The Waynesboro' village record. (Waynesboro', Pa.) 1871-1900, August 24, 1871, Image 1

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BY W. Bi=i:
Y i - ,4.1.:i;L•,.',:i .- .;rt lci.
Z. B. &MB - ERSON; D
, .piirsiatitivAisr.D.,stmants, ;
WIT - 7F 4,37,n-...p
Has resunied.the,praetiee of Medicine.
OFFICE—In the Walker 'Beilding--,
the Bowden.' House...
..Nlght-calls should be
maae at hie•residenee on IktisitiStreet,, ad
joining the'Western" Scheel Reuse: "
July 20 7 tf, ' , '
HAVING been ailmited to Fraetieis Law the several Courts • in-Franklin Coun
ty, all business entrusted todais care will be
promptly attended,to. Post Oliva address Mercersburg, Pa.
7 r, r . — zi - Ofsloo
. • Aiitykkiri,:tiiii,s )
Will give promptutkreleie attention to all
business entrusted to - his- eare.u.:Orice,next
door to the Bowden House; in4heiWAllter
„ . ; • .13
!. - Antrazrzir Aruiw,;,. ;
,urfri of_ rraliklin
and idjapint:Counties. • . •••• •
X.:111:1-2-Real ..;Estate leased
— Fire,Tiarance . effecte,cl,93it rearbon oit ol9
..15iCeiriber1Ci::1.871. • '•'•
• • fv'
D. .A.. STC:)T.THIPMR. , ,
• 'D
' Experienced in Dentistryorill insert you
sets of Teeth at prices to suit the times.
Feb. 16, 1871.
®PEERS his Professional services to the
citizens of Waynesboro' and vicinity.
Da., S,TRIcKLIM has relinquished an exten
sive practice at Mercersburg, 'Where he has
been prominently engaged for a number of
years in the practice of his profession.
He has opened an Office m Waynesboro',
at the residence of George Besore, Esq., his
Father-in-law, where he can be found at all
times when not professionally engaged.
July 20, 1571.-tf.
Can be found at all times at his office where
he is prepar&l to insert .teeth on the best
basis n use and, at prices to suit the tines.
Teeth extracted, without pain by' the use of,
chloroform, either, nitrous oxid egas or the
freezing process, in a manner Surpaised, by
We the undersigned being acquainted'svith
A. K. Branisholts for the past year canree
ommerathimAo the public generally to"-be
a Dentist well' qualified to perform all ope
rations belonging to Dentistry in the most
skillthl manner.
T. D. FRENCH: , .
sept 2ptf ]
miumzer GOODS t -
received &Sall supply of new' Millinery
goods. Ladies aiekinvited to call and examine
her stock.
'apt.. 20..
S. E. Corner of the Diamond,
WAYNANnono% PA.;
lIAS at all times a fine assortment of .Pic
tures Frames and Mouldings. Call and
see specimen pictures. June tf.
-25 r. Watehes.Repaired and Warranted. 2
WY - Jewelry Made and Repairect.'sl
July 13, 1871.-fl
TrHE undersigned having had some ten
_IL years experience as a practieal.Surveyor
is prepared:to.' do 'all. kinds of Surveying,
laying out and dividing up lands, also all
kinds of writingusnally done by ScriVeners.
Parties wishing work done cancan on,- or
address the undersigned at Waynesboro' 'Pa.
feb 2—tf] . • STOLER:'
' IE3 .A_:l?,lE3 21q - '0- I
THE subscriber informs the public that he
continues the Barbering business in the
room next door to Mr. Reid's Grocery . Store,
and is at all times prepared leAli . hart cut
ting, shavings hampooning etc.: ins bed
style. The patronage—of-the publicis respect
fully solicited. • .
Aug 23 •
Ai - xis. 'jam G titivra 'announces to
lri the ladies of Wayneihopa' and Vicinity
that Mites, eOmmeneed the Millinery_bne
iness itelrentroom. next floor to the Hard
ware Store ors. B. Rinehart. had has open
ed outs full. Hilo, of Spring oed Summer
Goods embracing all the lateststyles,
Ladies are invited to call any exandne
her goods. .flay ilrtf
VONCATE COX'S'EX speetaelvs, at •
::.. .Ic .. 11
, 0,,,,,,,. , , F:. -•:
,-,.....„..,,,,, --• ~-:,,, ,
' • llt is tivortain core ibilitimkiih4 \ ••••. , ' ''
Bypkilisinillitofonon -:
tism; akin Diseases,. Liver Ctiro,„, -
. B lood . '
~, ~ .and• 411 . di nakailif the
: ''oNsiorms °mowing
•., i ; will
iinniOnVirOttinn' ton kinikai -
'- or a m iilynio 'of lialsnirilla .. ..
' ' - • ---7---- ' 4 4 UNDERSI.O O
-• ' ' Sktit'S.Rl
. •/ , Wtose,lips in play-time,
,By light, or day , time. ,
o 'Cori Drag
,Whence came thy jightnessi
• Thy warmth, thy whiteneso,
• Thy ruddy brightness,
. Thy sheenful shower ? .
What soft airs sped thee,
, What rich,dews fed thee, -
- afleshy flower? . .
Timferviti - petuls —
Sean molten metals;
• • For on them settles
A crimson bloom ;
Nothing is our own ; we hold our pleasures
Just a little while ere they are fled ;
One by one life robs us of the treasures—
Nothing is our own' except our dead. '
They are ours, and hold in faithful keeping
Safe forevet all they took away; ' • ''"
Cruel life can never stir that sleeping ;
Cruel time can.never seize that prey.
How the children leave us! and 'no traces
Linger of thatemiling angel band;
Gone, forever gone, and in their places
Weary men and Anxious women stand
Yet we have some . little'ones still ours ;
They have kept the baby smile we know,
Which we kissed one day, and hid with
flowers - -
On their dead, white facei longago,
Is love ours,,and : do we dream we know it;
Bound with all our heart-strings as our own
And cold and eruei dawn may show it,
Shattered, desecreated, overthrown.
Only the dead hearts forsake us never;
Lcive that td death's loyal care has fled .
Is thns consecrated ours forever,
And no change can rob uaof our dead.
. - —All the Year .Rounzj..
She stood iii, - ;the-jdoor-way that
morning, and eathe sun shown on her
;bright gobienAkevl, I seemed to see a
crown ther- e and as the' gentle breezes
,cau,ghther drapery and moved it lightly
to and frolin the, sunshin% I ' fancied I
paw.wings'eti Katie's shoulders.
Kate live'd'in •Maine. I had always
livedAhere, lao, i but now I was going to
Califonaitt-going to seek lay fortune ' and
I had come ind Katie good-bye. Kate
wore ilittle - taxid of, gold on - her finger ;
I placed it then 'sirm -, • before, when I
gave myself to Katie and Katie gave her-
Benet me.. I_ bade her goodbye the pre
vious night, and under thentarlight kiss
ed her 1141) - wet. cheeks over and over a
. The roses that crept in and out of the
:lattice-work: have long since faded and
gone ; the little vines that twined around
the;wirea air: her lOve seemed to twine a
round me ,are •under the- snow, and the
stare 'were too far away to hear—so there
is nothing to tell you of the castles we
builded, and the hopes we erected ; noth
ing• to tell of our pledges of love the one
to the nther. -
!went back font. 'times to khis Katie
good-bye, and 'found her waitteg every
time. I wasn't to come next day, for
Kate hated scenes, and so did. I—but
[From Chamber& Journal.]
Though ne'erstrtehde' r,
The summer splendor,
scented pride?:
What flag that quivers
ty,running• rivers,
What sfar that shivers]
What bud that blows,
Than thine is wearer'
What verb c
Of '66auti'itlier;
More perfect,. fairer,.
0 inystie Rose?
What suns, what thunder
Give thee 'thine wonder, •
What moist mould under,
What clouds above? •
'Under thy sweetness "• _
Of its ,completeness ,••
—Took-earth to witness, -•
0 Rose of Love?
Thy leaves, broad-blowing,
With-sunshine &win.,
Are overflowing
And oh ! each blossom
Upon thy bosom I
Would any lose 'em,
That once had found?
Who would surrender,
That held its splendor,
Thy stalk so slender,
Flexile and round ?
0 Rose ofpleasure,
0 endless treasfure,
But little leisure
For joy is ours,
The birds of laughter
Build in man's rafter,
But flee it after
The first bright hours,
In Summei blended,
The Spring is ended,
The earth is splendid, -
Life is at noon;
,Ail seems repeating;
."While Time is fleeting,
Love is,retreating, ,
0 Rose, and June!"
fflisuilautois Sending.'
somehow; when the inorrimg. came, felt
r must have one more "-look—one morO
word—one more kiss or
The.brave, knew in* step,
and , met me at the door, and I muttered.
ime:excuse-as-17-looke(17 - down — iii
little r pale,fircel—but-ishe'only-grasped-m •
hand the tighter and said , elm was glad
came. :Hex little, red :lips were press
ere-heavy andutd - r . eu my t e wo
man didn't crY—the . brave, little heart
ran down those steps with me to the gate,
and the Sun,
,preud of her no doubt
threw his glory all arcundher,.. ~Sheloolie
d like an angel, and I couldn't help tell
ing her so:. -
She gave &little, sad laugh, took Lbth
my.hands in hers, told me all that was' in
herheart in one, long,f yearning look from
her' eyes. . And then shutting them tight
ly, she. kissed me good-bye,
and ran -up
the steps into• the houseisthutting the door
behind her. •
I knew why she raii . cio—,her courage
was:Tailing, and the tears wouldn't stay
'back ; 'but I •glanced • up at her window
as 'I passed down the street, and though
the blinds were cloged; yet thrust through
the shutteri was one of Katie's little hands,
—the one with the ring—and oh, how LI
Wanted to go back and cheer 'the little,
lonely heart thati• knew was. , aching so
behind the•blinds—how I wanted to go
back and kiss awaYille
_tears 'from her
little wet face, and . c,omfort my •own,
tle Irate. But I walked on and on - away
frOm her, away to thedeix4; - forcr:hata
fortune to make, a home •to-win •ibr, Katie
and the' sooner I went the sooner I would
return. •
Ah, I've worked haicrd ; since ,I came:
here—two :years last AugUst—No money
to start on,:no friends to 'lean on, therek
• ouldhave= - gotlsith- -- But — l'carrreitk
work! , Lcame to ea wit my own handS ,
a hoine for d riie. , • t •
You thought "me gloomy when 'the'
drought come,.and over jubilant at 'little
successes; but my love for money: is no
greater than yours—neither was my fond
ness of labor bred in my bonesh-but I've
been working for Katie, saving for her.,
She has wound herself into my Iplans
—I planted those roses' or her; my shoal.'
ders haVe grown broad, my hands cos*
and large, my heart big and deep for IVO.
You see this littlepen-holder with the
little gold.pen ;• there's a little blue ink on
the pen yet. Yes, the holder is worn, it
belonged to Katie. That pen' never spoke
to any one but me, and it only spoke for
Katie I Oh, the words it has uttered ;
oh; the comfort it has• said •;:: oh the
strength it has given VW, as I hat* toiled
here day after day.
But it will never talk again. My life
it dreary, desolate ; my heart is' lonely,
lonely ; the days are long; there's no
rest br me at night ; there is no blessed
thoughts coming to -me as I work ; I've
nothing to look forward to-my Katie f iny
birdie, my womanly darling to dead—gone
out of my life so softly, so suddenly. Oh
Katie, vas your courage failing that you
went away so soon'?'Were you - tired,
Katie darling ?
She went to ride they say. Did the
horses know the precious treasure they
wrecked by the road-side? Did they
know the value of the burdep the3r had
borne along so 'safely, so many times?
Why, why drag that golden-trownedhead
in the dust? Oh, I cannot bear' to think
of it—l shut my eyes to shut it, out—
Why wasn't I there to save you Katie ?
Did I do' wrong to leave you? You bade
the go, and gave me •your blessing--Oh,
it was right, but it seems all wrong.—o:
hard, so cruel, so dreadful.
Dear little Katie I They sent me this,
pen with this letter half completed to me.
I haVe asked the little pen over and over
again to tell me the rest, but the little
song' remains imfieTighed,and there is noth
ing else that will chord • with it on this
earth—the music to me is a heavenly her
mony; no one•but Katie could sing it.—
The roses are hiking the flowers are fad
ing, but: what matters? Katie;will never'
come.- I haven't a plan I can finiqh,
they began and ended in Katie.
I watched the clouds last night as, the
sun set, and as T looked tip I thought I
saw a little htind, Ktite's hand; beckoning,
to me from the sky. I wanted to go to
her pot tp comfort her this time, but to
have her comfort me. But tomething
held, me back. I came in an lighted
my eanale, and sat here gazing at, this lit
tle gold Pen. The gold seemed to change
to Katie's hair, and,the blue to Katie's
ey . es, a.nd as I watched she spoke. "John
me =oh, how iethrilled me to hear her
dear voice again —"Johnnie, work:for God
as you have worked for me"—and thin
she faded away, andj was left alone.—
Yes, I- have been selfitil. I • have leved
only one; I haven't done my duty by
you, my fitends.t . derved angel in
stead of God, and God gave her winge
and took her to Ent HO sent
the anger tack to me to Him, and, I
feel • myself being led `Up toward the skies.
We shall have a home after all Katieand
butit will bebeyond the blue—in,God's
own Paradise.
Domestic Affection:
[Foifite Tazewell County Republican.]
We sometimes in. =journey - through
life, meet men who think. any. indulgence
of affection is a weakness. They will re ,
turn from a journey and greet their fon
ilies:with a distant dignity that would freeze
one; and will move among their: children.
with the cool and lofty bearing of a king
among his' subjects. •
From being the wife of -such an one,
"Good Lord deliver us." Why - I'd as
soon be tied to an iceberg during my nat
ural life, as to such a soulless piece of me
chanism.:There ishardly amore unnatural
sight on earth, than a family whoa(' head
is without a heart. Once inmy life it
waymy. lot ,to ,17isit such an one. The
mother was a delicate youngereature, who
luid• been taken fronra home where she
had. been•petted and caressed, and. trans
planted into the void soil-at—home r whe •
if there was any. affection the husband
ought it a weakness aa ow it. , ear
little babe had been given them, and, at
the time -or my visit, was just begining to
into its tiny-bed;she told it to first "go and
kiss4tapa." "Nonsense, Lillian," said the
hushouck,"• don't make Willie as foolish as
yom*H4F.;be a. man and go to bed
with42ill that fuse'
"lieli'man," indeed ? Why, the little
fellow *ids more of a man, even then, than
laiitnther, though he was a "wee toddling
thing : ',!-. The great old bear 1 how I hate
know 'What I woul • ave
dotte4l bast been his .wife? s' y, I'd
lia,v,e taken thei little three-year oh cherub
-by the hand and left his bed and boasd,
and thought I had just cause and proi
cation—stint I would. Why, a father
"might better extinguish his boy's eyes than
harden his heart by such teachings. ' .
that-values sympathy and affectio . • ould
not rather lose all that is beauf in na
tures-n*4y; than be' robbed . 'the hid
dentreastites-Ofthe heart ? W at man is
there, deserving the name of us an, who
wouloOpt ;rather bury his • , tfe or child
llowl*ty his love for the s , ?
h• u 's best- affec
tious ; indulge in the warm and gushing
etantionS of filial sarental and aterna
love, an, eau it not 1 weakness. Oh, cast
thou'not•affection from ?thee ; in this bit
ter world, hOld to thineleart, that only
treasurt,, fast— :
• Watch it—guard it—suffer not a breath
_to dim the bright gem's purity.
Tearh - your shildren the lesson of_loy_
o &ye ; their kin
, _thed ; theiia.ymates—yßa more,-the flow
ers and bird. .Legit be the studied.
439Me§tic culture to give, them warm
hearts,iiildluLdent tiffeetions.
find ry4nr'' little family together by
tkele,*;striing •ehor&—you cannot make
thed streng—they will then be better
ehlidrAy;'hettey friends, and do more good
to liunti64* - :•tuid grow up a blessing; to
Toll, to StorvA,'" Vas, and to all around-them.
—How•itY' Keep Well.
4f you are a wee-bit of a baby just be
gining.,to,toddle but of doors, tell •your
dear mamma not to • stuff you with candy
end rich food, but to let you, have plain
. 40,table dit;t„, varied with / good sweet
b'r.:7; 54'00n111k; with a bit of tender
loin' s a .while; rare done.—
Tell 14;iklAt; You go out; in . the yard, -to
play. lik,ololan ;And dirt, or. on the grass
and in :the. shade, just as you please ~and
don'A:letAir send the nurs eout 'to fret
and-14ier-you,-and take. away your lib
ertienFt: ,Tell her that two year old babies
ought:to havea i littlediberty. • Let father
put-trp,,the,bars, and shut - the gate, but
askizini.tOAitilf the nurse to let you alone.
Wherf:Yicir haVe played long enough, and
have goktiieoind cross, - then take your
cracker "and gairiibt up stairs to the crib,
and , sleep two - or three hours. If they will
let you. do this, you, will generally keep
Ontfif sick rooms ; and if you get in, it ioill
be' only fora little while. Tell your par
ents, that more babies are nursed and dosed
to, death ; than any but babies "know of."
Ifyon area boy or girl, the best way
ti) keep** Ao right, play a great deal—
not in but out of doors ; study
a little--4)Vs.tdo .mueli, but study very
I.l*-- , .whilej , tivare at it ; tell your father•
andinother that you don't want to wear
Clothes that are better than you are, which
*l6lB that yoji ' , Want coats and dresses
that are not too good to play in..
• If you are a young gentleman or lady :
,and have a good, healthy body, and a fair
'amount of common sense, do not let your
body..sriffer for want of good care, and . do
-nc d .itabuse_it & by dress or excesses of any
' 1 334 . I KOP young.' Never seek to be old.
Age comes' too soon. Be boys and girls
in heart and honesty as long as you can ;
for the more years you can look back u
pon and-say, "They ,belong to my youth,".
th4hOpier b 3 your ramenlmances,
. aid bu sure. gist membyies of the past en
'ter laagely into the pleasures of the pres
i:Ve`irill go no farther, for if those who
have. passed from. sweet chubby childhood
intoligight t ,promising youth, and through
matutity , ',inte middle life, have not yet
learnette'Preserve their health, it is very
likely' they never will, but may be classed
among - rmillitudes, who, like them, have
neglectettature's simple teachings, vio
latether:generous laws, and will spend
the remainder of life in search of some al
levkitor 0, n t) of lOst health and hap
pine3s, g everywhere, and trying
everyth . but simple obedience to her In
. .
The Prophet Olathe servant who came
to knowlsrimi his lord, the King, might
do to 'o r belieided of his leprosy, to go
wash- seimi times in a little stream not
far away; andllte servantangrilyreplied:
Is thy.,taer;vant the King, a. dog, that he
should db this small thing. Have we not
,rivers better than Jordan ? And the proph
et said : Ifllad told thee tot° some great
thing, then would'st thou haire obeyed,—
It is now either' ;• some great thing must
be done when no great thing is needed..:---
If we have no fatal disease by inheritance,
we may generally have health by keeping
a clear conscience, owing no man anything,
living simply, working hard, sleeping free
ly, eating plain food and enough of it and
if we do not find recreation enough in
labor, take time for it .outside of work;
buCtake itsomehow, and is good measure.,
What will you Hava t7;-'
The group stood beside the marbib slab
that formed the bar of a saloon: The
lights ilaihed from 'die the costly chande
lier, and showed well the gilded room built
by the earnings of working men. "What
will you have ? what will you:have ?" cricd
the bar-tender: A young man looked a
round and said. "Bitter ale."
There was nothing to do but press a
leaver,and - the - Mika, — witli his foamy
crown, was at his lips,_and th_eglass.4 -
j l led and refilled. ,When he went ,home
to his mother's there was no marble table,
no flashing light'and he was short oftem
•4 ; It. :is • a as
his Nva7 — bsek,
had bitter -
for you mul
ceed. An,
whose eyes
and he had
no - 001, .
d hardly
blotches on
There is an • unhealty redness about his
,eyes ; his lips are flabby, swolen, and of a
sickly, whitish color; his hands are very
,unsteady : he has been twice dismissed,
and taken back atthe request of a minis
ter who knew the broken-hearted wife in
her better' days, and who attended his
• ifhir's funeral, for her son was drunk
at it. And if cholera or fever came to his
cheerless room, his wife would likely be a
widow and his children without a father,
and, worst of all, it would be no great lose
to them.
He did not mean to have these when he
said "bitter ale." But all these have come;
for - fire - will - burn; - and - folly - will -injure
and vice will curse us, whether we ' mean
to_or_not h it has-been-bitter-ale-to
him, indeed.
My friend, what will you have? Look
beyond the hour and glass, think of . the
future ; however pleasant it looks to the
eye, or takes to the lip, for "at last it hi
teth like a serpent, and stingeth like an
When once the young beau become
infatuated. he makes known his
. passion
to the father of this "affinity„' and express
es his desire to strive for her hand. A
kind of contract is immediately' entered
into, by which the young. man binds
himself to the father as a servont for a
term of years, at the expiration of which
time he can have his pleasure of learning
whether the daughter will hoye ;him or
not. In this manner, if, the father b 3
the happy possessor of lbeautiful dough
t 3r, he may have half a dozen men rea
dy to do his bidding at one time:. •
• When the term 'of servitude expires,
one of the larger youths is selected, and
all the old women of .the place, arnica
with 'sticks and pieces of seal-thong, are
stationed in the'. prologs suspended a.:
round the room. The daughter , then ap
pears, thickly clad in skin garments, fol
lowed by her lover, when a race ensues a
round the enclosure, the contestants dodg 7
ing along the. prologs. To win his. bride
he must overtake her, andleave the print
of his nail upon her person before she can
be rescued by the old. woman, who du
ring the race, impedes the lover as much
as possible by beating him with sticks
and tripping him by seizing his legs as he
rushes by them the advantage is all
with the girl, and if she does not Trish to
become . the wife of her pursuer, she • can
avoid him without difficulty, On:theefin
trary,lf - she likes 'Min she- manages tb
stumble, or makes known her wishes , to
the old woman, who then only make .I'n
show of, impeding her pursuer. Some
times the lover is so. desperately smitten
that, after being foiled, he returns to the
father and binds himselt for another pe
.riod of years for the privilege of making
another trial. Front "Reindeers, Dogs,
and Snowshoes," by Richard J. Bush
Why A Dutchman -did not:have
a Clock
There is residing in one of the bor
der cities • of the Commonwealth of Ken
tucky a German barber, who is quite a
charaeter in his way. The fellow does
not appear to recognize any distinction
whatever among the people with whom
he comes in contact. If the Governor
of the State were to step in his shop to
get shaved, the probabilaty is that he
would open a familier conversation with
him, and call him by his christian name
before the job were ended. - Not long ago
Col. James, T. a prominent citizen of
the .place desiring to curtail the hairy por
tion of his visage, called , upon the teuton
aforesaid to engage his professional 'servi
ces. It seems that the Colonel was known
to the lathering knight, and of course was
the recipient of much confidential remark
during the operation which produced the
usual feeling of annoyance. As he was
about leaving the shop, the razor-strapper
called to him :
`,Hello, Yim told me cot time it is yore
you goes away," This was too much for
the Colonel's dignity, and turning .sharp
ly around remarked : "Dem you, why
don't you keep's -clock, and not bother
every gentleman that come into yoarshopr
"Hold on dere," replied the Teuton,
"come you back, Yin, gust one minute
and I told you how it was dat I don't
got any glock.' The request Father ex
cited the 'Colonel's curiosity; and he of
course waited for the explanation. "Vail,
you see, de udder night after - 1. - slug:3 up,
de shop, I feels a little darsV,like what a
man will feel sometimes; - • . oti know, and
I says to my olt *Omit; I believe 1. goes
up to de corner atitik.gett a glass of peer..
I goes up x_ou know; and gots my glass of
peer,unt vile I was a sitten dere , m domes
Yok 4.line and says, Heinriel, better
you come mit me and take a glass of peer
Vail, I say, I don't keer ven I do tint
so I goes mit him unt takes de glass -of
peer. And den,'already, after. a little
vile, in comes Yohn More,unt Peter -My
er mit some odder fellers, unt dey all ax
me to tome mit 'em, unt ye all' got to
drinkin unt singin mit songs, and I
I pretty trunk. Ve vas limit) a good
time generally, unt I stays Mil dem fell
ers till it was about near tree o'cicek.—
Ven I finds out vot time it is, I finks how
mine vile will gib me der teiful ven I
goes home. Anyhow, I say I viii sehlip
town not ! it in to house,JuilLsehlipin_de_
bet mit der olt voman, and I don,t vill
vake her up.
Val you - know I vas a little trunk - , unt
Istaimmels - ober some in 4. • -t - • • • •
floor tint de olt vooman she wakes up and
say, "Oh I oh ! Mister Heinrick, dis is a
vine time to ye a comin home ? vot :time
it is hey ?" 0, I say don't gif yourself so
much trouble, tisn' more lelfen o'glock.—
Nowyust - ven vooman dat
it vas leffen o'glocic, der 'glock calls me a
liar, unt strikes tree. Dat make me mad
you know, unt so I knocks him all to pie
Teach self denial, and make its practice
pleasurable, and you create for the world
a destiny more sublime than ever issued
from the brain of the Njldestdrearaer.
is — easy to' exclude the noontide light
by closing the eyes ; and it is easy to resist
the clearest truth by hardening the heart
In all differences consider that both you
and your opponent are drooping off, and
that ere long your very memories will be
• There are momenta when pretty sights
are harder to bear than even a - serious in
a gnat bite. - -
Men's hearts ought not to be set against
one another, but sit with one another, and
all against the evil thing only.
A man behind the times is apt to speak
ill of them, on the principle that nothing
Public reformers had need first prac
tice on'theit - own - hearts that - whicli they
purpose to try on others.
Steadfastness is a noble quality ; but,
unguided by knowledge or humility, it
becomes rashness.
Next to the man who can answer agues
tien thoroughly, is the nian who can ask
it clearly.
The more any one speaks, of himself,
the less he likes to hear another talked of.
'No science is speedily learned by the
noblest genius without tuition.
What thu ,seest,•speak of with caution.
11 man who is lost to honor, and has a
corrupt and'festering heart, never finds a
nything 'worthy in the conduct of his as
lerlonks atevery one with a con
stant. peering suspicion.
Good Advices.
Spurgeon sententiously expresses a num
ber of oughts "worth remembering" in'
the following appropiate sentences, which
he publishes "advice gratis:"
'Nobody islike an honest' man' than a
When you see a man with a great deal
of religion displayed in his shop-window,
you may depend upon it he keeps a very
small. stock of it within.
Do not choose your friend by his looks;
handsothe shoes often pinch the feet.
Do not be fond ofcomplimexits; remem
ber "Thank you, pussy, and thank you
pussy," kill ttre cat,
Dcin't believe 'the man who talks the
most; for - mewing cats are very sel
dom good mousers.
By no means put yourself iannother per
son s power: If you put your thumb be
tiveen two grinders they Are very apt to
Drink nothing without seeing W it, sign
nothino. without readily , it,' and make
sure Sat it; means. nothing more than, it
Put no dependence on the ]able of a
bag and count money after your ,oivn
In any busines never wade into water
where you cannot see_the bottom.
See. the sack open before you buy.
what is in it; for he who trades in the
dark asks to be cheated.
Keep clear of a man mh o does not val
ue his own character.
One beautiful imit- of our humanity is
the tenderness with which we cherish the
memory of the departed. Let Death take
from .the household a troublesome and
ungovernable child, , and all that is remem
bered is his sweet and •gentle words, his
rare qualities, his loving ways,his beauty,
and his manliness. The child stands bel'
fore his parents' eyes,. not a he-was ..; , but
as he might have been hiid all . God put in
him been perfected by loVe - and'grate.
He is now always 'dear chile in' their
thoughts,and not selfish or unlovely. The
children long for their dead companions,
with real and tender grief;. they would be
pleised were he back again ; they are sur
prised to find how much they loved him:
friends' long to have the opportunity, now
lost, to show their love. Why did I not
prize him more? why did I not serve him
better? is the universal feeling.
LIQUID GOLD. , --One of the prettiest
sights the human eye ever rested upon
is pure gold in its liquid state. We saw
in the Branch mint, recently, a. jar con
taining several galons of liquid partially
precipitated.' The liquid is the color of
pure sherry wine,, andgyeatly magnifies
that which is precipitated in the solid
state. Looking through the , side of the
jar at the gold which has settled on the
bottom, it presented a sp`retutsr - and mag
nificence such as we never witnessed even
in the most brilliant ' sunset—an appear
ance not unlike that which one wouldim•
aging the vault of beaven would • present
if inverted and lined _with solid goldand
lighted by a summer' sun. The assayer
had his eyepeeled while iie"were examin
ing the jar.—Carson Register. „
Why are clouds like - conehinan ?
cause they hold the ,rains:
$2,00 PER TEAR
a ifir
Boasters are cousins to liars
Never .ut off ti
did the week before last
The first newspaper ever published was
.When you encounter seeming difficul
ties, enough to weigh down an elephant,
that is the time to struggle the harder.
r_Divorces are obtained in Miwkmd with
out publicity. They take their wives out
-hing, and lighten the boat.
Evil company is like tobacco smoke—
you cannot be long in its presence with
out carrying away a taint of it.
An enterprising farmer, in order to sup
_ply_ the_market -with-fresh-eggsrbrings-hi
ehns along, and lets them lay in the wag
on alma. the way. _
A western obituary closes by saying:
"She had an amiable temper, and was
very fond of ice cream and other delica
An old maid, with more bones than
flesh, is writing letters through papers, ad-
Arising young girls not to -many.- .Poor
old gal !_she don't know-how-it is herself.
Rrv. T. V. Moore, D. D., at one time
Pastor of the Presbyterian congregation,
in Greencastle, died in Nashville, Tenn.,
on the fiifth inst..
An Elmira editor, speaking of the mar
eof a brotherquiLl,says : "It's sad
however, this parting with old•friends, One
-by-one-they-drop off-and-double up,"
. .
Where was I, ma." said a little urchin
to his mother'. as he stood gazing at his
drunken and prostrated father,—"where
was I when you marietl pa ? Why didn't
yciu take me along? I could have pick
ed out a better man than he is."
Some one, wishing to be witty on a gen
tleman with a large mouth,asked him "if he
had a long lease of that mouth of his,"
when he was gocid-humerdl3r answered,
"No, I have it only from year to year !"
A peddler, speaking of the . , yillainous
whiskey they-have. out iri...colorado, says
after taking two drinks - of it -.he, stole his
'own goOds and hid them :in the woods,
and for his life he can't :remeniher where
e put them. -
A school committee in a frontier dis
trict is reported to have summed • up its
opinion of an examination which the com
mittee had attended, by makingthe• fol
lowing address to the . pupils ; ',You've
spelt well, and, you've ciphered good," but
you paint sot still." -
.A noble lord asked elerg,ythan once at•
the bottom of his table, "why the goose,.
if there was one, Was always placed next.
the parson. "Realy," replied the clergy-. Ir t
many "I can give no reason for it, but;,?,....,
your question is so odd that I shall nevee.,
see a goose again' without thin 'ng of
your lordship:. •
Two hundred ready-made dwellings
are to be shiped front Chicago to Colora
do. They are 'to contain. seven rooms
each, with partitions, stairs, windows, sash
and casing, roofs' and trimmings for doors
and windows complete, and can be placed.
in complete condition for occupancy in
two hours after being unloaded.
,Childhood is like the glass• catching
and reflecting imagei all around it. Re
member that an impious or profane
thought uttered by a parent's lips may•
operate up on a young heart like a care
less spray of water thrown on a polished
steel, staining it with rust; which no - after
scouring can efface. • • ' •
ItuvisEss.—There is nothing purer
than honesty; nothing sweeter than char
ity ; nothing warmer than love, nothing
brighter than vertue '• and nothing more
steadfast ihan'faith: The s e united in one,
mind, for the purest, • the swetest,"- the
xichesti brightest; and most steadfast hap
"Bob,- Harry Smith has one of the
.greatest curiosities you.eveisaw.",
"Don't say so--what is itr
"A. tree that never sprouts, , and be--
comm smaller the older it grows."
"Well that is a curiosity. Where did
he get it?"
-- "From California."
"What is the name of it*' -
"Axel-tree—it once -belonged to a, Cal=
ifornia omnibus - -
A Im§tern "poet" gets off* the follow
ing, explanatory of steamboat expla:-
sion : •
"The engine groaned, .
The wheels did creak,
The steam did whistle,
And the boiler did leak,. •
The boiler was examined,
They found• it was rude%
And -all nu. a sudden, .
The old thing busted.
• TIME AND MoNiir. - - - -:-Ittany people - take'
no care of their moneftill t theyiste come
nearly to the end'
just , the same with their.4101;,'.., :. 6, NAti.
,days they thrown itwv,-14 . 4 'l;` , 10,4!;.
sand through their .
they think they have an An- ,
number <oftheni- td spend but
find their da Yn-flovang,rapidly away so".. '
-that at;lasp they have .very few :left, then.
they #lll,-Otince roxdo a vcry wiseuse,nf:
Own hat:: AiTuckfly, they have no n 0...•
!•tkoalowo-do it.. . . .
it my r.