The Waynesboro' village record. (Waynesboro', Pa.) 1871-1900, September 21, 1871, Image 2

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    ZIPE6O ftikje littord
Thursday, stipteraer
Pam FOR still. 'have for
sale the Washing:taxi Presi von. which the
Recoaxl was printetiprevious to its enlarge.
meet: Price, $1.00:
R., R. MErrnio.A—An important, Rail
road Meeting will' be held at the Town
Hall On Saturday next at 2, o'clock, P. M.
We announced a couple
,of weeks since that
it had been. mutually agreed upon by the
friends of the different lines in contempl, 7
tion to?olicit subscriptions for a Railread
to this place, a committee elected by 4
majority Of the subscribers to niake choice
of Re - ad &c --- . - .A. considerable sum.bas al;
ready been subscribed and the work goes
on. At this meeting' this • committee will
be selected and other important • ,business
transacted. Those fhvorable to Miramar,
South Mountain, Gettysburg, W. M.
Branch, or even.a road from Marion to
• the W. M. R. R., should all attend. -The
meeting is to be:held in the interest of'nei
. ,
ether, but:simply:to perfect arrangements
for cairying out the plan proposed, to se
cure railroad facilities as soon as possible,
the committee thus selected to haie the
power to confer and negotiate with any
company which will guarantee a road u
pon the most adventageous terms. In
view of the great sacrifices made by our
-citizens annually, of both town and count
ry, for want of a road, there should not
only be a full. attendance, • but all who
have not yet subscribed should do so at
once, and not wait to be importuned upon
the subject for weeks or month as has been
the case with:some heretofore. It is use
less to plead this or that excuse and there
by expect to get a' road and be enriched
at the expense of others. Don't be nar
row-minded. A Railroad is somethin.
which will mutually and permantly ben
efit: 'at. Therefore all should promptly
lend a helping hand.
Fruit cans are in demand.
ABOUT PLAYED—The ice Cream Beason.
re—Our county fair is approaching
NOT FAR OFF—The election
ADVANCING—The price of wheat.
iYesterday vas Enlber Day.
DZY-The days 'and nights will. be equal
on Saturday. Look out for the'/equinov"
Air Cool mornings and evenings are
upon us.
us.. The days.* growing' perceptibly
'shorter at both ends,
rbs...Our State and County election oc
ours Tu%day, October 10th.
larGtapes are 'unusually abundant this
Da'Sprinkle lime in your gutters find
whitewash your damp cellars.
Air Our merchants tare fixing up for
. tlie fall trade.
tek.:Watexmelons in Baltimore sell at
ia penny apiece.
ge;Read Real Estate advertisements
,as they appear from week to week in the
DEF'Smith of the Town Hall Store is
now East making hie fall selections, New
goods in a few,dnys. .
—Boernefof tbefiringloerner & Way-
Dant will return from the city in a few
days with a stock of new piece goods,
xeady - mule clothing; etc.
"Y'qrt ulagß4:l#l.PecorAsinceits new
"tiaT4o.qm#XXXth9lieot advertising
Da...The pews of some of our churches
ought to rest On pivots, so that the-occu
pants Can see who come in without strair_
ing their necks.
CUANGED.-Mr. John. Johnston it will
be seen has changed the day of the sale
of his tract of laud from the 10th to the
11th day of October,
res„.Our Pike villa friend and patron,
Mr..3'rios.l3=quAtit, has placed us un
der obligations to him for a present of a
basket of very fine peaches,
Fon SALE.-It will be seen by refer
ence to his advertisement that Mr. J. F.
limit, offers for sale his House and lot—
Alsolis personal property.
BREW HOUSE.—ft will be seen by ref
erence to nut luivcrtising columnS that the
Brew House property, one of the finest
,improvetnents in our town, kill be sold
At public sale on the 4th day of October.
ToulectormxT.—We'are requested to an
noanee dint a grand tournamentatuPhop"
will come oil in the groye of 141 r. David
adjoining the Leitersburg turn
pike; on the a 9th inst. Riding will com
laence at 9 o'cloel?; A. AL
r:eltuitations of Hall's Vegetable Si-
Lilian Hair Renewer are be thrust up
en the, market in great numbers; do. not
be deceiy9(l by , them but demand• Hall's.
AmoT.—.Ti Main, Juni
atiand Snyder cOunties, - .this State ' , Pap
.. t4e.,]Tarrlsburg '2 l e4rapft) are lawium,
bora of a singular sect called
These people . 'souieivlust resemble th e
Punkers • in. their` ieligeous belief; but
their customs include many peculiarities
characteristic of themselVes alone They
exceed' the Quakers in their efforts to - at-,
tain simplicity of drass.•;::- The men fasten
their attire with hooks and eyes, and look
upon buttons as an . abomination in the
sight of the godly. The Cornish 'girls
wear a bluecotton dress, the -waist of which
conies just below the armpits While their
heads are Covered with cIoSO fitting white
skullcaps, which give their faees kghast-
J'Y:abearanc'e. They have' no, poor; scoft
ifera say that it is because When one` of
- their number becoMes poor- they turn brin
out ~of the society ; but that is =a slander,
for they are not only thrifty but charita
ble, never - refrain to entertain a stranger
without and without' pike: They
:foreswear all things that partake of world
ly vanity, practice the right• of baptism,
immersion, and 'celebrate the last supper
in mutton broth.
laiirrThe Frederick Comity Agricultu
ral -Society hold their next Fair at Frede
rick, Did., on the 10th, 11th, 12th, and 13th
of October. For attractiveness and gen
eral success the Fairs of this Society du
ring the past three years have perhaps been
'unequelled,"as 7 evinced by the immence
attendance ofvisitors. Arrangements are
being made to render the coming Exhibi
tion still more attractive. The grounds
have been enlarged, and the track exten
ded to a half mile. Hon. Horace Gree
ley will deliver the, annual addres. We
acknowledge the receipt of the usual "COin
plimentary. .
CHARGED wrra CurmE.—The Cincin
nati Commercial of Sept. 6, gives an ac
count of tho arrest of Rev. Wm. McEl
wee, pastor of the Presbyteriag Church at
Bowling Green, Ky., and Principal of a
Select School at that place, charged with
the seduction of a yoUng lady, Miss Lam
bard, one of his a u ails. He was commit-
ed to jail, but was subsequently discharg
ed, on some legal - technicality. A party
of lynchers, dissatisfied with the turn the
case had taken, forced Mr. McElwee to
leave, under threats of taking the case in
hand themselves.
McElwee wasformerly pastor of the Uni
ted Presbyterian Chtirch at Gettysburg,
enjoyed the reputation there, saysthe Star,
of a devoted, working Christian minister.
rs. Visitors generally have taken leave
of the Mountain Houses, Beautiful View
Springs, Monterey and Clermont. Dur
ing the season each has been liberally
Patronized, much more so than formerly.
The fact that the cars of the W. M. R. R.
will run'within a short distance of Mon
terey and Clermont makes it probable
that 'the three delightful summer re
treats will be still more generally frequen
ted next :season..
FATAL ACCIDENT.—On Sunday after
noon last a lad, son of Wm. Flocker, of
Pikesvill, aged about 12 years, fell from
a Chestnut tree, breaking his arm in two
places and fracturing his skull so serious
ly that death ensued the same evening.—
It seems the unfortunate little one accom
panied his father to the residence of his
grand-father, at the Mountain, Mr. Mat
thias Nicholas, where the accident occur
red with the result as above stated..
THE WHY.---Thefollowindbrief poem,
a contribution to a Western exchange, is
equally "calculated" for other lati
tudes: •
I knew a woman, pale - and slight,
With heart in hopeless mood,
Who often toils throughout the night
To earn her husband's food.
While he, in strewth of manhood's politer,
Somegay.saloon will seek,
And-spend more money in an hour
Than she earns in a week.
‘FAir..—The Fourteenth Atuaual Exhi
bition of the Agricultural. and Mechani
cal Association of Washington county,
Md., will be held on the 10th,Alth, 12th
and 13th days of October. The Secretary,
P. B. ,Witmore,• will accept our thanks
for a season ticket.
DisGR.Ac - BruL.—On. Tuesday last a me
lee NyIIS witnessed on Main Street between
an intoxicated Irish woman and a simple
.citizen. The noman we under
stand, was knocked down and otherwise
roughly used, to the disgrace of those who
were eye witnesses to the brutal and un
called for assault.
• 00 Sunday evening last the na Lutb
ern Church was crowded to hear the prom•
ised discourse on the subject of Temper
ance by the, Pastor, Rev. C. L. liccdy.—
The speaker was mild but forcible in his
remarks, his discourse being calculated
to make good impressions.
few nights since made:Boo4l , upon the
poultry yard of our v townsman,
Mr. JaiAts Er: ifortkone
young chickens. Mr. R.
has since heerea. - Veigilitho: loss of his
chickens by traPphig.the - volutions quad
MEAN MAN.—The one who returned
the Record this 'week after receiving it
regularly since the 29th of lost June. :As
.a "sponge" he matchei the mart with the
"big feet." We witbold his name for the
sakenf his family.. •
.aliti-The work of grading s and excava
ting ott the Western Marylond :Raiketui,
will pwitiv,ely , be compleeted by the, 22d
of tlamonth—rall ;the way to - HAgers
towU. : The t ra ck is already laid to with
in half a Mileuf Monterey Springs, and
is heing pushed forward as rapidly .as it
can be So says the Williamsport Pilot.
5m,..4n English writer bas been engag
ed in estimating the amount of gold in
the world in bulk; He says it Could—
melted in a lump—be contained in a cel
lar twenty-four feet square by sixteen feet
in depth. A small lump, indted-tO cause
so much crime and sin and misery.
M-Timotlq - seea'at ELDN'S.
- UM:Go to Dr. Branisholts for superior
qualities of tooth powder.
Fon BENT.-A on Main Street,
which can be used for an office or small
store. Enquire at this office:
Dar For the best 10 and 12i et.. Muglin in
America go to Caldwell & Co.
For the best and cheapest Hosiery go to
Caldwell Sr, Co.
For Table Linen and Linen Towels at half
price go to _ Caldwell & Co.
For Flannels and Blankets go to
Caldwelf& Co
For Ha.ndkerehiefs, Gloves, Collars and
Cuffs go to • Caldwell & Co.
For Coat's and Clark's genuine Cotton at
6 ets: a spool go to 'Caldwell & Co.
• For pins and needle; at 5c per paper go
to ' Caldwell & Co.
Fcr the very best goods at the very lowest
prices go to the popular.and_cheap stores of
Caldwell & Co., ktagerstown; bid. and Way
bore', Pa.
nsi„.Now is the time to get a good Photo
graph taken. We-understand that Brack
bill is giving entire satisfaction.
The Mezzo-Tinto Photograph taken
by Brackbili is a beautiful Picture. ? J ive
him a call at once.
.Do not neglect to have your chil
arena pictures taken, for life; is very un
WY - Beautiful Chrome's for sale at
Beackbill's at city prices.
WY - The Wheeler Sr., Wilson Sewing
Machines sold by Brackbill are giving en
tire satisfaction. They are the best Ma
chines in use.
~Buy the Wilson Under-feed Sewing
Machine. Price $45.'; The best offared to
the public. A. E. WATNANT, agt.
MINTED.—A gecond-band Morning
Glory Stove—one with oven attached pre
LosT.--Several weeks ago a gentle.
man's small gold breast pin. The finder
will be liberally rewarded by returning it
to this office.
NoTicE.—Persons indebted to A. K. Bran
isholts for Dental work will greatly ob
bilge him by calling and settling their ac
vounts. •
TAxEs.--The school . taXes for Wash
ington township are in my hands for col
lection, which, if not paid within thirty
days:from date of posters; . will be collected
as my warrant directs.
All County and State taxes in the
Borough of Waynesboro' are also in my
hands for collection, as well as the School
and Borough taxes for 1871 These are
now due and must be paid without delay.
W. F. HORNER Collector.
NEW STocK.—Having bought of Mr.
Hiteshew his interest in the - stock of mer
chandise at this place andmoved into the
room formerly owned by Mr. Mentzer,
situated, at the Ringgold Cross Eo/ls, I
expect to return from the East on or about
the 26th inst. with a full supply of new
fall and winter goods. The old stock of
goods having been disposed of at auction
I will be enabled to exhibit a clean, fresh
stock. Motto—"cheap for cash.". A gen
eral invitation is given to those who wish
to examine pricti and styles.
Jorn H. GEHR.
Ringgold, Sep. 21. '7l.
LovE.—Last week we gavenn opinion
on fashion as one of the three powers some
one said ruled the world. We now invite
your attention to love, and while we do
not want to 'wound the feelings of our
Bachelor friends and customers we must
nevertheless say that the mari who does
not love woman is of as little account in
',his world as the man who does not love
a neat fashionable Hat. Love should
rule us in many particulars; and especial
ly in crowning ourselves with a becom
ing Tile, just such an ornament 'as Up
degraff the Hatter can select to suit your
style. shape and business, and don't for
get to look at their handsome Shirts,
Shirt Fronts, Ties. Stockings,Suspenders,
Cuffs, Canes, Umbrellas, Hand-
Trunks, Traveling and Shopping Satchels,.
Buggy Spreads, Robes, &c. Particular
ly their Gloves, at their Hat Glove and
I'ur Factory, opposite Washington House,
Hagerstown Md. • It.
PUBLIC S;ALE.—TbeWa,ynesbok School
Board will offer the Western School House
and Lot at Public Sale on Saturday. the
23d day of September, at 3 o'clock, P. M.
The House and Lot will be sold together
or seperatc.
Terms to be made knolyzi on daysale.
DraTruirn - Y.—Whi is it that we.see so
mally bideous-lOokingsets of artificial teeth
:Wherever we go, seeming . like so many
ghosts:? Ist. Because, the teeth are neg
lecteduntil too badly diSeased, to be pre
served by filling. 2d.: That the unskilled
Dentist, by means of his cheap operations,
induces so many to imploy him. A. K.
Branisholti will endeavor to perform , all
operations in the most skillful manner.
But no inducements-offered to Patients by
low priced operations. '
;9...The New York municipal muddle
grows deePer,land the confusion of airs
increases. Comrilly has placed Andrew
H. Green in charge- 6f • the Comptroller's
office, and the citizens"committee of 'sev
enty have been allowed access to the books
and accounts.-- Hall appointed General
McClellan Comptroller, but •be declined
to enter the, fight, Connolly refusing to
yield to the Mayor. The latter has issu
ed orders to all the Departments to refuse
to recognize Connoly or Green as Compt
roller, ,Ind as the Pernasters will not ac
cept their orders the laborers on the city
works . will not be paid and all operations
*ill be stopped. The conflict is not yet
near' its end, and a resort' to physical
force is not an improbable result.
.Aie ange says the funeral of
Alice B wlsby, the unfortunate young
woman w ose body was found in the trunk
in New Yoilc, took place Friday a week
from the_residence of her mother, in Pat
terson.— All, of Patterson turned out to
hear tribute to the memory of. one who
was generally beloved by her associates.
The throng was so dense that scarcely
room could be obtained for the cortege to
move; - , - The ladies decked the- coffin with
numerous fragrant wreathes, and the bot
tom of the hearse was covered' eight inch
es'deep with floral offerings by Patterso
nians of both sexes.
Major Hall thought some of the Tam
many accounts "perhaps exorbitant."—
For instance there was one little bill of
7,500 for thermoineters. The dealer from
whom they were purchased state that the
city paid for the aforesaid thermometers
just $l5B, leavindtheying the handsome
profit of $7.342 on the lot.
lEN.Maine held her State election on
Monday a week. The•Republicuns elect
ed their State ticket,* about 10,000 ma
jority, and a largepajority of both branch
es of the Legislature. Perham 'republi
can was elected governor over Kimball,
A special;dispatch fr Denver says
the election in New Me -"co on Monday
resulted in a repub 'ea victory. The re
publicans elected their delegate to congress
and will have a mnjoiity in the Legisla
The election iu Colorado Tuesday went
republican by an increased majority.—
The Legislature is almost unanimously
Robert Bonner makes 'another °Ter
of $lOO,OOO for the horse which will beat
his horse Dexter's time made one year a
terln 1860 Kansas City had a pbpu
lation of 4,000 ; iu 1870 it had run up to
40,000. The value of real estate had in
creased in proporition.
A twelve-year-old boy in Cincinnati
stole a trunk full of his sister's clothing\
and 700 of his papa's money and "dug
out" with his sweetheart, aged eleven.
Dr. 0. A. Strecker, of Richmond, Va..
an old and well-known citizen, near 70
years of age, has been indicted by the
grand jury on a charge of procuring abor
The' water in the Pot Oman river is
lower than it has been for twenty years.
NERVOUS DISEASE.—How many thous
ands of the most refined ladies of the land
are slaves to nervous diseasses in various
forms—trembling,twitching, and jerking
of the nerves, headache, hysterics, sudden
outbursts of temper on trival occasions,
peevishness,, a feeling of dpertition • des
pondency, or fear; & c. In any unhealthy
condition of the nervous system ; , Briggs
Allevantor has absolute control over the
nerves, creating a radical change and pod
itive cure. Sold by F. Fomrameav and
druggists generally.
PrtEs.—Look at those features and spe
the agony depleted in the face. It cannot
be helped while the trouble remains.—
The suffering from piles is of a very aggrava
ted decription. You cannot walk with any
comfort; you cannot ride in peace; you can
not sit with ease, and the suffering when
attending to nature is almoit unbearable,
and causes, such feeling of dread that is
Rut off at great sacrifice to health and com
fort, in many instances increasing the di&
cultyto analaregextent. UseDr.Briggs'
Pile Remedies accordig to directions to cure
internal, external, itching or bleeding piles.
They are mild and reliahle, and warran
ted as represented.
Sold liy Druggists.
vs-Corns, Bunions, Ingrowing Nails
and their attendant ills, have been, in years
gone by, and will be in years to come, a
Bourse of much discomfort and unhappi
ness to those who are annoyed with them.
By persistent efforts and Untiring perse
verence, Dr: J. Briggs gave the suffering
humanity his remeilies—Allevintor and
Curative. The popularity which they haVe
gained, and the entire satisfaction derived
front their use, is well known and can be
attested by all classes who have suffered
with Corns, Bunions,lngrowing Nails,Chil
blains, Frosted or Blistered 'Feet, etc.—
Sold by druggists. ' •
CM.00 0 1733311%. 9•303113:0.
2000 Bushels Clover Seed wanted,
Sept 21-3 m.
• On the 14 lust., by the Rev..L. A. Got=
•wald, Mr. S. M. ThEnL,"of Varion, mid"
Miss H. 111.-.Brrmia of Fayetteville.
On 14t1i orSept., at Grindstone Hill
Earsonage, .b . y.z.„llev. AL C. • Felker, Mr.,
DEIHL, lioth of Marion. - ' ' '
At. the Lutheran Parsonage on the 31.1 it
ult., hy Rev. a L. Reedy, SAMUEL
KEISELL, of Leitersburg, to- Miss FLOR
ENCE SIGLER of Smithburg,. Md., '
Faywv - 4 . 'm
Quilicy - township,' - on the sth inst.,
95 years.
At the residence Of her nephew, Jno.
Welty, Esq., in WashingtOn Co., Md.. on
the 6th inst., Mrs. Sus Art WELTY, 'relict
of the late Jno. Welty, Esq., at the ad
vanced age of 86 years, 4 'months and 27
days.. •
In this place on the 15th inst., ANNIE
M. infant daughter of Jeremiah and Nan
cy Zimmerman, aged 1 month,, 2 days.
I& _A_ M., M rit S
(connzerrm WEEKLY.)
HARD scup._
Pim/4mm, Sept. 18.
FLOUR —There is not so much-activ
ity in the flour market, but holders are
firm at the late advance. Sales of 900
barrels, including superfine at 84.75@5.00
extras at $5.@5.25,,1ewa Wisconsin and
Minnesota extra family 86.75@750,
Ohio do. do. at 86.75®760,1nd fancy
- brands at - higher figures.
GRAlN.—There is less doing in wheat
but prices are unchanged : sales of Penn
sylvania and Western red at $1A8@1.52
amber at 1.56 and white at 1.65. Rye
lAtty bequoted at 85c. Corn is rather
quiet; sales of 2,000 bushels yellow at
76; and 8,000 bushels western mixed at
75c. Oats are unchanged ; 3,000 bushels
western white sold at 50@)55p.-
Dissolution o f Partnership
THE Partnership heretofore existing be
tween Hiteshew & Gehr is this day dis
solved by mutual consent. The business
will hereafter be conducted by John H.
Gehr at the cross roads in Ringgold, Md.
Sept 13 1871 JOHN 1-I..GEHR.
3NrconL 4 'icom.
THE books of tIM late firm of Hite
3. & Gehr are in my, hands for col
lection. All persons knowing themselves
indebted are requested to call and settle, as
the business must be closed up.
For The 111illia
Look out for New Arrivals of
Every Thing Good,
Every Thing Handsome,
• Every Thing New
25 per cent., uncler regular prices.
Coates' and Clark's Cotton, 6c. Spool.
at lowest wholesale prices.
cheaper than the cheapest
Don't squander money by paying two
prices for your goods. Buy only where you
can get the worth of your money. Go to
Sept 21.
THE undersigned will sell at Public Sale
at his residence in Waynesboro', near
ly opposite the Reformed Church, at 1 o'-
clock, on Saturday the 14th day of October,'7l
the following property.
3 HEAD 110 G-S;
Household and Kitchen furniture, a lot
of hickory wood, a small lot coal, 1 wheel
barrow, 1 lemon tree, 1 workbench, garden
rake, hoes, shovel, barrels, spade, fork and
other articles not necessary to mention.
Also at the same time and place his
if not sold privately before that time, :will
be offered at Public Sale. This proparty is
pleasantly situated nearly opposite the new
Reibrmed Church, and is a desirable one
for a small family. There are a number of
very choice fruit trees, grape vines and
shade trees on the lot. Sale will commence
at 1 o'clock on said day when the terms will
be made known by
Sept 21—ta
IVOTICE is hereby given that appli
lion was made to the Court of ► .n
Pleas of Franklin County, Penn'. on the
18th day of August A. D. 1871 to incorpor
ate "The Evangelical Tsitheran Church of
.Waynesboro', Pennsylvania" Also "The
Presbyterian Clinch of Waynesboro', Penn•
sylvtmia." GEORGE W. WELSH,
Sept 14—St _ Prothonotary.
Waynetooroltrowery !
rraHE undersigned, Assignees of A. D.
l; Gordon and wife, will expose to Public
OF OCTOBER, on the premises,
andßrewerY, situated on the corner of
West and Main Streets, in the borough of
Waynesboro', both of •brick newly . built.—
The BreW House is two stories high and
the Dwelling three. They front 85 feet on
Main St. The Brewery is in complete or
der, all the fixtures being new, with two
large Caves for storing beer. .There is. also
connected with the Brewery The Brewery,
has one of th'e finest bar=rooms in the coun
ty, with Billiard .and Bagatelle rooms on
second floor: Both buildings ere arranged
according to - tlie latest - style of architecture
with a first-class Heater in the Cellar.—
There are also on the lot a
Carriage House, Corn Crib, Hog reni &c.
Also the one-third interest-in a pair Patent
Hay Scales.' - Sale to commend at 1 o'clock
on said day, when
..terms will: be made
Sept 21—t,s
Offers at low prices a large number of No.
1 Cook Stoves for coal or wood the best in
market,also the Celebrated Morning Glory
Stoves, with and without ovens, at reduced
rates. Also a number of other Base Burn
_ing_Stoves—also Tarlor—Copk—Stoves—Par
lor and Fire-place Heaters, the best in mar
ket, all of which he will yarrant and sell at
less rates than any Stove House in Waynes
He is now prepared to put up at short no
tice First Class Brick Furnaces and warrant
them. On hand a. stock of nine-plate Stoves
and small coal stoves. A large stock of Tin-.
pressed and iron-ware roofing and spouting
of the best tin. Repairs done romptly and
at prices that none can complain.
Call and see his stock as it will pay you
for the trouble, and it is right these d9ys to
keep posted.
Sept 14—tf
THE subscriber will sell at Public Sale,
at Fairview Mill, - one mile South of
Waynesboro', on Monday the second day of
October, 1871 ; the following personal pro
perty to ,;lt :
one of which is a fine drivipg . horse: 2
Spring wagons, 1 Carriage, 1 Trotting Bug
gy, I,Cider Mill and Horse Power, 1 •
1 pair Bob Sleds, 1 fine Sleigh, 2 sets single
Harness, 1 Budty Pole I Saddle and Bridle,
1 three-horse plow. 'Also house furniture
such as Bedsteads, Chairs. Tables, 2 Cook
Stoves, 2 Parlor Stoves, and other articles
too numerous to mention.
He will also offer for sale a large frame
building, used as a barn, and the cider-house
which is a good building. Sale to commence
at 10 o'clock on said day, when a credit of
6 months will be given on all sums of .55 and
puwards, purchasers to give their notes with
approved Security.
Ggo. V. KONG, Auct.
Sept 14—ts
THE subscriber will offer at Public Sale,
on the premises, on Wednesday the 11th
day of October, 1871, a Tract of best quality
of limestone hind, containing
more or less, 3 or 4 acres of which are well
set with thriving timber. This land is sit
uated along the Waynesboro' and Green
castle Turnpike, about midway between the
two places, and joins the lands with Stun
uel Nickodemus and others. The 'Marsh
Run flows through the meadow. Persons
wishing to view the land before the day of
sale will call on the subscriber. Sale to
commence at 2 o'clock. P. It. on said day,
when the terms will be made known by
P. S. The above tract will be divided or
lipid together to suit purchasers.
wi Sept 14-t-ts GEO. V. MONO, Auct.
PURSUANT to nn order o the Orphan's
Court of Franklin Co.Pa.,.the undersign.:
ed, administrator of Catharine Diffender
fer, dec'd, will offer at Public Sale, on the
premises, at, 1 o'clock P. M. on Friday Ow
29th of September, 1871; the real estate of
said dec'd, being a
, Pa.,
situated in the Borough of Waynesboro',
bounded on the West by. Chnrch St., South
by lot of M. Hanstino, North and FAst by
public alleys.
The property is about 324 feet deep and
about 42 feet wide, ihost desirably located,
with moderately good house and stable, sub
stantial fedees, and abundant trees of the
most excellent fruit.
Sept 13—ta
TE subscriber will offer at Public Sale,
on the premises, one-half mile South of
Waynesboro', on the road leading to Ring
gold, on Saturday the 21st day of October, 8 a
cres and 48 perches best quality Limestone
Land, with a new story and a half
therm, a well near the door. There is al
so on the lot a variety of choice fruit trees.
The property will be sold together or divid
to suit purchasers. Sale to commence at
o'clock on said day when terms will be'
made known by . .
Sept 14---ts .10112 C A. MILLER.
J. F. 13017 LT
THE subscriber notifies the public that all
persons hereafter found frequenting his
orchard and taking fruit therefrom will .be
dealt in accordance with thelaw. -
Sept.l4-3w. WEA GLEY.
51 Acres
Administrator, •
Giv. V. MONO, Auct.
. 9th., crag of OCTOBER,
TE undersigned, administrattn3 Ja
elb Carbaugh, dec'd. by way of
public ontcry,,on the prernises, on MonAlav,
October 9th, the.follosving Tracts of Lona:
situated in Washington township: Ist,
THE - 1111 N •
situated one mile South West Of Waynesboro'
on the road leading from Waynesboro' to
Hagerstown and adjoining Willow . , Grove
Mills, containingabout
1426 Atiores:
of first qUidity, Limestone , Land , in. an ..ex—
eellent neighborhood. convenient to Chur
ches and. Schools. The improvements con
sist of a New Brick ;
(two-storied) Wash and Spring House,
'Smoke House and Bake-oven, new and
complete; a-
in good repair; new Wagon Shed and Hog
Pen. This farm is well, watered having a
well 15 . feet deep, a never failing stream
near the door, and the Antietam creek flow
ing by the barn-yard, to which steel, can .
have access from ell the fields. There is a
young Orchard of CHOICE FRUIT on the
farm in good bearing condition. Also a tract
in said township, containing 33 acres, more
or less, well set with thriving chestnut and
other timber, adjoining lands ofJohn Bench
hoof and others, about of a_ mile from
Mdnterey Honse, the , turnpike running
within 50 yds. of the lot.
Persons wishing to view the farm or lot
can call on'either of the administors, one of
which resides on the farm. Sale to ; com
mence at 10 o'clock on said day when the
terms will be made known _
G. V. Many, Asa: ,
September 7—ts
riPHE undersigned, - gents for the heirs
of Geo ec'd:, will offer at pub
lic sale, - tile premises, at 10 o'clock, on.
Thursday the 12th day of October next, the
Home Farm of the deceased, containing
153 ACRES.
lying about 1/ milei South of Waynesboro'
Franklin County Pa,. on the turnpike lead;
ing to Hagerstown, improved by a large
a large S'WISSER BARN built of (brick
from the ground to the top, 82 feet long
and floors 52 feet long; smoke, wash-house,
wagon -shed, a large bay-shed - , - blacksmith
shop and other necessary buildings all near
ly new and in good condition.. There is an
of apples,. grapes and all other of the best
fruit on the premises, a well of neverfailing
water near the door, a running stream
through the meadoiv with lane'running td
it for stock. ' • The farm is fenced off into nine
fields with post fencing—the land is' clear,
of rock, and about 12 acres covered with
excellent tiinber. This is considered ,one
of the most valuable farms in the county
now offered for sale. Possession will - be
given on the first day of April next.
At the same time will also be offered a
bout 67 acres of •
to suit purChasersilying on the first rise of
the S.outhllountain south of the .llentier
Gap-Road, adjoining•lands of Hess, Bone
brake and others
.One-third. of the purchase mOneris to
remain in the laid, the interest to, be, paid
annually io Rachel Wiles . , Widow, now OS
years old, during .her life r and after her
death the principal to the heirs, one-half
of the residue on the day possession is to bo.
given and the balance -in One year from
that date with interest .
September 7,—ts Awl,.
rrHE undersigned, Executor of the Dilate
111 of John LarrtlTSr., late of Guilford town
ship, dec'd;, offers at Private Sale, the follow
ing described Real Estate, bounded by lands
of Jacob Stouffer, John Metz and Benj. Metz
being situated' on the Falling Spring road
and Chambersbiirg and Gettysburg turnpike'
and containing
of first quality, Limestone Land. The im
provements are ativnstory-Briak-334elling
Hous,havingl2 rooms, 2 basements and . 2 eel
ars ; wash and bake houses under one roof;
Frame Barn with barn floor, wagon shed at"
tached ; hog, pen, buggy shed and all the lie
cessaiy out buildings. There•is also on the
premises, an orchard of choice fruitandcher
nes, pears. peaches, plums, grapes., &e., in
-almuidance. .. The Falling Spring runs tiro'
the end of this-propety. .
• Also; at Private Saleot 'Valuable Tract of
Land being situated id 'Greene township, ad-.
j oining lands of Robert Black and John Crktw
ford, on the Gettysburg turnpike. about one
mile Smith-East of Greenwood. 'containing'
25 acres and 34 perches, neat measure, 'of
Rock Oak, Chestnut and Pine Timber Land.
This land is highly valuable and worthy of
th • ntion otpurchasers. Parties wishing'
.• see either of the above can do so by call
ing on the Undersigned; residibg in J3telif
ferstown.. JOHN LANTZ, -
Sep. 7—tf Executor of John Lantz; St.
THE WESTERN' SCHOOL H. AND LOT; offered at Public Sale, on the
V V premises; The IVesterit gehool House
and Lot, cm ,Saturday the Wil - of .September ' at
2 o'clock.P. M. Thejiduse and Lot will he
offered together or in trio punts.
Terms made known on day of sale.
Sept 14-2 w
SBALED proposals (so endorsed) will be
received until Saturday the 23d inst., for
the grading and piking of South Street,
110 rods, in Waynesboro', Pa.
Profile and specifications can be seen at
the Council Room after the 15th inst. The
Council reserves the right to reject any or
all bids. By order of J. Be the Town HAMILTON Council
Sept .14-2 w
THE subscriber offers at Private Sale a
LARGE STOCK of Second-hand, Shift
ing -top, No-top and RockaWary Buggies, al
so Sprmg Wagons,' most of which are near
ly us good as new anoi- gotten up in good
style, and willbe sold at- reduced prices on
a credit ofnine months .-
Sept 14-6 w JACOB ADAMS.