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' 7.' ..: • - .• - ' . ~_ ~ • :.-, ..,• ,•-,,.... ::, ...._ t,J .7 ~ . ~ •., „, ,:-: • ';':: 4 , ,, -C" -• 7 ' ' --'- , ~,..• -:-.- - • -7.- -_,-,..!"...- .... , ~ •- ~ * ••i - : -,. .• ' • • ''', : ,:.... f i -., - 71 , '',i' - ' ' •,--, ,', :;`,-,, ,•- --, r , ~ ' '•'',,, "-,,,',• `^-' ','•;'- • - '''...;.,:' '-- 4 5.- ril 'sq . '4" '":' ' ' ' -4. '''`''''' - -- .: - ' —'' '! • --- " -0 " ,• • ' ' L '• . t - , -. ''.--...,,..., -.• • ,-:. .- ,• ,- '' ' -,_ '..''' _.'/ .- ' - ',." • - =MI . • • Pkt 00, Ott - - • vlose',*kielOidttliOU9g,erkt4:-; ' .O'er fhb *or . ,#ie poi4*af 144. 6 • • • Hath'reinpkths skles; Wipe - t4e4oatloircimi#o*her Sever' ate deal „ r3mooth•the • • - Gentle ..flo*.-er;•''o . -inite":o l4 4te'7 7 7%., • - .ay this;haiiipori N . 0 .7 . There ,- 77 nO'w)SOft17 , 4:ye l ,. Goodnight ftoli and'fa4er,. , t4:Tee wcZTAci haelf;': e lad her'.fdet no longer' rt; Tread life's roughand•Storyii. track 'lVe die glad our ileiverdjr 'Fattier '• Took her while hercheart.'Wf.# pure, We are glact did:nOt tei&e ' • All life's trials to et - pdvre ;.; ; 4. • fire are glad—nuttyet thelear Falleth , ;, for', abia I ' • That ottarrealide will b ,lonely dye 6411 - mis§ oeisec7, While the twilight shudowslgfuhm . ,Welshall.wait in vainto feel '•• ' Little - nims - illwhite and 'dimpled, ' 4Ound'aiii 'noels 'se Softly steal; ; • _ • wet cheeks will miss - the pressure Of sweet:lips Wirtn,and red, And our bosoms sadly; sadly, . _ Miss that'dailing little head, Which Was - Wont to - rest there sweetly, .And, those gentle eyes se bright, . We.shall miss their loving,glenees; We shall miss their soft good night. When the morrow's sun is shining . They will take the Cherished form; Tlrey - wilibeur it to the-church-yard, And consign it to. the worm, iVell—whatt'mttter ' It is only The clay dress our darling wore ; God bath robed her as - an angel, She bath need of this no more ; Fold h'er hands and o'er her Scatter flowers all ph re and white, Kiss that marble brow and 'whisper; Once again, a last good night.: fflifiretlaures grading. PAD I):AI.k.S:AVA.zA l_y4 4,10 It was in, the year 1863, while I was a refugee, that I met Dr. Hildreth. He was a surgeon - on post duty,. and 1 , 143 it was win ter, • and our army were lit quurteis, . his hospital only Contained a few ehroxiic cas es, and he . had much time Co waste on the I was a girl then, veii . young in,the world. The sight of a giraruniforin made, my hearf go jut-a-pat, and nearly tunimy brain. I did. not then doubt but evert uniform covered a being .us brave ana •dauntless as Richard Coeur de'Llen. It is a very difficult matter 36. define' the thoughts and feelings of a young girl just stepping forth into the world. bhe is innocent, for parents take care that ' their daughters are guariledfioni all knowl edge of vice. To a youngirl, men are emblems of nobility, cotuageand strength; they are superior beings, who possesses all of woman's tenderness,' and none of her weakneis. I have.tried to defiziethegirr p s ' ideal of man; at least some such silly ideas once filled my head ,when` I first met Dr. ' Hildreth: • •-• ' A s merry party were chatting at the town hall where five met to; dance. I was, almost a stranger, and' my escort had gone' to bring me a .gliisso,,tater, when my schoolmate; LettiaDa.y, :ikipLed across the ,room in adVance of a ban ome sur o.eon, and kissed me: - • •‘Oh, Maggie, how,glad I am to see you! ,I heard that you were here, but I - could not believe it. How shOcking in those horrid Yankees to burn yopr house! Nev er mind, dear,. a good time's coming—do come to see me"—in a whisper—"l've something sweet to tell you." The young surgeon stood by her side. I knew that, he heard her whisper, for a merry beara_dinced in his eyes, and he bit his lips to hide a smile as Lottie, ex claimed, "Oh !" and hid tier fade, Child-fash • ion, in her lacelandkeichief. "Miss Lottie, I must remind you that I have not been-introduced to your dear . friend, Mks Gentry," he said, gazing in to my eyes. Then followed the formal introduction.which made•me' acquainted with Dr. liildreth, "Was hu handiome?" Theta' should have said yes; for •' flooked through - the magic eyes of sweet seventeen.. Now, as I recall him hawas straight and Well pro portioned in form; yellOW hair,'sOft, east blue soft fora man—a full sensual mouth, with the red'.lips pursed' as if ready for a kiss. • His face As a trifle to red, lintYoliknow, my dear, we cannot expect perfection on,. earth, was' Lottie'a Sage remark, after sine; had whispered-that "sweet seeret"—her en gagement to tor. Hildreth: • • I love Lottie—girls do love each'other in spite of 'alktliat - Old bachelors 'Say the coritrary; ,aria I rejoiced that she had, been' so fortunate. •A. liOMlll2 is account ed almost fortunate being:if she sneak& in" wiitmn g the love ;of a• good manettilt. ' it iionly a man's drie;te get a good wife! If a man is, only a kind and loVing hug band, people will exclaim, what a' forte-. ' nate woman his wife is! 'Who everthinks of saying "thatman isfortimite, because he has a, good wife!" Not I,for .T. do rvlrd public Opinion a little and I have no am bition to be considered -a fit inmate for a lunatic asylum; .so I leave this throne to a philosopher's pen, and proceed with my narrative. ~- 4 1•!r BY LEONA MEM 11§I=f= OIMEREI YesJ Dr: ildxetl~ had a' - red face,. arid' 4 .e sO6li-fotin4 (AA '' 4 ,46: , laliach a- -aalga Anew; on"s aridfciiiikti.;•-irr:ha*titita a,!driniok takaiiiStOra.F.a:WOusan*::htalo;, liutehe intildiait?ni*Voff.to and. tit - meat 13pice top said •1414;t0tie'imedi - ". - :. .• I. coil~triot deny this, -for Ana inet heard, ,hint ' laugh the had.hoii 3 On.., timt . we, were aitAoing*iiing in alloWing liberties, .for he :ofteientered,, 440104' half ititordcaterVaint.':Oace he- - .ieseorted: Lottio - ,yhomOW . hOri 40 ‘,7140 ihoroi.o4 in ': 4 • 'Arai hiidignint la- nothing loathaOrna:to...., a- woman drunkenniaa:t 7 ;;Pratiiileti*odoes - -;?.TO'flizzota!ti*, , joik, her father ; , brotlierloiet staggering; . olihk; - witgliit a fOR Her ;ciin li:',i4l,.**l4&;',stiakaa; z ated; tee; rfelt 410.1 sa*'o4:3P , ~ttto icsted. swede a. rdOlftion:.tie - Veitrgitti.* - self unaerP*li. Hfirot*l4, - soon Orksakening. 'received:a et - from Dr.' HilifietS*4l.4iisked-**toraccompany iliose4iYing' thuds' eari*gee3 :WOO onkof ',fashion, - for lora* kid ltieasent „teihe fr ; Orie;:so,iin • girls Walk to parties.!--Ne ';'were not vaied tliekhysitinViiatreet, dresses 'were Theugh.ti.Anita f gebd fOr rind'' :right • 'Merrily: did we dace in M 142060 1 -7 alr. - -14Ockades, 4245 glovei,L kith ficivierS 'sii.**.fe.W - plucked fresh from -the - gatien. `haiidScane;-,and entertained, the'in agreeablykfliail fonad some ;difficulty in refidag hil ' He 'wasdisappe . inted; ,-•- : '9liis :Maggie, 'whit •-fortiniatO has precededmer . 2 7' No one,;--I.lnrsionmdorai.'engagenfena ‘.‘ hat I:2—Aiv_y_ou• •not going -'O, - `.lle; party? •Do go; ,we will have such erg did time' •. ' • ``.E.intorid.to, Or :replied, I, , painfully; embarrass 4 •.,".W ' can se • • ; itable , escort," "A 'suitable escort ! - Miss Gentry will you explain?" . - The blood rushed to my brain and made my head swim. 'What was I'doing? This man was . .the idol of-our little coterie': all ofthe girls liked him; and he was engag-_, ed to my - bosom friend. , , • 'He - stood awaiting my explanation; his his eyes blazed, on ine: wrathfully, and I trembled and said: , .'7oh, Dr. Hildrdtl, if you .would not , , • that's it; turned • preacher, have yeti ?., Give us temperance. lecture I-- You iveie'born on the wron ,, side of Ma son - and 'Dixsinfa. line, Miss Gentry : yon ; would'be a htilliant star in the ranks of. strongniinded •yoineri 1" • New, •a girl of sOentO , noMnnot bear -sarcasmfew. womelfof any 'age caii=or men' either, Air •thaemattet.-- - .111 - y ,pride •vas tonChed, angry MO:baldly • ' • • • , 'You, wrong. me, so ; .1 do not ,wish to deliver a temperance lecture to any. man. But Ido - wish that all . men who forget themsaves.so the get - drunk when ladies areundertheir care were - exchided from .gciiid society: ':I; for one, will never uccept the protection of such a Man." "Indeed ! Whit-infinite sufferings the charining - Miss .6Cii.try inflicts on society by making such 'ft • . 1-0-4.lution ! I feel that the star of - my life has - gone out, while hopel*cmdesichorless I anti drift /11,c, on to cternitY.",:i.'-, -With - angry eyes and his lips :mocking; ly - cuiled into a sneet, le uttered the last prophetic ' sentence :tind'l hastily • left the parlor to . 'hide the tears of Wounded pride. l'rom this time Dr. Hildretli ignored my existence. ' ' I will'-not dwell on those -oft-told. 'tales of suffering-thelloody battles--theorush.- ed hopes,' and the:lx : tat surrende:i of our armies. , Pew of us can look around our honius - with clear• eyes'; each house has At shadOw,.each heart ~11 sorrow to.niark that never-to-be-f&gotteibtime. of 'woe.' Ire= turned home fatheileis. : Home Do the miles of the dead con stitute a home? 'Can you raise a home of blackened ruins 1 1 . You may build .rt -palatial residence; fill its room's with: rare' furniture, books, pictures, foantabis, mid flowers, make it a true temple of art, yet this may not be home to you. Gives= the, quaint old house where' I wai-lorn, waits old, old furniture • the little criYwhere I' was rocked in liaby hood ; the'trundle bed :where. lay awake at night thinking-of the "witches' , , which my black mammy told. me always come through keY•lioles after,had girls— I was alwayshad,the tall clock, - with its brass facing,-,and never airing pendulum ; my. father's arm chair ; the . gift books of my friends; and those Well worn volumes of the'old librarY. Air ! homes means sortie thing else besides a house to live power means happy' 'nieitiorit, pleaiint associations and perfect love , and trade.— hattnene of these to .bind me to my native state ; ' broken Tin health and be :reaved in spirit, raCeepted an invitation to visit a relative r who lived in the town. -1%T.. Ohio ; here I ,remarried untiltvioyears after the surrender. IV— Was - quite a - large place, and-as I did not Cara for :.the society, of- strapgers. I de 'voted all my tipie to visiting the poor and. , • -One evening ea weszeturning frem a iisit'inthe outskirts of .the-town, I was eroming a 'ditch'. ' 'lt' was" nearlydark, and, ai'4Zed beneathfromthe little plank bridgen.whicli 1. was ,standing, cpuldjustiireeeko . - the -body of a man with lieaddormward; in the bottom of the ditch: Soitie dirty . children wereplay ingnear by and calling on them to assist meoire dngged the man upon the bank. I gazed upon the threadbear clothes ? the dirty, bleated face; and started - back with . NE ••„. • , :" •••••., • 7 - . • "• , A`'F.A.VirLY NEWSPAPERL6DEVOTED,VO - .LTI I EitiIiTUTLE,':LOCAL AND :GZNE:jt4Lior: , , ETC. ZEE „ • • rti , 1 - .?cotriirir PA.- THURSDAY .'AUGTIS1 1 ,-.3 . 1871; horror =as recogidzedVtl'Hildrethi . had Min removed tii'• and it was: scgrke - Alays before:hp ''recovered,: eri lii.b.eard'uf my ;,kintlx*e; he: *rote . fl,ik me and.WArtilssion to eee::.me ! : • Pius: merninghe • ed; big hand shook as :liUtook mum; voice had lost :its ring.: tould thiavale, nervous man be. Dr.: Ril dreth.l We 'talked- fbr sotan• time of old -friends and better days, then he -... , ‘',Misalgaggie i c if the`lVer-I#-couldzbo Oiled witlibrave'...WomOnlike . YOu, - ; : there neebe so. Many isteckki,ormen: ".Ah rDelfildreth; yoU ' , then -that-women arelhe rootor4l.l*l4 "Fax „be it from rue to ; say sci',bat 'you women• do not -knove`your - -poWer. You' :remeMber how, you once rebuked my .fol ly ? "Ohl, Miss - Maggie, if every Woman :had frowned„on then;:, 1.. might ,'have been - , saved But they. petted me and flattered• me, tiTifiii I became thajthiva.:bf, ,the wine ,nup; thentliey castme. LattO is now:the wife, of ano ther. 1.. do' , not her for letting'ma drink inter' . I awn() temperance . leeture---not • .even a Or a lempertume. society :.but in writing this Sketeh of "A Drankard's Fat4..l wish "to eallthe attention ofyoung men - Ithhis - fact --:- Aslong - as -14 Ari4kbig man has money, and can make re3Pec -lable-outsideuppearance, he will-lie receiy ed bythe - majonty,of people. But let him become poor rind (Ml:a:big men' ,almost -always'coMe_ta-..payert7,::.,when '2orual.teu -ttess,-sets,its bestial seal pp.' his. brow, and casts into his,iite eYes - bleared, - sensual leer, and brands his widlike.intellent with foollehile*and his;,totiguell: in :thickened_ nccenti"stainmere•oaths, then ihulriends I :ofhis.iirosperity grow icygold:---aye :titbit) -who belonged to his own4partacuhu%set; ' aii4l, had Sa.. oftta plmked their gla.sses Ms as: hey'draitlf.thei.r bumpers : theyw~ll, pass him-Witk-scardely -Whenbe nee& tliendsanct a belping Itutd - his - ekithlf*lemla-foriakeihini • or- I perhaps•bis':desollo...witentid little:anes watcl4 am4openatil ibe -, ftickering °Chia life iA : It is two years since .I baye:Spokcato rspectable woreen,l'ica,Mely dared biliope that you would let Me:pay you n am a doomed man-1.1.1-.44,L0n0 more : 'sy : from the winecup than'the needle can fly, from. the magnet. `. "Dr. Hildreth,' (Isnot say so inlet 'on the brink of destruction-have:been Saved." "Ah, they were not weak men like me I have casrthe accursed_ cnpfrorii.'my liFs and made good resolution, gain andagam only toe broken , and -Mike me doubly despised. No; I aina , ,doomed man, I come to you sober to-day to r thank you.— Look Itt, my . shaking . hands, my, shattered frame! You braved the world and' rebuk ed me when no one die, d darito do it.— You braved:public opinion and . dragged a poor polluted wretch out rif it ditch whom few would have touched with their feet.— I know what you wish to say, Miss Mag gie ; but it is no use--tood-bye, I thank yon ; in the name of humanity, I thank you." With a warm presure of the hand, Dr. Hildreth left me. A few months later - I read of his.death by delirium tremens in the city mortuary report. • To balm 11liscniir.—Keep your eye on your neighbors. • Take P ettre of them. Do not let them stir - Without 'watching.— They may do something wrong if -you' do. To he sure, you never knew them trido anything bad, hut it may be on your ac-' count they have not: Perhaps if it 'had riot been for your ,kind'care•they might have diigraced themselves along time age., Therefore do not relax any effort to keep, theni. where they : Ouglit, to be. Never mind your own busk:ten .+that will take 'care of itself; There:is:a man .-passing long—hri is looking over,,,- the; fence—be suspinious of him ; perlio he coritem platen stealing, some of-these dark nights; -there is no knowingwhat kuner,fannies he. may haye got into his head.. • If you find any-symptoms of any one passing out of the path of duty, tell every 'one else that you see, and, lie particular to see a great mans: It i • a good -way to circulate such things, theughit may pot benefit yourself or anyone:else in partic ',Pier.. Do 'keep somethintoipg7-silence is a dreadful thing; thonghit,irsaid there was silence irthenven for the spaeo.Ofhalf an .hi l ur, - ; dri not: let. any such thing occur on earth:-it would beiteri - inuch • fci,r4lo. mundane sphere., ' - ; -If, - alter all your -watchful. care;. ou .cannot nee n nything out of the - Way in any one,: you :"may be sure ; 'is. net,. because they: have "not done anything,ad"; per haps' 'in.:4o; unguarded 'pionient:symi 'lost sight Of " Out , hints that any are not better thou they should •ISC:,Abat you should not. Wonditif the people found out what they *pre sifter a , then they may not early, their'head high".- -Keep it going, and Some • One may the hint and begin to - help yen along' af ter a while--then there will be music and everything will Work to ti charm.: ' SPANISH PnovEnns.---Love, a horse, and money, carry man through the world.—Three things kill a man, a hot sun; supper;and trouble, to shave an- ass is a wastenflather. the:',{Xsip is not in her own houie,:she is in,l.Sornebody —Don't speik ill of the year b efore it 'is over. The mother-in-law forgets that 4se was once adaughter-in-law, Men are greStful for kind deeds as the 'sett is when you fling into it a cup of water. - - Ale two most precious things on this side of the grave are our reputation and our life. - But it is to be lamented that theinist contemptible whispct may deplivn is - of one, and the weakest weapon of they other. A wise -man, therefore; will be more anxious to deserve a fair name than to possess it; and this will teach him soto live as not to be afraid to die. - "•, • ' • ' Men art Obsprying Yow • , , In °lie '9f- - the :subnrlian- towns, • a SA; bath-gehookidaChertaid a, ' , Pak ne -class of bora; Most ofthanf Were from wealthy. One. of them was the , son of a _poor widmi, who had :t° sew, it might said, almost day and night, to keep 'her young family :together.. .Qur taacher had again and agam observed a lonelightshin ing brightly pt.,late"hours from, the win dOw of that mother's room;and then Would come-tada-Words, of that refraitiof Tonilfaod's sone"Stitch, stitch, stitch:' , The 'teacher - had tifight. - his bays .to take Off:their caps 'to him . and• :to eaeh - other, lie did.. to tham, 'se that be and they were quite a marked .feature: ofthe - village. • • . One dayok:-Rostoulnerclrantivas-walk ing past the,school-reotawith our Mlielmr, .when the pupils yrerocoining. out. They tumbled out as usual.. and-rushed'-heed lessly by,-'our, teacheiland• his...Mandl: 7 4ll but one. -That raised bia Cap se.p . Oitely; it took the Giant's attention at' once..." ' = . "Why, what u fine will-bred lad !" said "Yes," said the tenelier,c'finna - het'in-lhe • only eon ofn • or widow,Nriu - Tirlorkb4 Wri3e to eat to prepare him fora phite, in your store . or • that Of some other gOod man." "And she shall not work in vain," re plied the Merchant 1 ' ' • . Both turned at' once, repaired -to the widow'sroom, anchhe riterCha: nt engaged the lad in his store. Now he is a. partner 'ith him in a thriving business, and all **Om that one•aet of good breeding: We leave off as, we began. Few of , you chil dren who Walk our strdets have the fain test corleeption'Of the number of isons ,who are ,observing you, and are really tak ing an interestin you. By and -by, per liaps,:ioninay' get Some front: idea, of: it Oen youOiiiiiniiitelliffias one of _us. Then if yon-have been- one- -of thope who lave been- winning, diy byday, golden ' opinions ; perhaps,doorsh 410.cker . 'find: wider than, yon':eltpect4- 7 -.Boston' Transcript. • • e . • The dregfiZitiori....; Maa •,,•• The first lesson that a yotirignian should learn is that he kni:k3sii.notlthig." The, ear lier and the more therono4 - Itiis ialearti ed the better. outh.. grow ing -dip in theclight Of pitival admiration; with everything to fosterhls 'vanity hnd esteem, is surprised to find and often unwill-• rug to aeknowledge,,thsuperitirityk oth ers. But he Is eompellecl .t,to Teiirn his own insignificence; his •airs are-ridiculed; his blunders like exposed; hisivislies-disregaid ed, andhis made to ,cuts sotry,figuria, until his 'self-conceit is - abished• and he keenly 'feels that he knows nothing. When a young roan, had thoroughly comprehended the'fact that he knows noth-. ing,..lind that intrinsically : he is of value; the • next lesson as that the world earis.nothing about him. - 11e . .is the sub ject atm man's ovenvlielming admiration; neither petted by the one sex nor envied by the other, he has to take care of him self. He will not bineticed until; he be comes noticeable; he will nothecome no ticeable until he does something to prove that he.is of some use to society. -- No re commendation will give him this or ought to give him that ; he must do something to be recognized as somebody... The next lesson is that of patience. A man 'must, learn to wait as well as to work, and to be content with those means of ad- Tancement in life which'he naay . use with integrity and honor. Patience is one of the Duo difficult lessons to learn. It is natural for the mind to look for iminediz ate. results. • - " Let this, then, be understood at - s art- - big 'that thepatient conquest of difficulties Which rise in the regular and• legitimate channels of business and enterprise is not only essential in securing thesuccins which 'a young - man seeks in lite, but essential al so to that preparation of the mind requii ite for the enjoyment of success, and ' for retaining it when gained. , It is the gener al ride in all the world and 'in' all, time - that unearned success is a curse. —Be e Keeper's Journal., ' HiSTORY OF THE .OLD BED CENT.-A 8 the old "red cent" has now passed otit - Of use, and, expect rarely, out of. sight, like the "old oaken . bucket," its history is a, matter of sufficient interest for preserva tion. The cent was first proposed by Rob ert Morris; the great financer of the reto lotion, and .was named by. Jefferson, two hours after. It began to make its appear ance from the mint in 1792. it bore the head of Washington on One side and: 13 linka on the other. The 'French - revolu tion soon created a rage for' French ideas in America, which putnn the Cent, instead of the head .of Washington the head of the Goddess, of Liberty, a F rench liberty, with back thrust forward and flowinglocks. The chain on the reverse Was replaced by. the olfie wreath of peace. But the French liberty was short lived, and so was her portrait on our cent. The next head -or figure sticceeding. this, the staid . classic dame,- with a fillet around her hair, came into. fashion about 30 or '4O Years ago, and her finely chiseled Grecian features haire been but slightly changed in the lapse of time. The identical desk on which Benj. Frank lin learned - to write was reccntlyliold at Providence for ten cents. The lo*price which this relic :brought, and the lack of veneration the' public • Tbibit for such- a remarkable piece •of furniture, will •Pro hibit. the manufacture of any more Frank lin desks until after all Gen, Washing ton's body servants are dead. When. is' a man like a lookiagglass? When he reflects. • ':, •itittiil;OWitilititf;'i!.:--,:: • . •, In earth'searth's lorielq • in - r.eocini'at 6 Ye; . To m ortals and xtngeis .Iher9'it it briglOns tlieiailtisape2 • Anddbeams like kak i ; ' • .On Our pathway of NvOe',.., l'irtien.thi!,my"Ftles - . , t4eif hope,' GlveiTtatilerma , 6(2q4h4. • • 2 - 44!. dev,v_O the-t? . i? `4 - 4,PAyhg.,o our '.ll2dre linger; • ' Xll melokly, breathing, • Od.blooin, Loeb -sing Cv"o2i 'cradle, And.gai:lai46 [ ibur • 17.1ti' Wit:144484611; • : i .• • "ArA.O I 4TA4 4 4?ifeW'..! ine111131413.1 . . r . ~ Mn. EDrCoR::=-4i* • a -veti. si lenCi, I restinik• 'a few though** • inter-eating; ;to" ourtiencis. in - Fenrisylta 6i. 1116 e• -•—; . - 8 the many'- ni:allignnt reaTiersLoithe'Recoi4, on the important-cha4n-elP.Cted in the appearance and value of yout papft, This sign of - Progress is adhouot to pont Staid. old tow* antVverifitS the old. adage; 2 11iitt: they that are slow. are sure." ; trust -thatlou-Ivill*-supperted-;/ftliitt you: can sustain ,the ptesent high Standard: of your Paper.; Isssure. yon that in Out. dear little 'home, the Record is it, Weletime ,visitot.,... , Freightecl.'withthecarrel:it news of eV Keystoaa hOixie.c it comes. as a . messenger' of, love. binding, our beartsto. theinemoriee: at the pait, and Ce*enting the . syiapathieinf our yotith.with Well:tern coal:lints of, riper years. ' .• I . . . anrglmj to learn thatafter manydis ;appointments there ',is a .prospect that WaymeShorc.',lWill.sOon. be . ieonnected with the outside. world by the iton,rail. ly she needs and if,,the,people, of Youi'dornmunitY. -have:the ' enterprise. they . slionld ~ h aie,. - they ,c9inpt leave this , CippOrinnitY 'Pass Witheut improving .No one:who has livedin the Eastandthe West. , 'eatafail::to. - notice .thevist differ‘ eace ; * the, tWn;:seetioitiiii . this pirtieniar. This city inunberS'between eight and'nine thoUsand, inhabitants.- and`. 'we have tun, railteads sneeesiful operation. BeSides these there are four view roads, now .mak-. in. , to, this point which will be in tun nmg order in one year or eighteen months most -Now it •,. is true,' that possibly 'this is more than will really pay, but the people are, not afraid.to risk it.. ' : • The stinimer thus,fai has been, hot and Witi4,3t wheat 'in this section was, very good, averaging from twenty to tweii ty=live bushels to the acre.' Spring wheat here is - almost a total, failure this season: The "chinch :bug" attacked it very and the drought favoring their' depreda tionS, they *tide clean work of it: • The 'Colorado potatoe bug • has also been very annoying this year. - Many. persons have lost their whole crop in this way, and yet we can buy new potatoes at one 'dollar per bushel. CornlOoksWellthiis far, but' if the drought continues much longer, it will certainly-effect the crops very . mate,tinily. Fruit is tolerably plenty. • The 'people here, live well generally ; Indeed bettor, lan in any, other part of the coun -• - itt•l have visited. - With all these •earthl omforts, many of the people are dissatisfied and are anxious' to 'move forth= et westward. Indeed •my observations' convince me that in..poor countries' the people are mmtcontenteliand, vice versa., --I see more than ever the greatnecessity of heeding the admonition of the Apostle, to be content With such things as we hive. In consequence of the worldly prosperity and speenlativespirit of the people, ich-• gious training is much neglected, and the standard Of :morals is not as as it ought to be. Mintal culturelOughly ,teemed and sedulously sought but that higherAlcation of the,. milial-facul ties frequently neglected. A false Stan-. dardnf refinement is thus established...and many young folks find theireatertainment, in pureeing this delusive .phiuntoini,ratli;, , , er than in the gentiniplation of,ohjeCts;•at once grand, ennobling, and' divine.' The churches are neglected; while theme tres - and saloons are liberally patronized:. Fietieiotis literature sways a mighty:infilti ence, • and the goddess 'of- fashion n without her votaries.'Comparatiiely ' w seem to understand the great miss' 'of life. Time frittered away, money d-' ed, -and moraL32corrupted -by the •at ti-. dal wave of sin that is 'flowing over our land, and unless God speedily interposes and corrects these things, our country is doomed, as surely and certainly as infidel France. History repeats itself. ,God lives. If we violate the laws of. Heaven: we must, suffer. - Truly yours, , . • • - . M. S. NEWCOMER. DECATUR, has:, July 25th, 1871: A 'LARGE D.t.rux.—On the great farm of Col. Thompson, in Wells, Minnesota, Wicilii - ee'factory which has a capacity for making into cheese the milk 3;000 cows, but now only works up th. daily product of 225. It is ihree• stories . ...It; the main building is 35 by 82 feet, • *of brick. A steam engine of 25-horse power driims the machinery. " 'Water is supplied from an artesian well. There - Ss a butter room attached with steam churns andallneccaary appliances. Col. Toiamth. son intends taincrease thanumber of his cows to 600 soon. EMI the" Ravi Reeord.-0". ',bile „of' =oh: interett, to 'thepeopleog, Waynesb*',:and "since We are offererl - trUi help of, a taintionipany to build a road, , should , ..viellik*eLleonsider whether we _want a tail toad, and'if we want one how a.re:we'44i.getita ‘- • ' : • Thfi.t"wane&i:a , railroad • .1s ,' agseet "ZjihiAitige to get it,. "there's' the rub.". cannot gep One unirt.We wit* -one, WA now: what are we doniefio shOW. :that we are in earnest. when the earlie Want one? This isZbest.answered by- fering to what:We are doing; and to what 9141e6 40- n#hat are we doing?' deal of -talking and very little real'Avork. ' We • have - porne_pey,'planifina, and,thetWly, ci,e4re an?tloai &lave ear, ried out. One Wanta the road heie; atioth eilhere:F.';;lkhifilt 'best-point .to ,§trzlief,"int )ielghluor. A..asks this :guar :tintOota the.corapany, and inist have :some :other e,ondittoii-,*•:,the instrument *mit': to Ale•Obri: 4udgment . our people nkuphAnterested 'this, rnattor_whether. they n o going to nil: , conigish anything in : the way,Of . ...a rail unlesithere,va Union - of ',feeling and fiction. be 'agreed - that:te - need, 'want tied znnst have a rail iead.'",.. IsTOw then' let us, aet•tageth-, and *AO? 1 Since 'rail 'roads r ringt be 'built.' iat(diii" .. , ,#tie with ou_t'mon_ea.o46,earneitly tolvor. and see.h . cl o nniehmorrey..pan ;be raised to Put:intoroid; . thei go to 'som e good company now we have .this am mut .fmone to I lit into a railroad, gittM7sldii l• it : tees that -you build. the ro ; ,• the shortestpoasibleiltite,ind .wpwill give you' a. e money,' No company would' accept 'inch an offer' unless-it- wonad bn : to!thei 'interest to build thefriad. We'eriunrit ex-, -peat' tO,have4 railro4huitt fbr 'nothing: and vie:rirenOt, riblel44build - ,One ivithout: the ;help of tiotrie: eonalany,,rind:tfitkerini; - , pony must:hive road aa Wer-=:htiV;rillief iett4 builds house .ha ' ," for; -if„ anUbeeides„ make soine"on •-• 'Bit this moievisibe feather that breaks the camel's. back 'the:3 , 4l°W ; dirt; how, we, stick to 14-on& _have :the green'plaateni stielzia It is just this, if sotrie eorporation would offer tribuild us a Ilia; and not ask us for any inotieV,:" ye ictiblit all say come. ' We would'atifeomei. cause it' w,ould'increasethe `alue ode* foot of land in the townshWind, along ‘the route.. It would - lessen:the fref,glit - rin -efy thing brought .to or sent froin,the:to* and vicinity. It would in eyelTva,Y:PW mote the agricultural, Mereantile arid ine=", chemical ',interests of the CotatuntdiF_A. .would help to develope ; thi rich mane* resources of oar valley, -.can-rieftet, be worth much without d'railrina.-11.;et us, then, go to work at once Ititit 14: - ear.k, est to'help the railroad come. /0„' ' PAREFrs - BLIP:AI:M.74 kilic,.'firo - A4oiii who hairs so harshly.. treated their ?• that they have sought ' . ..th0, - -,paioOn.,-te rid themselves Of the, ill heat neat - of'lfueli parents. Initead of happy facesOn.t.pitis, tingbooks amd paPers, inateact•tifit games, th:vtialittle but urtheitintrfOrm; al,ity and a r y : '.IIS yaeettilmgbut :frowns-or h rlittle.butWe fliffil cshit up?" aid-"a P jeiineiser: 0" ( 29 .61) ed!" and short. crusty 'speeches;' itepintstniOd • with perliaps . a -cuff .or, a • kick.' What wonder that boys t3hOuld spentr ; theiv - eve' nings away from home, seek - the . -sSlotar and vilecompanions, if honke is no= home then? What -wonder; that :th!..y: seek pleasure in haunts of yiee, - ,if 'none' is' found where 'they have a right to loukior it? Parents have s care or your sons are ruined. - •' ' - ... .. ItESIC POE THE..Sicr.—We 'clip the follow).* froin .European- journal': ' `l4, was the celebrated Geri . alan physician Hofe land who first full,( - meognized the cura tive power cf.:num.( . - Fibreiady the life of a dying man might be saved by gentle music not too near his .bed-side, .It is of ten only toNattract. his attention and hold it with .itomething that: imparts pleasura ble feelings,- in order to sustain Sound that moment of supreme exhaus tion which marks ,the crisis of the disease; listially. however, the ear of the dying are regaled;with music sweeter , than. the sighs and sniffles of their sorrowing friends. Of course they are .troubled, depressed; and when the critical breath comes; fail to catch it, 'and so die.. There is much in. , • DEE END.—Rader, do you ever'_'Til 4.the end 'that is. coming,. of your ' en. that may be advancing with rapid strides to . cut Short the.thread of. life. and burl you into .eternity—perchance ; impripared for the last reality ? We are-passing,str; ly toward our end, - Each day . brings; nearer. to that unseen world, ilia which so many enter to dwell in eternal bliss or eternal misers ; NO , travelerhas ever - re turned from. that strange country..o relate to us their experience, they' . passing On, never to return anymore. • We-follow our relations and friends - with g . treaxking eyes, as they rapidly pass, through and draw near to that shadowy .land .of e ternity and vanish froni_our- sight—when the warning speaks silently to ix= whin ;4 It is our melancbOly ditty to- runlkou that a gentleman, ;veil-knot in literary circles, the peighbUrbood: of, , ,floxio, htsband, and afectionili , " fathor, a, devoted friend; and an oes-ditabon, one at whom , the linger of :suspicion has never been poirited,.and 4heie'ehaiacter 'the, breath of calumny Imsn't yet alighted, waif the other day found' deequring 4,fo_vorik author! . •: MEE goei - the .1411. via; `down the hill and yEt never" 'What is the difference bet*e& a yonii6.: - ;••• • isd.fand a night 'Cap? :One-'is born to !-, vol. luta the other'S.•-ivioni_to hed.Y..-• • I ,CVII . yis your:chambermaid - - immortal to •:lust•every,do:ivithoit:dy7 . gtatis'ties 7 :o,o 4 4lo4l, young ladies:* wlia faintedjastyyear,'„9B'7,lell intli - e7einis of - gentletilen,4wo,f4en-tlia.ftoOr, and one - itito,a :Water bat: - - • Finti.TLEss . has: beeii leariiitik, for six thil'u t sand - years,;_and., yet how fa*. have learned' that 'their fet4 lowbeingAre.. as good as theriaselvei,: . • The reason for changing; the - positioi'of ladies' hats, from the front talk bach of the head; is to facilitate says our (devil) and hcknows..i s ' , Pimlico in the neighboilio`nd of NUrfoik; Yu., wind up by the in' -IV -long--rovii-whilejholoong,zot.ii: go . Idonc_r' ,the, /gn-Od: .qtrAwrs.—ltis'Said , thaf..ieme Babies 'are so small that- they. can creep into tv. quart measttre,but the , way :softie' :adults can walk into : sueli measures is- astonish ,- : • .*: "` An. English minter: says, in has advice to.a pun: tharries . :l mitninn, !`that their might- be bildelthaethe , gardener;-in con= • sequence of the:visite : ll, lostbfs'Situntion. fl 6, manufactured )lEritel:l 7- States every Tor. Af:anS,T,siatelgtv-inari3; Jana • in'cialditligtialta•td:propgrly•holOcrphtee - 7 -- the.bag,k hair: thg iqesgat:i4tgration of fiat-young . , :thoririshmail iv 4 ,t o : :marry. . SOuthpran% for property:, 7o1.1;,, take ,this woman to be your.ifidea 'said the , • '"Y,6 Your .re.vex:ence, an the said pat. - An aged. colored man;inadeappliOatimi , for:fmd at Washington, , Clairain: git as' a ,colittilittional, privilege. `,lW.lty," said he, underi3tan'- dare, provis' ons in tie Consii to ion "fint' tolorW4c4ke ? pia P avers% fast , • - Iliad''''o4lo-i.****4-3iiiskgoaeit:/do\krAi *Arilie sureye itaiddih'• be bide s- I .a Mau ivlie33; Le Isi:oo6;t'AiagCl'at_, , ,.: i s I . ::' 4 .Cept,i4tily -uoVt.4ot. Irt4il4eo „_. iiepiug a record "at lust beets,that US*iiir , :liet,ftir; • ' Utt,t bpatiji .444.00,t, the. • :beef • :beati 'Or the-beet that' beats elect . beat; beet. n . Mrs: tadlek and taking first thing' that caught larYPY o :;•*as''•rae leading reed, ' • said Am aid dame, 4 1- hope. - :it-bia not : ' way over my, eumimbei bed." 'relterettcl gentleman :was addressing a Solicitireciiipert' reeently,:and was .trying • to enfOi* Aisiloetrine that the heartS, of. the littleirawytete sinful; and needed re ulating. , Taking; out his watch and hold:. • ing it up; he :Sad. " • • . ;, "Now hereis Watch; siipise it don't, keep good time. gixs tool ,:fast,-. and unw . too glow; what shalt I dci4ith;itl7: "Sell it rshouted aBax!r,t7p:headed - I .lren,l-lays• ;it' • -down in: ' , my lone 'pea room; awl', to sledp Very soundt; de streams,4;- . - yrin'irkY ,het dey come , till I Visit. Ivat• nu - der:ea gonad • Some times when I eatTOO:pig supper, I treams and out in in-sleep,ble the tivil I scrams and kicks off tile .pet clothes, mid krOtniit den der I layt, Mit der pet clothes all Off, getS myself all ofer froze. ',ln de 'morn-. 441cake§ mit AS 'het' 'ake and . .kiititt and shirk from , niybet: to my tees . ; eh, i vat for'do .T. :feat such a :life ? SOnM shas dere's a cure dis trouble ,me; dint s I'll try t, arid - kit roe=s Tula , , ScERE rtiPnivrThrs, ,NFIcE.—"JiM; whit 'are you doh* *WM' the floor?" "Why,' sir, rvuluid„Week.” ' , shock?" ..' • "Ina lad df a shock?" : , "Why,, s one, of your suksoibers came in years ahsence anCifored to p . ay a years subscription, whiehpiOtlnceasi.4ch an affect upon me, that , " hatc,been p* feetly hepless ever since.". - "No'Niund,er, Jim, but cheer up, if you survive this yeu are safe, as there is lit tle prospect . of another such a catastrophe in'this 'office " A N0v74,. Roes TO Fonrunr.:—A Na c Co dent of the Providence Press •Isof a ", -composed of a father and two sons; v4,-a very few yeara ago, were ,quite poor.' They bega* sars.pw small • way, the manufacture of bills and bats for base ball:elubs: Theymade a good ar-- - tide, and their business increased gradu ally until now they own animmense.buil ding for their business, together with' some of, the handsomest dwellings in .the pad their tartar/es areput 'down by hun dreds of thousands of dollars' tat sta. , lid that thy litaniificture more balls and bati now t„hayall* theatherleAndfac4u-ert,-; iY - the stountrybined. • 82,00'PEWYEAR. • , ' _ :,-;ATEMBr “ Erit alrif Sumo-r. E=NZ