.s. BOBS Kl, CREMCAU, - ZMIMM, PAT :PREPARATIONS FOR THE HAIR, catus PA TARNISHES, a Ab.l • • • • • ze''Physicians dcalt with at 20 pei cent. 'discount. ' WAYNESBORO' PIOT= 71t121121TG, 2arcli27, 1871- Waynesboro', Pa. Xi , J - O.A.ST:M2D .AZJIV-E1 The following record- ofone day's accidents, all from the same cause, viz : the use• of in taken,fron:rthe Phil. - phia Ledg e r qf a recent date: "The'alarm'of fire, last•evening,, at 7 o'- clock, was caused by the burning of the dwelling, corner of 16th and Poplar, result ing from the explosion of a coal oil- 'lamp.--; Mrs. Hersh, occupying the second story. of the dwelling had retired to her department, a few moments before the discovery of 'the .fire. On entering her room, she was found lying-on, the floor, wrapped in flames." "About - 7-o'clock-yesterday-in orninw - a coal oil lamp in the hands of Sarah Alexan der, who lives on Cowslip o was severely.barned. "Margaret Collig,an, residingin the rearof 618 South st., was burned by the explosion of a coal oil lamy, .' Her husband, while at tempting to extinguish the flame, was also severely burned. Two of the above named Victims have since died of their injuries." 411 such fearful accidents,resultinein death and the destruction of valuable property, maybeavoided by using "0tt.R.5011".5 STEL LAR OIL," which is known to be a perfect lv safe and reliable illuminator. It is for sale A • Amberson, Benedict & Co., Waynesboro% Christianklood, Quincy. [feb 2-1871. ALIZZA. GOOD. MATIIEW METCALF. JA USN ARO RACTORY MST WHAT YOU WANT asp T: At:Prices to snit Time and Quality! WORK WARRANTED' lir sfoorro.:-.4hiek Sales and small Proffits. We will furnish anything wanted in our line of business - - . ; SASH, DOORS, • SHUTTERS, • MANTLES, • • STAIRING, WHOLESALE OR RETAIL We also contract for continued Bail Stair Ways, Newel's Bannisters, &c. &c. furnish.to order or put into buildings by the best of workmen; Sawing, Chopping, Poast Boring, grinding„Turning, & c. &c. In short any thing you want cal for it, if not on hand we grill make it. As reference ve can show you buildings in the country or in Waynesboro' where you can judge for yourselves, (we can't recommend material, it must recom mend itself) also see the quality of our ma terial as compared with that of other shops. TO THE PUBLIC Thankful for past favors, we ask you for A continuance of the same. , Factory. 11 miles South of 'l7a7nerbnro', Pa. GOOD & MiITCALF, may 18 1871. P. 8. We are also prepared to furnish Framing material at comparatively le5lV rntes. G. & M. URSINUS COLLEGE! Located Montgomery Coun ty, Penn'a. . THE - ACADEMIC DEPART:ITV : [FORMERLY FREELAND SEMINAR].] A Fir.:t-class English, Mathematical and , Classical Boarding School for AND) Bri "rlar'the':iminediate Tuition and :Nfanage meat of the faculty of the college. • TEEMS MODERATE. r - AII necessary expenses, including Tuition, 13: , arding, Wahl Books, &E.., not exceed ing:.s23o a year. THE COLLEGIATE DEPARTMENT will be distinct from the academic, and will f!: , rd all the advantages of h full college e,•are in the usual higher branches of study, ;11 , 1; , r the direction of a Faculty of six .The• Academic Year for both Depart meats will be divided into the following three terms:—Tile School opening:with the v.rin, September 0, 1870 to December 22. Winter term, January 4, I§7l to April :). SprEng term, April 12 to July 1871. - FA yr farther information apply to her. J. H. A. BOMBERGER, D. D., Pret;icleut of 17i-sinus College, F7E:eland, Montgomery Comity, 'Pa. ,T1:•ly 30 tf. • LITE - RI! LIVERY ! lindersigned.inforins the public gen -2.11 eraliv that he has purchased the Livery lu.rn.,tc , f6re owned by Frank. Weisrley, anti fully prepared to meet the vs...tnts of the co.:um:linty in his line of bnsiness. He has Ind all his carriages neatly re paired and refitted, and, his horses are safe gentle and fast-tra.vellers., Parties conveyed t o any pointdesired. accompanied by a care ful driver. Otlice at the :Waynesboro' notel., where f•rt attentive hostler wilflie iti attendattee at h•-ttirs of the night and day. ef tort .:Y4ll he spared to aczentraogr.te all who .St • ran ize hint: • • 7. g ` dill J, BURNS AMBERSON, M. D., at the • CORNER DRVG.ISTORE is.etlll dread. 1491,121=0, owl boa gon*ced. Ve t af th e beetjEttatlV PAZDID ME DI ES of all 6, PURE WRITE LEAD awl - COLORS OIL TURPENTINE, =Man ISt cow= DRUG STORE. B• I SIEtEB, - (XIMBSi - POCItET - 1300ES, • • tors, Pen.knives, Stationery, Soaps, Perfum ery, Toilet and Fancy' Goods, etc., full or sortment at DESIBABLr, in every household, Pure Baking Material You can always got the hest at PURE GROUND SPICES -CORNER DRUG STORE TUVORINGFXTRACTS. 15 different kinds at TIIE,CORNER DRUG STORE. AMBERSONS Vegelable Vermi• eide. The best remedy for worms. SAFE, RELIABLE AND PALATABLE. WHISKEY, BRANDY, RUM, and GIN . for medicinal purposes at - . -- THE - CORNER - DRIUG - STORM TRUSSES nt THE CORNER DRUG STORE. Get gout Presdriptions filled by DR. J. BURNS AMBERSON. NEW•GOODS ! NEW GOODS! girt. subseriber announces to the citizens .L of . Ringgold and vicinity that ho Las re• turned from tLe Bast - with a stock of SEW SiII'OBWARZ for Ladies, 'Miens and Children, embracing all styles ; also gaiters, shoes, etc., for Men and Boys: lie has also Groceries for sale, such as Sugars, Coffees, Teas, Syrups and Spices. He continues to manufacture to order men's Boot and Shoe and ladies and chil dren's work of all kinds. He returns thank for past favors and asks a continuance of public patronage in the fu ture. Ringg,old, May, 11, 11. V. STEWART. PATENTED SEPT. 21 11369 The nori;• of this machine consists in part, in the attachment of curved knives to the arms of the cutting-wheel, the shear ing cut across/the mouth-piece, the great power and dirbetness of the blow, by which treble the volume of material is cut, 'with less power than is required by any other machine ; those combined ,with its durabil ity and simplicity of construction, command public attention. Nothing liable to get out of order, but what a boy could remedy with 14 . 130c1:et wrench. Persons in want of machines of this de scription will`do welllby upon or ad dressing the 'undersigned. Good end•res ponsible agents wanted to sell machines and territory. The dbove — Machine is now on exhibition at the Waynesboro' Manufacturing Compa ny's Office. Persons interested should call and examine it, for it is what every farmer sho•ild have. H. C. GILBERT, %find: P. Srot:r•FFn, Proprietor, Agent. Waynesbora' Pa. July 14, tf WAYNESBORO' MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, WA YNESBORO', P.J., INSURES 4.0.i15.5T LOSS OR DAMAGE BY IP' I Mt ""Mi On all safe clasl property at reasonable rates OFFICERS : W. S. AMBERSON, Pre4ident SIMON' LiL•cruDN, Vice Pre,3ident. Jos. Douutfis,` SECRETARY. . Jos INILI,LERJTCaSUTOT. • DI R EnT I:4R s : W. S. A.mberson. Sitlion Leoron, Lewis S. Forney, Jacob Co rbaugh, Joe. Douelas, - ' Jos. Price, Jacob J. 'aliller, Jos. W. 31iller, Benj. E. Punk, D. B. Russell, Len Sanders. Jacob Good. DANIEL,SNIVELY, Agent, juno 16,':03 "Waynesboro', Pa. SAD AND lIERRING.—Mess. shad and I Potomac Jierriugjn bbl.s. for gale by SPRING. INNUNCMENT. We would invite your attention tuour Pima'' wbieb is large and varied and consists in part of ' . SZLK muss MOHAIR% Black and Colored Alispaems, Japanese Poplins, Japanese Silk Robes,.Black Gro Grain-SMo;-ißellin-eETe-Cloi IBUG_STORE XISNE ORDAIN, BEAUTIFUL PLAID ; VAR= CITY POPLINS, West End Martell° Cloth, Troy Coon Eeppe; an elegant Rapper \ Groode, WIIITE GOODS and Embroideries, Hosiery and Gloves, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, NOTIONS, &e.; Plain and Faney - Cassimeres and C T.J r l l l4. S (now style) Ladies' Basting Gaiters and Mo rocco Shoes. , GROCERIES i GROCERIES I Rio, Laqnyra and roasted Coffees, New Or leans Poitorieeo Sugars,Riee,_Cheese_Oron Stone and China ware," Queenswaro -of kinds,Glassware in endless variety ; Wood and villow ware; Venitian, Ingrain and Rag Carpets, Cocoa Matting, Floor and Ta ble Oil Cloths; Oil and Paper Blinds, and in fact everything kept in a well regulated store. se-Examine our prim ond judge for yourselves. April 13, '7l. CE2910 AEU/ALI NEW GOODS: BBERSON BENEDICT & CO'S WE ARE NOW RECEIVING OUR SEC ORM a sUMMERI nous, To whic • your attention. 'We are now py^. t .ured to •,..„1 kinds of Dry Goods, ,Gueensw: Notions, at a mue • lower price than they • ve been sold for several years. Shoes, Alpaccas; Summer Wear, Calicoes and Lawns, Mens Wear of all kinds, Rag, Imported and Girthing Carpet s Everything needed in the Clothing_Lme, Delaines, Shoes, Boots & Summer Hats; Oil Cloths for Floor and Table, Boys & Misses summer wear, Ntions of all kinds, Cuffs & Collars, Jreasts, Embroidery, Butterflies. Neck Tics, Coftonades, P Jeans et Tweeds, Table Diapers, Laces and Insertings, Elastic and Garter Braids. • Domestic and French . Ginghams, Irish, Blay and Coat Linen, . Hosiery.and Gloves, Cassimereit and Cloths Our prices are low, _Give us a call and we will try to =corn 'modate in everything. AMBEESON, BENEDICT i A CO. June 1, REID Chow Poplins, Plaid Toin, PRICE & noulics. OND SUPPLY OF NOW - MILLER & Co's MILLER do c_G. have jyst 0 tied fittrib4lreretetoeMN-P - Allag • ruse ,selectoilor the home trade, and con slots of alt the styles of Foreign and Donee - Dty, Goods, , tie, For -the _Labs the)? have a large stork 084. the late style Dress and Fancy Goode. PoPUIP. Alpaccas, 14 - ohitirs' , Swieser , A nice assortment of Spring Shawls, Lace Collars, Fans, Parasols, Corsets, Chignons, Switches, &c. A fUll line of Gents Furnishing Goods of every style and quality: and AMERICAN CAt3SIMERES, Coatings and Vesting.s for Spring and Sum mer; Also, Shirts, Collars, Handkerchiefs, Bows, Scarfs, Ties, Gloves, Hosiery, Suspen• dors, Cuffs, &c. a. I ? fr ( „ Inwrted,Bag and_Cottage Carpetti_ ble, Floor and Stair Oil Cloth; Baautif styles Oil Window Shades. A full stock of Primo GROCERIES; Hard Ware, Cedarware, PAINTS••ALL COLORS. Lewis' and Deaths & 'Miller's White Lead -Linseed ; Tanners-and-Coal - 01 — Window Glass and Putty t and in fact everything that is usually found in a first-class country store, All persons desiring to purchase are re quested to call and examine goods and pri ces. No trouble to show goods.. ' April 27, 1871 ; & CO. r4t l OMlC=9lnflk - Al PATENT SELE-REGARATINS GRAIN SEPARATOR CLEANER; DAGGER AND POWERS No implement' more important to the farmer than a First-class Grain Thsher and Cleaner-4or none•paya him so well and so speedily. The above cut shows the only Geiser Ma chine. now built under the immediate eye of the old inventors themselves, with all the additional improvements made during the past 18 years, and now with FIRST-CLASS WORKMEN Sr. MATERIAL this Machine just stands.high above all of its class. As a thresher it is equal to the best, as a cleaner it is superior to any exist ing Machine. This is admitted by all hon est competitors. Indeed it is the only Ma chine that really can, by one operation, thoroughly thresh and clean mita fit for market. But the fact that grain krect, from this machine commands .from 2 to 3 cents a bushel more than grain direct from any oth er machine, settles the question of itasupe riority as a cleaner over all others. Impar tial judges at all the State and County lairs where it was thoroughly and practically tested, in competition with other leading machines, always agree that it is more sitn ple—more easily understood and 'operated by those unskilled ih machinery—more du rable—threshing as much and - yet cleaning better—with less power and more comfort to hands than any other machine in use— and besides all that is 'sold for less money according to capacity. These facts are farther attested by the thousands of pur chasers, some of whom have had them in use for the last 18, years. To supply . the wants of all, we now make 4 sizes, viz:— From a 2 Horse Railway or 3 Horse Lever Power, to alO Horse Lever Power,, with prices ranging from $l9O to $360, without power. We also make the latest impproved triple-geared Horse Powers, suitable for each size machine, ranging from $9O to $135, and all fully and fairly warranted. For further information send for circular and price list. Responsible Agents in Territory not in troduced. Address, THE GEISER MANUFAC'G CO., WAYNESBORO% Franklin County, Jan. 21-tf ' .Fennsylvania. WAYNESBORO' COACH FACTORY! f EO. W. HAWKER having withdrawn Ur from the firm of Adams ik Hawker the subscriber informs the public that he con tinues the Coachmaking business in all its branches, atthe old stand. He will at all times have a supply of new Buggies, differ ent kinds, on hand ; also second-handed ve hicles. Repairing done at short notice.— lie uses the best material and employs good mechanics. He returns his thanks to the public for their liberal patronage, and by attention to business and a disposition to accommodate hopes to merit a liberal share of the same in the future. Jan. 14-tf JACOB ADAMS. 11 MEN WILBUR • UNDERFEED SHUTTLE and SEWING MACHINES I - .. 825 cheaper than any other. For Simplicity, Durability and Beauty; they stand unrivalled. fiorgtitching, 'Hem ming Tucking. Felling, Quilting, Cording. Binding, Braiding, Gathering, 'Gathering & Sewing on gathers, they are unexcelled.— Warranted. A.:E.IVAYNANT, S. E. Corner Diamond Mar. 30, IST1: Waynesboro', Pa. CONCAVE CONVEX' spectncles, at ALEX. LEEDS B;, Rtrsegm, iva'w maw French Ginghems, Percale, LEtlYne, and 'Tinware. coos P r i i i:DVMS (warranted to give 'satisfaction.) TIisITADE, JAPANNED WARE, HOUSE Pt WISHING GOODS TUBS, BUCKETS, CHURNS, KNIVES AND 'PORES, SPOONS, LADLES, LAEGE mcm , cOPPER-Kr.rr - . And ether usdful articles at the sign of the BIG RED HORN, Waynesboro', Pa., where a large assortment of COOS STOVES, • NINE-PLATE STOVES` • PARLOR STOVES, - COAL STOVES &c., Queensware, Glassware. of the latest improvements, the very best in the niarket; it the Cheap Tin and Stove Store of THEIMPROVED tan BURNER, Sold - at Retail by D. B. RUSSELL .sc SON; Sign of the Big Red Horn, • . Waynesboro', ra. made of the best Tin in the market,' and warranted at the sign of the "BIG RED HORN" D. B. RUSSELL keeps constantly on hand a large assortment of all, House-Furnishing Goods for sale .cheap. Pare Nb. 1 Kero sene Oil and a huge assortment of Lamps. WASHING MADE EASY ! • by calling at the sign of the "Big Red Horn' and getting the best Clothes Wringer ever made. • Persons in want of Stoves Tinware, House Furnishing Goode r &c. dc.,-can get full value for their money by calling on ' B. RUSSELL, & SON, Sign of the "Big Red Horn," Waynesboro', Pa. CAVE TOVB Irtllrt D:R Y : 11 1 ,0 U S E., PATTENTED JANUARY 21st 1868: This is the best:Dry llogse ever °gored to the public. IS:dries Fruitin:half the time-regnired by theold.method. . , it!dries uniformly and perfectly, The fruit dried by it retains mere of the natural flavor. It is easily managed. It saves fuel. It is, durabl&and portable. It has 24 feet of drying surface. Call and_seethern at the sign of the BIG RED HORN and leave your for theta. March 24, 1870. STONEWARE,, • BI.ASSWARE, D. B. RUSSELL & SON. iii_ Oil 11 COME AND SEE THE L A. OELLIG IT. mrantaersozzYs Bilbao:Lt. fOROIND IWO -E Z T RACTCATAWBA PailAs 4 Pills are the most delightfully pleas )urpnve, supernsding,caster oiV salts, - na,etc.lThereisnothingthereaccepta- Le stomach. They give tone, and nher nausea or gripping, composed of the Arat ingredients. tew days' use of them, such aninvig )f the entire system takes pox as Larisingfikzairaprudence (elinbold'a o CompoundlluidExtracts ‘GraprPills are not sum-coated, fact that, sugarrcoated Pills do not but pamthroughthe stomach with; dVing, commonly *mot produce nedLeffect. ATAWILV I;itart, ,oelzu; pleasant in tome • • •• • fcesidtate , theg iti V a miNvated.-- X.FIXIMVE -sag, • - RORY T. EIELDEBOLDI • MILT CONCENTATZD COMMIND W e n y c g . .F . TA CTS SARS xterminate ZAtrsyLA stem Scro Efri.l%llls, Fever Sores, Veers Sore „Eyes, Sore , Sore Mouth, Sore Head, Brouchitk, Diseases, Salt Rheum, Can kers, Runulgs ' from the Ear, White' Swell ings, Tumors, Cancerous Affections, Nodes, Rickets, Glanduler Swelling Night Sweats, Rath, Tenor, Humors of all ' kinds, Chronic Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, and all &seises that have been established in the system for years. -1 Being prepared.expressly for the above complaints its Blood-purifying propertiesaxe greater than any other preparation of Sarsa rilla. It gives the complexion a clear and thrcolur and re - Wore - S - 4. e pa ent to -a state of Health and Purity. .For purifying the Blood,remnving all Chronic -constitu tional diseases arising from an impure state of the Blood, and the only reliable and ef fectual known remedy for the etire of Pains and swelling of the bones,Vlcerations ofthe Throat and Legs, Blotches, }lmpels on the Face, Erysipelas, lifittnll; Scaly .Eruptions of the Skin, and butitrint-lhe complexion. HENRY T. HELMBOLD'S ocntitr.D OOD EXEIp_CT BUCHU THE GREA t T•DiERETHI has cured every casdiarDisbetes in which it , has .beeri given, IrrithtiOn of the neck of the Bladder and inliamatiortofthe Kidneys, Ul ceration of the Kidneys and Bladder; Reten don of Urine, disease ofthe Prostrate Gland, Stone in the Bladder, Calculus, Gravel, Brick dust Deposit, and Mica's or Milky Dis -ch . - iid—for--Enfeoble-Delicate Co .slutions for both Sexes, attended with the cawing symptoms. Indisposition to Exe on, Loss of power loss of Memory, Difficulty ofbreattung,Wealt Neries,Trembl-• ing, Horror of Disease,Weakfulness,Dironess of Vision, Pain in do Back, Hot Hands, Flushing of the Body; Dryness of the Skin, Eruption on the Face, Pallid Countenance, Universal Lassitude of the Muscular System, etc. " • ORIENTAL Used by persons from the age of eighteen to twenty-live, and from thirty-five or in the decline or change of life; after• confine ment or labor pains; bed-wettuig in children. Helmbold's Extract Buehu is Diuretic and 'Blood purifying, and cures all diseases-aris ing from habits of Dissipation, and Exccses and Imprudence in Life; Impurities of the Blood, etc., Superseding Cepa - cis in -Affec tions for which it is used, and Syphilitic Af feetions—in these disease used in connection with Relmbold's Rose Wash. In MCI y affections *Witt!. to Ladies, the Extract Buchn is uneaclueled branT , ether remedy—as in Chlorosm or Retention, Ir regularity Painfulness orSnppression of Cus• ternary Lvacuations 'Ulcerated or - Schirius state of the trteres, Leucorihtea or Whites, Sterility,an4 for an compltdasincicadent to the Sex, whether arising from, Indiscretion of habitsofDissipation. It is prescribed-ex tensively by the most eminent - Physicians ann Midwives fir Enfeebled. and - Delicate Constitution, of both Series and all ages (at tended with any of the above Diseases or Symptoms). 0 ,1-1. T.' HELMBOLD'S E/IRACT EUCHU CURES DISEASES AILISEs'G FROM IMPRUDENCE, , HABITS OF DISS/PATION;Eic., in-all their stages, at little expense, little or no change in diet, no inconvenience 2 ,and no exposure. It causes a frequent desire, and gives strength to Urinate, thereby removing Obstructions,:Preventin c , ,, and Curing Stric tures of the Uretha, allaying Pain andin firtmation, so frequent bithisclasnof disease, expellingall Poisonous .matter. ÜBE Ibrutuoup's Ezra/ter Buena for •all Affections and Diseases of the Urinary Or gans, whether existing in Male or Female, from whatever cause originating, and no matter of how long standing. Price, $1.50' per Bottle. H. TZHEIXBOLD'SLIIPROVED ROSt WASH cannot be:simpased as a Face Wash, and will be foundlhe only ,specified remedy in every species of Cutaneous Membrane, Ate., dispels Redness and incipient IntlamaUon; Hives,, Rash, Mouth Patches,,Dryness of the, Settpl or Skin, rost Bites, and all purposes for which'Salves Ointments'are used re stores the skin to a state of purity and soft ness, and insures continued healthy action of the tissue of its vessels, on whichdeperids the agreeable clearness and vivacity. of com plexion so much sought and admired. But however valuable as a remedy for existing defects of the skin, H. Hehnbold'S ,Rose Wash has long sustained its principle claim to unbounded patronage, hypossessing qual ities which render it a Toilet Appendage of the most Superlative and Congenial charac ter, combbhung inn elegant formula those Imminent requisite, Safety and Efficacy— the invariable accompaniment of its use-as a Preservative and Refresher of Complex ion. It is an excellent Lotion for diseases of the Urinary Organs, arising from ludfits of dissipation,jused in connection with the Extract Bachu, Sarsaparilla, and Catawba Grape Pills, in such diseases as recommend, cannot be:surpassed; Pull_ and explicit directions accompany the medicine. - • • Evidence of the most ,respoindble and-re liable character furnished on appication, with hundreds of• thousands of living wit nesses, * end upwards 0f30,000 unsolicited cer tifiestes and recommendatory letters, many of which are from highest, •soursesiincluing eminentwPhysicians, Clergymen, Statesmen, etc. .The proprietor hei never resorted to their publication in the newspaper; he does not do this from the fact that , his articles rank as Standard:Preparations t rind :do not need to be proppeA_np by certificates, H. T. EIDEUMOLMOKNUINt PREPARATIONS. Delivered to any address. t3ectire from observation. _ ' Established npWards of twenty year. Sold by Druggists everywhere.A cidress let ters foi information, in confidence HENRY T. HELMBOLD Driwist and Chemist. Only Depots : H. T H_. ELMBOLD'S Drug and Chemical Warehouse. No. 594 Broad way New York, or to H. T.. HELMBOLDB Medical Depot 104 South Tenth Street,Phil-. suielphia, Pa. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. Ask' HENRY T. HELMBOLVS !, & T.tns aoOrumat March 2, 1871. Atiacts Rhubarb and F.slracO G tau abe Crape ,&ice ierr-Complsdnte; Jana& ce - ,. Bfllious af .ons, Sick or Nervous Headache, Cos ness, etc. Purely Vegetable,. contain- Mercury, Minerals or Deletereous rinlyrti FOR Plitt 98-1182 t X TOW • • . . . • • ao To nei3ONSEAN#I3"- • . , . zaplzalzrat sztrpapl;...,4l3a, Waymisbora', May 21;1871. PUNT CAVE 3 'A PENNY'RADE!:',,. SAlt 'ME OLD ADAGE Well, how and where is the •place to do it? wherever '-you can use your money -'. - to the best advantage; - and .-- pcoilularsoinn- . ion has long lunge givertherialmia . STOVER WOLF", for keeping ' the best aud•cheap 7. , ••• "1 est store; all they want is for • bityers to call and examine their stock .-?•`P' and convince themselvetrof What they,e* Oar stock. consists of the following articles; • vs • dies' Dress Gosida--Sucr 4 . Alpaccas, ;Reps,. MOhairs, . keplins, • Armuns, • Weines, ", • English Velveteens, • , '.Opera Cloths, , Repellents, ; &c., &c. • MEN'S WEAR.—.--Cloths, Doeskin! Cassitheres e Cords,. Sattinetta, Cottonades, • /Awns, Tweeds, - LADIES, CUSTOSIL4DX in'Lasting and Morticeo, cheap. Crr Mt CO Cl' MEI 11. X .18:1 We have botigit large, consequently cheap. 'Mt our goods have been-bought at• panic *ices, consequently we are enabled to k:7 dersell"thosehe bought before the &r It w Beeline. Ifen,Call and am ! and we will prove _to you what we say. ALL 'KINDS OF COUNTRY PRO DUCE BOUGHT , AND .SOLD. - _ 'June 29, 1871: STOVER WOLFE, CARSON'S STELLAR OIL ! , • •- /TIRE alarmimg increase iii-the number of 1 frightful accidents, resulting• in terrible deaths and destruction of valuable property, etinsed-by the 'indiscriminatelluse• of offs, • know under thinameofPetroletun, prOuptir us to 'call your special attention to au article which will, wherever used, remove the, cause of such accidents. We allude "to CARSON'S STELLAR OIL FOR ILLUMI NATING PURPOSES. The proprietor of this oil has for several • years felt the necessity of providing for a and presenting to the public, as a substitute for the dangerous compounds which are sent broadcast over the country, an oil that is safe, brilliant, and entirely ' reliable. After a long.series.oflaborions and costly experi ments, he has sac ceded in providing,, and offers to the public, such a substitute, in . "CARSON'S STELLAR OIL" Itsliould b used by every Wilily because Itissafe beyond a question. The_ primary purpose in the' preparation of STELLAR I OIL bas been to imakeit Perfectly Safe, thus • insuring the livesimdpropeMr of those who use it. Its present standard of SAFETY and BR/IoLlANCYnillalwaysbemnintain ' ed, for upon thhitheproprieter depends fo sustainim, the high reputation the ST •^ .• LAR OA new e a = - •Te prevent the Hon of this of •••• the explosive Cturipounds now known en , the name of kitissurecikul liv"put:'.,: for Emily use in - five-gallon cane Inch being sealed and , Stamped lieoh.4ho . - mark of the proprietor; it cartiWtheref , ' • ' be tampered withhetWeekith.elkOmfactu and consumer. /done' is . gentdrie - ‘with this trade-mark, It is the duty and -Interest all of, . . . . and customers of illurniruitingnittniuSS.:„; STELAROIL oninbecause it alortei9a* to be safe . ararreliable. It is for sale AmbersonAtenediaik Co.; Waynes Manon d;:Statler.,* ' 41:RM.-Winger. Quincy. • .1,-GelsriolM Btuthart, Chambersburg. • 'l)::.Dit6o; St.Thenuut. ..I_4instetter &Co., Greencastle. • • Ttiomas o.'Grove, Meriersburg. Jam L. Ritchera, . JARDEN CO., WHOLESALE AGENTs. N 0.138 South Front St., Philadelphia. " ;fib42-1871. COM'EX CNOCANE spectacleg. at ALEX. LEEDS