32 fX, • V •~.~ A. •S .1.04A.2 , -PAT-ENT--NEDICZNES, PREPARA.TIONS FOR THE HAIR, OILS tZ - Physi4aus dealt viit t lk at ?{) per pent: discount. I M l alil . 2a2l . 2thhzU=lE , .March 27,.1877,. LWayne,sboro', Pa F . •'lO r46llr"Mn The following record of one day's accidents, all from the same cause, viz: the use of in lerior. Coal Oil, is taken from the Philadel hia-Ledger-ota-recentAlate. 'the alarm of fire, last evening, at 7 o'- clock,. was caused by the burning of the dwellng, corner of pith and Poplar, result- ing from me expiosion of a coal oil lamp.— Mrs. Hersh, occupying the second story of the dwelling had retired to her department, a few moments before the discovery of the lire.. On entering her room, she was found iy.ng on the livor, wrapped an flames." - „a- • coal oil lamp in the hands of Sarah Alexan der, who lives on Cowslip St. near lah.— She was severely burned. :%ITargaret residingin the rearof Sc‘ , .t h was burned• by the explosion of I:. co.:I oil Imp. Her husband, while at tempting to extingni,h the flame, was alsO severely burned. Two of the above named victim., have since died of their injuries." All such fearful a cents,eci resulting in death and the destruction of valuable property, maybe avoided by 11:4!Ig " Cl/WOE'S STEL LA-R OIL," which is known to be a perfect ly safe and reliable illuminator. It is fox sale by Amberson, Benedict & Co., Woynesboro; Chri4tian Good, Quincy. [feb 2-1871. ALLEZ M. GOOD. '2.I.iTITLIV METCALF' zi - TiS.R ana FIZOISSM JUST WHAT YOU NVAT.;T fit Price to s'uli; Tinv:.:3 and Quality ! WORK WARRANTED Morro:—Quick Sales and small Proffits. We will furnish anything wanted in our line of business, SASH; DOORS, SD. UTTERS, MANTLES, STAIRING, We also contract for continued Rail Stair Newcrs Ballusters. &c. &c., furnish to cruer ur put 1110 buildings by the beat of w.)rk:Lea ; Chopping, Poast Boring, &c. &e. In short tiny tiing you want call for it, if not on handwe make it. As reference we can .how ycu b mann : is in the country or in Wayne. , .•.bort.' where you can judge 1.;)r yoursches, (v, e can't re, nninend material, it muht recom mend itself) also see the quality of our ma terial as eumpared with that of other shops. TO THE PUBLIC . Thankful for past favors, we ask you for a continuance ci the k,ame. k'ictory 1± miles South of Waynesboro', Pa. G 001) & .11.ETCALE, MODE P. S. We are also prepared to flirnish Fraxain,g material at comparatively low rates. G. .± M. ITESINUS COLE GE! Located at Freeland, Montgomery Coun- THE 'ACADEMIC DEPARTMENT: [FORNIERLY FREELAND SEMINARY.] A First-class English, Mathematical and Classical Boarding School for YMINaI tiNO ealtat Undor the immediate Tuition and Manage ment of the faculty of the college. TERMS MODERATE. All necessary expenses, including Tuition, Boarding, Washing, Books, &c., not exceed ingeS:22,o a year. THE COLLEGIATE DEPARTMENT will ha distinct from the academic, and will :'.,Lord all the advantages of a full collcc,e cuur.,e in the usual higher branches of study, under the direction of a Faculty of ux cfldetnl,f Year for both Depart znentz w;11 divaled into the following three tel-a/::—'111e School opening uith the F,...11 term, Sc,:tember ti, 1670 to December Wittier term. Jenuery 4, 1571 to April 5. Spring term. April 12 to July 7, 1871. r further Imormation anply to Del:. J. H. A. BUM ITER.GIit., D. D., rresitient of T..7r,inus College, rreeltufd, 'Montgomery County, Pa. July FAITN/EW MTIL 1::12 , 11LY FLOUR, ETC'. ' -- .adeninedTv! refitted and 1.k2 , .: the laie:,t itnprovemunth to his .".`f ii!, ; f.rinerty Fr.tnta%,) announces to the he is no* manutileturing a six -, :.r 111.3.1 ILI' I'LOCR, 'which ":1: i, per,uasatmarketprices. hazni a ;.apply of A:ILL ,••"•;: v .E:id I . which he will whole' v`: : , /!. - 1 at the 3,11.11, or deliver if de -I 10we,..3t Market rates. Having ).2ill with the most improved ma .. that he 13 enabled to give Lc:: market price paid for S: heat t'(l at the Mill. vanteci. I )A PATT.F.IISON. • t ,3 I'La ), 3,0., DEASER Iti IDMUUG-S,, CHEMICS, TARNISHES, Stir 40. WLIOLESALE O 1 RETAIL ty, Pelan'a . C. J. BURNS AMBERSON, M. D., CORNER DR.I.T . G STORE still ahead. READ. REFLECT, and be convinced Drugs of the best.quality, PATEND MEI DICENES of all kinds, PUEE WHITE, LEAD and COLORS, OIL, TtiIiI'ENTINE, ekg, &c., at THE CORNER DRUG STORE. • BRUSHES, COMBS, POCKET BOOKS, RA zorS, Penknives, StatiOnery, Soaps, Perfum ery, Toilet and Fancy Goods, etc., lull as sortment at • THE CORNER DRUG STORE DESIRABLE in every household, Pu'ie Baking Material. You can always get the boat at THE CORNER DRUG STORE PURE GROUND SPICES aro sold at THE CORNER DRUG STORE FLAVORIM E'XTRACTS 15. different kinds at DRUG STORE DR. AMBERSDN'SNegeIabIe Vermi cide. The be4t remedy for worms. SAFE, RELIABLE AND PALATABLE. WHISKEY, 4: . tIt.ENDY, , 'RITAI, and GIN 'for mbidicin.ni purposeg-4 THE CORNER DRUG STORE TRUSSES at THE CORNER DRUG STORE Get your Prescriptions filled by DR. J. BURNS AMBERSON NEW GOODS ! NEW GOODS P - 711F subs-criber announces to the citizen: itinggolci and vicinity that he has re- Lurriccl from the Last with a stock of NEW SHOE WARE' fbr Ladies, Misses and Children, embracing _al styles ; also gaiters, shoes, etc., for Me and l3oys. He has also Groceries for sale such as Sugars, Coffees, Teas, Syrups and Spices. Ile continues to mauufacture to order men's Boot and Shoe and ladies and chil dren's work of all kinds. He returns thank Ibr past favors and askt a continuance of public patronage in the fu ture. Ringgold, May,ll, '7l. W. STEWART PATE, 71 031 13 113 SEPT. RI MB The inet,.;, of this machine cuisists in part, in the attachment of curved knives to the arms of the cutting-wheel, the shear ing cut across the month-piece, the great power and directness of the blow, by which treble the volume of material is cut, with less power than is required by any other machine ; those combined with its durabil ity and simplicity of construction, command public attention,, ; : ;Nothing liable to get out of orderirbut Whit 'a boy could remedy with a pocket wrench. Persons in want of machines of this de ,cription will do well by calling upon or ad dressing the undersigned. Good and res ponsible agents wanted to sell machines and territory. The ribove Machine is now on exhibition at the Waynesboro' Manufacturing Compa ny's Office. Persons interested should call and examine it, for it is what every 'farmer ktve. s li. C. GILBERT, BrsJ. F. &MUTTER, Proprietor, Agent. Way,neAoro' Pa. Jule 31, tf Y 6r< Nl] Rl3oao'3l ET PI t FIRE INSURANCE CO3IPANY, YNL'SDORO', PA., risculag. AGAINST LOSS OE DAMAGE BY -11 I 11. On all safe 'class property at reasonable rates OFFICERS : • w. S. AMBERSON, President SnioN Lncnos, Vice President. Jos. Doulias. SE Ft PART. Jos. W. MILLER, Tretw.irer. DIRECTORS,: W. S. Amberson, Simon Lecron. Lewis S. Forney, Jacob Carbaugh, Jos. Douglas, Jos. Price, Jacob J. Miller, Jos. W. Miller, Benj. E. Funk, D. B. Russell, Levi Sanders, Jacob Good. DAVID u, Agent, june 16,':01 Waynesboro, C N T.F. gp OVEX CNOCAectacies, at ALEX. LIEDS. ' - Ii r AZIVA9 - , 1 \ '' awr i ;Ft-i, iffIETABIi SICILIA! \ • t*Ns' . , (11. ', i 5..." Iritra ~ 47 ' - , -,....L, or - -.... - :; --- -- ''-'. BENEWI.B. ~. . Every yeivr. intreasei. the' pepu- . , larity of this valuable Hair Prep aration, which, is due to merit ; alone. We eau' Assure' our old ' patrons that it is kept fully up to its high standard; and it is the on ly reliable and perfected prepara tion for restoring GRAY os - FADED ' HAIR tO its youthful color, making - I it soft, lustrous, and silken. The . scalp, by its:user, hes:gots white and.) . clean. It removes all eruptions and dandruf, °and, by its tonic proper ties, prevents-the hair from falling out, as it stimulates and nourishes the hair-glands. By-its-use,-th ' hair grows thicker and stronger. . .210:hressc - it - restores the glands to their normal vigor, and • will create a new growth r exceptin extreme old age. It is the moat • economical Him-DrissszNo ever used, as it requires fewer applica tions, and gives the hair a splendid, glossy appearance. A. A. Hayes, MD, State Assoyer of Massachu setts, says, "The constituents are pure, and carefully selected for ex cellent quality; and I consider it 5".,..:.:_,;•,.......:.,,,,,,,,.••,'11i11MV)11W.1..a. intended purposes." Bold byaliDruggisteand Demers in Maoism Price One Dollar. Buckingham's Dye. FOR THE WHISKERS. 3-our-Renewer-in--many-eases requires too long a time, and too much care, to restore gray or faded Whiskers, we have prepared this dye, in one preparation, which will quickly and effectually accomplish this result. It is easily applied, and' produces a color which will neither rub nor wash off. Sold by all Druggists. Price Fifty Cents. Manufactured by R. P. HALL & CO., NASSIIii, N.S. CILIOII_STELLARAILL . ... • MN' E alarrnim?, increase in theiii,Wier of frightful accidenta,"iti6ultipgAzOerrible deaths and destruction ofvaluahlk caused by .the indiscriminate . know mut th e_name-of - Petrolei us to call your special attention which will, wherever usetl,_r_emce. _ ,ofsf — kh accidents. We allude to CARSON'S STELLAR OIL '.FOR ILLUMI• NATING PURPOSES. The proprietor of this oil has for several years felt the necessity of providihg for, and presenting to the public, as a substitute for the dangerous compounds which are, sent broadcast over the country, an oil that is safe, brilliant, and entirely reliable. • tAfter a long series of laborious and costly experi ments, he has succeeded in - providing,, and offers to the public, such a substitute, in "CARSON'S STELLAR OIL" It should be used by every family because it is safe boyond a question. The, primal.) purpose in the preparation of STELLAi. OIL has been to make it Perfectly Safe, thus • insuring the lives and property of those why use it. Its present standard of S AFET.: and BRILLILANGT will always be maintain ed, fur upon this the .proprietor depends fox sustaining the high reputation the STE L LAR OIL new enjoys. To prevent the adulteration of this oil wit h the expl.osive compounds now known and er he name of kerosene, (kc., it4is put uj fur family use in five-gallon cans, each eat being sealed and, stamped with • the trade mark of, he proprietor; it cannot, therefore be tampered. with between the manufactur , and consumer. Mote is genuine witho m this trade-mark. ' It is the 'duty and interest of 1111 dealers •nd customers of illuminating oil to use the STE LAB OIL only, because it alone is known to be safe and reliable.. It is for sale by Ami.ipeson, Benedict & Co., Vey nestoro Manful ez Sulfide, Marion. E. B. Winger, Qaincy. Geheicks cSe' Burkhart; Chambersburg. W. D. Dixon, St. Thomas. J. Hostetter ,Sr. Co., Greencastle, lholnas C., Grove, Mercersburg. J no. . ". f.A..a).Tial di C 0.,. W - iTOLF.SAL'E AGENTS. No. 136 South Front St., Philadelphia feb 2-1871. PE3117 aavxn is A PENNY - MADE! SAYS THE OLD ADAGE Well, how and where is the place to do it? ' wherever you can use your money • to the best 'advantage ; and poqular opin- • ion has long since given the palm to &TO V E W (MIFF, for keeping the best and cheap est store; all they want is for . buyers to (gal and examine their stock and convince themselves of what they say. Our stock consists of the following articles: Ladiet Dress Goods—Svcs As Reps, Poplins, Delaines, Alpaccas, Mohairs, Armuns, Fnglish Velveteens, Opera Cloths, Repellants, &c., &c. MEN'S WEAR.—Cloths, Doeskin Cassimeres, Cords, Sattinetts, Cottonades, Linens, Tweeds, &c., &c. LADIPS . OUSTOS-MADE SHOES, in Lasting and Morocco, cheap. ra We have bought large, consequently cheap. All our goods have been bought at panic prices, consequently ye are enabled to un dersell those who bought before the decline. tEN.CaII and see, and we will prove to you what we say. ALL KINDS OF COUNTRY PRO DUCE BOUGHT AND SOLD. June 29, 1871. STOVER & WOLFF. IYAYXESBORif COACH FACTORY! eiEO. W. HAWKER having withdrawn li from the firm of Adams & Hawker the subscriber informs the public that he con tinues the Coachmaking business in all its branches, atthe old stand. He will at all times have a supply of new Buggies, differ ent kinds, on hand ; also second-handed ve hicles. Repairing done - at short notice.— He uses the best material and employs good mechanics. He returns his thanks to the public • for their liberal qatronage, and by attention to business and a disposition to accommodate hopes to merit a liberal share of the same in the future. Jan. 14-tf JACOB ADAMS. BEACON—Country sides for sale bY --- June 20. W. A. REID. N-r,-,, , y, T c.,, r u,',. - ,::,. '... t ,- 7, , , - ~,',`.- . '1, 1 -.,•4',,,, ." . ..ii.' - .; . z,'"l, - ;: , :' - ,.;5. ,,, .• ,, 7 4 ', , ),"/::',',‘' . Z;-'!:,',. ' - `Y, ,,, ,1,,,'.! 7 3 - :'•';:: , ;' , ' ',.,-•':',.. f'z'T''. ;'•i ,3 `,. • t%;,. ,, , , ,,?, , ;: i : ,'. - : . %.,,:'_: , ,.:•••,f., - • MEW SEIIE-REGINATINS t CLEANER, „MRS.!! • No implement • more important to the farmer than a .Fird-elass Grain Thresher and Cleaner—for none'pays him so well and so Bpeedily. , The above cut shows;the only Geiser Ma hine-now-built-under-the-immediate7eye, •of the old "inventors themselves, .3vith all; the tadditional-improvements-znade - during , the past 18 . years, and now with FIRST-MASS , WORKMEN .k.MAT,ERIAL this :just stands high above aII of its cla'ss. As a thresher it is equal to the best, as a cleaner it is superior to any exist ing Machine. This is admitted by all hon est competitors. Indeed it is the only Ma chine that really can, by one operation, thoroughly thresh and. clean grain fit for market. But the fact that grairrdirect from this machine commands from 2 to ,3 cents a bushel more than grain direct frornany oth er machine, settles the question of its supe- tial judg.es at all the State and County, airs where it was thoroughly and practically tested, in competition with other leading machines, always agree that it is more elm )le—more easily understood and operated ay those unskilled ill machinery—more du rable—threshing as • pinch and yet cleaning t -r—ithless_p_o_werariraore_comfort_ :o hands than any, other machine in use— md besides all that is sold for less money according to capacity. These facts are further attested by the thousands of pur ihasers,. some of whom have had them in use for the last 18 years. To supply the wants of all, we now make 4 sizes, viz:— From a 2 Horse Railway or 3 Horse Lever. - Power, to a 10 Horse Lever - Power with prices ranging from $l9O to $360, without power. We also make the latest impproved triple-seared Horse Powers, suitable for each size machine, ranging from $9O to $135, I y sturl wArranted. Fo further 'information send for circular and price list. . Responsible Agents in Territory .not in troduced.—Address, THE GEISER MANTJFAC'G CO., WAYNZSBORO', Franklin County,. 21-tf Pennsylvania. sPHYSICIANS -PRESCRIBE IT , it is a certain cure foi, Scintula, , Syphilis in all its forms, ,itheuma ," tism; Skin Diseases ; Liver Com- Oaint ' and' 411 disc:apes_ of„ ; ttio Blood. " Aoi,..OTTLE. OF 303/13M113 will, do more good than ten-bottles of the' Syrup ofSirtiapari a. THE UNDERSIGNED PHYSICIAN: have used Rosadalis in their practice D' for" the pait three yearsanaircely , endorse it as a reliablii Alteentive and Blood Purifier. '.' . MC T. C. POOR, of Baltbraotii . DR. T. J.• BOYEIN, 4" ,- DR: R. W. CARR. • ' ""*- --•- • A. DR. F. 0. DANNELLY, " ' DR. J. S. SPARE.% pf Nicholasville, • Ky. • , .. , , DR. J. L. lISTARTHA, ;Columbia, ` • EL C.- - __ - • , 7 - , E, • DB. A. B . NOBLEEdgecbm%li. C. • .."-, ':. •: ci. USED .AND ENDOtersDaY - 1.11: ntgrAglit , SONS, Fall Diver, . ' 'Mass. - •. • ~:.„•- " ,- ; ..i. - . F. W. SMITH, Jackson, MO:. ' A: F. WHEELER,. ma Cap . ' E. HALL, Lima, Onio • k. . CRAVEN a- CO. , gnr,liisvirk, Pa. - • -: • PPEL i Gi' o lk n r# k pPla.4tur_Re6o. , Our epee° ivill not allow_ofjipy ex. tended remarks rr t ion2o d the Profession 4r a georefitee ° a l rlui e d E ca x- 1 tracf supevier to irty they ;kik:ye ever Wed ,In the treatment of ' , diseased Blood; nun to the stnictedSaranay try S • ' , lo'fitiaceatil!at you will be restored ..,,,,. ~..,1 , , -, •.,,, ‘ .11ogadal_10,s sold 'by t ai Drimgists, .., NF ig,,,l ,: eupet• bottle. 'Andress '• • • ••••14,-VItroMENT 3 4 00.' •,, , ~.. ~„ • 4eAriltonii, iCg July 20, 1871-Iy. GRATIFYING INTELLIGENCE! GOADS JUST RECEIVED. HATS for Men and Boys, All the Latest Styles BOOTS, SHOES & GAY For Men and Boyi Ladies Surg Gaiters, At very low prices. Also, Ladies Shoes, Latest and Best St' Misses and Childrens Shoes in great vitri IS. Watches, clocks and Jewelry re at short notice and warranted. Ai Thankftil for past favors he hopes by fair dealing to all to twit a continuance of pub lic patronage. June 29, 1871, NEW HEM t NEW WADS I LATE STYLES t LOW PRIZES t T) OERNER Fr. WAYNATT have just open ed! I at the Comma CLOTHING STOLE, a sqlen did line of FRENCH, ENGLISH AND AMERICAN GOODS, embracing Clothes of various grades and colors. PLAIN AND FANCY CASSIMERS, latest styles and best qualities, Doeskins, Cheviots Tweeds, Linen and Crape Coat jugs, stylish Vest Patterns, etc. • All of which will be made to order with the best • Trimmings and in the best manner. A GOOD Frt. Guene..vrszo in every case or no sale. , • Paper Collars, Ties, Bows, Suspenders, Hos iery etc., always on hind. Gentlemen desiring stylish and good fit tint,. clothing , should rive us a trial_ `I3OERNER & WAYNANT, S. 17.• Cor. Diamond. '"GMISEIRIS GRAIN SEPARATOR T 41Z IN GREDIENT ! S-;111AT COMPOSE AtOSADAI.IS ''are published on every package, there fore his rota secret p!opanOon, consequently " M. MI_IDMN, Has now on hand a Vull Line of Look at the List! of all kinds and varieties BEADYMADE CLOTHING ' t ' -'.l: ', ‘: ; :. ;'l .. \4 . ;; ::: ':ZV4= D. B.:7Ett:B44;:'i: eign Big Red Horn, ,will keep constantly on hand and for sale a large assortment of Stoves and Tinware. abom.'srxio - v'ms (warianted to give 'satisfaction.) TINWARE, , ; HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS TUBS, - BU_CKETS CHURNS, KNIVES AND FORKS, SPOONS, LADLES, And other useful articles at the sign of the BIG RED HORN, Waynesboro', Pa., where a large assortment of • COOK STOVES, NINE-PLATE STOVES, PARLOR STOVES, of the latest improvements, the very best in the market, at the Cheap Tin and Stove Store of THE IMPROVED BASE BURNER, 1 4 ,, ... ...,. ..,..,. . :441: iV ``. • i. --_ a -p . 1 -.•- :..}: , .,.,.. tfr‘. \ F 7 '. i r csV \ • ,;mr P4WAIA .. - I , nrr •:, re/4: ) , , • mN;rl3 ..n.w, . -. 1-'4:l , c alt -idet.v.3r4 - -V - -------- .oltl. at Retail by ' D. B. RUSSELL & SON, TINW ARE made of the best Tin in the market, And warranted at the sign of the D. B. RUSSELL keeps constantly on hand a large assortment 9f all House Furnishing Goods for sale cheap. Pure No. 1 Kero sene Oil and a large assortment of Lamps. WASHING MADE EASY! by calling at the sign of the "Big Red Horn' and getting the best Clothes Wringer ever made. , DS-Persons in want of Stoves, Tinware, House Furnishing Goods, ezc. &c., can get full value for their money by calling ou BAVE TOUR MIT Z 1 E. ELDEN DRY HOUSE, PATTENTED JANUARY 21st 1888 . This is the best Dry House ever offered to the public. It dries Fruit the•time required by the old method. It dries uniformly and perfectly.. „ The fruit dried by it retains more of the natural flavor. It is easily managed. It saves fuel. • It is durable and Antable. It hag 24 feet of (trying surface. Call and thenkat the sign of the • BIG RED HORN and leave your orders for tbem. March 24, 1870. 1.111 BRASSWARF t , JAPANNED WARE, LARGE IRON COPPER KETTLES COAL STOVES &e.,' DI B. RUSSELL & SON COME AND SEE or, Sign of the Big Red Horn Waynesboro', Pa, "BIG RED HORN" D. B. RUSSELL & SON, Sign of the "Big Red Horn," Waynesboro', Pa THE L. A. OELLIG ~'f= ~ .., rem down CAN.iI,,IIEAND AT_ T ,s' BTORE , OI I .A.. . ElfilMl , I have just bougbt in the East a choice stock of goods... A full supply di . COFFER 34. TEAS,. • ' • RICE, WHITE SUGARS„. (Coffee„traclped loaf and pulverized.) P. R. and X" . . s o:l4FolaSses and Syrups , Dried Fruit, Sugar-Cured Hams, Smoked Beef &c., In thtwayrof :Pyre Spices and baking ar ticles generally, and flavoring articles, &c., , the quality — shin unsur .assed. I I I org- oo .a. • ur cent and levy sugars. I am prepared to keep with the market. CHEES.—The very 'best quality on hand winter and slimmer. GRACKLE 0111 &LL MEM •I get ,my goods fresh from the-factory of James Mason and Co. Have many differ ent kinds. The newest thing out is the FRESH AND SALTED FISH e • • epartment we keep up full, and will play second fiddler to none. All thro' the proper season we get string fish, iced shad andrherring. We sell sound fish and sell Client right that is the reason we sell them fast. Customers wanting one shad or 100 waited on With the, same alacrity.— gtousekeepers' Wanting_ to lay in a supply_ - ror the - sammerah(Titlery soon. INOLCKIERAL. " .1 now haVe in store and for sale a choice kit of Mackerel in. whole bbls, halves and quarters, at about one-half the price per lb. of :bacon: There is nothing else so cheap in p'rovisinit z line, as Mackeral: Make a note-of this; ,- - TGLABSIVATRE.•;-:-Look'at the goblets, turn-- , • , , blers, sets, smalldishes. QUEENSWARR—Granite ware of the • very ,best make im. - ' p_orted_in_tea-sets-and by the dozen and half . • dozen. Also large stock of common Teas and-dishes.-- NOTTONS AND SUNDRIES.—Baskets, • . buckets, brooms, tubs, brushes, soaps, clothes pins, pocket books, es sences, l3arlow's blue, chewin tobacco and I ask the public to call and examine.— ill-always-try - towake — he prices suit cash uyers. April 20, 1871 INVALIDS DON'T DESPAIR! '4 7. 4! Thousands have found toilet and 2•N A \ thousands v. ill turn to this Medi. t er, eine, after exhausting their purses • , anti patience In search of health. Giddiness of the head, dullness of the mind, Asti breath, coated tongue, loss of appetite, pains and weak ness In the stomach, enlargement of the liver, yellow• mess of the skin, constant fever and thirst, u Ith a total disrelish for business, pleasure or any hind of employ ment. FAIIRNEY'S PANACEA, it taken and persevered In for a few days, will remove this st hole class ofsymp. toms. The fluids of the body become pure, and mind clear, the stomach strengthened. the tongue clean, the :at? ill t s e e i ftrlit y st d a V•at i hT„ W itt e 9B A ii s at ' l l :to afflict you. Dr, P. FAHRNEY'S 'ORIENTAL Blood Cleinsof Or Panacea. As a medicine for children, the 'Panacea fa, in every way, calculated to take the place of the endless variety of drugs which v ery nuly sold for that purpose, and .whlch are otten injurious. A medicine which pos sesses the qualities of a cathartic as well as stand alter ative, and which Is capable of arresting disease without the lead injury to the child. le of IlieWelliablo value to every mother. As a cathartic, it Is very elMctive, yet it does not, Ifgiven in proper quantities, canoe nausea or distress to the stomach or bowels. It is very pleasant to the taste, which is a very important feature as a medicine for children. Ai apreveutfre of•disme it is unprecedented, as it acts directly upon the digestive or gans effective lood. In all scrofalons disees t mostmedicine efer 0 fered to the pu b l i c ; and, if given regularly and perseveringly, those eruptive dis eases so common to children may bo entirely eradicated. ' • Prepared by P. Fahrney's Bros. * Co. vovne~boro, ri FAExcrlsy, Se 11':r . ttrilek4Z . • # 4 ,0 6 Bt., CMOAGO. Price $1.z.5 per bottle, sae. for sale by .And Wholesale and Retail - .At u dealers. by F. Forthman, J. B. Amberson, Dr. A. S. Bonbrake, Waynesboro'; Booze. do Buhrman, Pikesville. [Dec. 8,1871-Iy. ME DRUM X3O I Ci ZNT S ; _Ve° rAr Mgr GO VD reIiBTRIMINOB EkYCPCII:OMI3S Waynesboro', May 21, 1871 -0....- MEESE W. A. REID. Celebrated OIL'S &c., &c., A GREAT MEDICAL DISCOVER Dr. IX . .ew:c32m'A 94p:M4=L VINEGAR ,BITTERS . :E A - , i Ilmidreds of Thousands cig . , 4 . a t. Bo teatimonytothelrWordern iP le :5 o itli carstowiwneets• g . t. . 1 " e ,N , -WHAT ARE 'THEY'? -2s .... lii MI ift 0 ; 0 0 0 foi M .. 1 p .. 0 it ft . . • R.., 9 8 .. a 4 2 Si . 3 a ." fg s .. • . L-... b lei a" 5 _ er Ei. 1 9 ti 9 4;11 g ~?.. 0 ... r 4 g r. e P V to g 71 :. '6= 0 E eb~ 1.1 be ,r 4 -4 r. 1Z : g o ho § THEY ABE NOT A, I 7ILE < g as FANCY "DRI K.I,WP 01 I: our MUM, Whiskey; Proof Spirit:) . cud rsetlice Llenurs doctored, spiced and Bocce , (nod to rIOSSO SllO taste, called" Tonice,""Appeliz• crz," " r.cotorers," i.e.; that load the tippler on to dm:mho:mess _tad rule, but aro a true Medicine, made Vora ti.o rativo Coots and Herbs of California, frco frma nil Aleoliviie Stimulant)). They are th,? GIZFI.'2. FLOOD rummy= and A LIFE PTHEICIPLF.aperreet Renovator cad lnyleorator cf Cie System, carrying off all poisonous matter and restoring the blood to a healthy condition. 110 ahebe "Litters according to dine, lion and remain long unwell. 51C0 u•ill be even forma Incurable case, provided' Cbo bones aro not destroyed by mineral poison or' 'titer means, and the vital organs Wasted beyond the• . roUet of rennin. Forlrdiatennutory rand Chronic Takoncon..: Slam nted Bout, Dyspepsia,. pr Ind:gestapo, Iteatittcut and Intermittent revers , _Dlacasco-of-the-Illoodi - LivorilkidocyaTisTHl. • Bladder, time') Bitters nave been most Emmert , Dd. bitch Diseases are caused by Vitiated Blood. which Is generally produced by derangcmcnt. of the Digestive Organs. DYMPEPSIA OIL INIIIGESTION, no= who, rain in the Shonldcrs, Coughs, Tightness of tho Chcet, Dizziness, lour Eructations of the Stomach, Lad taste in the Beath, Bilious, Attacks, Palpitation of the Ecart, I 1 lamination of the Lunge, Pain Iritho egions=oftlioldneysyand-oltunntrad - ott , symptoms, aro the offsprlngs of Dyspepsia. Th-y Invigorate the Stomach Mid stimulate the tor pid Ryer and beads, which render them of unequalled efficacy la cleansing the tlood of all lunar Mica, and =parting now life ar.,l vigor to the whole sy For.' SKIN I:ISE/ISMS. Eruptions, Tctter, Salt Ehette.i, Blotches, &pc ts, Pimples, I =talcs. Boils, Cti. boucles, Scr.ladlead, So re Eyes, .Mr i tip des, Itch, Scarfs, Discoloratons of the Shin, Eamon; and Diseases of the !Ain, of whatever conic or natr.rs. ars literally dug tap and carried oat of the system In slier Lino by the too of these Bitters. One bottlo he such esscr, will convince the moat incredulous of their curative odhet. ClvarSe the Vltlated Blood whenever you lied its tirptirit zs bursting through the shin InPimples,Erup- Evils or Sores; cleanse it when you find It obstructed gi,nshAlt.-the—volust-o'.eanso astl your feehegs will tell you when. Keep the blood pin-e-laiel-tlic-inwlttrof - the c LLCT.I P. 3.1017.• r.sd other IVO:Z:11S, luritlng In the so many thousands, arc eToetually clettrey- L.! coved. 'T or full tbrectlons, road eart::::l7 rac t au..tiad each bottle, rrltted in four :.; French and Spar-toh._. • Proprietor. R. I.I7.I%IcDONALD ..dta and Gen. ..‘gents, San FranclEco, CLL. SI COIIIIIIO. cc Styr. t, J cw York. Ay \ er-b Hair Vigor, For restoring Gray Hair to its natural Illtality and Color. A dressing wliell is ar bike agreeable, healthy.:nnd effectual preserving the air. Faded or gray hair is soon restored to its original color, with the gloss arid freshness of youth, Thin hair is thick ened, falling hair checked, and bald ness often, though not always, cured by its use. Nothing can restore the hair where the, follicles are destroyed, Or the glands atrophied and decayed. But such as remelt be saved for asefalneas by this Instead of fouling the hair with a pasty sedi ment, it will keep it clean and vigorous. Its occasioual use will prevent the hair from turning gray or falling off, arta consequently prevent baldness. Free from those deleterious substances which' make some preparations dang erous, and injurious to the -hair, the Vigor can only benefit but not harm it, If wanted merely for a HAIR DRESSING, nothing else can be found so' desirables. Containing neither oil nor dye, it does not soil white cambric, and yet lasts long on the hair, giving it a rich, glossy lustre and a grateful perfume: Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & PRACTICAL AND ANALYTICAL CHENDRN. LOWELL; MASS. VP gill $l.OO. COON & STONEHOUSE Respectfully announce to the public that they have opened at their store room, on the South-west corner of the Diamard, in Waynesboro,' a large and well selected stock of DRY .GOODs, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, AND CUTLERY, Irorki.Steeli Nails Coachmakers Goods of ev ery description, Queensware, Cedarware, Shoes ' Carpets Oil Cloths , Paints, Glass, Oils, Varnish Brushes, Fish, Salt, and all kind pf Goods kept in a well regulated. store. Our golds are all new and fresh andThave been bought for cash at the late decline in prices. We natter ourselves that from our long experience in business, and a determination to sell goods at small profits, we shall offer unusual inducements to buyers who desire to save money. Please call and see for yourselves. We have a large and well assorted stock of staple and fancy - My Goods, embracing CLOTHS, CISSIIIERES &C., Satinetts. Jeans, Tweeds, Cottonades, Cords; Stripes Checks, Ginghame, Linen and Cot ton Table Diapers, Crash for towels, Cali coes, Delaies, Alpaccas, Faithy DIVPSS GOODS, DRILLINGS; Shawls, - Brown and Bleached Sheeting and Shirtings, Ticking's, Linens, Flannels, White Goods, Gloves, Hosiery and Notions. We are receiving, new goods every week and will supply any article wanted that we have not on hand in a few days. We pity the highest market price for all kinds offl , n.+”tr Prodsce- gtleh as Harm, Lard, Butter, Eggs, Dried Fruit, Rags, &c. - Nov. 3, 1870.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers