` «r A. S. iiOM3RAIiE, MAME Dt 2 P 2 ' 114 "S:MUc:I , P; dumeALo, PATENT MEDICINES, PREPARATIONS FOR - .THE HAIR, OTT .9 &" 12.A.11sTTS, YMMISIMS, teta,4 46%, Xio-Physicians dealt with at 20 per cent, dis' count. kNESBei / kil HOTEL BUILDING, Xaral 27,-1874 : :: ;Waypesboro', Pa .A.'4.XNrE • The following record ofoneday',Sitccidents, all from the same cause, vizitthe.use of in ferior Coal 01l r is talr.err*bni.e.,the • Philadel phia Ledger ofa recent - "The alarni:of _Are, :hitt eirenin . g, - s at. 7 o'- clock,. was ctiused..by burrung , - of the dwelhug, corner of 16th andl'oplar,,,result ing from tile e4testhn - of a Coal oil, :,larup.— Mrs. Hersh, occupying the second . iStory of the dwelling had retired' teller de partment, a' few moments before:the discovery, of the fire.: On entering her room s she' was, found wing on the floor, ivra.:pped in flames." "About 7 io'cloek - yesterday niorning ; a coal-oil-lampt-in-the-handsi>fSarah-Alexan der, wholives On Cowslip, St. neat 164:7 She was severely burned:- - - "Margaret Colli,:teSidinai therearof 618 South st, was burned' by ttte -explosion, of a coal pillamp. , Her husband, while tit tempting to extinguish the flame, wes:llse' severely burned. TWo of the •above victims have since died of their injuffies." All such fearful aceidents,resultinim death and, the destruction of .valuable property" , may be avoided by, using "CARSON'S STAT LAI? OIL," which is, known to be a perfect ly safe and reliable illuminator. It is for sale t)y Arriberson, Benedict & Co., Waynesboro'; Christian Good, Quincy. [feb 2-1871. Msrc • AtaxklgA: GoonTITIETAN. ' 111 Mar y, , • : SUR AND DOPLEIGTORYI JTEET WHAT •YOUWAINIT — :.•-'' . . At Prices to suit Times' ty • , —VOREC :WARR 4741 1. . • . Morro:—Quick SaleOnd Proffits. ' • We will furnish in 'Mir line of•business • '- • • , sisa,too/as, .siatrTrEits, • -• 11INTLES, . . ' STAIRING, &c., .', • WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. -We also 'contract ~.for- continued Rail Stair WaYs,'Newel'sßallugters, &c. &c., furnish to orderoi put into' buildings by the best of work Men ; Savfing, Chopping,"Poast'Boring, Grinding, Tueing&c. &c. In short 'any thing you ward call for it, if not on handwe ' will make it. As reference we can show you buildings in the country or in Waynesboro' xvhere.you canjudge for yourselves, (we 'can't recommend material, it must reeom -Mend itself) also see the quality of our 'ma terial as compared with that of other shops, TO THE PUBLIC . Thankful.for past favors, we ask you for a continuance of the same. Factory 1.1- miles South of Wavnesboro',Pa. GOOD & METCALF,-. may 15, 1571. I.s. We are also prepared to furnish Framing material at comparatively lowrates. , , 11 - MINUS COLLEGE!: Lnateil at Freeland, nontgemeiy Conn ' • ty, Penn's.. • ' • THE ACADEMIC DEPARTMENT : [For:immix Floriaxn Srmisdaty.] A First-class English, .Mathetnatiad and Classical Boarding Schoolfor MISI Mir BA VII • tinder the immediate Tuition and Manage ment of the faculty of the college. TERMS MODERATE. All necessary expensesTincluding Tuition, Boarding, Washing, Books, ac., not exceed ing,;:s2.3o a year. THE COLLEGIATE DEPARTMENT will be distinct from the academic, and will afford all the advantages of a full college course in the usual higher branches of study, under the direction of a Faculty of six Professors. • trThc Academic Year for both Depart meats will be divided into the following three terms:—The School opening with the Fail term, Septenaber 3, 1870 to December 22. 'Winter term, January 4, 1871 to April 5. Spring term, April 12 to July 7, 1871. For further iaformition aoplv to Rev. J. H. A. BOMB NIGER, D. D., President of tifsinus College, ' Freeland, Montgomery County,.Pa. v . - July 3D tf. 5 ;EVERY LIVERY • • rndersigned informs the public gen erally thr.t'fie has purchased the Livery heretofore owned by Frank. I :Veagley, and is fully pre.paxed to meet the wants of the community in his line of business. - Tie his hacl cal carriages neatly re paired and ratted, and his horses are - s.afe, gentle and fo.st travelleis. ParLics conveyed T p,ny dedred,nccompauied by a&.re : - ilodriver. tare at the Wayne.boro' Hotel wiere .= cutive hostler will be in attendfmce at IVr.our.4 cir the night and day. Yt .No ef ft r. will be spired to accommodate all who ,taav p'ltrolize hhn. .I.)c , 17, Is 3. BURNS AP4:010 " 11, 'Nis D.; Cv S T ID is' stip - • . - .~"READ. R , T:~, aafl be`coaviao~:' Drttgeof 'quality; - PATRID) IVIE; DICINES :of alt kinds, .;PURE - WHITE LEAD and CpLORS, 9/L, TTIRPENTINE, ,BRUSIdS,..6Ol , llk§,yOCE.ilf zors, Pettknrg)s";Statioxiery; Sisaps,.Pefftun eg,,Tellettand Fancy :floods, etc., full as . THE CORNED DRUGSTORE' • • DESIRABLE in every. tiOsehohl, Pare Baking Material., You can - always.' get the beat at _ .THE cOBIW - DRUG .13,T0RE., PErRE GliotarD SPICES are sold ati THE CORNER DRUG STORE . DB. A23ERSCOB*egelable tide. Tlie bestrezitiiofoi;woring. SAFE, RFL4I3I4'AfirPTALA.T.4.I3LE. WHISKEY, BlctipY, and G IN - for niedipi A nEd Wises at THE , o)Bl;Tilt: r limtrG STORE. !MOSSES - , • y • .; THE cciefr4e.p=r - G STORA. tut your Preieriptiouspedby, DR; J.IBURNS..A43EIISON. HIV GOODS ! NEW GOODS.! ?VHF subscriber announces to the .citizens Ringgold andvicinity that he hat re tained from the East with a stocieof •SR OBWARE' ler Ladies, Missesand Children, embracing all, styles ; aho gaiters ' shoes, etc., for - Men and Boys. He has also Groceries for sale, such as Sugars, Coffees, - Teas, Syrups and Spices. • He continues _to taauufaeture to order 'metes Boot and Shoe and ladies and: chil dren's work of all kinds. •• He returns thank for past favora and'aslis a continuance of public patronage in the fu -Ringgold, May, 11, 11: V.BTEWART. PATENTED SEPT. " 21' 1860 The me. 21.0 of, this machine consists In part, in the attachment of curved knives to the arms of the cuttiiigN-Wheel, the shear:. ing cut across .the mouth-piece, the great power and directness of.the blow, by which treble the volume of material is cut, with lass „power than is required by any other machine ; those combined , with its durabil ity and simplicity of construction, command public attention. Nothing liable to get out of order, but what a boy could remedy with apocket wrench. Persons. in want of machines of this de-. scription will do wellby calling upon or ad dressing -the undersigned.. Gogd and res ponsible agents wanted to, sell machines and territory. . The abovelfe.chine is now on exhibition at the Waynesboro' Manufacturing, Compa ny's Office. Persons interested should call and examine it, for it is what every, ,farmer should have. H. C. GILBERT, " Bmr,l. F. STOUTF* Proprietor, Agent. Waynesboro' Pa. , July 14; tf WillaSßOßO' Amin FIREINSURANCE C9MPANY,7 W. 4 YiTESBORO', PA., • INSL'IMS AOAL•LST LOSS OR DAXAGE BY On all safe class riropertk at - x.ehacniablo ides OFFICERS: W. S. AIIBERSON, President SnroN Lncsox, Vice President: Jos. DOUGLAS, SECRETARY. jos. IV. Bittunt,:rreasurer. DIRECTORS: W.S.Amberson, Simon Lecron, Lewis S. Forney, Jacob Carbaugh, • Jos. Douglas', Jos. Price, Jaeob" • Jos. W.,31111er, Benj. E. Funk, - D. R. Russell, Levi Sanders, • Jacob Good. • - DANIEL SNIDELY, Agent, june 16,'70] 'Waynesboro', Pa. QHAD ANR trERRING.--111e.w. Shad and OPotomne Herring in bbls. for sale by, W. A; REID. W. 11". FUNK THE CORNER , DRVG dot& ;FLAilpleti G EX,TRA.c7. 15 diffeient • at', CoRNgR DRUG ant., Srilll G INNOtiNtillgiii'. We would ipvite your, attention to our, '*i±:':6:! . ,-i4,.*,--(i'7*A:4 SPRING GOODS is large and varied ,and..eonideta.‘in parlor . ff - mOrE4.3:WI; Black Bpi-Q*lla Alapitast, I,.j . ap , ata* Poplins, Japanege Robes ; Plack Oro -Grai4l24lloo3erine.se.Clo-theit*-- CHER BROWBAII I BEMIHIPLAM • Ch9 - ne PPPT4gst c ßiii4 rokti _CITY PO:PLEAT) REM Ned End Matte Crqt trrixiy. Cooli Reppe, . • iirelegant Goods, Wirt I l l' , l0 4 14 ,- and Embioideties, •IlatdeixAsd-Gloyes, ojENTS'FGRATMII/NO GO,OISAIVOY/ONS'i , • : 'ice; ind,i4ey Casshaefes and ~r 4 s M;c - P (ne : w style) Ladies' pasting Gaiter's and Ato , ••-.• :ranee Shoes. ' . 7 1 -- -, ny'ra and 'rxusied-Coqifee,s; 'New Or lama- riirtoricco Sugar:OW*l, Cheese iton,; Stuns and China ware, Queeneyare . itinds, , plassware in"endlesa ,yariety _and_Willow • ware.__Venithin,. itag Carpets l Ojcea - Matting, Freer .-a.nd fact everything. kept "in a Well:restated SeirEfzartile"our,'priaes and jud gerfar louraelves, , April 13, '7f. mixer& 2ornaug 31401.11: . Atarta I MEW GOODS: AMBERSON BEN ET & ;CO'S, WE AR,E• NOW RECEIVING OUR SEC- OND SUPPLY OF Stltme-.a SUMMER anon% . To which we Call Your attention. We stick now prepared to sell all kinds of Dry Goods, Groceries, -Gueettsware and Notions, :at 'a much lower price than they have been sold. • , for several years.- ' • Shoes, ' Alpaccas, Summer Wear, Calicoes antl Lawns, Mons Wear of all kinds, ' • Rag, Imported and Girthing Carpet, Everything .needed in_ the Clothing Line, . Delaines, Shoes, Boots & Summer Hats, Oil Cloths for Floor and Table, Boys & Misses summer wear, Ntions of all kinds. Cuffs Sr. Collars, Breasts, Embroidery, • Butterflies. .Neck Ties ' Cottonades, Jeans a Tweeds, Table Diapers, Laces and Insertings, Elastic and Garter Braids, . , Domestic and French Ginghams. . Irish, Blay and Coat Linen, .Hosiery and Gloves, • Cassimeres and Cloths • Our prices are low, ' • Give us a call and we will try-to accom modate in everything.: • • AMBEBSON, BENEDICT, Je ,June 1, 1871.. 12:57 : :0:171kit MILLW&_Ctft W. 3=131t4 CO. .have' just'npened 0 ear first stock: l 4SPninkx4s*.wlo4 l. was eeleeteii fdf. thir.hotanerliadeinndscon-. • ileta'if sii the , afflea of Foieign and frontes l lie -.Ttry.-.Goida,:-.1f4. - -For . the Ladies. they, have: a /sae stoek:of all thilatadityle Dress and Faner.Goodi; ==l . . . PoOns.; - ..Frenat'.940 1 . 11 .9 }3 :Alj~aecc s, Thicalee;. • :Lawns,: • ' ' • _PI ids. RfoliEdre;:.• •' IA-iiiceLzu3sartimf:.43yiriilK - 44Lai rank,s, 01 -s'-eotWt,s, Chgno* • :Sw#446 l 4'&4v • - . . . A full' ine of.:Grents•Firrniatthag Goods o f . every stye and,qatilitY: • • - ' -• • awitikiialcAit • . , cAss a at. Coatings and Vbstirgs for Siring and stn -ler - Also, Shirts, -Collars; Handkerchiefs, Scaifklles„-.Gkiires, floisiery, Suspen4 • ders, Criffsokc.: , , , • 4,41•,,F.J;,E,1-31:::',4, - -1;.:,, g :, '• • r 'Bag And .Cottage Carpet. ' Blcior , and. Stair'.oil. Cloth; Beautiful 'atyles IBM A foil siC•ck - Of,Prii:re GROCERIES;- -Hardware, CedarNit=4 P.AINTS-ALL COLORS. 'Lewis! and Bastes & waneeslndiALead, Linseed, 'Tanners, and Coal- Oil._ Windsiv - Glass and Putty and in fact everything that is usually found in a first-class country store. -----All—pOrsons-g - to—pnrehaseare - re- - .quested;td caltand examine goods'and liri;- - wzZ trotibleto ehow. goods. - • . . 4 14 1 - Pf_ti ; 87 46: ..T• - n &.co: • ( WEIS ,1- I: VS PATENT EliftaillititTdßel GRAIN ASZPARA Tan dEilni t -01,Gal: 011: POWERSI No iinplint',l . :reore important, to the .fanner than e. - Arst;class Grain:Thresher and Cleanerr-rier none pays him so well and so speedily. ; ' The.abovelia tholis the only Geiser Ma chine now built under. the Ammediate eye of the old inventors themselves, withal the ' additional improvements made during the pag.'lB years, and now with FIRST-CLASS WORRMEN'AIt MATERIAL this Machi'x just stands , high above all of ita.clast As a thresher it is equal to the -best, as a cleaner it is superior - to any exist ing Mcirbine.- This - is admitted by all hon. 'fist-ecennetitois; . . Indeed it is the only Ma ,thine that mildly, can, -by one operation, thoroughly thresh and clean gram fit for market. 'Bat the: fact that grain direct from this machine,commands froml to 3 cents a' :bushel more than grain direct from any oth er machine, sages - thequestion of its supe riority as a cleaner Over all others. ' Impar 'tial judges at all the State and County Fairs where it was thoroughly and - 'practically tested, in competition :with other leading, 'Machines, alWays'agree that it is more Sim ple—more easily understood and operated by those nnakllled ih machinery—more du rable—threshing as much and yet cleaning better- T with less power and, more comfort to bands thgn any other machinein use— and besidekrall that is sold for less money according, to capacity. These facts' are farther attested- by the- thousands of pur chasers; some of whom have had them in use for , thelast 18 'years. To supply the wants' of all, we now make 4 sizes, viz:— From a 2,Horsii- Railway or 3 Horse Lever Power; "ton 10 'Horse' Lever Power, with prices' 'ranging from $l9O to $360, without power.- .We also make the latest impproved triple-geared Horse Powers, suitable for each size machine, ranging from $9O to $135, and- -all fully and fairly warranted. • For further information send for , circular and price list. - • - • Responsible. Agents in Territory not- in troduced. , Address, THE GETSER MANITFAC'G'CO., W.Krimpioao', Franklin County, • Jan. 21-tf - Pennsylvania. , WAYNESBORO' COACH FACTORY; , , ... • • ._.... , 11E.O. W. HAWKER haling withdrawn ria4 c VI from the fc of Adams & Hawker the subscriber informs the public that he con tinues ,the Coachni ing business in all its branches, at the o stand.. He will at all times have a suppl of new Bu,,,nes, differ ent kinds, on hand,; also seccmd-handed ve hicles. Repairing done 'at short • ;notice.— He uses the best material and employs good mechanics. He returns his , thanks to the public for their liberal patronage, and by attention to business and a disposition to accommodate hopes to merit a liberal share of the same in the future. Jan. 14-tf. JACOB ADAMS. THE 11N. - LBO 111 . UNDERFEED Ski u'ilLE and SEWING.MACIIINESI $25 cheaper than any other. For Simplicity, Durability and Beauty, 'they stand unrivalled. For Stitching, Hem ming', Tucking, Felling, Quilting, Cording, Binding, Braiding, Gathering, Gathering & Sewing - on gathers, they are • unexcelled.— Warranted. WAYNANT • - • S. E: Corner Diamond, Har..3o, 1871. • Waynesboro', Pa. CONCAVE CONVEX 'apectacles, at .1„) ALEX. LEPS 0----r . MOM Queausware, • • PATTENTED JANUARY 21st 1868, . This is tbe beet -D.ry•llouse ever offered to the public.. It dries Fruit in-half the time required by' the old method. It dries uniformly and perfectly. The finit dried by .ikretains more of the natural flavor. It is easily managed. It saves fuel. • - It is durable and portable. It has 24 feet of drying surface. ' . Call and see them at the sign of the - and leave your orders_for_them - March 24, 1870. D.,..lVl:tislitca, , :. 1,:: Male PAR* LT.- 13 'WE BR= & SCOT at the'signof the , ,latßet-Herniviill-keepconstiatlyanhand--' an Sol' eale a large _atoortzetpxt Of..StOvca andilimitare: • - . TO7. MP - (warrinted tp . give eitistac4o4, TINWARE, • -• • JAPANNED WARE, •. HOUSE #III2I4IdELINGtOODV CHURNS; . KNIVESAD Pala, SPOONS, LADLES,- - LARGE IRONTOIVER KETTLES. 'Arid - othei_wrefurarticlaxat thaaigri of .. thir BITRED HORS; Waynesboro, Pa., Viarre a, large assortment of L COOK STOVES, ~ : , . . .- • '... 'l',oAt STOVES, • • cp . / it STOVES &e,• , of hitestimproiremente, Ills very bestin the tnarke4 . at the' Cheo an4..qtaie AIISSELL. ASQN: EVERYBODY - THE'hti)P4MD ~dSE•BTJ~TER, Sold at IWail by ' D. B. RUSSELL & pow, Sign of the Big Red Horn, Waynesboro ~Pa. 1110a1Z2KVOMI:Ani made-of the best • Tin hi the market s and warranted ;Atha sign of the • "BIG RED HORN" D. 13. RUSSELL keeps constantly on hand a large assortment of all House Furnishing Gdods for sale cheap. Pure No. 1 Kero , sane Oil and a large assortment of Lamps. • WASHING MADE EASY I calling` it the sign of the "Big Red Horn' and getting the best Clothes Wringer ever made. 28...Peisoini in vat of Stoves, Tinware, House Fuinishing "goods, &c., can get, fall vf-dire for their money by calling lb • 4. .. RUSSELL & SON, ' • ASign of the "Big Red Horn" _ Waynesboro': Pa:- CAVE TOVR..-FlCtri THE L. A. OELLIG DRY HOUSE, BIG RED HOB J:B. itiftl'i'airk orlyippiniu Lroseid. of the finest ~stkrzliegta. yr? 'lll3# of them; suchitilding entirelifttenT lakesVatee *‘. as: 'fronampradehtelirdie*Be. nvecaipounii 'Mad IWO,ctliv X i i ll s , 413,49:ight l4lll.oPrwnn.'• nct..streiduce the deisired. 'effect:: ant. iii ,ierAw***Rent, ituss, beink , et-iteces . al .PIiIdt:FTFTY otirrgY --•.,-:- : , , , --,- , ;-- : ',:.;-.-E ,- 1114EMLY CONCENTATEDI,OOOI4Si D...exT,40213 ah49APARZIZA Will radi*ienainate. fivinVus &Wit* ; loner Soies, ', re Eyes, *ore 'So*: Month, Bet _ ead„ E r n bitie rs Sitzn4Mßeans-Selt-itittel Caul' 'kers, Riininge, kroni the.. gz, Min* . wet , " ings,'Tilmors -Ceneekotra ietioniVlNodes, Ricket_siaidrideicirrgwening. INighk43weatsi Bash;;letter;ltereorstbfalrAirideA,:gronie ltheematisre,liplipepsds, Odell diseasesthat 4aye - tieter estabUsbesl ii. the" - for '• 114' • irefriii7pl'epaii3d'expkoady4O, coinpliuntsitsVOOd3prirpgiorapertidisare @eater than airy "othOrPrifparation of Barsa- Alra;lat'isiVes the compleziou - OlearJuulr healthy color and.restotekthe patient,tcq,s : : • For purifying. a. renle k •nz .Chronier-,rbnictipr tional diseases arising frOrmau impnro State _of the-Bloodwd-the-onlrreliable — and — f3f- - fectualltriOivn retaer,for, ths:Oire' of - rains and siellingriftheitones,ticerations ofthc_ o ckiMnipes,ft_thc Pace, Erysipelas, And all Scaly Eruptions .of. ' • 4.-the-ecTarklioni':7 • . THE' QUEAT •MIMETIC has cured every:case_pf Diabetes in. Which It has bben even, Irritation 'of the nack n f the Madder and i : mation,ofthe Kidneys, Ul-_. iteration of the Kidneys and Bladder, Iteten:e tion of Urine, disease oftheProatrate • Gland, steavinthel3loder-,Oal culus;:q ,: r dust Depoaiti and Mucous or Milky •Dis; charges, aryl,: for. 'Enfeebled - and . -Delicate Consigitutions for both Sexes,attended with the follovibig, symptoma:„ Indisposition to Exertion, /aoss of power, .Loss - of Memory, ofhreatlung,WeakNerves,Trerubl, nit ir liOrrOr of Disease,yteakfulness,Dimna4s — o f is:ion, Pain in the Back, 11Ot , Hands, Flushing of-the Dos:lb.-DO/ten of the Skin, Eitgition on the Face, Pallid Countenance, Unrvereal. Lassitude of the Muscular System, Used hyLpen: ons from the age, of eighteen tirtwentrafive,-and from thirty=fixe- or in the, dechne or change •of life; • after confine ment or labor pains; bed:wetting-1e children, : ..• CODDLE' AND SEE ORYENTSL ..}lelmhold's Extract Buchtas.Diur,etic and Blo'od purifyi ng, and:cares all diseases aris ing from hOitg,of DisdpatiOin - and;Exceses .gtid Imprudence in Life, Impurities of the Wood, etc.; Superseding - Copavia in Affect tions for,w, hich it is used, and Syphilitic.Af lectiotien these ditease Usedincomeation' with, lielmhOid's Rose Wash. . In many affections peculiar to Ladies, the Extract Buchnis uneaci n eled by and other remedy—as - in Chlorosis Iteteritaon; ;Painhl or Suppression °Wu& tomaifixacuationsMeerated or ,Scbirrus state of the ,UtereS, Leu'coriluei or - Whites, Sterility,and Tor all complaintaincicaderit to 'the Sex, whether arising from Indiscretion of habits of Dissipation. It is prescribed est tensively by,..the most eminent PlaysicianS ann Midwives' for - Enfeebled "- and" Delicate Constitution, of both "Sexes-and all ages (at= tended with any *of the above Diseases" or Symptoins). • - B HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU CURES DISE:ASVi ARISING . • FROM IMPRUDENCE, . HABITS OF DISSIPATION, Ere., in all their stages, at little . expmve, little or no change.in no inconvenience; and no exposure; ,It causes a • frequent. desirti, apd ,gives strength to "Triage, thereby removing Obstructions, Preventing and Curing Stric tures of , the Uretba, allaying Pain • and In flamation' so frequent *this clarii, of dile:aro, expellingall Poisonous matter: , ÜBE flrann's Errit.ict Bitinc I'o all Affections and Phones of the 'Urinary Or. gams, whether existing in Male or Female, from whatever' cause originating, and no matter of how long standing. Price, $1.50 Per.Aottle., It T. HIMIIIQI:JYS IMPROVED ROSE WASH' . - cannot be • surphiied WASH. Wadi,' and will be found - the only. specified remedy - in every species of Cutaneous Membrane, eta, , dispels Rednessand incipient *lnfisurudion, Hives, Bask Month Pitches, Dryness ofthe Scapl or Skin, Frost Bites, andall ,:poses for. which Salves or Ointments are used, re stores the skin to aatate - of purity and Soft ! ness, and insures continued healthy action of the tissue of its - vessels, on whiehdepends the agreeable clearness and,Nrivacity, otcom plexion so much-sought and admired.- But however vslluabla as a remedy , for existing defects of the skin, H t T. lielmbold'a Rose -Wash has long sustained its principle claim ,to unbounded patronage, by peasessing qual itee ,wl:tich. render it a Toilet Appendage of the most Superlative and Congenial charac ter, cotabbbung.in an elegant torten'a those prominent requisita, Safety , and Efficacy— the invariable secompsuument of its-use-as a Preservative and Refresher. of Complex ion: - It is an-excellent-Lotion for diseases ol!the grinery Orstrising,from 'habits 'of disiiplition;.tsf caimection with -the Extract Btchu, Patina, - and Catawba • Grape Pills, in truck disea ses sareconuneud i cannot be surpassed: - 11"; Full and explicit directions accompany the medicine. • Evidence of the .most, responsible and re liable character, furnished on.- - applicatiien t , with 'hundreds of thousands of living. wit nesses, and upwards of 31,000 unsolicitedcer, tifleates and recommendatory. letters many of which are , from highest sources, prizing eminent Physicianti, Clergymen, Statesmen, etc.. The proprietor hainever resorted 'to their publication in the newspaper; he does not do this from the fact that his • articles rank as Standard Preparations i and ;do not need to be prekwinply "eertilleatea, H. T. TM mBOLD'S GENUINE Delivered to any .address.',.,ectire':frorii -oliervati'ome , - Established itptirards. of twenty years.-- Sold by, Druggists everyishere.A-r,ddress let ters for information, in confidence , HENRY T. HELMBOLD Druggist and Chemist. , Only' Depots T. HEEMBOLD'S Drug and Chemical Warehstissr. No. 594 Broad-. Way New York, or to H. T. HELMBOLIYS Medical Depot-104 South Tenth Street,Phil ' adelphia, Pa. . - • ' BEWARE OF C OUNTERFEITS. Ask 'HENRY T. HELMBOLD'SOraIs. March 2, 1871. • r. - '- - • 13*M L-grazoOLITS &Da TR A T Bit* IT PREPARATIONS.': T°:'d , .7.4l: Y AlititEftiNeri rzqszczor 4IiT's'UA9EOZ4 :wAiiiiesoaoi;rot. - °Surat' the • Weitiesboio' t "Ctirner Drug • • •—, ittne' 29—ftf. 3El' "t 1 .72; - .4 6 4-,1q . "1 1 :2; Bea manned , the practice efAfedicine -f3FFlCE=Li.#he, Walker , tratiling-ritiai• -the Bowden - House. Night caps should be , made at-his residence on-Main Street, -ad joining thelVestern School. :Route: Jull , 204 U -" ' •• • .` "' • P4'l;=4-11M.W41" • ' ,, P%(IFORZItaiIY. 4 : IIISTERS his Professional ienricsa• to the, of:Wayneblien:?,•tind vicinity: ', • Da. &adman has zelluilnislted nWexteze'' • td+?e Onfctice at ./Ileitereburg; 'Where he his , been—Ec s oldnentlinvioxi - tyrtrnundw - Or yours the' practace of his pray:Odom • He: ope Med an Office /n Waynesbdrq,, • ; :dance of George Besore, Esq.,-his Father-in-law; where he , ctin be found at all tines when. not professibrunpy engaged. • '',7-361720;1871 - 1 -tf. • • ; • • 7 - 7 P 3 ..O. itE W 6 tSTI;EI Pi•-• Experieneedit Dentistry, will insert y,ott, sets, of Teethnt prises to suit, the times. ; -Feb.,16, - 1871. -.•- • . A. K. BR ANISM RE,S,IpENT WAY - N - Eirktilt - 0'; PA:, Can belonad:at alt times at his office where. ke.4s4repareil_torineest-teeth_on-the—best haste in upe and at gripes to milt the tithes. Teeth exeacteg, without pain tv_the use,_rof . ea s. er, mouts can . _egos or„ • e freezing process, in a manner surpassed by We the iiidersignedleing,nequainted with A. K. Branisholta_forthe.past-year,eau-ree..-- ommend him •to the public • generally to be a Dentist well qualified to. perform all ope rations belonging to Dentistry in the most skillful manner.. . • Drs. 3. p..AMBERSON, I. N. SNIVELY, • - J. J. OELLIG, - A.; S. EQ.NBRAKE,. T. D. FREE OH. wept 29tf] JOHN A. ill VSSONG, • MOR:FKY AT LAW, . • HAVING been admited to Practice Law at the several Courts in Franklin Coun ty, all busineski entrusted to his care will be promptly attended to. Post Office address Mercersburg,, Pa. JOSEPH MOT/G-14AB, ArrointET , AT IAW, - WAYNESBORO?, PA. " • Practicea in the' severid Warta of Franklin and adjacent Counties: - • 'N. B.—Real Estate leased and Sold, and Fire Insprance effected on reasonable terns. Deeemher 10,1871.' , ,LEW . W..DErgieir," - ATTORNEY Air . WAlrsEssozo",,- PA, - Will give prompt and close attention to all business entrusted to his-care. Office nest door to the' Bowden House, in am Walker; - ":= • ELF 6 • 0. DEALER IN W470114$ WVZ Y ou , 883 War BeydrnsonE SenumET, BALTZKORE, get SerbWfttelies Reptfire4 and-Watranied.lia • ClitJewetry.ilade and Repaired. - 69 Jply 1871.-tf. • • C ( .23761-3.01C:E311-)14 - - :PHOTOGRAPHER,_ Conier,of the.Diamonk, ITAS at all times a flue assortment of Pie ti reS Tranne .n'd *9111043 . g5.: Call and see specimen pictures. 'Jane tf. THOMAS J. =MUM; ,NER C:,114 TAIL OR; AND AMMO FOR SINGER'S SEWINR MACHINES. SIMEYLNG AB COITIYINGLNG. Wde 'ridgned havhig bad •some • ten ars wi experience as apractical Surveyor is prepared to do all• 'kinds of, Surveying, laying out and •dividing up lands, also all kinds of Writing usually done by Scriveners. Parties wishing work done can call on,or address the undersigned at Waynesboro! Pa. feb 2—tf] A. B. STOE:FR. Et A :133'2, .W I ril . E subscriber infoirmathe pu blic that he •i continues the Barbering business in the room next door to Mr. Reid's Grocery Store, and is at all times prepared: to do ;hair Cut ting, shaving,s hampoomng etc. in the best style. The patronage of the pnblic is respect- , fully solicited: • Aug 23,1871 ' .• W. A. PRI= ligixtunagraooDgi, TO,T4P LADIES! HOLLINIViIIGIER: has just J.V.l.receivoil a full supply efnew.Milliniry goodfi.. Ladiesare inyite4 topallaud examine her stock. - _ k. , spr 20..- " - • ' • ": NEW MUMMERY - STORM BATE 'G. STOVER..annoutices to , ladies of Waynesboro' and:viciniti that shi3 • ',commenced the_Millinery_ bus iness infront raatnext door to the Hard ware Store of S. R. Rinehart, and has open 'ed out a fill lintof. Sizing. and Summer :Goods, warming di the; latest. styles. , t. . , Ladies are 'invited - At - 4* and examine ;her goods. - , ",; ' - ',Ma • 11-tf BOOT'ANDOEVINEBIAII3ISFG. I•rinCE subscriber would inforni the public I • that. he is atoll SW* prepared to mice , to order Gents Coarse, or fine ; : Boots, ;also coarse or fine work for Ladies. r Misses, thelatest style of lasting Gaiters•-- Repairing done:at short notice, and measur es takeni in private fimilletif desired Shop on East Main Streeknithe room - formerly occupied by J. Elden, as a Sour and • feed fltors, - THOS. J. HOLLINGSWORTH. July 2a—tf BBCON 2 tcooy, sidesVtle by — Junel:l;3.