By tc.Biduja, • - • A . FAMILY NEWSPAPER•DEtrOTED TO LITERATURE, LOCAL AND 'GENERAL NEWS, ETC. , • ' VOLUME 24. *.ertrt tlottr.g. NATIIRIS WORSHIP. BY J. G. IVEu x/EB, 'The harp at Nature's advent strung Has itevefceased to play : :The song the stair or mourning sung Has never died away. .And prayer is niade, and praise is given, By all things near andigr, The ocean looketh up to heaven ' And mirror's every star. Its waves are kneeling'on the strand, . s kneels the human knee, ,Their white locks bowing to the sand, 'The priesthood of the sea ! They pour their glittering treasures forth, Their gifts of pearls they bring, ' E . And all the listening hills of earth Take up the sang they sing. - • , The green earth sends:herincens.e up From many a nionntatu ahrilke;;, From folded leaf and,dewy cup,' She pours her sacred ,wine. , The mist above-the morning rills• Rise white ajs wings of prayer,! The altnr curtains of the hills Are 'sunset's ronriale air' The wind viOi hymns of praise,are loud, E?• Or low, with sounds of pain : • The thtinder organ of the cloud, The dropping tears • of rain. -With drooping head and.branches erossetl The ill:11101V forest grieves, ,Or speaks with, tongues Pf rentegost Frog' all its sunlit leaves. is the tem ' Its transept earth ancl The mueie of the stary march The chorus of a prayer. So Nature keeps the reverent'frame - With which her years began, And all her signs and voices shame The prayerless heart of man': MEN TIES. BY J. MONTGWIERY. The broken ties of happier days, HoW often do they seem . To come before our mental gaze, Like a remembered dream. Around us each "dissevered chain In sparkling ruin Jies; And earthly hand ( .•ne'er again Unite those broken ties. The friends. the loved ones of ogr . yputh They too are goue'or changed, - ,Or worse than all, their love and truth, Is darkened or estranged ; They meet us ilithe . glittering • throng, With cold averted eyes, And wonder that we Weep their wrong, And mourn our broken ties, • Olkl.who in such a Norld as this, Could bear their lot of pain, • Did not one radiant ,hope of bliss Unealtured yet remain That hope the sovereigu Lord hasziyen Who reigris•above ate skies; hope that united our souls to heaven, By faith's endurivg, ties. Yneh care, each ill of mortal birth, Is sent in pitying love, To lift the lingering.heart from earth, • And speed its flight above. And every pang that wrings the breast, And every joy that dies, Tells us to' seek a purer rest, And trustto holier ties. atlistellatirop gitading. ,?1 , 24 , 010)4,-*A1,61•103:44111 BY LornE BitONN.' Give me my supper, sis, I'm hnngry !". • "And I'm so sleepy that I can't keep my eyei 'open." Marion, Dean looked at the two great boys with a heavy sigh, and laid aside the little quilted hood and faded shawl. ."Let me rest a moment, Harry, and you shall have your supper. I have work ed hard all day, and am wearied-to death. Oboys, if you were only able to help me bear my heavy burden !" She pushed back the falling braids of brown hair, and ,leaning her head upon her handS, What,a dull, lutrd life it, was Work, - work, work, from morning until night with no one to cheer her, nor any hope in the future.? She looked at The sturdy youngsters le foie her, and wondered if she would ever be able to do her duty by them. They must be fed, clothed and educated, and only her own poor, little hands to perform the task. She held them out before her, and laugh ed contemptously. Poor, feeble things ! Were they competent to do. all these things. Harry called again for his supper, and Artie crept close beside her-and - laid • his head upon her lap, in a pleading.manner and half chiding herself for her forget-, ,fulness, she arose, drew out the little ta ble, placed upon it her White cloth and old-fashioned china, and brought forth her bread and .little cakes, and because she felt lonely and poor, she, to be indulgent to her darlings, and filled the tiny glass 'sauce-dish, from her. one pre serve can and placed it on the table.— When this was done, and 'while she wait ed for tea to draw, she took poor, tired Artie in her arms, unlaced the little shoes and rocked him in her low chair by the fire, wishing all the while that there was • something better fOr her. Itewas while she sat thus, 'with her fins face worn and, shadowed, that that came a little rap upon the door, and then with; out waiting for 'the usual summons it op ened, and upon the • threshold stood a man, with 'a noble,' appreciative face, and a pair of splendid dark eyes, which took in the whole picture. There was no mis taking the weary, drooping figure at the fire ; and he walked' straight in; laid a-. side , his overcoat, and took the tired youngster in his own stout arms. "There, Marion, you are sufficiently tir 7 ed without making a baby of this great. fellow. Why, Arthur, you're a man!" "He was mother's baby, Mr. Holbrook, and I cannot bear to put him. away. .Poor little Artie 1" She looked at hith with tears in her eye.s, and wished him under the - care of one like the strong min before' hei. Mr. Holbiook 'was the owner of the great mill where Harry Forked.. Harry had been there but a few weeks, and only earned the trifle of eight dollars per month; but even this was a blessing to the hard working sister., and when . Mr., Holbrook bad first maMthe proposition she. could have fallen down and worshiped He had never seen her until that night, and it was the , merest, choice that they met. Some one had spoken of Harry Deane, and ;wanting an errand boy hecal- , . . Ile did noi understand her wants, but, he admired her .strength and pure unsel fishness, and he had been. there often, and talked as freely as an old acquaintance. It.seempd a great kindness,,and even con descension for this man, the richest in all the country, to cell upon her;but his vis its brought her 'words of comort, and so she could not discourage them. He came that migbt to talk as usual of books, and the great world and its wonders, and to clieer her into:smiles. .He succeed- MEI e , an' ppy an' con en "Girls, there is to be a grand fair at the hall next week, did you grand ?" asked one of Marion's shopruates. "No, tell us about it." "It is for some benevolent object,. I be lieve. I shall certainly go. Carrie Dol man, my chum, works at Mrs. M—'s shop, on Centre street, and says that Miss Dol ivar has brought a splendid dress to be made for it. It is a beautiful pink silk, with flounces of real lace. Of course she is going with perald Holbrook, for they are engaged you know. What a grand match that Will be. I mean to ask Mar ion to get a ticket for me, Holbrook hires her brother, and calls there once in a while. You know he always was noted for his kindness to those in his employ. I know Marion cat' have plenty of tickets if she will except them." . Marion's face burned. Accept tickets from Miss Dolivar's affianced husband! No, no ! And the 'white. teeth left a scar let mark upon ; her under lip, and her eyes blazed' like fire. It was a long day and Marion' worked hard, but she dreaded night and her return to her quiet home. What had she to do with Miss Dolivar's lover? Nothing ; but - the thought pained her more than her poverty and weariness.— Ah; why did he come ? • 'She went home, ate her supper, and sat down more weary and discontented than ever. She' id notl ook,up when Holbrook came, and when he laid a little package Of books In her lap, she put them gently back. "No, thank you kindly. I cannot ac cept them." "Don't let.your pride interfere. I will loan them, if you do not wish to accept them as a gift." He laid them on the table and went on with his conversation. "There is to be a fair next week at the hall. Would yon like to go ?" . • "No. thank you." •'lt will do you good, Marion." "No, no, sir. ..Please do not urge me. I would.not go for worlds." "Marion, what has come over you ? Are you getting weary of my frierabbip.". "0, no sir," she half sobbed. "It is not that, but=." "But what? Are you weary of my'vis its ?' "No, not weary—but 0, don't come n- gain." He looked steadily into her face. "Do you mean this, Marion Her reply came low and chocked, and her face was white as death, as she spoke. As for him, be arose, said good-night and went out, leaving her nothing, save the old dessoration made more dark and dreadful by the sunshine she had known. Meekly slurtook up her cross, and bore it steadily, unflinchingly onward, hiding deep down within the recesses of her lone heart the love she had felt for Gerald Hol brookeoind no one knew that she was a martyr, a heorine She dreaded the night of that happy festival. For she 'daily heard the - pro gr.,''s of Miis Dolivar's rich dress, and the splendid appearance she was expect ed to make, and night after night she lay in her narrow: bed and pictured her, as she would appear beside Gerald, and all hearts admiring and envying them. She had brushed up the boy's hest suits, added a neat little necktie of her own ffiehiman ufacture, and Squeezed out su ient from her own hard earning to pure . Re the the tickets, and enable them to go vith a neighbor's family,, and when there joyous faces disaPpeared, she sat down as usual to think, think, think! She was left to hergloomy thoughts but a short time, for there came along the hall a -quick,wel l -known step, and before she could rise, Horbrooke was before her. He came straight . to her. "Don't look at me unkindly, . Marion ! I could not help it. I have been unhap .py ever since that night, and I came for au explanation.. Was it because some WAYNESBORO!, FRANKLIN COUNTY, THURSDAY, AUGUST 17, 1871. one told, you that I was engaged to Miss Dolivair • She did not lift her eyes when she re plied "And did yOU. believe it?" "How could I help it?", ' "And so your pride and honor would not permit ypu to allow me to continue my visits?" • "No. I feared it might bring us both trouble."' "Dear Marion, it is ` false l There is but one image in my heart, and that is your own.—May I always keep it there?" She could not answer him, but she lift ed a face so_ radient and beautiful with her new-found joy, that he held her far from him and gazed at her, bdfore he could believe his omit eyes. When at an unreasonable late hour the happy boys returned, they stopped short in the door, and hushed their noisy demonstrations, and wondered what had come over sis. She held them close to her warm heart told them the whole story; And Harry threw up his• cap, and Artie gave a stout hearty yell of approval, and declared that he would make the 'jolliest sort of a, brother." ,And Marion, with all her new-found happiness, knelt down and thanked God for Big great kindness, and slept in peace. A Checkered Life. A Philadelphia, paper gives some details d the early life of Mrs. Wharton, now under 'arrest in Baltimore for the murder of her husband. It says Mrs. W., then Ellen G. Nugent, was born in that city 45 years ago. Her father, George Nu gent, was most proud tent and success ful merchant of the day, doing a large im porting business of fine goods, silks, etc. In character he was strictly upright and -honorable, liiing as it ere by-a_set_rure of firmness and justice to all. Ot all Mr. Nugent's children his' daughter Nel lie _was the idol. He lavished every at tention upon her that money . could corn aiaand. By the universal voice of those whd knew her she was certainly a most lovely girl. About twenty years of age, of slender and graceful, yet queenly bear-. ing, with magnificent jet black hair' of unusual length, dark eyes, and, fair com plexion. It was about this time that she began to develop a passion that has ever since been' inordinate with her, and that was the desire to dress magnificently. Her father spared no expense to . gratify her lightest whim, and gave her money enough to clothe a dutchess. Her father-allowed her to carry the purse of a dutchess, and consequently the reader can. judge of his surprise when outside' bills that had been contracted by his daughter to the amount of thousands of dollars were sent in to him for settlement, and all, this heavy running into debt had taken place in' a ,eoniparativelY short time, and -without the slightest premonitory intelligence.— It was found that this money had been expended for laces, silks, jewelry, etc. etc., which were lavished with an imperial , hand as presents upon her young. friends. The debts 'were paid by' her father. Mien Nellie was the brilliant center of a large circle of people of the best class in thakvicinity. So that when, shortly after, all received an invitation to the marriage of that young lady, it created some little stir of excitement. At length all the invited guests assembled at the Nugent mansion to witness the marriage of the beauty. Great preparations had been made for the event. The ' hour at which the nuptial knot was to have been tied struck with a dismal clang, and yet no bridegroom. Messengers'were sent in haste,' and on their return they announc ed that Mr. Williamson bad not contract ed the marriage, and knew nothing' about it. Subsequent investigation showed Con clusiCely that the marriage had 'not the. slightest foundation, so far as any atten rion of Mr. Williamson was concerned, people began to intimate that something was wrong in her head. Mr. 3gugent, af ter careful pondering of the matter, was resolved to have Nellie removed to an as ylum for the insane. It wanted 'but a day or two of the execution of theaSylum project, when one morning it was found that the bird had flown in the night from the nest. In a very little while the 'fa ther received intelligence that his ' daugh ter had eloped with young Lieut. Harry W. Wharton, had .proeeeded with him to Philadelphia, .and had been there. marri ed. The runaway couple had not been long from home until they received assiir .ances of, forgiveness, and returned. Not, withstanding the growing suspiction that she poisoned her husband and son, it is the universal testimony that never was there a more loving wife. She was most' passionately, devoted to him, and folloiv ing him everywhere. , . See how the torid zone birds build their nest., away out on the eud of a limb, so that the monkeys cannot seize' their young. The monkey has to take a back seat, look at the nest and grit his teeth and wink, but he dare not—he dare ' not try it. The humming bird builds its nest of non-conducting materials, so that the thunder-storm rsnmot spoil its eggs. It knew the mysteries of thunder long before Benjamin Franklin brought down a spark from a thundercloud. An indolent youth being asked why he was so shamefully fond of his pillow, to the manifest injury of his reputation, re plied—l am engaged every morning in hearin,g counsel. Industry and Health advised me to rise, Sloth and Idleness te lie still ; and they give .their reasons at length, •pro and con. It is my part to be strictly impartial, and to hear with 'pa tience what is said on both sides, and by the time the case is fairly argued, dinner is generally on the table. .BOYS USING MONEY. Is not the right use of - money an im portant part of education ? If so can it begin too•early, or be neglected with safety? And where else can it be taught po well as in the house of childhood? In t ,the case of boys, a writer in the Congregation 4 ur ges, upon parents a course of careful training, and says; The temptation which besets young men are never greater than when he first begins to • spend money on his own ac count. In the case of most young men the power of these great temptations is largely increased from the fact that they had no training whatever in the use .of: money. *Many a boy goes fatally wrong upon. entering college, because he finds himself then, for the first time, with mon ey in his pocket, whilst he is without edu cation and without sense in the matter of sbeadi ik it. . Many a clerk is ruined 'in the same'iiray. Why should it not be so? Everybody is aware that the heads of grown people are turned by the sudden accession of wealth. The follies committed by those who unexpectedly become rich, are mat ters 01 , -uraversal recognition and ridicule. Why should boys be wiser than men ? Why, with greater temptations. should they have more self-controll than grown people ? The officers of our large schools and colleges are urgent in the. entreaties they make of parents not to furnish their sons an abundance cfpocket-money. Phe unhappy results of this are continually before their eyes. But the remedy lies further back. They should be trained from early years-to the right use of mon ey. It is an exciting time for most boys when they begin to have the sense of man hood coming on. it is a true intoxication at just_ the moment when all the passions are brakilic , into life and then the love of-the-approbationsnf_companions strongest to feel "I am now my own mas ter." And it is simply ,tempting the dev il, to add to the power of this. intoxica tion by letting aboy awake precisely then to the unused 'feeling, "I have money in my hands, and I can do as I please 'with it." Aud yet this can hardly be avoided. . A young man, in the matter of spending as in other things, cannot be kept forever in leading strings. The true method is to teach , him to spend wisely : to begin e.arly,-anddilligen tly to trainlim to use money for himself and to use it well. Parents must of course judge for themselves what arrangements it is wise 'to' make. But suppoSe that when your boy is ten years old you fur nish him an allowance sufficient to buy his shoes and gloves. , Let it be large e nough to cover also, such trifles as -a' boy needs, and whatever it is right he should, give away. He still be proud of the trust you place in him. He' will 'gladly seek your aid in fulfillingit. He will;moreovera willingly consent.:(and this is althingof dispensable importance) to keep and —a act.account of his expenses. In this way and by enlarging the allowance as circum stances permit, parents may hope gradual ly to accustom their children to the use of money, and to paepare them for the time when they shall controll entirely their own expenses. Much might be said concerning the many advantages that would result from such a course. Poor children might be taught, not only to spend prudently, but to save carefully, if any object required, and especially to give, from true princi ple and out of a loving heart. Our chil dren are two much restricted in their pow er of Making others happy. But we pass 'this by, to say a word a bout the confidence that may come to be established in this way between the boy and his parents. The child's saceguard is not the love of parents, but a hearty confidence between him and them. -Hap py will be your boy if you shall win such a trust from him as shall lead him 'glad ly to admit you to a share in all his life. A sad thing it is when he no 'longer tells you what be does' with his evenings—a sad and ominous thing when he begins to incur expenses of which he is unwilling to have you know. Forestall, so ' far as possible. the danger of this. Let him have money at an age when he. will nat urally seek your sympathy in the use of it. Trust Begets trust. Your confidence in him will awaken his 'in you. It wil appeal to his honor. This which is so .strong in boy,s, and goes so fearfully wrong of ten, be at pains to set right. Nis fear's other, and better side. It is love's strong est side. Make it, in your son, a mighty pledge.of his confidence in :i:rdu. In a few years, if this boy lives, it will be the most important practical question that can be asked concering him: Does he know how to use money ?" Teachers° will watch concerning this. - His employ ers will ask about it anxiously. His an swers to it will be potent to determine his life. For ours is a day when most men have more to do with money than with anythinr,, else. The mightiest passions are involved init. And as a man spends, so is he. A nut Rran.Y.—We met a boy on the 'street and without the ceremony of -ask ing our name he exclaimed : "You just orter been down to the river, a while ago'." "Why V' we inquired. • "Because a Dutchnian was, in there swimming, and a big cat fish come up be hind him and swallowed both of his feet, and went swimming, along on top of the water with him, there came behind another big fish, and the dutchman and the two . fish went swimming about." "Well, what then "Why, after a while, the dutchman swallowed his fish, and the other fish swal lowed the dutchman, and that's the last I saw of either of them. A fainting: fit—Tight lacing. 'AUNT RACHEL. Do 'you know her, my reader? • I hard ly need to ask that question, for quite unlikely that you have ever seen her lit tle house near the sea. It is just such a box of a cottage as you may have read of many times, till you concluded it was a mere creation of fancy ; so if it ever dawns upon your mortal vision, it will be the more charming from its expectedness. It seems hardly large enough for a fami-' ly of faries, over-shadowed as it is by great lithe-limbed willows, beautiful in the bar ren winter, and glorious in the summer surf ; and yet besides' little Ruth and Let ty, Aunt Rachel has a faculty for making comfortable the many who visit her each season. The cottage is a miracle of neatness, but then Letty was "brought up" under her eye, and even Ruthies childish plays are almoit as orderly . and quiet as the dear grandmother's movements. It is really delightful to sit at the round table, whose appointMents speak so strongly of the past. ' The linen is exquis itely fine and white—she .wove it long years ago—and the pattern is far more beautiful than anything made in our poor day. The china is almost a century old ; so are the teaspoons ; the teapot, you will notice, in not of modern make, but it will interest you to know that it once held the cups that cheered General Wash ington after a hard day's work. If you care to hear then, she can tell you many a story of those dark days, and she will tell them as thrillingly as if the events occured but yesterday, so vivid is her re membrance of them. There are flowers all about the cottage —old favorites of her father and mother perchanee. The purple-eased morning glory drapes the pantry 'windows and - blush roses bloom - beside- them. —There= are more of their sister-Rrod — in the gar den that slopes to the edge oithe shimng 'Neversink. The rough fence glows with fiery eyes of the nasturium, and sweetens the air with the bieath of flowering peas. Down the walk are bunches of grass pinks tall'spikes of lavender, tufts of velvet ma rigolds, and - old-fashioned peonies ; then . there's always a carefully tended bed" of mignonette "because Alice loved it so." " ,Rut there's no use iu trying to describe these things to you ; much more shall I fail if I attempt to picture Aunt Rachel, her pale; sweet face, ,;whitened hair, and quiet Quaker garb. Go for yourself and hear her patient voice narrating the events Of the past. She will tell you, doubtleis, of her happy girldhood, the serene wedded life, full of brightness and harmony, till the blow came that left her at once with out parents and husband, with ' nothing but the baby Alice to live for—how the darling grew to youth and beauty and then went home to the others. Her beau ty and brightness live again in littie Ruth; whose childish ways and merry laugh keep the memory of her mother green. If you have grief in year heart because some one you loved has been removed fi•om out your life, you may wonder how she can speak so calmly 'of her departed and of her trials, which have not been few. She will tell you that the discipline was need ed—that we forget God in our happiness, and sometimes He sends us the thick dark fiesS, so that we are forced to Him in our utter need. Her heart brimming over with sympathy, leads her to many kind deeds and words ; and as I "view her daily worth, I question why the same quiet may not brood over many a mourning one—why each may not learn himself that— " There is no sorrow to the earnest soul That lookcth up to God with perfect faith." An Amusing Duel in Louisiana. On 'a certian occasion since the begin ning of 1871, in the little town of Ouach ita City, on the banks of the Ouachita, riv er, about twenty-five miles above the city of Iklenroe, two gentlemen (Johnson and Jones) concluded to play. one game of "seven up" at $5. They took their time and interspersed the game with several drinki. 'they finally finished the game. Johnson, being winner, raked in the aion ev. Jones studied about it for a while.— He made up his mind that it was notright for Johnson,to take the money, as they were neighbors —not gambletT, anyway— and were only in fun. He said : "You are not going to take thut money, are you?" "Yes, indeed, I am," said Johnson. "Well," said Jones, "you had as well take, it out of 'ivpocket." • "Nov, Jones, take that back." "I shall - not take it back; and if you are noesatisfied, help yourself in any way you choose." "But Jones, I insist that yow,,take it back, because I don't steal myself:" "I shall not take it back; and I now repeat that you bad as well have stolen that money out of my packet. Ifyou wish a difficulty, yon can have it anyway you like." "Well, then, we will shoot it out," s i iid Johnson. "Very well, sir, "said Jones; mention your time and place." Without further ceremony, all the ar rangements were made for the duel to take place that evening. Many of the neigh bors were there, and'at once•coneluded to have the fight come off. They knew John son, who proposed the shooting, would back out unless he could bo encouraged. They knew, on the other hand, that Jones would stand up without flinching, The seconds loaded the pistols with blank car tridges, and informed Johnson of the fact, but did not let Jones into the secrot.— They did this to make Johnson stand, which, of course, made him fearless, hold and daring. He went to the appointed place, and Jones was there, cool andcalm, The moment for action arrived, and all parties took their positioris 'the distance being ten paces. The pistols were hand- ed to Johnson and Jones in death-like si lence, every one being as serious as death. The count commenced—" One 1" "Stop ?" said Johnson. "It is understood by all parties that there ain't no bullets in these pistols !" Jones, hearing this, and knowing noth ing of it before, rather staggered forward, reeling, looked into the muzzle of his pis tol, and cried out, "I'll be d—d if there ain't bullets in mine 1" and at the same timepulled down on Johnson. This was too much for Johnson. He broke for the nearest house, which was a bout two hundred yards,, and they Say he doubled up like a f'ourblided knife, and has not been seen since, but sent word back that all might "shoot it out" who choose, but he wanted none in his. Jones won the field against all odds. Narrow Gauge. Mr. R. H. Lamborn, of Philadelphia, writes under the date of July 15th :—The old "war of the gauges" has been opened again. The contest in which the. 7 feet, the 6 feet, the 5 feet G inches, the 5 feet, the 4 feet 10 inches, and the 4feet Bi, inch es were pitted against each other, has by the same sureprocess of "natural selection" resulted in the almost universal adoption of the last named and narrowest gauge. The advocates of the three-feet gauge claim that in the majority of instances in which railroads have been and are to be built in the United States, the stockholders would lae better remunerated and the com munity at large accommodated more thor oughly and at lower ratesfor freight and passage were three feet used instead of the new wide gauge of four feet eight and a half inches. They claim that the whole United States will ultimately be overspread by a net work of local narrow gauge. roads, which -will-be-emphatically-the-"peaple's roads," and which will pour their freight and pas sengers into great trunk lines - leading - to the prominent centers of trade. They claim that there are mountain communities where the people must fbr de cades remain without railroads if the broad gauge is retained, but into which narrow gauge roads can be built for sums that can readily be commanded; that the sparse populations of our great. mining and graz ing Territories must for many years de pend upon a few main East and West trunk lines and expensive wagon transpor ,tatious, unless a cheap gauge is adopted, which will enable . them to build long lo cal branches at small cost ; that villages and country communities by thousands in the districts,controlled by lines yet to be built, must, in case the broad gauge is re tained, exist without the advantages oflo cal roads for a generation longer, unless the "new and cheap machine"—the narrow gaugeroad—is adopted in its stead. There thre, would it not be well for stockholders and bondholders, before spending their money in laying another rail upon the ponderous broad gauge plan, to pauseand gravely consider the merits of the new and cheaper system ? Would it not be wise for legislators forthwith to encourage, by proper laws, a contrivance which promises so much benefit to the great masses of their constituents ? and is it not due to the peo ple who so generously assisted the corpo rations that are to-day" determining the gauge for scores of years and for hundreds of thousands of miles of new roads in 'our vast trans-Mississippi empire, that the plan best adapted for the early and..ultimate accommodatiOn of the entire community shall be adopted and maintained ? The Sea of Galilee. What the traveler, will see when be catches his first eager glimpse of the lim pid sheet of water will be a small oval= shaped lake, thirteen miles long and six broad. It is evidently of volcanic origin; and the earth-quakes which have rent the walls of Tiberias, as well as the hotsprings at several places in ,the vicinity of .the lake, show that voleanio agencies are still at work. All along the eastern side runs a green plain, which, except at one spot (the probable scene of the destruction of the swine after the healing of the Gadar cue demoniac) is every where about a quarter toe. half a mile in width. Be yond this rises, to the height of about 2; 000 feet, an escarpment of .desolate-look ing hills. scored byvarious ravines, and having - a plateau at the top. As there are neither trees nor villages to be seen on that side, and no signs of cultivation, the view in that direction has a certain monotony, but, this is atoned for by the ; air of mystery derived from its very deso lation, and from the fact that even in our Lords time it was so unfrequented that He had but to visit it when he required the refreshment of golitucle. It was of this lovely shore that we are reminded in the lines of thebe'autiful hymn— "Come to a desert place apart, And rest a little while,' So.spake the Lord when mind and heart Were faint' and sick through toil." It was somewhere among these feature less hills—probably toward the north eastern part of the lake—that he fed thd 5,000 who bad flocked after him en foot; it was somewhere about those grey ravines that He spent the night in prayer. And how many times must His eye have rest ed with pleasure on the dimpling surface of the inland sea! a sight delightful in any region of the world, but doubly re. freshful and delicious• in this sultry-land. Oaths are vulgar, sensleis offensive impious; they leave a noisome trail upon the lips, and a stamp of odium upon the soul. They aro inexcusable. They grat ify no sense, 'while they outrage taste and dignity. A parisian philosopher sa)•s: ;`Why has nature giyen us two ears and one tongue?" In order that we should reDiat but one half of what we hear." Never slander au Acquaintance. *2,00 PER.YEAR NUMBER 8. Wit and guntor. There is but one good wife in the world, and every happily weddedtman thinks he has her. Why are the Stars and Stripes like the swells of the ocean ? Because they will never cease to wave. P' I old lady read about the Strike of the ivtre drawers in Worcester, Massachu setts, and said ofall the new-fangledthings, - wire drawers must be the queerest. Them soldiers must be'au awful dishon est set," said an old lady; "For not a night seems to pass that some sentinel is not relieved of his watch! What should a man carry with him when. calling upon his affianced? Affec tion in his heart, perfection is his man ners, and confection in his pocket When gazing upon great conflagra tion what three authors would you name in order to express your thoughts? Dick ens, How:itt, Burns! And old dutchman who was some years ago elected a member of the Legislature, said; in broken English style: "Yen I vent to de lechislature I tought I would find dem all Solomens dare; but I soon found dere was some its pick fools dere as I was." "Paddy, my boy," said a gentleman to an Irishman, whom he observed fishing a way at a deep pool, "that must be a favor ite strearit for trout:, "Faith, an' sure' . it must be that same, for I have been stand ing here this three hours, and not one of them will come out of it." "Good morn" _ • . Henpeck," said a .rintor in search. fentate — compositor. "Have you any daters who would make good type setters ? but I have a wife who would make a fine devil." • TAXING DOWN A HERo.Almost every journal in the country has republished the item about that man at Findley, Ohio,. who bravely rushed into a burning gro cery and brought out three kegs - of gun powder, the explosion of which, would have destroyed much property. It look ed like a heroic deed and was so consid ered; but alas ! there is another side of the story. It is now asserted that he rush ed into the flames through mistake. Some one told him that three 'kegs of brandy were being destroyed. Suppose a man and a girl were - mar ried ; and which is, of course impossible— that, at the time:of the hymenial contract, the man is thirty-five years old and the girl five ; which makes the man seven times as old as the girl. They live togeth er until the girl is ten years—this makes him forty years old, and four times as old as the girl; they live until she is fifteen. the man being forty-five—this makes the man three times •as old ; they still live until she is thirty years old— this makes the man sixty, only twice as old. And now, as, we haven't time to work it 'out, _perhaps somebody will be so good to . tell i ons how long they would have to live to make the girl as old as the man.. • A father desired that his son - should 1 iire and die in ignorance of the felhale sex, removed to the backwooddin one of our far -Western States, where he brought him up unaware of the existence of the femi nine gender. But it happened that he brought him Jett - own one day, and upon seeing a female on the other side of the street, exclaimed : "DadmVhatis that over there?" "Only a grouse," said the fond father, when to the amusement of the bystanders, he exclaimed ; • • "Then, dad, I want some grouse."• Jefferson's, Ten Rules. 1. Never put Off till to-morrow what you can do to day. - . , . 2 Never trouble another for what you can do yourself, 3. Never spend your. money before you have it. 4. Never buy what you do not want because it is cheap. 5. Pride costs more than hunger, thirst and cold. 6. We seldom repent of haring eaten too little. 7. Nothing is troublesome that ve do willingly. 8. ilow-much pain the evils have cog us that have never happened., 9. Take things always, by the smooth handle. • 10. When angry, count ten before you speak; if very angry count a hundred. YOU CAN'T CONCEAL P.--A poor far mer cannot conceal the fact that. •he is a poor farmer. All his surroundings pro claim the verdict against him ; his horses, cattle, wagon, harness; plows, fences, fields • —even his wife and children bear silent,, but unmistakable evidence against •bira.- On the other hand all things will ..tcstif:!,- fai,•orably on behalf of the good' farrier. Every passer-by can readthe pro tint;•co:i: This fact alone ought to stimulate every iltr mer to do his best fur the sakapf his own character, as well as . interest, for he may rest assure(' that every ,passerhy will pro nounce judgment according:. to. the evi dence. A cheerful word of sympathy flay Scatter clouds away, Ono little act performed in life Turns darktiess into day. The gauge of the Louisville and 'Cin cinnati Short Line Railroad istobeplioug cd' to the narrow - gauge on - At4ast