The Waynesboro' village record. (Waynesboro', Pa.) 1871-1900, September 28, 1871, Image 1
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' 4 ,.‘.,..• ..........:,....,.,,....,,......,.........,:,,.. a. ,,.,:, :,.. .. . ..... _.,..4.... t , .. .... . .. _ ~ " • ~., -..- . .. .. - .. ..., . . .. _ .._ . „ . • . ._ _ _ . - • . •.. . ... • .. , , . ... . .„. . , .. RA. W. BLAIR. TOW prolrtssional Jr. B. AMBERSON, M.. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, WAYNESBORO', PA. Office at the Waynesboro' "Corner Drug Store." • pane *—tf. SCR. B. MR., _A_ N , Has resumed the practice of Medicine. OFFICE—In the Walker Building—near the Bowden House. Night calls should be made at his residence on Main Street, ad joining the Western School House. July 20—tf JOflN A. IIYSSONG, ATTORNEY AT LAW, HAVING been admited to Practice Law at the several Courts in Franklin Coun ty, all business entrusted to his care will be promptly attended to. Post Officea - adress 4ercersburg, Pa. LEW We DETZCZCH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, WAvxasi3ono', PA, Will give prompt and close attention to all liffshiess entrusted to his care. Office next door to the .Bowden House, in the Walker Building. [july 6 JC),SMPE - 1 DOUGLAS, ATTORNEY A.T LAW, WAYNESBORO', PA. Practices in the several Courts of Franklin and adjacent Counties. N. B.—Real Estate leased and sold, and Fire Insurance effected on reasonable terms. December 10, 1871. D. A_ STOUFFER, D-E-N-T-I-S-T-, .GREENCASTLE, PA Experienced in Dentistry, will insert you sets of Teeth at prices to suit the times. Feb. 16, 1871. STSAGIILER„ (FOMIERLY OF MERCERSBURG, PA.,) FFERS his Professional services to the citizens of Wayne:l)QT°' ancl vicinity. DR. STPICKLER lies relinquished an exten sive practice at Alercersburg, where he has been . prominently engaged for a number of years in the practice of profession. lie has opened an (Alice in Waynesboro', at the residence of George Besore, Esq., his Father-in-law, where he can be found at all times when not professionally engaged. July 20, 1871.—tf. A. K. BRANISHOLTS, RESIDENT DENTIST, a -di WAYNESBORO', PA.„ Can be found at all times at his office where he is prepared to insert teeth on the best basis in use and at prices to suit the times. Teeth extracted, without pain by the use of chloroform, eather, nitrous oxid eggs or the freezing process, in a manner surpassed by done. We the undersigned being acquainted with A. K. Branisholts for the past year, can rec ounnendlim to the public generally to be a Dentist well qualified to perform all ope rations belonging to Dentistry in the most skillful manner. _His. J. B. AMBERSON, I. N. SNIVELY, E. A. HERRING, J. M. RIPPLE, J. J. OELLIG, A. S. BONBRAKE, - T. -D. FRENCH. sept 29tf] MILEINZRY GOODS I TO THE LADIES ! IVIRS. C. L. HOLLINBERGER has just ..I.Vireceived a full supply of new'MiTlinery •,„o.oods. Ladies are invited to call and examine her stock. apr 20. L. C. IBRA_CM3BIMILI, PHOTOGRAPHER, S. E. Corner of the Diamond, WA,YNISBORO', PA., AS at all times a fine assortment of Pic tures Frames and Mouldings. Call and cc specimen pictures. June tf. C. A.. S WOLF, • DEALER. IN FArO 65 4WD JE' WE-LB Yr 883 WEST BALTIMORE STREET, BALTIMORE, MD. Xer . Watehes Repaired and Warranted. Jar Jewelry Made and Repaired. July 13,1871.4 f. SURVEYING BD CONVEYBCING. THE undersigned having had eome ten years experience as a practical Surveyor is prepared to' do all kinds of Surveying, laying out and dividing- up lands, also all kinds of writing usually done by Scriveners. Parties wishing work done can call on, or address the undersigned at Waynesboro', Pa. feb 2—tf3 A. B. STOLE& 33 AR M R., I G- I rinflE subscriber informs the - public that he, continues the Barbering business in the room next door to Mr. Reid's Grocery Store, and is at all times prepared to do hair cut ting, shavings hampoorikg etc. in the best style. The patronage of thiiimblic is respect fully solicited. • Aug 23 1871. NiN MUMMY" STORE t MRS. KATE G. STOVER announces to the ladies of Waynesboro' and vicinity :that she has commenced the Millinery bus iness in front room next door to the Hard ware Store of S. B. Rinehart, and has open ed out a full lino of Spring and Summer .Goods, embracing all the latest styles. Lidies are invited to call and examine her 'nods. May 11-tf !!..)fiONCAVE CONVEX spectacles. at ALEX. LEEDS c stitti Optirg. "BOMB WASN'T BUILT IN A DAY.* BY ALICE CAREY The boy who does a stroke and stops Will ne'er a great man be, 'Tis the aggregate of single drops That makes the sea the sea. The mountain was not at its birth A mountain so to speak, The little atoms of sand and earth Have made its peak a peak. Not all at once the morning streams The gold above the grey, 'Tis thousand little yellow gleams —That makes the day the day. Not from the snowdrift May awakes • In purplesi - reds and greens, Spring's whole bright retinue it takes To make her queen of queens Upon the orchard rain must fall, And seek from branch to root, And blossoms bloom and fade withal, Before the fruit is fruit. • The • farmer needs must sow and till, And wait the wheaten bread, Then cradle, thresh and go to mill Before the bread is bread. Swift heels may get the early shout, But spite of all the din, It is the patient holding out That-makes the winner win, a-e •ts your motto-t ion to start, 'Twill help to smooth the way, And steady up both hand and heart— 'Tome wasn't built in a day !" FRIENDSHIP A tiny, slender, silken thread Is friendship, and we make it Bind hearts and lives to hearts and lives ; - But e'en a, breath may shake it, And oft it takes bnt one wee word— But one wee word—to break it ! It draws the look of pleasure From eye to eye when hands touch hands When two hearts beat one measure ; And draws a meaning from a word Which makes that word a treasure. Like string of a tuneful harp or lute Between glad souls 'tis holden, , And love's fond fingers on the thread Make music rare and golden— Hake music such as tender hearts Could live, and ne'er grow old, in. But if a breath may shake it, let That breath come near it never; And never spoken be that word Which friendship's tie might sever; But let the cord grow stronger still The dawning of Forever. atiisonneolui gradinff. THE TEST, OF TRUE LOVE. "Eustacia !" said Mr. Glenburne, a lit petulently, "how you delight in teasing.' , The scene was a pretty little room,. dung With apple-green silk, with a shade light, casting a very pale green radiance through , the room, like moonlight shining through the translucency of sea waves • a bright coal fire burned in the polished grate, and Miss Evelyn sat in a low sew ing chair, busy at some delicate needle work. She was a pretty girl, with soft hazel eyes, hair of beautiful black, a ra diant expression, skin tinted with carmine while her full . scarlet lips were mischiev ously dimpled at the corners. "Yes," said Eustacia, "I don't deny it, Charles. But if you would only put those scissors down I should feel so much easi er about their points, and it's only the sharp pair I have." "But do you really mean to say, Eus sta,cia, that you would not marry me if I were a poor man ? `,I didn't say any such thing, and you will only please tax your memory a little as to the accuracy of the qudtation." 5 "At least you asserted that you never would have become engaged to me if I were not wealthy." "I think it extremely—probable," said Eustacia, threading her needle with rose colored silk. "Dear me, Charles, you need not look so astonished—in society, girls are brought up to consider these mat ters from a common sense point of view." "But, Eustacia—" "But, Charles, if I had been your wash erwoman's daughter you might have thought I was a tolerably decent looking girl, but you.never would have allowed yourself to entertain the idea of propos ing marriage to me." "Most certainly I should," • asserted Mr. Glenburne, stoutly. "Then, sir," said Eustacia, elevating her pretty eyebrows, you would have been been a sentimental idiot. For if you had Ibeen the upholdster's journeyman, on a salary of twenty-five dollars a month, I never should have given you, a second thought." "That is a very worldly doctrine, Ens taeia," said Glenburne, with contracted brow, "to be married merely for the un meaning aemsory of wealth." "Oh, dear, dear, there you go again, at a worse tangent than ever. I never said I was going to marry you because you happened to be rich. Isn't old. Mr. Beck erson worth twice as much as. you are? and do you suppose there would be any earthly inducement strong enough to make me marry him ? You are a cross, unrea sonable hear, and hardly deserve that a girl should take the trouble of 'reasoning A PAREIWKNE*SthAPER,---DEVOTD TO LITERATURE, LOCAL AND - GENERAL NEWS, ETC. . . , WAYNESBORO',.FRANKLIN COUNTY, PA4 THIIIRSDA.Y, SEPTEEBER2B, 1871. , . • • with you." Mr. Glenburne's countenance relaxed a little.- • "Then- you ought not say such things, Eustacia.' "I was only speaking •the truth. We live in a worldly world, Charles, and you can hardly - expect but that we should be swayed•in some degree by circumstances You might have been a second Rothschild, and I would not perhaps, have cared for you, but as I did happen to take a fancy to your black eyes and frowning brow— there is no me to try to straighton them out now—l was rather gratified than o ther wise that you was worth a hundred and twenty thousand dollars. Mamma never would have allowed me to marry a poor man in any event, so you see what a treasure you have gained by the trifling circumstance of wealth." - She looked atliiin with an arch glitter in her eyes. He could not but smile. "So you own up that you are a fortune hunter after all," he said, half laughing. "I did not hunt the fOrtune, sir, the for tune came to me and asked me to be good enough to take it, together with the ac companying circumstances of a nice young man. Was Ito say no ? "I'm to have a pirvate box of my own when we are married, am I not?" said Eustacia. I dote on music ; we never could afford a box out of papa's income. Another advantage of marrying rich." "Eustacia!" "Does it really tease you, dear ? Well, then I won't say another word about it the whole evening long. And with this promise, given with the scarlet lips very close to his face, and the elting_lazel_eyes-fixed-beseeching—upon his, Mr. Glenburne could not but be sat isfied. Yet the pretty girl's - words haunted him for days afterward. Charles Glenburne's nature had the fault of being over sensi- tip and attached too much importance to _words and gin ncPs that we tri ' 'ng in themselves, and it had always been a fear in his mind least he should one day be married for his money. He loved Eusta cia Evelyn devotedly—he believed that affection was returned with equal ardor— yet there were times in which her gay, im pulsive frankness jarred painfully upon the more sensitive cords of his being. If he had not loved her so dearly, she would have been powerless to wound him, but since his engagement, Mr. Gjenburne had more than once regretted his wealth.. "She says herself she would never have allowed herself to love a poor . man," he repeated again and again to his own soul. Does she know what the real meaning of the word love is? More than' once the idea had come into his head that it would be a fortunate thing did something unforseen happen to divest him of his wealth—a strange, ro mantic yearning for meeting the world without the sheild of gold with which kind fate had provided him ; but he had occasion to learn one dm how widely seperated are reality and romance. He was sitting in the luxurious library of his house, on Landry Square, when his law yer came in and told him, in as few words as possible, that he -was a ruined man.— Some dazzling speculation bad proved but an empty bauble—sundry securities deem ed as solid as the United States Treasury itself, had unaccountably given away— one bank failure had necessitated another —and the.end of all was that Charles Glen burne, together with some scores of oth ers, were ruined. He looked at Mr. Redfate with vague staring eyes, as if not sure whether he was awake or dreaming. "There's no Mistake abont all this I suppose ?" when the lawyer's silence -warned him that he was expected in some way to break the silence. "Dear, no, sir, not all. I wish there were any such a possibility. It is only too certain," said Mr. Redfat with a sigh. - Then perhaps you will have the kind ness to leave me to myself a little while said Mr. Glenhurne. "I think, perhaps I could comprehend matters more perfect ly if I were to look over those papers which you•had the kindness to bring for for my inspection, in solitude ?" "Certainly, certainly," assented the lawyer, as anxious to get away as his cli ent was to get rid of his presence, and, with very visible belief, he laid down the ominous bundle of paper and bowed himself out of the room. "Took it very quietly, I'm sure,' said Mr. Redfat, as be 'tiptoed down stairs, "but I don't suppose he realizes it proper ly as yet. He'll be in a pretty temper when he does." But Mr. Glenburne, left by himself, did not look at the vouchers of .his im poverishment. He left his head fall on his breast and sat quite silently for a minute tor two. "Ruined!" he repeated softly to him self. "Ruined !" And Eustacis.l It will be easy enough for me to begin the - world again, and earn my daily bread by work. But Eustacia! • For the loss of wealth he cared =A— but the loss of the black haired girl, with the laughing eyes, and the merry lips— how could he give her up ? For nearly an hour he sat in the same position, scarcely moving or stiring— then he drew the silver standish toward him and wrote a few words. Yesterday when I saw you, Eustacia, I was a rich man ; now lam penniless. I recognise the altered condition of things as full as you can do, and hereby return to you your troth. C. G." ilingmg a bell, he dispatched &servant at once to Mr. Evelyn's house with the note. "All news flies fast," he said to him self, with a bitter smile; "and I may as well anticipate the puffy tongue of rumor. It may save her some embarrasment, at at least, me taking the imitative first." Ha4f an hour afterward, and the clock was ticking in the silence of the lonely room where Mr. Glenburne still sat, -when a light footstep sounded on the stairs.— He started up with an intent attitude of listening. , "It cannot be possible," he thought ; and yet—" • - But all doubt was presently ended by the opening of the door, and Eustacia came in, her cheeks growing crimson find her eyes glistening beneath their long lashes. "Charles I,' "You have come to me Eustacia? It was•kind of you," he said rising to greet her. I have come to tell you that I will not be cast off," she exclaimed, vehemently. —"What must you have fancied me to be moulded of, Charles ? I _love_ you—l have promised to be your wife, and noth ing short - of death itself shall part us." Her hand was on his arm, her magic eye shining up into his, through a dew of emotion. "We shall be so happy together, Charles in a cozy little house, when I will sit at home, blessed in the consciousness that you are working for me, as a husband should work for his wife. lam not afraid of poverty, if shared with you. Charles, you will not send me away ?" "My own Eustacia," was all he could say—but his eye. told the rest. He had lost • his wealth, but he had found soul ething more precious—the cer tainty of a true woman's disinterested love. Now, years subsequently,—when—he — had worked his way to the top round of for tune's ladder once more,he-was—wa = to tell his wife that the happiest day he ever spent was the day he was ruined. The Enchanted Mountain. In one of the north-eastern c ounties of Indian tradition, the Enchanted Moun tain. The mountain is not large, and there is nothing remarkable about it until you get to the top, when human tracks, or iin pressions in the solid rock, which appear to be human tracks are seen. How these wonderful tracks came to be impressed on the rock of this mountain'•is one of the many mysteries of this mysterious land of ours. There were a great many tradi tions among some of the Indians in regard to this mountain, but ' none of tla em are satisfactory, and it probably never will he known who it was that left the tracks upon the enchanted mountain. One of the Indian traditions is curious, for it shows that they bad a vague idea of Noah and the food before the advent of the white man. The story has been handed down among the aborigines that it was the landing place of the great del uge, and the tracks were made by the peo ple in the canoe as they stepped upon the .rocks' which had been made soft by long inundation. One of the tracks and the largest one is seventeen and a half inches in length, and seven and three quarter inches wide.. Unlike the others it has six toes. This must have been Noah's track, and if there was anything in the Mosaic account of the flood concernii►g the size of Noah's feet we might haVe confirmation of the Indian tradition. The size of the track would indicate that he wore eighteens. There are one hundred and sixty im pressions of feet and hands visible on the face of the rock. The smalest foot-track is four inches in length and in perfect shape. Another tradition is that a great battle was fought there,and the large track with six toes is that of the victorious com mander. This is essentially Indian, as their ideas of mental greatness were cir cumscribed by physical size. A Singular Story A singular story is told of a person who held a promisory note of another's which had run for several years, but which, on maturity, he found he had put away so carefully that he could not find it.. He therefore called on the one who had giv en the note, stating that he had lost it, and proposing to give him a receipt as an offset to the note if it should ever be found. To-his surprise, the person owing the mon ey not only declined to this, but positive ly denied ever having given such a note, saying he owed him nothing. Without le gal proof, he was of course obliged not on ly to let the matter drop and lose the mon ey, but also endure the suspicion of try ing to obtain money under false pretense. Several years passed away without the notebeing found,when the person who own ed the note, while bathing in the Thames one day was seized with cramp, and res cued by companions just as he had become unconscious, and sunk for the last time. The usual remedies were resorted to re suscitate :him ; and though there were signs of life, there was no appearance of consciousness. He was taken home in a state of complete exhaustion, and remain ed so for some days. On the first return of sufficient strength to walk, he went to his book case, reached down abook, open ed it, and handed. the Jong lost note to a friend who was present, stating to him, that while drowning, and sinking, as he supposed, never to rise again, there in stantly stood out before his• mind, in a moment,, seeming as though a picture, every act and event of his life, from the hour of his childhood to the hour of his sinking in the water ; and among his acts the circumstance of his putting this note in a book, the name of the book, and the very spot it stood in the book case. Of course he reoeived his money, with inter est, • In the depths of the sea the waters are still; the heaviest grief is thit borne in si lence; the deepest love flouts through the eye and touch; the purest joy is unspeak able; the most impressive preacher at a fu neral is the silent one Ichos.e lips are cold. Incidents of a Stage• Robbery. Some of the delights of stage traveling in California are thus described by a San Jose paper : From Sheriff Harris, who has just re turned from an unsuccessful pursuit of the Visalia stage robbers, we learn fur ther details of the transaction. The op erations of the robbers were boldly plan ned and resolutely executed in a thickly settled neighborhood. The first thing the robbers did was to capture a gentleman named Moore. Hawes riding in a buggy. They took him aside privily, near the road in the field, •tied and blindfolded him, and robbed him of $55. By this time the two horse stage came along. The robbers fell upo.n it, and ordered the dri ver to go through an opening they made in the fence. The stage was stopped at the point where the man robbed lay hors du combat. The passengers were four men and a woman. The men were compelled to alight and keep their eyes on the ground while each was securely bound, searched and blindfolded. Ona of the robbers asked the woman : "Which is your husband ?" She pointed to Mr. Simmons, Canal Superintendent, who sat on the back seat with her. "All right said the robber, and Mr. Simmons, was searched and bound,; but the lady was not molested. The robbers secured some thing over $5OO from the stage company and a gold watch or so. The subsequent proceedings were as cool as ice. "Don't make a move till we come back, or we'll murder every one of you !" said the road agents, as, leaving the people bound and the lady sitting in e - stage - they - drove - ofil — ln - a short• time they returned with a picket teamster, whom they bound and searched, and left with the the stage party. They then de parted again with the same threat, but were seen no more. For an hour, and a half the captives lay there in the field, the driver got anxious to go, and asked the woman to come and untie them.— She refused a while, fearing the return of the robbers,; but presently released the driver, and he the others, and they up in to Gilroy all right except the plunder of their property. A Fly Story. gentleman making a call at the house of a friend wag astonished to find the rooms and passages in confusion, and on inquiring the cause, was answered :. "Oh, we are very much annoyed here ; we have an intolerable nuisance. A rat has come to finish his existence under the floor. of our large drawing room. We do not know the exact place, but we cannot endure the stench any longer. So 'we have rolled up the carpets, removed the furniture, and called in the carpenteis, who-are just commencing to take up the floor, until we find the nuisance. "Now don't be too hasty," said the vis itor ; "you need not pull up more than one board. I will show you what I mean presently ; and meanwhile, shut down the drawing-room windows, and close the door lehind me as soon I return. He then stepped down the front steps into the garden, walked round the house to the stable, and after a few minutes' absence, came back to the drawing room with both hands tightly clasped, so as to enclose something 13etween•them. Plac ing himself in the center of the room, he opened his hands, and out, flew two large blue bottle flies, and buzzed round the room for a second or two. But presently one of them lighted on a plank of the floor, and was almost immediately follow ed by the other insect. "Now, then," exclaimed the visitor, "take up that board, and I'll engage that the dead rat will be found under neath it." The carpenters applied their tools, rais ed the board, and at once found the source of all the unpleasant smell. ' FEMALE PIETY.—The gem of all others which most enriches the cornet of the la dy's character, is unaffected piety. Na ture lavishes much on her person, the en chantment of her countenance, the grace- - fulness of her mien, or the strength of her intellect, yet , her loveliness is uncrowned till piety throws around the whole the sweetness 'and power of its . charms. She then becomes unearthly in her temper, un-. earthly in her desires and associations.— The spell which bound her affections to things below is broken, and she mounts on the silent wings of hope and fancy, to the habitations of God,where it is her delight to hold communion with the spirits that have been ransomed from the thraldom of earth, and wreathed with garland of glory. Her beauty may throw its magical charms over many ; princes and conquer ors may bow with admiration at the shrine of her riches ; the sons of science and pov erty may embalm her memory in history and in song ; yet piety must be her orna ment, her pearl. ° With such a treasure, every lofty grat ification on earth maybepurchased; friend ship will be doubly sweet ; pain and sor row shall lose their sting, and the charac ter will possess a price above rubies. Life will be but a pleasent visit to earth, and death an entrance upon a joyful and per petual home. Such is piety. Like a tender flower, planted in the fertile seflof woman's heart, it grows expanding in foliage, and impar ting fragrance to all around, till trans planted, it is set to bloom in perpetual vigor and unfading beauty in the paradise of God. An anxious mother in Virginia has sent this note to a severe school-miser tress : "Your will oblige me not to youse that wail Bone on the Ripes of my Littel dautor. Give your Hart to god and Per ham, you will have More Paeenee." Common events of Life. In old times, Michael Angelo took his copies from the streets, and wrought them out of the walls and the ceiling of the Va tican, changing a beggar into a giant, and an ordinary woman who bore a basket of flowers on her arms into an angel ; and the beggar and flower-girl stand there now in their lustrous beauty, speaking to eyes that wonder from every side of the green world. The rock slumbered in the mountain,.and he reached his hands out and took it, and gathered the stones from the fields about him, and built them into that awful pile, which, covering acres of ground, reaches up its mighty dome toward heaven, con- straining the mob of the city to bow their foreheads, and to vow great prayers to, their God. So out of the common events of life, out of the passions put by God in to your hearts r you-may paint on the walls of your life the fairest figures, angels and prophets.-- Out of common stones of-your daily work, you may _build yourself a tem ple which shall shelter your head from all harm, and bring down to you the inspi ration of God.—Theodore Parker. To make Home Happy. Nature is industrious in adorning her _dominions whom - this - b • s u ty is addressed, should fed and obey the lesson. Let him, too, be industrious in adorning his domain—in making his home, the dwelling of his wife and children; not only convenient and comfortable, but plea sant. Let him, as far as circumstances will admit, be industrious in surrounding it with pleasant objects—in decorating it, within and without, with things that, tend to make it agreeable and attractive. Let industry make home the abode of neat= ness and order ; a place which brings sat isfaction—fcs every inmate, and which, in absence, draws back the heart by the as sociations of comfort and content. •Let this be done, and this sacred spot will be- ness and peace. e parents who would have your children happy, be industrious to bring them up in the midst of a_plea sant, a cheerful, and happy home. Waste not your time in accumulating wealth for them ; but plant in their minds and souls, in the way proposed, the seeds of virtue and prosperity. THE POTATO IN 1586.—The potato, in its early cultivation, met with strange vi cissitudes and great oppositions. The stern old Puritans opposed its cultivation , and denied its-lawfulness as an. article of feed because the plant was not . : mentioned in the Bible ! Sir Walter 'Bailee', carried the plants to England from this country in 1586 and put them in his garden. His gardener thought the green potato apples were the potatoes, and expressed his dis gust to his master at such products. He was told to pull up the weeds and throw them away. In doing so ho found the true potatoes, more than a bushel in quan tity ; he hurried back to Sir• Walter in a very happy humor to show, him the sam 'pole and make known the discovery. So late as 1725 it was only cultivated in gar dens in England and Scotland. During a period of more than one hundred and fifty years after Sir Walter introduced it into Ireland it failed to rise superior to the prejudices of English cultivators. SALT FOR SWlNE.—Swine are such greedy feeders that not a few farmers pay' very little attention to their feeding. - The swill-barrel is often very little better than a sink, and the poor hogs are expec ted to eat anything and everything which is refused by the other animals, human and bruit alike. This shortsighted, treat ment, however, works its own cure, or punishment rather, for swine. thus treated make poor. pork, and often die before kil ling time. Others who are particular 'a bout feeding their pigs forget to supply them with salt as' other animals. They require to be salted,. however, just as much as cattle, horses or sheep, and suffer as much when' neglected as any of these animals. If the food is not regular ly salted, there should be a trough or box i 4 every sty, in which salt may be depos ited regularlrfor the use of the animals. Salting the food judiciously would be much the best way. A SLIPPERY Sox.—Jaek said a father, "yesterday I forbade you associating with the neighboring children any more, and to-da.y you have disobeyed me. The next time I catch you there I shall be obliged to punish you. ‘• The next day Jack was there again to tally oblivious of the intradiction, until he saw his father enter the neighbor's yard with a rod in his hand. . Jack made for the fence, over which he leaped, pur sued by his father, and ran into the barn; there he was caught. • "Now, my son," said. the irritated fath er, what did I tell you I would do yester day ?' "You told me father, that if you caught me there again you_would punish me." "Well?" said the father. "Hold on I" said the little reprobate, who knew if he could make hie- father laugh it would make the matter all right. "You did'nt catch' toethere ; you caught me here !" The desired effect was produced, and the rod was dropped, but the interdiction was renewed; SCHOOL EXAMINATION.—"John, • hoW do you parse grandmother?" ,"I doesn't pass her at all, but always goes in to get a tart." "'What is the singular of men?" ' "They is singular when they pay their debts without being asked to do it a dozen timag," "Young women are- beautiful. What is it that comes after young women?" "It's the fellers, to be sure—they, aro. always. arter the•young women ?" "That will do•; now you are dismissed.'.'. $2,00 PEE. YE AR paw aoi 4111 Wait and Xitmos. ° An Oregon toast ; over a glass of the ardent : "Here's what makes us wear old clothes." \.l 'A paper has the d ertisement—"Two sisters want washing. Doubtless a few thou -and brothers are the same predie / .5 7 , meat. , Avoid argument with ladies. In spin ning yarns among silks and satins, a man will always be worsted and twisted, and fi nally wound up. The greatest sinner, who trusts only in Christ's blood, will assuredly be saved.— . The best man in the world, who trusts in his own goodness, will be lost. A man being annoyed on one occas sion by a Eddler, who persisted in play ing in front Of his house, sent him out a dollar, with a message that one scraper was enough at the door. Plain and ugly women may take com fort since history has satisfactorily proved hat the women in all times, who have ex ercised the greatest influence on men's lives, are not the beautiful ones. A. carpenter being, asked for a riddle, propounded the following : "I picked it up; I couldn't find it ; I put it down, and Went along with it." No one could guess it.— It was a splinter in his foot- -- Romantic Amelia—(to-4161—betrothed young doctor)—"Look, dear, such a beau tiful sunset ! The sky is all crimson !" Unromantic doctor—" Ya-as, appears to have a mustard plaster on !" It is an exploded theory that women please or spite each other. Any girl of sense and experience knows that it is just as easy to break a man's heart in a two dollar murlin, neatly made up, as it is in a. five hundred dollar silk costume made by a man milliner. - • A Louisvil e matron, whOse husband snores badly, kee • c ithes pin under neath her pillow, ano en his snoring awakes her, she adj • ti e pin on, his nasal orgam-and th , slumbers peaceful ly' "Tell that man to, take off his hat in court, Raid a judge the other morning to ari officer: The offender, who turned out to.lae a lady wearing ill fashionable sail or hat, indignently e*Olaimed : "I am- no man, sir . !" "Then," Bai ihis honor, "I am no judge." - The ruin. of most men dates from sonic vacant hour. Occupation is the armor of the soul. There is a satirical poem, in which the devil is represented as fishing for men, and fitted his bait to the taste and business of his prey ; but the idler, he said:gave him no trouble, as he bit at the naked hook. An. old white-haired plantation preach er thus addressed on of the meetings of the dissatisfied darkies: "What yer grum bling about 2 Yer all better off dan yo 'spected to be—dan ye deserve to be.— Did yer tink when Massa Linkum guv yer freedem he was gwine to feed yer on ice cream ?" . To the watcher at night. how slowly, and solemnly the clock tells- the - passing hours! In the daytime how the same sound is swallowed up iry., the. hurrying tread of myriad feet, in the roll carriages, in thunder and shriek of the locomotive, and in the thousand and one mingled an imate and inanimate voices that swell the chorus of a great city ! Yet the mo ments flee dll the same, and inscribe their indelible record for good or evil. ' • Twp rood natured Irisitmeri on a cer tain occasion occupied the same bed. In the morning one of them inquired of the other: "Dennis, did you hear thelkunder lest night ?" "No Pat ; did it rally thunder ?" "Yes, it thundered as if hiven and airth would come together." - • • "Why in the divil thin didn't ye wake me, ye know I kan't slape'whin it thun ders." An Irishman who was standing:on Lon don bridge said to a youth, "Faqir - and I think I know yese:• what's.•yer name?" "Jones," said the boy. "Jones, Jones," said the Irishman, "I knew seventeen ould maids by that name in Dublin; was with er of them tier mither?" A good story is told of a rather verdant agricultural laborer, who, having by hook and by crook scraped together fifty - dol lars, took it to his employer, with a re quest to take care of it for him. A year after the laborer went to another friend, to know what would be the interest on it. He was told three dollab. said he, "I wish you would lend me three dol lars for a day or two. My boss -h:IS hem keeping fifty dollars for ine a year, and I want to pay him the interest for it." At a trial in an Alabama town not long since one of the witnesses, an old lady of some eighty years, was closely questioned by the opposing counsel relative to the clearness of her eyesight. "Can you see me ?" said he: "Yes," was answered. "How well can von see me?"' •persisted the law yer. "V4ll enough," responded. the lady, "to see that yotere neithefi';:rie*, an Indian, nor a gentleman." The -answer ' brought down the house, a:lni silenced the counsel. .