agrintiturai, liest.of Plowing by Steam. livVnuaarve, according to the state ment of English papers, that the cost oflintaikteby the use of Fowler's steam *ow on strong land, has been found as gw „ stated. The expense of plow silo engine complete is £l,OOO, but the engine being used for other purposes when not plowing, it is thought fair to 4;thitate the whole cost at £7OO. The following is a correct statement of the yearly items : Interest'est x £7oo, 5 per cent. Antill' wear, 10 per cent . Ropairs of' brakage. 9frid, oil and tallow , gett. Water cart. £3OB _litie above estimate is based on an alleseance of one hundred days actual *vice each year, which would be over aor $l5 daily—or over $3O at the prieent value of currency in this coun try. The daily average number of acres plowed has been eight, and the cost therefore in our present currency would be about $4 per acre, or $2 in gold. It would be a question for our far teem to answer, whether this work oil Mid be more cheaply accomplished by hones, if it were not for the fact that him-work, coal and wages are all cheap er bi England than here. At. the same *ilia the labor of horses is dearer. The l,* Au 'Authority states that twelve ' shill liper acre is the lowest rate that Wing am be done on strong soils *ones in England—which would Ilia in gold, or over $6 at the pres -14:0- in American currency. This ;ieigaft. tile case, steam-plowine , is prac r rid more profitable in England. Probably with all the drawbacks of higher prices here and rougher land, , ... •'- ..40 -the want of experience, it ~ , 4 •Mt be executed at the present thgt a ttleas tlihu seven or eight dollars piiistailka: 1, - * vif the preceeding figures are rellM.'''n appears that the first year ;Lptrre eiperimerits there were many ges and interruptions. But now, afterAllejwse,, of ,three years, through morilibllt iii licianagement, they have become but few, and the expense con ampatoveinly - lesicned. It is for thelPlllo4iteige three years that these ?stag were made and not for the '«W leave never been sanguine that eteraft)wing would soon be intro, :01,110.4166 seuntry, and have no doubt tlairtrU i ttieml - retarded by unsuccess ful eximPftwentec made through a enista ked-ileiV 'of its easy accomplishment. to r prospeet-at present of its in . ction, except on the broad plains Where the seasonable per fessmsnos of plowing over thousands of lOW by. means of machinery, for the pumas* of timely planting, may be awe important than the saving of ex pense in the operation. Countiy Gen- ---•• , How hi Kitt Canada Thistles. Heavy feeding and early mowing are t - tor this pest. To • i groumi. exoopt by thorough "tr. ip a sure means of encourag ing, • groWth and spreading. And even the most perfect and expensive fall*king'is liable to fail of its object if by chance a single stalk is allowed to seed indli j eseighliorhood ; because the sevkapiscattered by the wind with ' great facility; and the better the titlh the snore readily the seed germinates. Stordinary cultivation the roots are . , brokori , and disturbed, and the seed is ' mafthed usually before the crop is ripe enough to harvest. Under such cir cumstances the spread is very rapid. And even in pastures they multiply rap idly, especially in loose soils. To rid land of thistles, seed it thickly with grass. A good strong growth of grass, taiffldes reducing the amount of thistles at once, decreases its vitality. and thus records the maturity until a latter period than that at which the grass is ripe enough for haying. If, then, the crop itpcifttin season, the slender stumps of tlieitistles are exposed to the darriag ifkg effects of the weather, and no tears need be entertained_ clf spreading by either root or seeding . - If the eating i*iayed, there is little danger from seedmg,.as it is rare to find seeds hav- ing.viiality When grown among grass Time and pptient.determination are nec essary to final sueeess. How long a time sillthet required in every' cage to complete their destruction,' I will now 911 1 11 1111 1ja to say; but I have never &Hoant an instance when enough this were found at the second cutting to kiliss the mallet value of the hay, or ter:lMlstuna4 lesson the amount.— Aissnle, I think the third mowing will prove effectual, except against whet may yet spring from seedremain iiiehi the soil. t. Dent Corn in Western New York. We have noticeltin former years the re i, ah l e .success of Joseph Wright, o • ' 77 00, in the cultivation of the large Dent core—such as is raised in central and southern Ohio. His land for t~ifwfweihs remeakell e Sat. - its , , o,,,lightness and fertility—en '._ . it-with . leanly planting to mature , ""%41antassinal frosts. We have , iirette of his fields, a stalk w le hierissionly two inches of being lifelletilfettlfigli, and the upper ear was too far above the reach of a six-foot iiiii - to reach up and hang his hat on. Preolo4l4henie, could not of done it had he been there. This corn gen eidtklidded nearly a hundred bush lietmire,- End in soave instances eon reiceeded thiii amount. S. of Wftterloo,• tarnishes the Gintowilmeir with a statement of the oftw ier . o4lit Maxon covering eigh tow acne. He never had a larger 4rne ham. bushels of ears or 440112' Thee,* of this Miety aommali three bushels of ears fia i rMi . OTatietled wilt' "Thin variefe illemat•vit.d tiot . - 0 rillaaanmer , ,_„ dinalliais tin Vi r adilliv York—but it shown. the compifte fran. trot in cultivation, which those farmers I possess, who, by under-draining, ma - miring, and other good management, make the season a month longer, as well as.obtain a larger growth from everything they cititivate.—CounhT Gen amen. D. R. P. Huss. JAMES INGFIR-AM Government Claims. HUSS & iNCHRAM, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law .£35 70 36 77 SOLDIERS CLAIM AGENT 3. Having been duly licensed according to Law by the government AS IS REQKIRED OF ALL PER SONS TRANSACTING Brett 'BUSINESS. they are fully prepared with all the suitable blanks and ne• cessary instructions front the several De partments at Washington City, to prosecute with promptness and dispatch all kinds et War Claims, Pensions, Bounties or Back Pay, due discharged soldiers, I heir widows, orphan childremparents brothers and sisters,as well as the bounty of ene hundred dollars.due discharg— en sold:era on aecount of wounds received OT sickness contracted ~, hile in the service s , in tF . accordance with the special Act of wit 3d, 4 1863. Also, the Bounty of four it . red dol lars to Veteran Recruits and t hundred dollars to rnw recruits or discharged soldiers or their nest of kin, as authorisea by the Reso lution of Congress of Januar" 13th, 1864, as welt as all county or township bounties due them, will receive their undivided attention if entrusted to their halitilliti. , Le s qut business of all kinds respectfulty solicited. Collections will receive *fir prompt attention. Mr. Hong,' who has been practicing with success Gat some time in the Claim business, most respectfully refers to the following tlamiants, who, among others, have obtained Pensions, Bounty or Back Pay through hie hands: Samuel Rinehart, Rogersville, Greene Co. Pa. Wm. Mcclelland, Waynesburg, do do Michael M'Govern, Jefferson, do do Jos.. Silveus, Rogersville, do do A. B. Smith, Mordock's P. 0. do do Thos. Barnhart, New Freeport, do do David Johnson, White Cottage, do •do Jacob Greenlee, Clarksville, do do Jno. Lundy, Jefferson, do do Wm. Pratt, Four Mile Bridge, do do Thos. Longstreth, Spragg's P. 0. do do Sam' I. Caplan, Prairie City, M' Doriogbli Co.ill. Harrison Morris,• Newtown, Greene Co. Pa. Thos. Roseberry, Oak Forrest, do do Rinehart B. Church, Rogersville, do do Wm. Wilson., White Cottage, do do Wni. Fox, New Freeport, do do F. B. Wilson, Waynesburg, do do Mrs. Lydia Morris,White Cottage, do do " Eliza Snyder, Oak Forrest, do do " J3arbery Masters,N. Freeport,do do " Nancy Hunt, Waynesburg, do do " Cartissa Mattux, Sparta. Wash. do " Mary Thomas, Oak Forrest, Greene do " Mary C. Silvens, Rogersville, do do Office in No. 2, Campbell's Row, Waynes burg, Pa. Jan. 18. OIL WELL PULPS! Olt Mt 10111 TOOLS OIL WELL TUBING (Light and Heavy ; Iron and Brass Joints.) OIL WELL PUMP RODS OF ALL KINDS Brass Pump Chambers and Valves Wrought Iron Pump Chambers lined with Brass. Pump Tops and Finished Rods. WE have on hand and for sale, tight and Heavy Artesian Tube. Brass or Iron Joints. We w ill guarantee our Light Tube to stand a working pressu to of 300 lbs, and the Heavy 1.000 lI.P to the square inch Wrought Iron Rms. Lined Chambers, the same size. pipe, for heavy working pressures, We have Just in troduced Tubular Wrought Than Pump Rods, Flush Joints, made stong and one Mile its entire length, and cannot cut 'he sides of the tube. All kinds of articles connected with COIL ''VVIOLI.aiSt Kept constantly on hand Send for Circular of prices, Davis & Phillips, OFFICE, NO. 110, PUBLISHED THIS DAY! COIL AND COIL OIL. BY PROFESSOR BOWEN. ore Volume. Cloth. Priv $2410. COAL AID COAL OIL ; or, The Geology of the Earth. Being a popular description or Miner als an 1 Mineral Combustibles. By Eli Bowen, Pro fessor of Geology. This work should be in the hands of, and read by all who take any interest in Coal Oil or Coal. Compliant in one volume, bound. Price 52 00. Published and or sale at the Cheapest Book in abe World to buy t r send for a attck of books which is at • T. B. Peterson & Brothers, 306 Chesnut at., Phi Pa., Pa. • Copies of the above. will be sent everywhere, at once, free of postage. on receipt of the price by us For Sale by all Booksellers. Feb. 15, '65. . _ Auditor's Notice ! GREENE COUNTY, S. S. Commonwealth of Pennryl- 1 in the Court of Com yania for use of Thomas mon Pleas. of said H. Meighen..l9lls. Throck- I County, of Docega utorton and others, her Term, 1d57, No, vs. 60. TOOO3OO Hill and Mathias Roseherry„ Sgectort of I ecire Facias. Mathias Roseberry, deed, I with notice to Tene Ten- I ants. And now, to wit: Pecember 21st. lfhit, David Craw ford, Es q.. appointed auditor to distribute the balance of the fund my/gaining in court after paying th amount deemed to U.e representat one of Atk11115441 Sellers. Attest. 1 I will attend to the deities of the ittswe appcitrt- Olent, at the Treasuret's Office, in Waynesitrat, on Wednesday, the filth day of March next • when and where nil persona interested can attend, if they thiok proper to do to Feb 15th, 'Ob. EXECUTOR'S SALE. TN penmen of as order of the Qrsdians' Coen 01 .L Greene Condi'. tki the undersigned Executor of the last will and nittamenc ofldnitpan Springer, deed , sett at etiblic m'" okac, the premises on die t a b 41 4 , o f gpurai D esh, a valuable traet of land, militated on the Itennegabela river. in bustard Grosse CO.: Pb.. at4oining lends of Isaac Morris, hein (Wert** Morris, land frincerie of doesthan Miner, deed- and the lEmeagatteia river, COOttining one hendintaeres sense er ateta it hula port oa of me hied hiseresied, .witb* henntSlS l MAG r ier heihiliaria exerted Magee, • , ja. lk• .tuf werlierweee the left& awl we 1,0 4 1 . 11101111141 11414.11-oeir half if eamilkiwilias of tbe male, and the remain ' - ' asethe khansidkhr, with [Merritt *eel Jeg. T. elfitiNfiEß. . 4,1- Executer, DM WATER STREET, Pittsburgh, Pa By the rota. JUSTUS F. TEMPLE, Prothonotary, D. CRA WFoRD, Auditor -:0:-..- COMMISSIONER'S NOTICE. -(.-a:}- The tax payers of Greene County are hereby notified that the undersigned Com missioners will meet them in the respective townships, to hear appeals from the asses ments of the township Assessors, as follows, to wit : In Springhill tp.. at Stephen Whites Mill, on the 15th and 16th. In Gilmore tp., at the house of Enoch ?len- nen on the 17th. In Jackson tp., at Peter Grimes Store, on the 18th. In Centre tp., at the house of Samuel Woods, in Clinton, on the 24th and 25th. JOHN PRIOR, JOHN G. DINSMORE, THOMAS SCOTT. CommtssioNzas OFFICE, Waynesburg Pa., 1_ February, 10 1865. Commonwealth of Penn'a. Greene Co, SS In the Common Pleas of said stung, Nn. 4, Septemder Term, 1864. Archibald Groc ms, LIBEL IN DIVORCE vt And now December 20. Igol Amanda Grooms. Alias Subpnenea returned and woof being made that defendant cannot lie found in *aid county, the Conrt order publication by the : 4 lier iff according to the Act of Assembly, in Such case made and provided. By the court. Attest, .1. F TEMPLE. Prothly. The defendant in the above case will take scrice that she is required to appear in the Court of Gortim;n Pleas of the county of Omen°. nn the first day ,if the next term, to wit: March 20th, ISO, to answer the petition or libel of the plaintiff, Jan• 11, 1665.-4 t. MATH JOHNS, ssi'fr. Greene - County, F. In the Orphans' Court of Greene county, No. 3. June Term, 1864. fn the matter of the par tition and valuation of the real estate of Wil liam Miller, dec'd. • • And now to wit : Dec. 20'64. Inquisition confirmed and the Court direct the return of the Sheriff as to the service of the writ on parties out of the State. to be amended and to amend the affidavit to the petition, and grant a ride upon the heirs and legal representatives of said deceased, Vl7. : Elizabeth Myers. (wid ow,) and Elizabeth Millflr. residents of Came ron, West Virginia, and Jacob Miller and Hannah Miller, intermarried with Jacob Isi ntinger, residents or Aleppo tp.. Greene coun ty, Pa., to come into Court on the first day of March term next, and accept or refuse the land at the valuation, or bid for the same or show cause why the same shall not be sold by the court. Attest. J. F. TEMPLE, Clerk. HEATH JOHNS, Shff. .023 Fxecutors'Notice, rETTERS tes'arnent art , having been granted to /the undersigned It ton the estate of .1 OP' 1,. Stains, deed. late of Mar ion township, Greene county. Pa. Notice is hereby given to all persons knowing them selves indebted to said estate to make immediate pay ment. and those having claims to present them proper ly authenticated for settlement. MARIATT SUTTON, WM. 11. SUTTON, Executors. ja2s Administrators' Notice. LETTERA of Admistration, cum testamento Imam upon the estate of John Cotterell, dec'd., having been issued to the undersigned, notice is hereby given to all,persons basins claims agsinst the said estate to present them for settlement, and all persons in drlded to said estate are requested to make Mime d iatv payment. JNO COTTERELL, Jr. .INO. lIA YEN Feb 15, '65 Administrator's Notice. I ETTER:4 h Admingration on the estate of II;E0 KING, late 01 Wayne ta., dec'd., having been granted to the ism ersietted, notice is hereby given to persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate tc make immediate payment. and those having claims against the estate to present them duty authenticated for settlement. PETER YEAGER Feb. 16, '6,5. Aolll . f. Greene county, ss. In the Orphans' Court of said county of Sep. term. 1864, No. 21. In the matter of the par tition and valuation of the real estate of John McNay, dec'd. And now to 'ol', : December 20th Mil, Sheriff return to inquisition approved and con firmed, and the Court grant a rule upon the heirs and legal representatives of said deceased to come into Court, upon the first day of March Term neat, and chose or refuse the estate at the valuation thereof, or bid for the same, or show cause why the same shall not be sold. By the Court .1. F. TEMPLE, Attest, HEATH JOHNS, Stiff. Greene County, S. S. IN the Orphan's Court of sad county, of Deeember Term, 18134, No. In the matter of the settlement of the final account of Ezekiel Braden. Administrator, De Boni. a n, of the Estate of Jonathan Walton, deed. Exceptions filed—see arrount. A oil now, to wit; December, 1864, the coact refer this acemint to A. A, Putman, as auditor to remrt upon e‘ceptions. J. F. TEMPLE, Clerk, () C. Tile underi-igned will ;wend to the dillies of the above appointment at office, in Waynesburg, on Wednesday, the Bth day of March, 18e5, oht n and where all persons inte-ested can attend if they see proper. A. A. PUR M AN, Feb. 15, 1 65, Auditor. PO= 10 al GREAT CLOAHOME• OF THE WEST Plittiburgh Cloak and Mantilla Store :1 73 market Street, Pittsburgh, Pa, ORN, London and New York Fall and Winter T Fashions for 1884 and 1865 now ready and on sale at our sales rooms 73 Market Street. We have now in stock everything desirable in Ladies and Misses rich el e gant and fashionable Fall and Winter Cloaks, Basques, Sacques, and Ctrculars, in Cloib, Velvet, and other heavy fabrics for wilier wear, and having purchased largely of Cfrths and other fabrics some eight months ago. a' 50 per cent.. below the present prices, we are able to sell Ladies Clements 50 per cent less than any other Cloak !Lase in the St tea. And shall keep our Mock full and fashionable through out the season. and shall offer inducements to layers of Ladies wear, not equaled in the United States. Country Merchant's will find us fully prepared to fill their order, with dispatch. Remember 73, Market street is the only exclusi ,, e Cloak Mime in the City. Sept. 21, 1664. M.. 1. SPENCE. CLOAKS ! CLOAKS ! CLOAKS ! 3111113 NOW READY And Receiving Daily New Addit'ois, CLOTH AND SILK ! Paris Cloak ard Shawl EMPORIUM. H GUNSENHAUSER, & CO., OS MARZZT EMMET. x=iittmaalax-sam.. x=.o4. ADAMS' HOUSE, WAYNESBURC, PENN'A• 7 JACOB HENDERSHOT, . TAKES pleamare in informing his friends and the traveling public generally, that he has taken charge of this popular house of entertainment and feels confi dent in saying that be can render perfect satisfaction. Emery .effortwill be made to meet the wants and wish es of hia gateste. The BAR and TABLE will he furnished with the hest articles found in the snorkel. Ample and convect kilt stabling. Give us skint. ' Waynesburg, April 1a„,./7104. , . W A Y NE t lIBUlt G STEAM WILE. • .Ai. ROlZE*ieepeetihrlly infirm his friends and e tee ' that he has leased the NEW RTE AN yi et hum Pc, where h e will always he Jeord read to accommodate an who may cell en the I*barren 11 . Grinding done on the same terms as by issue FLOUR and FEED kept. constantly me Meg— Orden for either ran be lift at the lifillorat - IrsterMiicon. (Jan. 27, ltlell A yer's SA•R SA PARILI): l og WOELIv a Git a . 4 .I. AZ!trkin- EMI SCROFULA AND SCROFULOUS DISEASES. From Emery Edes, a well-known merchant of Oxford, Maine. " I have sold large quantities of your SARSAPAR ILLA, but never vet one bottle which failed of the desired effect and full Eatistliction to those who took it. As tkst as our people try it, they agree there has been no medicine like it before in our community." Eruptions, Pimples, Blotches, Pustules,, Ulcers, Sores, and all Diseases of the Skin. Frain Rev. Roil. Stratton, Pristol, England. " I only do sty duty to you and the public, when I add my testimony to that you publish of the me dicinal virtues of your SA !ZSAPAItILLA. - My daugh ter, aged ten, had an afflicting humor in her ears, eves, and hair Mr years, which we were unable to cure until we tried your SA nsAramta..k. She has been well for some mouths." From Mrs. Jana E. Rice, a well-known and much esteemed lady of licnnisrille, cape May Co., N. J. "My daughter has suffered for a year past with a scrofulous eruption, which was very troublesome. Nothingafforded any relief' until we tried your SAR SAPARILLA, which soon completely cured her." From Charles P. Gage, Esq ~ of the widely-knownfirni if Gage, Murray 4r Co., manitfacturefs of enam elled papers in bashes, -N " I had for several years a very troublesome /tu mor in my face, which grew constantly worse until it disfigured my features and became an intolerable affliction. I tried almost everything a man could of both advice and medicine, but without any relief whatever, until I took your SARSAPARILLA. sit immediately made my face worse, as you told me it might for a time; but in a few weeks the new skin began to form under the blotch* , and continued until my face is as smooth as anybody .5, and I am without any symptoms of the disease that I know of. 1 enjoy perfect health, and without a doubt owe it to your SAES.% !ULLA." Erysipelas —General Debility—Purify the Blood. From Dr. Polo'. Sawin, Houston St., N. Y. DR. AYER: I seldom fail to remove Eruptions and Scrofulous Sores by the persevering use of your SARSAPARILLA. and I have just now cured an at tack of Malignant Erusipelas with it. No 'Litera -1 ive we possess equals the SARSAPARILLA you have supplied to the procession as well as to thOpeople." - - From J. E, Johnston., Esq., Wakeman, Ohio. " For twelve years I bad the yellow Erysipelas on my right arm, during which time I tried all the cel ebrated physicians I could reach, and took hundreds of donate , worth of medicines The ulcers were so bad that the cords became visible, and the doctors decided that my arm must be amputated. I began taking your SARBArARILLA. Took two bottles, and same of your PILLS. Together they have cured sae. I am now as well and sound as any body. Being M a public place, my case is known to everybody in this community, and excites the wonder of elf." From Hon. Henry Monro, M. P. P., of Newcastle, C. IV., a leading member of the Canadian Parliament. "I have used your SARSAPARILLA in my family, for general debility, and for purifying the blood, with very beneficial results, and feel confidence - in commending it to the afflicted." • St. Anthony's Fire, Rose, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Sate Eyes. Frain Harvey Eichler, Esq., the able editor If the Tunckhannock Democrat, Pennsylrania. "Our only child, about three years of age, was at tacked by pimples on his forehead. They rapidly spread until they formed a loathsome and virulent sore, which covered his face, and actually blinded his eyes for some days. A skilful physician applied nitrate of silver and other remedies, without any ap parent effect. For fifteen days we guarded his hands, lest with them he should tear open the festering and corrupt wound which covered his whole face. Hav ing tried every thing else we had any hope from, we began giving your SARSAPARILLA, and applying the iodide of potash lotion, as you direct. The sore began to heal when we had given the first bottle, and was well when we had finished the second. The child's eyelashes, which had come out, grew again, and he is now as healthy and fair as any other. The whole neighborhood predicted that the child must die." Syphilis and Mercurial Disease. From Dr. ITiram Stoat. of St. Louis, Missouri. "I find your SARSAPARILLA a more effectual remedy for the secondary symptoms of Syphilis, and for syphilitic disease than any other we poems. The profession are indebted to you for some of the best medicines we have." From A.. 7. French, M. D., an eminent physician of Lawrence. Mass., who is a prominent member qf Adm'rs the Lepislizture qf Massachusetts. "Ds AVER—My dear Sir: I have found your SARS APA RI LLA an excellent remedy for Syphilis, both of the primary and secondary type, and eftbet ual in some cases that were too obstinate to yield to other remedies. Ido not know what we can em• ploy with more certainty of sucoNs, where a power ful alterative is required." Mr. Chas. S. Van Liew, of New Brunateek, N. J., bad dreadful ulcers on his legs, caused by the abuse of mercury, or mercurial disease, which grew more and more aggravated for years, in spite of every remedy or treatment that could be applied. until the persevering use of ATER . S SARSAPARILLA relieved him. Few cases can be found more iaveterate and distressing than this, and it took several dozen bet. ties to cure him. Leueorrlices, Whites, Female Weakness, are generally produced by internal S•yofulons Ulcer ation, and are very often cured by the alterative effect of this SARSAPARILLA. Some ewes require, however, in aid of the SARSAPARILLA, the skilful application of local remedies. Front. the ?veil-known and widely-celehrated Dr. Jacob Morrill, of Cincinnati. "I have found your SARSAPARILLA an excellent alterative in diseases of females. Many cases of ir regularity, Leucorrhwa, Internal Ulceration, and local debility, arising from the scrofulous diathesis, have yielded to it, and there are few that do not, when its effect is properly aided by local treatment." 4 lady, unwilling to allow the publication of her Clerk p 25 te name, writes: "Mv daughter and myself have been cured of a very debilitating Leucorrlura of long standing, by two bottles of your SARSAPARILLA." Rheumatism, Gout. Liver Complaint, Dys pepsia, Heart Disease, Neuralgia, when caused by Scrofula in the system, are rapidly cured by this EXT. SARSAPARILLA. CATHARTIC PILLS possess so many advantages over the other pur gatives in the market, and their siinerior virtues arc so universally known, that we need not do more than to assure the public their quality is maintained equal to the best it ever has been, and that they may be depended on to do al/ that they have ever done. Prepared by J. C. AYER, M. D., & Co.. Lowell, Mass., and sold by Win. A, Porter and Wei. Creigh, and by dealers ev vry V0: 4 4' 114 I rwoTOSixd Plll.l SORES or Min SPECIFIC PILL; WILL PI:MITT/7 AND PERMANENTLY Cris AXE CASE OP Sperrnatorrhea ? Seminal 'Weakness, on Involuntary Nightly on Daily Lossesi HOWEVER ORIGINALLY CAUSED, on HOWYNER AG GRAVATED IN CHARACTER; , while they will speedily' correctthose terrible morbid conditions which spring from t he primary d isease,orfrom secret vice- '4 THE SPECIFIO PILL Is equally applicable to the treatment of every kind of Genitalor Urinary Irritation“nfapacity t 'or Impotency; Diabetes, Lime or"Bric,c-D Deposits in the Ham; Nilky Discharges; Inflammation or Weakness o he Kid neys, &a. Clergymen, Lawyers, Stud ents,and all wh o follow sedentary occupations, or whose Brain and Nervous System aro over-worked, are peculiarly sub ject to weaknesses o f the GEN ITU-T - EINATY ORGANS. 'rhos() should not fail to use TILE SPECIFIC FILL. Persons afflicted with any ono or snore of the above disorders, aro sure to have several, and some times moat, o f the rox.townie SYMPTOMS_ Deranged Digestion; Loss of Appetite; :,:oss of Mehl Constipated Bowels; Fitfutand Tirervoue, Dr /teary sleep, toitls lustful dreams; Trembled Breathing; Fai lure of Voice; Irregular action of the Heart; Pustulous Eruptions on the face and neck; Headache; A f fections of the Eyes; Loss of Nemory; Sudden flushesof Heat and. Blushing*: General Weakness and Indolence; Aversion 6, Baclety; Relaxed Condition, or Diminished Size, of the Genital Organs; Involuntary Nightly or Daily Emissions; Frequent desire to pass Water, Withyeculiar attending sensations; Melancholy, &c. Professional Opinions.—"l have used your 'SPECIFIC Pius' in many cases of Bpormator- Asa, and with the most perfect success."—J. TON SANDERS, M. LL. D., Brooklyn. "It is as near a 'specific , as any medicine_ - can be. I have cured very severe cases with from SIT TO 'EN Doses."—ll. Sarni, M. A, Ed. Repertory of Med. Science, New-York_ "I know of no remedy in the whole Xateri , .3reclica, equal to your SPECIFIC PILL in Seminal or Urinary Weaknesses."— ADOLPH Berms, M. D., Prof. of Organic Chemistry and Physiology, N. Y. Personal Opinions.—" Mr. Winchester is weirrur or ALL omerinsacz, and devotes himself ,enthusiastically to these Preparations."—D. Mass- MTH Rassa, M. P., LL. D., American Medical Gazette, New-York. "I have a personal knowledge of Mr. Wraeurs- TER'S HONESTY AND INTEGRITY, and can assure the Profession and the public that his PREPARATION'S CAN pram.= es."-Jss. E. CHILTON, M.D., Chenxiet,B". Y. THE SPECIFIC PILL Is not a Homeopathic remedy, nor does it contain Mercury, Iron,Cantharides, or any injurious ingredient. or Price: $1 per box, six boxes (when ordered a 0 once)tbr 85. Sentby Mail. Sold Wholesale and Retail. at the SoleVeneral Depot in the United States, by 4 , J. WINCHESTER; 86 John Street, N. Y.; LBW NOTICE. • LMOS ailiniristration 'having been granted on thid sone of Jpseph Hallman, late •of Centre tp t ttteentioen'r : Pa., teethe undersigned. att persons indebted Is said estate are required to make imme diate payment, all hating claims to present them properly authenticated forpettiement. =MN HUFPNAN, . • Centre tp, WILLIAM MUFFMAN, .1: n 4, 'O. Ca Morrie tp, Adm're. AYER'S 44i1abripkia. I Wanamaker & Brown, 11 ii OAK HALL, FINE READY MADE II i! CLOTHING, ; 1 I S. S. E. Cor e la t c;t xe t t li s. & Mar-j1 j 11 PHILADELPHIA. 1 1 i Special Department for CUSTOM WORK, 11No. 1 S. Sixth Street (I April 13, 1964-ly ISRAEL GDIJLD EDE Jon eISM It 110, 1 IMPORTERS & JOBBERS 01' Hosiery, Gloves, &At4.7os WHITE GOODS AND EMBROIDERIES, 213 North Third Street, Lat. ly occupied by .1. T. WAY at. CO JOEL .T. (MIX. ELP B. CILCOPO, 6A511, W. VAN CULIN June 1, IS.G4. GEO. F. WARDLE. CHARLES N. RE WARDLE, REED ot CO., Wholesale Grocery, Tobacco and 11111110 E CIIMMISSIOII MEEHAN'S, N. E. Con Sixth and rarket Sts., April 13:64-Iy. PHILADELPHIA. r e o rl (0, , I)) JUST ARRIVED AT SAYER'S & HOSKINSON'S, AT SAYERS' CORNER, FOR FALL AND WINTER. arc otPring the largest, hest and latest style.; DLESS SibYkSi Alpaccas, Coburgs & Wool Delaines Ina word. we have a supply of the latest style ni Ladies Dress Goods, Unliar,. and Sleeves. Ent oidered Sets, Bonnet Skirts, Linings, Dead Nets, Gloves, II cc iory, hest quality Kid Gloves Trims and Gingliams, llohnorals and Skeletons, Triniminrs. eon _ sisting of Quilled Ribbons. firaithi, Buttons, lit•aded 'Trimmings, and Noiions of all kinds, :Am numerous to mention. 1VIOURNI1?G GOODS A lerns and fled a , entiment of die Inns? Fashionable Monrning Conde that t.,nild he nail. NI ett's Wear.— cae,iateres Twonde, .10 ale, Cotton:ides. Flan nels, Boats all , l Stone of al! sizes, flats and Cape, I,a -dies'lfate, floods and Nutd, e, HARD qdRE, 91JEENWARE AND GRO7ERIB S , musefiirniSilin g Goo 9, Bleached Sqleetinzs, Un ble,ehe.l c.hee:jog. Coiton Table Cloths, Bed Ticking and Window' Our stock is complete in every line, and if our friends want :food Inomi ins. all we have to say is. that this is the 'Mum to secure them, CM' soon, as our ',op) I,: QUICK SALES, AND SMALL PROFITS. Como one and all, as we are going to sell the Goods as low as they can be had in Waynesburg. Mat k this. 0a.12,-64. SAYERS. 4. lIOSKINSON. EDDIE IS 01,11--10111111 IS IN "g‘t NFOrtMS: the citizens of Greene criutity that he has 1 riven up the Ltaguerrean business and re,umed the old trade the SILVER SIVITII BUSINESS. He is pit-pared nuts to repair Clocks, Watches and Jewelry, in the very be=t style, shortest notice. and on reasonahte tcitos. ii has on hand the very hest Clocks for Sale. Sll o P.—Camplo•lPs 1 We, rust dnnr to Squire Wrh ha. Way - nes:wig, Pa., May IS, It DOUGIERTY, CARRIAGE MANUFACTURER, Respectfully informs the public that he has located in Waynesburg, Pa., where he intends to mann tacture Carriages of Every Description, Front his experience in the business, Le reels ivtnfi dent It is wsrk will sire entire satisfaction. Ile will use no low priced material, in any part of ins work, and will not employ any but sll•erior workman. All new work will he Warranted for One Year. Shopon Greene street, one square south of theCouri ouse, Waynesburg, Jan. 25, 1860—no 34. BRiDGEPORT At the bridge, one mile east of Waynesburg, SMITH GREENE, PROPRIE FUHE undersigned hereby notify the citizens of 1 Greene an I adjoining cnnatirs and the DIWYING and TRA v ELI:\ (4 PUBLIC in general that he has ta ken charge of this Hotel and it fully prepared to en tertain the :raveling pithlic in the v,!ry beet manner Ile respectfully solicits a liberal share of pattomige of the public. The BAR will he suppli,d with the choicest I,IQ. 110R8. The Tattle furnished with the best the coun try can afford. The ST sill.F.: will be carefully at tend, d to-. call and try us: Jan. 13, 1814. PETROLEUM BANK. OF CREENE COUNTY. NOTICE is hereby riven that the Odd Felkows As.orMlinta at I Va y ,hutg has fill in the Attorney General's office, of the State of Penney Ivania, a certificate that 'mid Association desires to chall2e tie same into a Rank of Issue, Disraiiiii and Deposit, to be known by the name, style ant title of he PETROLEUM BANK OF GiFENE COUNTY Li he located ie Wayeealieriz. Gregae county, State o P,nosy Ivan ot. with a cadital shirk or FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS, wit'. the •Privilcee of hirreattitnt the Ralnl! to THREE MUND111 , :1) TII()IJAAND Du I, A t', in jtuanaace nf an Act ciitilled ''Suptnerncnt to 011 Al . l to esiahli-11 Frye Ittinkintt in Pennsvlvanitt," Ace., t.assett the 3nd day of May, A. D., A. F. TEMPLE, Sec'y. O H s' L .10:. RAND LP, Pre WAL A PORTER. Tren,E'r. net. 5,41-1-fim sank Notice. 0 ', FARMERS' & DROVERS" - BANK,P ‘,‘ ay iteshurg, l'a , 1,111, '64. 1, ‘TOTIrE is heret.y given. agreeably to the proviq ill ions of the Act of the Legis ature of Penn'a.. enti tled an "Act entitling the fiat ks of this Common, to become for the purpose of stinking under the laws of the United tztares." that st a 'fleeting of its stockholders. the a FARMERS' & DROVERS , ' BANX, II has cried to become such asso ciation, for the purpose of banking as aforesaid and its directors bay*: procured the authority of the own ers of two thirds of its capital stock, to make and acknowledge the necessary certificate of organization. Such Rank or n Pqnciatwn to be called. the •Tarmers' & Drovers' National Bank, of Waynesburg, Pa." .1. L A ZEA It, Cteheir. Dec. 21. WAYNESBURG MARBLE AND STONE WORKS SAYERS a RINEHART • • Practical Marble and Stone Cutters. Third Door Btu of the Court 'louse, Main St. eept. $,'63. WEALTH ACCUMULATED LAND 1N MEND COUNTY SELLING AT 110111,011 S PRICES Oil Found in Large Quantities ! AT DIFFERENT POINTS. NEW YORKERS Jek rit Philadelphians! EAGER H lIVEST Ph ilaelelphia 131, I' while "Oil on tlie . titaiti" tlie !aging eitittena le, and thousands nt dollars are being invested in till Stocks and Oil Territory, man} are reserving a portion at theircapitol and invest in ©LOTIERIB at the well-known Clothing Emporium or N. CLARK, & SON, • • cF . Paul aID 111T111 CLOTHING, Bought when Gold was Tumblin , z ! I from 5 to 12 per cent. a day. an advantage we will enarantee o every purchaser. We have bought an immense stock of geods and are determined to sell them al such prices none will hesitate to buy. Our stock of both UPS' 1111 BOYS' ttOTIIIIG is full anti cotnplete. Coats of the latest style, Frocks, sacks, anti the very popular business coat, the I'NGLISH IILKING COAT. Over Coats nf every grade and mast lashinnab'e styles Ileavy Beaver, Chittehi Seal-Skins, and the very newest, the TIGER OVER COAT. rants c f every vario v RIBB ED • 1' LA IN FAxrr, and PLAID I'ASsINIEftE VeF! ts of e very rtyle,—the latrst hying the !lOU ki LE- RR LI: A ,4 1' FURNISHING, GOODS, NOTIONS. Filch as Pulse-Warmers. 3VV,VA 1-NWi Cariote or Byron of ail sizes. A. fine assortment of always nn battik. Alsn Cittins and Cordillera which WP will make to order on =hart notico, Don't UlliAS the plate—Jo:A Opposite Jos...Yeater's Confectionary, TWO 1110113 EST OF Mifflin. Nov. 30, CUMMINGS & JENNY'S/ GRAND, SQUARE, AND COTTAGE UPRIGHT Piano Fortes, I%Tco• 276 3Eircon,ct.iatr.n.3r, EACII INSTRUMENT WIRRINTED FOR rill 'HESE instruments hove now liven for many years lie fore the Witte. an have from their EnDeriority of !One, hness of touch, durability, and eligaece finish; drawn both many and very tlattei ing commen t!atinus fro is a ituitemr Of •he most plontineitt mem bers of the musical profession. 'They ate now otTeredto the pphlic at prices front 25 to 30 per cent. lower than any other instruments of equarqualities. The steady, increasing demand for those superior instruments. have induced the 'tinkers to increase their facilities for manufactut log th m, and they are now fully prepa ted in meet the demands of all. tooth wholesale and retail customers. - Dealers in localities where these instruments have not yet been introddeel, desiriug, an agency for them, will be liberally dealt with. Send for a circular. Dec. M. 3 mos. ST, GLAIR HOTEL, tORNER OF PENN & ST. CLAIR STREETS, PITTSBOT ell, PA. J. N. ANDERSON, PROPRIETOR. ET- This popular house has recency been thorough ly refitted and fur nished, and now forms one of tbe most pleasant stopping places in the eity. Terms mod erase, and satisfaction warranted. April 8, '63— ly HOWARD ASSOCIATION, PHILADELPHIA, PA. DEASES of the Nervous, Seminal, Urinary and Sexual System.—new and reliable treatment—in reports of the HOWARD ASSOCIATION—Sent by mail in sealed letter envelopes. free of charge. Ad dress, Dr. J. SKILIN 11011MITOM, Howard Associ alien, No. R South Ninth Street, Phtlada., Pa. April 13,'64-Iy. IN A DAY! where they are just opening' their fresh from the Ea:tem cities and DM Traveling Shirt.. Draweis, and Under.hiria, Gloveq, SOlkS. Port-monies, Tier., Collars ibotli linen and raper,) HATS ANT) CAPS AIL 1 4 11161 - I. MANUFACTURERS OF NEW YORK. FiVE TEARS, th) ilorit. CONSUMPTION. Thpyimrporlinfalyinrr , n.ntlinii i ronfrannd ( 7, apri the rotorof the pi blaa I.'l 2, - the Fever, and dim innh tlia Er i ,etorutimi. y eked the Izight sue ,t.n, aINN ays, in fr.,in i , proli to fouvteca 'lays. The appetite is at once iPtitaa , •tett, Spathe patient rapid y vain 3 fir,l, ; the cough, end the d ;flirt, t &rota! g are spi•edily relieved; the sleep becomes calm and refreshiug, t the t raenations r row tar 1 lIE GENERA SYMP TOMS DISAPPEAR, ITII A tAPIDITY TLIAT bELMS 111..A.UVELL01;6.—,/, F. Churchill, H. L. • TEE EYPORTIOZPIIXTES are an appropriate and s7.r.ririqrmF.DY for ernry (Us order characterized by any (.1.,-; i unto% iug M"' S-5.7111.PT0M5: nip",7t,lmpe,:rerf, or ton lin p Prl , f'f',^ r , Co 7 r,ye sf the /.:/•trt. it. • ; Yiyht pr • ,lirwrrirry . i ; Warr/in(' 4f rgeoo:n t of th 61t111‘1.C, or i 1479 ; Cus4,77z. ; 2.,.8 of iStr9 tit!; 1 . ?O;teli illy it fare lie - PIT, or 1,, ; ,Sit t;,finq irr4thr, ,ugh the Sbr,rarj, , , , ,, r.rr or L i nit'; )Srrtiet or Pbntt Less of the Lne of t!e. Lim?, IL-, (oche .;Gie i .1; P , / n ; ptce•tts, ( 1' 1 Appetite, r Cpio - t.yalon of the Stollloo6 alt. l', or AS7 hi. .vg ef e, frcb, Wore eating; WWI:. or Sour 't,; i on c,of the B e vy!, ; ,0,-en•nr , .-- 71,C11tS of the Lir( r or RLIPF o / . 1 ; ,/,/ efq 11,7 a !J ed Dentition, i,t chi Zdr,'l; cO , 6 &no - t; r, to CA4 ; or., as in the BeN cull •l nacl of fins, in Catarrh, ./1:51h ~, a. Br,,scleiti;,,Oye 7,ei,9irt., Scry On, ICe rti If; i", Paral uNi porlia ut cnmpletc), ale., and Especial I yin t. l I fo,, la Di s_ orrle re or I - keine; Irreg, r 9, Fu,th a s Diffienif, Painful, Suppre6 Red, Scent", I.:rre ire, Dt la ;ed. Pecmaturo or too Acrelulat,kot,sirutaicm. WINCHE§TEIVS HYPOPHOSPHITES are the best remedy known to Medical relenoe, iit eV'ry case whore t he phy,iu-ian curnuonly pruncribra " tonics," irtm,wit.iakty ixer 0,1, fininintet," 4(e. Winchester's Genuine Preparation OF MP: ITOPHOSPIII7FS is the only roliotao form, f this llcine,and 1 3 •proVO t Medical ProCes,ion r• cr dy y. I , : 2, a - 0 0 .VOR dVY ILE)/ El, r.\lll/1.71_1"6 , 11,' P 1;, , t(ne..,51---F , iit Dollies for $5. In 16 oe. Atles, Et —Three for 4 irculars free. E , oll by all rk•rpeetv Driwg - ist tr, and at the BOW General Depot la the United Staten, by WINCHESTER, 33 John Street, N. Y. In Pulmonary Diseascq, fl'le most arm tire treatment shoutact be pursued during the Summer Tatou t Its, the period when most eat ietzls buspend the use of the : April 27, '61.1y. Proclamation. The :!reatcst than e ever ntl . Pre! to buy gond Jewelry at Low Prices r 100,001 t Wzt.lleß, Chains. Lnekets. Rinzs,.braculeis, s ot; ,o*.few.tlry (Mid Pens, &e.. • TO BE SOLD FOR $1 EACH, And not ro be Paid for until you know what yun are to get. Certificates telitopit ;in iodide and ile valve are pin. codin Sealed Envelop., and w. II ntiied, one of which will be sect by Nail to ;thy address 04 receipt of price. (h•e Certificate ',i.ents, Five 6 , rsl. Eleven for $2. Thirty for .1;45. :there ate no 1,1;1111(4. 1 . 4111 11111 et sot. the value of your money. Circulars with particill4ra sent FREE I= 229, Broadway. N. IC April 13:Gt-ly. A LECTURE TO YOUNG MEN, Just Published in a Sealed Envelope Luc; tire en the Nature. Treatment. and Bodies', _l - 1L I 'ire Sperioritorrlmta or seminal Weakttestol I nv olunta r y Effilsaion,, sexual Del,'lny, and Imnedi melds to Mani:tee generally. Nervousness, Consump tion, liiii!en,y and Fine ; Mental and Physical Ilitcauae re-olltiiic from setr-Alutye k Be BOISPRT .1. :II M. D., author of ate ' Green Book," &e. The vyerld renowned author. in this ailinirahle Lee. tw. clearly proves iron: be , own exiielience that the 171111,0t11 . 41.,A may be eilectuany reit...vett without titedici.u•, and without dangerto,s surgical operati4:lllS. hoagies, itistrii men's, rings, or cor dials, Or the .1 - tit, bi - :We—pointing not a wade Of a rlire. at once and effete us!, by nleallti 01 every sullener, h. Mattel' What his condition may he, IllaV cure hiniscif cheatity, privately, and radically. r-Ttll 4 . I,I.:(,TITIZE. ♦VILI, PROVE A BOON TO THOUSANDS ANI) ii()UAANDS. Brut, under se,l, in a plain nvelope, to any address post-paid, rin receipt 01'61X cents, or two post stamps. Arieress the publishers. tlf NA. .1. c. KLINE & 127 Enwty, New York, Post Oftice box 1556 June '22, 11,61. pilabcl*l i.._ , -- - -tp 'Adlicted Read.--- , . .... . , ~,RE. .. l iii„„, :,,,. eds.„„, ~,,,, .„, ..„,,.. • . lion, Epilepsy, I alltllatloll of the Heart, Torpid Liver, Patty, Irrita— bility at the r ystetit General or Lot. I Pains or Weak ness. Night Su eats, Dimness 01 Sight. Fits of Despon &nee. Muscular Prostre inn and all ths• ases o f the Nervons centres never 41re•an, Or the CAUSE of their several afiiir linos. Trey treat results as it they were c uses; and so no relief is tlllllll,l WHAT IS THE Cat-SE OF TIIESE III'.3E.ASEA very frequently 1 'I here is the secret—solitary 5..11- :Ouse. practiced by thotisaitUs.- ('.:mum:need when bnys, of school or Cl,'Whl!l"l,, IL iR 1:' pt up even during yon no mantneel. prodite;ng mental and plivsica/ pros tration. If ei,111i1111(.11, 1i., , ,, licenses and even mad ness are the recall. lithe victim he conscious of the Cail,e(Sfilis il.tray, awl IMt it, he rollers under those terrible wintery:ll and involtituary emissions which eeaketi and sitante him, till life heroines grievous.— Thus place between certain decay and prematur a death and lion Ode sulfering, tile wretched victim rush est° SEEF'•DES'FTZUCTImN. or E.inks to an untimely 'crave. If he emanCipates limiscif i-efore the practice ' has 11011 e its wor•I and enters matrimony, his marriage is unfruitful, and Ills sees?, tells hint that this is caused, by his early follies. SUFFERING YOUNG MEN, Let no false modesty prevent you front explainine yetr case to nee whose acknowledged position in the medical piofessien. and respecta` ility in pr vale life, point Mtn as a private counsellor. Think not to cure yourself and so tamper with a faculty, the destructioe of vt hich renders a limn truly itilseralfe. Conic to 1)r. KINK KEEN, confide in Into as thousands have done before you. 7n ainrt. to be cunot ralficalfr oC ell rotma or secret diseases, and minors effects of self-indulgence. apply to the most successful and experienont Dr. KINKS . t';Eam‘N Vilr9l.l N. Northwest corner of Third and Union streets, between Spruce and Pine, a squatp and a half from the .Merchants' Exchange, Philadet, phis.. Itemernher that SITU:TT: I IER of the FR VIIIA are rapid 13 removed by the alOi•ation of a new theromeg twat ;tee' I. only by Ilr. K. PACK A IMP 14E1)1(71N ES, AD WE, ,Ir.e.„ Fox, warded to address. niftily direction; put up veiture from damage or c rios Ur. p osT I' A ID LETTERS addresPed to Dr. KIN, KE 1.1 71 y . Phdadelphia, lit:answered forthwith. April '27, 1 ,64-Iy MRR! AGE ! Its loves and ha:es sorrows and an gers. hopes and feats, reerets and joys: MAN 1100D, how lust, how RESTORED; the nature, reatineet, and ritilipi.l cure of spermatorrlno; Pr sem- Mal weakness,~ovolcnrar y emissions, sexual debility and lisped n.latriaae. generally 4 nervousness, consumption. his. mental and ph' sica I incapacity, re sulting from SELF-A i:USE—are folly explained in the MARRIAGE E EIDE, by WM. I'oUNG, '11,6A most extraordinary book should he in the hands of every young person contemplating marriage, and eve!) , !luau n woman who desire to limit the number of their offspri I,: to their c i instances. Every disease, and ache Mcidental to youth, maturity,g i g old age. is folly explained ; oyery partlele of knnw - edge that shoo Id kno wn in [TIT giypll. It is rpii df engravings in fliet it discloses secrets that every nod. st.ouu know ; stilt it is a book that must be locket% up and tot he about the house. It will he sent to any n o , o n 11, rccequ el twenty-five cents. in specie at pasta 2.., stamps. Address Dr. WM. YOUNG, No. 416; Spruce St above Fourth Philadelphia. .AFFLICTED and UNFORTUNATE, nn mat, tel w11:.1 may Impair disease. before you place your s, Wunder tin care of any one of the notorious Quacks —native or tortlian. who advertise in this or any other- Pallet. get a copy of Dr. Young's Rut. k, and read itcare frilly. Ir will he the means of saving you many a dot- ynnr health. and possibly your life, Pr YOUNG can he consulted on any of the dit•ens. es described in his mitilication, at hit Office, Not 416.' Spruce St., above Fourth Philadelphia. fa - Office hours from kw 3 o'clock daily. / mil 27, 'f 4 I s. ar. C. P. MARKLE, - MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN BOOR, CAP, LETTER, ANDall kind. of WRAPPING PAPER have rernov rd NO. 27 WOOD STREET to No. 33 Snithileld Strpett PITTSKIRGU, PA. Nov. /3; IN3I-17 irrnrCash Tratlernr Rags Notice to the Public. riIIIE Cabinet business will be carried on at the old stand, by the undersigned, where all kinds n Foul'lore can be had and made to order. A Jlharsn kept in readiness lo attend funerals. A MOs MILtREP, RI;LIIICCA UAL% March 1854 il Box 52191'. 0., New York