IigOTECE TOOLAIMANTSfUND ' 'THE .I.l"AutafAaretablrforithe. Liqiiidation of Damages sustained by citizens of PeinisY l- • vania during.thelate,Rebellion,, .The Co mmissioners appointed to, re•examine and.re:o adjudicated the clairrat ef the "citizens 'of Franklin:county, as adjadiesteikumier the several acts ofAsS lembly approVed'the 16th April, A. 1)., 18621' 22d April, A. D., 1863;' 15th February, A. D., 1866; 9th,April,A. 1868; ail] meet all the, parties \ interested '(who at the time of said adjudicationsahave mentioned lived in the towhips 'cif Peters, Warren arid Montgomery) at Mereersburg on Monday the 25th day ofSeptember,lB7l, and on:Monday the 2d. day. of October,. .32.7-1 , : at 'Waynesboro', , for • toWaships of Q uincy, Washington and that part . eif builford lying east of the road leading'fromiGreenivood Funkstown; 'and onVedneada ythellth"Cif 'October. G reencastle, at: teencps#e,lor, - ;the township The - remainder of ' the Claimants, fOr this County will meet at Chandiershrirg, at such time for the toanalilpsne, are not mentioned above; as' circumstances require, and of which.due - • J"ACQB PENBLNGER, •,• J. •W. DOIJG-LAS, • :Commissioners. ‘sept,7-3t (t) 4-AVIA -HOUSE AND LOT. rRE undersigned, ass i gnee of Samuel llGender, will sell at Public Sale, on ' the premises. oriSaturday - thel4th - day of Octo ber, 1871, a-I-louse and Lot situated in Piites- The Lot contains one half-acre. The. im provements are a - 'll STORY NEW LOG HOUSE *Me Stable and other nessai7 out . Build - inga.---Good-fen'cing and-FititTreesthereom.; Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, P.M. Terms - one third - Cask;Alie - rie - maindef in two equal payments. PETER ROUZER, Assignee. G. V. Mosu Amt.' Sep. 7—ts wawa Cat 7-0 V A Mff-CUSS LIMESTONE Fllllll. 111 1 IIE Undersigned, assignees 'of Henry Oaks, will sell at public sale, on the prom ises, on Thursday the 12th day, cif October next, a valuable-limestone farm,-situated at, Antietam-junction r in_Washington_Toivnf_ .ship,-Fianklin County Pa., 2i. miles south of Waynesboro', on the turn 'pike leading to _Hagerstown, Md., it contains 101 ,of land 4 acres in Timber, fencing in good re wirond all in a high stater of cultivation. !..Clie,unpro-kernents.are a large new TWO STORY BRICK HOUSE, 'with Cellar, Basenien' t',..E.itchen and it ,c,ellar„with a fine spring 'of water in it; a ..ZABOE RAYE.BARY4 !Wagon Shed, Hog Jim, Blacksmith Shpp„l Wagon maker shop,,a good Awe storylenantl House, all in good repair, a good bearing'or-H •chard of choice fruit. The Antietanv.runs,, by the farm. There is aliehool House with-, in }.mile ofthe dwellinglioute, and a Church - within one mile. This farm can be divided to advantage and will be offered altogether or.divide Ao'suit purchasers. _PersonsAvishing to examine the fhrui or ,desiringlinformation will call upon Henry Oaks residing on the farm or upon the sub scribers in .11- ay nesboro", Sale to,commence at 1 o'clock, P. M. JOHN TIARBAUGH, j* W . .. MBEItSON, 'Assignees. G. •V. Mose, ,Acct. Aug. 31—ts VALUABLE FAWN AV PUBLIC SALE. BY order of therphants Court of Frank {.) lin to., I will expose to,Publie Sale, on the premises, on SATURDA.Y,,THE 30TH DAI OF SEPTEMBER, 1371 the following described Real' Estate situated, in Quincy township, -viz . : . The' • , of Geo. linepper, Fen., di3e'd, containing ,66 Acres and 48 Perches E best quality of Lime stone Land, in a high state of cultivation, 4 acres, more or less, of •which Ore well set Vith thriving timber. The improvements • - - :are, • ' . . .A T 11V0-,STORY HOUSE, I(weatherboarded) ,a, Tenant House. Log Barn, Wagon Shed, Hog Pen, nd all other necessary out buildmg,s. There are also on tlie premises 'CHOICE FRUIT TREES, such as apple, peach,'WP'., and a :Wen of 's,,i:lnever failing water. Thi 's one among . the best grain-prOduchq arm in the township, is situated °Bennie Nort H of the Village .of Quincy, and bounded by:lands% of Jas. A. Cook, Dr. J. Burkholder, It brm, Enepper, Alex. Hamilton, and others. Sale to : Com mence at 10 o'clock on said day when terms will be made know by • _ . GEO. L. KNEKSR, . . Administiata r r of Geo. Knepper;dced. august 31- 7 -ts J. R. , Auet PUBLIC SALE. 71111CLECT FIE undersigned will sell at Public Sale II at their old stand, Mechanic Street, Waynesborb', • ' ON SEPTEMBER 23, AT 10 O'CLOCK. a large and varied assortment of . BUGGIES AND CARRIAGES Such as Shifting-tops,_F4ing and No-top Buggies; One and Two horse Carriages, Itoekaways, GermantownsandJenny Linds. The above work is manufactured of the very best material and. for style and finish cannot be surpassed in the county. SECOMIII-IthNIU BUGISIEL TERMS OF SALE:-1 credit of Nine Months will be given, purchasers' to give their notes with approved security. Come one, come all. HAMILTON & MORRISON. GEO, V. Monc, Auct Aug, 31—ts VALUABLE TOWN PROPERTY FOIL SALE.. rf I HE subscriber, Trustee for the heirs of I David Unger, dec'd offers ,at Private Sale, the following described 'Town'Pioper ty, situated on Leitersbnrg St.,, in Waynes boro', to wit : A lot of gonad with a story and a half Log House, good Stable r Ten, and other necessary out-buildings thereon. There are also on the. lota va riety of choice.fruit trees. • • • If the above property is not sold private ly before Wednesday the 18th day of October next, it will be offered at Public Sale on that day at 2 o'clock, PIA. ' A'. 1 'UNGER, Trustee. aug. 31,—ts 331..iAJDMS., A lame lot just received by J. IL JOHNSTON 10' Li OF VAVABLt REAL 'ESTATE, MBE stiliseriber, ; Attorney - for' the • heirs Of Elizabeth Barh 'dee'd ;will offer at Public Sale, •;" - • • otE Sciturdd:y'the 7th day of Oeleber ? ` 1871, the following 'diaeribed Real Estate ' situated in Washington township, 'Franklin - county, on the public road.leading from Philip' Bea ver's to the Maryland Line, adjoining lands Of Christian Beaver' Henry , Miller and Si mon Lecrdne ; to wit': A Tract of beatpal ityLimestorie Land •containing , 21 ACRES and 'll5 Perches. The improvements.con sist of a good one and a half story , .11012 HOUSE • with Basement, 23 by 26feet,aTe i nantliouse one and 8, half . stories high,, a FRAMEKARN , 42 by 26, Cars enter Shop, Smoke House, Hog nsCc - . z ' AN EXCELLENT ORCHARD on the premises containing 45 Apple trees 'All Peachtree:s, Pears,'Cherries, Grapes, ike A well of water at the' door. • , . ~ • • 'Sale to commence at 2 o'clock, P. M. on the prernises ' --- ori said - day;--when-the—terms will be made known by,, ' • , JACOB J. MILLER, • • Atterrwy in fact for the Heirs. . . Aug. 31-6 •. - . ' . , N. W. Car. Pay' ett and' St. Paul Streets OPPOSE= BARNUM'S CITY 4 119TE1., B T I.M 0 R E, BID. Terms $1.50 Per Day. ISAAC ALBRRTSON, Proprietor. J. S. IleurEti, Munger., [aug CLERMONT ACADEMY, Nonterep.Sprilvs, .Firzeatin Catenty, Pa. 'This Institution will be opened October 5th,1871, by • JONATHAN EMMERT, A. 8., • 7110 WILL AM' AS PRINCIPAL, Employ Assistants, and preside over the In- stitutian in ,a 1 its interests For Recommendatitms of Principal, refer to Faculty of Lafayette College, Easton, Pa.: Thomas Maddox, M. D., Fairplay, Wash ington county, Md. For furtherinformation address JONATHAN EMMERT. Principal, Benevola, Washington Co., Md., G. G. Solliday, Hagerstown, Md., or David Miller, Monterey, 1 , rankain Co., Pa. • aug. 31-Im*. NMI FOINIME: I. H. IVEITMOR.a, Wholesale and Retail Dealer,' and Manufac- turer of HOUSE FURNITURE UPHOLSTERER, GREENCASTLE, Pa., ' takes this method of informing his custom ers and the public that he has REDUCED THE PRICE OF FURNITURE from ten to twenty per cent. Owing to the advantages he has over other manufacturers he. can and will sell Furniture at a less price than any other Manufacturer in the State. HAVING THREE STORE ROOMS, filled with every variety of Furniture, from a plain, common article, to the finest in use, he feels warranta in saying that he can please all tastes. EXAMINE LIST OF PRICES. BEDSTEADS. Cottage—lmitation of Walnut $5, 6,7, to 8 Solid Walnut 8,0, to 10 Jenny Lind-3. Arch Top Panel, ' Walnut " 14, 16, to 18 3-Arch Top Panel, Imitationlo, 12, to 14 Round, Corner-fdot, 3 Panels Walnut, Carved 25 to 30 " ' " Foot, Oval Panel Walnut, Moulded 30, 35, to 40 Antique—New Style 25, 30, 35, 40, to 60 -Fine Antique Chamber Suits, • Full Marble 130 to 175 Cot. Chamber Suits 33, SS, 40, 45, to 60 Solid Walnut Suits 00, 75, to 85 BURF.AUS Im. Wal. 4 drawers, with glass, wood top 14, 15, to 16 Im. Wal. 4 drawers, with glass, Marble top 17, 18, to 30 Solid Wal. 4 drawers, with glass • • g wood top 20, 22, 25, to 32 " , " Marble top 25, 30, 32, to 60 Imitation Walnut 10, 12, to 14 TABLES. Dining Table, six legs, Breakfast do., four legs, Mar. do 20 diff. paterns, Extension Tables per foot CHAIRS. Windsor or Wood seats (I doz) $5,13, 7 to 10 Cane seats (i doz.) 9, 10, 11k, 121 to 30 (Have over 600 of the above on hand.) Wood Seat Rocking Chairs, 1,25 to 5 Cane Seat Rocking Chairs, 2 to 7 Willow Seat Rocking Chairs,' 2 to 10 Spring . Seated Chairs' Upholstered in Hair Cloth, Brocatel, Rep and Terry, lunging in price per half dozen from Rocking Chairs uphol. as above Tete-a-fetes, uphol: as above, , (each ) frm 20, 22, 25, 30 to 75 Box or plain Sofas, from 18, 20 to 30 Lounges - upholstered in Hair Cloth, Brocatel, Rep, Terry and Da • mask, Spring Seats (each) from 7,8, 9, 10, 11, 12 to 30 • WARDROBES. Imitation Walnut, for 810, 12, 14, 16 to 30 Solid Walnut, for_ , 15, 18, 20, 25 to 60 itel..Also,sideDoaids, Wash Stands, Mat-' tresses, and in fact everything in, the Furni ture line: 'The:limits of rn advertisement is entirely too narrow. to give a full list of Furniture made at this establishment. CALI & SEE FOR YOURSELVES. tek-..itemetnber the place, I. 11. WHITMORE, lii'reencastle, Pa. Dec. 1, lSit TH. CHEAP ST OB,E 49 • IiAG.OSTOII7; - 3ID. • AND WA YITES.pO.O9',PA. CALDWPLL & C 0.,: ' Dry Go 90'Sfiritip'hers! and Benefactors of the Human Race in the matterofCheap Goods IrOenuine "Drives!" Real Substantial Bargains ! Our headquar ters Are at Hagerstown, - *-11d:—'-the • well knolin Cheap Store by.. the Court House— our first great outpost at Waynesboro', Pa., and our skirmishers in the 'Auction , Rooms and the Custom 'Houses in , New York City. With such Eicilitiesrfordoing business, is it any wonder we sell goods CHEAP 1 "Wide Awake !" is our motto—And 'Keep the Money Moving ! A nimble sixpence is better than a slow shilling, and, half a loaf considerably better, than no bread. The old, time-worn and slothful methods of doing business don't suit us. We pay CASH for every thing, thus saving a large per tentage on our purchases; and we sell for CASH. ONLY; thus avoiding thelosses-thatare - sureio , follow the credit system and rwhich are made up on good pay ing.customers. We boldly assert,_and we defy contradiction that - we buy Goods CHEAPER, and sell for CHEAPER PRO FIT, than any retail house in Maryland or Pennsylvania. —As early as the sth of June last, we saw that Dry Goods of all kirids would advance and be much higher this Fall. We imme diately telegraphed ourAgenti to buy heav ily, both Cotton and Wollen Goods—and subsequent unprecedented rise (save during the war) has justified the wisdom of the - waned. We are thus able to season_at Less tlumlast yeaes understand the advantages appreciate ' the Bargains we men complain of "dull times" if money. We have 'no such make = we arkalways busy.— always crowded and our cash [l. While other men discharge compelled from time to time qv ones. opposition and competition in 'ate defamation and malignan teadily-progressed,---We prom 3h_the_OldEogies_and_we_did Ers in particular I This season ish them yet more, for we are lose. CALICOES 10 cts. per yard, SLINS t? 00 and Clark's Spool Cotton at 6c., iol, Ic. opening out a large and hand- DRE t $B. GOODS. snitable - for wear, to gether with an elegant assortment of CA SSIMERES, FLANNELS, SHEETING, ' TABLE LINENS, HATS AND CAPS, TWEEDS, BLANKETS, SHIRTINGS, COUNTERPANES, BOOTS & SHOES, COATINGS, • TICKINGS, CUFFS, HANDKERCHIEFS, COLLARS, LINENS, CORSETS, • TOWELS, . HOSIERY; TRUNKS, DIAPERS, GLOVES, NAPKINS, NECKTIES, R:c., &c., &c., &c., which we will positively sell 25• to 50 Per Cent Cheapen than' any house in the business! Never mind the cry of High prices—go where you can save money ! Go to the Popular and Cheap Stores of CALDWELL &CO., 55 Washington St., next to the Court House Hagerstown, McL N. E. COR. PUB. SQUARE, WAYNFSBO- Ro'; PA. [Aug 17,1571. OtOTHBUZ :Ile! Z THE subscriber informs the public that he is, proprietor of the Buss line running daily between Waynesboro', and Geencas-. tle, .heretofore run by Wolfersberger & Ston er. With good horses and a first-class four horse Omnibus he is enabled to convey, pas sengers to and fro with comfort and conve nience. his Buss will leave Waynesboro', at 61 A. M., arriving at Greencastle at 8, making quick time and sure connection with the first Passenger train at 8/, A. M. Leaves Greencastle at 5 o'clock, P. M., arriving at Waynesboro', at 6 45. •He is himself Pro prietor, Contractor and Driver. Delivers Adams Express matter to and from Green castle. All Express matter expressed the same morning and through to 'Waynesboro' the same day it arrives. Persons wishing to send goods by Express will do well by giving him a call. Persons wishing to go to Hagerstown should • take this rout. The train leaves at 915 making connection with the Washington County Railroad. aug 20 tf] J. R. WOLPERSBERGER. ANTIETAM MARBLE WORKS! H. WALTER - & BRO. 111ANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN 3.fonumente, Tombs, Headstones, &C. ctc., WE call attention to our assortment of tha above, comprising the newest and most approved styles. Having the advantage of Water-Power, and a long experience in the STONE CUTTING BUSINESS, we are able to fill orders at the shortest no tice and on most reasonable terms. Give us a call at our Yard; near Antietam •Junction, on the Waynesboro' and Hagers town Turnpike; two miles from the former place. Post Office address; Waynesboro', Pa. "N. B: Orders can be left at the Village Rec 'aid Office and will receive prompt attention. April .3—tf. ' H. W. dr. BRO. 1101 IT IS THIS FOR HIGH, JOHN FORD in returning ,thanks to the fti public for their patronage announces that he intends :emoting his shop to the, Base ment of Walker's Building, (and not' leav ing town xs is the:belief of many)where he intends carrying on the BOOT AND SHOE BUSINESS as usual. $7,50 to 9 5 to '6 9, 10; 12 to 15 • .2to 3 All persons knOwing themselves indebted to me will please call and settle _their ac counts immediately, for I pay cash ,for my stock and muiBt have -my money. Don't want to see the face of that Unwelcome visi tor, the Deputy from TortAtchar,"' prowl ing about my shop seeking whom he may devour, &c. Customers will therefore find me at the Basement refered to after the first of April next. • jan 26] JOHN FORD. 23 to 75 9 to 15 LIVERY ! LIVERY ! — r lIIHE undersigned informs the public gen- I. malty that he has purchased the Livery heretofore owned by Frank. Weagley, and is fully prepared to meet the wants of the community in his line of business. He has had all his carriages neatly re paired and refitted, and his horses are safe, gentle and fast travellers. Parties convikyed to any point desired, accompanied by a care ful driver. , Office at the 'Waynesboro' -Hotel, where an attentive hostler will be in attendance at all hours of the night and day. 1te,..N0 of fort will be spared to accommodate all who nay patronize him. • ts. *M. XI:7NR% • NEW GOODS CAT BE HEARD AT THE STORE 'OF -__ o -. I have just bought in 'the East a 'choice stock of gods. • A full supply of • • • COFFEES, TEAS, • ' RICE, WHITE SUGARS,. (Coffee, cracked loaf and pulverized.) , P. B. and N. 0. Molasses and syrups, Dried Fruit, Sugar-Curectliams, Smoked Beef &c., In the way of Pure Spiees•and baking ar ticles generally, and flavoring articles, &c., the quality, stands unsurpassed. Do not forget to look at our 10 cent and levy sugars. I am prepared to keep with the market. CHEESE.—The veil best quality on hand wintek and summer. - --- ORMERS OE MA RINJUSt -L-get-my goods fresh from the factory of James Mason and Co. Have many differ ent kinds. The newest thing out is the "Imperial." • FRESH AND SALTED FISH. The Fish department we keep up full, and will play second fiddler to none. All thro' -the proper season we get string fish, iced 'shad and herring. We sell sound fish and sell them right-that is the - reason -we sell them fast. Customers wanting one shad or 100 — urruWd on v• . lth - Tilie santelt a - Friff.= Housekeepers wanting. to lay in a supply for the summer should buy very soon. MACKERAL. I now have in store and for sale a choice lot of Mackerel in whole bbls, halves and quarters, at about one-half the price per lb. of bacon. There is nothing else so cheap in the proviAion line as Mackerel. Make a note of this. , GLASSWARE.—Look at the goblets, tum blers, sets, small dishes. _ WEE- - NSWARE.—Granite—ware — of — the' very best make • ported in tea sets and • by the dozen and half dozen. Also a large stock-of-common-Teas and. dishes. • NOTIONS AND SUNDRIES.—Baskets, buckets, brooms, tubs, brushes, soaps, clothes pins, pocket books,-es sences, Barlow's blue, chewing tobacco and segars, be., &c. I ask the public to call and examine.— Will always try to make the prices suit cash buyers. April 20, 1871. TV. A. REID. INVALIDS DON'T DESPAIR! Thousands have found relict and , 7 _thousands will turn to this Medi, ifj ~ .+ cane, aller_oxhansting their purses_ and patience in search oilman. Giddiness of the head, dullness of the t : la breath, coated tongue, loss of appetite, pain:land week. nest in the alemachcallaraminent of the liver, yellow. nese of the skin, constant fever and thirst, with a total disrelish for business, pleasure or any kind of employ ment. FAHENZrg PANACEA,. if taken and persmered in for a few days, will remove this whole class °ramp. toms. The fluids of tho body become pure, and mind clear the stomach strengthened, the tongue clean, the appetite improved , and the whole system so benefited that disease, in bad weather, la less liable to afflict you. Dr. P. FAHRNEY'S Celebrated Blood Cleanser or Panacea. As a medicine for children, the Panacea Is, In every war, calculated to take the place of the endless variety of drugs which are annually sold for that purpose, and which are often very injurious. A medicine which pos. sasses the qualities of a cathartic as well as undid alter. tare, arid which is capable of arresting disease without the least iniary.to the child. is of Incalculable value to every mother. As a cathartics UM very effective, yet it does not, Itglven In propbr quantities, cause nausea or distress to the stomach or bowels.- It is very pleasant to the taste, which 13 a very important feature as a medicine for children. As oprecentive of disease It is unprecedented, gait nets directly upon the digesUve or. gars and the blood. In all scrofulous diseases, It is the most effective medicine over °tiered to the public; and, If given regularly and perseveringly, those eruptive dis eases so common to children mast , be entirely eradicated. d Prepared by P. Pshinoyrs Bros. & 1 Co.. Wilvlte3Doro. Pa., and Dr FanattElt. 'North Dearbo is St., C1110.M.10. Price a 1.25 per bottle, N aok 45.. for stale by 'Wholesale and Retail •--` dealers. And by • F. Forthman, J. B. Amberson, M. D. and Dr. A. S. Bonbrake, Waynesboro'; Rouzer 4S-4Buhrman, Pikesirille. [Dec. 8, 1871-Iy. PURI DBUD,Z, IVL .10 3:31 x x 1T 3111 l 3 ; 0.,_.1 . .11E- 1 ° _AIL liE 1 1 1b7 71C• OPWI' I) &c., &c., G®' TO FOUBTENALIPS ibmtpur. 3 / 4 _l6vl(76:r‘*.:l,•atit- , tkle.L. Waynci,•boro',ll.ly 21, 1871. aration, which is due to merit alone. • We_ can assure our old patrons that it is kept fully up to its high standard; and it is the on ly reliable and perfected prepare ban for restoring 9rsar on FADED Rini to its youthful color, making it soft lustrous, and silken. The scalp, by its use, becomes white and clean. It removes all eruptls and dandittff, and, by its tonic proper ties, prevents the hair from Ming out, as it stimulates and . nourishes the hair-glands. By its use, the hair grows thicker and stronger. In baldness, it restores the capillary glands to their normal vigor, and will create a new growth, except in extreme - old - age - .: -- It - is the mos V---- economical' HAIR-DRESSING ever used, as it requires fewer applica tions, and gives the hair a splendid, glossy appearance.. A. A. Hayes, MD., State Assayer of Massachu setts, says, "The constituents are pure, and carefully selected for ex cellent quality ; and I consider it the ' BEST PRZTAIILTION for' its intended purposes." Sold Druggists caul Dealers in Aredkines. Tea° one Dollar. I::lokifigham's Dye.: FOR THE WHISKERS. As our Renewer in many cases requires too long a time, and too much care, to restore gray or faded Whiskers, we have prepared this dye, in one preparation, which will quickly and effectually accomplish this result. It is easily applied, and produces a color which will __neither-rub-nor-wash-off.—Sold by all Druggists. Price Fifty Cents. Manufactured by R. P. HALL & CO. O NASHUA!, N.H. PUBLIC SALE. THE undersigned will sell at Public Sale, 1.71 DAY THE 26T11 DAY OR SEPTEMBER, 1871, the following described Real Estate, situated on the old Hagerstown road,4 miles from Waynesboro' and 7 miles from Hag erstown, half mile from the Marsh Store, known as the John Gipe property, to wlt: •15 ACRES AND 90 PERCHES •of best quality Lime stone Land. The improvements consist of etwo story - — BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, 2:3x-15, containing 7 rooms and basement; a good 'SWITZER BARN, a Wood Shop, 20 by 25. with Basement, suitable for cabinet carriage or wagon-maker; also a Blacksmith Shop, a one :unlit half story TENANT 110 ILSE, the texant , house and shops being weatherboarded. There are also an Orch ard of choice Grafted fruit on the premises, principally apples and pears, and a never failing well of water near the buildings.— The situation for a good mechanic is a de sirable one, and such have always met with liberal encouragement from the neighbor hood. ' Sale to commence at 1 o'clock on said day/ when terms will be made known by ELIZABETH SNOWBEBGER. Aug 24--r-ts SMALL PROPERTY FORSILE! THE subscriber offers at Private Sale a small Tract of Limestone Land contain ing 2q Acres, situated 3 miles Southwest of Waynesboro', Franklin county, Pa. The improvefnents c onsist of ONE AND A HALF STORY LOG 110 USE and Log Burn, Wood and: Wash House, a never-failing well of water convenient to the house, with two cisterns to the buildings. also a good Apple Orchard with a variety of choice fruit, such as pears, peaches, cherries, grapes, er.C. 1111 g, 24=ts] ANDREW SENGER. MINN'S SNUB OIL ! rpHE alarmiing increase in the number of J frightful accidents, resulting in terrible deaths and destruction of valuable property, caused by the indiscriminate use of oils, know under the name of Petroleum, prompts us to call your special attention to an article which will, wherever used, remove the cause . of such accidents. We allude to CARSON'S STELLAR OIL FOR ILLU3II NATING PURPOSES. The proprietor of this oil has for several years felt the necessity of providing for, and presenting to the public, as a substitute for the dangerous compoiuids 'which are sent broadcast over the country, an oil that is safe, brilliant, and entirely reliable. After a long series oflaborious and costly experi ments, hehas succeeded in providing, and offers to the public, such a substitute, in "CARSON'S STELLAR OIL" It should be used by every family because it is safe beyond a question. The primary purpose in 'the preparation ,of STELLAR OIL has been to make it Perfectly Safe, thus insuring the livesandproperty,of those who use it. Its present standard of SAFETY and BRILLIANCY will always be maintain ed, for upon this the proprietor depends for sustaining the high reputation the STEL LAR OIL new enjoys. To prevent the adulteratjon of this oil with the explosive compounds now known under the name of kerosene, Sc., etc., it is put up for family use in five-gallon cans, each can being sealed and stamped with the trade mark of the proprietor; it cannot, therefore, be tampered with between the manufacturer and consumer. Mone is gelatine without this trade-inark, It is the duty and interest of all dealers and customers of illuniinatin,g oil to use the STELAR OIL only, because it alone is known to be safe and reliable. It is for sale by ' Amberson, Benedict & Co., Waynesboro'. Manon & Statler, Marion. E. B: Winger, Quincy. - CieNicks & Burkhart, Chambersburg. W. D. Dixon, St. Thomas. 'J. Hostetter & Co., Greencastle. Thomas C. Grove, Mercersburg. Jno. L. Ritcherv, JAIIDEN & CO., WHOLESALE Annyrs. No. 136 South Front St., Philadelphia. feb 2-1871. If 4EI p 11.1: (1) 34, - ; ILN AI 4,;011 orlIE subscriber would inform the public I. that he is at all times prepared . to make to order Gents Coarse or fine Boots, also coarse or fine work for Ladies or Misses, in cluding the latest style of lasting Gaiters.— Repairing done at short notice, and measur es taken in private families if desired- Shop on East Main Stieet, in the room formerly occupied by J. Elden, as a flour and feed store. THOS. J. HOLLINGSWORTH july 23-tf SHAD AND HERRING.—Mess. Shad and Orotamac Herring in hbls: for sale by - W. A. REID. Af..141.4 IS PRICE & Vi APPS STEAM ENGINE AND BOILER WORKS, .S-T-ATIONA-R-Y--A-IND - PORTABLE - STE - A.m. ENGINES Boilers, Tanks, and Sheet-Iron Work ; Machinist's Tools, Wood Wdrking 'Machinery; Shafting, Pulleys and Hangers; Gear Cutting, Portable Circular Say-Mills, Felloe-Ben ders, Laundry Furnaces. Also, Agents for Stillwell's Patent Heater, Lime Extractor and Filter, combined ; Cameron & Co's Special Stoma Pump ; Saws of all kinds, (Distend manufacture;) Iron Pipe and Fittings; Brass Work ; Gum and Leather Belting ; Manu facturers and Engineers' Supplies, generally furnished at lowest Retail Prices. All kinds of Foundry Work--heavy or light, Iron and Brass Castings—made to order; REPAIR ING carefully done. fer Tor further particulars, send for Catalogue and Price Waynesboro', Franklin County, Penn'a, June 29, 1871. A VALUABLE HOMESTEAD! MI - 4 1 WA , 1,4-41 THE Fubscriber offers her HOMESTEAD 1. situate in Washington Township, Frank lin county, Pa.; two miles South. of Waynes boro', along the-Pike leading from Waynes boro' to Leitersburg, containing ELEVEN ACRES OF LAND, more or less. The improvements consist of a good House, part Stone and part Log. Roughcast; - one - and - a half story high, with Basement. An excellent Stable, Hog Pen, (newly built;) Wash House, Bake Oven and Smokehouse, all in complete order. A SPRING OF EXCELLENT WATER! near the house. Cistern at wash house door, and all other necessary buildings. Also, a Fine Young Orchard of CHOICE APPLE TREES! About SIXTY PEACH TREES. separate from apple otchardotairahriving-nnalbeir . ing condition. There is also, A WATER-POWER CONNECTED with this property that could be turned into some account. This is one of the finest and most desira hIIe.HOMESTEADS in the neighborhood.— Soil in a high state of cultivation.. • Any person wanting further information, should call upon the undersigned, living on saiti property, who .will take pleasure in showing the same and also give Terms of Sale. July 6, 1871. MARGARET FUNK. A DESIRABLE FRAHM Prive.te Sale . THE subscriber offers at Private Sale the FAIR VIEW MILL PROPERTY, situ ate 1 mile Southeast of Waynesboro'. This property is delightfully situated, the im provements unsurpassed; and the land in a high state of cultivation. Amore desirable property of its kind is .perhaps not to be found in the county of Franklin. , For par ticulars address the subscriber at Pittston, Pa., or call on W. S. Amberson, in Waynes boro'. July 27-tf. DAVID PATTERSON. EMOI.ERA MEDICINE. R. WICKEY'S celebrated Cholera Med icine prepared by DAVID M. HOOVER of Ringgold, 31d., wit& had during the sea s= at F. FOURTHDIAN'S Drug Store, and of dealers generally. Travelling Agent,- ' July 27,'71-6m. HENRY' MYERS. 'NEW TIN STORE. . rrilE undersigned would most respectfnlly inforin the citizens of Waynesboro' and vicinity that he has'opened a new Tin Store on East Main street, opposite Stover IVoltf's Dry Goods emporium,and keeps constantly on hand a good suply of - COOK COAL STOVES; MORNING GLORIES, etc., at prices to suit the times. All kinds of work done in his line with' neatness and .dispatch, such as roofing, spouting and repairing. , You will find it to your interest to give him a call be fore purchasing elsewhere. The sign of the Big Red Coffee Pot, Always on the post.— Thankful for past favors he hitipes for a con tinuance of the same. ADMIMISTIMCON NM, NOTICE is hereby given that letters of Administration on the estate of Lewis S. Waddle, late of Washington township, dee'd, have been 'granted to the under signed, residing in said township. All per sons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay ment, and those• having claims will tme sent thein for settlement to the, undersign ed,,lor to his attorney, Joseph Douglas, Esq., Waynesboro'. GEO. AV. WADDLE, Administrator of LewisS. Waddle, deed. August 31,-6w. ETTERS of administration having been a e ligranted to the undersigned upon the estate of Mary R. Hamilton, deceased, all persons indebted 'to said estate will - make payment, and those having claims present them to J. R. ILA3rwro3:, , Aug 14-6 w ' • Adm'r THE subscriber announce§ to his custo mers and the public that he will contin ue to furnish a prime article of Beef at the Seller in the Welke Building on Monday evening, Tuesday morning, Thursday even ing and Friday morning, regularly during the season. Customers also supplied with Veal and Lamb when desired. Thankful for past patronage he licipes by selling nothing but the choicest meats to merit a continuance of the same. may 25—tf ' THOS. J. CUNNINGHAM. POP., SA.IJM. THE subscriber offers for sale MORTIC ED CHESNUT POSTS for Post and Rail or Palling fence. Also Locust Posts for eith er kind of fencing; He is also qrepared to supply the public with burnt Lime and Corn by the quantity. may Il—tf ALEX HAMILTON ILOMASROBINSIt DEALER IN FLOUR •AND FEFICSTuFF, Ono door West of the Bolvdta, house. WAYNESBORO!, FRANKLIN COUNTY, PENN'A. Yours Respectfully, CLAYTON M. FREY NoTircE.. BEEF, BEEF. De,Ce CIMITE Has a complete assortment LADIES, GENTLEMEN'S, MISSES - AND ' CHILDREN'S BOOTS, SROES AND GAITERS, '.Call and see goods and get prices THOMPSON'S "GLOVE FITTING COR SETS," at • SMITH'S. SCHOOL BOOKS AND STATIONARY, o all kinds at SMITH'S. MEATS AND CAPS, A full stock now ready, consisting of all.the i lateststyles, at - PAPER COLLARS, TIES, GLOVES, Suspenders, everything in that line, at ' SMITH'S Town Hall Store. Nov. 3,1870 CARPETS! CARPETS ! - I. H. 'WHITMORE ' r has just returned from the cities With the largest and best assortment of - CARPETS! OIL CLOTHS! OIL AND LINEN WINDOW SHADES, DRUGGET AND CRUMB CLOTHS RUGS AND MATS, COVERLETS, COUNTERPANES, &c., ever offered in Greencastle. LACE CURTAINS, with all the fixtures for putting up. RAG CARPETS constantly on hand and made to order LV - Selling lower than any other house in the county. ItEr Call and hear prices. Greencastle, Dec.l, 1870. WAriusttaßQs BAKERY CONFECTIONARY! THE, subscribers announces to the public that they have opened a Bakery and Con fectionary on Main street, Waynesboro', op posite the "Bowden House", where persons at all times can be supplied with fresh Bread, Rolls, Pretzels, all kinds of Sweet Cakes, wholesale or retail. A full supply of Can dies, Nuts,' Fruits, etc., always on hand.— ICECREAM regularly supplied during the season. Having erected at considerable expense a first-clash Bake House they are confident that in this department of their business they can give general satisfaction. They there fore solicit a share of public patronage. may s—tf SLEASMAN & MORT. FAIRVIEW LIE ! FAMILY FLOUR, TC. THE undersigned having refitted and ad ded all the latest improvements to his Mill, (formerly Frantz's) announces to the public that he is noiv manufiteturing a su perior article of FAMILY FLOUR, which will be delivered to persons at market prices. He has also on hand a supply of MILL STUFFof all kinds, which ho will whole sale or retail at the Mill, or deliver if de sired, at the lowest market rates, Having refitted his Mill with the mast improved ma chinery he feels that he is enable-A. to give general satisfaction. The highest market price paid for Wheat delivered at the Mill. COOPER STUFF wanted. mar 24—tf] DAVID PATTERSON. DISSOI.J=I.ON. T"partnership heretofore existing. be- ' tween & Beaver way dissolved on the Ist, of March 1871, by mutual consent, The Books are at the old stand and will be settled by J. W. Miller. All persons indebt ed are requested to call and settle htunedia tely. The business will hereafter be conducted by, • J. W. MILIEU 4; CO.. mar 16—tf LUMBER„ LUMBER, &c, ll'The subscriber has for salo Chestnut Shin gles, railings, Plastering, Laths, Shing ling Laths, Pino Lumber from a half to ono inch. All other sizes of Lumber lltrnished to order. Also, Oak, Pine and Chestnut Wood by the load Dm salo on the ground, SEI - He hats also lee for sale. April 23 tf. A. S. MANN LAST NOTICE. ALL persons indebted by note or account to the estate of Henry Besore, are here by notified to pay their iridebbaduciss with out delay to the undersigned and, save costs, I). 13. RUSSELL, • . 0411.' SESORE Assignees • aug 3-3,t) L.PvE l o l : l tozr-liil:-.7 , -MVar.4 1 aildY= 1 1 . • IF you • want Iran-bound barrels for Jkciaor vittegar, call nt the-laboratory of DR. P. rATIRICEY'S J3ROS, a CO. ' wag , ;• .• ~_ ~~ ~~= %;y 3 n ~~; ~_....