The Waynesboro' village record. (Waynesboro', Pa.) 1871-1900, November 23, 1871, Image 2

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Tr 6 qatstorillillage goord.
PRESS DOR 8 - 4E: : :-;-AVE 0 - 1/1 liave: -for
sale the Washinoon Press upon Whiell the
.newad was printed previous to its enlarge
ment. Price, $lOO.
• from the Clevereburg "Broad Axe."
Mr. Editor ;—Being in the, vicinity, of
the Hirimar' Railroad, and - meeting the
President, I waslaNited by him tip take
a ride along the line of the road.. Hail
ing the time to . spare, and hcittk, anxious
to convince myself of the malty uf the
undertaking I 'assented, -antUlvis,surpris
ed to see the progress that: ale,road .had
already made. i found three large gangs
of men at work; •olic ring at Williams'
mill; another at Izeidig s, and- a. 'third' at
Boiling Springs, and` was-told that anoth
er was ahout to start at Barnites
This certainly means buiiness; - About
- rive milea -- nr'the'roa4-is-graded-ready-fo •
'the superstructure.,-'.At the rate they are
pushing the 'work forward it will not . be ,
xnany,montlie 'before the Iron Horse will
waken the echos of the south.side of the
- Cumberland Valley--by--his-shrill-whistle
'.4ls be paw-ias to and fro over this, ,(that is
tlest;nea to be) the greatest railroad of
the valley—a road which will be .a mon
ument to thnnames and memories of the
grea 'inuideraifd — liberal• hearts who con
ceived and carried into effect a project
day by day it developer the mineral, re
sources of the territory through which it
rases, byth — e Wuildi furnaces, of fuaces,
- -
lag mills, foundries; encouraging manly
factories by opening avenue for the VEn
sportation of their wares to market,—
stimulatirirth - e — farmerater ac
tivity by bringing almost to their very
doors a market 'for their grain and pro-,
duce, and in this way protecting them
from the present monopoly that cats up
every cent of the profit they otherwise
would have if , they could get their grain
— into market-at-reasonable-freight-charges.-
This reason, if noother, should induce our
farmers and mechanics to subscribe still
more largely to the llirimar, for they
_have_lAno. been at the mercy of a road
1g it had no competitor pi e
up the freight ehaiges until it almost took
the price of a bashel of wheat to get it
into market. And for this reason, if no
other, should the projectors of this *ad
be ever held in greatful remembrance by
the citizens of the Cumberland Valley.
- 11 - o - Ti - nul crosses thC. , uI. 7 ountam
Iron Company's road at Papertown, which
fact willlnake this town of no inconsider
able importance in the valley as his al
ready the seat of several large paper mills.
Many more will grew up around it mak-
• • . • • - menu ac
turing town of, the Valley, and perhaps
of the State, since the natural advantages.
its large streams of pure water presents
for the manufacture of paper—its splen
did sites for the erection of- Furnaces,
Forges and Rolling Mills, and last, but
not least, its numerous and inexhaustable
beds of iron ors, gives it the ascendency
over nearly . all other laeints alone , . the
route. Spring Forge, Leesburg ande'Clev
ersbing are all in the same category, and
only need a cross road to place them on
an equal footing with Papertown. While
along the route I looked anxiously among
the many faces that greeted me for the
genial face of my friend Mifflin but could
not catch up with him, but'understood he
was locating the bed of the road about
Papertown—Capt. deserves great praise
for the active part he has takbn in survey
ing this road and presenting to the minds
of its stockholders and others its utility.
I have been told that the farmers along
the whole road as far as it has been grad
ed have granted the right of way free of
charge, and have every reason to believe
that from Mt. Holly to its intersection the
right of way will be granted. This is the
right spirit, and the same spirit should
animate every landholder along the en
tire route. Too much praise cannot be
Recorded the President, ittr. D. V. Ahl,
for this noble undertaking. The rich as
well as the poor ; in this Valley should look
- orlon him as their greatest benafkctor, for
to the former he has opened a hew avenue
for the advancement of his interests, and
to the latter he has given employment.—
I also met Mr. John Moore another of the
great men of this road and found him urg
ing the work forward.
In conclusion let.rna say that my very
best wish% are with the Mirimar and that
I am impatiently waiting to hear the
Steam Engine with a long train of cars
pass over it. I 'also 'sincerely hope that
the Broad .4zs way be aSsu ceftel as the
Kirizaar. ' Yours Truly,
• J X F.
10... The Executive Committee of the
Relief Society at Chicago have published
an official eitatement of the moneys re•
oieved.up to Nov. 7th. The actual amount
received is $2,050,000, out of $3,500,000
eabseribed. The society is now relieving
-00,000 thoudand personsi, and aiding in
the erection of temporary houses on the
site of their former dwellings, or on leased
ground. These-houses ate to be occupied
during the winter and next summer.—
The number already built is 4,000 i which
is estimated, with the number to be built,
will shelter 33,000 people. The.cest of
these buildings, with some necessary fur
niture, will be about $1,200,000, leaving
about $2,250,000 to meet' expenses for
food, clothing, fuel, etc., from October
the 13th until the completion \ of the work
which cannotpossibly end with thd prow
sot winter. •
Ser;Reprmentativeslickofield and Lan
of the.bub-Connuittea on the Ku-
Klux, 'which rt-xxntly visited Floridaf re.
turned to Wss'ltingten one day last week,
They report tlist..thile in. Florida they
exiLtuined a largo number of ' witnesses,
and received the astonishing intelligence
CIA in Jaekon county algae since 1868
seventplive-rauniars hays,
.boon commie
'ValTada a ronant, law, -paselarus are
now,-paidliyartarly, and over ,97,00,D,000
,;.re for cosh quarter.
g 01111 4 74nd -Qt,ouutr
Small 'Pox here.
ttia"4..no4ipr :2141i . squQustade' has
eta towik.•
17.a.Tbe prettiest was out
or/ Saturday evening..,
sel6The Chambersburg papers deny that
the Small-pox is prevailing in that plaee.
Se - The -first - snow,of the season fell
here yesterday morning, only paitly coy.
ering the roofs of the-houses.
„ .
gThe Chambeisburg Repositorl 'Tom=
ises an'eulaigCment anclibereagh change
in appearance on the of ;January nest.
ta.Ground was last week broken on
the 'Western Maryland Railroad-at:
rtemThe groat fall of stars' occured ou
:ay moruin ember 'the 1-2tlr-
r:6 - 8. F.. Greenawalt,'Esq., has enter
ed upini hid duties as,S..heritof,thia
J. f;l~. Fletcher is bis
W•llon:',Tohn Thompson Mason'is to
be Secretary of State under Governdr,
Whyto of Maryland.
pended on Thirsday next, Thanksgiving
ADJOURNED SALE.--We .direct atten
tion to tho adjourned • sale of real • estate
b • Peter Rouzer, in Pilreskillat
re.. Our, B. R. Committee are now can
vasing for stock subscriptions.. Citizens
generally, of both town'and country, should
respond promptly:and liberally.
str_k_mote than ordinary fataliti_pre=
willed among the town hogs during the
past week. Charley, the "Baltimore
-Butcher," is up and doing.
re-The "slow coaches" - who have not
paid us for years will settle their accounts
with costs, inless they come down with
the "stamps;' soon.
DEAD,—Mr. John Brown an influential
and esteemed citizen died in Fayettville
on Wednesday a week. Aged about 75
Bra.—Oar neighbor, J. R. Sellars, on
ed 480 pounds and turned out three cans
of .lard.'
for grading and piking South Street has
been awarded to our friend, Mr J. J.
Irvin, for the,sum of $2,000
Tun WHARF MILL.—The assignees of
Henry Besore will offer at public sale on
thelsth of December, the valuable Wharf
Mill property, situated in Quincy town
ship. See advt.
law in Maryland prohibits the
killing of partridges. Sportsmen who
cross the'line under the impression that
they can shoot these birds without risk,
should be aware of the consequences.
LEcTunE.—Rev. LITTLE, late of Phil
adelph ia,will deliver a Lecture in the Luth
eran Church in this place, on Friday even
ing, December 15th. Subject : "Germa,
fly as I Saw It."
rte... The Supreme Court has ordered a
peremptory mandamus commandiug Em
miuger, jointly with H. G. Skiles, the oth
er return judge, to give a cert p eate of
election'in legal fermi to J. k. Weakly,
in "the 19th Senatorial district.
STEALING AGAIN.-A few weeks since
a hand axe, a brace andieveral bitts were
stolen from the shop at Snow Hi 11 ,
and since the screw was stolen from the
vice in the Smith Shop. A few grape
shot in the rear of the light-fingered gen
try in that region would doubtless haves
good effect. .
FIRST Losn.—The first car load of flour
on,thYi. side of the mountain freighted over
the Western Maryland Railroad Waif ship
ped on Friclq a week by Mr David Lohr
to Messrs. Newrzian dt Forney, Commiss
ion Merchants, No. 77 North Baltimore
Street. !Zeus. Newman & Forney, for
merly of this place, are practicable and
reliable business men, to whom Sour, etc.
from this county can bo consigned with
Mont BIG Rum—Mr Theodore Wies
ner, Merchant of FleaglesVille, 'sends us
a red beet; taken from his garden, which
weighs ninspounda and one ounce. This
is a whopper, beating the Ringgold speci
men two pounds and one ounce.
While we are on the beet question we
will add a Western specimen. The last,
Maar ./eepublican, published at.. Knoxville,
111., contains the following notice: •
• Mr. R. N. Wallace, of this city, has
sent us a beet that beats all the beets that
have thus far' ame within our observa
tion. It is thirty-one inches in circum
ference and weighs nineteen pounds. If
a_n_ybody has a beet that wi ll beat Mr.
Wallace's beet, we want to know it.
BAng , Dußms.—On Saturday the 11th
inst., about noon, the splendid barn of
William M. Watts Esq., las:Upper Allen
Township, Cumberland County was con
sumed by fire together with all its con
tents, except the live stock. .500 bushels
of barley,looo bushels9f corn, a mow of
hay, and alar,ge quantity of wheat thr....nh
ed and unthreshed.---Episit.
FRY' There is sleighing in Maine.
been known, says the Lancaster Er Fr esB,'
by SCkllie few persons, for soniatime past,
that ,val#able mi eral 00positi exist = , in
the§outhlllo4titkihectiiin lying in Figiki
141 .10ceritiq tl4knowlthge,
became more general 'and attracted the
attention of capitalists and men of science.
It is 11,104-well afeertaindcrilotVtliar'se-:-
lect parties of pOsons belopAig to this .
-class have qiiietlyviiitied-thi local*, and
have made' topographical. observations
and mineral explorations,. aid that the
iesUlts lave proveg So ;:iiatisfactiry that
large tracks of utterly Ivorthlesi, ex
cept for mineral deielopnicnt;,liiivaheen
bought by them. It has"also
that a leading banker and iioCral capi- -
talists from Lancaster city, - attended by
the celebrated practical chemist, Pro
fessor Thar= Baker,'Graduate of `the
Uniiersity' Gottingin, Gerthany; and
who atiircientoccupleathe chnir 'of Chem-
istry - ankNattrralmScienceTcatat •
Normal School at Millersville, very re
=fly made a tour of observation and in
spection to' WIS place party, from
Lancaster have so "far-kept_their_ opinions
to themselves. • It has. leaked out, howev
er, that the professor had , shipped to his
/ 4 : 1 "-ratorY--at—the--Notur l a luge-quan
tity and variety of specimens secured, by
the party, and that an open expression of
,lace will be sus
hands of the professor, and his report.
thereon to Them priirately. The "mineral
characteristics of the locality are singular
and unusual. , There seems to be a Prom-
.iscuous throwing :together of diff ereat.
valuable properties in close proximity.—
There are indubitable indications of gold
and silver, boundless deposits - of iron, and.
what cipecially attracted tbe, attention of
_a_party_headed by_Goveraor Geary, was
the extent and richness of the copper ores.
The surfaceindications of copper are re
markable, pure lunips of several pounds
* •
ate locality, more closely explored by the
Lancaster party, lies near the Buena
Vista House, some few miles south of the
Southern termiuus of the celebrated Tape
AVOrm_Railroad._ This particular sp ot
which they fixed upon as a strong. point
is owned by a medical doctor residing in
the neighborhood, some miles distant, who
seems perfectly satisfied to hold on to it at
NOVEMBER.—The month of November,
which the poet Bryant styles "the saddest
of the year, is already more than half
gone, and the whole face of nature pre
sents a changed and mournful appearance.
The trees, which a short time ago, were
clothed in gorgeous raiments by the Au
tumnal froSts, are now being stripped of
their leaveS by , the blustry winds, and
these sad relics of decay are now strewen
in plentiful profusion over the ground,
admonishing us of the ruin, worked by
the hand of Time.; November with, us,
has always been an unfavorable month,
and the feeling of gloom and sadness
which sometimes will steal over us, pre
vails with increasing energy when its dark
end dreary days are slowly passing by.—
The weather thus far, however, has been
quite mild and pleasant, the sun shining
with genial warmth ; but in a few days,
all this has been changed, and dull, lea
den skies and cold, drizzling rains attest
DEATH moat SmALL-Pox.—Rev. C. C
RussimL, of the Reformed Church, broth
er of D. B. Russell, Esq., of this place,
died in Philadelphia of Small-pos. on Fri
day last. He. had been on a visit to his
friends here but a short time previous, and
at the time he contracted the disease was
on his way to Camdeul Delaware, where
he had a charge and an appointment o
preach the following Sunday. We under
stand the deceased left Latrobe, Westmore
land Co. Pa. about one year ago, where
.he had preached for about thirteen years,
and since had been preaching in Camden.
He expired at the residence of his broth
er, Rev:Geo. B. Russell—was in the 45th
year of his age. A native oz our town,
and well and favorbly known from his
boy hood, his sudden death is very gener
ally regretted,
rses...The ticket elect in' Washington
County, Md., at the late election, is as fol
lows: Whyte (Dem.) 88_ majority for
Governor. Claggett (Dem.) beats Darby
(Rep.) for Senate by 28 maj. Moses Whit
son, Charles Ardinger, David 11. New
comer, . (Reps.) and Augustus Young,
(Deni.) are elected to the House. The Re
publicans also elect the State Attorney,
J. Q. Zeller by 5 majority ; one Judge of
the Orphans', Court, J. L. Smith ;. and
four County Commissioners, Theodore Em
sley, J. IL Harp, W. Lyday and Samuel
Strim. Bamford (Rep.) beats Krouse
.(Detu.) for Sheriff by 87.
.R.ltstow, OF BANNEBAL.—Oa Satur
day last the bones of Ilannibal, the 'big
Elephant who died and was buried near
Centreville, this county. in. 'May, 1865,
were taken up and shipped to Chicago,
by Mr H. W. Boyd, Professor of Anato
my, in the Chicago Medical College, there
to be dressed up, put together and occupy
not a little spacein the*musento. It re
quired four largo store des and a agar
hogshead to contain the bon*.—Berlford
t - i' , ,' -- ' - :;Y.r . ;,
"The melancholy days aro come,
The saddeJt of the year,
Of wailing winds and naked woods
And meadows brown and eero."
' 7 '-' •= 31‘7 , `;2 7 7;!'• 4 '.' , T
r, i r
, The Phrenological Journal for December
•is ,at hand. Among the 14aga,zines we re
delve each month; none are more caief3ally
perased than the Phrenolcigical;' on; :ao-
Odunt of its sonnd s ies!'s on everything re
lated to the times . .. It is - progressive .and
reformatory, but never deals in vague and
illusory schemes, like most of the so-call
.prog publicatidlia. The Decem
ber numberplate* among_, other
thingi; judge-Da4y; of .New -York, • with
a fine potrait;. An old - bone
._of. conten
tion ; An able Review, of Mr.. Beecher's
life_ of
or Recent ficientific Developments; Lau
ra's kaperience, a strange bitt• true love
!it.ory; Gen. Robt. Al. - Cameron, th e
Colorado Colonist; Chicago; Chronic'
catarrh,•its,cause andiqure; Thought in
sound, and motion ; - The ;Geological
Maury of man'; • The Faculty of Order
and its c ulture;
, Working at. Night ;
The Deserted Village. Single
.Nos. 30
. • .:0-a-year. A. .new--vel.
with the next number. S. R. Wr1.T.53,
Publisher, 389 Broadway, New York.
01 - Friday. nig& il3e'loth inst., about 11
o'clock, Miss Edith Gitt aged between 15
and 16 'ears, daughter of Jesse W. Gitt
merchant, of Hanover, attempted to blow
out a. burning lamp of Kerosene oil. The
fluid i, nited ex • lodin: the lam . and scat-
mg, w were a once enve op - in lames.
Aid was at once summoned, but before the
flames were extinguished, the young lady
was terribly burned, the face and breast
; • . e4ingered-until 11 o'clock
Saturday • morning, when death relieved
her sufferings. Miss Gitt was a young la
dy of culture and the idol of a large cir
cle of loving friends.
tar . We would direct attention to Messrs.
PpLiss KEENE & Co's advertisement of
C UNDURANGO, the new remedy for
Cancer, Scrofula, and all diseases result
. -
ng -from-impure-bleed. The:cares-accom.
plished by this remedy, as breported, are
truly marvellous. Messrs Buss, KEENE
&Co. are regular physicians of high stand
ing and thoroughly ,
TTIA:NESGIVING. — Union services will
be held in the Presbyterian Church in
this • place, on Thursday morning next,
Thanksgiving Day. A sermon appropriate
• 1 3 -• .I l• I ' 111
of our ministers..
teiii - Dr. G. A. Hamill, of Martins
burg, West Virginia, met his, death by a
fall on the 10 instant. He had been call
ed to see a patient about three o'clock A.
M., and in the darkness fell into an
cavation ut a short distance from his
residence an broke his neck.
Hagerstown Almanacs at REID'S.
£The mammoth cave in Kentucky
is for sale at SWO,OOO.
The Wyoming House of Delegates
has passed a bill for the repeal of the k
male suffrage act.
mk.The anthracite coal market, accord
ing ,to the Philadelphia! Ledger, contin
ues very dull, and although there is a
large decrease in the production prices arc
from 10 to 15 cents lower than they were
last week.
HEAVY ROMBERY.—The Jewelry store
of J.& S. Franks,„ North Sixth street,
Philadelphia, was entered• by burglars on
Saturday night, and twenty thousand dol
lars' worth of Jewelry and watches 'stol
A terrible explosion 'occurred on the
9th inst., in a coal mine near St. Ettinne,
France. Twenty-two dead bodies have
been taken from the mine, and thirty have been killed and were still
in the pit. The explosion was caused by
fire damp.
GEEIR at the Ringgol Cross Roads
has just returned from the city with his
second supply of winter goods. This was
caused by the rapid sales of his first stock,
and.abundantly proves that the "Cheap
for . Cash" plan takes with the peaple. All
in want of winter goods at short profits
should give him a call.
.Asntecireat B.4,cizugs.—Pure Astrach
an Sacques will 'last a lifetime. Prices
this season are in sympathy with the low
prices for Ladies Furs. Never within
our experience covering twenty year's in
the fur trade have we known prices so fa
vorable to buyers. No article in Ladies'
Wear affords more real comfort, or cost
less money proportionately than Ladies'
Furs or Genuine Astrachan Cloaks.—
Come and see for yourselves and look at
our makeof ladies New Style of Dog Skin
Gloves•for: Winter of 1871, at UPDE
GBALEF'S Hat, Glove and Fur factory,
opposite Washington House Hagerstown
Nov. 9-4 t.
Puzii.—Look at those features and see
the agony depicted in the face. It cannot
be helped while the trouble remains.—
Thesuffering from piles is of a very aggrava
ted docription. You cannot walk with any
comfort; you cannot ride in peace; you can
not sit with ease, and the suffermg when
attending to nature is almost unbearable,
and causes such feeling of dread that is
put off at great sacrifice to health and com
fort, in many instances increasing the diffi
cultyto analarm'gextent. UseDr.Brigge'
Pile Remedies accord'g to directions to cure
internal, external, itchingor bleedingpiles.
They are mild and reliable, and warran
ted us represented.
sot by Druggifits.
~Corns, Bunions, Ingrowing Nails
and 'their attendantills,liave been, in years
pm) .by r en,4 will•be in years to come, a
satirise of much, ,discomfort and nnhappi,
ness to those who are annoyed with them.
.By persistent efforts and untiring, perse-
Verence; Dr. J. Briggs gave the suffering
huManity 'his' remedies—AlleViafor and
Curative. The popularity which they have
gained, and the entire satisfaction derived
from their use, is'well known and can be
attested by all classes who, have suffered
with COMS,
blains, Frosted or Blistered Feet,
• Sold by druggists,
NERVOUS DIELEASE.^How many thous
ands of the most refined ladies of the land
are slaves to nervous diseasses in various
forms-4rembling, twitching, and jerking
of the jaerves, headache, hysterics, sudden
outbursts of temper on trivia occasions,
peevishness, a• feeling of .desperation, des
pondency, or fear, &c. -In any unhealthy
condition of the nervous system, Briggs'
Allevantor has absolute control over the
nerves, creating a radical change• and pos
itive cure. Sold by F. FOURTEMA.N and
druggists generally.
• ;.I).2A.RIZI_A.G.MS:
In ,this place, on the 21st inst., by the
Rev. H. Stonehouse, Mr. Conlimrus WIL
LARD, of Frederick county, Md., to Miss
On the 21st inst. i _by" the Rev. Dr
Mital;ll7lVri7iihn A. P-
Mr, John orAEDISER, of Lon
don, Ohio, to Miss MOLLIE A.
of Ephraim Hiteshew, Esq., of Charn
On the 16th inst.. at e lithoran Par.
.onuge iu Quincy, brit6C — J:
MST, of Quincy township.
"JD M _A_T 1-1. S -
On'the 2d inst., near Marion, this coun
ty, Mr. ABRAHAM Hiss, aged' 59 years,
2 month and 2 days.
Friend Abraham, though well stricken
in years, may have presumed his days to
be many, but suddenly' a voice was heard :
"Set thy house ,in order, thou must die,
and not live s ",--a few days, and he was
numbered with the nations of the dead ;
a few days left to get ready to meet the
"Judge of all the earth." On the 4th inst.
.is remams were converalltithe Antr .
German Baptist burying ground, followed
by a large concourse of people and rela
tives, deeply impressed With the uncertain
ty of life and the certainty , of death. As
a word of comfort to the bereaved widow,
mourning relatives and children—joy to
the heart to know that
"Earth has no sorrow that Heaven cannot
CRAWFORD, near Fayettville, in the 53th
year of her age.
On the 3d inst., near Jacobs' Church,
Mr. GEO. SNOTTERLY, in the 53d year of
his age.
In Guilford township, on the 12th inst.,
MARGARET, wife of John Crawford, aged
67 years, 9 months and 16 clays.
Near Greencastle, November. the Bth,
1871, Mrs. ANNA MARY LANE, aged 86
years, 7 months and 13 days.
►~ 4 ~
HAMS .....
PHMAptLFHIA, Nov. 20
FLOUR.--The flour market is steady,
with a fair demand from the home con
sumers, hut shippers are not operating to
any extent ; about 100) barrels changed
hands, including superfine at $5,25@5,-
75,.extras at 86 7 46,25, Wisconsin extra
family at $7,25®7,371, Minnesota do. do.
at $7,70®8, Pennsylvania do. do. at $6,-
75®7,50, Indiana and Ohio do. do. at
$7@7.50, and fancy brands at $7,75®8,-
50, as in quality.
GRAlN.—There is a decidedly firmer
feeling in the wheat market, and a mod-
erate demand from the local millers for
prime lots; sales ot, 2,500 bushels $1 60
(L;y1,61 for Pennsylvania and Indiana red,
$1,67 for choice Western anther, and $l,-
68 for white. Corn is quiet, but with light
receipts and stocks prices are well sustain
ed ; sales of yellow at 76@77c for Wes
tern, mixed at 74®76c, and new yellow
at 60®66, according to dryness. Oats are
steady, with sales of 2,000 bushels at 54
®ssc for white, and 52@53c for mixed.
A full and complete history of her past,
present and future. With graphic scenes,
incidents and full details of the disaster, by
Cleo. P. Upton and J. W. Sheahan, editors
of the Chicago Tribune. With over 400
pages, and 50 illustrations. It
now ready for deivery.
AGENTS.ATANTED, gend d S e le e o iee fo e r f o t u er t- -
ritory. Union•Pablishing Co., Chicago,
or Phila., Pa.
BLISS, EEENE Er CO'S Fluid Extract
The wonderful remedy for CANCER, &PD.
DISEASES, is prepared from the Grain:NE
CENDURANGIO ismisc, from Loja, Ecuador ! se
cured by the assistance of the authorities
of that country. It is the most effective,
prompt and certain alterative and BLOOD PUB..
men known. Sold by all Druggists, in'
pint bottles, having on them our nanle p
trade mark and directions. Send for a car
tdar. Office and Laboratory, No. 60 Cedar
St., N. Y.
• The Very Best in Else
Made from Superior Clay,thorougbly burn
ed. Are entirely FROST PROOF.
Send for circulars to
• C. W. BOYNTON & CO.,
Wow:mu:bon, N. J.
k VOID QUACKS.—A victim of earlyin•
IlLdiscretion, causing pervious debility,
premature decay, etc., having tried in vain
eve y advertised remedy, has discovered a
sim e means of self-cure, which he will
sen •to his fellow-sufferers, Address J. H.
uKtv - n, 79 Nassau St„ N. V.
_parr' of sußerb .
French - Oil ClieomOs-;-subeeti - LIFE bLZE,
exquisitfac-*Olea tot' ori gi nal:oll Paintings,
GIVEN it WA to emery - subsoriber, io
Reny Ward tteeciler'it
LY NEWSPAPER: - Agents hiving great
success. One took 1,0 j 0 names in 8 months;
another 672 in days; another 118 in one
week; one 47 in one day, and many others
equally well, making from $5 and $lO to $4O
per day._ Takes on sight! An old agent
who *um, says : "I'think it the best busi
ness for canvassers ever offered. Sorry I . did
not engage sooner.'! ..Pays better than any
book agency. A rariehance to:make money,
Intelligent men and women wanted every
where. If you wish good territory, send
early for circular and terms I J. B. FORD
& CO., 27 Park Place, N, Y ; 11 Bloomfield
St., Boston, Mass ; 285 West Madison St.,
Chicago, 111.
$3 per Annum, including Year Book for '7l.
37 Park Row. New York.
a RI
Send eamply copy of the CHRIS
IAN LEADED, a first-class weekly jour
nal, published by the New York State Con
vention of "Universitlists, and containing
N:ermons of DR. E. H. CHAPIN. Terms
50 — peryair. AddieTh Wisher cinasJ
ibiti's l lllllllo/111:11INIVII .
American Farm Journal,
The most Practical, the Best and Cheapest
Illustrated Agricultural paper in the Uni
ted States. Only 75 cum per year. Send
for a specimen copy. Address. MILLER,
I cL & CO. To do Ohio.
s ,3 t .fred MONTH °NTH! Horse furnish
125A,x1Tenses paid. H. B. SHAW,
g lic az o va veg i ,F rt t a
free during the coining year to every sub
scriber of Merry's Museum, the Toledo
Blade, Pomeroy's Democrat, etc..
.11.0111a141 A..311311.11M1 -••••••••••••• =MOW.
WhiCh is an evidence of its =and pop
ularity. Horace Greely James Parton, Theo.
r= ton, etc., write ler every num
ricl7 - "M7r, it offers three first-class peri
odicals for the price of one ofthem. A var
iety of premiums on equally liberal terms,
It is an original, first-class magazine, Vol.
X begins with
an. 777e7specimen copies free. Ad
D. F. G
iii immtsWi tm#l , llONM 4PI
# 4 VAAL
c q i P 9073(a.72
Printed in Two CoLor.s, on superb TINTED
scriptions and • _ _
Directions and plans for making Walks,
Lawns, Garden's, &c. The handsomest and
best FLORAL GUIDE in the World. All
for TEN CENTS, to those who think of buy
ing Seeds. Not quarter the cost. 200,000 sold
for 1571. Address, JAMES VICK,
kocursmen, N. Y.
.Fbr A/onm, Bose Cold. Hay Fever. de.
"Nothing so successinl."—T. lifrrem.r,
Druggist, Saxton. Iteconimended by Pr. 0. N.
n 011110.9. It almaas relieves. :03. 31711:3310 CO„
Boston, Mass. b' old by all druggists.
12/CLOSET CO., 215
Sole U. S. Proprietors of Moule's, Mottle &
Girdleston's, Luther's, TVaring's, Newton's and
Doolittle's Patent's. The only Closets that
have proved effective. The Earth Closet,
by its disinfection of faces, is the most val
uable means of preventing spread of chol
era and other contagious diseases. Send
for circulars. Agents wanted everywhere.—
SALESROOMS : 19 boane St., Boston ; 696
Broadway, N. Y. ; 1221 Market Street, Phil
OR SALE.—A choice farm of 183 acres
V in Chester Co., 30 miles from Philadel
phia. Address JABEZ BALLY, Marlboro,
P. 0., Pa.
FOR $B4 PER IN= PER Mown', we
will insert an Advertisement in 15(3
FIRST-CLASS Pa.. NEWSPAPERS, rsctuntzta roan-
TEEN DAILIES. Proportionate rates for small
er advertisements. List sent free. Address
GEO. P. 11, IV i LI. A;
4ti and 41 PARK ROW, NEW YORK.
$3O. We will Pay $3O.
Agents $3O per week to our great and valu
able discoveries. If yon want permanent,
honorable and pleasant work, apply for
particulars. Address DYER Sr. Co., Jack
son, Michigan.
Chrorde ana Sextual Diseases,
The cheapest book ever published—con
taining nearly 300 pages, and one hun
dred and thirty fine plates and engravings
of the anatomy of the human organs in a
state of health and disease, With a treatise
on early errors, its deplorable consequences
upon the mind and body, with the author's
plan of treatment—the only rational and
successful mode of cure, as shown by a re
poit of cases treated. A truthful adviser
to the married and those contemplating
marriage, Who entertain doubts of their
physical condition. Sent free ofpostage to
any address, on receipt of twenty-five cents
in stamps or postage currency, by address
ing Da. LA CROII., No. 31 Maiden Lane,
Albany, N. Y. The author may be consult
ed upon any of the diseases npon which
his book treats, either Personally or by
mail, and. medicines sent to any part of the
PETERS TheDec.No., price SM., has
19 pieces Vocal and Instr'l
.Piano Music, worth four dol
l= in sheet' form. We will
MUSIC AL four l for o ll a . c , k or l d o an s. . f 7 r o I N kfc."
'7l for $2.25, (regular price,
p.) Bound copies for '7l,
gat sides and edges, $5. Thu
MONTHLY usic Bays, Thomas,
Gormod, etc. Ad.
dress J. L. Peters, 599 Brold
• • way, N. Y. P. O.Box 5429.
= EEO= I—Ask Parsons & Braley Har
.risburg,cr Pa., for free Circular of f/ZITEM
)0-Cutter. Makes corn-fodder equal tolxay.
New thing 1
50th TEAR .
rgIHE BEST o.4l4.Z4:ll:lMhift OUT AXE
LY $lO. AenerY - Orinders fat $26, tot°,
and 100. and Turning ., Tools. Solo.—
SgaD Wheels qf all tigw. Address
. 274 T e ma r,. / Stroudsburg, sifoinzofi CO, pa,
AlG n ELsPrta *A.NTE.D.—Agents make more
oneret work for us than at anything
else. Business light and
.pormanent. Par
ticulars free. G. Stinson' ec. Co., Pine Art
Pwblishers, Portland, Maine.
• A
rrHE undersigned, Assignees of Henry
Besore, of Washington township, Frank
lin county, Pa., will expose to Public Sale,
on the premises, On .biriday the 16th -day. of
December, 1871, at 10 o'clock, A. M., that val
and Water Right anpurtenant, with two
Tenant Houses; with about
situated in Quincy township Franklin Co.,
known as the "Wharf Mill Froperty," be
ing midway between the Turnpike and Mt.
Hope. This is a splendid property. The
Mill, s large and nearly neay being three
.aving three pairs of Burrs
dng Stone lt hag
Power, an Over,hot Wheel of 12 feet
high. Everything in the Mill is in com
plete order, having the latest improvements
the forbey and flood gates just new. It is
an excellent location fora
stories .Ig , . ,
and one Clio
ariditsOtistiiiirivork is unequalliil b,y any
in the neighborhood. .Persons wishing
to view the premises will please call on B.
F. Burger, at the Mill, or on either of the
undersigned. Terms made know on d:ty
sale D. B. tUti.T.I,T,
ov. 23—ts
r 'RR .-L
,. inger, will sell at Public Sale, on the
premises, on the 7th of December, a House
and Lot of Ground, in Pikesville. The im
provements are, a two story
Log Shop, good Stable and other necessary
out-buildings; good fencing, and a variety
of CHOICE FR (MT TREES. Terms—one
third cash, remainder in two equal pay
ments. Sale to commence tit 1 o'clock on
said day.
At the same time the undersigned, As
signee of Samuel Gonder, will sell at Pub
lic Sale, on the premises, in Pikesvilla 7 a
House and I acre Lot • Ground. The im
provements-are, a one and a half "
Frame stable and other necessary out-build
ings Good fencing and Fruit trees thereon
Terms—one third cash, the remainder in
two equal payments P. ROITZER._ _
Nov. 23:-ts
Srl'l-ZA.Y . COW,
ITRAYED from the premises of the sub
scriber, in Pikesville, about the Ist inst.
a Black Horned Mitch Cow. A liberal re
ward.will be paid for such information as
will lead to her recovery.
S T IR, A. ar 12)..
fIA.AIE to the premises of the subscriber
Il_Jaboat the 15th of September last, a near
ly White Heifer, about one year old. The
owner is requested to prove property,. pay
charges and take her away
r- - -iptia*reir-0 1 1ivoili al 0*
dRAYED from the South Mountain some
ime during the fall season a Red and
White Muley - Heifer, 3 years old. Top off
the right ear and notch in the, under part
A liberal reward will be paid for such infor
mation as will lead to her recovery
Nov 2.3-3 t J. MORROW BURNS.
HE subscriber offers at Private Sale his
J. farm, known as the Royer farm, situat
ed about 2 miles south of 'Waynesboro', near
Amsterdam Mill, adjoining lands of Benj.
t. Stouffer, David Lobar and Samuel Needy,
sen., containing
40 Acres,:
good quality limestone land. The improv
ING HOUSE, and a one story and a half
Log Dwelling House, Wash Huuse, Stone
Bank Barn, Wagon Shed, Corn Crib, Hog
Pen, a fine Orchard Choice Fruit. . A
stream. of water runs past the buildings—an
excellent spring in the yard.
He also offers for sale a tract °Mountain
Land situated in Frederick Co, 31d., adjoin
ing lands of Yost Harbaugh, John W. Hoov
er, and others, containing.
82 ACRES, nearly all of which is well set
with thriving timber. The improvements
ING HOUSE, Log Barn, a Good Hog Pen,
also a variety of choice fruit trees, Fine
Spring and Spring Hose close to the dwell
Persons wishing to view either properties
will call on the subscriber
Private Sale.
trp; undersigned, Attorney for the heirs
I of Elizabeth Barnhart, deed., offers at
Private Sale a desirable small farm, situated
in Washington township, adjoining lands
of C. Beaver, Henry Miller and Simon Lee
rone containing 21 .ACRES. AND 115 PER
OEMS, bast quality, • limestone land. The
improvements are,A COMFORTABLE LOG
HOUSE, Tenant House, Frame Barn, Car
penter Shop, Smoke House, Hog Pen, an
excellent Orchard, a Well of Good Water,
ac.' For terms, &c., oPPI.Y to
Nov 9—tf • Attorney.
fIEO. W. HAWKER havingSwithdrairn
from the firm of Adams & Hawker the
subscriber informs the public that he con
tinues the Coachmaking business' in all Vo
branches, at.the.old stand. He will at all
times have a supply of new Buggies, differ
ent kinds, on hand,• also second-hancied ve
hicles. Repairing done at short notice. He
uses the best material and employs good
mechanics. He returns his thanks to the
public for their liberal patronage, and by at.
tention to business and a disposition toile.
commodate hopes to merit a liberal share of
the samo in the future.
Jan. 14-41 JACCoIt ADAMS.
33.11-.R333EIRISTCH •
MIME subscriber inibrms the pnblic that he
J. continues the Barbering business in the
room next door to Mr. Reid's Grocery stor
and is at all times prepared to do hair ct*
shavh3E,s hampooning etc+ in the best
stym. The patronage of the public is rare.
Idly solicited.
An 23 1871, W. A. PRICE.
• ssignee.
GEO. V. HONG, Auct