The Waynesboro' village record. (Waynesboro', Pa.) 1871-1900, September 14, 1871, Image 2

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    Wagnifsboni , iplaq:llo,*
notice, of Rawer. Sumrieis.
xteSee sale stdvt. of Jolin)l.
fall'diii-:LSunday a week
tariineeipt list nest week
B~Work `on tle School Building is
Pr°gress in g• '
titk,bur mountain friends say tie
nut crop promises well. - . '
sarßut one org,an grinder, so far, has
put in an appearance here•this season.
FOR SALF4-4.1r. John Johnston ; offers
arpublie-Stile - a-valuable—tract t=of lime
stone land. For particulars see advt. ,°• •
~„ , •
of E. J. Bonbrake, itaminikratir of Cif*.
urine Diffenderfer.
TEXPETIANCE Smanuii:.—Rev., C. L.
REEDY will, we are requestedto announce s
deliver a Temperance Sermon in the Luth
eran Churbh on Sunday evening next.
ams, Coachnuikeroffers - at - private - sale s
lot of buggies, spring wagons, etc. See
STo'cl &C.— Ye I meet atten ion
the advertisement of W. A. Tritle;vho is
now receiving the Morning Glory and other
improved stoves, and goods in his line.
BIG JosErn ELDE.v left
at our office the other day an apple taken
by 13 inches, and weighs one pound and
a quarter. A nice specimen for "dump
.__Setthe "dry spell" continues, and as
a consequence streams are low and many
wells in this section• failing. We
stand all the wells in,Leitersburg except
one are exhausted, and that the people. at
Itiggold are compelled to haul their, wa
ter from springs in the neighborhood.
SED;We havp in our possession just now
an office 'desk—something new—from
the 11iammIth Furniture Establishment
,of I. A, Whitmore, •of Greencastle,
_perhaps the most conveniently ar
range& affair of the kind - in use. Ike
gets up things in good style, always. Call
and see it.
si* inteitdins. to remove his family to
Pittston ; Pa., offers a portion of his per
vonal property in this issue.
Mr. P. 'will however continue the milling
business here as usual. Two experienced
millers will have the mill in charge and
he intends, to devote one week here in each
month "to the business.
THE Snow.—Handenburg & Co.'s Cir
cus and Menagerie drew: a large crowd of
people to our toNin on Saturday last. "A
good show" is the verdict of those gener
ally who attended.. One of the animals,
a Kangaroo, died on Sunday morning.—
Several more were ailing, the Elephant
included. The exhibitions were liberally
patronized. ,
KiwsioN HOUSE HoTEL.-='..lVe call
the attention of such . of -our readers as
may have occassion to visit Baltimore, to
the advertisement of the Mansion House
Hotel ; of which IsAAt, AusEwrsox, is,
Proprietor, and:J. S. HARPER, (formerly'
of this County) Manager. Visitors will
find the proprietor and manager agreea
ble and obliging gentlemen, an their
house a pleasant stopping place.
R. R. SliltVEYB.—The South Moun-:
tain Corps of Engineers reached this
'place on TuesdaY, but we have no par
ticulars as to the line run by them. The
engineers from Marion, the terminus of
the S. P. R. R. we undeistand have reach
ed Mt. Hope ; and are expected to get here
in a few days: From this place they will
continue the line to the nearest practical
point on the Western . .Maryland Railroad.
'.fhey report as far as they have run the
line an easy grade, and express the opin
ion that eighteen miles will cover the dis
tance between Marion and the W. M. R,
Tows I:urxovEMENTs.—lt will be seen
by reference to our advertising columns
that the Town Council will receive pro
posals until the 23d inst. for the grading
and piking of South Street. The Council•
have been making some important im
provements in our town during the last
few mouths, and as these Must necessari
ly increase the rate of taxation, we sug
gest propriety of disposing of the Town
Hall'property. The Hall is too contrac
ted to answer the porpoise for which it was
intended, and_ we understand the . town is
annually loosing instead of making mon
ey on the investment. We'say .sell the
Hall and apply the funds towardslthe li
quidation of the Boroughindebtedness.—
' We can dispense with it until abetter one
::is provided by a stock company or other
VEDE:fti-riox of BONDs.--The U. S.
Treasury Department has given notice to
the holders of five twenty bonds of the -Ist
**Fluff, no.„of Feb'ry 25th, 1862, to present
;them aithe Treasury in.lyaahingtin on
and viftur,the. Ist of Deeernbei next. No
interest 'will he allimed mi . the bonds sipeo.
itiCd after that date, so' that the holders,
had•lietter "realize" at that time, and get
;the gold.
'':',Paky, thePziptei.
• thaii•foo
, . .1 , •
elak"6l ,tnnet The Pr4sidelit
and other offiperii- rthelA Itural
viety, are making yigarims 'effort4olmo°
a large and eredit4le exhibition and will,
have the ground track and building, in
.ro -r trim.
The people of the county, from centre to
-circiunference, should be alive 'to the. im
portance of this Fair. They have plenty
of everything, and of the, best to ...exhibit.
'Let it be brought out and "all &ll' world
and the - mt of mankind" may - accord
Franklin its . deserved.- place' among the
leading agricultural euunties,of the State.
We.have splendid volleatJair oats, kips
corn, prime grass seeds, - the best, '
of flour,'
lticions fruits, excepent vegetables;":'fine
horses,cattle, sheep, hogs; , and poultry,
,with allanann - er Of farm' machinery:and
inipliments the manufactures-of the dif
ferinemechanical'branches ; and the han
diwork of the coun
cy work, lOquets,preserVes;'canned: fruit,
Ciikes, and the hundred other things invi
ted . and provided kir in - the' premium
list, . - .
All these our people have in rich Torus
fusion. Bring them to the Fair—there
nds_enz—the_ground to__ see
and admire them—and share in honest
county, pride on the occasion.- Opinion
al Fire Insurzace Company has been is
successful operation over two years, an
during this time has met with but oneloss
which was promptly paid, It affords all
the advantages of the best 'lnsurance
Companies and. should be patronized by
-a -persons— avora e- erne-prospers y.
The Mutual plan of,insurance is simply
a bond, in which all theinembers join' to
give seccurity and peCuniary,
,relief to One
another in, case of loss, by fire. Money,
invested in houses and other building 'en
terprises, is just as safe when - covered 'by
insurance as if loaned on mortgage or in
any other way. D. M. GOOD, E,sq., is
now actin as General Agent for the
Company, to . whom all communications
should be addressed.
pondent of the Carlisle Volunteer sayi that
on the 29th ult., ground was broken on
the Miramar Railroad, on . , the farm of
Michael G. Brandt, in Monroe township,
Cumberland county. A large number of
persons were present, and the first pick
was struck by the President of the ' com
pany, Daniel V. Ahl, Esq., and the first
shovel used by the contractor, Patrick
Reihl, senior partner of the firm,of Reihi;
McTague & Co. The corps of engineers,
under the direction of Capt. Jos. Mifflin,
are now busily engaged in locating the
road from its connection with the Cum
berland Valley Railroad, at or near White
Hall, westward.
SERIOUS ACCIDENT.---011 Thursday after
noon last, Mrs Elizabeth Peiffer, residing
in %the Northern limits of the borough,
met with an accident which resulted in
her instant death. We under stand that
she had been to the field assisting . in
making clover hay, and when the load
was started to the barn, she was request
ed to get on top. A part' of the road was
rough, going over which she in some man
ner slid from the top to the ground, .un
known to the driver. When .found she
had already expired. She was aged a
bout 70 years.—Wuioa
CnicKEN CHOLERA.-A friend informs
us that he has discovered a reliable cure
for chicken cholera, which is simply to
feed them fat bacon chopped in pieces a
bout the size of a grain of corn.- His
chickens had been dying off very fast, and
from the time he first administered the
remedy - le has not lost a single chicken.
He is also satisfied that it is a preventive,
and that if the fowls were fed bacon two
or three times a week they .would not be
subject to this prevailing disease. Farm
ers and others whose chickens are dying
off by hundreds, should give this simple
remedy a trial. So says the Shepherds
town (Va.) Register.
SifirThe New York papers have all a
long been filled with sickning details of
the facts 'connected with the finding of
the dead body of a beautiful female which
was packed up in a trunk and left at the
depot at the city on Saturday a week to
be sent to Chicago. The body has been
identified as that of Miss Alice Augusta
Bowlsby, of Patterson, New J ersy, a
young lady of excellent family, and who
always was greatly esteemed. Dr. Joseph
Rosenweig, a notorious abortionist, from
whose house the trunk was taken, has
been arrested on the charge of murdering
her. Her seducer's name is Walter Con
klin, of Patterson, who lass week, upon
the discovery of the above 'facts, blew out
his brains with a pistol.
Three other girls have lately died in the
same city from sia ilur causes—Emily
Augusta Post, Eliza McCarty and Mary
Russell—and the parties who produced
the abortions are under arrest. Let them
all be hung.
Charles Parker, a circus clown and
balled singer of Barnum's circus, recently
cut his throat and died from the wounds
in .the woods near Schenectady, Ne w
York, '
..le"`'Juicing up"ls.said to be the latest
terto for,getting-drank.
at - The-colored Toters in . this State
~: Edio r .i::-r.As the railroad question
has heen.protty'well 'ventillatediand - . we
Fe :xib betternif noW thin whenthentove:.
eOpt:was inaugurated, would it not be well
' tolirge.the of all, ho
wish_a railroad, 'in the' plan which is now
being averted nii by one °four citizens.--
rui - iderstand - tbTliti - WW - lie --- about --- this; --
lit,:-To get, - or have.. anbseribeil• illr: ; the
Money that can be had to invest in anal-.
road. 2d. Thii money, ' to be invested in
stock or bonds of any, company, that . will
guarantee the emnpletioii of a roxidWithia.
the shortest possible. time and over the
most feasible and - conVenient - route. - 3d.
The.eleetiOn 4 acommittee;.(bY the . par:
ties subscribing the money,) who shall ne
gotiate with-the company. which' in the
judgment of the committee will build a
road Nest suited to the wants of the emu,
munity: Such a plan looks like. work.—
Itis useless and injurious •to argue in fa
vor-Of this orthat - particular - route so long
as we are not prepared to do anything for
either ,of the several routes which • the ,
friendi of each so earnestly espouse, The
persons who contribute the money for the
blinding athe road arelthe only ones who
have a just have, a voice in the se- ,
lectioirof a route. - We must ,not forget,
that a road cannot be built, to suite the
opinion of every one, Let the plan as
started be vigorously •carried outund each
one give all he is .able to give for some
road no matter Which one of the several
already suggested or a new one if bette .
The action in the matter should -by meats be harmonious , and earnest. Let
"Citizen," and "Business" and "Pregfess"
, nd-everyhody-else-go-earnestly-and-hear
tily to work for a railroad. It needs no
argument to convince us of our great need
a rairoil ---- i - d.' - .11 - clear that-we
must give all we possibly can to get a
road, so then, should the 'people go, with
a will, to wo rk, and we -will have a road.
The money if once , subscribed will not wait
long ,for a bidder. By just securing the
-money, or- he promise ofthe minion t, which
may be had for railroad purposses we have
a great step toward the attainment of our
object. Let us, on this question, have peace
among-ourselves at least. By our discus
sion-and newspaper wranle we make our,
selves .ttie objects of -- ridicule. e° are
much like thiman, who. could not sleep
of-nights, because he could not make up
his mind which house to buy, when he
was not' able to buy any. We have been
wrangling, as to which railroad we would
have, when• we are not in a condition to
have, or get, any. From now let us work
not f'or this or that road - but for any one
we can get to meet our wants.
SUICIDE : —On Friday morning last, a
bout 10 o'clock, Mr. David Luckabaugh,
a respectable citizen and prominent busi
ness man of , Seitzland, near Glen Rock,
on the Northern Central Railroad com
mitted suicide-by hanginglhimself in his
warehouse. He had just returned' from
Baltimore, and was about starting for
Glen Rock, but said he had something to
attend - to up stairs, and went up. Not re
turning as, soon as expected, he was look
ed for, and found a scorpse, witha cord a
round his neck and, sitting on the floor.—
No cause is given. He had not been as
successful in business as last year, and
had contracted to sell his property. The
papers to be exchanged on Sunday—the
deceased was about 48 years of ago; and
the father of five children.—Get. Con.
ItES..A terrible 'explosion took place in
a mine at the town of Wigan, Lancashire,
England, • Wednesday. Sixty-nine min
era were killed by suffocation in the* foul
ips.The Democrats succeeded in Ker.-
tuckey, but the republicans have carried
California by about 5000 to 6000.
.The election returns in Wyoming
Territory show large Republican gains.
MTimothy seed at ELDN's.
17m.More Sweetpotatoes at Reid's.
)134,:,>Fresh Butter at Reid's
biirE. Elden has reedy - NI a fine lot of
Hats, Shoes, &c.
, FOR RENT.-A roon:Con. Main Street,
which can be used for an office or small
store. Enquire at this office.
adelphia Ale and Porter on draught, Beck's
Baltimore Lager ; Baker's 'old Whisheys,
Heyser's Catawba and Concord Wines ;
fresh Oysters and Chicken—Tripe, Ham
and Eggs, Beefstake, Coffee, &c. &c. •
PUBLIC SALE.-T he Waynesboro.' School
Board will offer the Western School House
and Lot .at Public Sale on Saturday the
23d day of September, at 3 o'clock, P. lg.
The House and Lot will be sold together
or seperate.
Terms •to be made known on day of sale.
FALL FASHIONS, 1871.—We . will open
on Saturday, September 2d., the best as
sortment and most complete line of ear
ly Fall Styles of Hats for Men or Boys
and Children, that we have yet been a
ble to secure at our first fall opening.—
These Styles embrace Silk,. Cassimere,
Cloth, Velvet, Felt and Wool Hats. We
have a splendid line of Hats for Misses'
wear. And for Boys and Children, the
neatest and lowest priced goods we have
yet been able to offer., Call and see • the
new Styles at I.7pdegrafrs Hat, Glove and
Fur Factory, opposite Washington House,
I) M .1 3 5.2" MI S -
Near Greencastle on the 4th inst., wife
of Capt. Sarmiel_Avey. . •
• In Dallas Centee,, lowa, Aug. 23, 1871,
Ir nortmitcr o laughter of P. B. and
Mary A. Stouffer, aged .20 years, 1 month
and 5 days. .
, The deceased was afflicted with heart
disease, and for several months previous
to her death, her suffering seemed to be
beyond human enditrauve, but she bore
it'erlalifering patiently * fel/j asleep '4i-its in full hope ofsimtnortallife.? :
• '• FaieNvell, dear Mai, you haie bees
*en' from as by the great' enemy, deeth,t4
The fingers that. touched the' xnstrunieut
and caused* to briug forth sweet strains
of music, and the voice that sang sweet
ly-'to. us-are now cold and silent in death,
The-eye-that-vasbrilliant-is-now- dim,
those active limbs_Ure - oow mouldering
the dust, and we miss thee 'aroun4 the
fireside, the social circle, and the family
altar; but we , sorrow. , not
_as, others _ who
have no, hope;_for we- - expect ;to nteet t :',a,
gain at the coming of Christ and the res.
'urrection of the . dead. ' - •
"She shall sleep, but not forever; '
' There :will be a glorious dawn;
_We sholl meet to./ , .l;nottever
On the resurrection morn,
In. the bright eternal city
Death can never, never come ;
In his•eiwn good time He'll call her
From her rest to Home. "sweet Home.
Funenil discourse by Elder Hill, froni
Rom, T-12,
In, Memoriam.
She has gone, our loved companion,
And our sorrow move can knoW;
She has heard the angels whisper,
Dearest Mary, you must gO—
Leave the infant on your bosom,
Leave your first-born all behind,
. Hasten; for yOu are the chosen, •
And the ,GoliPel bids be hind,
There are seats for all your loved ones,
Round the Father's throne on high.
Tell them all to ieep their lamps trimmed,
, For their hour may be nigh,
=-111 - ny-wreaths-and-crowns_and see]
Saw we on that sacred tree,
• • As we wafted p,lowly onward,
• Bearing these we give to thee.
My dear friend, my loved companion,
We will oft recall to mind,
• - Days we walked and talked - together,—
Thoughtless of the lapse of time.
You were for this world unfltt,d,
God has called you to himself,
Called you from this World of conflict
To-the-manSions of-the blessed.
When the "Gospel Ship" comes over,
Bearing us our summons home,
Let us ask one parting favor,—
Bid us welcome, bid us come,
Then we'll clasp each other fondly' •
As we did in days Of yore,
Farewell now, my dearest . . - Mary,
'Till we meet on Jordan's shore.
We, the friends of the departed,
Have the fond, consoling hope, .
That a life so pure, so nobie
Must be rich:with blessings fraught,
-God permitted that her spirit,
Should through stormy floods be led,
That she might commune with angels,
And their Great Almighty head.
Let us all accept the warning,
Let us all.prepare to die,
Feeling sure that God's free goodness,
Will our' every want supply,
Prayer And faith are all that's needed,
Let us humble, contrite be,
So when'ere the signal's given,
We may ever ready be.
Vicksburg, Juld 25th.
BUTTER. ......... .
LARD... ............... .......
HARD SOAP ......
FLOUR.-3,000 barrels sold, including
superfine at $4.50@4.75, extras at $4.75
@5.25, Pennsylvania family at $6@6.50.
GRAlN.—There is a steady demand
for wheat, and we again advance our quo
tations 2@sc, with sales of 10,000 bush
els, at $1.48 ®1.50 for Indiana and Penna.
red, 3,000 bushels corn sold at 75c for yel
low and 73@74c for Western. Oats are
in fair demand, with sales of 6,000 bush
els Western at 49@,152c.
THE subscriber notifies the public that all
persons hereafter found frequenting his
orchard and taking fruit therefrom will be
dealt in accordance with the law.
SHELLED 00,11 N.
THE subscribers have at their Mill a
large quantity of Shelled Corn, which
they will sell - ground or unground at a rea
sonable price.
Sept 14-3 t HOOVER & SUMMERS.
NO.TICE is hereby given that applica-
Run wa s made to the Court of Common
Pleas of Franklin County, Penn'a. on the
18th day of August A. D. 1871 to incorpor
'ate "The Evangelical...LutheranChurch of
<Waynesboro', Pennsylvania." ' Also "The
Presbyterian Clutch of Waynesboro', Penn.
sylvama." ' GEORGE W. WELSH,
Sept 14- 7 3 t Prothonotary.
TO • >
SEALED proposals (so endorsed) will be
received until Saturday the 23d inst., for
the grading and piking of South Street,
110 rods, in Waynesboro', Pa.
Profile and specifications inn be seen at
the Council Rooth after the' 15th inst. The
Council reserves the right to reject any or
all bids. By order of the Town Council
Sept 14-2 w
THE subscriber offers at . Private Sale a
LARGE STOCK of Second-band, : Shift
ing -top, No-top and Rockaway Buggies, al
so Spring Wagons, most of which are near
ly as good as new and gotten up in good
style, and will be sold at reduced prices on
a. credit of nine months
Sept 14- 7 6 w JACOB ADAMS.
TILL be offered at Public Sale, on the
V premisea,'The Western School House
and Lot, on Saturday the =id of .September at
To'clock P. M. The House and Lot will be
offered together or in twoparts. .-
Terms made known on day of sale.
Sept 14-2 w
Written for the_Record, •
S. T. P
Offers qt low prices a large number 'of No.
1 Cook'StOves for coal or wood the best in
market,also the Celebrated:Morning Glory'
Stoves, with and - without ovens, at reduced
rates. Also a nurqber, of other Base Burn
ing Stoves—also Parlor Cook Stoires—Par
-lor and-Fire-place-Heatemithe best-in-mar
ket, all of-which he will yarrant and sell at
less rates than any Stove House in Wayne&
boro.' • •
He is now prepared to put up at short no.
flee First Class Brick Furnaces and warrant
them. On hand a stock of "nine-plate Stoves
and small coal stoves. A large stock of Tin.
pressed and iron-ware roofing and spouting
of the best tin. Repairs done promptly and
at prices that none can complain,
Call and see his stock as it will pay you
for the trouble, and It is right these days to
keep posted. •
Sept 14—tf
THE subscriber will sell at Public Sale,
at Fairview Mill, one mile South of
Waynesboro', on Monday the second day of
October, 1871 ; the following personal pro
perty to wit:
one of:which. is a fine driving' horse : 2
Spring wagons, 1 'Carriage, 1 Trotting . Bug.
gy, 1 Cider Mill and Horse Power, 1
I - pair - Bob SledsTl - firfe - Sleigh - , 2 sets sinTtre
Harness, 1 Buggy Pole 1 Saddle and Bridle,
1 three-horse. plow. Also house furniture
such as Bedsteads, Chairs, Tables, 2 Cook
Stoves, 2 Parlor Stoves, and other articles
too numerous to mention.
He will also offer for sale a large frame
building used as a barn, and the cider-house
which is a good building. Sale to commence
at 10 o'clock on ltd day,. when.a credit of
6 months will-b given on all sums of $5 and
puwards, purchasers to give their notes with
approved security.
Sept 14—ts ' GEO. V. Mon, Auct.
tHE subscriber will offer at Public Sale,
on the premises, on Tuesday the 10th
day of October, 1871, a Tract of best quality
of limestone land, containing*
51 Acres.
more or less, 3 or 4 acres of which are well
set with thriving timber. This land is sit
uated along the Waynesboro' and Green
castle Turnpike, about midway between the
two places, and joins the lands with Sam
uel Niekodemus and others. The Marsh
Run flows through the meadow. , Persons
wishing to view the land before the day of
sale will call on the subscriber. Sale to
commence at 2 o'clock. P. M. on said day,
when the terms will be made known by
GEO. IT. MONO, Auct.
Sept 14—ts
PURSUANT to an order of the Orphan's
Court of Franklin Co. Pa., the undersign
ed, administrator, of Catharine Diffender
fer, dec'd, will offer at PO)lic Sale, on the
premises, at I o'clock P. M. on Saturday the
30th of September, 1871, — the real estate of
said deed, being a
situated in the Borough of Waynesboro',
bounded on the West by Chnrch St.,.South
by lot of M. Hanstine, North and East by
public alleys.
The property is about 324 feet deep and
Omit 42 feet wide, most desirably located,
with moderately good house and stable, sub
stantial fences, and 'abundant trees of the
most excellent fruit.
• Administrator,
GEO. V. Mora, Auct.
Sept 13—ts
rpHE subscriber, will offer at Public Sale,
-N. on the premises, one-half mile South of
AVaynesboro,, on the road leading to Ring
gold, on Saturday the 21st day of October, 8 a
cres and 48 perches best quality Limestone
Land, with-a new story and:a half
theron, awe I near the door. There is al
so on the lot a variety of choice fruit trees.
The property will be sold together or divid
to suit purchasers. Sale to commence at
1 o'clock on said day when terms will be
made known by
Sept 14—ts JOHN H. MILLER.
TE undersigned, Executor of the Estate
of John Lantz, Sr., late of Guilford town
ship, dec'd., offers at Private Sale, the follow
ing described Real Estate, bounded bylands
of Jacob Stouffer, John Metz andEenj: Metz
being situated on the Falling Spring road
anffehambersburg and Gettysburg turnpike'
and containing •
of first quality Limestone Land. The im
provements are atwo story .Brick D selling
Hons,having 12 rooms, 2 basements and 2 cet
era ; wash and bake houses under one roof;
Frame Barn with barn floor; wagon shed at
tached ; hog pen; buggy shed and all the ne
cessary out buildings. There is also on the
premises, an orchard of choice fruit and cher
ries, pears. peaches, plums, grapes,'&c., in
abundance. The Falling Spring runs t iro'
the end of this propety.
Also, at Private Sale, a Valuable Tract of
Land being situated in Greene township,ad-.
joininglands of Robert Black and John Craw
ford, on the Gettysburg turnpike. about one
mile South-East of Greenwood.' containing
25 acres and 34 perches, neat measure, of
Rock Oak; Chestnut and Pine Timber Land.
This land is highly valuable and worthy of
the attention of purchasers. Parties wishing
to see either of the above can do so by' call
ing on the undersigned, residing in Stouf
ferstnivn. , ' • JOHN LANTZ,
• Sep. 7—tf Executor of John Lantz, Sr.
• C
THE subscriber. informs the public, his
creditors included, that he is now pre
pared to do all kindsOrMasonigorkat short
notice and upon the most reasonablesterms.
Satisfaction M all cases guaranteed.
Pikcsville, Sep. 7-4 w. *,
PliligM sag.
On MONDA.Y .9ilkday of OCTOBER,
refiE undersigned, administrators of Ja
i cob Carbaugh, dec'd. will sell by way of
public_outery, on.tbe premises, on - Monday,
October Rh, She following Tracts of laud,
situated in Washington township :
situated one mile Sbuthwest of Waynesboro'
on•the road leading from, Waynesboro' to
Bagerstown, and adjoining Willow Grove
Mills, containing abopt '
112 .Acres
of first quality Limestone Land, in an ex
cellent neighborhood, convenient to, Chiw
ches and Schools. The improvements con
sist of a New Brick
(two-storied)• .Wash and Spring liouse,
Smoke House and Bake-oven, new and
complete; a
-in-good-repair - rnew - Wagon - Shed - and — Hog -
Pen. • This farm is well watered having a.
well 15 feet deep, a never failing stream
near the door, and the Antietam creek flow
ing by the barn-yard, to. which stock can
,have access from all the fields, There is a -
young Orchard of C1:10ICE FRUIT on the
farm in good bearing condition, Also a tract
in said township, containing 33 . acres, more
or less, well set-with thriving• chestnut and
other timber, adjoin ing lands of John Bench
hoof and others, about of a mile from
Monterey House, the turnpike running
- within 50 yds.-of the lot. •
Persons•wishing to view the farm or lot
can call on either of the administors, one of
which resicies on the farm. Sale to com
mence at 10 o'clock on said day when the
terms will be made known
September 7—te
THE undersigned, as agents for the heirs
I of George Wiles dec!d:, will offer at pub
lic sale, onAtte _premises,- at 10 o!clock,- on.
Thursday the 12th day of October next, the
Home Farm of the deceased, containing
. • ~
153. E
lying about 1i Miles South of Waynesboro'
Franklin County' Pa,. on the turnpike lead
ing to Hagerstown, improved by 'a large
BRICK W E:' I N-G . 0 olt
a large SWISSER BARN built': of brick
from the ground to the top; 82 ' , feet long
and floors 52 feet long ; smoke, wash-house,
wagon-shed, a large hay-shed, blacksmith
shop and other necessary buildingsall near
ly new and in good condition. There is an
of apples, grapes and all' other of• the best
fruit on the premises, a well•of neverfailing
water near the , door, a naming stream
through the meadow With lane running to
it for stogie. ; The farin is fenced off into nine
fields with post fencing—the -land is clear
of rock, and about 12 acres covered with
excellent timber. This is considered one,'
of the most valuable „fiirms in the county
now Offered for sale. PossesSion will be
given. on the first day of .April next.
At the same time will also- be offered a
bout 67 acres of
to suit purchasers, lying on the first rise of
the South Mountain south of the Mentzer
Gap Road, adjoining lands of Hess, Bone
brake and others
One-third of the purchase money is to
remain in the land, the interest' o be paid
: annually to Rachel. Niles, widow, now 68
year's - old, durirc , her life, and after her
death the principal to the heirs,, one-half
of the residue' n the day possession is Lobe
given and the balance in one year from
that date with interest
D. H. WILES, ;
September 7,—ts G.V. MoNs, And
THE subscriber offers at Priviite• Sale a
-IL valuable Farm, situated in Antrim town
ship, Franklin Co, Pa„ along the:MI.4IDM
adjoining hinds of, Samuel B. Shively; Sam
uel Niekodemus and others, containing
200 Acres,
more or less, of first quality Lime Stone
Land. About forty acres of whieh is set
with thriving timber The improVements
two-story Stone Out-Honse, a large
Wagon shed and all other necessary out
buildings-4 There is also on the premises a
FINE ORCHARD of of grafted fruit in bear
ing condition. A• 'good well •of ; water
at the house. The Marsh Run' flows
through the farm. Persons wishing to see
the farm can call on the subscriber who
will show it to them
September 7—tf JOHN PRICE..
THE undersigned Assignee of George
Leisinger, will sell at Public Sale. on
the premises, on Saturday 14th of October,
A House and Lot situated in Pikesville,
the lot contains 2} acres. The Improve
ments are a
Log Shop, good stable and other necessary
out-buildings, good fencing; and a variety
of choice fruit trees. Terms—one third
cash, remainder in two equal payments.- .
Sale to commence at one o'clock
ArtHEAP Family Flour $5,50' to $5,75 per
Übarrel and all kinds of Feed cheap 'for
cash. Cash, cash all the time
September 7,—tf J. ELDEN.
will pay 'tile highest market price-for 850
cords of Rock and Oak Bark delivered
at their Tannery in WaYnesboro.
Hides and Slum taken in and weighed at
the cellar of C. Bathes' Shoe Store, for which
the highest market price will be paid.. •
OT Scrubbing Brushes--sold cheap
-1.41 Shoe Brushes,•Whitewash Brushes, Cot
ton Wash Lines,,Bed Cords; :painted Buck
ets, School and Market Baskets, Crystal
Soap for washing pain-it has no equal.
°June 29. , W. A. REID.
G. V. gong, Auct.
• AssigAee.
gespectrally' announce to the public that
they have opened at their store room, on
the South-west corner of the Dlamand, in
Waynesboro,' a large and well selected
• stock of,
Iron, Steel, Nails Coachmakers Goods of ,ey—.
ery description, • Queensware, -Cedarware,
Shoes ' Carpets , Oil Cloths' - Paints, Glass,
Oils, Varmsb. Brushes, Fish, Salt, and all
kind of GOOll9 kept in a well regulated store.
Our goods ere all new arid 'fresh rind have
been bought for bash' at the late decline in
We -flatter ourselves that from our long
experience in business, and a determination
to sell goods at small profits;• we shall offer
unusual inducements to buyers who desire
to save money. Please call and see for
We have a large and well assorted stock
of staple and 4 fancy Dry Goods, embracing
Satinetts, Jeans, Tweed's, Cott6ades, Colds;
Stripes, Checks, Ginghams, Linen and Cot
top Table Diapers, Crash for towels, Cali
' - coes, Delains, Alpacims,
Phawls, Brown. and Bleached Sheeting and
Shirtings,•Tickings, Linens,•Flannels, White
Goods, Gloves, Hosiery and Notions'. We
are receiving new goods every week and
-will supply any article wanted that we have
not on hand in a few days.
We pay' the highest market price for all
kinds of Country Produce, such as Bacon,
Lard, Butter. Eggs, Dried Fruit, Rags, Ike.
Nov. 3, 1870.
Published on everypackage,tbore,
fore Mersin secret - preparation,
It is a certain cure for Scrofula, -
Syphilis in all Ito forres,Ftheutua,
Wm, Skin Diseases,' Liver Com-
Oaint and , allA3aaco of tea..
will do mom good than ten bottles
of tho Syrups of Sarsaparilla.
!moused Rosadalis in theirpractieo
fop the fast three years and freely
endorse it, as a reliable' Alterative
and Blood Purifier.
DR, IT, C. FMK of Malthaare. •
R. W. CARR. if •
DR..I. S. SPAIII4S i of Icbolasvllle,
. • .
DR. T. Ky L. .McCARTKA a C olumbia,
S. C.
DR. A. B. NOBLES, Edipamiab, N. C. l
J. B. FRENCH & SONS, Fall Illver i l .
Mass. •
F. W. SMIT Hf.ER Jackson, Mic
B k,
Lima,ol EE io Lima, Ohio. •
. •
CO., Gordonsville, Va, •
WM, G. McFADDEN, 'Maximo'
bore, Tenn.
Oar space will not allow of any
tendedn remarks in relation 'to the
vhtstesof Randall& Totho Medical
Profession we guarantee a Fluid Ex.
tractsaperior to any they have , over -
used in the treatment of diseased
Blood; and to the aMicted we say try
Rosadalis, and you will be restored
to health. , „
July 20, 1
• • flosadalls Is said by all Druggists,
price sizo per bottle.. Address
DB.• arms= 8; CO.
• 'RAFimitosit,
MIRO 311311Mkni
E_ E=JD,
Has now on hand a Full Line of
Look at• the List!
-* for Men and Boys; '
- All the Latest Styles
' For Men and Boys Wear.
• -
Ladies Sinr, Gaiters,
At very low prices.
Also, Ladies Shoes,
Latest and Best Styles.
Misses and Childiens Shoes ingreat variety.
of ill kinds and varieties.
tel,. Watches, clocks and Jewelry repaired
at short notice and warranted. "
Thankful for past favors he hopes by fair
dealing to all to merit a continuance of pub
lic patronage.
June 29, 1871.
r OERNER WAYNANT have just open
ed at the CORNER ammo Sxons, a sqlen
did line of '
embracing Clothes of various grades and
latest styles and best qualities, Doeskins,
Cheviots, Tweeds, Linen and Crepe Clh.t
iugs, stylish Vest Patterns, etc.
of which will be made to order with
the best Trimmings and in the best manner.
A GOOD Frr GUARANTEED in every ease or
no sale. • ,
Paper Coilars, Ties, Bows, Suspenders, Hos
iery etc., always on hand..
Gentlemen, desiring Ittylish and • good fit
ting clothing should give ns a trial.
tiis 27 • • S. E Cor. Diamond.
rrme subscriber announces to his friends
.JL and the public that he has purchased
the Coach Factory formerly owned by Israel
Hess, and is Maw engaged 1w the above bus
iness, on Main Street, at the East end of
Waynesboro. 'Haying • a knowledge of the
business, and employing none but the best
workmen, and by 'strict attention to busi
ness he hopes to merit a share of patroriage.
Alitifids of new work on hand orders filled
Jan. 14 tE
HE undersigned has appointed Freder
-rr ick Dull, of Quincy townshtp, agent,, to
collect his accounts and transact other busi
ness pertaining to the same.'
July- 6-4 f - 117/111:41kg. 'TESS, M. D.