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TERMS—Two Dollars per Annum if paid within the year; Two Dollars and Fifty cents .after the expiration of the year. ADVERTISEMENTS-,—bne Square (10 lines) three insertions-,-$l-,500br . each subsequent insertion, Thir five Cents per Square. Aliberal discount made to yearly adver tisers: LOCALS.—Business Lo,ails Ten Cents per line for the first insertion, Seven Cents for subsequent insertions. Vrefeszional Olards, J. B. AMBERSON, M. Do, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, WAYNESBORO%-11,14. Office at •the Waynesboro' "Corner Drug Store:" 'Dine 29—tf. 12, B. FRANTZ, Has resumed the practice of Medicine. OFFICE—In the Walker Building—near —the-Bowden _House. Night calls should be made at his residence on AraiirS • • . joining the Western School House. July 20-tf iz_s_w_rv - mr - r_ry - , ILL M., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. WAYNESBORO' PA. Office at hisresidence;- nearly -opposite the Bowden House. Nov 2—tf. *UI3LG. ATTORNEY AT LAW, ILTAVING been admited to Practice Law Wu at the several Courts in Franklin Coun _ business entrusted to his care will be -- promptly-atten Mercersburg, Pn )V y E s P , Will give prompt and close attention to all business entrusted to his care. Otiice next door to the Bowden House, in the Walker Building. Duly 6 JOSEPH DOUG-LAS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, WAYNESBORO', PA. Practices in the several Courts of Franklin and adjacent Counties. N. B.—Real Estate leased and sold, and Fire Insurance effected on reasonable terms. December 10, 1871. ID. _A__ STOUFFER, DENTIST, ' GREENCASTLE, PA • ", t, •Experienced in Dentistry, will insert you :sets of Tc'eth at prices to suit the times. Feb. 16, 1871. STRIEGIREEt v (FORMERLY OF MERCERSIMIRG, PA.,) (IFFE.RS his Professional services to the Vcitizens of Waynesboro' and vicinity. Da. STRICKiER. has relinquished an exten sive practice at Mercersburg, bias been prominently engaged for • u years in the practice of his profession. He has opened an Office in Waynesboro', ..at the residence of George Besore, Esq., his Father-in-law, where he can be found at all times when not professionally engaged. . July 20, 187L—tf. 'A. K. BBANISHOLTS, RESIDENT DENTIST r.- - ' • WAY:NESB,ORO', PA., 'Can be found at all times at his office where be is prepared to insert teeth on the best basis in use and at prices to suit the times. Teeth extracted, without pain by the use of •chloroform, cather, nitrous oxid eggs or the freezing process, in a manner surpngsPd by none. We the undersigned being acquainted with A. K. Branisholts for the past year, can rec • ommend him to the public generally to be -a Dentist well qualified to perform all ope rations belonging to Dentistry iu the must :.skillful manner. Drs. J. B. AMBERSON, I. N. SNIVELY, E. A. HERR/NG, J. M. RIPPLE, J. J. OELLIG A. S. BONBRAKE, T. D. FRENCH. Sept 29tfi C. A. S. VNT 0 1., 'X' , • DEALER IN W4VOME6 AND JEWELRY : 883 WEST BALTIMORE STREET, BALTIMORE, MD. Ja'Watches Repaired and Warranted. 101 - Jewelry Made and Repaired. - Va July 13, 1871.-tf. _ ING AND CONNEYALCING. E undersigned having had some ten JL years experie.nce as a practical Surveyor is prepared to do all kinds of Surveying, laying out and dividing up lands, also all kinds of writing usually done by Scriveners. Parties wishing work done can call on, or address the undersignedat Waynesboro', Pa. feb 2—tf A. B. STOLER. aE3 A. R 1B M _TZ, I lq" 0- I /TIRE subscriber informs the public that he IL continues the Barbering business in the room next door to Mr. Reid's Grocery Store, midis at all times prepared to do hair cut-. shavings hatopoomng etc. in the best style. The patronage of the public is respect fidly solicited. Aug 23 1871. CONCAVE CONVEX spectacles, at ALEX. LIEDS • Fo:aiAl 'Twas but a word, a careless word, As thistle-down it seemed as light It paused a moment in the air, Then onward winged its flight. Another lip caught up the word, And breathed it with a haughty sneer; It gathered weight as on it sped, That careless word in its career. The rumor caught the flying word, And busy gossip gave it weight, Until the little word became A vehicle of angry hate. And then the word was winged with fire, Its mission was a thing of pain ; For soon it fell like lava drops Upon a - widely tortured brain. And then another page of life, With burning, scalding tears waeblurred A load of care was heavier made; It added weight, that careless word. The careless word, oh I how if scorched A fainting, bleeding, quivering heart; 'Twas like a hungry fire that searched Through every tender, vital part. How widly throbbed that aching heart! Deep agony its fountain stirred. It calmed—but bitter ashes mark The pathway of that careless word. A New York paper tells the following romantic story which proves that "truth is stranger than fiction :" Within the past fortnight a romance has been enacted in this city, which more than realized the fine story of The Bohem ian Girl, the facts of which have thus far escaped the argus eyes of the reporters, and which have been given us on the con dition that we omit the names of the par ties connected with the affair. Briefly, then, the story is as followes : Some fifteen years ago, a wealthy fam ily, then residing in Union square, lost their, Jittle daughter, a bright, beautiful little fitiry, aged four years. She .had been out with the nurse, wandering in the square, and while she was engaged in taking,care of au infant sister of little Saidee, the child joined with several others about her own age, and in company tripped hither and on hrough the paths and over the green grass. When the nurse went back for the lit tle one she was nowhere to be found. She gave the alarm, and a most persistent and thorough search was made in every di rection. The police were notified, and large rewards were offered for the child's recovery, but all to no purpose. She could not be tbund. That she had been kid napped was almost a certainty, and the grief of the parents can only be known to those who have been placed in like cir cumstances. Year after year rolled by, and still no tidings of the lost one, although the fath er and mother never 'ceased to mourn, to hope and to search. It was a sad night to see the half frantic mother going about among groups of school children, and start ing suddenly as a bright face beamed on her, that hadin it some slight resemblance to the lost darling and fbr several years she never allowed a little girl to pass her, without scrutinizingly looking into her face, hoping to find her own. But the great antidote of time brought its relief by degrees, and the keenest an guish wore away from the hearts of the mourning parents. Possibly some of our readers may remember the excitement the case created, and the newspaper com ments upon it, but at all events this is the story as related to us. 1\ ow comes the strangest, happiest part W. A. PRICE I'ANE3tY NEWSPAPER-DEVOTD TO InXIMATDRE, LOOM AND • GrENERAL NEWS, ETC. tiottrg. The heart is like a : river, Wherein the currents flow-- Oneto the future Watling, One-ta-the-Long-Ago.- On both the banks are roses, Olv both the sun is cast, Ilut.the current which is smoothest Flows ever to the past. Upon this ebbing ritrer ME= Some to the Future Sailing; Some to the Long Ago. Bringing, at their returning, Relics we dearly prize. Brought from those distant islands Bound by youth's sunny skies. Strange that the past remaineth Shut in the hearts for aye— Strange that we are willing To•say to the Past goOd-bye, The future is a shadow— A cloud whose golden sheens :. • • • • cloud look- !olden That's in the distant seen The Past so full of pleasure, A rainbow bright, whose bow Connects the present moment With those of long ago. A bridge we oft are crossing, Passing the friends of old, With faces fair and youthful, - - . -: • • htsts _ old. Strange that the gold must vanish Out of the sunny httir, Strange that silver spinneth ets for th - e - , • Strange that the wrinkles trample Out the young faces bloom- Life s a ows t. a in evenin_ Over bright pictures come A CARELESS VOID, 4)lifittilaneous patting. A ROMANTIC STORY WAYNESBORO', FRANKLIN'COUNTY, PA., TRITRSDAY, NOVEMBER 23,1871. of the story. A short time sinire, an or gan-grinder made his appearance upon ciur cit • accom anied b • a beautiful girl With.an abundance of s rig t wide Imirr, who—p . ilayed--spon—the—tara . bourine, and received the pennies that were proffered in return for the music they afforded. This, on account of the uncom mon beauty of the fair tambourinist was no-puny-sum. . One day they were playing in front of a noble residence on one of the new ave nues above Central Park, when the, mis tress of the mansion chanced to look down upon them from the parlor window. There was something in the face of:the girl that fascinated her. Going to the window she handed a few pennies to the girl, who ap• proached with her tambourine. Their eyes met again. The rich lady called her to come nearer and asked her name. This she gave, but . it was not Sal. -- dee; -- but - Mary. But the woman-was Con fident of something More,. and calling• to the servants, she directed them to furnish a repast to the organ grinder while she took, the girl to her own room. Here she questioned her, relative to her life. What she knew of herself was quickly told. had-been-brought-up-hv is Crosby stv^-' zalian in Crosby street, aria as soon as she was old enough, she was sent out upon the streets with her tambourine, in company with different organ. players: Her first appearance was in New Orleans, and from there she bad strolled through the larger cities and towns through the United States, and bad only been in New York about one month. All this time she had been I - indk el had first trained her for the profession, and he had made a large amount of mon ey by her exertions. A-very-striet-witch-had been_krpt nn her of rate, and since shehad become - old enough to think for herself, for she had '.l ..• •- i• • •:' i ; • 114 les e was eliding, - to-something more-respectable. Thea the woman told her story, the stra ry of having lost a daughter years II go, and while they were speaking her hus band came in, and the girl's story was re peated to him. lie was in doubt, but his wife was not, and then and there pro nounced the beautiful tambourine girl to be her lost daughter The organ-grinder was questioned and this led the husband to take an interest in the affair, and the girl was detained, nat against her will, un til more evidence and inquiries could be made. These inquiries proved beyond a doubt that the mother's instinct was correct; it was indeed her long lost daughter. From this point the story'is soon told. The wan dering tambourine girl has taken her place in the family vain, and the wretch who kidnapped her has fled, no one knows where. The following adventure happened in Bath, England, many years ago, and the lady who narrated it to the writer, was, in those days, a young girl staying in the house. It was in the palmy days of Bath, when that now fallen city rivalled Lon don in brilliancy and dissipation ; and when all the rich, the gay, and the high born of England congregated there in the season, and graced the balls and assemb lies. Mrs. R—,once the belle of the court of George 111., but all this period gradually retiring from general society, possessed one or the largest of the old houses, and gave in it entertainments, which were the most popular of the day. She was celebrated for three things (once fbffour, but the forthher beauty—was of the days gone by( : these things were. her fascination, her benevolence, and—a set of the most matchless and perfect am ethysts. Her house contained tapestried chambers. The walls of the one in which she slept was hung around with designs from heathen mythology, and the finest piece in the room was that . which hung over her dressing table. It represented Phcebus driving the chariot of the sun.— The figures and horses being life-size, it filled up the space between the two win dews, and the horses were concealed be hind the old-fashioned Venetian looking glass, while Phcebus himself, six feet high, looked down by day and by night on his mistress at her toilet. One evening Mrs. R—had an unus ually large party at home. She wore all her amethysts. On retiring to her room, about four o'clock in the morning, she took off her jewels, laid them on the table, and dismissed her weary maid, intending to put them away her self, but before do ing so knelt down, as usual, to say her prayers. While -engaged in her devotions, it was a habit with her to look upward, and the face of Plunbus was generally her point of sight, as it were, and the object on which her eyes most easily rested. On this particular night, as usual, she raised her eves to Phcebus. What does she see? Has Pygmalion been .at work ? Has he filled those dull silk eyes with vital fire? Or is she dreaming? No. Possessed nat urally of wonderfully courage and calm-' ness, she continued to move her lips as if in sile i nt prayer,and never once withdrew her gale ; and still the eyes looked down upon hers. The light of her candles shone distinctly on. living orbs, and her good keen sight enabled her, after a cleverly managed scrutiny, to see that the tapestry eyes of Phcebus had been cut out, and that, with her door locked, and every. servant in bed in their distant apartments, and all her jewels spread out before • her, she was not alone in the room. She conclud ed her prayers with her face sunk in her hands. We can well imagine what those prayers must have been. She knew there tuts some one behind the tapestry ; she knew that bells and screams were equally useless ; and she laid down in her bed as usual and waited the issue, her only curia- A Strange Tale. sion being-that, she did not _put_a_way_her, jewels, "They may 'save:rny life," she said to herself, and she rinsed het eyes. The oak stralcfive - bifiner - a - sotuid-w-aa-hear o • -ninment arrived. - She heard a rustle, a t own , • um 11" hind the tapestry, and a, man stood at her dressing table. He took off his coat, and one by one he secured the jewels bd assth his waistcoat. What would be his next 'move ?, Wald 4 - W — to — the bed side or . to the window ? turned and approached her bedside ; but by tbat time • she had seen enough, and again closed her, eyes and resigned herself , to the Providence whoie protection she had - • _ ravin The man was her own coac man. 2'7' parently satisfied by a brief glance under his dark lantern that he had not disturb ed her,_ha_quietly_unlocked the door 'and left her. For two hours—they must have seemed two days—she - allowed the -house— to_ remain_ unalarmed, her only move ment having been to relock theiriar which her living Phcebukhad,left, ajar,— At seven in the morning she rang the bell, and 'ordered the carriage round just after breakfast. All this was according to her usual habits. On the box was. the man who had cost her a nights rest and most probably a I er jewvever she drove off ; she went straight to the magistrate. "Seize my coachman 1" said she • se cure bin' and search him. I have ieen robbed, and I hardly think he has had time to disencumber himself of the jewels he has taken from me." She was obeyed, and she was 'right. -7 l e 43 ,mathyits were s'3lLabout_him—and e gave himself up - without a struggle. A MELTING STORY. One winter evening - n — count7 - store-1 keeper in the Green Mountain State was ' - --t---4nti-up-for the night, and—wl.- s ana • ing in the snow saleTputting - up the window-shatters,-saw-through_the glass a lounging, worthless fellow within, grab, a pound of fresh butter from the shelf, and conceal it in his hat. The act WAS no sooner detected than the revenge was hit upon him, and in a very few minutes found the Green Mountain storekeeper at once indulging his appetite for fun, to the fullest extent, and paying off the thief with a' facetious sort of tor ture, tor which he would have gained a premium from the old inquisition. "I say, Seth," said the storekeeper, com ing in and closing the door after him, slap ping his bands over his shoulders, and stamping the snow off his feet. Seth had his hand on the door, his hat on his head, and the nail of butter in his hat, anxious to make his exit as soon as possible. "I say, Seth, sit down ; I reckon now on such a cold night as this a little some thing warm would not hurt a fellow." Seth felt very uncertain ; he had the butter and was exceedingly anxious to be off, but the temptation of' something warm sadly interfered with his resolution to go. This hesitation was setlted by .the owner of the butter taking Seth by the shoulders, and plantinc , him in a seat close to the stove, where ha was in•such a manner cornered by the, boxes and bar rels, that while the grocer stood before him, there was no possibility of ' getting. out, and right in this very place, sure e nough, the storekeeper sat doWn. ".Seth, we'll have a little warm Santa Cruz," said the Green Mountain Grocer; so he ',opened the stove door, and stuck in as many sticks as the place would ad mit; "without it you'd freeze going out such a night as this." Seth already felt the butter ,settling down closer to his hair, and he jumped up, declaring he must go. "Not till you have something warm, Seth. Come I've got a story to tell pm," and Seth was again rushed into- his seat by his cunning tormentor. "Oh I its so hot here said the petty thief, attempting to rise. ".Sit down—don't be in a hurry," retor ted the grocer, pushing him back into his chair. "But I've got the cows to odder, and the wood to split ;I must be going," said the persecuted chap. ' "But you musn't tear yOurself away. Seth, in this manner. Sit - down, let the cows take care of themselves, .and ,keep yourself easy,; you appear a little fidge ty," •said the roguish grocer with a wick ed leer. The next thing was the production of two glasses of hot toddy, the very sight of Seth's situation, would have made the hair .stand erect upon his head had it not been well oiled and kept down by the butter. "Seth, I will give you a toast, now and you can butter it yourself,'? said the gro cer with an air of such consummate sim plicity that poor Seth believed himself unsuspected. "Seth, here's4--h e re's a Christmas goose, well-roasted, eh ? I tell you it's the greatest in creation. And, Seth, don't you never use hog's fat, or common cooking butter to baste it with ; come, take your butter—l mean, Seth, take your toddy." Poor Seth now began to smoke as well as melt, and.his mouth was hermetically sealed up ;as though he had been born. dumb. Streak ski ter streak of butter came pouring from under his hat, and his handkerchief was already soaked with' the greasy overflow. Talking away, as if nothing was the matter, the fun-loving grocer kept stuffing wood into the stove, while poor Seth sat upright„„ with his back against the counter, and his knees touch ing the red-hot furnace before. "Cold night this,” said the grocer.— "Why, Seth, you seem to perspire as if you were warm. 'Why don't you take your hat off? Here, let me put your hat away." "No!" exclaimed poor Seth at last.— IWIIt - iast - go - 1 let me'out-l-taini welll I"' down ihe . peor mime e au. nee, , down his body into his boots; so that lit erally he *ea in a perfect bath of'oil. "Well, good night; Seth," eald..the miarous Vermonter, "if you will go;" and added r ashe -wen t—out_of_the_do_or. say; Seth, I. reckon, the fun I ,have had 'out of yOu is. worth,mitiopenes, so I shan't charge rou for that - pound of butter in your A Mitchme.n's Letter. • My y• vast erry 'moo ", lea. nut him. ',My son Fritz was; taken nut de droubles in dar troat., Ven I heere, _dat_Ltells_de - loltssopuin vat shall I to? She tells me I vil go for Dr. ViieTl goes.. He comes iii ter house un tells ter . poy he shaltsteek_out ter_tung. ' Ven. he sees dat, he itsayrs isth ferry pat m to ItiproWria j deectiony. He give me den spout four quarts of bills, and seal . give him twelve 'affry five minutes until he git better. But de more bills I gif 'im to wUrser he kit so I go fur murder Doctor. He, squees his arm a little vile in to rist, and ses to poy got to digestion of dar hir — iga — ferry - p. uut ho can't lif more as an hour; but if I giv 'im fifty toilers he makes him all right. I'dells him I don't cares for to money, put hurry-up make im well. :He puts dar monish in his ferry fat bocket pook. Den he giv me som powders ,vat look like sawdust grount up, and says I_ shall giv im so much -as I can, but on • _. • _ ife vonee in effry sec onds. I pitch in an gif der tow. ers="). fast as I can, but be kits no petter ferry' fast, nns I don't know vat Ishall to. Den I heers a man vot' makes him veil mit some 'honing in a box._.T._nins right a way an kit him, an he comes in an says if der .O • der bills an der owdemtvas - tenongtrto-ma • er—wel horse'siek. Isa can I make im vell youli yell like de udder feller for fifty tollar.— He says he first try, see vat he do. Ten he dakes some dings in der hants un put der, fingers on der poy, an ter • pox make some noises like der pees in der schwarm, under poy, he kit right away, up an says isth tinner reaty, vor I vaut to go vishing dis afdemoon; and he is smart as I vas now. I tell to doctor how mooch I shall pay him. He say tree toiler. I say all right, dat ish koot, ven I have ,some yokes vat is seek I cum right away for you. I don't get dimes to rite some more now, and hobe fines`you de same as I vas. GOETLELB SwucEraamt. A New Illustration of a Proverb. The Boston Journal says : A friend just returned from Chicago related to ,us this morning an incident of his visit which is, good enough to find a place here. He was riding in a horse cur down State street from the Post-office, surveying the ruins, along with a: number of gentlemen whose long, rueful faces told unmistaka bly that they belonged to the numerous class of "sufferers," when suddenly a man at his elbow gave utterance, without hav ing previously vouchsafed a single 'word, to the old Eastern proverb, "There is no great loss without some small gain," his face lighting up with a smile at the ap parently happy thought which' suggested the exclamation. Our friend's curiosity was aroused and he blandly inquired of the.stranger what assurance he had for his faith in view of the blackened ruins all about them. "Why, you see," glee fully remarked this new Mark Taply, turning a beaming countenance on our friend and speaking in. a loud tone, which attracted the attention of every one in the car, "You see, stranger, I lost my house, $6,000, worth of fu' niture, and just about every cent I watworth, but I got rid of an infernal old cook stove, which always smoked and would not bake at all, and which compelled my - -wife to send our bread to the neighbors to be baked. Well sir, that stove was done for in - the great fire, and now I feel more than ever sure there is no great loss .without some small gain. Jut think of it, I might have had a . new stove, and then , there would have been so much added to my loss." And with an audible chuckle over this com forting reflection, he pulled the bell rope stopped thelcar,and with a graceful wave of his hand at our friend, disappeared-, a mong the ruins—Tossibly in search Of the remains of that "infernal old cook stove., What is Thine 'Age'? "Father,", said a .Persian monarch to the old man, who, according to Oriental usage, bowed before the sovereign's throne, "pray, be seated I cannot receive hom age from one bent with years, whose head it white with the frost of age." "And now, father," said the monarch, when the old man had taken the proffer ed seat, "tell me thine age ; how many of the suns revolutions hast thou count ed?"" • "Sire," answered the old man, "I am but four years." "What!" interrupted the king, "fear est thou not to answer me falsely ; or dOst thou jest on the brink of the tomb 2" ".T.spe:ak,nOt falsely; sire," replied the aged man, ~neither would I offer a fool ish jest on a subject so solemn.- Eighty long years. have I wasted in folly and sin ful pleasures, and in amassing wealth, none of which I can take with me when I leave this world. Four only have I spent in doing good to my fellowmen; and shall I count those years that have utterly been wasted ? Are they not. worse than blank, and is not that portion only Wortht to be reckoned as u part •of my life, which has answered life's best end" What is a Million of Dollars. People say, "The steamer- took away a million dollars„' just as complacently as thou :h a million dollars could be picked up like dirt. n, anonymous • wri= rarka-that-but-few_peaple liciirn any inn idea what millions, billions and trillions are than they have of the brogans- woin by the cobblers who inhabit the moon.-i— -.kmillion of silver liessess a va4- ness-that-is-rather_startling_toa_man who has never faced such - a pile. ,To count this ,sun at the rate of one five hundred dollars in hour, and eight 'hours a day, would require a man nearly three months. • If the said dollars were laid side by side, they would reach one . • • . 11 * 7 • their transportation would require fourteen wa• gons carrying two tons ach. If millions became thus overpowering in .their rnag iitude, what shall we do with larger sums? The seconds in six thousand. years seem almost incalculable, and yet they amount to -less-than-one-half -of-a-. trillion quadrillion of leaves of . paper, each the two hundreth part of an inch in thickness wouid form a pile, 'the height of which would be three hundred and thirty ..times the moon's distance from the earth. A cannon ball flies swiftly y ; but if one were , . 4: L a a II lal ' a h: t_one_ofour_Nat. tional Presidents takes his seat in 'White House, and were it to•coutinue with una bated fury of twelve hundred feet a sec ond 'during his • whole tern"). of office,'it would not travel three millions of m-ilEs OUR HOUSE AI4D Hour. Says -Mrs Stowe : There are certain ' characteristic words which the human . heart loves to conjure, and otie:of the — strongest among . them is the phrase, "Our House," It is not my house, nor your house, nor their house, but Our Mize& It is the insepa able we who owti it, and it is the we and the hour tha -go a long way to : a ...- pregnating it with the charm that :makes it-the-symbol-ofthings-most—blessed-und_ eternal. ave their — ibsiotimoin • ,--as much 'as persons. There are common place•houses, suggestive houses, attractive houses and scientific houses, and fascinat ing houses, just as there are all classes of persons: There are houses whose windows seem to yawn idly—to stare vacantly— there are houses whose windows glows Weirdly, and look at you askance ; there are houses again, whose very doors and windows seem wide open with frank cor diality, which seem to stretch their arms to-embrace you, and.woo you kindly to come and possess them. lIIGHT-HEARTED PEOPLE. —There are people who habitually make the best of •things,.nOt for a sense of duty, not from dislike of sympathy, not from any shriek ing from pain on their own account or .for others, but simply from a natural lightness of heart. These people supply the oxygen of the moral atmosphere, and should be maintained at the public expense to keep it sweet .and pure. Even if instead' of be ing, as they generally : are, active or oth erwise estimable members of :society, they did nothing but enjoy life, they would still be worth cultivating.for the sake. of the light and heat which they _kindle.— The only difficulty is how to regulate them. They are so irresistibly impelled to sing songs that in a world where heavy hearts are unfortunately common, it is difficult always to keep the vinegar and nitre apart. Origin of Plants. Peas are of Egyptian origin. • Celery - originated in Germany., The chestnut came from Italy. The onion originated in Egypt. The nettle comes from Europe. • Tobacco is a native of Virginia. The citron is "a native of Greece- The Pine is a native of America. Oath originated in North Africa. . Rye originally came from •Siberia. The poppy originated in the Bak. . The mulberry originated in Persia:: Parsley was first known in Sardinia: ' The pear and apple arafrom Europe. Spinach was first cultivated in Arabia. The sunflower was brougb from 'Peru: The walnut and - peach eameTroin , Persia. The horse chestnut is a native of -Thibet 'The cucumber came from the East Indies. The radish originated in China and Japan: . During the recent session of the Gen bial Episcopal Conventian, the 'subject of prohibiting the marriage of divorced peo ple being under discussion in the House of Bishops, the Rt Rev. Dr. Clark Stated that in Rhode Island divorces were obtain ed for such light causes as' to imperil the morals.of the whole community, and sta ted that men did actually sell their wives, mentioning an instance of a man selling his wife for ten thousand dollars. "Are such transactions common in your diocete?". inquired a brother. Bishop.-r -" Not at that price," promptly responded the witty bishop. We - overheard•the following a few days since. 'Wonder if it sounds as Well in print as it did ln . ,thP vocabulistic Dutche "Katrina, Dike toltnow who gief you de brivilege dat you'shall go ant spent me fife cent; for to buy that ploo ribbon vot you got died arount your waterfalls?' ton vant to brake me up in pessiness, eh ! I. pet - you dem ting don't nefer "happens a gain in dis family because . I chlap you down so flat as you can'estait, ain't it' ' "Doctor," said a wealthy patient to his physician, "I want, you to be thorough. Strike at the root of the disease." "Well I will,' said the doctor; 'as he lifted his cane and broutht it down • hard enough to break into pieces a bottle and glasses which stood upon the side-boards It was his last professional visit in that house, $2,00 PER YEAR aw1:31_444 Wait and eVitino,r. Nearly all women like soldiers, and some-would4ik:e-a-good-offer,f w- ". ris - wife like - at • • • she is difficult to get changed. A cool proceeding An ice man 'eloping with a nice girl. Westeniihrete Haven't been for a century back. , . No Person ever got stung by hornets Who kept away from where' they were.— It is just so with bad habits. A Mr. Tease recently married a k) Cross.: -We suppose he teased her till she promised not•to be cross any more. "The dear• t ast been locate.. ''t s s• • t on. earth" •has': at t is at the. store that . . ~ What is the difference between a:fa. ne er and a bottle of , whiskey ? One hug bands, the corn, and the other.:corns the husbands. 'Why is nman when paying his note of .11 - 111 , e=taatitszLrtt dren ? Because he m.eets.his responsibil ities. ly_snid to hei _ te for the cars,- but and the stupid fei nt looking for a buss on wheels. One of the Os inisters; when he marries a couple, - by saying" Suffer little chidre - to come'unto them amen:" Be careful not to trust the person teho comes-and--tells--yett-what-so-and-so-aays-: hout you. It As an•old saying, "that.they who fetch will also car Some one, evidently anovice, propounds. falowing• - •; — "Nirhy - do-therd, much more of pears, peaches, and small fruits now than formely ?" • Because they “can.” It is a curious fact though the rain keep thousands away from ehurch on Sunday, it does not detain a single man from attending to his business_on - week days. - A St. Louis lawyer attempted to try a case the other day, - while he was -half d riink,but the judge stopped him by saying: "No lawyer can serve two bars at one A clergyman at Council Blud s lowa, has made a new departure in:the matter of ‘hitching up" folks. He has swept a way the old rules of. marrying for a .fee, and announces that he shall 'hereafter marry by weight,. charging four cents-per pound for the happy man and two- cents for the bride. The idea is a nArel one. "What is the matter with you ?" inqui red ajudge, who had -called to •see a sick neighbor. "Veil, don't know; .chndge=---' dey say it ish de tout; but vy -should-- I- have • de tout? 1 lives brain; 1.-don't , eat too much." , . "Perhaps,".suggu3ted the judge, "it is here:liter) , r! "Iguess it is 'reditary ;- I remember my wife's uncle had it.'". -7 - - Saratoga girls organized an anti-kissing society, recently, the rules of the society imposing a fine of $1 for every kiss bo stowed upon .the. masculine, gender. At the end of the first week some of those girls wore - actually indebted to the society in sums ranging from $5 to $25.. The as sociation was disbanded. A Norwich authority tells pathetic little dory about a pipe]." „winch bad became fastened by it long striuglanging froM its - leg - to - a telegraph wire. Two or direibOys wanted.to throw- stones at it: but a , kind gentleman, telling them not to - hurt the poor bird, gut a ladder and care fully- unwound the' 'string, 'and put the frightened,Auttering little -creature "ten derly into his bosom awhile he.-deeended. the nest evening be remarked.that it had mirde'a much nicerpre than le had es - - • - -pected. A young man visited. a fair iirGermam town last season, and relates the follow ing experience: . Young Lady- 7 -Sir, would'nt you. like to buy some 'chances in a - punch-bowl ? Atom—No, thank y ou .; . I never drink. Young Lady (ins inuatingly)—Well,. would'nt you like to take- a chance. in a box of cigars? Atom (with a. very grave face)—No, thank you; I n4Vet'smoke. Young Lady (losing . patience)—Well, 'l'd offer you a chance in a cake of soap if I thought you never washed... . • Too Ihsty.•A farm - laborer attempt ing to drown himself, an Irish reaper, who saw him- go into- the - water leaped after him and. brought him safe to shore. • The fellow: attempting it a second time, the reaper, a second time got him out ; but the laborer, determined to destroy himself, watched an opportunity, and hanged him self behindthabarn-dear. The rnshman observed him, but never offered to out hire. down. When, several hours. afterward, the Meat& 'of the farmyard ash.ed hi la u pon what ground he bad sufieredthe*r fellow to•hang there,, "Faith," replird the Patrick, "I don't know what you mean by ground: I - know I . was so ,good to him that I fetob,ed him out of the water two times; andl know, torh„ltevab'wetthrtmgh every rag ; wad I thought he hung him self up to drs."
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers