BY W. BLAIR. YOLUILE 24. THE W4INEBBOBO' VILLAGE RACORD • PI:BUSKED SPEW TRUBSDAY MORNING . By W 'TERMS—Two Dollars per Annum if paid within the year; Two Dollars and Fifty cents after the expiration of the year. , ADVERTISEMENTS—One Square — ( lines) three insertions, .sl,po ; for each subsequent insertion, Thir five Cents per ,Square. A liberal discount made to yearly adver tisers. LOCALS.—Business LocUls Ten Cents per • line for the first insertion, Seven Cents for subsequent insertions. Vrofitsglional (ards. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, WAYNESBORO', PA. - - Office at the Waynesboro' "Corner Drug DR. B. RA'IT Z , Has resumed the practice of Medicine OFFICE—In the Walker Building—near the Bowden House. Night calls should be made at his residence on Main Street, Lddr joining the Western School House. July 20-tf I. N.. SNIVMT-a r , Ja, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. . WAYXESBORO' PA. Office at his residence, nearly opposite the Bowden House. Nov 2—tf. 301111%' A. II V+0441 , 11i4r, ATTORNEY AT LAW, I t a l t V.lN e G se b v e er e i l l i l t o d u m r i ts te? .n t? ?l, P a r n ti n e l e co L i aw l. ty, all business entrusted to his care will be promptly attended to. Post °like :iddre...,s Ilereersburg, Pa. ZiZ,W DETEZ,CLI t ATTORNEY AT LAW, • WAYNESBORO', PA, Will give prompt and close attention to all business entrusted to his care. Office next door to the Bowden House, in tho Walker B ' I .‘ l SILLUALiM JOSEPH :DOUG-14AS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, WAYNESBORO', PA. Practices in the several Courts of Franklin and adjacent Counties. N. B.—Real Estate leased and sold, and Fire Insurance effected on reasonable terms. December 10, 1871. - D.. A STOUFFER, DENTIST, GREENCASTLE, PA. • , )'T Experienced in Dentistry, will insert you :gets of Teeth at prices to suit the times. Feb. 16, 1871. OR., it., HI., STRACKLERi t (FORMERLY OF MERCERSBURG, PA.,) ®citizens his Professional services to the I L/citizens of Waynesboro' and vicinity. DR. Srrammt has relinquished an exten sive practice at Mercersburg, where he has been prominently engaged for a number of years in the practice of his profession. He has opened an Office in Waynesboro', at the residence of George Besore, Esq., his Father-in-law, where he can be found at all times when not professionally engaged. July 20, 1871.-tf. A. K. BRANISHOLTS, RESIDENT DENTIST., ve, I ,-_ -___ ..._-: , . , :.....p„ i . 't ' - WAYNESBORO', PA., Can be found at all times at his office where he is prepared to insert teeth on the best basis in use and at prices to suit the times. Teeth extracted, wiaout pain by the use of chloroform, eather, nitrous oxid egas or the freezing process, in a manner surpassed by none. We the undersigned being acquainted with A. K. Branisholts for the past year can rec ommend him to the public generally to be a Dentist well qualified to perform all ope rations belonging to Dentistry in the most skillful manner. , Drs. J. B. AIIBERSON, I. N. SNIVELY, E. A. EIERR.T.NG, J. M. RIPPLf,, J. J. OELLIG, A. S. BONER/IKE, T. 1.) Sept 29tf] O. A._ S. WOTAN', DEALER IN 'frr AFORES AND JEIF.E.LB 883 WEST BALTIMORE STREET, BALTIMORE, MD. LE"Watches Repaired and Warranted.-en ria'Jewelry Made and Repaired." 4uly 13, 1871.-tf. SURVEYING AND CONVEYALCING. rrHE undersigned having had some ten I. years experience as a practical Surveyor is prepared to do all. kinds of Surveying, laying out and dividing up lands, also all kinds of writing usually done by Scriveners. Parties wishing work done can call on, or address the undersised at Waynesboro', Pa. feb 2—tf ' A. B. STOLEN. - 43, _A. 3EI 12.0 I ..N" I E subscriber informs the public that he JL continues the Barbering business in the room next door to Mr. Beid's Grocery Store, and itt at all times prepared to do hair cut ting, shaving ' s spooning etc. in the best style. The patronage of the public is respect. fully solicited. Aug 23 1871. W. IL. PRICE. CONCAVE CONVEX Spectacles, at ALEX. LEEDS seemed to encourage his wife to go on ; for she-uttered words more and more bitter, until at last, almost in a state of frenzy, -the wretched man rushed from the house, to the tavern, and there sought to bury{ - his thoughts of the past and the future in the rum-cup. - In the meantime, James 'Hawley, his companion in labor, entered his home with a very sad countenance. But before he had stepped over the threshold, a loving pair of arms were thiown around his neck, and a pair of sweet lips were pressed to his. He returned the salutation sadly, and then inquired for the baby. ' "She Is sleeping sweetly in her cradle. She has been a perfect little darling all day. Supper is waiting ; so make haste. Here is warm water_ as A Ir. you -Ftiint riot in the beat of the strife ; I not later than usual to-night ?" ,stiut to'ottrg. THE DUTY OF LIFE, Look not mournfully back to the Past, ' The Present's - the hour for duty, " And Life, be it ever so dark, momenta of - surtsliln - d - beauty.7 ---- Look up! for the sun is still shining, • Although a black cloud may be there Remember the bright silver lining From under the cloud will appear. Sit not with the hands idly folded— Each one 'has a duty to do, And if life has its struggles for others, Why have only pleasures for you? Seek not to pluck only the roses But put on the armor.of courage, TO fight in the battle of Life. Look around on the highways, and gather, - • • • • • • - -: • • • • But take up the stones that are bruising Some weary, worn traveler's feet; Seek out some cool spring in the desert. And give to the lips that are dry— Speak a kind word of hope or of comfort To each sorrowing one who goes by.- Pluck a thorn from some poor bleeding bosom, Make strong some faint heart for the strife ; Rouse up the weak feet that have fallen— Ah, thifi is the mission of Life ; Ask—not-if-the-world-will-applaud-you No matter since duty is done ; There's One who will better reward you, With the crown you have faithfully won. TUB AUTUMN FOLIAGE. BY W. R. WATERTON Though September's suns shine brightly, And:September's skies are blue, Though Autumn breezes lightly Stir the leaves of varied hue, Still a not ua leasant sadn •s= Stealeth softly o'er our hearts, 'While we mourn the vanished gladness Of the Summer which departs. Though the Auttunn foliage glory in its green and gold array, Yet its splendor tells a story Of incipient decay, Let us listen ‘o its teaching, For analogies profound, And throughout all nature reaching, Are within us, and around. Yes, the Autumn foliage gaining Tints of beauty as it dies, Like the setting sun, which waning, Spreads new glory o'er the skies, Tells the Christian that as nearer To the grave his footsteps tend, All his grace should shine clearer, And beam brightest at his end. ( T . tlistellautmts grading. BEARING TROUBLE. It was a cold, dismal evening in No vember, that two laborers might have been seen wending their way along the streets of a large nianumeturing town. slowly they proceeded, with dejected countenance, not exchanging a word un til the one whom we shah call smith, hal ted lienure a neat little house and un lat.:bed the gate. Then there was such a look 01 utter misery and despair gleaming arum his eyes that his companion mur mured, e must trust in (loci, smith." 'life words were unheeded,and his com panion passed on, while smith entered the house. A tall, dark-eyed woman was flitting about, getting supper. bhe gazed up as be entered, exclaiming: "You are late to night!" "Yes, he articulated gloomily, and go ing to the cradle he touk up the six weeks olu baby; and sorrowfully premed it to his heart. "1 do wish you would put that child down and get ready for supper," exclaim ed his wile, atter enduring his gloominess for some time. He slowly obeyed, and then seated him selt at the table, with a deep sigh. • "What in the world is the matter with you to-night ?" •she asked, as she sat down opposite him. Ills voice trembled as he replied, "I suppose you might as well know first as last. I have been discharged." "There! exclaimed his wife, quickly, pushing, back her chair. Just what I might have expected 1 I'd like to know what we are going to do now. Winter coming on and all. I declare, Smith, you will torture me to death 1" "I am very sorry, Lydia, but I cannot help it." "worry I No you are:not sorry at all. You would just as leave see your wife and chil dren starve as not. lt'a nothing in the world but your poor managing." "Lydia., you are cruel. instead of help ing me to endure my great trouble, which is bearing me down to the very earth, you make i ten times harder for me to bear. •I was not the only one discharged. There was JinklElawley, and ever so many oth ers. "Business is dull." Business is dull!" she mimicked after him. "Always an excuse for a worthless man. To think that you should be discharged now, just as your rends due ; and then we are out of wood; and look at my shoes, won't you ? my feet almost on the ground. I wish I had never married you,'•' and a dark look accompanied the last words.— The poor husband now covered his face with his hands and grouted aloud. This , WAYNESBOHO', FRANKLIN_ COUNTY, PA., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1.571.) Y. you." "Bad news 1" she exclaimed, turning pale as, for_ the.first time, she notice&that. some - fng was wrong. Yes; I. was discharged to night, and I do not know as I can an • thin! to do before spring. Business is sd • uli." "Is that all ?" asked his wife with a sigh of relief. "I thought it was some thing terrible, the way you looked." And is it not terrible enough ? What will become of us this winter, it lam out of employment ? "The same God who feeds the sparrows and clothes the lilies in the field, will not let us suffer, dear James." "God blLss you, Mar! 1 • There is sweet • • • • • ' "And now let us have supper," ex claimed his wife cheerfully. "See, I have your favorite dish—shortcake and toast.— Do not let your troubles impair - your ap petite, and then, after tea, we will talk it all over. God doeth everything •for the best. And as our day so shall our strength be." In the evening it was determined that the quarter's rent should be paid immedi ately, a 110 N supply of coal obtained, and tne remaiumg portion of the Money pla ced in the wife's hands to be dealt out as s as ossibl• Then Mary suggested that all her pret ty parlor furniture should be put away in the garret, and the : front room let out.— Further than this they could lay no plans, and as the husband went out to pay the rent the future looked so dark to the young wife that she could not altogether restrain her tears; but seeking strength from on high, her face wore the same cheerful smile when her husband returned, and lit tle did he know that during all that long night, while he and his baby were so sound ly sleeping his wife lay awake, planing out the future. Three months have passed, with scarce ly a day's work, in all that time, and now uuother's quarter's rent. is due. In vain the laborer thrusts his hands into his empty pockets•, anu m vain racks his brain lbr some solution of the problem how that rent is to he paid. The lodger had paid his money monthly ; but then that was not enough to meet the sum, if he had it, and of course his wile had spent that aS ast as she received it, and it was an every day wonder to James how Mary manag ed so well. With feelings of great despair he en tered the house. The table was spread with the same favorite dish. There was the Shortcake and toast, flanked with a golden lump of butter, a plate of honey, and a deep dish of roasted apples to be served with sugar and cream, while at his plate sat the steaming teapot. As James took it in all at one glance, he greatly wondered at the frugal yet comfortable way of living. How his wife had been able to make the small amount of money last so long was a mystery to him, and yet he could not help wishing inwardly that she had been more economical, then per haps, the rent might have been paid, and he felt that it would be better tot have subsisted on one crust of bread rather than to be turned out of doors homeless. He refused to sit at the table, pleading that he had no appetite. .And a great large tear arose in the strong man's eyes as he informed his wife that on the mor row they would be turned out of house and home, to go he knew not where, as he had not a dollar in his pockets, to secure them a room elsewhere. "Is that it ?" exclaimed his wife in a soft tone, and trip ed up stairs; and soon returned, and placed two ten dollar bills in his hand. "Where did you get them ?" he asked eagerly turning them over, in his hands, as though to ascertain whether they were really genuine or not. "I earned them," replied his wife gaily. "I knit afghans, shawls, children's hood's, saques and sos; at first only for those whom I providentially heard wished arti cles of the kind; afterwards I was employ ed to furnish a trimming establishment with my work." "And kept it a secret from me?" "Yes, because I thought you would be worried for fear I was doing too much.— I love to knit dearly, and consider it more of a pleasant pastime than labor." "God be praisad for giving me such a wife!" exclaimed her husband, earnestly; and pressing his wife and child closely to his bosom and said: "Her children arise up and call her blessed.; her husband al so, and he praiseth her; for many daugh ters have done virtuously, but thou ex cellest them all. Twenty years lava passed, and James Hawley is a rich man. But Joseph Smith is a confirmed drunkard, while his wife has long since passed from earth a victim of misery and want . Why will 114 wives as at their hus bands to bear their trials with helping band and hearts? If they would but do this, bowimany families would- be - bayed : ry, 41PLI * * * * * from ruin, and how sweet would be their reward, not only upon earth, but also in Heaven. Kicked by a Mule. Jake Johnson had a mule, there was nothing remarkable in the merefact of his being the possessor of such an animal, but there was something peculiar about the mule. He--,theanimal—could kick high er, bite harder on the slightest provoca tion and act uglier than any_mule_on—re-_ cord. One morning riding his property to market, Jake met Jim Boggs, against whom be had an old but concealed grudge. He knew Bogga weakness lay in brag ging and betting÷therefor-he saluted-him accordingly ow are you un . me mornmg. Hearty squire," replied Jim. "Fine, weather. That's knice mule ou ha• - - - ---- - - - - IV~7l~e do to bet on?" "Bet on? Guess he will, that. I tell you Jim Boggs, he's the best mule in this coun y. "Great smash is that so?" ejaculated Jim. "Solid truth every word of it . Tell you confidentially, Jim, I'm tak ing him down for betting purposes. I bet he can kick a fly , from aily man with out its hurtirig. l "Now, 1 ok here squire," said Jim, "I am not a betting character, but I'll bet you something on that myself." " *m r there'-s no use ; don't bet, I don't want to win your money." "Don't be alarmed squire, I'll take such bets as them every time." "Well if yon are determined to bet, will bet a small stake—say five dollars.' "All right squire, you are my Iman. But who'll he kick the fly de" there is no one here but you and I. _ You try it." "No." says Johnson, I have to be by the mule's head to order him."' "Oh! yaws," said Jim. "Then probably I'm the man. Waal! I'll do it; but you "All right," quoth the squire. " Nov there's a fly on your shou'der. stand still." And Johnston adjusted the mule, "Whist, Jervy, said he. The mule raised his heels witlisuch ve locity and force that Boggs rose in the air like a bird, and alighted on all fours in a muddy ditch, bang up against a rail fence. Raising in a towering rage exclaimed : Yaas, that is smart! I know .:your darned mule couldn't do it. You had that all put up. I wouldn't be kicked like that for fifty dollars. You can just fork over them ere stakes for it any way.' "Not so fast, Jim; Jervy did just what I said he could; that is, kick a fl off a man without its hurting him. You see the mule is not injured by the operation. However, if you are not satisfied, we will try it again as often as you wish." "The duce take you," growled Jim. "I'd rather have a barn fall on me at once than have that critter kick me again- Keep the stakes, but don't say anything about it. And Boggs trudged'on in bitterness of soul, murmuring to himself, "Sold b y thunder and kicked by a mule!" THE NOBLE REVENGE. The coffin was a plain one—a poor miserable pine coffin. No Bowers on the top; no lining of white satin for the pale brow; no smooth ribbons about the coarse shroud. The brown hair was laid decent ly back, but there was no crimped cap with neat tie beneath the chin. The sul ferer from cruel poverty smiled in her sleep ; she had found bread, rest, and health. "I want to see my mother," sobbed a poor little child, as the undertaker was screwing downithLtst. "You cannot ; get out of the way, boy ; why don't somebody take the brat?" "Only let me see her one minute 1". cri ed the helpless orphan, clutching the side of the charity box, and as he gaze 1 upon the rough box agonized tears crept down the cheeks, on which no childish bloom ever lingered. Oh ! it was painful to hear him cry the words, "Only once, let me' see mother, only once l" Quickly and brutally the heartless monster struck the boy away, so that he reeled with the blow. For a moment the boy stood panting With grief and rage —his blue eyes distended, his lips sprang apart, fire glittered through his eyes as . he raised his little arm with a most un childish laugh and screamed,—"When I am a man, I'll be revenged for that I" • There was a coffin and a heap of earth between the mother and the poor forsa ken child—a monument much stronger than granite built in the boy's heart the memory of the heartless deed. .*** * * * The court-house was crowded to mad cation. "Does any ono appear as this man's counsel?" asked the judge. There was a silence when he had fin ished, until, with lips tightly . pressed to gether, a look or—strange intelligence, blended with a haughty reserve upon his handsome features, a young man stepped forward with a firm tread and kindly,eye to plead for the erring. He was a strang er, but at the first sentence there was si lence. The splendor of his genius enhanc ed—convinced. The man who could not find a friend was acquitted. "May God Mein you, sir :1 cannot," he said. "I want no thanks," replied the etrang- "I—l—l boner. you axe unknown "Man, I will refresh your memory.— Twenty years ago you struck a broken hearted little boy away from his deai mother's coffin. I was that boy." "Have you rescued me, then, to take my lac ?" "Na, I have a sweeter revenge. I have a sweeter revenge. I have saved the life - of a man whose brutal conduct has rank led in my breast for the last twenty years. Go, then, and remember the tears of a friendle,s.s-child;" The man bowed his head in shame, and went from the presence of magnanim ity as grand to him - incomprehensible. After, a Great Fire. tays a correspondent, writing from Never was presented a more mournful scene as last night I walked through the desolate ruins of the South Division of this cit • . In m • front and - ninny - ere mi. ; amen, rising rom the great beds of coal along the banks of the ,river, and - here and there among the 'ruins were little patches of flames, blue or red, where, apparently, solid granite and brick were yet ablaze. From all thele flames, arose a baneful light, that dragged the ruins from the shadows of the night and made every ragged rem nant of wall seem a monument of gener _aLdesolation. And these remnants_ _were by no means few? Stout walls of gran ite have been blistered and cracked by the fierce heat, but portions of many yet stood erect amid the ruins. As far as the eye could reach on every side in the red light of the distant coal fields, was a chaos of smouldering fire. In the silence and solitude came a sense of 'desolation no other ruins could cause. If the ruins are weirdly grand by night it is only by day that a correct idea of the destrnction which has been wrought can be obtained. The strong light of day enables the eye to reach for miles on eve ry side, only to view the wreck of what last week was a busy hive. of commerce. Imagine an area of 2,500 acres covered with hea .s of bricks and ashes with ht an t ere the remnants of wall yet' erect, to tell more plainly the story of destruc tion. And area four miles * long, by an average of three-quarters of a mile wide, with not a house left standing. In this space was the bulk of the wealth which Chicago had accumulated. Stately build ings, devoted 'to commerce, art, literature, And religion, covered a part of this terri tory. Never was wreck so complete.— There is an amusing absense of debris. for the fire seems to have literally swal lowed all these huge houses, leaving noth ing behind but heaps of ashes, and a few scraps of Iron. I had expected fo find the streets encumbered with huge mass es of bricks, iron and other refuse, but found them almost entirely clear, and nowhere so blocked as to be impassible for vehicles. It seemed as if the fire de voured the buildings so rapidly, that on ly insignificant fragments tell to the ground, and I can readily 'believe the statement that the flames spread from block to block faster than a man could walk. But complete as is the destruc tion in the South division, it is as nothing compared with that in the North Divi sion. There, with one exception, every thing is levelled even with the streets.— Not a. timber re Wins, nor a single brick in its plac6. The one exception is anoth er marvel of this great conflagration, as it is a frame house that was in the midst of the fire, and yet it is scarcely touched. A Cross Examination. One of the most prominent ornaments of the bar, celebrated for his genial dispo sition, found himself about the close of the war Washed ashore high and dry pecuni arily, in the city of Richmond, where he was forced to hang out his shingle in the .Rusting Courts. One of his first clients was kyouth, who was arrested at the in stance of a respectable negro man of fam ily, for having "rocked" his house and severely injured his daughter with a stone thrown through the window. At the ex amination, old Pompy was put upon the stand, and proved the charge in such un deniable terms that it would have gone, hard with our friend's client had it not beenifor the cross examination : Lawyer--`You say one stone came in to the room where you were sitting with your family, and struck your daughter ?" —Pomp—"Yes, boss." , Lawyer--" Where did it strike her ?" Pomp---(Silence for a while) "I don't like to tell, boss," Lawyer—" But 'you must, tell, I demand again, where did it hit her ?" Pomp —"Dat all foolishnm, boss,: I tell you it bit her. I don't like to tell where 'fore dose ladies in court." Lawyer— "lint you must answer.— Where did it hit her?" Pomp—(Slowly.) "On the buzzum, boes." Lawyer-- "Well, how, severely did it injure her ?7, Pomp—"Oh, quit this foolishness. I ain't gwine to tell." Lawyer—" Again I must insist upon my question being answered. Did it in jure fifer ?" Pomp (In despair.) "No sah I it did nod injure her, but it hit the man's hand that was payin"tention to her." The case was dismissed immediately for want of jurisdiction. A lady in Brooklyn is known to be so humane that she will not allow evert het carpet to be beaten; and was frightfully shocked on, hearing a boy, who was relat ing a story about a donkey, tell his com rade to cut his tail short ; she actually fainted away when a relative said he had been killing time. Sulgeribe for tjie "Record. A PROPENSITY FOR Twm.—About one mile from Jamestown, Russel county, there lives one of the most remarkable families in:all Sentuckey, and, probably, in the United States. Mr. James Jeffries, who is now in Louisville serving upon the pet it jury in the United States Court, tells his own story, and says that he was mar ried before he was seventeen years old, his 'wife being only five days younger than himself. They lived' together seven years without children, when his wife gave birth • •••••sTa - bey and a girlif - tiwtifteen years which followed • nineteen children were born to the happy couple, each of the first three births being twins and each subsequent birth alternating between twins and single births until the fifteen years I • ;.• a accomplished and — fitreteen crif• ren composed the family circle, seven pairs of twins being born during the. time. Mr. Jeffries is only 4 years old and is still youthful in appearance and very • ;Lid , (4 . 10 IP i I in all her life than at. present, though she will not weigh a hundred pounds.— Her greatest weight at any time was 110 pounds. The boy of the first twins now weighs 165 pounds, the girl 125 pounds. All the boys who are grown have made large men ; the girls are of good size and all the children healthy. But five out of the nineteen have died. Mr. Jeffries has ten brothers, all of whom are large men, and within the families of these eleven brothers there are ~thirty-seven pairs of twins, making seventy-four twin children. to say nothing of the host of single births; Five of Mr. .1 eflries' children are married, and, added to all those singular facts, not• withstanding the absence of silvery locks on his head, he is the of five children. What , constitutes a Providential Can— is a question which most ministers are, at t i. some time, required to seal _Perhaps some light may be shed u n it, by the following item, furnish y a missionary of the American Sunday School Union in Virginia. lie has been called to estab lish a mission Sunday Scliool iu a region i untry-know ii , ' 4 . I,ii 1 recently, in another . place bearing the net euphonious or auspicious appellation of "Rowdy"—with good success in both in stances—and is reminded by his experi ence of thacyoung Southern minister, who, when about to leave the seminary, receiv ed two calls—one from a large and weal thy congregation, the other of a small band of Christians, reduced in circum stances, and dwelling among a perverse generation. He was asking advice of his father, in the hearing of an old Dimity servant, which of the two calls he should accept. Old Sambo spoke out, and said, "Massa• John, I can tell you which ofdew churches you must go to. Beti er you go whar dar is the least money and de most debbil." A looker-on 'at our elbow, fresh from reading.the report of the meeting of t New York taxpayers in Cooper Hall over the accounts of the Tammany Ring, sug gests, that "Sometimes there is most. dev il where there is most money.:—.ElMper's Magazine. . Egyptian Maxims. Rev. J. P. Thompson, in his notes on Egyptology" in the tiibliotheca daora, gives the loßowing maxims from the an cient Egyptians: • "Do not take on airs. • "Do not maltreat an interi' respect the aged. "Do not save thy life at the expense of another's. "Do not,pervert the heart of thy com rade if it is pure. "Do not make sport of those, who are dependent unto thee. "Do not maltreat a woman, whose strength is less than thine own. Let her find in thee a protector. "If front an humble condition thou haat become powerful, and the first in the city for opulence, let not riches make proud, for the first author of these good things is God. "if thou art intelligent, brino"up thy son in the love of God. It ais cour ageous, active, and increase thy property, give him the better recompense. But it the son whom thou halt begotton is a fool, do not turn away thy heart from hiM, for he is thy son." " • Washington's Prayei. In the summer of 1779 Washington, ex ploring alone one day the, position of the British to‘ces on the hank of the Hudson, ventured too far from his own camp, and was compelled, by a sudden storm and the fatigue of his horse; to seek shel ter for the night in the cottage of a pious American peasant, who, greatly struck with the language and manner. of his guest, and listened at the door of his chamber, overheard the following prayer trout the lather of his country : "And now, Almighty Father, if it is thy holy, will that we shall obtain a place, and name among the. nations of the earth, grunt that we may be able to show our gratitude for thy goodness by our endeav ors to tear and obey thee. Bless us with wisdom in our councils, success in battle, and let all our victories be tempered with humanity. Endow, also, our enemies with enlightened minds, that they may become sensible of their injustice, and willing to restore our liberty and peace.— Grant the letition of thy serveut for the sake of Him whom thou bast • called thy beloved son. Severtheless, not my will, but thine be done." Truth is immortal; the sword cannot pierce it, fire cannot consume it, prisons cannot incarcerate it, famine cannot starve it. The reason why successful vaccination is always popular is, because it takes. • ti 2,00 PER YE A.. NUMBER 19. ICit mi. VAlitior. The reason an old maid is generally so devoted to her cat, is, that; not having husband, she naturally takes to. the nex most treacherous animal. ' What is the difference between a swal low,and a cat ? It is an admitted fact that "one swallow does not make a sampler," but any cat can make a spring. IP Irrows-wics e mos a' sent-min of men. It is said of him that he was found standing by the fire one day with an egg in his hand and his watch in the saucepan. &compassionate Bitstoa_lady,seeing a vegetable huckster biating his horse cruelly,-tried-out, "Have you no mercy?" To which theastonished man replied, "No, mem ; I've nothing left but greens and cucumbers." A friend of ours, who tended a sable meeting," reports: Then Mr. Johnson arose and exhorted substantially as fol-. lows: "Breddren, I'm a gwine to gib you a sample ob de pious man and de onpi ous man. Now you are de onpious, and whar do ye 'spose yell go when ye die ! I know. Ye'll go down into de pit! (Tre mendous sensation.) Yah, and dar, buni,and_burn forebeil No use hollerm' dar, cause you cant get out (Shuddering throughout the meeting.) But,brecldren, whar shall Igo ?" resumed the speaker, rooling up his eyes. "I shall go up, up, up, and the good Lord'll see me cummin" and he'll say, "Angels. make way dar.', And de Angels% say "what fur, Lord what fur?" And den de Lord'll speak up sharp, and say, "I tell ye, An g els, make way dar; don't you see 1 Johnson's cummin!" - A few days ago,- at North Adams, Mass., the State constable seized a jar of rum and arrested the party in whose pos session it was found, for selling liquor.— The examination before a district judge came on, when the constable after beino- sworn, es te. tut le seize• t e quer. The Attorney for the prisoner asked him if be 'knew it was liquor. He replied : "Yea it waa rum : I drank some of it." • The prisoner, a woman, was called. ",Did you ever have any liquor in your house when the State constable called there ?" "Yes, I had some in a jar." "Ilow long had you it?" "About six months." "Did you have it for sale ?" "Oh, no; 1. don't sell liquor." "What do you keep this ruin for?" "I kept it to wash the baby.',.' Had you ever washed the baby in this rum ?" "Oh, yes, often ! I used to turn the rum out in a dish, wash the baby in it, and. then turn it back into the jar." • There was laughter in court, and tha State constable declared he would seize no more liquor kept in a jar. ' Never forget what a man has Said to you when he is angry. If he has charged you with anything, you had, better look it up. • A person has often been started from a pleasant dream of self-deception by the words of an angry man, who may wish his Words unsaid the next hour, but they are past recall. • The wisest course is to take home this lesson with meekness to our souls. It is a saying of Socrates that every man had need of a lhithful friend and a bitter enemy ; the one to ad vise, and the other to show him his faults. Very few men are permitted to be suc cessfill ; very few men aro permitted to be wise ; very few men are permitted to be eloquent; very few men are qualified for statesmen ; very few men are good for anything eminent; and even those who are eminent are men with like passions with every one else. Therefore be not dis couraged because it is your lot to be in humble circumstances because your work is insignificant in the eyes of men—because you are,-called to labor in obscurity. The time is coming when all earthly distinc tions will be of very little account. Vann .IY.tex.—Whilst thou art buildiug castles, the carpenter is building thy col fin. Whilst deceitful illusions are gilding thy future prospects, the painter is leis urely putting the varnish upon the casket that is being fitted for thy reception.— While thou art ;,striving hard to distin guish thytelf among thy fellows, the mar ble worker is fitting the slab that shall mark thy grave. While you arequerying as to the wherewithal you shall be 'cloth ed in, the materials for your burial suit ure upon the trades' man's shelf. You add field to field, and anxiously reach out for more ; but go to the graveyard and stake aot the lot to which death will soon as sign you. "Then whose shall those things be wnich thou hast provided ?" GREAT MEN.—There are no "mute Mil tons." If a man has something to say he . will inevitably say it. It is one of the pleasantest self-delusions to imagine that we might have been this or that had cir ctunstances been kinder. The truth is• • that the man with the right stuff in him makes his own circumstances. He does not sit down at the feet ot,,Destiny ; he gets up and elbows her out of the way.— Very few of the world's great men have been born with, so to say, a gold spoon in their mouths. They heave come up from loneliness, from toil, from penury, and be come kings and princes among men by the sheers force of the soul that was in them. If there be in a him= Sol any true and great power it Etna, expres sion. If we are weak• and infirm of pur pose and unsucceasfill;,` we may be sure that it was not- in us kfact.' anything else.