The Waynesboro' village record. (Waynesboro', Pa.) 1871-1900, September 07, 1871, Image 1

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.T. B. ANBERSON, De, ,
StoO at
ffice . Witiiteebor# i " D Cerner Drug,
re." ane 29rrtE,
. 33 3',.1R: A.' V' Z
Has resumed the practice,Ofidedieine.'
OFFICE—In the . Welke!' Building--near•
the Bowden Ronan. Nightlealls.phould be
Iniadd hisiesidenee on Main - Street, ad
, joining the Weld= Sahool:Hense.':
4401 - 1
711[ALVINErbee; :9 Li,, - 94:91L
• t the several C ourts : in FrMililin.Coun
• ty, all business entrusted toliis'eare
promptly attended to. -Post ;.oifice;ad. •
Mereersburg, Pa. • • '
. .
E ; •W` t V E Ji1,0114 :
• :ATTORittY'AT LAW> '
_WAT • NfiSBORO~~ •• •
• Will give prompt and close attention to all
;business •entrusted to -his-care. --Office -next
• door tot the Bowden House,. in the Walker
Building. OtilY mova-T,As,
...asiriitormArt4w -
"Practices in the several Courts of Franklin
.and adjacent Counties.
N. B.—=Real Estate leased and sold, and
Fire Insurance effected on reasonable terms.
December 10, 1871. -
.1). A._ STOTTFV.r.a.ti, .
D-E r&T
Experiem ..aenttstiy . , :insert you
.sets of Teeth at prices to suit the times.
„Feb. 16, 1871..
(FORMERLY or Miacznsmato,,PA.,)
IVEERS his Professional service's - to the
X./citizens of Waynesboro' and vicinity. ,
Bit. - Srnicrusitas relinquished an exten
.sive practice at Mcrcersburg, where he has
been prominently engaged for a - number of
years the practice of his profession.
He has openedirn Office in Waynesboro',
.at the residence of George Besore, Esq., his
Father-in-law, where he can be found at all
times when not profesgonally engaged.
July 20, 187.1.-tf.
.3ftE 'ST.,
. ,
Can bofciund at all times at'his office where
he is
. prepared to insert - teeth on the best
in use and at prices to suit the times.
Teeth extracted, without' pain by the use of
chloroform, either, nitrous oxid egas or the
freezing process, in a Manner surpassed by
We the undersigned bel - ag acquaintedwith
A. K. Branisholts for the past Year; can rec
ommend him to the Che generally to be
a Dentist well 'quail ed to perform all ope
rations-belonging to: intistry in the' most
skillful manner.
Drs. J. B. AMBERSON, 1.3 T. SNIVELY, '
T. D. FRENCH: • •
sept 290 J
received a full supply of new Millinery
goods. Ladies are invited to call and examine
her stock. ,
apr 20.
Z. C
E. Corner of the Diamond,
IXAS at all times a fine 'assortment of Pic-
JLltures Frames and Mouldings. Call and
eo specimen piOures. • - June tf.
C. A. S. TVTOI-,P,
laelValellea Repaired and Warranted.
DarJetvelig Made and Repaired. -
July 13, 1871.-tf. c
lIIHE Undersigned..
having had some ten
ii years.expernee as a practical Surveyor
is prepared to do all kinds of Surveying,
laying out and dividing up lands, also all
kinds of writing usually done by&riveners.
Parties wishing work done can call on, or
address the undersigned at Waynesbo Pa.
. fee 2—tf) _
p .A. P., 33 - M
THE subscriber informs the pciblic that he
continues the Barbering business in the
„room next door to Mr. Reid's Grocery Store,
And is at all times prepared to do hair cut
ting, sharing,s hampooning etc. in the best
style, The patronage of the public is respect
fully solicited.
Aug 23 1871. :W. A. PRICE.
AIMS. KATE G. STOVER announces to
.I.VI the Wiles of Waynesboro' and vicinity
i; that she leas commenced the Millinery bus
7, - bless in front room next door to the Hard
ware Store of B. B. Rinehart, and has open
ed out a full iihe of Spring and- Summer
- tioods, embracing all the latest styles. '
Lathes are invited to call and examine
-her goods. May 1.14 f
VONCAVE CONVEX spectacles ; at
Bay, where dothgrespwss dwell? In courts,:
thrones of . glory seated, - •
‘ 4 ldid.giiiterirkg rinks 'of bright cohorts,
Sjr pomp and} igrindeuf greeted? ;
A crown, indeed, may: Make a king,
But crowns 'true greatness not bring.
Or elinll . erellnd en battlefield;
By victory at.tOnded," • ,
The tnily , great, unless the sldeld
Came ri _ht ' defended? •
ror oit hiith)34ght the batitigained,
nations wept thi.eseateheo*itained.
Alan lloaVded•riellqa,greatnessgrant'
thiere:inertal worth is needed,
What time, the SOllB of wqe and want
T. 9, vain -their sorrows pleaded?
True greetheiii•eatelyinust be 'More
Than misers seek and fools adore:;
But'helvho feels another's woe,
..And shrives to sooth his sorrow,
Whose sympathies spontaneous ow
To' brighten his to-morrow,
Shall betesteemed both good and great,
And 'Heaven shall bless his last estate.
Good service makes thenfieanest great,
Zeal purest shines r and brightest;
Devotion taniles at frowning fide,
Love's labor is thellightest ;
Who lives to purpose lives indeed,
And good works best adorn hiscreed
Then say not-wealth, or rank, or power,
Or crowns, confer true glory;
'Tis goodness that survives the hour,
••- And-react-thebest in story;___. _ .
And, though obscure the good mans name,
"As glorAon&still,,theugh lost to fatae.
StisteUnqaus aletding.
Rap-tap-tap, sounded at my office donr, , ,
and Bane Darwell, without waiting for a
reply to his summons, rushed in, and, seiz
ing my hand With a vicelike grip, looked
into my astonished face, with eyes brim
ming over with fun, mischief and hearty,
"Why—where in the name of the won
derful, did you come from this morning?"
gasped I, es soon as I was able to com
mand my speech.
"Rather sudden isn't it, old friend ?
'Well, I became tired of folly and flimsy
fashion; and thought I'd experiment alit
'tie by way, of:change. I came to your
city as an employee of Crank & Grinder,
"Au employee of—eh—what ?" I gasp
ed, in consternation, 'as my brain digested
the possibility that my rich, elegant friend
Bane Darwell, in one of his strange freaka
had conceived the idea of serving the pros
perous firm he had mentioned. •
"Listen," he answered, taking a chair
and lighting. a'segar. "I have' become
tired of the hollow, unsatisfying routine
of fps' hion., lam smiled upon and caress
ed by the Ackle fair, ones—not because I
am Bane Darwell, a•goodenotighlellow,
social, obliging and agreeable; perhaps—
but because I am master of'a fine estate—
owner, of a mansion; with a brown stone
front—the envied possessor of a goodly a
mount of bank' stock, and 'like appenda
ges., I say I am tired of this, and as I ant
old enough to marry,„ I am determined to
Sad some one who will love me for my
self—some one who will prefer my socie
ty to the lisping, shallow, bewhiskered,
ballroom beaux and devotees of fashion.
Oh you needn't'stare your eyes out at
me ; I mean every word I say, and I'm
in my proper senses, too !"
"If I should act' according to my im
pression of duty," I replied, at length' "I
should snmmon the proper authorities and
have you placed in an asylum fbr all such
poor infortunates; for I verily believe you
are crazy." ,
"No, rro, old fellow, I'm just recovering
myself, after a long season of hallucina
tion," he replied, with a musical chuckle,
at the same. time puffing a huge volume of
•fragrant smoke from his mouth,. '
I. tried to convince him of the utter un
reasonableness of his plan, but my argu
ments were lost on him, and he soon left
me, as intent on his project as when' he
The next day, as I glaiiied -r from my
window, I,saw him, mounted upon a gro
cer's Wagon, dressed in plain, coarse gar
ments, his beautiful curls tossed in the
breeze, and his fine face flushed with exer
cise he threw a comical, half-defiant glance
at me as his rough vehicle rattled by,
and I, 'with a sigh, fell to cogitating on the
absurdity of human nature in general; and
of Bane Darwell in particular.
"If, by any strange, lucky chance I ever
get rich, I'll never voluntarily place my
self in any such position," I muttered, , as
I busied myself among innumerable doc
uments and illegible manuscripts.
Weeks rolled away. I saw nothing of
Bane Darwell, except occasional glimpses,
which I caught of him as he passed my
office. "Doubtless he is too 'much occu
pied in hisnew vocation to bestow a thought
upon an old - frierid," thought I, as, with
a curling lip I tried to dismiss the subject
from my muid.-
Time passed on—the holidays drew nigh.
Bane had found time to• give me a hasty
call, assuring me that hems thus far, well
satirfied with his scheme, and that he had
a young lady who was .the embodiment of
all his wild dreams of truth and sincerity:
"In fad there are two," said he. "One of
them is a nien and ward of my employer
and the other is a friend of her's, visiting
• .
A rantax . iiirWiii*sint,4o4irro TO LITERATURE, LOCAL AND GENitax. Irmvs, ETC.
g)fit# P!)Eirl.
IOM ill I '
WATNESBOIIO- h 9 I • k I 11
at her Atka's: - Viey are to - pie a party
the corning week . '... I will manage to se
eureyou tuinvitatiOn; that you may . judge
if my opinion of the young ladies is not
correct' - Luckily Tam .pretty well up , in
'the estimation of Mr:Crask, and am trea
ted more as a member of the household
thaa as an emidoyee. It was by this means
that I became acquainted with the young
ladies of whom I. have' spoken. You'll
attend the party, won't you, dear friend!?
I amirmsious to hear your nplision of them,
especially of sweet Anna Langdon, M.
Crank's niece. I must confess that Dove
her, while I only, respect her friend, Lucy
So saying, the curious fellow waltzed
out of the room; without giving mm time
to reply, and I saw no more of him until
the evening of the party, when, having re
ceived the Invitation promised by him 1
presented myself at the stylish residence
of the Cranks. -
Bane Darwell was there before me,' at
tired in an elegant suit, Which was in ill
keeping with his position as a grocer's clerk.
Of course, I was httroduced to the ladies
'in question ) and at the first opportunity,
- Bane - grasped my arm, exclaiming :
"Is she not beautifill2 Do you wonder
that I love her r , 4 •
"One question at, a time;if you please.
I do think her prtty, and very sweet look
"Ah, yes ; I tell you, my friend, she is
destitute of the mercenary principles which
actuate the ladies of. my acquaintance, in
my own city; her beauty would attract
attention of many a millionaire, while
she bestows her kindest smiles upon a gro
cer's clerk,"
I could not dispute his assertions in re
gard to her beauty, and he went on :
"Such lustrous, bewitchiflg eyes of mid
-night darkness; suehn - beatttifulAolive com
plexion, such glossy, ebon curls—"
"Hold, Bane!" I cried, "you are talk-.
ing a e out anot er ir a tone er. was
spea ..g o t e.
brown hair ."
"Oh 1" he answered, somewhat despond
ingly, "that is Miss Merton. What do you
think' of the other—of Miss Langdon ?"
"I have had very little time to decide,"
I answered evasively, for I felt assured, ac
&Wing to my' ability to judge of persons
by their faces, that he was greatly deceiv
ed,in.(the disposition and character of his
ina rata.
He iioOndeft me, joinCr6the lady in ques
tion and rsaw them afterwards strollin?
arm-in -arm, upon the piazza, as, with an
acquaintance, I passed out of the crowd
ed rooms to enjoy a few moments in the
cool air. On re-entering the louse, feel
in somehow disinclined to mingle with
tl e• throng,. I soiled, a quiet . nook, where
was not likely to be; disturbed. I enter
d a small room—a sort . of boudoir, at
xtreme end of the hall.. The gas was
turned. off, so as to afford only a wiere,
partial light, and I sank upon a sofa,
thinking to enjoy a reveriejor • I certain
ly telt in the mood.
The soft, velvety carpet had not echo
ed my steps, and I. had been but _a mo
ment seated, when I found that I" was
not alone in the room. - By the dim light
I detected the outlines of two figures at
the opposite side, seated by a window.
' I was about to retire, when my ears
caught a few words, which arrested my
steps, and decided me to -remain, even
though I was playing the despisable role
of eaves-dropper.
"Oh, Annie, how could you be so cru
el ?"said a soft, sweet voice, in a 'dis
tressed tone. "You know you have en
couraged him, led him to believe that
you cared for him, and he is so hand
some, so polished, and, above all, so good
and noble—why, I should be proud to
win such a Man."
"Don't be a ninny," was the reply, in
a harsh, ringing tone ; "one would think
you were in love with him yourself. If
persons' will be so foolish and conceited as
to aspire to marry their superiors, why,
they must expect to be trifled with. Mar.
ry Bane Darwell, my uncle's clerk ? in
deed, I'm not insane, quite,.l think." •
"Ah ! then 'tis not the, man. whom you
will one day marry-11s the-money ?"
"Ym, if you will have it - so ; since you
areas much interested in the affairs of Un
cle's clerk, I fanc3r you ought . , to, : rejoice
that I have rejected him ; you may win
him yourself." . • • -
"For. shame ; Annie; you are ungener
ous I", replied the other k inindignant tones.
"I oply:,hope thap I may bsfortnnate
nough to win one so noble, even ; though
he be ever so poor. I have money enough
for bcith, thank Heaven.", - -;
SO saying, She rose to leav e ; the room,
as 'a tall form glided from the doorway, and
I quietly grouched closer in my seat; feel
ing that a discovery,, at, least, ..wealld- be
unpleasant. „ . -
The next day Bane called- to
_see' me,
aid, although hk: MOO •somewhat
depressed, no anti:ion' wing 'Mi . & to the
affairs of the previous evening,;.
• After that, he came often to seenfe;and
appeared more like his old self, though
still attending rigidly to his duties as a
grocer's clerk. He often spoke of Miss
Langdon, but • caore frequently the name
of Lucy Merton dwelt on his tongue.—'
He still continued visiting at the house of
his employer, and, I having become ac-
quainted, th - foii - gh — him, often • accompani
ed him there of an evening. • It was a
little curious that Mr. Crank and his
family shoUld be on such familiar terms
with the pool clerk, but then, he was so
gentlemanly and nice, the ladies said, it
was really a treat to enjoy his society.
One evening I accompanied my friend
to the home of his cruel charmer,-and we
were seated in the parlor, with all the
members of the family except Mr. Crank.
Mule Darwell and Lucy Melton sat
apart from the rest, apparently absorbed
in the examination of a book of drawings
though I thought it quite unnecessary
that they shoild be so utterly obliTious
to all else.
Bane had seemed of late to ignore - the
the fact that Annie Langdon had refus
ed him, aud,.at times, I was puzzled that
he had never be trayediby word or glance
she fact that he had overheard the conver
sation between the two young ladies on
the' night of the party.
I fancied Miss:Langdon half regretted
that she had. "riot;• accepted him but if
she did, is was evidentthat her regrets
were useless, for he Vated her with a
cordial friendlinesi 414 nitterly banished
all sentiment.
I busied myself in attempting to play
the agreeable to Miss Langdon and her
aunt, until the evening was nearly spent
when Mr. Crank rushed in, and without
giving . a look to any one else in the room
seized the hand pf Bane,
exclaiming :
"Ah, you sly dog—to impose on us all
at this rate I - Now to punish you I shall
road aloud a letter which I have to
night received 1" and, fumbling in his
-pockets,-he—produced—a—letter and read
No. Sp., N. Y. 1
is at hand requesting an extension of your
note, without extra endorsers. This we
-cannot-do,-as-our- es-w o • ,
on such a large - sum; - We - would refer
you to Mr. Bane Darwell, who is one of
our directors and largest stockholders.—
We understand that he is at present in
your city. • If he will endorse your paper
we will agree to your proposal.
Truly yours
A. Baru), Cashier.
I Looked at Bane, who, with flushed
cheeks -- and brow,' arose and said
-"Mr. Crank,-I-have to apologise to-you
nd-your-family-for-thupart I hay •
playing. I pew tired of being valued for
.1 , -money, and not for myself and I con
• . a p of porfivrmulg_tk • role of_
a poor man. I came to your city and
producing reliable references, I was en
abled to secure a situation with you, where
I have endeavered to perform my duties
faithfully. I will cheerfully endorse
your paper, thanking you and. your fami
ly, (this with a meaning glance at Annie)
that you have regarded me all the 'same
for believing me a poor clerk. I now ask
you to congratulate me in having secu
red the love of a noble girl, who loves me
for myselfalone, for untitthismoment, she
believed me poor, and she has proMised
to be my wife.
Mr. Crank glanced at Annie; and Lu
cy, covered with confusion . at having
their engagenients thus announced, bib :
ried her aushing face in hands, while
Annie, evidently enraged it the turn of
affairs had taken, hurried from the room.
Bane ;Darwell now resumed his prop
erstation in life, and em long I received
an invitation to his wedding, when Lu
cy Merton be came the wife of the rich
and elegant Bane DarwelL
ue eyes an
Annie Langdon is yet turinarried, no
doubt regrets her folly in refusing to wed
Confession of faults make half amends.
Denying a fault doubbles it.
Eniry shooteth at others and wonndeth
Foolish fears doubles danger.
God reaches us good things by our
hands .
He has hard work to do who has noth
ing to do. .
It costs more to avenge wrongs than to
bear them.
Judge not that ye be not judged.
Knavery is the worst trade.
Learning makes .a man fit company for
Modesty is a guard to virtue.
Not to hear consciences is the way to
silence it.
One hour to-day is worth two to mor
Proud looks make foul play on fair fa
ces. •
Quiet conscience gives sweet sleep.
&nail faults indulged in are little
The boughs that bear most bend low
Virtue and happiness are mother and
Wise men make more opportunity
than they find.
You never lose by doing . a. good turn.
Zeal without knowledge is fire without
light. •
A HOndred'Years to Come.
No man appears to think how' oon' he
must sink into oblivion—that we are one
generation of millions. Yet such is the
fact. Time and progress have, throufili
countless ages, come marching hand m
hand—the one destroying, the other build
ing up. They seem to create' ittle or no
commotion, and the work of destruction
is as easily accomplished as a child will
pull to pieces a rose. Yet such is the
fact. A. hundred years hence, and much
that we now see around us will have pas
sed away. It is but a reputition of life's
story : we are born,
we die ; and hence,
we will grieve over these , venerable piles,
finding thecommonleve4oftheir prototyps
in Nature—ultimate death. •
We all within our - graves shall sleep,
A hundred years to come ;
No living soul shall weep, •
A hundred years to come:
But other' men oar lands will till
and`other men our streets will fill,
And other birds shall sing as gay,
As bright the sunshine as today •
A hundred years to come.
If you want .to eat such a pudding as
your mother Mathi when yon were a boy,
you must somehow revive a boy's appe
tite and palate.
Cleanliness is next to godliness and
it is soap that is nest to charity, , '
very young, man, as s e en ..• a upon
should take an account with himself
d decide in his own. mind upon the
• urse which he , will. pursue. He, should
- : himself, "Will I enter upon a. course
n which I can rpnApr it fair ihrival
for everything:that I Obtain 1 or will I
• ter upon a course in which," for the
gs that I receive,'l shall render an
• uivalent where I must, and palm off
• is pty . appearances where I caw?" . It is
glorious ambition, a manly purpoie,
with which a person begins INe, when he
forth saying, "I mean to make my
fortune, to be sure, and to pluck honor
om the highest boughs of the tree of
e ; but I ant detiemme,d not to go one
-tep is or wealth or power that is
of a real step: What I have, I will pay,
. I will not take anything without
_ ving, a fair equivalent for it." And
vhata contrast there is between this and
ambition and purpose of those who,
-t out in life with a determination to
'sake there fortune and gain honor atall
s zards, by whatever menus, it may be
s ecessary to employ, and -withouf-r •
._wliether equivalent for.
that which they received or not
Aloung man, delicately reared; assent
OM: • N. '
he-finds noany companions, -rin. where,-
unfortunately, the strbngestlninded 7w - en --
and not the sweetest-hearted. And:an a
round about hini the conversation is low,
the allusions are coarse, the, expressions
are vulgar. The things that in home life
he, never dared to shape into words, or
hints even, are 'freely handled .foil-.the,!,
purpose of exciting laughter., Now, unw
der such circumstances,a-man may—rose-1
sensibility to these things. At first he
shocked and sick.. haveknown 'emus ,
of an organization so delicate that this
violence done to their moral and social
feelings amounted to absolute sickness of
body. But that cannot' continue: In
the course of a -month a young , than :Will
get used to obscenity in one of two *aye.
If he sets his heart against it ; if he ealle
the memory of all that he loves to his
help ; if his whole conscience bears wit
ness ; it he, makes a covenant with , his
lips, and seta; his heart to watch over his
issues, then little by little- he will come
to-a state in which he will hear obscene
talk as though he did not hear it. And
he comes out better than he went in, al-
though he suffers less by the ouCwani
tact of corruption than the beginning.
He has carried himself in such a way
with reference to it, that it has -worked
out in moral purity.
I was Called "'once to a consultation in
reference to a young man belonging to a
large establishment, who was detected in
some criminal act ; and in a confidential
interview that I had with him, he told
me that it was not because he was in need
that he yielded to the temptation, but be
cause he wanted, troperty. • His dishon
esty was simply the result of avarice.—
And if a young man abuses his trust and
is dishonest, there is not a word to be said
in his justification. '
There are temptations, to dishonesty,
then, that. spring from extravaganCe. Our
society is very vicious in its whole struc
ture in this regard. We make no provis
ion foi; the respietability of peeple who
are ih humble circumstances. We hold
out inducments to them to live beyond
their means.
Young people want to begin further a
long than they are able to. They want
to keeep house as twenty years successful
and fruitful industry have enabled, other
men to do it. They measure everything
on the pattern of somebody else.
There are many young men who have
enough to support them ; but that is not
all that they want. They have bad com
panions with whom they associate. These
companions are not verremperate. They
smoke; and so_ ,of course, they drink. I
do not mein that among all men that
smoke, drinking is °handmaid vice ; but
I say that smoking leads, or extends to
lead, to the other vice. And 'smoking
and drinking are very expensive.
Young men are very apt to reason the
question of dishonesty with themselves,
and to justify themselves by the examples
which they see around about them of
men who stand eminent, trusted, and of
good reputation, and who yet do dishon
est things. A young man is apt to say,
"It is no worse for me to follow such. and
such courses, than it is for others;
many that do • follow them stand high,
and are prospered and respected."
r admit that there are many men
who stand high, and for a time ,have a
certain kind of respectability and prosper
ity,.though they do dishonest things; but
I say this : You cannot afford to be like
them. There is nothing else in• this
world that is of so much consequence to
you, as that you should 'keep peace with,
your own self. Blessed be the man that
can say, as the apostle did. "I trust that
I have a good conscience." Blessed be
the man that has lived till thirty years of
age, and can say, "I have 'a good con
science ; that is, "I never willingly do a
nything thit violates my-conscience. God
knows that it is. my purpose to live at
peace with my conscience." •
A cannot afford to throw away
the blessing of a good -conscience. And
it makes no difference . that your neighbor
is, prospering by dishonesty,' and people
have not found him out. If yon are dis
honest you know it yourself, and that is
enough. -And there ought to be a princi
ple of honor with every young man that
should lead him to say; "Even if God
could not see me when I did wrong, I
should see myself, and self-respect and
manhood require that I should do right."
—Henry Ward Beecher.
There is a county in lowa tishii does
not contain a single. tree. . .•
ER 7,
Speak softly to the bruised heart,
It shall not be In vain!
But as the sunlight, fair and bright,
That follows after rain t •
Speak softly tothe aged ones,
Repeat tho,kind words o'er;
Soon they mil enter into bliss
leaven s sty
Speak softly in fir -obstinate—
C You
.40* -
tiniesofeartfut 'woe
I .:- OVER tH**l4l. l §:'
NY/WliftorkqEit.sPO on ' e cm'
tineot, but af.' : , i+rm: year it becomes
he seatie" of some hel%r..hprrogr that . makes
habliiod—eurdle AO read of it. 4, Sew
_weeks eance_ita - p - tWthe
r-growing,v4pne-ottlic woes of atm
drink. Three yoUng men,,who had• be:-
come intoxicated to thp,.pOint of perfect
stupidity, undertook to cross -the Niagra
river'about-three miles above the cataract.
The of the:boats refused to let , • one
of them, but by some means they got a
boat, and launched out for ".
'aide. .
I- - .
.!: The little skiff was soon canglit - in the
waif t current of the na, ids. A strong and
8 1 .1 y arm, on. J: V,, •a i"
man, who was ~the nearest sober of the
wretched tricc.„,stOod up in the boat, and
seeing -the, danger; gave a. wild shriek and
leaped overboard to swim ashor e. The
current was too strong for him. He buf
'figed the -fierce
,rapids for a few moments
until his. little strength gave way, and
then& was'ihirled along helplessly to
the verge; and shot over the cataract.
His, two stupified companions lay asleep
on the bottom of the boat, and. Never a
woke until their affrighted splits awoke
in eferni6 . .. • The trial boat leaped offthe
awful cliff of waters like a bit of cork, and
in an instant they were enguffed in the
foaming maelstrom beneath. The next
morning a single one of the poor wretch
was picked up on the Canadian shore,
showing that their bodies must have been
dashed to fragments in their decent among
the rocks below the cataract
The word. of Groddescribes a dninken
man as "one who lieth" (asleep) "on the
top of a mast" in the midst of the sea.—
But it adds a new horror to the *tare to
- lie on tho foaming edge of Niag.ra. Prob
ably thewrinchediereaturesin theboatfan
cied diemselles on adelightful sail as they
swept so swifty through the waters: They
awoke the enchanting Slumber in the jaws
of death. • -
This terribletragedy at N iagra . is but
a pi Oure of the catarect.9f rumoweruidch
10%400 of our countrymen werelnispt du
rim the last twelve Mari - tbs. - ' Coinimsion
repprts Oat-immense number as
going down into - Ale .yertext of 'death
through intemperance",withinpne
How many fathers and methershave stood
on the' anks and seen . their sons whirl o
ver into the abyss,-God only knoweth.-
Butever3r young man or woman who is
playing with the wine cup is venturihgto
ward the rapids. The liquor sellera.fur
nish the boats ; it is their trade to, "hire"
them for "pleasure excursions." Every
young man, as he launches into the habit
of drink, laudhes at the idea of any dan
ger. "Who's afraid? not Li" In. a'little
while he is helpless on the hottest of the
skiff, and shooting toward the brink ',of
perdition. He is drugged with the drain
seller's dose of death. - He will awake up
when he gets into eternity—not before.
Sometimes a poor slave -of the bottle
sees his danger, and, like that raanat-Ni
agra, jumps out of the boat. But -is too
late: - He was gone too far, add 110
ease of dzunkennesshad become incurable.
His will has become powerless. Ire-can
not controlthimself. The rapids of fatal
habit are too stron c .. for his enfeebled rest.
Now.and . then one, by the help
lof divine grace, reaches the shore. Tein
peranae societies pick up a few strong swim
mers, and assist thein with a rope of total
-abstinence pledge. But the vast majority
of habitual drinkers go over tbe;fells.—
Young man i the you hike is a
step into the boat The voyage may be
gin with` a song, but itmay end in a shriek
of a lost soul.—Christion Weekly.
GOOD RuLEs.—:-The followini rules for
the Government:of children, which were
first presented in one of Jacob' Abbot's
books are said to beeti of great ser
vice to many successful teachers:
When you, consent, consent cordially.
When : you refuse, refuse finally.
When you punish, punish good na
Commend often, never scold.
A BEAUTIFUL Tuocintr.—When en ,
gineers would bridge a stream, they often
carry first but a eagle • thread.—
With that they next stretch a wire across.
Then strand is added to strand, until a
foundation is laid for planks ; and now,
the engineer finds-safe footway and walks
from side to side. So God takes from us
some golden-threaded pleasure,andiltretch.
es it hence into Heaven. Thep he takes
a child, andilien 4-friend. Thuslebridg
es death, and teachers the thoughts of the
most timid to find their way hither sad
thither between the two spheres. '
Some women Are so good ; that thejP44
good for nothing. ,
I 00 - • -R.
Ni MMI 11
VG it and Samar.
A, determbied young lady says if she
can get no other she will have a rainbow.
Never baie a wooden leg of oak
because the oak is apt to produce a corn.
A barber is always ready-to , sempe an
•,-and-often-cuts them too.
Most people are glad to - give"their opin
ion. Lawyers usually sell theirs.
Money is said to be the root of all evil
—yet many people spend their lives root
A girl maybe sure a instil loves her un.
utterably when he sits in hei presence for
an hour without speaking:
A very good tonic for debilitated young
ladies--iron. A still better tonic—iron-
Why may a man stealing lard be said
to be Ina thriving condition ? Because he
is _ -ttin: fat.
• When is the most dangerous time to
visit the country ? When the trees. are,
shooting and the bultirushes out.
derstruck at hearing of her friend's engage-
went, has.sinee . been provided with alight
ning-rod. "T
, The, bloom o;
biightuess of the
age, but a miserabl
outh will fade away, the
•42 . vi1l grow dim with
ittle corn will never
It- just takes 2.
tt.ei • belle. The
e morning, au
at ,
, .
A man wit one eye 'laid another , a wa-_
ger. that he (th. o = -yed)saw 4 more than
the other. The ger was accepted.
"Yon liave 1.: yr. 3 the first ;"I can
see two eyes • y.ur •, and you can sea '
only one m
A farmer in Lacenia, N. H. speaking
of the thinness:of.the hay crop, said: "Th e
grasshoppers have all got lame trying to
jump from one blade of grass to the oth
Poor. Mrs. Brown, to hasten things
' Pours oil Upon the coal.
The neighbors meet at night to pray
"Rave mercy on her soul." •
A - Repo - graphically .describes
the effect of a sto • on the North river:
"While the dor/al : a is height, the yes
sel keeled to the 1 board, and the cap . '
tarn and another i el of whiikey fell' oy/
A youngster, while perusing a chapter
in,Genesis, tinning to - his mother inqui ,
red if the peoplamlhose days used to do
sums on the ground. It was discovered
that he had been reading the passage:
"And the sons of men multiplied upon
the face of the earth." Smart lad, that
"Tell me, angelic host, ye messengers
of love, shall swindled printers here be
low have no redress above?" ,The shin
ing angel then replied: " Tous isknowl
edge given; delinquents on the printers
books can never enter heaven,"
A romantic pair were blessed with a
number of daughters. The eldest was cal
led - Caroline,. the second MadeNne,' the
third Eieline, the fourth Angeline, when
lo ! the fifth made its appearance, and no
name could he found with the desired ter,
minstion. At length manuna pounced u
pon a name and forthwith the baby was
baptised CrinoLtm. •
A fashion writer calla attention to the
peculiar manner some young ladies _have
just now of carrying the heads. The arms
are held as clas_elo the body as possible,
bending them until the back and fore part
nearly touch ; the wrists remain elevated,
and the hands'assume a liftless, drooping
position, which we can only liken to the
An 'old colored.aister" of Atlanta, Ga.,
thus accounted for a recent . destructive
storm in that city: "I can jes tell• you
what is dereason for all dis hail and
wind and rain-what—de good Lord has
poured out upon us poor siners—it all
comes of
moncreheen what de white
folks has started in die town. It's agiu
natee—makin' 'of freezin' cold ice here in
lie mouth of July, and de gad Lord is
punishin', us fur tryhe to
.149 . smarter dan
%lie is. - He' don ' t 'make , ice in de summer
time,-and when poor sinful man gets to
goin'.agin de Lord; deirlie's sum to pun
ish 'em with storms of hail and rain and,
windnuid tarafyn' levers--blmsdeLordl'
There is a story told of a self-willed dea
con who
,was'.always on the wrong side
and indecorouslXstubborn. When thetem-,
perance refoira was in full feather, and
the question was discussed in the church
of which ho was an officer, he, aS a mat
ter of course, opposed would not
sign the' p edge; he would not consent to
ils presentation in the Sunday school he
objected vehemently to the distribution of
tracts. One day, in the presence of a'full
louse, oue of the members' of the church
made the case of thedeoccm a subjtct ,Of
prayer. He said "0 !Lord if- thy ser
vant, our brother, 'cotitates his opposition
to us, wilt Thou, , in thy 'tender mercies '
'remove him fraortholltarch Militant be
weet ititilitiO.huligtu,ta f usi •
obetizuce ';‘•
is for the head of
-r besina at 10 in
through about, 9