VIE WAYNEBBUO', V.llld€ll„RECoy,k Punta= t. TatriteriAt , Monxixo . By W. BLAIR! TERMS—Two Dollars per Annum if, paid within theyear; Two Doßeiland Fifty cents after the expiration of the year. ' ADVERTISEMENTS—One Square, (10 lines) three insertions, $1,60; for each subsequent insertion, This . ' fi ve Cents per Square. A liberal . discount made to yearly adver tisers. LOCALS.--Business Locals Ten Cents per line for the Bret insertion, Seven . Cents .Par subsequent insertions, Nagnesborte Nay aleprit, 'Thursday, September. 2§,-111. PRIV: FOR SALE.--We haie for sale the .Washingten Press upon which the Recoad was printed preiiO4 to its enlarge ment. Price, $lOO. ' FALLnrcaThe leaves IN Towx—Chestnuts Ateir'The fall season has commenced. ArmyEn—New Goods at Boerner Waynant's. ' . Sffir•See new ativts. Mrs. K. G. Stover, S. 13. Rinehart and John T. Stull. Look out for our promised—ablack Canvassing for railroad stock: pro- gresses. Isa-Saturdaylneactlwill be the last day upon which voters can register. g. Dr. Lucket:of Lelvistown;Md., has located in Sabillasville. ear Carlisle7.Presbytery meets in: Gettys burg, October 3d. lirOne week froni , Tuesday next will be eland= day. -- G - et - your sale bills at - the - ':Record office. itiarA severe; thunder shower passed over our town on Tuesday mourning flood ? ing the streets withEwater. s. e ran in oun y ` air • weekl;promises to be one of the most suc cessful in the history of the society. "Putting up stove time" is almost here, and their will be some—" You know how it is yourself," tat - No:Township electionithis fall, the Spring election law having been restored by the legislature, FIRST:NEW Goons.—Pdessrs. Stover & Wolf have received and opened out their first' installment of new' fall and winter goods. Call examine styles and prices. ' Sir The address at the Washington county Fair, October 13th, is to be deliv ered by Hon. G. W. Brewer, of Chambers burg. If you have real or personal prop erty to sell, don't fail to let more than a thousand readers know,„ it through the columns of this paper, Erne peyi Presbyterian Church at Welsh Run,:u this county, will be dedi• sated on SaturdaylnextAervices to com mence at 10 o'clock, A.!M. Dr. Creigh, Rey. Crawford, and:,„tbe Pastor, Rev. Thoon, will officiate.. • ' IN TUE CITY.-W. S. Amberson of the firm of Amberson, Benedict & Co., Joseph Price, of the firm of Price & Hoeflich, and J. W. Miller, of the firm of J. W. Miller & Co., are now East making their fall purchases. New goods next week. 'The Rcpublicon Senatorial Confer. ence have nominated fox Senator in this district, J. At. AVEASLY, Esq., one of the editors and proprietors of the Carlisle .Herald, ax sime;mber of the Bar at that place. Ix Mssoura.—We learn fron4the last Public Opinion, that Prof. J. R. Gaff, for seven years Principal of the Female High School in Chambersburg, has removed to Missouri and become President of the "Troy Christian Institute," and academic collegiate, institution, about six miles Northwest of Bt. Louis. NEWSPAPER litmovtmthr.— . -The Cum, her/and Valley Journal, published at Me. chaniceburg, has been enlarged and paler. w i s e much improved. The Journal is ably conducted and one of our most valued ex changes. 'lt has a live local editor in the person of C.D. Rockafellow, Esq., who is VV-.11 known to some of our cif sins. SUICIDE.—David H. Protzman _com mitted Suicide at Hagerstown on Wed nesday evening a week by shooting him pelf. lie was a young man, son of Joseph G. Protzman, late of that place ; dec'd.— He was respectably connected, but had contracted habits of dissipation, which doubtless led to this act of self-destruction. Wita.itiON Cast.—A Baltimore dis patch says on the calling of :the Court on Monday last a. letter was read from Mrs. Wharton's physician stating that his cli ent was too feeble to attend, and asking a postponement for a week, which was granted. The trial is not likely to begin ,before the first of November. Air Puddin g and Sausage B,re wric inor der - Next will come Buckwheat cakes and ,honey. ,D4xGtrzori—Lager-beer-infantun3 ; Rem ROAD MErrn4G.—Agreeably p) prevlon'inotice,'n Rail .Boad Meeting was held in the Town Hall last Saturday evening. ,On motion of Dr. E. A. Her; ing John Philips; 'Esq, was called to the chair, D. M. Detrich, Esq. was chos en Vice President, and Dr. I. N. Snively and W. Blair, Secretaries. The President stated the object of the meeting, after which a motion was made that a 'commit tee Of three be appointed,to select names for a, canvassing committee. The chair man appointed the following committee viz:—Daniel Geiser, E.. A. Hering and Simon Lecrone, who reported the follow ing gentlemen : • Daniel,Geiser, Dr. A. H.-Strickler, Forney, , Wm. Hammett, DLL N. &lively, J. B. Cook, D. B. Russell, Daniel Hollinger, , Joseph Douglas, J. W. Coon, - D. M. Good, , Dr. E. A. Hering, John Philips, Joseph W. 'Miller, Daniel Hoover, Jacob Beaver, . Samuel Frantz, . Simon Lecrone, J. J. Miller, John Earbaugh, jr., Abisham Frantz, Aaron Funk, Jacob Middour, Geo. J. Baltsley, John Funk, sr., Daniel H. Garver, Peter Rouzer, Samuel Nicodenaus ; after which a; vote by ballot was taken (each subscriber casting one vote for• ev ery fifty dollars he .. .had subscribed) for twelve men who are to constitute the ex ecutive committee, with the following re sult: • Daniel Geiser, W. S. Amberson,., L. S. Forney, Jno. Phillips, D. M. Detrich, D. B. Russell, E. A. Hering, Simon Lecrone, J. J. Miller, Daniel Hoover, J, :W.' Coon, —Jose; I. N. SNIVELY, W. BLAIR,,—The following is our re ceipt list for subscription for August : Daniel Burger, $l.OO Daniel V. Ahl, 2.00 Samuel King, 1,50 Theo. Wiesner, ' - 2.00 Geo. W. Waddle, 2.00 David_Shank, Geo. Foreman, Joseph Bassler, Samuel Shank, Geo. Pilkington, John H. Miller, John Huber, B. C. Stout David H. Bonbrake, Mt. Alto Iron Co., Dr. H. X.!Bonbrake, Wm. Naylor, Peter'Corbett, John,Houptman, C. F. Bowman, John H. Gehr, Janata Brumback; Hiram Miller. &moor, BUILDING.—Work on the near School Building ou South Street is being pushed forward rapidly under the super vision of the contractor, Mr. Rothe. The stone masonry was finished last week and the brick walls are now going up. The building is designed to accommodate the whole town, and when completed is expec ted to compare with the finest School Buildings in the county. We understand it is the intention of the Board of Piree tors to erect a dweling house upon an ad joining lot, which is to be occupied by a Principal, whose business it-will be to grade the school ike. and take charge of the build ing to protect it from rude hands. The Street North of the building is to be grad ed and the surroundings "fixed up." When finished and the schools in successful ope ration, it proiises to be not only a fine improvement, but an appendage to our town of priceless value. Tan FAIR.—For atteactiveness it is said that the County Fair next week-3d, 4th, sth, and Gth of October,—will surpass any that has been previously held by the So ciety. The entries of-vegetables and fruits have already commenced, and a number of applications for entries of Stock and Impliments have been received by the Secretaries: Fast horses—in addition to the County Stock—will be there from Gt tysburg, Harrisburg, Carlisle, Shippens burg, Hagerstown, and other places. RESIGITED.—We regret?" learn that Rev. W. N. Gramm has tendered his res ignation as Pastor of the Presbyterian con- Aregation in this place, and that he was impelled to this decision in consequence of impaired health. The Rev. gentleman enjoys the esteem and confidence of his m9m'be'rship and the citizens generally.— Tis from our midst will there fore be very generally regretted. BIGUT SPIRIT.--A public spirited cid- Ze4 of Quincy township 'who owns 'one of the finest farms in the'county has on sev erai.occasions offered the right of way to a railroad. company through his'land free of damages, besides giving a handsome stock subscription to the company. Such appreciation of an important enterprise and spirit of liberality is worthy of emu EarmisrvE SALE.—The valuable Real Estate of Jos. Garver, of Washington Co., I►ld., deceased, is advertised for sale in to day's papes, by Messrs. John W. and Dan iel H. Garver, agents for the heirs, These axe desirable properties. There is perhaps in the county of Washington not a more pleasantly situated and valuable property than the Manson farm. To this adver tisement we therefore call the special at tention of capitalists. c& Hon. Jacob Tome... Republican nom inee for Governor in Maryland, is a na tive of York county, Pa., and said to be the richest man in 'the State outside of Baltimore. He settled in Port Depositc forty years ago, a poor boy, Fatal.--,The Agricultural - Fink at i'redericl; Md., will be held on- the 10th; 11th, 12th, wed 13th days of October. The Fair 'at Earratown on the same The Fair-at Westminster on the 3d, 4th, sth, and - 6th, of October. I The Fairs at Chambersburg and York on the same 4lays. The Fair at Carlisle on the 11th, 12th and 13th of October. )02k.We learn that Mr Joseph S. Gitt, of New Oxford, last week destroy ed the cucumber vines that yielded so abundant ly, as heretofore naked by us. The to tal yield was 871 dozen, or 1050; and this from a patch of ground 6 by 8' feet, on which were also raised 27 ears of corn and a peck of , beans.--Gettysburg Star. CamgoEn.--Josephlt's sale will borne off on the 13th instead of the 14th of October as announced last week. • ,`Ten of the North Carolina Ku-Klux were sentenced by Judge Bond, at Ral iegh on Friday, two of them to six years at hard labor and a fine each of five thousand dollars, one to four years and a fine of five hundred dollars, two of them to three years and afimilar fine, three, to two years and a Sue, and two to six months' imprisonment. Five members of the Ku-Klux have made full confes sions. The sentences are severe but just and, being of a character,likely to make Ku-Kiuxing not only odious but danger ous, are more likely to abolish or decrease law could 1 lrl a a - possibly do. Secretaries iiirPresident Grant arrived at the res idence of his father, in Covington, Ky., on Saturday, and was received with great enthusiasm by the people of all shades of polities. In replying to a speech made by Major Baker, of Coyington, the Presi dent said that so long as he held the offi cial office he now does he would endeavor, to be president of the whole people, and that there was no reason why a party in the minority should not receive the same protection and enjoy the same privileges lority in power. 6.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 3.00 8.00 2.00 /Par The question of a Constitutional Convention to revise the constitution will be submitted to the people of Pennsylva nia at the election next month. The tick et is to be "Constitutional Convention," and underneath this must be placed, For a Convention," or "Against a Conven tion,",as:the voter desires. This ticket goes upon_the ticket headed or endorsed “state.,, ~Judge Underwood, of Virginia, ar rived at the conclusion that under the pxo visions of the Fourthteenth and Fifteenth Amendments of the Constitution the fe males of the country are entitled to elec tive franchise as now enjoyed and exer cised by male citizens. ' ts. Telegraphic advices from San Fran cisco state that a fire occured in that city on Saturday and destroed property valu ed at ono million of. dollars. .Dr Perry, the New York abortion ist, who killed Emily Post, was sentenced to two years imprisonment on Saturday. . The Rev. Jelin L. geese, one of the oldest ministers of the Methodist Episco pal Church, died in Baltimore on Tues day a week in his 84th year. - . .A Mrs. Hoffman, of Baltimore ci ty was burned to death on Tuesday a week by the explosion of a can of kero sene. It is the old story of trying to foice a fire by pouring coal oil upon it. Her daughter was also badly burned. M-One hundred and seventy-nine trains of cars; carrying passengers, daily arrive and depart from Chicago. ne.Thc whole county of Orange. in Florida, recently sunk in one night, and its site is now said to be covered by a great lake. *.Three colored men were hung at New Orleans on Saturday last for mur der. The sheriff', executioner, jailor and guards were all colored. 461-A negro woman, 130 years of age, was burned to death lately in Philadel: phia. M.Presiderit Grant will visit the Car rol County Fair, at Westminster, Md., on the 4th of October. James Neely, living near Ripley, Ohio, died recently, leaving a fortune in mon ey supposed to amount to 815,000; but, as no one knows where the old man kept his treasure, the heirs are left the task of hunting it up. They have gone to work vigorously with pick and shovel,and have dug the farm on which Neely liv ed centre to circumference. On his death bed Neely refused to tell his children where he had secreted the money. Three hundred kegs of gunpowder ex ploded in a cellar at Piocha, Nevada, re cently, leveling all the buildings .in the vicinity, and killing six persons. Twenty-three horses perished in a burn ing stable in New York city, on the night of the 13th inst. OTIC'E is hereby given that applica tion was made to the Court of Common Pleas of Franklin County, Penn'a. on the 18th day of August A. D. 1871 to incorpor ate "The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Waynesboro', Pennvania." Also "The Presbyterian Chuch of Waynsboro', Penn sylvania." GEORGE W. WELSH, Sept 1.4-21 • Prothonotary. . ,W o ir i a v. _ BUSINESS - LOCA.LS. sta . ;:Timothy seed,4t second=hand Morning Gloiy Stove—one with'oven attached pre fered. . . neo.Very nice Butter can be bought at REED'S for, twenty cents a pound. Pon SALE--A Morning Glory Stove, large size, nearly new. Enquire of the Printer. Noncs.--Persons indebted to A. S. Bran isholts for Dental work will greatly ob blip him by calling and settling theiiac counts. CsavritAL Massicr.—Prime Beef and other Meats regularly for sale at Central Market, inclqing Pudding and Sausage. On Saturday and Saturday evening an extra supply always on hand. We have just now twelve of the finest grain-fed beef cattle in the county. Last—A fine lace pocket-handkerchief waS lost on Sunday night a week between Minter's Hotel and the Reformed Parson age. The finder will be liberally reward ed by leaving it at this office. • HpnsEs Fon SALE.---The subscriber will sell at public sale in the village of Ringgold, on 'Saturday next the 30th mad., at two o'clock P. M., three good work horses, two of which are good riding hors es. A credit of six months will be given by the purchaser giving his note with ap proved security, Sept 28-1 t Flsa.—l have just received the very largest and finest No. 1 Mackerel in the market. When I say ones Ido not mean twos branded ones. I have ve choice shore twos by the dozen and in packages of standard weight. Also something not heretofore kept in Waynesboro', Economy Mess Shad for fall and winter use. You will find packages of all these fish open for Examination in my store room. Call and see them. W. A. REID. UrSusan B. Anthony, Henry Ward Beecher, and all the celebrities, together with the people in a body, have quit deal. mg at, ta e ew or . are an. are going to buy their Hats, Boots and Shoes, at the Busting Store of D S. Smith, just op. posite the New York store, for the reason that "Snive" Can afford to sell all goods in his line, much cheaper than they can be had anywhere else. Snive's stock of goods is new and were bought during the visit of the Sir Knights to Baltimore. He will burn and blister all who attempt to sell as low as he does. HOME MADE GLOVES.—Out of Buck Skin, Dog Skin, Sheap Skin, Imitation Calf, Dog, and Kid Skins, our own make, warranted well made, neat fitting and as represented. We make odd Gloves to fit odd shaped and odd sized hands. We in vita particular attention to our Genuine Dog Skin Gloves, almost as neat as a Kid and five times as durable. • Whole sale and Retail at I.Tpdegrarp Glove and Fur Factory,Cpposite,Waslaington House Hagerstown Md., . Sept. 28-It. TAXES.—The school taxes for Wash ington township are in my hands for cob lection, which, if not paid within thirty days from date of posters,:will be - collected as my warrant directs. • All County and State taxes in the Borough of Waynesboro' are also• in my hands for collection,lm well as the School and Borough taxes for 1871 These are now due and must be paid without delay. W. F. HORNER Collector. NERVOL'S DISEASE.-HOW many thous ands of the most refined ladies of the are slaves to nervous diseasses in various forms—trembling, twitching, and jerking of the nerves, headache, hysterics, sudden outbursts of temper on trival occasions, peevishness, a feeling of desperation, des pondency, or fear, die. In any Rnhealthy condition of the nervous system, Briggs' Allevantor has absolute control over the nerves, creating a radical change and pos itiv'e cure. Sold by F. Founrumvs and druggists generally. Prum—Look at,those features and see the agony depicted in the face. It cannot be helped while the trouble remains.— The suffering from piles is of a very aggrava ted decription. You cannot walk with any comfort; you cannot ride in peace; you can not sit with ease, and the suffering when attending to nature is almost unbearable, and causes such feeling of dread that is put off at great sacrifice to health and com fort, in many instances increasing the diffi cultyto an alarm'g extent. Use Briggs' Pile Remedies accord'g to directions to cure internal, external, itching orbleedingpiles. They are mild and reliable, and warran ted as represented. Sold by Druggists. rosi.Corns, Bunions, Ingroising Nails and their attendantills, have been, in years gone by, and will be in years to come, a source of much discomfort and unhappi ness to those who are annoyed with them. By persistent efforts and untiring perse verence, Dr. J. Briggs gave the suffering humanity his remedies—Alleviator and Curative. The popularity which they have gained, and the entire satisfaction derived from their use, is well known and can be attested by all classes who have suffered with Corns, Bunions, Ingrowing Nails,Chil blains, Frosted - or Blistered Feet, Sm.— Sold by druggists. MARK=AGES_ On the 26th inst by Rev. H. C. Lesher, at his Residence near Greencastle, Mr. WnaaAm D. *.ArTentx, to Miss MARIA llAwzr.cxm, both near Clalic Hall, this county. On &Et : 7, 1871, by Rev. Thomas T. Everett, Mr. JAMES BURICR to Miss Evx zAnyra HALLE.; both of Quincy, Pa. OnSlap t. 14,4871, b Bet Thomas Everett;Mr. to Mies FRAN CES UNGER, both of Shady Grove. At the Mint Alto Iron Works, by Rev.; D. Y. Heisler, Mr. Gnonar, • Spnow'..and Miss Mot Bumitiothir, both of Mont Al to, Pa. At Shimpstown, on the.loth inst., Mr. R . rßa MTCHAEL INGER, in the 85 year , of his age. • In Scotland, on the 19th inst., Mr. CHARLE3 M. ,HoFvuerr, aged 24 years. FLOC.—There is a steady demand for flour - from • the home trade, but the ex porters operate sparingly; about 900 bar rels were disposed of, including superfine at $4.75®5, extras at $5.121®5.50, Wis consin and Minnesota extrafamily at $6.- 75®7.50, Indiana and Ohio do. do. at $6.50®7.25. Pennsylvania do. do. at $5.871®6.50, and fancy brands-at $7.50 ®8.50 ; GRAIN.-:--There is firm feeling in the wheat market, with sales of 1,600 bushels Pennsylvania red at $1.47®2-50 25,000 bushels on secret terms, and 2,500 bushels of Delaware do. atsl.soper bush el Rye is steady at 83 cents. Corn re ceives a fair demand, and 5,000 bushels sold at 75®76 cents for yellow and 73 cents for western mixed. Oats are dull and arrivals large; sales of Western white at 50 cents and mixed at 47 cents. C. C. SIOCSEY. pHE undersigned, Agents for the heirs of 1 Joseph Garver, dec'd.. will offer at Pub lic Sale. at the Court House, in ,Hagerstown, Maryland, on THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31st, 1871, glarratnlipm PSI MUM 157711-4147r4rWil Situated about I miles South east of Ring gold, Washington County, Md., adjoining the lands of John Welty, Daniel Rowe, Jacob Stouffer and others 70 ACRES of which are In Timber. some of the finest Chestnut in the County. The im provements consist of a • BRICK.DWELLING HOUSE, Bank Barn, 90 feet long, Wagon Shed, HOG PEN, CIDER PRESS with SHED, WASH and SMOKE HOUSE, WOOD HOUSE, BLACKSMITH SHOP, and all other necessary out buildings, a thriving ORCHARD OF CHOICE FRUIT, a never failing well of water near the house, and a Cistern near the kitchen door, a con stant stream runs through one end of the farm. All of the above buildings are in good repair the roofing nearly new the Dwelling covered with slate. The above farm is not surpassed in fertility and:produc tiveness, is pleasantly situated and in view of the early completion of the Western Md. Rail Road and the proximity of this proper ty to it makes it one of the most desirable farms in the county. NO. 2-Situated on the road leading from Smithburg to Waynesboro', about miles from the former place, adjoining lands of Rev. Joe. F. Rohrer, Mathias Hoffman and others, containing 28 ACRES AND 29 PERCHES, of the best quality of land, allZelea.r and in a high state of cultivation improved with a TWO-STORY BRICK HOUSE, containing 8 Rocims and Kitchen ; Large Barn, Spring, Smoke and Bake, House, Wood Shed, Hog Pen with Corn House, an ORCHARD of CHOICE FRUIT, and a never failing spring of excellent water near the house. This property being situa ted within one mile of the Western Md. R. R. in a beautiful and healthy neighborhood renders it desirable as a; private residence. NO. 3—MILL AND FARM Situated. near No. 2, adjoining the lands of Daniel Baer, F. M. Stouffer and ethers, con taining 43 ACRES AND 91 PERCHES, of best quality of limestone land. Also a tine meadow improved with h comfortable LOG DWELLING HOUSE, . New Bank Barn, Smoke and Spring House, Hog Pen, and other buildings. Also an ORCHARD la( GOOD FRUIT and spring near the house. The Mill is a substantial BRICK BUILDING with 17 feet overshot Wheel. TWO RUN OF BURS with all the latest improved ma chinery necessary for a complete Flouring Mill, and is situated in a good neighbor hood for custom and home trade. These Farms are all well fenced, the greater por tion Locust post and Chestnut, and lie con venient to Chnrches of all denominations, School-houses, Stores, &c. NO. 4.-MOUNTAIN LAND Containing 44 Acres and 80 Perches, well set with Chestnut and Oak 'Timber within a few rods of the Western Md. R. R. adjoining the lands. of Jacob Shockey's heirs and others. TERMS OF SALE.—One-third of the pur chase money to be paid on the first day of April, 1872, and the remainder in two equal annual payments, the purchaser to give note with approved security, bearing interest from day of sale, and on payment of the whole purchase money a good and sufficient deed wdl be executed, The growing crops reserved with the pri vilege of cutting and threshing the same on the lands. Posession given on the Ist day of April. 1872. Persons wishing further information will address JOHN W. GARVER, Hagerstown, Md., DANIEL H. GARVER, Waynesboro', Pa., or JOSEPH GARVER residing on No. 2. JOHN W. GAR DANIEL H. GMR, Sept 2S-ts 'ZATIIS. Mni - qP n 5O . l WAriTESBORO' MARKET. (CORRECTED WEEKLY.) BACON RAMS 8UTTER............ EGGS LARD POTATOES APPLES—DRIED... - .CPPLE&=Gar.Ps” HARJ)SOAP . PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 25 PJBLE SM VALUABLE,REAL ESTATE! NO. 1.-THE MANSION FARM .CONTAIN. IN() 266 ACRES and 120 PERCHES, Large and Convenient Two .Story containing 9 Rooms and Kitchen; ONE TENANT HOUSE, Agents for the Heirs. R. SUECICLW, Auct 1511,LXIINERT GOODS. tiff. KATE: G. STOVER . has received .lull supply of-Fall and Winter: g.ocids of the lateit style., Ladies, are invited to call and examine her assortment. loom next door to S. B. Rinehart's Store. Sept 28-tf suitriaLEs. min subscriber has now for sale a prime JI. article of Chestnut Shingles, a supply of which he will continue to keep on hand.— He also offers for sale a second-hand Morn tng Glory Stove and a Morning Glory Heat er—both in use but one season, Sept 28-tf S. B. RINEHRT. IMUES3. tin LEMUEL TH'E subscriber will pay the highest mar ket prices for Hides delivered at his Tannery, in Quincy, or at the Hardware Store of S. B Rinehart, in Waynesboro', where a supply of his leather will be kept for sale, Sept 28-tf JOHN T. STULL. . 8e 14 ...........18 16 .. : ... -...75 75 - 60 WAYNESBORO', PA., BARGAINS, Every Thing Good, Every Thing Handsome, Every Thing New 25 per cent., under regular prices. SPLENDID CALICOES, at 10c., yard Coates' and Clark's Cotton, 6c. Spool NUSLINS, • at lowest wholesale prices. FLANNELS, BLANKETS, COUNTER PANES, cheaper than the cheapest. Don't squander money by paying two prices for your goods. Buy only where you can get the worth of your money. Go to CALDWELL & CO., HAGERSTOWN, MD. Sept 21 PUBLIC SALE. rpHE undersigned will sell at Public Sale 1 at his residence in Waynesboro', near ly Opposite the Reformed •Church, at,l o'- clock, on Friday the 13th day of October, 71 the following property. 3 H.Fils..l:o 1-100-S; Household and Kitchen furidture, a lot of hickory wood, a small lot coal, 1 wheel barrow, 1 lemon tree, .1 work bench, garden rake, hoes, shovel, barrels, spade, fork . and other articles not necessary to mention. Also at the seine time and place his HOUSE AND LOT if not sold privately before that time, will be offered at Mho Sale. This property is pleasantly situated nearly opposite the new Reformed Church, and is it desirable one for a small family. There are a number of very choice fruit, trees, grape vines and• shade trees on the lot. Sale will commence at 1 o'clock on said day when the terms will be made known by At the same time and place will be sold the following {articles: 1 Bureau, 1 Safe, I:Bedstead, 1 Table, Chairs including Rocking chair, 2 Stan*, IrinKet tle. A lot of Tin and Earthen wise. Sept 28-ts LIZZIE BOULT. PUBLIC SALE ! Waynesboro' Brewery ! ITIFIE undersigned, 'Assignees of A. D. Gordon and wife, will expose to Public Sale, ON WEDNESDAY THE 4TH DAY OF OCTOBER, on the-remises, A VALUABLE DWELLING HOUSE and Brewery, situated on the corner of West anal Main Streets, in the borough of Waynesboro', both of brick newly built.— The Brew House is two stories high and the Dwelling three. They front 85 feet on Main St. The Brewery is in complete or der, all the fixtures being new, with two large Caves for storing beer. There is also - ANEW BOWLING ALLEY connected with the Brewery. The Brewery, has one of the finest bar-rooms in the coun ty, with Billiard .and Bagatelle rooms on second floor. Both buildings are arranged according to the latest style of architecture with a first-class Heater in the Cellar.— There are also on the lot a LARGE FRAME STABLE, Carriage House, Corn Crib, Hog Pep, dm. Also the one-third interest-in a pair Patent Hay Scales. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock on said day, when terms will be made known. Sept 21—ts Dissoltanon ofrartnership. THE Partnership heretofore existing be tween Hiteshew dr. Gehr is thjs day dis solved by mutual consent. The business will hereafter be conducted by John H. Gehr at the cross roads in Rinmold, Md. CHARLES HITESHEW, Sept 15 1871 JOHN H. OEHR. • NCOMICaIi. MBE books of the late firm of Hite shew & Gehr are in my hands for col lection. All persons knowing themselves indebted'are requested to call and settle as the business must be closed up. Sept 21-tf CHARLES HITESHEW. CsIaCrITMER. 153E131111): 2000 Bushels Clover Seed wanted, ELDEN, STOVER & woryr. Sept 21-3 m. CALDWELL & CO., CALDWELL & CO., CALDWELL & CO., HAGERSTOWN, MD DRY GOODS For The Million: Look out for New Airivals of FALL GOODS B4RG AINS, DRESS 'GOODS, Wayneaboro?; Pa., J. F. BOULT. SAMUEL; E. SNIVELY, JOSEPH W. MILLER, Assignees PJF3I,OfI On MONDA.r9i4, day . of O CTOBER, DIRE Undersig.necLadministratore of Jct.. cob Carbaligh, dec'd. will sell by way of public May, on the premises, on Monday, October 9th, the following Tracts of Land, situated in Washington township: Ist, PRE MALAN-FIRM,. situated one mile Southwest of Waynesboro' on the road leading from Waynesboro' to Hagerstown, and adjoining Willow Grove Mills, containing about 112 Acres of first quality Limestone °Land, in an ex"- vellent neighborhood, convenient to Chur ches and' Schools. The improvements con sist•of a New Brick DWELLING HOUSE, (two-storied) Wash and Spring House, Smoke House and Bake-oven, new and complete; a BANK BARN, STONE AND FRAM in good repair; new Wagon Shed and Hog Pen. This farm is well watered having a wellls feet deep, a never failing stream near the door, and the Antietam creek flow ing by the barn-yard, to which stock can have access from all the fields. There is a young Orchard of CHOICE FRUIT on the farm in good bearing condition. Also a tract MOUNTAIN LAND in said township, containing 33 acres, more or less, well set with thriving chestnut and other timber, adjoining lands ofJohn Bench hoof and others, about I-, of a mile from Monterey House, the turnpike running within 50 yds. of the lot. Persons wishing to view the , farm. or lot can call on either of the adminiStors;. one of which resicles on the farm. Sale to. com mence at 10 o'clock on said day when the terms will be made known SIMON LECRONE, HENRY CAR.I3AUGH„ Administrators. G. V. Mong, _duct. September 7—ts BARGAINS, FITu uni voa r rHE undersigned, as agents for the. heirs I of George Wiles dec'd.,lvill offer at pub lic sale; on the premises, at 10 o'clock., on Thursday' the 12th day of October next, the Home Farm of the deceased; containing . 153 ACRES.- lying about 11 miles South of Waynesboro' 1 ranklin County Pa,. on the turnpike lead ing to Hagerstown, improved by a large BRICK DWELLING HOUSE a large STVISSER BARN built of brick from the ground to the top, S 2 feet long . •:. wagon-shed, a large hay-shed, blacksmith shop and other necessary buildings all near ly-new and in good condition. there is an EXCELLENT ORCHARD, of apples, grapes and all other of the best fruit on the premises, a well of neverfailing water near the door, a running stream through the meadow with lane running . to it for stock. • The farm is fenced off into nine fields with post fencing—the land is clear of rock, and about 12 acres covered with excellent timber. This is considered one of the most valuable farms in the county now offered for sale. Possession will no given on the first day of April next. At the same time will also be offered a bout 67 acres of CHESTNUT TIMBER RID IN JOTS to suit purchasers, lying on the first rife of the South Zlountain south of the Mentzer Gap Road, adjoining lands of Hess, .13one brake and others, • One-third of the purchase money is to remain in the land, the interest to lie paid annually to Rachel Niles, widow, now 68 years old; during her life, and after her death the principal to the heirs, one-half 'of the residue on the day . possession is Mho given and the balance ut one year from that date with interest D. H. WILES, JACOB WILES, • Agents. September 7,-,ts _G.V. MONG, Anct PUBLIC SALE. •THE subscriber will sell at Public Sale, at Fairview Mill, one wile South of Waynesboro', on Monday the second day of October, 1871 ; the following personal pro perty to wit : ' . 3. HEAD OF GOOD EOR SES, one of.which is a fine driving horse: 2 Spring wagons, 1 Carriage, 1 Trotting Bug gy, 1 Cider Mill and Horse Power, 1 LARGE CORN SHELLER, 1 pair Bob Sleds, / i3no Sleigh, 2 sets sine,lo Harness, 1 Buggy Pole 1. Saddle and Bridle, 1 three-horse plow. Also house furniture such as Bedsteads, Chairs, Tables, 2 Cook Stoves, 2 Parlor Stoves, and other articles too numerous to mention. lie will also offer for sale a large frame building used as a barn, and the cider-house which is a good building. Sale to commence at 10 o ' clock on said day, when a credit of 6 months Will be given on all sums of $5 and puwards t purchasers to give their notes with approved security. DAVID PATERSON, GEO. V. MONO, Auct. Sept 14—ts PUBLIC SALE. Min subscriber will offer at Public Sale, on the premises, on Wednesday the 11th day of October , 1871, a Tract of best quality oflimestone land, containing 51 Acres more or less, 3 or 4 acres of which are well set with thriving timber. This land is sit uated along the Waynesboro' and Green castle Turnpike, about midway between the two places, and joins the lands with Sam uel Nickodemus and others. The Marsh Run flows through the meadow. Persons wishing to view the land'before the day of sale will call on the subscriber. Sale to commence at 2 o'clock. P. M. on said day, when the terms will be made known by JOHN JOHNSTON, •P. S. The above tract will be divided or sold together to suit purchasers Sept 14—ts Gno. Mose, Auct. PUBLIC SALE. PITBSITANT to an order of the Orphan's Court of Franklin Co. Pa., the undersign ed, administrator of Catharine Diffender fer, dec'd, will offer at Pnblic Sale, on the premises, at 1 o'clock P. M. on Friday the 29th of September, 1871, the real estate of said deed, being a HOUSE AND LOT OF GROUND, situated in the Borough 'of Waynesboro', bounded on the West by Chnrch St., South by lot of M. Hanstine, North and East by public alleys. The property is about 324 feet deep and about 42 feet wide, most desirably located, with moderately good house and stable, sub stantial fences, and abundant trees of the most excellent fruit. _ . E. J. BONBRAXE, Administrator, Sept 13—ts Gno. V. 31oNp, And.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers