Ladies Surg Gaiters, Latest and Best Styles, Misses and. Cliildrens Shoes in groat variety a c es, coc s an. e aryltplire at short notice and warranted. Thankful for past favors he hopes by fair &sling to all to merit a continuancb of pub lic patronage. June 29, 1871. E. hLDE.N. • L_Clint7E 14, 15, to 16 LADIES, $7,50 to 9 " 5 to 6 9, 10, 12 to 15 2 to 8 BOOTS, SHOES ID MITERS, 25 to 75 9 to 15 Call arid see goods and get prices. THOMPSON'S "GLOVE FITTING COR- SETS," at SCHOOL BOOKS AND STATIONARY, of all kinds at PLATS AND OA-PS, A full stock now ready, consisting of all the latest styles, at PAPER COLLARS, TIES, GLOVES, Suspenders, everything in that line, at SMITH'S Town Hall Store. Nov. 3,1870 Irthe subscriber announces to his friends IL and the public that he has purchased the Coach Factory formerly owned by Israel Hess, and is new engaged in the above bus iness, on Main Street, at the East end of Waynesboro. Haying a knowledge of the business, and employing none but the best workmen, and by strict attention to busi ness-he hopes to merit a shire of patronage. All kinds of new work on hand orders filled promptly. ,Jan. 14 I/. ANTIE.TIII.IIABBLE 'WORKS! H. WALTER & BRO. MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN Montortenta„Toolbs, Headstones &c. attention to our assortment of tha above, comprising the newest and most approved styles. . ' Having the advantage of Water-Power, and a long experience in the STONE CUTTING BUSINESS, we are able to fill orders at the shortest no tice and on most reasonable terms. Give ns a mil at our Yard, near Antietam Junction, on the Waynesboro' and Hager& town Turnpike,'"two miles from the former O place. Post ffice address, Waynesboro', Pa. N. B. Orders can be left at the Tillage Rec ord Office and will receive prompt attention. April 3—tf H. W. & BRO. A. S. MONN TO Till E A FFILICT I) DOCTOR JACOB PAEIRNEY'S • . CELEBRATED,' ROOT AND SPICE BITTERS. It is the best bitters of the age. For the cure of Dyspepsia, .Indigestion, Sick-head ache, LownessSpints, Rheumatism, Cram . ), Cholic, Diarrhoea; Dysentery, and. diseases of the system generally, many testimonials could be given by those, who have used it, but it is not necessary. Use it and be con vinced. It is worth a trial to the afficted. Prepared by Dr. Jacob Fahrney, Waynes boro', Franklin County, Pa TW° FINE MILCH COWS, one was fresh in August, the other will be fresh in a few weeks ; also two young mares, ono a family mare. • Enquire of the Sept 1.0-tf PRINTER. • • r Uffll Fi, F'T +I7EN, Has now on band a _Pull Lim of All the Latest Styles BOOTS, SBOES & GAITERS For Men and Boys Wear. At very low prices. Also, Ladies Shoes, of all kinds and va.ritatios. .Sae noomplete assortment MESSES AND CHILDREN'S GEO. B. HAWKER FORSAD M - • rißzcz, STEIN ENGINE AND BOILER WORKS, Boilers, Tanks,. and sheet-Iron Work ; Machinist's Tool-, Wuod Working Machinery, Shafting, Pulleys and Hangers; Gear Cutting, Portable Cireultir sa Milli. Pollan-Bea- Filter, combined; Cameron & Co's Special Steam Pump; Saws of all kinds, (ndDiost 'manufacture ;)_ Iron Pipe and Fittings; Brass Work; Gum and Leather Belting ; Manu facturers and Engineers' Supplies, generally furnished at lowest Retail_Prices—AlLkinds__ of Foundry Work—heavy or light, Iron and Brass Castings—made to order; REPA IR- I.t;"G carefully done. Ltiit7For further particulars, send forCatalogue and Price List,- - ; Waynesboro', Franklin County, Piim'a, June 29, 1871. SiWor3EC' ELDW - E.4 SEW® w. THrlitil Offers at low 1 Cook Stoves tor coa or woo best in market, also the Celebrated Morning Glory Stoves, with and without ovens, at reduced rates. Also a number of other Base Burn ing Stoves—also Pailor Cook Stoves—Par lor and lire-dace Heaters, the best in mar ket, all of which he will yarrant andsell at less rates than any Stove House in Waynes boro.' He is now prepared to put up at short no tice First Class Brick Furnaces and warrant them. On hand a stock of nine-plate Stoves and small coal stoves. A large stock of Tin pressed and iron-ware roofing and spouting of the best tin. Repairs done promptly and at prices that none can complain. Call and see his stock as it will pay you for the trouble, and it is right these days to keep posted. Sept 14—tf A DEStRABLE, PRAPERTY 3Et xekv•Ett SMITH'S PHE subscriber offers at Private Sale the FAIR VIEW MILL PROPERTY, situ ate 1 mile Southeast of Waynesboro'. This property is delightfully situated, the im provements unsurpassed, and the land in a high state of cultivation. . A more desirable property of its kind is perhaps not to be found in the county of Franklin. For par ticulars address the subscriber at Pittston, Pa., or call on NV. S. Amberson, in Waynes boro'. SMITH'S July 27-tf. 'DAVID PATTERSON. SMITH'S nE subscriber announces t) his =sto ers and the public that Le will contin ue to furnish a prime article of Beef at the Seller in the Walke Building on MOnclay evening, Tuesday morning, Thursday even ing and Friday morning, regularly during the season. Customers also supplied with Veal and Lamb when desired. Thankful for past patronage he hopes by selling nothing but the choicest meats to merit a continuance of the same. may -25—tf THOS. J. CUNNINGHAM BARK "S.A.r N FORNEY & SONS will pay the highest market price for 650 cords of Rock and Black Oak Bark delivered at their Tannery in Waynesboro. Hides and Skins taken in and weighed at the cellar of C. Ruthos' Shoe Store, for which the highest market price will be 'paid. THE GREAT FNEIiSH REMEDY. `HE subscriber informs the public that he has the agency for the sale of Moth er Noble's Healing Syrup, in Washington ant' Quincy townships, for the cure of di seases of the Rowels, and Stomach, Female Diseases, Rheumatism, Dropsy, Dyspepsia, &c. He has also for sale the MOSS 0 a cure for Consumption. These remedies have so far in all eases given satisfaction. Best references given if required. P. 0. Address, Quincy, Pa. Sept 19-3 m J. C. LOMNIAN, Ag't. HMS AND LEND - MR, TryHE subscriber will pay the highest lzet prices for Hides delivered at, his Tannery, in Quincy, or at the Hardware Store of S. B Rinehart, in Waynesboro', wherea supply of his ieather trill be ltept for sale, Sept 28-tf JOHN J. ST ETU& THE snbscriber has now for sale a prime article of Chestnut Shingles, a supply of which ho will continuo to keep on hand-- He also offers for sale a second-hand Morn tng Glory Stove and a Morning Glory heat er—both in use but one season, Sept 2S-tf S. B. ..NO r riCM rpHE undersigned has appointed rreder-, ick Dull, of Quincy township, agent to collect his accounts and transact other busi nesis pertaining to the mule. July G-tf JEREItIiA.II EMS M. D. Nov 2-3ra APPLESIE AVVE,ESt - 'FEE cubsc-ribr* has r.pples fir rave :or preiont nxe, or fir whlter keepinsr: • Olt n AILTA":, HAMILTON. WAYNESBORO', FRANKLIN 'COUNTY, PENN'A_ STATIONARY AND PORTABLE STEAM ENGINES ices a large number of No BEEF, BEEF. BOA VIA PCS J. W. MILLER. J. W.MELLER &CO Have lately increased their stock by the adlition of a large and handsome assort ment-of-Fall-and—Winter-Geods-and are— no v prepared to supply their customers with every thing in the way of Dry Goods, &c. In their stnek will be found all the• load stylea of Dress Gods, such as BLACK & COLOSED ALPACCAS, FRENCH POPLINS, SILK FINISHED UM-LAIRS, POPLIN PLAIDS, WOOL PLAIDS, EMPRESS CLOTHS; Beautiful Styles long and square Shalls, SERFS FURIRENINIE GIBMS O Plain and Fancy Cassimeits, Blue ; Black and Brown Coatings, Black and Brown Bea ver Cloths for Overcoats. CIV Style Paper Collars and Neck: Ties. Gloves, Hosiery, Cuffs and Handkerchiefs, Suspenders, over and undershirts, Drawers, (kn. A FULL LINE BOOTS -& SHOES Ladies, Mines and Childrons Morocco Shoes Ladies and Misses'Lasting Gaiters, Ladies and Misses Gulm Sandals, Mens and Ladies Artic Over Shoed, Men and Boys Custom-made Boots for Win tor. Carpothags sad Oil Cloths, White and Grey Wool Blankets, Coverlets & Spreads, Horse Covers, Lap Robes and Groceries, Hardware, Queens ;rare, Paints!, Oil's, Glass and Putty. Their stock this season will be found ST:* perior to any they have offered and their prices will be reasonable. Therefore all they ask is an examination of goods and. prices to be convinced Oct 19th 1871 T. W. MILLER & CO. , INNISMEI ttIQUIfi RE,OJTELv t,Kiv.2 =t4= N. W an Fayat cemi EL "c3ll Crec orrosrrt cur nerrx. RA LT I ORE, ND Terms $1.50 Per Day. . ISAAC ALBERTSON, Proprietrir. 3. S..P.Lt.avzr., Mau:l;pr. [mug FAIR V iEW 14 131414 ! FAMILY FLOUR, ETC. rPTIE unclersig 7., nNI havls refitted and ad - deA rill the lateA improvements to his ibe n criy Fran:n'ti) announces to tho public ..uat he is now manufacturing:a su perior article of FAMILY FLOUR. which will be delivered to persons at ranrket price.. He has also on hand a. Eqz•pply of MILL STUFF of all kinds, which he will yeaole sale or retail at the Mill. or deliver if de sired, at the 'west market rates. Ha —h refitted his Mill with the most improved ms r.hinery Fe ki•PIS that he•is enabled to gi‘ genera sansie.ction. • ••• Th, a •r, est market _price fOiATheat Jeli - TA - ret at the Mill. • - riftEßKTUile •crirnied, • • t .;' ..aar 24—tfl PA Niro' PA tlikso3.l ~ . iORENB3; Buggy Rugs