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And witkuipinory's retr erted gaze . ‘ O'er the Yeati_'that hairesped.. their Hight; She Seestlint the'dark on life'S tapestried wall _Was aisiteedfulas the-light. - . ' - 'As she sits in'her corner knitting, knitting The tiny and delicate links that fall From the shining needles, each, one fitting Into a perfect whole, , ~_.........m... - o - o — m - _deedsasnoisele • q and_ - - And the stature of thisoul. The 'children's children throng around her, Fair faced and locks of gold;' • :For many a' chord of love has bound her To the new as well as the old. , • . • A peacefutpresent, a busy, past, Rich with the blessing of God, Their lights Mid' shadows together Cast* O'er the llong pathway trod; Thedopens the boundless future before her, Withits "trembling hope" of bliss, • The higher life that shall soon restore 'her 'The loved and lost' of this : ' • „ And the holy, light of the land immortal - : Beames on that time-woni fime, -*, • As her stepadraW hear to t 1 , 1. heavenly portal, The goal of the eartillyrafe. .3fggazine. I CONSOLATION. There are once- beloved faCes 11 We gaze on no , re, As we stand-in the aces . That know them yOr - el pe#ll (Anne not upcm. them— ... Their smiles still are bright, But strangers kive won them, And live in theirlig,lit. „s, Yet age Iu its wrinkles, • And lira has its cares; And eachassing year sprinkles - A few silver hairs t They must watch the cheek shrivel, And greet the gray. hair; • • But to' us'tis unChangifig— For us ever fair. There are ties that must Bind us, The Ugh severed ror. ays ; There are sear leaves that mind us Of loVe s s summer-d4 ,- ; There are Impo that still flatter When hope long leas fled, Like flowers that we scatter With tears o'er the ' But dearet, though bioken, Such. ties may become, • More awe Alban if spoken Our dear hOpes and thimb, That the triumph 04 gloom Of a-fatal success Which turns into ctii.ses The things that should bless. glisultutors MORAL.POWER OF MUSCLE. It is about a dozen yeah since business —not pleasure, took we .to New Jerico, the terminus of civilzaticin• and• the Warn melover Railroad. And "a hard road to travel" „that was. It had steeper grades, sharper curves, and mare of them than, it is to be hoped, ever put in peril thepub lie life or limb before or since. It was Saturday afternpon,and we were to reach Jerieo at some lindelinite hour thatevening, "time not Whig of the es sence of the contract." At a place called Blueruin we stopped fifteen minutes to "liquor." There had been a cock-fight, and several other fights, and a big croud there that day, and every body was in high glee. The New Jerico delegation returned by our• train, and rougher locking samples of rustic rowdydom it would have been diffi cult to find even in that ffivored region.— Among them was a strapying siz-footer, a very Hercules in proportions, with a cock o'-the walk sort fo meager about him, who took possession of two seats, deposi ting his body on one and deadheading his legs on the other. One cheek was puffed out by an underlying tiuid i •uhile over and anon with a backaction erk, he would send near, a gill of tocci juice over his abodlder, which those within rimge had the privilgireir dodging ortaking *peon - sequence OM; they liked. As for hiscon versation, tbe curse Ernulphus, or the table-talk 4f a\Flanders mess-room inUn cle time, in • point of nutledictory power, was wealrincom s s At the nest Asti - oil ay , s tig lady came on board, beautiful saV- us and modest as Dian.. How 80 Rare • a older came to /, bloom in_such a Wild, was a question to puzzle over. But there was no time to settle it. The lady was standing and all the seats were occupied. I was on,, the point of offering her mine when a Touth fulteoking gentleman of preposesing man nera and almanac% ste s forward and addressed thecesehout s rules "Allow me,' he said po itely, "to turn over the buck Atm seat." "Hey?" grunted the other. The request was repeated. . "See you dod damedfirst," was thegr4f response. "But, sir—" the gentleman began to ez yostu la te. •'- "Lookee herd yen !" blustered the. bul-• ly, don't, you ifferfor to go for to'rile me! —that's my adiicean' 'gives it freegratis, 'cause I feel a trust in you.", "But this lady is'entitled,to.a seat," the :stranger persisted. . • oGive liar your own, then, dod rot you! an' stop ' your .shin music, or by Hoky, you -' As a last resort - the gentleman appeal 'ed to the conductor, who happened to be passin,g. • But the latter dechned to infer fere. sidi things must be left ,to 'cour tes .~ Besides, it wasn't his .lace to take 'part m • ' e , isputos of passengers., So saying, ho_weat • his way, - piniching his tickets; and taking no farther heed. . t`Dod blast you, you hey riled, me !"-- shouted the. bully, swiping to - his feet and striding up to the . young man, who didn't seem quite-sensible of his danger, "you've _ gone and stuck Your nose into other peo ple's business, an. Pm going to pull it An attempt was made to, suit the action to_ the word; but before the metaphori cally offended member 'had been so much as teed, something—it moved so ii — vilV ly 1 could'Afbe pa — iitiveit was tile gentle , iferr. &V - --WekHurculTis — dit 1 e ween the eyes, and sent him sprawling to the , other end of the car. He didn't get,* immediately and when he did, he seemed a little bewildered as to whether-he had been knocked down;, or the Jrain run off the track: 'He had enough- at all events,, wherever it come frciin, as was manifest from the subdued air - with which he took ills departure forthe smoking-car, whither his companions soon followed, no doubt chuckling at the result, as usually do .the chums'of a whipped bully. -Pap Kilderkm, the proprietor of the New jerico Rest, was the most communi cative of hosts: Before bedtime that night; I was thoroughly and accurately "up" in all the gossip of the place, and had its' scandalous statistics"at my fingers' ends. Among other '' things I , - learned that "stated. preaching had hitherto been a mong the wants of the community, but. that a "supply" had been at last obtained, and the new minister was expected to en ter on his' uties on the morrow. • .- .." "And a freshin' season he'll hev of it," said pap. "Why so ?" I asked. "Oh! Bill Grinkey an' .t'other Chaps goiu'to break him termorror ; an' if you want to see fun,.l'd edwise you toile that ' And I did go—out "to see fun," as Pap Kilderkin suggested, bat I trust, from bet ter motives. Pap went too-4.1. what prompted,. I prefer not judging. . . When we reached the church the min ister had not yet made his appearance, though a goodly number of hearers had already'assembled.' A few minutes later yesterday's delegation to the Blueruin cock fight, headed by the vanquished bully, with his eyes in full mourning, sauntered in, and walked noisely down the aisle.. "That's Bill Grinkey," whispered Pap, "an' them's other chaps." "Make way for the mourners!" sang out Bill, crowding, with • his companions; into a front seat, where a boisterous, con versation was struck up, mingled with' an incessant cracking of peanuts. • "I 'can tell you that progmnny," Pap continued, "a pack 'of shootiu" crackers i'll be teched off doorin' the first hymn, an' a pair. o' game chickens as a couple o' them chaps'got in their pockets, 'ill be sought fightm, a§ soon as the tex.'s gin_ out, after which general Ned will bein or der." , A sudden silence fell upon the congre gation. Not a' murmur was heard, and the peanuts ceased'to Crack. Lookingup, I saw the minister in thepulpit; and guess my surprise at recognizing him as the youn.s man that had struck out so deftly from his shoulder the day, before. ' With a clear, manly voice, he_gave out a hymn, which Was.sung through without interruption:.. A prayer :was offered up a mong profound and decorous silence.— Another hymn followed, and then a ser mon, earnest, plain and practical with outa wkord of can't in. it.. From the be ginning to the end of tht exercises, not an unseemingly sound was heard, save a single incipient crow, promptly choked off from one of the invisible chickens. "I say Bill," I overheard from one of "t'other chaps," as they made their way out; `that parson's a trump'; he preaches a down-right good lick, and fights fair Without Wm' or gougin." It was easy to see the new minister's status was settled. I have since heard that Bill arizikey has 'become an exem plary member of the church; and the parson the happy husband _of the young lady, as' whose champion he first achiev ed popularity.—Bli judge Clark AY OLDFincE.—A fence is still stand ing in Gerniannown, Penn., which was in its present location darim. , the days of the revolution, and still/bear;the marks upon it of the battleof Germantown. It is upon the place, of Mr. Elwood Johnson, Main Street, aeve Washington lane, The prop erty formerly belongM.to the Keyser fittni lv,and was formerly in the 4sisseasion of Peter Keyser, who was abeywhen thebat tle of Germantown was .fought. He, re membered and Used to.tellof the• btirial of eight British icadiers i n one grave in Axe's graveyatd,'nearlY opposite his fath er's house. The fence was built of inch bonnie, but they. are now not ~ ;re than the third of an inch . in this ving been mowed to the weatherfor ly a century. The postsore of red cedar d have never been removed since they were' first erected, Mr. Keyser having refused to have the fenee.removed during his life time, and 'the present owner retai ni ng it as . it has stood so long —Father won't you buy me a fish pole?" said a pi'ous boy; "You know - the Bible says," spare the rod and spoil the child!" Subscribe tor the Village Ree-;ii. .i imlli alla . ALll .l ajU am al .. .t , l le Z.I" I , • z _ WAYNESBORO', FRANKLIN.,COMY,,PA.,TBURSDAY, ANY 4 29, 1871.. • _ In a certain small town on the Missis sippi lived a man who - made horse-trad ing tv business. He bought up, horses for .a city market, Aml_was considered pretty, gOOd on a trade. One day, a long, lean, queer, greenlook . s s ecimen of the western count arri- veil at the dock with a boat-load of hors es. He inquired for the horsejock,ey. "Daddy sent me down with some hors-. es," he said in a half idiotic tone. "Who's he?" "What do . you want' for your horses?" "Daddy 'said you could set your price" was the responce. • • 'Let me go down and look at your hors-, es," said Brown, and accordingly they were soon at the boat. Brown examined the horse 4, and nam-.. ed the price he would give for this one, and that, and the country bumkin made no objection, although some of the offers were not more than one-half thereal price - of - the - Imimak - 7 One - of - the -bystanders gently-suggestedio the - countryman - that -he-was-beiniaeatedrhtit-be-returned. 9,2oaddy said Brown would set the price himself," and so Brown had it all his own way. At last they come to another animal which did not look much superior to the rest. "I must have more fur that anermel," said the fellow. Daddy says he can run some." "Run!" said Brown, "that nag cant run worth a cent." "Daddy said so, and daddy knows." "Why, got one up in the stable that would beat him hollow." "Guess not," said the fellow. ':Let's .try 'em. "I'll bet the whole boat load of horses on 'im." Brown smiled. stake five thousand dollars against your boat-load," said Brown, winking to the crowd, "and these men," selecting two, "shall hold the stakes." Brown's Ave thousand was intrusted to one, and the other went on board the horse boat. . ' One of the crowd started to remonstrate with the poor idiotic fellow, but lie only. responded? "Gully! dad told me he could run some and daddy ought to loose 'em if be was , such a, tamed fool as to tell me that when he couldn't." - Brown's - sleek racer was brought down, and Brown mounted him. The countryman led out his animal and climed on his back looking ,as uncouth and awkward as the horse he proposed to ride.. The word was given, and they started midst of the laughter of the Crowd. At first Brown was , ahead, and, it looked as •" (nigh tile poor fellow was to be badly beaten, nen suddenly his horse plunged forward and the horse jockey was left far behind. Such going had not been seen in those parts for a long time,' and poor _ Brown w crestfallen, as is, the cheers of 't h e bystanders - fell on his ears. "I'll take the snpndulix," said the coun tryman, riding up. "Dad. was right.— The anermal cam git round a little." Brown tried to - say it was all a. joke, but the fellow would have his money. "I guess I wont trade to-day," he said, as he put it in his old rough pocket-book. I'll go back to daddy." In vain Brown tried to induce him to trade but he pushed off his boat; resolu tely saying, "I'd better go back, and tell daddy!" Brown Was completely ' "sold" fOr he knew•at once that the green countryman was a leetle shrewderthan peopleimagined him, • and had just t onae there purposely to win his money. Next time he did not ridicule a horse that "daddy" said "could run-some." A Strange Presentiment, The Scranton (Penn.) Republican ° tells the following sad story of one of the 'vic tims of the late Pittston disaster : "William James expired abouo3 o'clock on the afternoon-of the Tuesday following the catastrophe, and was the last addedto the list of those upon whom the death an gel laid his hand in that awful havoc. He was a welshman; and had beenin this country about seven months. On the morning of the dreadful ' day in question he had taken his breakfast' and his wife had made ready his dinner and set the pail hefore him. For sometime he sat wrapped in thought, his arms folded, his eyes fixed vacantly upon the stove and a deep melancholy apparently • broOding.o- - ver him. He was aroused born his rever ie by his Wife telling him that his dinner was ready, and that he would be. late, as the bell had lung. He started to'his feet and gazing upon her for a•moinent with a look of tenderness and significanee, said to her, 'lf I should notconle back • alive would you be in such tPhurt getting me out ?' The wife- answered 'No,' but re marked that, `if he was going at all, it was time he was gone.' • He lifted up his pail without saw word, and after kissing his wife, ' four little chil dren, who were sitting 'playing on the door-step., When he had got about fifty yards from his home, he returned again, awl kissed -his wife' and' children with with great• fervency. His. wife noticed that he was the victim 'of gloomy forebod-' Inge, and as he turned away she - was a bout to ask hint not to go to work. if he apprehended any danger. But hope and courage and the pressing necessities of their family overcame her intention, and she let him, go. She stood in the door and watched him on,his way . to the fatal pit. When' at a point where he turned out of her Sight, he paused and east a 'wistful look toward his home and little ones, and seeing his wife, waved with his hand a last' adieu. He parted with his loved ones forever. Daddy's say. Tu.EiVORN-OTIT FONTS OrT,iPE IN THE "VIL- 'LAGS EiCORD"4O*FICE By an' Old Frinter I'm sitting atnii : de4lri Will ; Before me on the floor Imagine worn-ora fonts ofiype, Ftrlrtiffft y . • own • ecore. And many menths have pa' ed, Will, Since they were bright an new, And many are the'tales the. vetold, The false, the'etrange, the trulf • eir beauty all has, flown, Will, You scarcely now may trael, •iltion the snowy niediani, • helilsness of their ce. ThOy:'mind me of, a „Will, • Whose, morn of of, • • all Of promise, but whas • ye • gs close . Was desolate and dull. ' What tales of horror hve they told, Of tempests and of wreck ; Of murder at the midnight hour, Of - war; - fullirtatira - "Spenkr Of ships that far away at sea Vent down before thdliMit; Of stifled _Cries of agony, Aa-life's last moment passed!. Of earthquakes and of suicides ; Of failing crops of Cotton ; , • Of bank defaulters, broken banks, • And banking systems rotten; Of boilers bursting, steamboats Of riots, of duels fought; Of robbers with their prey ,' , eicaped Of thieves with booty caught. Of land-slides and of Waterspouts; Of ants and alligatbrs; Of serpents in the brinjr deep; Of giant sweet potatoes; t Of children lost, and-childreu i found ; . Of finances in disorder; Of fights among the firemen, And troubles on the border. They've told us of a narq, on, Will, Bent sorrowing in the (last; , Of one Whom, she had called to fill Her highest, dearest trust ;• Of sparkling crowns for . youtlkfulbrows ; Of royal coronations; Of plans to rid The earth of kings, Of temperance reforinations:' Of flood and fire,., amtaccident; These worn-At tyPeg have told, nd how the pestilence has swept The youthful and the old. f marriages, of births, of deaths ; Of things to please ,or vex tts ; Of one man's jumpinF,overhoard, Another gone to, Texas. ,; _ They've told how long sweet summer - days Have faded from our view; How Autuniti's chilly wind-hath swept, The leaf-crowned forest through How winter's reign hath come and gcin: Dark reign of storm and Arifc—i And how the Smiling spring has Warrit'd The pale flowery back to life,' ' •' • I can't pretend to mention half • Your inky friends have told, ' Since, shining bright and bfautiful; • They issued from, the mould. How unto some they joy have brought, To others, grief and team; ' Yet faithfully they, reeor d kept, • Of fast receding yearn. • A Touching Story. In the cemetry of Tennessee,; a stranger was seen planting . a flower o ver a soldiers graye. When asked, "Was your son buried there?" . . "No," was_the answer._ "Your son-in-law?" "No" „ . • • "A brother?" LLAT O 1/ "A relative?" "No" After a moment, thestianger laid down a small board which he held in his' hand and said: 1 'Well, I will - tell you when the war broke out, I was a fitrmer in Illinois. wanted to gnlist, but I was poor.. I bad a wife anti seven children. I was drafted. I had no money to hire a substitute and so I Made up my mind that I must leave my poor sickly wife and little children; and go and fight the enemy: After I had. got already to go, a young man whom I, knew, came to me and said: You have a big family which your wife cannot take care. o£ I will go for you.' He did go in my place, and in the.battle of.Chicka- mauga he was wounded, and taken to Nashville hospital. ,But after long t-ickr miss he died,.and was buried here and eve er since I have wanted to come to Nash ville and see his grave; and so I saved ui) all the tare money I could,' and yiaster day I came on, and to-day I found my dear friend's' grave. ,1 • With tears of gratitude running down his cheeks, he took up the'small board and. pressed it down: into the ground in the place'of a tombstone: Underthe soldier's home were written Only these few words' • "HE ,DIED FOR, The bright spots of a num.'s. life are few enough without ' blotting -any out: - Mid, since for's moment or mirth we - have - an, hour of sadness,-it were a surly policy' ; 'to diminish the few-rayalhat illumine 'nen checkered existence;, , -Life isanApritday —sunshine and shouters. The heart,,like the earth,, would cease to yield:good Trait were it not sometimes Avocet with It tears of sensibility; and the itlwoald worthless but for the sunshine of smiles. Why is a person approaching a candlC like a man getting Willis horse? Becauie he's going to a- "ght. ' • ~.I. o .provent old maids from dewairing '" - ' . , PEP >);T:i #lO AvPili )40/ Brief Pacts about Bees There are three classes of bees in a hive —the worker; lueen and droan. Queens are raised by peculiar foodYnd treatment from eggs that wouldz-other ,wise producewprkers. The worker is an iindevelei