OiAMt ge,4ora Thur ' lida7;;JilY REPORT.: To the Stockholders of the Miramar Iron and Railroad Company: = _ • The company was duly organized, June 20, 1870, and the followingiphrsoits elect cd directors for the ensuing year: Daniel V. Ahl, John Evans, Asbury erhxnd; John, Moore, W. H. Lcingsdo , George Clever, Alex.l7lldericood. Salmi+ tt.Bai ley and James Bosler. Daniel V. Ahl was elected, president.; Asbury Derland, secretary; William Gra cey, treasurer; and William H.: Miner, so-. lieitor. On the ist .'of May; 1871, Hon. Wm. McLellan was:aeSed_directorviee S. N.*Bailey, resigned. . _ It was proposed to bun,,,n re.A. a point at or near Shippensburg, along the north' Vase of = the :South. tnountidn; to a -pointan•the,Ouriberland,Vidley railroad, near. the Susquehanna, river. Captain Joseph Mifflin,. of • Columbia, was appointed Chief Engineer, and in structed to,survey -the proposed route.— This - work was duly performed, and the 'report 'of the:engineer is herewith submit ted. 'The line, as surveyed, was commenced ut Shippensburg, and extended to the Susquehanna river, at Bridgeport, a dis 'ranee of thirty-eight miles, The line aci- Iteres closely to the Yellow greeehes creek.. 'With a view of accommodating, if-possi ble, the citizens of Dillsburg, Pa., a line, leaving the creek line" near the mouth of the'Dogwood run, was surveyed up that stream, to Pillsburg, ;and, .returning by way of Stony run, rejoined the main line .again near the rriouth. This - line was `found to be three and seven-eigths miles longer than the direct, line between the same points, and involved considerable heavy work. It has not, therefore, been deemed advisable to adopt it for the main line. 4. proposition was, however, made to the Citizens of Dillsburg, to build a _branch to that place, diverging from the main line near the mouth of Dogwood run, to be constructed simultaneimsly with 'the main line. This proposition bas been re jected. It is hoped. however,, that the 'Dillsburg people will still-find it to their interest to unite with the company in con structing a branch to that place, to be ex tended, sufficient encouragemint is giv en, to .'etersburg, Pa. I ediately after the organization of the company, the work of soliciting sub scriptions along the line was , commenced, 'and has' been continued to the present time. The amount estimated to be neces sary to prepare the road for the super structure, has been apportioned among the' Various townships; and nearly all hive filled up their quotas, All' would have been filled ere this, but for the fact that the eastern terminus had not, until lately, been definitely determined; • The right of way for the entire line has been pledged by the various townships, and has.already been granted gratuitous ly for two-thirds of the distance. Proposabi for construction were invited, by public advertisement, in April; last, and several bidi were received, but no a ward has been made as yet, on account of delaysgrowirig Out ofthe Dillshurg negotia tions, and others, making it uncertain where to fix the eastern terminus. Nat ters have now taken such shape that we expect to be able to put the whole work under contract in a short time. _ _ Negotiations are pending with other and powerful companies; to be benefitted by our road, in relation` to endorsement, .or negotiation of the bonds of the compa ny required for superstructure and equip ment, and, such assurances received 'as leave no doubt that the generally difficult problem of placing the bonds of a new road will be solved very advantageously to our company. While oar surveys have, for the pres ent, extended to Shippensburg, it has been the intention of the company, as soon as posiible, to extend its line southward, a long the mountain, by way of Fayette ville, Funkatown, Quincy, Waynesboro', Pa., artd,Boonsboro', Md.„ with an ulti- Mate terminus at the Potomac river, there connecting with a road now under con strttction up the Shenandoah valley. With in a few weeks propositions for such an extension, as far as • Waynesboro', have been made by many citizens along the proposed line, 4nd the townships to be benefited have undertaken, on certain cobditions, to raise the necessary stock subscriptions. - The preliminaries are now under discussion, and it is expected that steps for opening such subscriptions will be taken in a few days. It is deemed un= necessary, at this time; to do more than a- Jude to the advantage to the company, as well as to the region in question, of such an extension. The immense deposits of the finest iron ore, the products of several prosperous furnaces, now in operation, and many more that will hereafter be establish ed, of the important manufactories, pres ent and prospective, of the enterprising town of Waynesboro', sof the innumerable ' mills on the Antietam, and of a farming region that has no superior in this or any other country. will. aggregate a business, list will amply re-pay the expenditure, and largely increase the profits of the whole line. it is Pryinetimes asked, "will another railroad in the valley pay ?" • . Perhaps it might not, if it depended a lone upon the agricultural products of the valley ; if there was no new business. to be created by another road, situated as this will be. * The prime object of our efforts has been, to construct a road that should develop a business, now hying dormant for want of accessibility, and especially to de velop and bring to , market the valuable and inexhaustible ores of the South moun. rain and the contiguous valley. We think the transportation of ores, of iron and of the articles ,neem.ary in its production, would alone afford a 'paying business. We are sure it will, when sup plemented by the agricultural, and man "ufaetved products of a region unsurpass ed-for hrtility, and cultivated to thehigh . est degree, by a derive, , intelligent, enter prising and wealthy population. The - Tx i.lc country through which 'our road is. proposed to run is now not reached, • by, or imperfectly supplied with railroad facilities. Lime, lumber, rough timber, flour, grains ana farm products of all kinchj, now transported, if at all, long distances in wagons, must find an outlet to market this route. it is unnecessary to say at the existence of an acect-kible and cheap means of transhiortation will, in it seifjargely inerease:'; theSe produCts., -In return, large and ,izieeasing , deruand for cold, finished-building'Material and man ufactured 'goods:generally, will spring uP; taitking,a paying arid 'profitable revenue Pion return freighta ' In speaking of the, resources along and contigueus to the.prepaied tonte, we may enumerate - the ore banks already inwork ing condition, • numbering at least twenty, while the deposits of hemetite, magnetic and pipe, ores lying unopened and unwork ecl for want,Of cheap and convenienttrans, portation, are almost inexhaustible. Four` charcoal, furnaces end- two-forges are al ready in' operation, fifty or more grist mills, arid criseare -of - 8(1W:411111k - ire driven by the water power 7of..the Kellew Breeches creek. Niinierous limekilnaand immense deposits of limetque,laaithig„pessible • the almost illimitable productionof,,this valueelefer tilizer, are found •itt many places along the line. beds . of the finest sands, and clays for mannfacturing,pu,rposes areloinid at many- points:''At Mount sblly, four ex tensive paper Mille - ice in, constant opera tion, while the iinseilici*er of the Yellow• Breeches, together with many fine sitesfor blast furnaces, rolling mills, forges and other :manufacturing establishments, in vite an nvestiaent of capital that must eventrially make the section of country traversed by this road , one of the most en terprising and wealthy. of our State. What the Cornwall ore banks and ample rail road facilities have done for the Lebanon and Lehigh valleys, the ores of the South mountain, (quite as valuable and much more extensive,) will; when fully develop ed by this railroal, do for Cumberland val ley. By connecting at the Susquehannariver with the Northern Central; and at Harris burg, with the Penpsylvania Central and Philadelphia and Reading railroads, 'we are afforded an outlet to the best markets for our ores and ,products of iron. 'By the same means we reach the anthracite coal fields and the white pine lumber region.— When our road shall have been completed to the Potomac, we shall have connections also with the Western Maryland and Bal timore and Ohio railroads, the Chesapeake and Ohio canal, and.roads leading through Virginia to the far south, and thus adddi tional outlets and 'valuable markets for our produ4s, and access to thebituminons coal fields - of Maryland and Virginia. . Time prevents more than a mere ' allu sitm to the fact, that when completed, our road will form a link in perhaps the shor test through route 'between the north and south,, and thus . probably become a, thor oughfare' for the • immense 'and ever in creasing travel and traffic between those regions. "We submit below a summary, estimate of the prospective business of the,..road, confined to the limits of the survey that has been already made. This estimate is, based upon the business now existing or that would he, developed almost immedia tely upon its construction, and is believed to be a moderate and , safe one. It must be manifest to any one at all familiar with the subject, that the productive capacity of the country 'tributary to this road, isfar 'beyond the fizures we have given, and .es pecially as relates to the ores of the South mountain, limited only ly• the carrying capacity of the railroad, and the demands of the market. / d ft:om ESTIMATED BUSISESS FROM BRIDGEPORT TO SHIPPE4SBUR6: Receipts from freight $225,000.00 Do. mail ' 1,500 00 Do. express 1,000 00 Do. passengers ' 50,000 00 - Total , • . 277,500 00 Allow 60 per cent. for working expense] 166,500 00 Net earnings - 111,000 00 Equal to more than 11 per cent. on $l, 000,000, the estimated cost of road and equipment. Upon the whole, we may congratulate ourselves upon the success that has thus far rittended,our efforts. The people have responded promptly - and liberally. There seems now nothing in the way of an im mediate commencement of thc work, and we may reasonably- expect that another year will find the road completed to Ship pensburg, (and we hope to Waynesboro',) and doing a prosperous business. All of which is respectfully submitted, By order of the board of directors. DANIEL V. AHL, President. InJo-morroy (Friday) is the day ap pointed for the execution a Mrs. Laura. D. Fair, the hapdsnme gay de:.eiver and man murderer or California. Judge Dwin 'nolle, of the District Court, who scntan ced her to death has refused to hear argn ment4 for a new trial, and also to sign it petition or a writ of Error to the Supreme Court to grant her a new trial.. This is a remarkable case. The condemned wo man is . reported to be exceedingly hand some,l possesi ,g a;cultivated intellect with great convey ation and fascinating poW era. She h ' had two or three husbands, and been the mistess of as_many more men. The strong minded women of California are making - vigorous appeals in her be half, beseeching the Governor to pardon her or commute her punishment to impris onment in the Penitentiary fOr life. If hung, it will be the first woman everhung in California, ggir - The late dud strike in state, it is estimated, lost to the laboring classes $18,000,000, and no oneTcan gum how many millions to capitalisti. The Erie Railroad Directors put down the loss to their road alone at $1,500,000, and the Erie was by no means thklargest.carrier. Every road, big and little, carrying coal, has lost from a million and more down to tens of thousands. It is altogether prop., er that the consequences of the foolis.h,, not to say 'ticked, suspension' should be kept steadily in view, as a means of pre venting a recurrence. Etev, T. T.l,Titus,. of t Hagerstown, - has lxen elected; Principal of the Lv.therin 'Theological and ClasSical ISeminary, at Hartwick, Nev York. BC7'lev. C. A. Stork, of Baltimore, has excepted the Professorship in the Theolo gical Seminary at Gettysburg. TOE • WAYNESBORe; VI LAGE" RECORD, :„..TUBLthlitED EVERY - THURt3DAY .W - 13 L R „ : • • ; • .;; tEMIS--4vraMollikrs,perarinatri if paid Wei:rollers and ' Fifty _cents after the expiration ' of the year. .41)VgATISETONTS—One Square (10 lines) three hasertions,sl,so; fOr each subsequent insertion, Thir- AVe Cents per Square. , A. liberal . • disc:mut, made to yearly 'adver tisers. LOCALS.—Business Locals Ten Cents per line for the first-insertion, Seven ' Cents - for Subsequent iniertions. gown and s4ttuutrl. iiiiir"Trampa'! are every day becoming more numerous. ,Subscribe for the Record and tell your neighbor to do likewise. 'The young lady of many 'color's WAS in town the other, evening. WATERMELONS. ;Reid will luqe wa lermelons on: Friday. WY-See sale aclyertigement o£-Mrs. Ma, ry Summers. .4:i 4 lt is said that chestnuts will be very plentiful this year: Die Earl y poaches have made their ap pearance at I;'eid'a grocery. • A brilliant meteoric display' is an nouuced between the r26th and .30th of this month. ta'Some peOple say , that dark-haired women marry the soonest. We differ ;it is the light-headed ones. . mThe Governor, on, the 28th. ult., ap proved the act of assembly restoring the Spring elections. ris..Postoffiees have been established at St. Jaines' College 'and at Cearfoss i .Cr)ss Roads in Washington County, lld., . ;The city, whisky, now=a-days, costs the seller about cent a glass. It frequently costs the purchaser his life..: mt.,,A. counterfeit S2Q note on the Washington County (Md) National Bank Is in' circulation. It has ficticioui signa tures. 1511.44 9 visitors arrived in Bedford for the week ending Wednesday 12th So says , the Inquirer, . Comnixnnc.—The Snerement of. the Lord's Supper will be administered in the Lutheran Church in this place on Sunday morning, August 9th. s . • geljion. Wm: Af. Hall, of , Bedford, has been renominated for President, Judge by the Republicans of the Franh.lin, ton, Bedford and Somerset district. REPORT.—In another• column , will be found the first Annual. Report of the Miranian Iron and Railroad Compa; ny. FARM 801.1).-11r. Israel Hess of Quin cy township, recently sold his farm con taining 29 acres, fOr 'the sum of $5,000. Purchaser, Mr. Abraham Snowberger. Pnrens Dowx.—.lllr. J. Elden, the call dealer in flour and feed stuffs, fruit; bacon &c., is tumbling down prices. Read his-advt. CHOLERA MEDICINE.—The celebrated Wickey Cholera Medicine, prepared by David Hoover, Esq., of Ringgold, Md., can now be had of F. Fourthman, Drug gist: See advt. . Accurt - gf.--On Sunday last Mr: John Stouffer who was returning from a' woods meeting near Greencastle, met_with , an ac cident near Park Hill. It seems histkorse took fright and started to run. In attempt ing to get out of the buggy he was thrown to the ground, braking 'his . nose and . re ceiving other slight injuries. ENLARGED.—We • understand Messrs. Frick & Bowman of the Waynesboro' Steam Engine Works, owing to the increas ed demand for engines and boilers, are com pelled to enlarge their buildings, and that the work will be commenced in a few days. They are now overstocked with orders. FOR SALE.—Mr. David Patterson of fers at private sale the Fair :View Mill property near this place. This is a val uable property and one of, the most de lightful country residences in our coun ty. • SNAKE DEN.--One day last week John Tarmon and Samuel Mentzer in search ing for Whortleberries on Sandy Ridge in the 'vicinity of Beseeker's gap discovered a snake den under a bush, and succeeded in dispatching seventeen large copperheads. THE ,MourrAzif iforsEs.—Wd learn visitors continue to arrive daily at the houses on the Mountain. Mr. DAVID MILLER & BRo., of the Clermont House had 115 • boarders on Monday Mast, and HARRY YINGLYNG of the Monterey House fron. 90 to 100, whilst our friend V. B. GILBERT or Beautiful View Springs, who boasts the finest Spring in the mountain, is liberally patronized, his rooms all being oc cupied and visitors arriving and departing daily. . MI. A ,couple of railroad coraronnica tions mere receiyed too late for this issqe B 65 - Dr. Schuman, the Washington city abortiOnist, has been found guilty of nuln slaugitter. tigt..A. bargain in a printing prass can be had-at this office. - R.A.imto.tr, '3l . kEung.---Aceording to • 4,tivious notice a p4bbe, meeting to,furth --erihicMiramar Reaped project Wail held in this place on • f3aturda,y last. -Aft4r 150111,..3 introductory remarks by Jos. -DAme. , las, Esq.,. the meeting was ably addresid by Wm. McLellan, Esq., of Chambers burg, and'-=Mr: John Moore, --of Dickinson township, Cumberland county. ; Capt . . triffiiii, Engineer, stated that theY had finished the Survey of a route from Shippensbvrg to - this, place, which was. feasible and could be :constructed at a Moderate cost. The meeting was well at, tended:Mid 'more than - oldinary interest manifested. 1 The R. 4, - Committee the same evening held a meeting at the office of J. Douglas, Ear.; at Which D. V. AM; President of the Company,, Col. Owens and Capt. Mifflin were present.- It. was 'decided- to open books for stock; -tious. Canvassing will therefore be comf menced not later than pext-week. ' ' The - fact that our people ore sacrificing from forty . tivility. thelqancl doh ?ore for the ~ want, pf , inilread facititie l s .; should 'arouse the eomminity as one man' tOnetive measures -fer the success of this' great railroad, project.' There neireewas a more propitious time for preen* action on our part. Just think of it. To secure a line of railroad : extending from the Sus quehanna to the Potomac and giving us connection with'the Railroad, the people of our town, and, township—`the most populous and wealthy, section of -Pianklin county—are asked to subscribe -to the Capital Stock of the Miramar Corn; .pony the slim of sixty tho Wand an amount, comparatively speaking, insig nificant. It would be hard'to estimate the benefits of such a road, and it would 'be useless, foi us to attempt a recapitulation of the multiplicity of advantages which would thus be afforded all classeS. How it would enhance the value of real estate, stimulate 'every branch of industry—open up our natural iesources—resources of un told wealth—bringing to ouideors a tear ket for the transportation of all ,manner of products and manufactures.. These and other advantages must' be": apparent to 'the mind's of all,.tethoseeven of-the most limited, reasoning powers ; and we con fess a degree of dividence in appealing to citizen's in behalf Of such an enterprise from the fact or fear that they' might- re 7 Ceive it as an insult to". their intelligence and'better judgmeat. The question so often propounded—"will the stock pay," should net bother the brain of oiy one. The indirect benefits oz it : would more than compensate for ev ery dollar thus invested. The agricultu ral-and ore regions through which the road Would . run. should satisfy the niost skepti cal as' to the'query—"willthe stock pay." At : the'meeting in thi‘afternbon a let ter 'front Gov:Geary to D. V. AM was read, expressing an, earnest: desire for the 'success a the enterprise and his., regrets 'that' Other engagements preventi4 the pos sibility of his complying with the polite in vitation to address the citizens of Waynes boro' and vicinity upon the question of the early co'mplefion of the -road. R. R. StIRVEY.—Our citizens were pleased on last Friday to welcome the ar rival of the Corps of R. R. Engineers who are surveying, the route for the Miramar Railroad. Having surveyed a route from Bridgeport to a point near Shippensburg, Capt. Mifflin began the Survey from that place running through. Fay and Funkstown. From 'Funkstown they ran through the fertile meadows lying between that place and Quincy,• which would give a road at so. easy grade as almost aston ished:the Engineers. The people along that. route are so much ipterestecl and public spirited that they are willing to give their land without .asking damages. From Snow-Hill-the route to 'Waynesboro' runs through the lands of= Jacob .Price, John Price, Summers'arid John Funk, coming out the'Greencastle turnpike 'road a. Short distance from•the borough• limits:— This route would be of very eas) . grade all the way from Funkstewn. Another ex perimental route was run on last Saturday' from the Nunneay through lands of-Messrs cob Middour, Resh,Rinelmit and others km coming ont.- the turnpike a short:. dis tance East of the toll gate Capt. Clay ton's. This route it is thought- by many will be one chosen for the road. The Engineers however promise to make an other experimentfil survey between Quin cy, and•Waynesboro'. - • ' • At the ,Railroad meeting in this place on Saturday there was a large delegation of .the most substantial citizens of Boom boro' present to see what could be done to wards getting the Miramar dawn through that place'to the Potomac. -President Atm concluded to continue the survey to Boons boro' and beyond. The - Enjineers lefithis place on. Monday for Itfaryland and are still at work. • . • PEnsoN.u..—Capt..JoaN M. MENTzEtt, editOr of the Boonsboro' Odd Fellow, one of our most highly prized exchanges, paid us a visit on Saturday last. The Capt. is a practical typo and live editor, and among the fraternity a more social or agreeable gentleman is -rarely to be net with. - • He was among the number of gentleman who composed the Boonsbore_delegation to our Railroad meeting. Def-The Democratic State Convention ,of Maryland, on Wednesday, nominated Hon. Wm. Pinkney Whyte, of Baltimore for Governor, Hon. A. K. Syester, of Washington county, for Attorney Gener al, and Hon: Levin Wolford,. of Wicomi co, for Comptroller. • • July ,1511!, 1871. respeetrUlly: letup} you the first No, of 'Youllt,:aper, and, as, i patroififoikirainy Tears, baiv.e been nepessfri tate& (byline any' farther patrbnony: You pretnised . to let me kayo yonrysper 'at $1,50, and for which I have been co-- p led yo u had not. been so in2portuntitel woad C•ontiimeit take . Ygur.paPcrt...b l 4 as 0.4 .bea.a. a stun , isarlendship I willsnbiseribe myself PETER SELLER. Mr. Keller is a resident of the vi cinity oplereershuT,- , arrearepwfor subscription - to the Record - up tOrrednes; day last,. the 26tkwas only twenty dellare, In 1.863 we increased our subseriptionprice from $1.50 to $2.00; of which Mr. K. with the balance of ourrenders was notified at the time.. If he Visas not satisfied with the change he should have footed his bill and had his paper discontinued. We believe; we did forward him, the bill once or twice, and finally, several - years since, • sent it to JOrni A. HYSSOtiG, Fig., of Mercersburg for.eollection, peyoild this we know noth ing, More than we have not ,received one cent ~upon his twenty'dollars arrearages. `We think that-if Mr. K. will reconsider the Matter, he will admit that we have had cause under the circumstances to be lit least a little-"importunate." :GOOD TEMPLARS CoxviElvrzoiver--In ac cordance', #ith' . a„ , calKissued by the lodge of WayriBsliorp',a, mass 'meeting of the Good Te.mplars Ifas`crvened on Weilnes: day. Aliout noon representatives frohi the Mont Alto lodge and, a -doodly , nural her from Snow flake lodge (Quincy,) ar rived in town, headed. by;the Quincy Brass Band, which:performed very creditably., The Sabbath School schoiari s lmdlbeen in vitedto attend: The Sabbath School from Quincy and the'several schools of this town united in' front of the Town Hall at 2 o'clock, p. m., and together - with the McMurray:lodge ane others named march in procession to Pine Hill, making a good display. • 'The:exercises in the grove were 'opened wiih prayer by Rev. C, L. Kea* who shortly afterwards made a brief ad dress. He was followed by Revs, Harkey and Smith'of Quincy and Rev. J. Dono hue of Waynesboro', all making stiring appeals in,behalfof the great cause of tem perance. The:affair was designed to be an incentive and encouragement to the:chil dren, giving them au opportunity to par' ticipate with their elders on this_interest ing occasion, WIRE CLOTHES LLNEs.—Messrs. Shee ly & Edwardea:few'idays since showed us a Patent White Wire Clothes The article is metallic and will not carode or change its collor = does not injure clothes and is almost indistructible. Price only 3 cents per foot. ' The gentlemen referred to above, agents for Joseph P. Mong. for thp, purpose. of introducing i , I shortly canvass this township. It subserve• most admirably the purpose for which it '• tended-. No family should be without it. VrA man out west writes that be has discovered ,a certain mode of disposing of the potato bug. He sprinkles his pout: toe tops with whisky. As soon as 'the bug eats he becomes drunk, geto rolling round, and finally drops off, and either breaks his neck outright, or injuries him self to such an'extent that death soon re lieves him of his sufferings. • Eorron.--Suppcs3 that some . one of youf readers had to proceed to a place 2() miles from Waynesboro'—it was so that he travelledj2 miles ;mall day; and had to return 1 mile each , night-4he ifuery:is, at the end of how many days could he ar rive at his point of destination. MAGNET. EXTENSWE SWII:MLE.-1 . 11 June a rogue calling himself Abraham B. Kunkle, pro cured a check from. Mr. Geo. Small, of Baltimore, $32,37. The scoundrel alter ed it so skillfully to $3200,37, that itpasa: ed through three banks without detection and was supposed to be right for ahout a week,'until Mr. Small himself discoveied the•Swindle.' The so called Kunkle, Who, belonged to a gang of swindlersandcolin. 7. teifeiters, : having fortified a iiilSiweb of circumstances ,`to prove, ap. parently, his name and.rectitude of, pur pose, presented the altered check' at the. ,Shre*shury •Savingg' Institution. '.4.iter' interrogations is was cashed, and subs quently' passed though two Baltimore banks without detection. Of course the swindler has turned up missing—says a New York paper. A LADY KILLED AT PRAYER.--The St. Joseph (MO) Gazette of Saturday gives, the following particulars of the. death ;,by. lightning . of Mrs. Lovell, and Mr. Blake man, during the.terrible storm in that vi cinity on Thursday last. The house in which the two persons named were - killed is situated about five miles southeast from St. Joseph. It is three stories high, With three principal rooms and a hall on each floor. When the storm commenced Mrs. Lovell was up stairs in a back room read-` ing from the Bible to her little daughters. The windows of the room having been blown open, she took her children, ran down stairs, passing from the hall _into the bed room put tie children on the - bed and kneeled at the bedside. In this po sition the lightning struck her ,causing .7m stunt death. Mr. Blakeman was in hall, and the same, bolt struck him. Sev eral other persons were more or I.h-injur ed. Mrs. Lovell was the wife of John S. Lovell; of Warren Co., Va. Her hus band is now in ,Virginia City, Montana. The two daughters with whom she was kneeling in prayer are aged respectfully nine and six years. They arelunnajured. .Mary L. Booth gets $4,000 a yc:ar for editing: "Harpers Bazar." • BUSIN,i'ESS tr 1444-LS. pest qtl.!tktefam4f,lour per barrel : c4ll iit":FO'kek3){ill;:, • • P FL•I7 OrE I)rainsholts positively eitzaCti Teeth" - 'iiitliOnt pain, with entire safety by the use of Nitrus Oxide 01 , hinra 444 - YF.toun,..- , -The best quality of family flour is now sold at the FairyieW . Mill of David Patterson at $5,50 per barrel, and mill stuffs of all kinds at correspondingly low prices. 3t Sbi Oasts, • CufFs,, ,pnawers, Stockings; Snspendeis„ llerridefs, Hand Trunks, TravellingAagsandpoeket at ypdegraff's Hat, dlove and rus - Fac tory, Hagerstown. ohne DENTIsTnt . .-; l Dr. A: ' K.' Pranisholt's being permsuentlybeated in Vayuesboxo will perform'all opexations 'belouging to the profession in the .best and most skill= ful manner, Prices reasonable. •, • llgrgtraw Hits, Silk Hats, Felt Hats, Wool Hats, ,Cloth hats and: Cassitnere Hats; 'of all styles colors sizes and - Flees at . IJpaiegra(fa Hat and Glove - FactorT, Opposite Washington House, iiagratOwn. • June 29,-4. , • Its-Buff 'Umbrellas, large and small, for Sun or Rain, Buggy: and Carriage spreads, Riding and 'driving Gloves and car ownmalte of Buck Dog and Sheep Skin Gloves; and Mits, at Updegraff's Glove and Ftir Factory, Opposite Washington House, Hagerstown. • June 28,-4t. f'F NEWS DEPOT.-J. P. Lowell, Newspa .paper and Periodicalagent, is now receiv ing daily at the telegraph office the Eas tern Dailies and other popular publica tions, including Harpers Weekly, Leslie's Illusttated' News, the:New York Ledger 'and - Saturday Night. Danner's Clothes Dryeruliways on hand. Ruir-is.—Parties in need ofhouse paint ing material Filifintro. large . and, fresh stock at Bonebrake's drug store. call and examine. IcE.—Persons:wantinKiee'ean have it delivered at their doors regularly every morning, or otherwise, by, applying to Bonebrake:drugg,ist: PQR SALE.—A valuable. farm is offered for sale. For terms; &e. apply to LEW. W. DEIRICEt, Attorney at Law, Waynes boro',' Pa. SUGAR CUREDMAMS- - -A new arrival of Sugar Cured Hams, new Mackerel and smoked Beefs. W. A. , NERVOUS DISEASE.-HOVI many thous ands of the most refined ladies of the land are sla es to nervous diseasses in. various forms trembling, twitching, and jerking of • ie nerves, headache, hysterics, sudden ou hurstS of temper -on trival occasions, pee islntees, a feeling of desperation des po • deney, or fear, &c. lii any unhealthy c, • dition of the nervous system, Briggs' Allevantar has absolute control over the• nerves, creating a radical change' and poi itive cure. Sold by ' F. FOURTIDLIN and druggists generally., ' itS.Corns, Bunions, Ingrowing Nails and their attendant ills, have been, in years gone.by; and will be in yearslo come, a sourse of much .discomfort and unhappi ness to those who are annoyed. with, them. By persistent efforts and . untiring perse-. verenee,,Dr:J. Briggs gave 'the suffering humanity his remedieS—AlleViator and Curative. -The popularity wllich they, have gained, and the. entire satisfaction derived. from their use; is well known. and can be attested_hy all classes wbo have -suffered withporns, Bunions; Ingrowing Nails,Chil brains, Frosted or Blistered• Feet, 'ea.— Sold' hy drugg,istS. Communicated , PILES.--Look at tbuse features. and see the agony depicted in the face. It cannot be, helped while the ,• trouble remains.— The suffering, from piles is of a very aggrava ted decription., You cannot wail,: with any comfort; you cannot ride in peace; you can not sit with ease, and ,the suffering • when attending to. nature Is almost unbearable, and causes such feeling of .4:lread t,hat is put off at greatsacrffice to health and cOni; fort, in' many instances increasingthe diif -. cultyto an altumeg extent. ITseDr.Rrigis' Pile Remedies accord'g to direationslo cure. internal,r'exteinal, itching or.bleedi4piles. They are mild-and reliable, and varran ted ets represented. • Sold thy',:lintests., • WALL'S' •A VECITABLE • ever known fa ' HESTORg.tGRAY HAIR , .16 ITS ciiiidt&ALTYotrisuruL COLOR. • It; will presieitt the Heir from falling, . Makes the Hairintooth - and glossy,, and does 'not stain t is Skin - its others. ' .01711 :Tilt:4lEBE ON THE HAIR. - - • BLITT FREE BY MAIL. '„ R. P. HALtok. Co. 'N/ksutrA, 'N. R. Pao 'lumens. - I:pisitle'by, all druggists. ' • - On Thursday, the 20th inst.,BY - the R • ,•". L. A. Gotwald, Mr. JAB ROWE, ‘to Miss Mena'HA BMIEBRAKE, both of Quin ey Township. At the Lutheran Parsonage on the 13th inst., by the Rev. C; L. Seedy, Mr. HEN RY BRYAN, to:Mias. SOPHIA ROWE, both of Pikesville. ' • Near Welsh,Runis. on the 15th instant; -TALY BELL, infant daughter of Hugh R and Annie E. Blair, , aged 6 months and . • • Our little Lily has gone To a world of beauty and love,. - • And I know that she is singing • With the sweet angels above ; 'Twas NIA to submit to the will - Of the Lord who gave her to us. Her bright eyes no more we shall see, Nor her sweet voice shall we her; But we hope to meet her again, do In that world of beauty and lore, Where parting shall be no more. E. IVt.A:;~v.R=.AGES_ DEATHS On Monday he't in lin mil ton otownoip;*r. euit*r•AST MARTI'S, a ge511.5: yeao; kniinitY ano26:llays. • , , PJ M vB. - WAS.'"Nt§Baell MARKET c(COERECTED WEEKLY.) BACA* HAMS..:. BUTTER, EGGS..... LARD-. POTATOES, _ APPLES-DRIED., APPLES-GREEN.. HARD • "0 10 .... .90 ' 75 60 l'l:aLu)nrarf, 'FLOUR.--The floar.Market continues Very . dull; and prices favor 'bnyeug,.. The inquiry is confined alniost exclusively to the wants of the • hoe trade ; only a few hundred bagels,re disposed et , at 65®5,25 for superfine', $5,37/®5,50 for extras, 86,2506,50 for spring wheat ex tra $5,75®6,25 for' Pennsylvania do. do., ;$6,75®7,50 for,lndiana and, Ohio do. do., 87,75018,50 forfalaelr• Rye flour is steadyat $5,25@5,50. GRAM—The movements in - wheat are very light,- and prices are drooping.— Sales of 4,ooolmshels at $1,40 per bush, el for prime Southern red, 61,30 for • fair quality, and $1,47 for prime Indiana am ber, New rye commands. 88c. Corn is firmer and in ste;a44- request; stiles of 3,- 000 bushels at 69®70c. for Western'mix, ed. Oats are dull at 60@61e. for :new, and 65@68c. fiir Western white. • - CBOLEICIL7 R. WICKEY' o S celebrated Cbolera icine prepared by. DAVID M.'HoovEn or Ringgold, Md., can le 'bad during the sea son at •F. Fourcvraricu'u Drug Store, and of dealers generally. Travelling Agent, • July ?7,'71-Gm. • • lIENnY Mynns. WaNDERIFUL - RIBUCTIVNI GOOD FAMILY FLOUR at J . ' ELDEN'S for FIVE Doizans and Ftrry-mirs per Barrel, Corn; Oats, Bacon,Colffee, Sugar, Sal t, Lard, Mill Stuff—white and brown—at won derfully low prices for cash,—,-no*otherier2us. Thankful for past favors, I am determined to sell low. We have been imposed on long enough with highpricesfor flour: So, come on friends with your Cask tried get good flour cheap; July 27, 1371. lIEStRABLE PROPERTY/ AT XxxsivrEttep , Sale. THE subscriber offers at Private Sale the FAIR 'VIEW MILL PROPERTY,-situ ate 1 mile Southeast of Waynesboro'. This property is delightfully situated, the im provements unsurpassed, and the land in a high state of cultivation. A more desirable property of its lanills "Perhaps not- to be found in the county of Franklin. , For par ticulars address the subscriber at Pittston, Pa., or call on W. S. Amberson, in Waynes boro'. • July- 27-tf. • - DAVIi>. PATTERSON: - - PT-T 0 , S T..i•Fa rrHE subscriber will sell at Public, residetice 1.4 of - a mile. fro/311dt. Hope,. , , Ca. Saturday; the92o day , ol2,Auqual, 1571, the fol'owing personal prowtho,wit:. - THREE. HEAD .YOUIM CATTLE, 1 a young •Bull, rising 3 years old,'T heifer ; 1 three and.l two-liorse-rplough, 1-,double and 1 single shoVel plough, -1 cart, 1. - heavy log chain, 1 two-horse , spreader,: 12 - Mixing-, trough, one large liana rake; one.pai i rShafts,, forks, rakes, shovels, Linaub and- wedges, 2axes,' 1 wood saw- and buck, I.pair - steel-. yards, 1-manure hook, and a lot-old iron. zausr. FO - Ic ze zr,. 2 SinkS, - 1 bedstead, 2:Chests, 1 sett chairs, 1 rocking churit and buck,, one largo meat vessel, 1 cook stove, (No. 10,) pipe and fixtures, 1 ritie,---(Johnsnm'S make,) 1 largo wool wheel ; tin-wo.re; fruit jars, buckets, mots, 2 wash tubs, 1 coffee mill, 2 dotightrays, -and many other articles not' necessary to mention. ' • =- . Sale to commence' at,lo o'clock on said, dap, when the terms swill,be Made= known. MARY SUNNEERs. R. Snrrn, ,Ilnly 27-ts, A WONDER OF .IMECHAN JOL Tofu, srmpuer.ry. The Most PracticalOetvin# .-- lfachfne iiz the Mrld, ':THE McLEAN & HOO_PER • • Elastic lork 7 Stiteh FAMILY SKWING'MACJIINE, Warrantedta do" the whole rei4e, of FaMily Sewing with tdoreia pidity, with; more' ease of - management and • less fatigue to the operator than ' • I • any Ida . • • ' chine now inuee. , " TRICE. FORTY (40 DOLLARS! It ; requires eo'extra attachment for enabritid enng, Braiding and Gathering. It takes the thread directly from the spools, thus saving trouble- and economizing time. • It requires but one foot to move the treadle even in sew ing the heavieSt.fabrice. It is mane of the best steel. and at all points of wear case=hardened. , • • • Its chief:points are Unequalled &ag, Quietness of Ope ration, _ ;;.• Ease of tinalement, c ' , Rapidity of 4TecutiOn, • " Non-/lability' to drop ' Stitches or 'break thread. - Having a straight needleaid the shortest in I Simplicity of tension,.gase of managing it. Embroidering, by 'a mere change of spools. Braiding; gathering and embroidering with out attachmeifts: Making the best stitch for strength and durability. Making the, only stitch sufficiently elastic as not to break in .the ordinory strain of elastic goods. .Its seam being, less liable to rip in-use or Wear than the Vbile it can naorc easily taken opt if desired. ' , LEEDS; Aom.4, • Tel 'egkaph Office,. Waynesboro', Pa. July 27',-1871,7 eAlt)ff POR SALE. T , IM' subscriber offers for sale a Farm sit uate in :Washington ToiOiship, Franklin ' county; Pe., containing 75 ACRES---MgRE - 02, 1 ,LESS, of gOod quality.Of land, With 'HOUSE and Earn and other Buildings; tliefe43 good - running - water on the premises—a young .Orchard. of. Aqple and Poach Trees i n bear ing order. This .would make a. pleasant home, 'being situated in a good neighbor hood, Close to Mills, Churches and Store. Any person wishiiag_k view the property can' do so by calling upon Rodgers, living on the farm, or the subscriber, in Waynesboro'. It will beoffered at Public Sale in Pikesvillo • ON THE.2nd DAY OF SEPTEIII3ER, at 1 o'clock, if not sold prior to that date.- . This property will be sold in separate . partiii or in whole to, suit purchasers. Terms will be made known on day' o sal July 20-tf. - CHRISTIAN STOUP} It IMM J. ELI:iEN