The Waynesburg messenger. (Waynesburg, Greene County, Pa.) 1849-1901, January 11, 1865, Image 3
"tnrd ggartintut. Oil News. We understand that within a short time the tieriiiSs of the "Wiley Oil Well," on the M t r. limn, have struck oil in paying quan ti 'ls a new well just completed on the tSrure, on vstach the first oil well was Orizired that it is producing fifteen beiTai.per day. The fiernous "Crow Well" of Fayette co., ptiOdSpes an abundance of gals, but, as yet, noAtifr , else ! `oil company has been organized and thetr stock taken, we are informed. to bore for oil on the John Wilkinson farm, on Meadow Run, near Drinkard Creek. The oxitilany have pnrobased an engine, which exposCt shortly to have (a/ tho ground. QuihrteCently an oil company has been orfailited to bore for oil on the 13altzell farm, at the west end of our borough. To the Members of the Franklin Oil Comp any. W A YNESBI*FaI, PA. , December 26, 1864. lotettee is hereby given to the Members of the Treat, Oil Company, that an instal ment of Twenty-five dollars per share on the r Oapipd Stock of said Company, is ordered to .be paid iuto the Treasury on or before the 15th day oflanuary, 1865. The attention H of the,rrembers is also directed to Section "Sei4of Article Sd of the Constitution of the company. "Any member retustng or no giseting to pay the instalment ordered by the managers after notice is given, forfeits hit entire interest to the Company." By order of the board. J. F. TEMPLE, G. W. INGITR M, •S'eeretary UHL REPORTS. MOOD REPORTED TO HAVE DEFEATED OUR FORCES AT COLUMBIA. # ' .." , &c., &0., &c. "kTrom the Irthinond Whig, January 31 The Reporter, of this afternoon, says : A well known gentleman of lluntsville, who left that place on the 21st, arrived at Meri 'dim, on Thursday afternoon, bringing the following very gratifying intelligence from 'Gem Hood's army and North Alabama.— 'Gem Hood, on the evening of withdrawing from near Nashville, was at tacked vigoronsly by the enemy, who massed a heavy force and threw it upon his center, composed of Cheatham's and Bates' divisions. These veteran troops gave way. Hood moved on Columbia, where he was at latest dates. On 'Thursday, the 29th, there was another fight, in which the enemy were badly whipped, 'losing one entire brigade captured. About the same date Forrest captured an entire brigade of cavalry and six hundred wagons. The population of middle Tennessee and Northern Tennessee and Northern Alabama is thoroughly aroused, and every man and boy capable of bearing arms was hurrying to join our army. Ten companies were formed at Huntsville in a week. That place had been taken possession of by the Yankee regiments from Point peak, but Rhoddy had been or dere&to retake and hold it at all hazards. Ten gunboats came up the Tennessee river, and attempted to cross Muscle shoals. Mud dy had attacked them, deftroying one, and probab,y another. Tie remainder were in jured. Forrest had been made lieutenant- Mineral. Sharman to Resume the Offensive.-- Attack on Charleston Expected. NEW YORK, January 4.—The World's Beaufort correspondent says : Increas ing preparations are making in Sher man's army to resume the offensive The enemy evidently expect an attack on Charleston and Branchville. Refu gees say that Charleston, is being sur rounded by formidable earth works. A portion of Dahlgren's fleet are en gaged in removing obstructions from the Savannah river, some of which are Wen , formidable. A spacious channel has been made for vessels plying be tween Hilton Head and 'Savannah. Foster's army is still at Broad River Landing, covering the Charleston and Savannah Railroad. It is now said that Hardee's army passed over that load to Charleston. We have had many visitors from Savannah, and the dint' en speak well of General Sherman's laic General Geary has issued orders dividing the city of Savannah into two military districts, protecting public and private property, registering persons formerly in the rebel army, considering arrests, continuing the Fire Department, Water and Gas Works, arrest of strafy,- sling soldiers, transportation of persons within rebel lines who want to go, and :aupplyfng of destitute persons with - feed GEN SHERMAN'S SPECIAL ORDERS General Sherman, in his special field . orders, states that, as Savannah is and will be held as a mint:lly post fbr fu ture military uses, it is proper to lay down certain general principles, that all may know their duties and obliga tions. He then proceeds to state what *pay be permitted for the convenience and comfort of the people, in which are embraCed all the necessary privileges .fa large community. The publication of newspapers is limited to two, the ed wit to be held to a strict accountability libelous or mischievous matter, pre %gore news, exaggerated statements, or any comments whatever on the acts of the authorities. " The Sava.nah RepuNiectn, of the 20th clontains the proceedings of a public meeting, called by the Mayor and a large number of influential citizens, to Oat into consideration matters relating to the present and future welfare of the city. Resolutions of the tenor follow jag were adopted : -' , 141---That we accept the position, the iliarader of the city, and, in the Jan of the President of the United flabakask to have peace by laying Prebiklent SELNI A, Dec. 31 =EI dlawn our. anus and submitting to ' the National authority under the Constitu tion, leaving all questions which remain to be adjusted by the peaceful means of legislation. conference and votes. 2nd—That laying aside all differences and burying Ilk rmes, we will use our best endeavors to bring back the pros-I perity and commerce we once enjoyed. 3d. We do not put ourselves in the position of a conquered city, asking terms of a conqueror, but claim the bri mollifies and privileges contained in the proclamption and message of the Presi dent, and all legislation in Congress in reference to people situated as we are. 4th—That we ask the Government I to call a Convention of the people, to', say whether they wish the war to con tinve. sth—That it is the unanithous desire of all present that Gen Geary be con tinued as a military commander of this post, and that for his urbanity and kind ness, he is entitled to our thanks. Latest News from Hilton Head. .4tlatrs In Sherman's Depart- merit Xi.w YottK, Jan. 3.—The steamer Hilton Head's, special of the 26th says: Vilpatrick's corps has just returned from destroying a portion of the Albany and Gulf railroad, near Altahoina river, fifty locomotives and a large number of cars were shut up between Albany :tad Al tahema river. Gem Hasen's division of the 15th corps, and Gen. Fuller's brigade of the 17th c >rps, &so spent five days on the railroad. The plank wagon road was found leading from the railroad to ward Darien, from which part a heavy train loaded from the blockade runners, passed into the interior. A force of cavalry accompanied by infantry, has crossed into South Carolina, The obstructioms in the S.ivannali river, are bein;! rapidly and successfully removed. The b ,ats run daily from this point. Great quantities of valuable property are brought to light. Our ar my is iu camp in numerous parts and yards of the city. The cotton captured at Savannah by General Sherman, is to be brougt here and sold, Collector Draper has been directed to proceed to Savannah and examine and take testimony relative to its own ership. Rights of owners, if they have any, will be settled' hereafter. Draper will leave for Savannah to-morrow. Some vessels whose owners have to go to Savannah, have cleared for Port Roy al. It is thcnght that Savannah will be opened immediately alter the cotton has been shipped. The COMM le la! A frertiser's Wasllitt g,- ton special says: The Naval Board will meet on Thursday, to investigate into the cause of the burning of the Parrot guns which attacked Fort Fisher. FROM WASHINGTON. The President and Kenlticki- anus—They want Gi!n. Butler. —Gov. Jacobi, of Ky., In Rick- mond. From the Pittsburgh Commercial WAsitiviroN, Jan. 4. —The ,gossips tell a piquant story of the interview be tween the Government and certain Kentuckians, who were praying for the as-ignment of Generfd Butler to the command of their department. You howled, said the President, when he was at New Orleans, and called him a beast. Yon have always been howling whenever he was appointed anywhere since. how long would it be before you would be howling again if I com plied with your requests? Wm. C. Helmick, formerly a wes tern Congressman, and for some time Chief Clerk of the Pension Bureau, has resigned his position. A Board of Officers will convene next week, by order of the Navy De partment, to inquire into the circum stances connected with the explosion of the hundred pound parrotts on board six of the vessels engaged in the attack on Wilmington. As these duns are very generally introduced on hoard our vessels, and as the sailors had become so afraid of them from the repeated ex plosions as to be on the point of refus ing to work them, the question to be submitted to this Board of Inquiry be comes of first class importance. .The senior Blair has intimated since his return from Fortress Monroe, in re ply to a question about his reported peace negotiations, that the rebels were not whipped eno'• li fait such things yet. Casper Schenck, of Dayton, Ohio, son. of the Commodore. and nephe w off the General of that name, a paymaster on one of the vessels in Porter's squad ron,though having no belligerent duties, could not keep out of the, fight and volunteered for service on deck. He came out with a broken leg. The following important circular, pre pared.a day or two ago, will to-morrow be issued from the War Ddpartment : PRO. MAR. GEN'S. OFF ICI December 31, 1864 The wants of the service do not, ex cept in special cases, to be designated by the War Department, at this time require the enlistment of recruits for heavy artillery or cavalry, and Provost Marshals are instructed, until further or ders, they will enlist recruits only for the infantry service. JAMES B. Fey. Provost Marshal General Few Congressmen have returned yet from their holiday visits, and the indi cations are that nothing of consequence will be done in Congress this week. By order of the Secretary of War, all communications pertaining to ques tions of military justice, or procuring of military courts and commissioners, throghout the armies of the United States, must be addressed to the Judge Advocate General. Commanding , offi cers are enjoined to forward promptly all proceedings by Court Martials, Commissions, and Courts -of Inqui ry: Judge advocates are held respon sible for the prompt• execution of this order. .klarge number of rebel deserters' ;Sr 74-Vice president George M. were to-day sworn and turned loose. riallas died suddenly ittAis residenie in There is nothing beyond the ordinary Philadelphia at nine (Polack oil Situ day picket firing at the front. Gen. Starke morning, at the advanced age of 72/ is in temporary coinmand of the Army' years. Mr. Dallas was born July 10, or the Potomac during the visit of Gen. 11792, in Philadelphia, and graduated Meade to his faiiiilj.. at Princeton Cohege in 1810. He was. George D. Prentice, of Louisville, ',admitted to practice at the bar in 1813. Ky.; whose visit to Richmond to pro- ; Ile acted as Secretary to ,Mr. Gallatin. cure a remission of punishment of his minister to Russia, and was identified son, the rebel Brigadier, accused of inur with the Commission at Ghent, which der, returned last night. lie is under ; framed the treaty or peace with Great parole to tell within!). of what he saw at IBritian. In 1817 Mr. Dallas was ap the Rebel Capitol, but it is understood pointed Deputy State Attorney for that his interposition on behalf of his Philadelphia county, and in 1828 was son,.was successful. lie bears a letter to elected Mayor of the city, which he re the President from Lieutenant Govern- signed the following year to become or Jacobs, of Kentucky, asking per_ District Attorney for the United States. mission to return to the North. In 1813 he was elected to the -United Powell, Garrett and Davis, who were so much exercised the of Icer day in the Senate to find out, what had become of Jacobs, will be glad to learn that, though sighing - fur the flesh .pots of Kenttu ky. he is still doing as well in Richmond as could be expected. General Grangsr Neu He has Met with but Little Opposition The filmic Shenandoah at Woi k. NEW YouK, Jan. 2.—The steamer Cahawba brings New Oilcans dates to to the 23d. On the 19th, Granger was at Franklin Creek, Miss , only thirty miles trom3lobile, having met but little opposition. The rebels were busy night and day endeavoring t,.) blockade the water in front of the city, and the rebel ram B'enville was expected down the Alabama, from Selma, soon. A force from Pensacola, under Gen. Mc- Keen, is reported moving on Blakely, Baldwin county, Alabama, twenty-five miles from Mobile. The Blockade runner Heroine rrcent ly ran out of Mobile with a cargo of cotton, and escapA in the direction of Ilavanna. The new rebel pirate, Sea King, has her name changed to the Shenandoah, and is reported to be actively engaged at work on the Atlantic. Capt. Hanson, of the brig Susan, reports the destruction of his vessels, and also the bark E. G. Godfrey and schooner Charter oak The ship Kate Prince was captured and bonded. She conveyed the officers and men captured to Brazil. The Shenan doah carries four 68-pounders smooth h are guns, 12-pounders and 32-pounder rifles. The Advertiser has an account of Davidson's march into Alabama. It created great alarm everywhere, and the cowardly conduct of the rebel military is generally cot-lm-ivied. FROM FORTRESS MONROE Gen. Buller's Command Nearly all Bach from Wilmington— Porter still Firing At Fort Fisher. FormtEss Nom:or, Dec. 30,—Nreatly all the steamers comprising the portion of the expeditionary fleet, under the com mand of Major General Butler, which sailed hence several weeks since, have returned in safety, notwithstanding the severe storm experienced along the coast, and while anchored off Wilmington, North Carolina. The Santiago de Cuba and 'Fort Sack son have been the only vessels attached to the naval fleet which have as yet, ar rived from off Wiimh'igton, and the latest advices received from Admiral Porter represent him as still subjecting Fort Fisher to a vigorous bombardment. The Norfolk Regime of to-day contains the following correspondence from off Fort Fisher, dated the 27 th of December. The shore is strewn with broken boats, mostly naval, which havp been wrecked in one way or another. They lie strewn along the beach from Fort Fisher to Masonboro' inlet. The North Carolina sa't v ‘l.l;s, at Masonboro', were destroyed by fire last Saturday. Many of the naval vessels had withdrawn from these waters, and the bombardment may said to have come to an end. Imy last letter it was insisted that there was, from some cause, a want of co-operation between the army and navy. I think that I established that fact, but let me say, to avoid all mistake, that there were individual instances, and quite a number of them, where naval officers acted in concert with the army. Two hundred and fifty ot the North Caro!ina reserves, captured by Maj. Gen: Butler in the vicinity of Fort. Fisher, dis embarked from the steamer Baltic yes terday afternoon, en route for Point Lookout, Maryland. The condition of these prisoners in ex ceedingly wretched, many ot them be ing without blankets or overcoats, and iu some cases they were shoeless. Twc thirds of the number, apparently, had not yet reached the age 01'21, while the remaining third of them ranged between the ages of 12 and 1G years. News from Savannah. NEW YonK, Jan. 4.—Thla Palmetto Herald's editorial correspondent in Sa vannah of the 29th says that on the cap ture of Savannah, when our forces took possession of Fort Jackson, the rebel rain Savannah opened fire on the fort. The guns being spiked no response could be made, but a battery was soon brought to beat on the rain and they peppered her briskly, but she being well plated, was invulnerable to such attacks. She afterwards threw a few shells into the city, but the next night she ended her cares bY committing sucide. At a Masonic meeting in Savannah, there were representatives of Massachu setts, South Cgrolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Tennessee, Kentucky, Vir ginia, Illinois, Indiana, Colorado, Mich igan, lowa, Wisconsin, New York and Ohio. Porter's Fleet Anchored at Beaufort. t'oranEss MosnoE, Jan. 2.—Rear- Admiral Porter's fleet is reported to be at Beaufort, safely a whored, having successfully weathered the storm off Wilmington. All the remaining trans ports were on the way to Hampton _Roads. States Senate. In 1.833 he was ap pointed Attorney General in this State. In 1837 he was appointed min:ster to Russia by President Van Bu:r•en. In 1844 he was elected Vice President on the ticket with Mr. Polk. In I.E 5G he was;:ppointed minister to England which position lie held until 1861 Since then he had taken no active part in public affairs. FROM GEN. SHERMAN. His Gallant Army Resting.--Prepar ing for a Great Campaign. BALTIMORE, Jan. 6.—The steamer California, from Hilton Head, arrived at Fortress Monroe, yesterday, with Col. wing, bearer of dispatches from Gen. Sherman. The army was resting and preparing for a great campaign. Kilpatrick was active watching Har dee's movement. neprove thy friend privately; com mend him publicly. PITTSBURGH MARKETS. MoNDAY, Jan. 2, 1865.—GRXIN —The demand for Wheat is fair, and the market is steady with regular sales from wagon at $2,10 for Red and 2,15a2,20 for White. Barley is not very active, but prices are unchanged; sales at $1,60 for spring, and $1,70 for fall. Oats in good demand and firm with salts from store at 95a97. No change to note in corn —hut little offering and not much wanted. FLOUR—The demand continues quite moderate, and well known brands of extra family may be quoted from store at Wall 25 per bbl— the bulk of the sales being at $ll. GROCERIES—The grocery market is quiet but steady with sales in a jobbing way at previous quotations. BUT - lER—Is in pretty good supply, and the market is, in consequence, a shade easier, though prices are unchanged. We note sales of roll at 38 for fair and 40 for prime. EGGS—Continue scarce, and, with a good demand, the market may be quoted firm at 41e per dozen. POTATOES—Are coming in pretty freely, and the market is a shade easier. We note sales of "Peach Blows" from depot, at 90c, and small lots from store at 9541. APPLES—Steady with sales to a fair ex tent at 2a3,2.5 per bbl. as to oualitv. SALE C F REAL ESTATE, IN pursuance of an authrity in the La:t Will and Testament of John T. Rinehart, late of Franklin Town er ii, oier'd, the und,rsigned will cell an the premises, on SATURDAY. the .Ith d ty of February next, the fn'Liiaing described Real Estero , iiirmerly the prop• ertv of said John 'l' Rinehart. Esq, viz: A, tract of Land situated on Colirk Run. in Franklin adjoining tile Poor House Township. Greene Ow 0, Farm, litnila of Joseph Ankrom, Adam Gordon and odlems, containing about Ono Hundred and 'Twenty acres. There is c' the nal lance is good timber Land. eared about sev2niy-tire acres and Tenni Will be made known on the day of URlnfi RISIBHART. JACOB 8 RUSH Jan 11, 'll5. Executors. Commonwealth of Penn'a. Greene Go, S. B, In the ennitnon 'Picas of said county, No. 1, Septem.ler Term, Mi. Archibald Gror 1119, LICEL DIVOIV;E, vi And now December Mt. Amanda Grooms. Alias Subpnenea returned and proof being made lhat defendant cannot be found in said county, the Unnrt order publication by the tiller according to the Act or Assembly, in such case made and provided. By the court. Attest, .1. F. TEMPLE, Priitli'y. The defendant in the above care wilt take entice that rile is required to appear in the Court of Common Pteat of the 'coat, ty of Greene. nn the first day of the next term, to wit : March Nth, 1865, to answer the petition or libel 01 the plaintiff. .lant 11, 1865.--It. .11E ATE JOHNS. SlCtr. Administrator's. Notice. ETTEM of Administration on the estate or John j Carter, dec'd., late of Morris township, Greet e county, Pa., having been granted to the undersigned on said e state. all persons indebted thereto are ref:mir ed to make hunted ate payment ; all persons having claim against said estate to present them weedy authenticated for settlement. J. W. TAYLOR, Wash. tp. Jan. I I, 1865.-Gt. Adm'r. C) ' C, 30. ! ALLper sons knowing them?elves to tic indebted to Inceubscribers are rersted to call and settle on or Wore the 25th day of January, as all accounts re maining unitutled at that time will he placed in the }mule of the proper offlrer for collection. S . /lit/SNIDER & SIMONTON. Jan 11, 180.-U EXECUTOR'S SALE, ----:0:-- IN porsnanee of an order of the Orphans' Court of Greene County, Pa , the undersigned Executor of the lest will and testainetit or Marshall Springer, deed . will sell at public outcry on the premises, on the I,ltit day of March next, a valuable tract of land, situated on the Monongahela ricer, in lltinkard tp., Greene Co., l'a , adjoining I,tiils of Isaac Morris, heirs of Gritteth Morris, hind f:irtnerly of Jonathan Miller, dec'd.,.and the-Mmongaliela river, containing one hundred acres more or less ; . a large portion of the land is clear td, with a log house, barn and other erected th.treon. There is a sufficietity of limber upon the land, awl an abundance of anal. TERMS OF SALE —Oho half of the purchase mo ney upon t h e continuation of I he sale, and the remain der in twelve months thereafter, with interest from confirmation. JAS. T. SPRINGER, Jan. 4,1863 Orphan's Court Sale. virtue of an order of the Orphan's Court of 13 Greene county, tome undersigned directed, there will be exposed to public sale, on the &itemises, sit uated in Alleppo tp., Greene co., l'a , eu Saturday, the llth day of February, 1865, the following described Real Estate, late the property of Daniel Evans, sr., deceased, viz : Purpor, No 1, acconling to the partition of said real estate. begin !dog at a Maple tree, thence by lands of Jacob lltlittcr and George Redraw, N. 17, E 240 perches to a part, thence by lands of John Henry N, 103 perches to a part, therm! b. , 1 - inds of same, W. 70 perches to a part, thence 20 perches to a Poplar tree, thence by land, of Dan ' l. Stewart, W. 170 perches lo a Rock Gak. thence by lands of eoree . 1 1,1inerman, 8. 130} porches to the place of beginning, ootitaiving one hundred and forty eight access, and one-Italf. And, also, Purport No. 2, according to the partition of the said real estate, begining at a Maple .by purport No. 1, thence by lands of Thom as sw i p e. George Bel row and others. S. ISO perches, to a port at the Corner 01 purport No. 3, thence by purport No, 3, W. 150 perches to a stone in a e rain, thence by rinrport No. 4. N. 34 %V, 21 perches to a Walnut, thence by the same N. 41; \V 27 perches to an Ash, thence N. 29, W. 25 perches to a stone; thence N 51, W. 19 Pe perches to a part, t ran a d st 27:e l O h r e g i e lCe ni N n ' er i u 2 ta , n W , E . 5 . 6 210 perches to the place of beginning, containing 150 acres. TERMS OF SALE One-third to remain in the land during the natural life of the widow o sail deceased, the intones' t here ofto he paid to her annually and regularly, by the purchaser from the date of the coLfirmation of the Sal^, the one-half ofthe remaining two-thir Jos be paid on the confirmation of the sale ; the resi , we he rue rear thereafter with intetest from the date of eonfirmation. ACDR MILLER, DANIEL 'VAN*. Lin S. 'ES. Ailso't. of I)WW'i ity4olll ar., 4.or**. Sale in Partition. DV virtue of an order of the Court of Common Pletuo, of Greene rm., in No. 1, September Term, 1850, to the undersigned direct ir, there will be ex posed to public sale on the premises, in Whiteley tp., Greene cu., Pa., on Saturday. the 4th day of Febru ary, 1865, the tolimiv tug described tract of land. (sold in Partition between the heirs of Andrew Lantz and John Lantz.) inhaled in Whiteley tp., adjoining-lands ofJarnes John, Lien. John, Rota. Fordyce, John Mt " 0 and 'lleac 0101/1, (-attaining 120 acres and 8 perch es,—well improved- -good oil Willi. ".hie-third of the purchase money to he paid( at thi confirmation of the sale. and thy remaining iwo-thirds iu two Pimal annual payments. with interest from the date of the confirmation of the sale. HETI! JOHNII, Sheriff of trreone county. Jan 4. '65 ORRIN'S HURT SILR. By virtue of an order of the Orphan's Court ot 13 Greene county, to the undersisned directed, there will be exposed to public sale on the premises, situa ted in Wa)ne and Perry township, Greene co., Pa., Friday, February 10th, 1865, the following described real estate, late the property of David 1.. Keener, dec'd. viz : Mtract of land adjoining lauds of Phineas Ileadley, Isaac Lemley, Endell Rose's heirs, and others, Lontaining seventy acres more or less. On•-third to be paid nn the confirmation of the sale, and the residue in tn•n equal Plinual payments with interest from confirmation of sate, WORKMAN HICKMAN, Administrator of D. L. Keener, deed. Jan 4, 'O. FARM FOR SALE. T HE undersigned offer nt Public Sale, on THURSDAY, JANUARY Seth, 1865, his farm in Cumberland tp., containing about 200 agree, about 140 cleared, w mil watered, good timber and a comfortable frame dwelling house on the farm. Terms 'made known on day of sale. Jan. 4, '65. JOHN EATON. WEALTH ACCUMULATED LW 1N GREENE COUNTY EIS AT nog RIM Oil Found in Largb Quantities AT DIFFERENT POINTS. NEW YORKERS Jek IV I Philadelphians! MEI TO AYES! 1110111' while "Oil on the basin" le the raging epidem ic, and thousands of dollars are being invested in Oil Stocks and Oil Territory, mans• are reserving a portion of their capitol and, invest to BLOIriA2 at the well known Clothing Emporium of N. CLARK, & SON, where they are just opening their "" IrnFrgiriPl- II .1111 Viil2l2 CLOTHING, fresh from the Eastern cities and Bought when Gold was Tumbling I! I from 5 to 12 per cent. a day, an advantage we will guarantee to every purchaser. We have bought an immense stock of goods and are determined to sell them at such prices none will hesitate to buy. Our stock of both MS' 1111 BAYS' MUIR is full and complete. Coats of the lateserstyle, Frocks, sacks, and the very popular business coat, the ENGLISH WALKING COAT. Over Coats of every grade and most fashinnabie styles Heavy Beaver, Chinchi 11, Deal-Skins, and the very newest, the TIGER OVER COAT. • Pants, of every variety— RIBBED PLAIN", FANCY, and PLAID CASSIMERE Vests of every style,—the latest being the DOU PLR-BREAST FURNISIIING GOODS, Executor, &e NOTIONS. each as Traveling Shirts, Drawers. arid Undershirts, Gloves, Wont Sacks, Port-monies, Ties, Pulse-Warmers. 1 . 15101 %NISI Garrote or Byron of alfstzes. A fine assortment of ntwass on hands, Also Cloths and Casimets which we will mks to order on short notice, Don't miss the place—Just Opposite Jos. Yeater's Confectionary, Tit lESST if 11AMI 111. Nay:. 7/11; 'tlb.t Ii TERMS OF SAVE : TERMS OF SALE : IN A DAII FZA AND Collars (both linen and paper,) HATS AND CAPS 1411 g. 3CD OIL WELL PUMP& OIL JILL 10111 G TOOL) OIL WELL MINT° (Light and heavy; Iron and Draw Jointc) OIL WELL PUMP RODS OF ♦LL KINDS Brass Pump Chambers and Valves Wrought Iron Pump Chambers lined with Bias. Pump Tops and Finished Rods. WE hays on band and for sale, Light and Ifeavy Artesian Tube, limas or Iron Joints. We will guarantee nur Light Tube to stand a working pressu to of 300 Ibs, and the. Heavy 1.000 Ms to the square inch. Wrought Iron Brass Lined Chambers, the same size pipe, fo r heavy working pressures. We have just in troduced Tubular Wrought Iran Pump Rods, Flush Joints, made stung and one side its entire length, and cannot cut the sides of the tube. A!! kinds of articles connected with OIL 17VM-T—aZaS ! Kept constantly on hand Bend for Cirtitiar of prises Davis & Phillips, OFFICE, NO. 110, WATER STREET, Pittsburgh, Pa. CUMMINGS & JENNYS, MANUFACTURERS OF GRAND, SQUARE, • AND COTTAGE UPRIGHT TA • Fortes, No* 276 23i - coetc/wei3r, NEW YORK. EACH INSTRUMENT WARRANTED FOR FITE YEARS. THERR ingirtlinehls hate now been for many years before tire ptiblie, MO hate from their superiority of tone, linens of touch, durability, and entente of finish; drawn forth many and very commen• dation. from a num'.er of ;he most prominent mem bers of the musical profession. They are now offered to the public at prices from 13 to 30 per cent. lower than any other instruments of equal qualirieg. The steady, increasing demand for those superior instruments, have induced the miners to increase their facilities for manufacturing them, and they are now rally prepared to meet the demands of aIL with wholesale and retail customers. neaten in localities *hen these instruments have not yet heel itiiroduce.i, desiring ah agency for Client. will bo liberally dealt with. Send for a circular. Dec. 14. 3 moo. Public Sale. oNoTriecuors,diatrie, the 2dd e a s y at of pu F b e i h ic ruaz t , cr l y l366 i I c w t. will land containing 115 acres, more or less, situated in Centre tp-, Greene co , Pa., adjoining lands of James Wood, James 111..eks, Thos. Martin, Morgan Iloge, and others. The above farm is well calcolated for grazing or tilling, and is well set in blue grass ■od. and about 95 acres cleared, and ;is convenient to a Church, School house, grist and saw mill. Terms made known on day of sale. Jan 9,'65. ISAAC K. WOOD. 1011 a TO COITHETIIII3. THE School Pirectors of Washinxton tp , Preens Co., Pa., will otTer for sale to the lowest bidder, on Saturday, Jan. 21, 1865. the building of a New Frame School House, Dis. No. 6, (at Pisgah) in said township. Sale at I o'clock Pain and Specifications will be exhibited on day of wile. The old building will also be sold at the same time. W. IT. STITTOtkI, See Dec 21 LEGAL NOTICE. LETTERS of administration having been trAnted on the estate of Joseph Hultman, late of Centre tp r Greene co . Pa.. to the undersigned. all persons indebted to said estate are required to make imme diate payment, all having claims to present them properly authenticated for settlement. REZIN HUFFMAN, Centre Ip. WILLIAM HUFFMAN. Jan 4, 'B5. Bv, Morris tp, Aditere. Administrator's Notice. r ETTBRS of Administration on the' Estate of T.E. NAS RILEY, dec'd, late of Morris tp , Greene co , l'a., having been granted to the undersigned notice is hereby given to all persons indebted to said estate to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the Estate to present them duly authenticated for settlement. D. D. CONDIT, Dec. 7 Adm'r. OIL ENGINE FOR SALE! rring subscriber having on hand a second hand en gine in good repair. 28 in stroke, in cvlender, with force pump, fly wheel, steam an water pipe■ and safety valve, all ready to attach to boil r, which I will sell very low if called fur at once. Dec It J C ANDERSON . Ho, for Salt River. In order to leave in an honorable manner I must collect money enough to pay nay tannest debts , All persons, theietore, indebted to Charles K. Brad ley, by note nr book account are hereby notified to set tle their accounts and make payment to John Bradley on or before the let day of December next, or the same will be collected by legal process. CHARLES B. RRVOLEY N. 11.—Persons having work engaged will please ea:l for it immediately, as I want to foil my orders for any good friends in little Greene. - Nov. 434. Trees ! Trees! Trees ! ! - -u_--- ALT. persons having engaged trees ofritrlD THOMAS, are notified that the Thee. will be a the Hamilton House. in Waynesburg, on the 224 Wet at White Cottage on the 24th ; at Millsboro Ric6s' Landing, tleneva and Greensboro, on the 236. N0v.23, '6.11„ D. THOMAn. Notice to Manufacturers of Lorgum. ____o_ ALL persons knowing themselves manufuctuters of norghum. and resitting Within my Division—No. 10;—cemposed of ina.ion, Frabklin, Wayne, White ley, Perry and Washinzton townships, are required to report to me at my office in Wavnesbuld, the amount manufactured, on or before the 20th day of Dec., 1864. under a penalty of 50 per cent additional tax, and a fine of $2OO. SIMON RINEHART. U. G. Asn't. Ass'r. Dir.. letti, Col. Dim. Pa. ALL such persons raiding is Division.—No 11; eonriposee of Center, Morris, Itichhill, Jackson, Allep po, Gilmore and Npringhiil townships. will report to toe, at ay ogee , under a like penalty. II IRS M V. 13. Aset Div . 24th Col Dist. Pa SPECIAL NOTICE. 1 would respeclfully inform my friend throughout the County, that. I at now a home, in Waynesburg, and have arranged my visits co as to spend from the first to the twentieth of every month at Wnynee.hurg, this my customers may depend upon. Yety respectfully, S. S. I'ATTON. March 2. '64. Estray. CAME - lira ti kin e t e rt " 7: Prenmeli"co. of the w ee h G er ra r*' lilare.rncynseil to he "I or 15 years a . lamp or y he. left ('re knee, which mkt+ liar lame, is swot 15 or 16 bands high. The owner is requested to route giwwaril, gm,. property, pay chants.. and take her sway. LLIZA Mfg SEAT. Dee tf HEATH JOHNS, Pres JORDAN. S. NOLMITIBL. J. P. POWILL JORDAN. HOLUSTER Ss CO. Nit .111 di colissom for file eals,of flour, Grain, Hay, Grass' Seeds, tag, Butter, Eggs, Green Apples, die., &0., do, 833 LIBERTY 811111 MT, PITTSBUI42I4, PENN'A. R .1 A. ir. G. D. Davenport, Weidstield, Ohio. N. L. Nooney, do, do. Jahn Round, Summerilald, der Martin & barn. Caldwell,, . do. Head 4. bletzgar, Pittsburgh. Pa. Wilson, Carr It Co., do. dn. Junking, Brennia 4. Co., BridgePoti, C. Nev. 30, '64. Interal. Revenue Tax. NOTICE is hereby given to all persons wbo haft been assessed for g iven and an Memos, tilit May last, under the Excise Laws of the United iner.., within the county of Greene, that their tax*■ ere saw dne, and payable and that the collector or his Deputy will be al the places, and at the times herein stated to receive the same JEFFERSON. Dee* litit, 1964 CARMICIIAELS, ~ 13th, " GREENSBORO, " 14tb, s' MT. MORRIS, u 16th, NEWTOWN. Ole 17th, ROGERSVILLE, " 19th, 101.1.YTOWN. u 20th, EW FREEPORT, " 21st, AGIESONVILLE, " 22nd NIP WWI, u 23rd " 'And if said tatee ate net paid *ithin.thE time plea. tied, the person or persons so nottocting or Itaftifill to pay shall be liable to pii tini per tetanal nisei ibb amount thereof. United States funds and National Currency only received in payment Of taxes. 1112V2E100211i1 is hereby given to persons who have neglected to pay their taxes for the years 1862 and '63 tha: malts* OW, ermie up soon and settle them off they will be oilloejed tkii i psit as the law directs. Those who know . ns have been erroneously *mowed, will a . a• Assessor for the proper certificate. for rem .. . z. 11Egolig the 31st - day. of Blein f itt If these certificates are not sent in before. the Own specispecified, there Will be no remission allowed sate Sim fied, Will finis to be toilette t. A L. MYERS, P A. MYERS, Jr Executors of Alreoillieere, Deputy Col.. eleesuiremi 'unquestionably the best eitstailai work of the kind in the W*l4'l --0-.-. Harper's NEW MONTHLY MAGAZUMB. Critical Notices of the Pries IT is the foremost Magazine of the day. The fire. Silk never had a more delightful companion. lam the million a more enterpri4a6 friend, than Harpies Mai zine.—.Methodist Protestant (Baltimore.) The mort popular Monthly in the wend —X. r. Observer. We must refer in terms of eulogy to the Weil time and v4ried exotilences tit Harper's Magegises--• jour nal with a monthly circulation of about 170.41•0 cables —in whose pa es are to be found some of the shalom* light and general reading of the day. We meek of this work as au evidence of the American lasoghei, and the popularity it has aminired Is merited gads Number (obtains filly 144 pages of reading maiseri appropriately illustrated with good wood awe; sod it combines in itself the racy monthly and the mord philmophical quarterly, blended with the beet fsaiaree of the daily It has great power in the die sentination of It love of pure literature,—Truirion't Guide to Auterirao Lifseatef's, L The volumes bound constitute of thelemdrest • li brary of miscellaneous reading such as raking( he bound in the same compass in any they publioatie• that had come under our notice.—Bestins Crowder. SUBSCRIPTIONS. 1865. The Pu',Hatters hare perverted t system of seedlieg by which they can supply the MAGezial and W item- LY promptly to those who prefer to 11..01012 drift pea iod cals uirectly from the Office et Publicotismi. The postage on II 's hlAG•st!tt is $4 Cow * year, which must be paid at the subscriber's peal. office. I TEM.M.MI IS MAU One year An Extra envy of either the MActittern ai WIMP., Win b* lol oolied Irons for every ettia lotto ettMri• hers at 04 00 each, in one remittance g or it ilLolor for 100 00. BACK NIINBE.BA CAN SE SUPPLIED ' AT ANY TINE, A Complete Set, now comprise Tweary-gime % times, in neat cloth binding will be rent by expiring. freight at expense of purchaorr. for S 3 36 per li. ea Single relames, by mail, pestpriid, 13 oft. 61111 ralaadb for binding, 58 cents, by mail, postpaid. ADDRESS, HARPER & BROTHERS, raANKUN squat'. N.!. Nov. 23, '64. E. & H. T. ANTIIOIIY . k CO. Manufacturers of Photographio Itaterialab • WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. 501 !ROADWAY N. Y. In addition to our main business of PHOTO. GRAPIIIC MATERIALS, we are beadquallere 14'04 following. via : STERESCOPE LEE ST ERESCOPIC VIEWS. Of those we have an immense assortment, Melaka; War dcenes, American and Foreign Cities aryl Laois. @capes, Groups dtatuary, &c., die Also, Illievimilvgns dterenscopes, for public and private exhibiima. 0 Catalogue will be sent to any address oa reseipt Stamp. Photographic Albums. We were the first trsintmdase Sam Into he lirded States, and we manufseture immense quantities in great variety, ranging in pries from 50 teats se $U each. Our ALBUMS have the reputation of h.E. superior in beauty and durability to any ritikagn,— They will be sent by male, rasa, en reeeipt of rim irrlrino Albums mad* to order. __a_ CARD PHOTOCRAPHS. Our Catalogue now embraces oyes Fll . l 7111101 FA SAN D.difformt subjects (to which additions are ma tinuallv being made) of Portraits of SmineAt cans, &c., viz : ahout 100 Major-Generals, I MO Statesman, 200 Brig.-Generale, 180 Lrtvines, 275 Colones, 125 Authors, 100 Lieut.-Colonels, I 40 Artists, 250 Other Officers,.. j 125 Stage, 75 Navy Officers, 50 Primttlfatasar, 150 Prominent Foreign Portraits. 8,000 COPIES OF WORKS OPART., including reproductions of the most celebrated RS. graving., Paintings Statues, &e. Ca:Rhymerlust on receipt of Stamp.i An order Mir One Deese PICTURES from our catalogue will be filled ea Use receipt ofsl.Bllo, and sent by mall, mtge. Photographers and others ordering awhile 0. 0. D. will please remit twenty-fire per cost of W emsee4 with their order. E. & H. T. ANTHONY & CO , Xs naffs clews of PAN, her reyrile Jimeriati. 501 BROADWAY, N. V -Tnriess earl virility of see vied* tenses JWI Irt Wish. Dee 8, Int 12moir. PORTABLE PRINTING OPIFICES, For the use of =Ml:mums, zaranowimmt, . - N D all Bustnem and • 1 ' j.." 'll Pratlmstanar • who wish to do the* A : • own' otilialtg; toottio and chewy. Adapted to ttstsriatian of Sand - - Min, Circulars. hassta, .„.- 11111111 : Imbeds, Card• and nn.all Nssaspnpesm--. - - nun instmetinas 111141111116. pang sash ollksts ahoy tan yens 4133111, , wash them sneerssfnilly. Menhirs sent feat. Vibe' NM sheet* of ra, eats etc., 6 nes ' Addmes , ADA DO lorwe et PMI, 110 w .. , aud.3s Lines% St., Illashok rat Dr, 1.114.-11. =I