*fp A. N. Boyfuun, DEALER . sDi DRT.TCI-9, CIENICALS, PATENT MEDICINES, PREPARATIONS 'OR THE HAIR,. oix_s TARNISHES, &a. . 40. ZirPhysicians dealt . with at 20 per tent. discount. WA . YNESBORO' HOTEL EUILDING, March 27, 187 L Waynesboro', Pa -TR,O.AOIIU .)• .A_T_J-ENT.E The following record ofone day's accidents, all from the game cause, viz : the use of in ferior Coal Oil, is taken from the Philadel phia Ledger ofa recent date: *`The alarm of fire, last evening, at 7 o'- vas cauoed b, - the burunn; of the corner of 16th and alplar, rPanit mg fronilhe explosion of a coal oil lamp.— Mrs. Hersh, occupying the second story of the dwelling had retired to her department, a few moments befoie the *discovery of the fire. On entering her room, she was found lying on the floor, wrapped in flames." `About 7 o'clock yesterday morning, a coal oil lamp in the handi of Sarah Alexan der, who lives on Cowslip St. near 16th.— She was severely burned-' "Margaret Colligan, residingin the rear of (US South st., was burned by thee,xplosion •of a coal oil lamp. Her husband;while at tempting to extinguish the flame, was also severely burned. Two of the above named victims have since died of their injuries." .111 such fetp.rful-accidents i resulting% a death and the de: ruction of valuable property, may be avoided by using "CARSON'S STEC .LAR OIL," which is known to be a perfect bY - • serson gene< o ly-ness r r 1 tan oOel,•Quincy. [feb 2-1871. ALL= 3L Goon. 111.ATumv METCALF. an Tau tutcuto ollaft FACTORY I', c in at tend:thee at all hours of' the alitl day. Se: \o ef fort will he spa recl acconituoitaleall %Ow way patrcali?.e hilt) J. M.Tip*S oir'opoN.; CORNER -DRUG STORE • t • - READ REFLECT, and be convinced. • DrOg. aof the bast quality, PAT.END ME DICINES of alr•kinds, - PURE WHITE LEAD and • U OLORS; OIL; TURPENTINE, &a, &e., At' •• , - • • - . , . THE COOTER PROG STORE, BRUSHES,_ COMBS, POCKET . BOOKS, BA., zors, Penknives, Stationery, Soaps, Beduin eyy, Toilet and Fancy Goods, etc., fall as sortment at THE ' CORNER DRUG STORE DESIRABLE in every household, Pure Baking Material. You O4n always get' the best at THE CORNER DRUG STORE. THE CORNER DRUG STORE DR. AMBERSON'S Vegelable-Verini-1 The bistretnedy-for-worms: - S - AyEl 1-11-ELaBLENDIVC.M.TXI3I,-E. WHISKEY, BRANDY, RUM, and GIN THE CORNER DRUG STORE TRUSSES at THE CORNER DRUG STORE Get your Prescriptions filled by DR. J. BURNS AMBERSON 131KBAJ1alauffill TIFF subscriber announces to the citizens of Ringgold and vicinity that he has re turned from the East with a stock of NNW' LIT ORT ABE for Ladies, Misses and Children, embracing all styles; alsogaiters, shoes, etc., for ➢len and Boys. He has also Groceries for sale, such as Sugars, Coffees, Teas, Syrups and Spices. He continues to manufacture to order men's Boot and Shoe and Vales and chil dren's work of all kinds. He returns thank for rust favors and asks a continuance of public patronage in theTu tare. ngitbld, May, 11,'71.. W. STEWART PATENTED SEPT. 21 1869 The merits of this machine consists in part., in the •attachmen.t of curved `k.pives to the arms of the cutting-wheel, the si*ar ing, cut across the month-piece, the great power and directness of the blow, by which treble the volume of material is cut, with less power than is required by anv other machine ; those combined t wit h its 'durabil ity and simplicity of construction, command public attention. Nothing liable to get out of order, but what a bRy could remedy with a:pocket wrench. Pr- - —ant of machines of this dt ia well by calling upon or at!: mdersigned. Good and res wanted to sell machines and ,achine is now on exhibition ioro' Manufacturing Compa irsons interested should call , for it is what every farmer H. C. GILBERT, _ ' Proprietor, Agent. Waynesboro' Pa. July i4,tf ' ItT FIFE INSURANCE C6MPANY, • 11:117NESTORU, INWRES AGAINST LOSS OR DAMAGE EY FIRE On all safe class property at reasonable rates 9 OFFICERS: W. K. A'!.II.IERSON, President. SnroN LEcnos VET President: Jos. Dotiot.ts, kEenzrAny. Jos. IV. artu.En„Treasurer. DI R Epif 0:R S: W. S. A 10erton, • Simon Lerron, Lewis S. Forney, Jacob Carbang,h, Jos. Douglas • ' Jos. Price. Jacob T. Miller. Jos. W. Miller, Benj. E. Funk, • D. B. Russell, Levi Sanders, Jacob Good. DANIEL SNIVEL'S', Agent, j tate IG,•'7OJ - 'Waynesboro', Pa. QI.D AND TIERRING.—Mess. Shad and .Pothinac Herring in bbls. for sale by \V f. FUNK is. dill ahead PURE GROUND SPICES are so , a FLANORINGEXTRACTS 15 different kinds at THE CORNER DRUG STORE for medicinal purposes at W. A. REID ?Rik& kNNOtitIIENTi We would invite your attention to our .7 1 .112,,5T SPRING GOODS which is large and varied and consists in part of 'SILK FINISH MOHAIRS, Black'and Colgrea Alapaceas, Japanese elins;_Japanese-Silk—Robes,Blaeli—G Grain Silks, Berlinese Clothes, CIIENE - BROWBAIX, BENTEII4PLIID ; Chene Poplins, Plaid Toin, QUAKER C7TY POPLINS, West End Mattelle Cloth, Troy Coon Repps, an elegant Rapper Goods, -WHITE. GOODS and Embroiderie. Hosiery and Gives, GENTS' - FURNISHING GOODS, NOTIONS,- °MOTHS, (new style) Ladies' Lasting Gaiters and Mo rocco Shoes. GROCERIES 1 GROCERIES ! Rio, Laquyra and roastgdOoffees, New Or leans Poatoriceo Sugars, Rice, Cheese ; Iron, Stone and China ware, Queensware of all kinds, Glassware in endless variety; Wood and willow ware; l'enitian, Ingrain and Rag Carpets, Cocoa Matting, Floor and Ta ble Oil Cloths, Oil and Paper Blinds, and in fact everything kept in a well regulated store'. Dar ..Ethantine—ow--priees—onet judge for yourselves. April 13, '7l. PRICE S.: HOEPLICH. antra ABSIVAL,I NEW GOODS 1111BERSON BENEDICT & CO'S, WE ARE NOW RECEIVING ,OUR SEC- OND SUPPLY, OF SQL INIQ & SUMMIOI ROADS„ ~.. , :. To which we call your attention. We are now prepared to sell all kinds of Dry Goods, Groceries, Gueensware and Notions, at a much lower price than they have been sold for several years. Shoes, Alpaceas, Summer Wear, Calicoes and Lawns, 'Arens Wear of all kinds, Rag, Imported and Birthing Carpet, , Everything needed in the Clothing Lin , Delaines, Shoes, Boots & Summer Hats, Oil Cloths for Floor and Table, 4. Boys & 'Misses summer wear, , Ntions of all kinds Cuffs & Collars, Breasts, Einbroiderv, Butterilk ~"Necl: Ties, C4attonades, Jeans a Tweeds, Table Diapers, Laces and Insertings, Elastic and Garter Braids, ' , Domestic and French Ginghaty) Irish, Blay and Coat Linen, Hosiery and:Gloves, - Cassimeres and Cloth. Our prices are low, .• Give us a call and we will try to 'am modate in everything. AMBERSON, BENEDICT, kg: C June 1,1871. WO N * •- a N • AT MILLER & Co's - . amnia co . have .just T W.st opened theirthststr of Spring Goods, which .was selectedfor - he home 'trade; and cori sista of all the sty es of-Foreign and Domes tic Dry Goods, c. Far the ladies they h a ve a large . of all the late style Dress and Fancy Goo . . • •Poplins,• Abscess, Serliges, Mohairs, A nice assortm , Collars, Fans;' ,Lawns, 'Kerchiefs, • Swisses• t Of Spring Shawls, Lace rasols, Corsets, Chignons, "tches, &c. Gents Furnishirig Goods of pality : .A full line of every style an. FRENCH, and AMERICAN CASSIMERES, ',,stings for Spring and Stun s, Collars, liandkerehiefs, es, Glovesi-Hosiern-Suspon- Coatings and mer; Also, ,S Bows,-Searfs,- ders, Cuffs, & i Rag and Cottage Carpet. Ta d Stair Oil Cloth; Baautiful dow Shades. Imported, ble, Rook styles Oil. k of Prime GROCERIES ; P 1 t:t • - Lew , d Bcates & Miller's White Lead Linseed, anners and Coal Oil: Window Glass an , ttv, and in fact everything that isusnall . and in a first-class country store. All p t ons desiring to purchase are re quest&l call and examine goods and pri ces. N. -ouble to show goods. April , 1871. J. W. M. & CO. S-ALL COLORS. JT SELF-RIEGULATIJNI RAIN - SEPARATOR- , BAGGER AND POWERS ! mpletnent more important to the 'ian a First-class Grain Thresher and for none pays him so well and so -N Clear spee( Th chins of thc addA Ibove cut shows the only Geiser Ma ow built under the immediate eve Id inventors themselves,with all the ial improvements made during the past 18 years, and now with CLASS WORKMEN & MATERIAL :whine just stands high above all of As a thresher it is equal to the best a cleaner it is superior to any exist g chine. This is admitted by ail hon. st petitors. Indeed it is the only Ma hi that really can, by. one operation, o.ghly thresh and clean grain fit for a t. But the fact that grain direct from achine commands from 2 t to`3 cents a u. More than grain direct from any oth r chine, settles the question of its supe io as a cleaner over all others. Inipar 'a dges at all the State and County Fairs , 1 it was thoroughly and practically e 7, in competition with other leading i hies, always agree that it is more sim- I more easily understood and operated • ose unskilled ih machinery—more du : —threshing as mach and yet cleaning r—with less poorer and more comfort 1 ands than any other m:whine in use— ,besides all that is sold for °less money w ding to capacity. These facts •are ler attested by the thousands of in ers, some of whom have had them in , or 'the last 18 years. To supply the qs of all, we now make 4 sizes, viz:— n a 2 Horse. Railway or 3 Horse Lever er, to a 10 Horse Lever Power, with es ranging from $l9O to $360, without -er. - We also make the latest impproved .le-geared Horse Powers, suitable for size machine, ranging from $9O to $135," all fully and fairly warranted. For her information send for circular and .e list. :lesponsible Agents in Territory not in duced. Address, THE GEISER MANUFAC'G CO., IVAvxEsuonoi, Franklin County, an. 21-tf Pennsylvania. WAYNESBORO' COACH FACTORY; 80. W. HAWKER having withdrawn frem the firneof -Adams & Hawker the bscriber informs the public that he con nuca the Coaehmaking buAttess in all its ranches, at the old stand. Ht will at all Ines have a supply of new Buggies, differ nt kinds, , on hand ; also second-handed Ve.-- idles. Repairing done at short notice.— Le use* the best material and employs good .ieehaniCs. He ,returns his thanks to the nblic for their liberal qatronage, :nd by ttention to business and a dispositit n to ecommodate hopes to merit a liberal share f the same in the future. Jan. 14-tf 1 . 111 . T,IEI• WILOSH, UNDERFEED SHUTTLE and . SEWING MACHINES! , $2Zi cheaper than any other. For Simplicity, Durability and Beauty,. they stand unrivalled. For Stitching, Hem ming, Tucking, Felling, ,Quilling, Cording, Binding, Bfaiding, Gathering, Gathering Sc Sewing on gathers, they" are unexcelled.7- Warranted. A.7E. WAYNANT, S. E. Corner Diamond, • Mar. 30, 1671. , . , Waynboro', Pa. CON - CAVE CON' EX spectacles, at • ALFX. LEEDS French G'inghams, Queensware, —Glassware. made of the Jsest Tin in the market, and warranted at the, sign of the D. BAtUf4SELL keeps constantly on hand a large assortment of all House Furnishing &lends for sale cheap. : Pure ICo. 1 Kero sene Oil and a large assortment of Lamps. • WASHING MADE EASY !- by calling at the sign of the "Big Red Horn' and getting the best Clothes Wringer ever made. Person in want of Stoves, Tinware, House Furnishing Goods, - &e. &c., eau get full value for their money by culling on D. B. RUSSELL & SOX; Sign of the !Sig Red Horn," Waynesboro', Pa. Alig 71, TOUR CaM; JACOB ADAMS This is the bbst Diy House ever offered the public. „ . It!dries Frnit'in half the time requiredty the_old method. , It dries uniformly and perfectly. The fruit dried by it retains more of thti natural flavor. „ t ad It is easily managed. It eaves fuel.. It-is durable and portable. It has 24 feet of drying surface. Call and see them at the sign of the and kayo your - orderifor'pem March 24, 1870. D. B. ROSSZL, NEW FIRM D. B. RUSSELL 'dr SON at the sign of the Big Red. Horn, will keep constantly on hand and for sale , :it large assortment of StOves and Tinware. - _ CQOM. STOVES (warintiOo'give satisfaction.) TINWARE, -T. STONEWARE, lIRASSWARE, JAPAi MOUSE 197R131411NG GOODS BUCKETS, CHURNS, . KNIVES AND FORKS, SPOONS LADLES, LARGE IRON COPPER KETTLES. And other useful articles at the sign of the BIG RED HORN, Wayngsboro', Pa., where a large assortment of COOK STOVES, NINE-PLATE STOVES, PARLOR STOVES, COAL_ STOVES &,6:, the-rnarketi-at--411e-Uteap-Tiit-un Store of D. B. RUSSELL & SON EVERYBODY VIE IMPROVED BASE BURNER, Sold at Retail by D. - 13. RUSSELL & SON, Sign of the'Big., Red Horn, Waynesboro', Pa km.t.a.4 "BIG •Rg) HORN", THE L. A. OELLIG D:RY HOUSE, PATTENTED JANUARY 21st 1868 ■'S J. B. Rireszia. COMPOUND FLUID iaIE X AJO 4AT A w 41.4 h I la a CdnrPenent Warta—Ridd.Extrads Rhubarb and Fluid Extracts _Cakricaba (raps Juice For Liver Complaints, Jaundice, Billions af • factions, Sick qr Nervous 41 a, Cos --illieneas, etc:- Finely y tiler contain iDng no Mercury, , , peletereous . rugs. These Pills arerthe inest delightfulfi pleas , ant -purptive; sups caster ' di ,- salts, magnesia,ete. There is not g more accepts ble to the stomach. They give tone, and cause neither nausea or 'gripping pains.— They are composed orthe final ingredients. After a few days' use ofthem, inch an invis oration of the entire system. takes place as whether atisingfrom imprudenoi or alense. H. T. Helmbold's Compound Fluid Extracts. Catawba Grape Pills' ;we not ,sugar-coated, from the fact that sugar-Boated Pills do not dissolves butpiosthroughtliWomacn with out dissn.:. - • g,. conse9nently de not produce the - des effect. PEE CATAWBA GRAPE, PILLS, being pleasant in taste and odor do not necessitate their being sugar-coated.— PRICE FIFTY CENTS PER BOX. HENRY T. HELMBOLD'S— - 4 HIGHLY CONCENTATED COMPOUND FLUID EXTACTS' SARSAPARIDLA Will radically_exterrnimite-froni-the-system- Scrofula, Syphilis, Fever Sores, Ulcers, Sore Eyes, Sote Lim, Sore Mouth;. Sore Head, Bronchitis, Skin Diseases, Salt Rheum,;Can kers, Runings from the Ear, • White Swell ings, Tumors, .CancerothiAffections, Nodes, Rickets Glanduler_Swelling eatsv Rash, fetter,Humors of all Ironic Rheumatism, Dyspepsia; and athat • een-established-in—flie-system—fdr- Tieing prepared expressly foi the above complaints its Blood-purifying prpperties are greater than any other preparation of Sarsa rills. It I'ves the . . , •, , •• • •ea .y co or and restores the. patient to a state of Health and Purity. For purifying the• Blood, removing all Chronic constitu tional diseases arising from an impure state of the Blood, and the only reliable and ef fectual known remedy for the cure Of Pains and swelling of the bones, Ulcerations ofthe Throat and Legs, Blotches,'Vimpels on the Face, Erysipelas, and all Stair Eruptions of the Skin, and butifying the - complexion. 111 HENRY T. HELMBOLD'S - C)NCErTRATED •-• • BLOOD EXTRACTBUCHtif - - TIIE , as cure. every awe of Diabetes in sh' —Start. •has. been given; irritation of the neck of the .Bladder anitindarnation of the Kidneys, Ul- Iceration of the Kidneys and Bladder, Iteten tion of Urine, disease of the Prostrate Gland, Stone in the Bladder, Calculus, Gravel,Brick dust Deposit, and Mucous or: Milky Dis charges, and for Enfeebled sand. Delicate Constitutions for both Se:sesiattonded with the following symptoms. Indisposition to Exertion, Loss of power, • Loss of Memory, Difficulty of breathhigAireak Nerves,Trenabl ing, Horror of Disease,Weakfulness,Dimness 'of Vision, Pain in the Back; Hot Muds', Flushing of the Body, Dryness of the Skin, Eruption on the Face, Pallid Countenance, Universal Lassitude of the Muscular Syktem, etc., COME AND SEE ORIEN'TAL se ay persons from the age of eighteen, .to twenty-five, and from thirty-five or in the decline or el ne of life; after confine etirorlabor-pa' a, , - gy bed-wetting i •n. • Helmliold'i-ExtractEnchnis-binretid-an& Blood purifying, and cures all diseases aris- Inglrom habits of Dissipation, and Exeeses and'lmprudence fn Life, Impurities of the Blood, ete.,-Superseding Copaviii in .Affec tions for which it is used, and Syphilitic Af-, fections—in thmedisease used in connection with Ilelmbold's Rolle Wash. LADIES In ninny affections peculiar triLadies, the Extract Ifuchu is uneaqueled by any other remedy—as in Chlorosts or' Beton• ktrN-1(r -regularity Painfulness or Suppression otleus tomary Evacuations, Ulcerated or. Sehirrus state of the Clercs, Leucorihtea or VhiteS, .Sterility,and for all complaints incicadent to the Sex, whether arising from . Indiscretion of habits of Dissipation. It is prescribed ex ; terasively by the most eminent Physicians anti Midwives for Enfeelaied and Delicate Constitution, of both Sexes and all ages (at tended with any of the above s Diseases or Symptonis). 0 I 'H. T.`HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT. . BUCHC,ICCRES DISEASE I S ABISING FROM IMPRUDENCE,' HABITS OF DISSIPATION, ETC., in all their stages, at little expense, little or no change in diet, no inconvemente, and no, exposure. It ~ - 34 t a:*) ±..aikAilii fil i o~s~ ~ ~ , - - AND, Al_ 1 4 1111 j MN 45,r,p.,. ate., Go ro routirawea Waynegbone, May 21,1871. A PrilialAVED,, PENNY MADE! bA. 'S THE OLD ADAGE . Well,lho_w_and"-whereis--the-pineerto-dolt-?" --- wherever vou can•use your money --- to the best advantage ; and popular opin ion has-long since given the palm to STOVitE it ,ter WOLFF, for keeping he best and cheap est store; all-they want is for 'buyers to call and examine their, stock and convince theuiselves of what they say: Our stock - consists of the following articles! Ladies Dress Goods--Suen Alpaecas, . Reps„ Mohairs, Poplins, Armuns, •Delainesy English Velveteens, Opera Cloths, , &c •,. MEN'S WEAR.--,---Ciotlis; Do Cassimeres,: Cords, Suttinetts, Cott n#a • Linens, Weeds, &c., &e. LADI.ES CUSTOSAIADE • SHO : m Lasting and Morocco, cheap. , 4:2k. 04:::7 3111-11; - Wehave bought largo,, coniequently, - All our goods have been.beught at im prices, consequently we are enabled.ti I •!" ' dersell those Who bought before the r;; , . an - r - Seo, and we 'Will ProN you what we say. - ALL KINDS OF COUNTRYI4IO=, DUCE BOUGHT AND SOLD.. June 29, STOVER' &,.WOLFF, CARSON'S STELLB OIL ! , . nE alarmitng 'increase in the nutaid of ightful accidents, resultinti‘ in terrible deaths and destruction 4 yaluableproperfv, reused bv the indiscriminate' use-of oils, know under the Mahe of Petrolemii, proMpts us to call your special_attention to an article which will, wherever used, remove the cause, of such accidents.' We allude to • CARSON'S STELLAR OIL FOR NATING PURPOSES. The proprietor of this oil has, for several years felt the necessity of providing for, and_ presenting to the public, as a substitute for the dangerous compounds which are sent broadcast over the country, an oil that • safe; brilliant, and entirely' reliable. Alter: a long,sories oflaborious and 'costlir experi-- ments, he heti succeeded in providing,, and', offers to the publk, such a substitute, 111 !vCARS9X'S STELLAR OIL" It shonkfheatseti by everefiunily becalu4o it is safe hernias questifon..The_Ptinturr pnrpos.e in theLprepgntton • :of ‘.BTELLAII OIL has beeti tomakeit teribetiv Safe, thus insuribg the ilvesandprope_ itY etthose who use it. Its presettelLdard of SAFETY' and BRIZZLiNGT aiwilYsbe maintainu ed, fur upon this the p ehat,depends for .suStaining• the high "roputetion; - %e.?STELer .LAR OIL new enjoys: To pieient theidultenition of thisolDwith the expkeive compounds nowlmownlinder, the name of, kegoi3enNlke, 'for fandly,.tieir,b4l :.earb. can being sealed,.44 .;114,.; •• ' 'trade mark of the two iatiaralt be tampered Wit bettteeit theinian , eturer and tOnsumer. -gone is 'genuine without this trade-niark. • , It is the duty „and interest of dealers and cuatomersotillaminatink,all to rise the 'STELAR OIL ofili•;beca' tiseit alone is , known , ,to be safe antli*hable. It is for by ,Amberaon; BeVedict'Waynesboro'. rlanon & StatlerOlarion. " • E. B. Winger, -Quincy. Gelwieks & . Burkhart, Cluunbersburg. • ' W. D. Dixon', - St. Thomas._ , J. Hostetter & co. - Greeficaitlo. Thomas C: Giove,'Meree,rsburg. , Jno. L. Ritehery. - t - ' 3ARDEN & CO., WaatusaLs AGENTS. No. 136 South Front St., rhiladelphia. feb 2-1871. , ' . CONS EX CNOCAYE t;peetaelefa; at . t.) ALEX. LEEDS