The Waynesboro' village record. (Waynesboro', Pa.) 1871-1900, July 13, 1871, Image 2

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    'lli WIII I . I IESBOLiY •11,40k4,EcAD,
• Piniqsfum my ...! -
y 'IA6-111 Mg' F. 4
~ Z 4
TER*— Two 1 .. • •'O 'AidaliiM,
. - wiGlin.t . 4 '''' ear; /*We
Fifty cents after 'the, expiration
of the year.
OVAIt,n4FZIENTS7-..--Orte Sonit re /9
— lliletillisikitidniffsllil
each subsequent insertion,,T
' '. five_ s..tper..Sqinire. 'A liberal
. - ' clasMiir wadeto - :Yearly. adver-
LOCALS—lriiiiiiesstecals Ten (:)entii per
Une,, , ..fiC,hitfßOinnertion,Seven,
iiaitmsupr .
Tb: Y rtaX7 iirtl"
Thrilanat, •,
. .
yitt .C.lo.6.l4%*xliti4,llsWirtisregarqed
oftekvadkig , July- Utth
orteuhtindrsd :arid aixty-six
-• •
'lMMOAdversity 'of '3lenturkejr has
ry Clay, , for i9o,*
NOTorkeditei sojis:
able garters are,ot bldOeliret; r gidirioOnti::
ted." How the ,fellow know that? r
tp -The li ttleS4tte .of,Pld*irO'
isee three and a half . ixislcOfs of
peaehei3 : this s eason.
SerJames Buchanan, nephes 'of, the
late Presidept,-died at his residence near
Guilford Station, LoudOun Co. 'Va. on Fri
day a week. - , •
A~ Hon Frederiek Watts, of Carlisle,
Pa., has acceptedlh-43-sibmiaf-Co—
slow' of A 'culture' vacated • the re-.
sigitittion of Col. Capron.
in-Es-Congressman C. C. Bowen, who
was recently convicted and senteaceit:te,
the penitentiary for two years for bigamy,
has been pardoned by the President:
29,..A man in Ohio lately endecioTi to.
illustrate how Mr. Vallandigham"came
to his death. Using a loaded weapon he
shot himself and died
,almost instantly.' ,
ilarAuold rail-splitter in Infiniti put
a quietus upon a young man who platted
- him abo u t his bald head in these:words ;
".Young man, when mfifelfd gets-as soft
as yours, I can-raise hair to' sell."
* It will brut home to our= readers
the murderous extent andlorrors of ,war
when itis •
announced that the Prussian
Government has Ordered the , supply 'of
200,000 wooden legs.
Siir•MrEL, Fair has again been refuried
s: new trial. The day of herexeeution is
fixed for the 28th inst., andire= • 'pregent
appearances it seems highly probable that
she will have to suffer the fearful penal
ty. .
ngt...Connecticut claims the champion
murderess. Mrs. Lydia Sherman 4 . , un
der arrest, Charged with the murder of Mice
husbands and eight children. 'lt is stated
that she poisened her fast husband and
six children, and subsegnently two, other
husbands and two children of the hug one.
~The follOwing,"sad . ease"4'reesird
ed in the Titusville Herald, whip nit ,hopes
may prove as a warning: . , ll`3l . vo*i . 3ll dress
ed and fine looking ladiO:histitntly- dislo
eatcd their neeki while Seising each other,
in trying, to discover , ,w4it each had OP:7
It was cloudy : the speed at which the;
Were moving, and thedelicate shade ofthe
dry goods worn by each, operated against
them, and a sudden tack with all sail set
against a stiff breeze'fetched them up too
short, and 'they periShed."
Tha."Lynchlnw" cannot often bejuitifted,
but ainimgAii,cases,in Which its exercise
appearrto Jiave been eminently proper
was the inuigingpf a wretch •named 'Meru,
Onanga, illinois, a few days since, for the
murder 'of his son;. aged ten years. The
inhuman scoundrel,bpat the child with a
horse whip until he was unable to stand
on his feet, and ,then placed the, bleeding
body, upon a "stove tot enough 'to heat an
, •
iron." .
.Hon. John Leeehan3pia
more, essamissioner for t#izig .subserip
thins to . the'capital stock of the Western
Maryhtted Railroad attention, (from Wil
liamsport to Cumber/and) reports that 2,*-
217. shares have been taken, and the cash
installment of one dollar per share paid
thereon and deposited in bank..
tiiirThe risk of refusing liberal :offers is
-shown in the MAO of Wiliam .13radley., , of
Meriden, Conn., who declined to take 815,-
000 for his horse Leviathan, a fortnight,
since. A day or two ago he had to pay ;
$5 to get rid of the animal, who had died'
of a spasm in the meantime, and needed:
to be carried off.
'Stir Theehicigo .AreffiodistAdroctsfe_gives
a remarka.ble Beene in Embury Church.—
The pastor being absent, a brother named
Carey conducted the services, and after par
ticipating in tic service of prayer, and re
lating his experience, he closed with words
.Of Prayer, and fell to the floor dead. '
SMART,ROOSTER.-MC iloonsboros Odd
Fellow tells of a rooster chicken which
has taken a brood of young chickens un
der hi 3 - wing and las nurtured them to
large size the, same as an "old clock." He
is now engaged.* hatehing l out a .nest of
eggs, and goes about it with as znuoh care
and attention as if he had been an "old
hen" for years. Wonder if he won't neat
try his hand at laying.
;DrATI 7 C;E'. . 1
.7 ..,, . F li. WECSLER.-
: i 16 bOro' I , , tr... '4//ow says:-,461.
huffi. ''
t ''
ay 461 June 29t11,,a- ;
40 1 9 kriectiafto , ,,a, protracted 1114,
*Ai' flrulie - eottattrhpoWlifr. Fredare*
Weckler passed fi'm time into eternity.
Mr. Weekler was born id' Wurtemburg,
Getthittiv3tatthimonj, , tuid•wtes con.; ,
sixjitently aged 53 years, 3 months and ,
28 days. His parents moved to this cons-'
try aboat the yeat 1831, Whenhe was yet
A boy; and settled in this county, some.
where near Hagerstown, where they re
mained until their death. About the
teld.lB4o7ffiretieriret.lild in.
Roonsboro',.and,lfor4l7u*, years carried.
on very extenaiveiy 4 the husinesi of Skin
'Droning and Glove-41akiiig. He was
One 4 the most. entelips' ini, ehergetio
Alen of ourlOwn and community at' Oat
.time, and Was known allover.: this State,
Tirginia, and' '''enneylvanitt, whither he
lied cxtended a lucrative ,f,mde by , his
,ciwn persOnal energy:. "Atone time he
Was a Director in the *egoist() ~, •
.., Say
ings .Institution ; ,f,ropi. iihie4`'ll C, : i
tow . 11 /4 enjoyed, the l. 9Patado, ) Pot a
shrewd busiesa man. I 'During the 'days'
of the "Hard Cider: 04:;the I
'"Old Coon §ltin",ddys of Tip and, 'Tyler,
he was an active Whig politician, 'wield
ing a powerful influence , among the Ger
mans of our county maiMate.•' '
Although reared up', in'tha 'Lutheran
faith, and at an ,earlyage, in, ,dein,mni,
confirmed in , that nhurch, , yet, Ili) far-, as
*c know, he neierwadean open profes•
Sinn of his faith in , thiseinultq ,. 9.nt i i p ear
the close of his life,',when he Weenie deep
liconcerried,fof thi'Velfare ,Of his's4
At his request on the , er vcning' before -his
eath,-the Saerementiif-the-Lorthi -Sup--
per was administered, Jainrhy Rev. G.
Jl. Beckley. Hae.?iKessed strong faith
in Christ ? and we 843FerelY, ;hope ; ,he has
foundTeaPe with Orto thrangh el** , and,
that his soulnow restsirom all strife:
Sttccissimßlisnmsablitir. , -TheJour- -
nal'of,OMnrierie'rOpliti; to a 'question of
'; orrespondent ' 4 What . properlien
those who smiCeed,zin acquiring_ a.
tenee in business pursuits ultimately re
ink it?" The' sayi that of these who
engage inbutiineis ,on their own? account
Duly tbree_ont
voiding an entire collaise of their frrst ef
fork 'tOf those who at some time or other
haiinin 'reakilable,competen& - , 1
and'inaibe r Saidt9 *VC succeeded in hns=
n.ineti per, cent., atoiStig the subject'
of after:reVerses of some sort, so that only,
ten per cent. of the Inecemful ones keep
their fortunes unshaken;. - No, two things' ,
theill.:thinks' ? ,shogilßinOretstrong-:
ly impressa upon the,young men of
,our ;
country, than the insecurity .of riches, even
when acquired, and their unsatisfying chef
"There iernofalla.eisOinniversally char
ished as thn notion thati.wealth ,a:surn
mel . .ms'of The care of whine
property in one of Thee' buidensome
!of earthly trusts . The nnlyinaterial good
which con%es any;estate,,the writer re
....,, p obemade out of a- moderate
:income r more easily than from a large
one, and with fewer attendant disadvan
Another terrible railroadtlaughter
is announced.. Two *Seiner trains on
the New York and Newark nallroad
lideden - the,edge of the city of Newark on
Saturdayinorningiand 'the result was the
iifitahi' killing 'of fisiir persons and the
wounding of a number of others. A:
tolaced switch was the Caase,of the -disas
ter. it cannot be called an-aecident, be
crtuse.the switchman, with criminal negli
gence, left it 'open when .
- it should have
been closed. All the cars ' on 'the train
• s
frma New York were
.set on fire by the
coals from the wrecked engine and mi
stimed to: ashes. Theie isa strong feeling
of indignation concerning the ieckle&sness
which produced' Slaughter, a.n4 'the
New York Erenpzg . Pad, commenting on
it, says: •"If the switchman was not at his
place; or neglected fiis duty, he ought to
be hanged asiiomitly as the facts. of 'his.
neglect can be proved before a court. In
deed, if the courts do not act more prompt
ly and irigorOusly , in the ease of such
crimes as this; 'the people will before very
long talie justice into their own hands.
taiir The Count di Chambord, or, as the
Bourbon Legitimists style, hint, Henry the
Fifth,. has come to'the front, with a proc
lamation calling upon the people of Franca
to rally around him and establish him on
the' thinne of the gourbens. Its la' even
said that, he inten ds making a, coup d'etat
in imitation of , Napoleon. The. prospects
of such an atteript are, 'however, so slight
and so certain of easy, suppression, that
-but little attention seems to be paid to the.
Proclamation, excepting that, it is. rebuked
tending to increase political agitatiW
Later accounts confit:in the statement that
the army. vote ifitS everywhere in favour
of the Republica n candidate.- The coun
try suffers another misfortune in the par
tial failure of the harvest.
Gray hairs prevented i ldandruff re
moved, the scalp cleansed , ;' and the hair
made to grow thick by the use ,of Hall's
Vegetable Sicilian Hair Itenewer.
ear Leisure ise verypleasant garment to
look at, but it is a very bad one to wear.
The ruin.of millioni may be traced to
biir.Parly rising, hard work and per
severance will do more than fertilizers.
Subscribe for the RECORD.
4. la w.11,21i) d,114
.4.0 „
i®-Pears ark selling at $1.50 per bush-
ly. • ,
ne-Monday next commences the -clog
• .vioicew
addcd to our',lA"•,'•: •• • " •
itirWorir has , beett re•demsuenned , pa ,
the new Itek•etheil ;:. • • •
„ r 4 •
xsit-Forici%deliveredregularly :during
the iqulpiPtipplyietlionbrnke'sDrtigStored
- •,, t,
:Scaixgat 7 3l4.4:2: will; von-,
taeiice het-Wl:Min eilSohbbrowthelse
The late rains lave Teamed thei
hies jiiitatoea' wed; froth :$2
7r) eehts ., ter , b , 4Biig ,.:, , , r
116,11ie Isfebhanieitowte 0/arieq say&
ihO.Ertimitfibifri - piaiitßeaving ifiejeet:
te!.041. 1 !I a,"igitpi)t a#o6 - 04 Oiliterly
inactivi,ty 1.;;,
_ lelhe old,3l4.*hpitp cOntai . pang'
0 0 , acies,:lieaii ' 4oo4 11 :4'; NV,,Fi' 81 440 4 / 1 ,
OubtY, MlL;hes. been eeldcatkideb
son for $7;000:[ .1". •
, ,
PexAcaggrir 7 *v.lgr3lclKeepf New ,
Fill% 1* prdachixt•last Fobbath, 41orning,
iind ere'' _ ; inFthe Presbyterian Church
the "pulpit ,
1 "
.16rit will bisseesi 4Y - referringtijA;nr
that Mr: C. .A...5.A01f;
Watch-tiaker arid Isweler; al native' of
this place; has igaih psfitb4Shed- hhiself
iu imixiit?. s 4 1 .**ii*:t0i 6 if'iOce0/
remove&frout•Mnapolis. ; •
am,Rev: J.F' .Canipbell,formerliofthis
place, but-now of Sitausburg,' Va. hds ae-.
cepted a call from' the:Littherthf- Church' ,
at Woodstock, to Pieti:Oh• _for ,'diem Until"
the of a rogolom tßiphiter
pared. , So say the Shepherdstoim Regis
'ter. ;. t•
DIED SUDDENIx. - Mr. Joseph At e
ntriA,v'ery worthy: and .respectedi citizen,
,of thil county between. Mercersburg
Vilies ,. #os seized i s ltil'hellrt..diSeitse?'
;Thurs4y.laSt; wbibkin
oats, , andldied;medgilly, 4g4 s'
!a b o ut - i t a I,r.
Noisy. , -"Seieran*boys-frOmAtigeounr:
;try were Atte • no i sy- ort Weat:t*da:Syeett
. •
fabchit.ll o'clock 'on SathrilaY-night
Bach "hetrvestjUbile4s'? the boy sisi~l ~ia~e,
'but they -should. -guard, ageing.' carrying.
I, qhrieke?. to the country , at such =season-.
able hottiv,
SOLD.L-We learn the old tniou, %prof',
in this place belonging to the Lutlierean -
Mid PieSbyterian .cengi‘cgatidnn ' was rel.
Gently sold to 110 ? RCir:
F. Oiler and' Benj. E. Price, for ; the
of, SI2OHO. The church is ta be renindeled,
owned and occupied by the German Bap
tist or !Rinker denomination.
FOUND. DEAD 3.1 Bip.=-4On Wednes
morning, 28th ttlf.;a young:man, aged
about twenty-three yearS, son of Mr. pan
iel Baker of Qgincy township; wail fdynd
dead in his bed.. He had •beeitiude i licate
health for some time_ and had teonsulted
several physiekta. It is tit:eight - that: he
died of heart disease,--Spirit.
TrotrEuthretCOlivEirrto:4. , T.--..The Good
Templars Quarterly. Conyention will
held in this place' on the 25th, 26th and
27th days of July, , inst.' Delegates, will
be' in attendpuce from the different local
lodges in the State, - Rev. Mr.'Kirby of
Chambersburg will deliver a lecture, on
the evening of the 25th. Other able lec
turers are expected to bp in attendance.
POLICE Okyroieit.'—Officer W.. Falor
ner, under autherity from the Town Cou
ncil, is now acting as Polictnian,, - Bbyanre
not permitted on theetreete,t4r . 9 qclock:
in the evening. If carried out this, niust
prove a wliolesOnatiYiefOrm. H.:ls
determined officer and will do his dirty.--
Our citizens can., thefore, congratulate
themselves upon bbtter order in iho future
upon our streets after nightfalL.--',
-Vrsrrons.—Mr. F. J.Trokell and lady,
of Lock-Haven Pa. spent a couple ofdaYs
in our: town this week. Mr. sr. disPOsed
of his stock of merchandise in this place
a doznn of years or more since, and. re
moved to Lock Haven, where we are grat
ified to learn he has since been doing a
prosperous businm. A more social or ge
nial gentleman we hest rarely met with, or
one more worthy of public confidence and
business success.
/ SUDDEN DEATEL—Our .citizens were
saddened with the announcement on Tues
day afternoon that Mrs.. Mary . Hamilton,
wife of Mr. John Hamilton, was. dying.
Mrs. H. had been sick with fever for
eight or. ten days, but nothing, serious was
apprehmAded by her friends until about
noon of that day, when she began to sink
gradually and expired between 6 and,7
o'clock. She was an estimable lady, the
mother of two small children. Her death
is very generally lamented among a large
circle of friends and acquaintances.
• AR R...\ .44 - • •t, !
x.recuns Of ro
..nd CompanW e: Jul ' 3r.littip:
.1 ing resolutio e p : tsl
• • feed, That t vr ial o p'(-
its line via. Faye • vine, unkstan,
Quincy and Waynesboro', tb the Potomac
River. as soon as a - sufficient - amount of
justify such. extension.
been subscribed for the construction of the
road from 4 pvint at or near Shippensburg
to Waynesboroi ti or 111.60 , ,009. from 1:47-
' . .:t*W l te:yeh e 513444 Ciikiiianyt
reqneteil to obi euelisilikrAbers, isftt
pieta' the roitd : ,.. t<xuinniuga trier - froth a'
point at or nearShippenburgio Waynes
boro' .within'twelve months after the pay-
Ment'of, the, first
rof. . 1 pa
o a
*ask can
• .Rescived,' fikr 8451:Yh as *kg :have'
beer(cpeilei ind,stibsceiptibils conthaericed
fisoiddlimpOit , CottlittiV44ll; qie=l
sired, wn' saiihitdpoePi
ed extension firi!Shikiensb't to IV itynes,
At emeong or R..tofinni*
4oiday eveuizig Inat *high *.:;4411,
:s acn a " wens , Werirpreseiit; R
ItepitiOniokeie ritade,tind,t444hOire r•moLf
. 14111 s stint onea:
Petle4 alew Attys.-Atka short titlei
erhaps next - wbek; a-Corps of inginOrs
;."4 Coinilienee the ;iverk Of milking a Sari,
! Since the eiteiiiied Orthe'litiinmer
044 i in,thiairection ira r s
..e have Ventured ibutfew costunentavo_ii,
e ijohjeCti for the ienson'that theF Rail .:
oad,question bed; hoen se,otteir' 40'40 '
columnshreukh' Ou td : ne, pnrme;ena,
he, consequent , 4inneigagemie44 4, sit
zens. theinntter haw now assumed::
'perste with certainty end SerpOis'' !
e wine ulieri'i'vlirch the Coinpnityliro
'. :, , hutichug the road are .cortsWboth
itierid! and equitable. The golden' opper,.
,hers hist. In Iriew4all the
vantages and' 0 054:ne04. 6 4 :
en - r - to year the' citiaens ' uloj ; t e$ o,
lino; these is:cense for.congrainhAien
kkin our pnospeon3 for the fUtureAnut.twe
h p ul4 all at, once
criPtic4 lB . B P4' flOivi4il4 , 4003 t 4, uinusg
toilenioaApfliuty - thosimirlo:ara inkeltrartn,
irlighTeitikic - -regtird - thil - nlittterToffTsb.
tiSh;';ntertiti,e Onnniiii the region
"h %'ll
thro e sass: '
der existing 1-!v‘tiiß eels -Vie,
freak -all business thoroug oravenues
;Of tree' and trade,' anfteliequen •
isubjected ; t? losses'idyl'lnveiiieriCeithat
Ne•PTI49. ,Fg. 4 fl.R 41 1 ; „r s
l are!once:allbrdedotlktOPtWPß.**Fe,
!tyei•*plelif Jfiii town - andiemintyy have.
• talkliirrailioad." , ' ll, The 'tithe :•for.
Og ill # 6l ' ll O
ior3o,ct i s i x.*A,No4o.o44'9oBo#B.d.
!the propzisi,titu.MOtaiaed jai mei
te et tla , ttpr ie. ' z o st e b t esj i ,
irbecti ions
ilete4ie, - We iiiieceitiavfalhieNif the
;ProjeCt• :-.1 1 !at15 1 0 Proikl.4!4li-,,teriktsub;
;aeriptions:upou: the ;part, sof thoiie, ; most
? deeply bite:fed:ed . , skiceownow or hereafter
'out :o the tiaestion. - • An,OpportUnity to
"4. wk..; •. ; „
;secure. a roapt • upon, terms so , AkvorabAe
may never itgain , , be offered, • repeat,
then, that we should beady outsaves;ynotal
We are. authbriked • toiaay 'that the Mi-
Meier Coroptiei are rather favorable 60k
otherwise• to a connection with the
ern Marylandf gaiiroad, and if: ft, is cle
sired would favor, upon a • liberal basis,
such connection. • • • " •
ineetieg u , the citiiens,of Quincy toeit
ship, held in Quiaey, the l 1 th 4ay,of July,
1871, for,.the imrposp of .favoring-the ex
tension of the !dimmer Railroad, Mr.
H.MRY GkX?to ivrk.s elected President-and
E. it Winger, - Sceretaiiti eel.' W: H.
Owens belt* prepent as the representative
,of the Miramar Iron Company and, -Rail
rad; eiplained , the plan of said company
fot the.exterision of their lite, and read
certitti'reselatioile pissed 'at ,thalaafriiot,-
ing -qf, the 4loard. ~4fter ctieuiskin, a
form for su bscriptions Was adopted, ;em
bodying the following points: The sub
scription- paper-adopted by . Quincy. is in
direethaimony irith , thatlfWaquesbake,:
with 'the' iecaiitif dimnges: of. names 'dad ,
Phiees; arid the 'furtber—etinditiOi,J.itilti
QulneY is toile: made a poiat, on th©' line
of imid'propesed Railroad: Upon-motion
the :folloWing persons were appointed. to
open bioks and dolicit sUbscriptions to the
:stii'cirtiii4s-CP1004:: • E.:1 1, 11"1 .* , '
Henry Good, Joseph7Middour,,- W.,. B.;
Raby, H. E. Wertz, A. S. hann,,A.: Res-.
ser. J. L. Metcalf, John'Heinirager:,'-R.
Spellman, 'John , Heller, W. H. Bro Wit,,
Samuel Winger, Peter Knepper; tVilliam
Kromer, George •Knepper, E. J. Small
Geo. W. Smith, and Col. Geo. B. Weist
• •
iiiirThe Carlisle District .14. E. ramp
Meeting, to be' held at, Red Barn, com
mencing August 2d, promises to be oven
,larger than that of last season. The asso,
elation is recqiNing applicatiOns for tents
from all directions, and it is expected that
the number necessary to accommodate ap
plicants . will greatly exceed that of • last
year. The grounds are to be put in the
best condition possible, and every =range
meat will be made for the convenience of
the public. The Cumberland Valley rail
road. company is,'.nutking most, liberal
terms with the association for transporta
tion, and the camp 'meeting will be very
largely attended.
us.. Begin life with little show you may
increase afterwards:
•: /I 4 41. IS illipeir.#4ll.
, ••• ••-• of • o 1 k
.• •• . 2 • n is,
tt Yo,
rot , , I. o tg
. 4,1114 44 1 '
V / n I I • I a 540.1
:••• ••" and ht) prospect rt • e
seems more than wSuffly tu'mettled,
Wank* , th.*lqYlk_gi!.4*. wAtUtW4aki
the collectors who *sit on traint withOirer
meat would actt,glire:thetia serious incon
ivenierice, a wo
• ad - ukfieseetataaaittia
f ro strOnrigul T fi ]
• I • I
. 9111BilaatiO*WAIRAMOOkageighlatk
P9WArgi, Oet lONPIPI.6 II PIO, /4,./4f
6ljg:taws* tbe firsofe ll;
&gide Jags fittri*eidischttrge of which
Yff9; l: o 9 iVr,M4 s #;* l
ine3sAirßul4 bci*4o9l l !*.ePtYti ,
Wfirst ee ousteed OE4 : pub.:
tr?'aeliOti6i'etit the sudqen *Tit
ee44441° 15 04::,' ' ;•
•. 0 1 94g9 ftantetions
__ 4 :but , ever'AsmitNiteut
tiles° little debtOliii.leheek ' , mini& mot
thentary,u.lbUsiti*:*eVilt forced abnii
t l l9g .uq9 11 t04. ; 0 ) !/, J*Ari4:
,every matt *whose eyes nuOur,thclie
'it) . ? out his i . eadyinontly for hills Le knows
'to be due, and not stop until .blateekets
are bablkb .4ore tins is
1 44 Ale,ra*
• et ; tooorune, be fitl4l • ll4.ebliger;
tions. = There - is as ainteh menet) , as ever.;
as bllih .. fro ll eY - ', l ! c ekir: 'YVhb kips its
' .9'n'44°,;'
ineat" of , 141)4 'WM- tgi4E Wtiv bwi:PiePs
will . eat& the inspinttion.andstert off
on a; fresh gallop.. • .
S'LkEP.--AA suffieient ?mount :of good:
refreihing sleep up - necessary to the.
Of,t4,lolir propet u 'f?bdand f thin
404: :No. ones eau- FltiO:nt it ;
deed, he. can't do at all, :When one loam
his' Sleep,. -he bees his strength'. acid power
pf e,niloranee: 'fir sleep Piat
strengthens bodiei iand;.,01047, the
*ate 6f our times:. ,EVdryarkevement we
VoilOn=;:liAtted , A -with lioas' initoiance.
Like'AL stgam
every hour's work uses 4p 4,cepol4,anair
thy ofthe inotirefpower.-Doring - thnnight,
'fivhile We - sleep; this is rePlacediand.sii
Oldie Teelin...`i*"satied and'ne reiv
ATI . " 4 0_ ._9 ,; - . 4 1 1003; ruM. 11 0,..a
u person, uutyfiv, hu . gots a sat
neida &mount ofileep, hat thiiiteiitnd do.
L 4J; 6 . o f) making • •
. a
:0444 editor off'
the 'Rapid:nut rejegreggt Ae44ly reasons
on this subject. . ••.'•• . •
Presbyterian Church isuorAieinibnilten
tte site of the of l' ite: Church at , Streisji
Run. in t!kis. #uyit.whielt few at
jects were more familiar to ougl youth.--
DavidsonKinjim*, , ES(4l;:Tof Philadeiphin,
aswas 4a/a4: o a r r 40 1 4011li ce ?; 3 41P,
the handsome Itonstion t finWenti-huti
dred dollars foi the , puipose;: . and. it ap
pears the-additioriainniiimit tequired was
promptly raised in that section. Accord
ing to, our, inferMantiS,OteMeni it : is - t one
ofthe oltldst, elni•Oipi4ergo in tie Sfte:
The bUildlig - but .neentl3r., remove!i, was
ooduplea for a,period• of. mere:than one
hun 'dee yeaii;inirlie . viOns-to its erebeon
tiie ii4 4 . 1 ,f0r the
purpose for many yeirs,Uniil the building
Was finally burned bylle. halho,
The ' ;Hr. Kennedy rred. to ism son
1T4. 0 n 1 3 , ` kurcjiiiii,lneilier of the family
ofthe la - a , . Rir.Roteii k4necli for Mini
years Pastor. of :th`e : Aongregationiii,iltat
~t 7 d~."f
REcEirilinitlA:l4l4viing;jo% list or
our'subeeription 'Jtitte :
, •
•., 2 , 00 „,
• ' ..!\- x,04 • •
' • '‘lfernif • Bi•onikOte;
"' i,OO •
•'Dr:•: ,
- • "IfilinTreibh;,'"' • '•311-'.1. ••
John Fitir'"•••l - 2,00
Istrifo r •.••,•. • ;2,o(rt
!Stouffer:Snively, r,, • -
o..o.4%.fiderainic '4)44 2,00 , :r
Geo. - FiiSln]mets,
, 4anles 86 - .lFincit,h;7f e)::; ,
.9ec k : Erick.; •I; , I
Addlisharger, 2,00
The Wiliiiligbm - (Del.) Commercial of
Saturday;iefering tolli statement in The
American tluit the insane Woman murder
ed at Chase's Station some weeks since
was probably Mrs. Bate Bake, says• "we
.are convinced that this last suppositicsi
Y is
incorrect, as we have seen Dias. Plake fig
quently, and she is a woMen with' dick
hair, invariably dressed inhlack, and not
young, while the Antrdereclyersonis siek
en of as a young girl with light hair and
gaily dressed." No one hai- yet 'claimed
the remains of the unfortunate deceased.
League, who fired the fatal shot, and his'
associates are still confined at Towsontown
1 444.4441194474140E01,4'-'!,
was read, aPProved, and ordered to he print-
I ar.'uf.iilet form for general dis' tribu
tion. The stockholders were - addressed
. by Wm: H. Miller, Eq., of Carlisle,- in a
,xtech full of encouragement to , the pep
fie of the valley, in which he assured
thrpugko2,3 v,.
!The electioa:Pr. Areoorpireswess' ti 7 ,71
re-electing: ie besot t entirepusloh
baniel"l7 l4 lil4 "PrAideitt!,- , :;john
'6 i 4 ,0? , 4 3 ' 1 i.60- 41 4 11 i 17610 0 ( ;)! //i f
•rip'irfcioFßmki:C**: Ort
Meliiellw 244;
day lastliTeek; 714s;:lityinangtvh0
e v cinity rofilipthn;i len out
t*e . ,
#oim.of 71 , -V - 9-1.4 1 ) 0 ‘ . 911,—fi1E
_" °3 # l o7,
ItErsx4ciover a;12001130.,„ ,an 4:
this lady4b64 , thersloi went.--.
Tlie two isi;44iiivern-iii;a'f6Mii
Mad about:uddniAt.vlailst #ii..!'30,41 1 64
ivas seated .i
- A.wakiug )and' finding the
autir ,e4ty, ebe vul-ierribly alarmed
gn&g tiaellviaidn'iti;'-ghw
savyArs f 148804falling,gut.: . 0 ~fs seen]
ed: entirely u,neOuseiPulf;.l?ut PRINv_ 4 ;I:;4I4I I :T
*,:sboit;ltinke; rLi She
:!i'eklreft* [ (o lll g. 7 . 6 ik
iboutb'er Acivi;.b* iee e Mess
suffered internal injuzies.4.4pirie,u;i y
asstrarivEss rioexiLs
Maie aid golf;
easy. Enquire at this 'Office.r
,m,Jf'3rott want tt?gmalPhOtograph:ta
kii igO to Brackbill's
1. •
ICE.- Persona , wanting ice can 4a3r,e.qt
delivered tht4l 4 ll6OriPr'egliiltrtizii64;
, !,,y ~. X.r . “
morning, or',.oth . eav*„:§y,, , np . A3rg
- reEt.X.evi-car42iis l lio,ioiogltK,t49i4
•at the Diamond Gallery.—
u fr4T al b • :; : , : flr s l,!nry77
for 7 4urron-for? 14:
10ilig atur•PrNlfigipialiesc..andi
Fur .Fftctfory i PitpusifeAe
tWashilgtoit House, Hagerstowii.
•' ,
leuVieforia. Cobble!, a 441
Picitimilai4er at the` Nataond
3r :iifl t v 1
:RAarrztailith , . , the , Bbwri*Jiow3o .
in this. I.aee is eenneeteda first-class BaR,
tatnint:..!'l 4 . osonSealling thele . ean he*e
eQlXiillo444. dyer 2
ter N S : PringgfilekeP 4 i9. 4 l)*l o : 4 l44 9 . 4
In the lineAd-f.lbevelllgm •cftri be hadee"
cold Baltimore Lager, Philadelphia Stock
Ale, etc.
159.-kor ine
t G m 44 At#olC4o
and ndarzFraniea. Mouldings, Ati„
the DiatAtd f biipery
- tEtexxs.—Franklin, cippd
Temfolaiii No: -152 rettirit-siteciLtitatiii
to''thi 1 land' ToWAtlortneit it*thit'
fine::* l6 .l l *M it 4 . Ti
and,to, the eifirensgenerally 'rEtriweklity7
oral patriutgkbeitowed:
r. •:‘ 4 :
Jos. t'LifArtiu-Ree*
• .
ET:4O'O4lO lletriip*
paper end -Pprj,odicalfigent, Pi`nOw.reeeiv ,
.0g 40,!Y# the ;telegraph 4ife the `has
tern Danies and other poi;ulF 1414-
time, including:Re:rpm Wee)cly,
Illustrated'Ne7g; the , New ;York Ledger
?mAturdtty - Danner's-Clothes
biYei'fir Itte ' • '4'i
• Persons Initchase a First-
-a*e.i/t°oo .l 4o' , o i i r k'# .6 tist :
*46 ; *re taut 411:144.
tomera.. C. BaiciontidigellPOkt*
Diamond Gallery. . 1,1:4 rtn
PADrrs.--,Partiesimnied affmmepaiS- ,
Li 'la* aind
- -
examine.. -
a ,gengelinVailif *./100 4 0 11 ,
minister 'of `.the t hi` ,
furnished:hi** ihe:
'sons, preacher ar - foigiiiii T i
formerly, presitilig 'eldee ' 1 ",
• hi
4 oerz Oilita'a voy WA*
his faniilYlher4Fiiierideg("trd
that ineltittiato on `Qfiiis
( *Pon
had an .lopenipg,'.froiy, sot;,
Nearffie foot of cr,49id*
th. 6 fie saw iti' Omni. ,``
low rattlesnake,Mul.thiejmake;.liiii =
told him,' had. bitteli hixif itioitiair .1 1.
After rela . ttpg . the dream 6 . his' family
the, lips,inorwng;
the pasture, and thw't'beside.tho - path 'at
the foot et the lialf-rtitiiej• coded
up a - large:rattlesna*. 'Seizing a small
limb from a treelyipinear,:lie. struck at
"the s nake, but in se, doing lus foet slipped
and he fell' upon the poisonous reptile,
which bit him upon the cheek. He-hashr•
erred to his home, pearly • a quarter of a'
'Mile distant, where, twOhburs later,he di
ed in great agony. This story is' an al- .
most Incredible one.but comes to us from
such a high sourco.that we cannot doubt
its truth. •
.w, Ming t, ige 1 pos
itive cure. Sold bxl•3lf .1.0114'
druggists generally.
111"..Cormar Bunions - 0 Ingrowing . Nails
and their attendantills, have been, in years
gone by, and will ba*L4' , z) •j•
source of much disLt&itrtk ri.
pe : • t enorts an watirlng rr
terence, Dr. 44ltigral' irafrpOi uftermg
, humanity liis • re - ideal 1 eVidtor and
C . itrative. • Theiro, pularitYytliich they have
kemed, and the entie ktathetion derived
.frourAeir.use , is welt i linoivapyl can be
attoota,bk: 44 1 "4Ve t
With Corm, EmOuns,lngroNhiel`hirli4l4l-,
Wins, Trosted
ljad - rbit —t
ES,-:=Lciok , ' at those features arta', sea
the agony d4ieted.'itulha fate: f 11t: itannot
be helped while tliel .
The suffering from piles is °fa v.eryrtggrava
ted i+ You cermet walk with any
prirfoit; zybir Wu:iris:4 ride itilseice . ;; can
not sit with eaf i e t thu,sutrermOhea
itt•q*Uieto.ingigrvi , ,4l ,l 444-*i. l l,e,
and causes: slick , feeling , of dread that .is,
put off:at-great sacrifice. to health and tom
fort, in many
instances increasifigthe diff
cultyto analairkeitent.
Pile Remedies aceortrg to. directions to cure
internal;' exteritd; itching of leedin*pilea.
Thei j Etre'iti l la s l O ilt* ?
gold by Druggists.
Li i t tge
! I p•lfrtfarsizsictuAN
, 't,.... - ,:r if %:. #•..:. , AL_T:,_"O f:•' 4 , ,_,. • ,
7 • • ' . 4. ...- 2 - - 4 - 11 ... 1 .!•pl •
-..-.- .
rrs EFFtC
4 7,1 S . ' "'''
1,.3. .
' ,4 4 41 1 , 1 ,Z - 4 4 Cd.: 1 149 , 404 4 .1,1; •;...-..!, "
. It is a peribettind wanderful article:lt - Sures
baldness':24 Makewlutirgre44.-lArbettekthair
dressing than any "oil" er_ "ponditturt."—
Softens briiili;ditnanibwirytaiv into beau
tile' silken tresses: But r above nil, the great
wonder is the rapidity with-which it restores
- Gray Hair to its Original ;C010r. ,. ;
pThe •whitestedd Mord; leekipA, :hair re
umes its-3touthfal beauttyi byltat use. It
aloes not.dpe:theihair z Wit-strikes at•the root
and fills it vaithsneW breand:Coloringtnattet.
, Ask tforiiitiVaSicillan il tairAenewer ; no
other articleb stalk like;it. Illifitreet• t , L .F
See thatfeadhibottlei hag i*a• (private,' Gov
errnn ent. StanipkWer itlee Itgq of ther1:0001q.-
All othatitiszetimitations;l , I ef , 4l, 1.5 ri:. • l': I '.I. ,
B. E.AI - AiLlacie•Ozialitsbun, N. - 41., Pro
tprietori. . For sale b Druti. - sts.
amsma. 'escililllall
- 1 4 ) ;;1 10 011sboWi 04 • th(C29lll; Alt.,. Vita.
}iti 3 DEßlb.l4. - :Wgz#4/ 1 1..itie4; 5, 3
Imonibland '& days.litt r j r, • • ;
Near Mtt ianilie.3kl inst., Mn.
IJoirs Stranitm,:ti e ged 69 Yea 7,
_ a l, wan th
Inad.:ll.odgya.'; ; • .•; , •
At entho:ist inst.,
Mrs.:SA-I,*E. ArtLiriv.t; daheiter4if Geo.
the:Nineinitk , 'Or Ha
igerstotirt.4.. „
I In Chantheraiißig, 'on ;:Saitiiiiiiy,*orn
!ing, tire Bthitistt,%f Chttinie Diarrhoea,
Mrmhbranrayieri , age(l49-yesia ► --
P a g;= l :Z=
. •
. (sesswito AvssiLy.) ' •
,41Accgr , r
atTTP.l3it.. 1.; . ..L....4.i'. i• i•cst,4.0140.•••1•••:14 1)
W 3614 f,••Pri.ql. .. ...
AteD O
' '
' • " ' ' '
, ".).ItPPLChtsic:s.. .........
I.ltl %•
+ ; 1 1 9 )E 1 1 4944/4 1 4.0 °. •
FLOUR -The 4304 marketig • quiet,
:do the: is isinfinedi exchisiircdy to
the it ictith eel - whim° ttadh' ; • 909 Urrela
thaagedi&VinehicAit, iiipeifitie Ist $5.00
@5.371 pe4.'€, - EA7b,
katapWhasinsiriugattNifintsjota 6.xtra faro-
Brit Waft rap , / to”fBi Yentisylvania . pt
$6 s4sllllristekiLvidermtheat at: 87®
i 'andrikthirpletfi athigherfiguree. The
pieta eitherrialealuie fieminal., .;
• IlitAIN:--frhersis 11Am:ow feeling in
the whestsnarlcetiithereceipasheing
sales a 200 , butsheht ati $13,45®148, for
Miestirtited , anti s.ll43®l4B:•fer 2new.l--
- Rjrd Waft ittl.os®lXo7.lCorn is qiiet
at *tail& fignsis - esalecof 4001 bushels
yeliovrafi 4Wocioindlikaterilnixedat
yg,(74w iosigniigititriws= Auk -ts 650
Weeittai itiEreth ;
-• 42! s t: : ,- ivr
~ .:r ;!•PP,IfFY". IIS
iW42elliE4 .eTrEr. , ''o
'[.BB3lVOTatinniorri.. FernEzi, r.
/- ; " ; 'BALtrxitoßE, •
'lW•Vtiteites iteiiiired — afiewanattii?sia
.;:iite'lebilfaoe . Ripii*d.)-ii*
.ngif el 171. •
; 2, lt4nrXT:Alr,
Vb6th Of riiinem
'!rrce:!,eing thgtilcien=g4toprgynirtak.
W*4ktild' P iingfiftenienttaio:niiit of
ittgt•fid: • . eadiVriettltitastoyanti t ig.
•,• ,). -; tWOUrtiPAPIKOPtiIr , hi aith
• „ . t • -Au eicelient stable", Yen,
• ' tlke 01+.
4141‘76,R.V. ' irAirEn!
nd ull Otlierifeceneaz*-lbaildings. /Also, a
;.‘ Fine Young-Orchard:of ;
,01b f r:AP3r4E 2 0 • .ES I !
`AIioniS4KTY PEAS'‘" , rate
frontitiPo6orelutrd,Wl in:thrivings r
. condition:- !Therwisulsow I
with this plutertyAhat'could be turned into
This is ono or the ilaest and most desira
bIe.HOMESTEADS ht the neighborhbod.—
Soil in a high state of cultivation. - '
An person :oentingA father information,
should call-upon the' nhqrsigned, living on
Bard property, Wics)•.lol take p leasure in
showing the same and alio give Terms 9f
-Slily 6, 1871. MARGARET