The Waynesburg messenger. (Waynesburg, Greene County, Pa.) 1849-1901, August 03, 1864, Image 3

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gad gitpattztitt,
Quota of Greene County under the
500,000 Call.
The following is a list of the quotas as
signed to the several. sub-districts of Greene
County, under the late call for 600,000
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Carmichaels boi
'letter :ion
399 10 391
Read !—lmportant !
Persons claiming exemption on the ground
of physical disability, we are informed, will
be examined by the Physician to the Board
of t'urollment for this District at any - time
they may prosent themselves at New.
Brighton prior to the next Draft, which
takes place on the sth of September. Let
all persons interested "take notice and
govern themselves accordingly."
Oil Operations on Dunkard.
We noticed, on a visit to tha Duukard re
region, last week, that several new wells are
being bored, three on the Maple farm and
one on the Ross tract, and another on the
South tract a short distance above. Arrange
ments are also being made, we understand,
to operate in other places at an early day.
The yield of the Wylie well is undiminished,
and with the right kind of pumping and
machinery, it is thought, might be largely
increased. Scarcely a day passes that cap
italists from abroad, and successful operators
tsoin other oil districts, do not visit the Dun
kard country, and almost invariably speak in
high terms of the indications and appear
ances. In a few years we predict, this re
gion will rival Venango in the extent of its
Oil interests and production.
P. S.--We are just informed that the St.
Clair company, on the Maple farm, struck a
fine vein of oil, the other day, at a depth of
585 feet. They will continue to bore, how
ever, until they reach the depth of six hun
dred and twenty feet.
Our Roads.
The roads in this county, with scarcely an
exception, are a disgrace to the people and
authorities. No county in Western Penn
sylvania but has more enterprise in respect
to public highways than ours. In many in
stances, in most of the townships, years are
allowed to pass without the slightest attempt
to improve them. Lazy and imcompetent
supervisors are elected, who do nothing, and
can be urged to nothing, and as a conse
quence, during the Winter and early Spring
months, farmers rarely get to town but on
horseback, and are then K> .bespattered by
mud as to be scarcely recognizable.
It is time this disgraceful state of things
should stop, and that our roads should be
made passable at all seasons. Let the peo
ple shake off their indifference, and see to it
that the servants of their selection show mile
consideration for their interests and conven
ience. A touch of the law would'at do a
bit of harm to indolent supervisors.
The Harvest
The Wheat crop in this county, which
has just been gathered, is by no means an
average one, though it is better than was au
ticipated in the early Spring months. The
oats crop is only tolerably good. Corn looks
well since the late rains, and gives promise
of a fair yield unlesS caught by early frosts.
Apples are abundant, but we have no Peach
es or Plums.
Killed on the Skirmish Line. ,
. We learn that A. Moredock, Co. F, Ist
Pa. Cay., (son of Hufty Moredock, of Frosty
Run,) was recently shot dead by a rebel bul
let whilst doing duty on the skirmish line
near Petersburg, Va. Mr. Moredock was
quite young for a soldier, but is represented
a a.noble,- brave, and generous-hearted boy.
Our Public Schools.
The Summer term of our public schools
closed last week. Since their opening in
the new building, they have been conducted,
as a general thing, in an acceptable manner,
and to the credit alike of Superintendent
and Teachers. They will re-open again in a
few w eeks.
Engine for Sale.
Attention is called to the advertisement
of. an Engine for sale, in another column.—
It is suitable for Oil boring purposes, and
can doubtless be had cheap.
'Newspaper business, by reason
of enhanced wages, high prices, taxation,
&c., is so unprofitable that one of the
most talented assistants of a ; morning
daily inNew York city has thrown down
the pen and opened a broker's office in
wall street; another has turned auction
eer, and a third has gone intc the noun
try to work on a farm. From the weekly
journals there are similar subtractions.
Mechanical labor is getting better and
better pay every day, but brain work is
growing cheaper and cheaper.
On the 16th alt., at the residence of the
bride's fatbor, is Marcia tp., by W. Powers,
TaiP Slid *Wi Evainia
G. 50ft4 310 0 1 ,4,3r ibih.OgrolL
A meeting of the citizens of Cameron,
West Va., was held at the office of Dr. S.
B. Stidger, on the 28th ult., to take some
action in regard to the death of Lieut. Col.
Thomas Morris. The meeting, was organized
by calling W. H. H. Showacre to the chair,
and appointing R. P. Hosack, Secretary.—
R. Bell, W. L. Head and Wm. Bentley,
were appointed a committee to draft resolu
tions, and reported the following:
Wammea, It is with feelings of deep re
gret that we have heard of the death of our
friend and townsman, Lieut. Col. Thomas
Morris, of the 15th West Virginia Regiment,
who was killed in the engagement at Snick
er's Gap, while doing his duty at the head of
his regiment in defending the rights of his
country, on the sanguinary field of battle.—
And whereas, it is due from us, as friends
and neighbors of the deceased, to pay the
last tribute of respect and regard to one who
was in life our best friend awl most useful
citizen, and who is now numbered with the
already vast list of unreturning brave pa
triots and soldiers who have sacrificed their
lives in defence of their country ; therefore,
REsoLvzn, That in the death of Lieut.
Col. Thomas Morris, the community has sits
taiued a loss of one of its best and most use
ful citizens, and the army a good officer ;
and thatjt becomes us to bow in humble
submission to the will of Providence, and
that we sincerely sympathize with the fam
ily and relatives of the deceased in their
unfortunate bereavement and irreparable
loss, of a kind and affectionate pal ent,
I, good citizen and a brave. man. •
7 9
22 •
16 1
IlgsoLvav, That a copy of this preamble,
be presented to the mite of the deceased,
and be published in the Wheeling Intelligen
cer, Waynesburg. Messenger and Greene
County Republican.
. W. H. H. SHOWACRE, Prest.
R. P. HOSACK, Sec'y.
At a regular meeting of the Blacksville Ly
ceum, a committee was appointed to draft
resolutions, relative to the decease of our
brother, D. A. M. Golden, who reported the
following :
Whereas, It has pleased Almighty God, in
his inscrutable wisdom, to remove from our
midst, our worthy and beloved brother D.
A. M. Golden, who was au ornament to the
social circle, amiable and benevolent in all his
actions, and whereas his unexpected and
premature departure has cast a shadow of
gloom and sorrow over all who knew him,
but More especially the members of this So
piety, and bringing forcibly to our minds the
great truth that in the midst of lite we are
in death.
Resolved, Ist. That we offer to his bereav
ed brothers and sisters our sincere condo
lence, in the .bereavnient they have sustained,
hoping that their loss is his eternal gain.
Resolved, 'tad. That we 'extend to them
tie hand of sympathy in this dark hour of
their affection, and mingle our tears with
theirs as a tribute of respect to the memory
of him whose spirit has gone to his star-lit
home, Where pain and sorrow never enter.
Resolved, 3d, That while we as a body
condole with them, we commehd them to
the care and protection of Ilim who "tem
pereth the winds to the shorn lamb," who is
the grant comforter in the day at trial, and
who alone can afford consolatioc in the hour
Of death.
Resolved, 4th. That while we as a society,
deeply and sincerely feel the loss we have sus
tained, by the death of our worthy brother,
who was one of the originators of this socie
ty, we are submit to the will of the
great I Am, in whose hands are the destinies
Of all men.
Resolved, sth. That a copy of the follow_
ing be delivered to kiss Louisa Golden of this
place, and also copies furnished the, Waynes
burg and Morgantown papers for publication.
W. L. LANTZ, i Corn.
W. E. CRAIG, .
Blackaville, W. Va., July 80th, 1864.
Some idea of the losses during Grant's
campaign may be gathered from the fact
that many regiments have been nearly an
nihilated. The local papers all over the
country tell the same story concerning or
ganizations that have gone from their re
spective localities. They each think that
their regiments have suffered the most of
any in the army, when the facts are that
nearly all have been "cut up" alike.
The Auburn Advertiser learns, through
private sources, that the 111th has been cox--
solidated with the 125th, 128th and 57th
New York regiments. Less than two years
ago these regiments went out from among
us from eight hundred toa thousand strong.
At least two of them were among the pris
oners taken, by Stonewall Jackson at Har
per's Ferry, and were but little exposed on
the field until the battl of Getty sburg.
Doubtless all of them will receive more or
less recrnits in the meantime. But now we
see that four noble New York regiments,
after less than two years service, have melt
' ediuto one.—[Albany (N. Y.) Argue.
We have the following statement from a
Washington paper of genuine Republican
principles, and which we have no reason to
suspect of exaggerating on the subject.—
There are now abort fifteen thousand sick
and wouided soldiers in the various hospi
tals in this depaitcnent. The total number
of Fatients . in all the military hospitals
throughout the country is about ninety thou
sand. In the camp hospitals it is estimated
there are about fifty timsand, waking a to
tal of one hundred and forty tlmosaud sol
diers incapacitated for service.
silirßarnum's fat woman, Miss Jane
Pishon, formerly exhibited as Miss Jane
Campbell, died at Brookfield, Ct., the
other day.. Her exhibition weight was
680 pounds. Ten men were employed
to get her into her coffin, which was
Iso %ride that the door of the house had
to be - fugal* to ells its remows.
For the Messenger
Lieut. Col. Thomas Morris.
For the Messenger
Blacksville Lyceum.
Where our Men Go.
Our Sick and Wounded.
Antiquity of Petroleum.
It is a popular idea that Col. Drake
was the first man to collect petroleum
and introduce it to the public in its
crude state. • Besides being collected in
small quantities and sold in light par
cels for years on account of its medical
qualities, we have the following con
cerning its earliest story : Herodotus,
ho lived two thousand three hundred
years ago, about the period of the
Prophet Malachi, speaks of the collec
tion of petroleum in the island of Zante,
on the western coast of Greece. Dr.
Chandler, in the early part of the pres
ent century, visited Zante, and found an
oil well in full operation, thus confirm
ing the uarrative of HerOdotus. The
Patriarch Job bad undoubtedly visited
that well or some other one, a flowing
well at that, otherwise he would not
have thought of the 'rock pouring out
rivers of oil."
SAD ACCADENT.-A party of five young
ladies and three young gentlemen,
while out on a sail on Chatauque Lake,
on Tuesday last, discovered that the
boat was rapidly filling and sinking.
Only one of the party was able to swim,
and he after charging the others to re
main in the boat till he could swim
ashore, only about twenty rods distant,
and get a boat for their rescue, jumped
into the water. The others sprang ;if
ter him, in their terror, and three of the
young ladies were drowned. Their
bodies woro recovered the next day.
QUOTA OF TILE SrATE. 7 —The quota of
Pensylvania under the call of the Presi
dent fix• 500,000 additional men is 61,-
600. This announcement has been
made by a letter from Colonel Fry to
Governor Curtin. It is estimated that
after all previous drafts, extra per cen
tage and supplemental damages, there
are not enough able bodied men remain
ing on the rolls of the State . to supply
the number of men assigned as the quo
ta of Pennsylvania.
Highly Important from Grant.
PHILADELPHIA, July 28.—The Even
ing Telegraph has the following :
Wasmso - row, July 28.—8 y the arrival
of the mail boat from City Point we
have intelligence of great interest from
Grant. Government only allows this
announcement at present.
FRIDAY July 29, 1864
BUSINESS--The market was inactive.
The only sales making were in a small
way. The weather was very warm.
The only sales that came under our no
tice were as folio ws :
HAY—We note sales of 17 loads at
the scales at $4O 00@45 00 por ton.
EGGs—Sales 6 bbls. at 18c.
CIIKESE—SaIes 75 bxs W 14 at 21c
47 do same figure.
LARD.--+NOlllinal at 191 e.
Oms.—Sales No. 1 Lard Oil, $1 63;
No. 2 $1 55 "50 gallon.
FLorn—The market was inactive,
and prices did not seem so firm. The
only sails made were in a small way for
local purposes. We quote nominally
at $lO 25@11 371 bbl, as per quali
- BurrEn—Small sales of Roll at 30@,
33c as to quality.
GRAlN — Wheat—Sales 1 car Red at
$2 00 ; White—sales at $2 10. Oats
—Sales '2OO bush, from store, $1 10 ;
300 do, at depot, $1 05, awl 1 car do.
Thum BEEF—Firm at 21c.
DRIED Enur —Sales of 12 bbls AP
pies at 1'0c; and 1,800 lbs Peachos at
BACON—Sales 2,500 lbs S C Hams,
26 ; 10,000 do Shoulders, 15c . ; 2,000
do Sides, 17e; 3,100 do Plain Hams,
Ayer & Co. have received from Alex
dria a cargo of rags to pay for their med
icines, which are largely sold in Egypt.
They are evidently gathered from all
classes and quarters of the Paella's do
minions—the oast off-garments of Hailjis
and Howadjis—White linen turbans,
loose breeches and flowing robes. Not
the least part of their bulk is cloth in
which bodies were embalmed and wound
for preservation three thousand years
ago. They are now to be made into paper
for AyeiVllMmanacs,and thus, after hav
ing wrapped the dead for thirty centur
ies, are warn the living from the
narrow house which they have so long
inhabited, and to which in spite of all
our guarc's and cautions, we must sure
ly go. —Daily Evening Chronicle.
I would respectfully inform my friends
throughout the County, that I at now at
home, in Waynesburg, and have arranged my
visits so as to spend from the first to the
twentieth of every month at Waynesburg,
this my customers may depend upon.
Very respectfully, S. S. PATTON.
March 2, '64.
FROM the premises of the subscribes, on Tuesday
evening, July 21st, 1864, without just cause, my
wife. ELLEN ARNOLD. I hereby fosbid any one
trusting heron my account, as I will not pay any debt
Of her contracting. JOUN N. ARNOLD.
CLARKSVILLX, P 8„ July 86th, 1861.
Aug. 3, '64
Special• Notice.
ALL persons knowing themselves indebted to !WIN
CALL & Co., either by note or book account will
do well to call and settle their accounts on or before
the 25th day of August, 1864,
After that date all that is unsettled will be left in
the hands of James Pall, Esq., for coil cction.
Aug 3, 1804. •
Oil Well Engine.
wE have for sale a ten horse power Oscillating En
gine, with Boiler and d team pipes. complete.
57 Wood street, Pittsburgh.
Aug. 3, '64
Legal Notice.
LETTERS of Administration upon the estate of
Wm. Crawford, late of Alleppo tp., Greene coun
ty, dec'd, having been granted to the undersigned, by
the Register of Greene county. Persons knowing
themselves indebted to said estate are requested to pay
the same, and those having claims against it are re
quested to present them duly authenticated for settle
ment. JOHN PHELAN, Adm' r..
August 3, 1E64.
Administrator's Notice,
ETTSRB of Administration having been granted
jj to the undersigned upon the estate of WM 11.
BABBOT, dectd, late of Whitely township. notice
is hereby given to all persons indebted to aid estate
will make immediate payment, persons having claims
will present them properly aathentleated for settle
ment JAOO* 4.14111VER, Laser.
fa" The Books of Words township are also in my
passeesiou tar istgeoptat. 1. B.
*of. leif•
Register's Notice.
Aug. 2, 1224.
Notice Is hereby given to all creditors, legatees
wards and other persons interested, that the under
signed Executors, Administrators and Guardians have
filed their accounts in the Register's office, and that
the same will be presented to the Orphan's Court to
be held within and for the County of Greene on Wed
nesday, tleptember 21st, 1864, for confiimstle i n and al
low ance. PETER BROWN, Rcgister.
Account of John Delany, Administrator of Wm. De
lany, dec'd.
Account of 'Samuel Minor and J. E Hartley, adminis
trators of C. A. Hyde, deed
Account of J. E. Hartley, Guardian o[ Francis Minor,
a minor child of Otho Minor, dec d.
Account ofJames Guiher, Administrator of Mary Ann
Hunt. dec'd.
Account of Michael McClelland and John Keys, Exe
cutor of the w ill of Nancy McClelland, det'il.
Account of Thos. Hill, Guardian of Caroline Zimmer
man, a minor child of Win. Zimmernianr, deed.
Account of Isaac Mm ford, Guardian of the minor chit
dren of Alex..
ccount antes Rea and J. P. .Crawford, Ex'rs
the will or Wm. brawford, deold,
Aug. 3,'64. PETER BROWN, Reg.
To Contractors.
Waynesburg, Pa., July 30th, '64.
SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this of
fice until SATURDAY. Aug. 20th, 1864, for boring a
well The tools, engine, &c., tequisite for boriog to
he furnished by the co., the depth to be not less than
six hundred teet—the Co. reserves the right to reject
any or all bids if deemed too high. The bids must be
endorsed, "Proposals to bore an 011 well, " and di
rec.e.l to the President of the ili...npany.
By order of the Board.
J F. TEMPLE, President.
C W. ING/111.424, Secretary.—Aug 3, td.
Frhe undersigned Wen to employ immediately two
good Journeymen Coopers to make Oil and Whis
key Barrels. Time high st price will be paid for labor
in rash. Let those who wish a good and perinammt
jolt, call at once upon the la Arrsigned at their shop on
Dunkard, near the 'nowt] of Meadow Run.
Judy 27, 2871 —3l
2. tt. 407 0. 10.
A T a regular meeting of Richhill Lodge, No. 571,
it waF resolved ihe: said Lodge celebrate its ur
g.w aali m, and the prieripalß of the order hi Jackson
ville. (:revne county, Pa., on
THURSDAY, AUG. 25TH, 1864,
iu full Regalia of the Oder,
We tit; undersigned Committee appointed for the
trawl - natty and cordially Inane our sister
Lodges iim the count^ and adjoining coenties to an( nil,
and participate with us on itie occasion. A p•lhlie or-
Will be delivered. Procession formed. at 10i
Wayneql urg Brass Rana will be in attendance to en
liven the occasion. Turn out brethren and show your
attuchutent to tile order.
.luly 2d, 1E64 Coimni , tee of Invitation.
Take notice, that the partnership heretofore
existing in the natneoIIIUGLIES dr, OLIVER,
in the Grocery, Forwarding & Commission
Business, in Rices' Landing, Pa., is this day
dissolved by mutual consent, They feel
thankful to their customers for the liberal share
of Custom that has been bestowed upon them.
All those indebted to the above firm. either
by note or book account, it is to be hoped, will
call and settle without delay.
July 13. '6l
New Firm.
The undersigned have associated them
selves together in the name and style of
at the old stand of Hughes & Oliver, in Riccs'
Landing, Pa , for the purpose of carrying on
the Grocery; Forwarding, and Commission
lim,iness in all its various branches. They
hope, by the long experience of one of the part
ners, and strict attention to business,to receive
a liberal share of the public patronage, in their
line of business. They will keep constantly
on hand a good supply of groceries, such as
stir.r, coffee, rice, molasses, and nails, iron,
oil and paints, and all articles usaally kept in
a grocery store, all of which they %%iil sell at a
very small advance over cost and carriage.
By virtue of an order issuing out of the Or
phan's' Court of Greene county, Pa., the under
signed will expose to public sale on the prem
ises oil
Saturday, Sept. Srd, 1864,
all the right, title and estate of David L. Keen
er, of, in and to the following tract of land sit—
uated partly in Perry and partly in Dqnkard
townships, said county, adjoining lands of
Phineas [icdlee, Isaac. Lenity, Eadon Rose's
heirs and others, containing SEVENTY
ACRES, mere or less..
One-third of the purchase money to be paid
on the confirmation of the sale, and the residue
in two equal annual paymerhs with interest
from the confirmation of sale.
A dm'r of David I; Keentr,decAl.
July 13, 1864.
Orphans' Court Sale.
I N tursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of
Greene County. the undersigned will sell on the
premises at public outcry, on
Saturday, Sept. 10th, 1864,
the followieg de:scribed Heal Estate situated on the
waters of Wheeling Creek, A henna township. Gree , e
County, late the property of William Crawford, dec'd,
viz: A tract of land containing
One Hundred and Ten Acres,
About 40 arras of wli;c11 are cleared, and on which a•e
erected a Hewed Log Douse, twu stories high, and
other outbuildings. There is a fine Apple Ore and and
other fruit trees. on the premises. The tract adjoins
land ofJ-seph McCracken, Samuel Barnett, David
B radius and others.
TERMS—One big of the purchase money to be
paid at the contirtnatiedi of the safe. and the remaining
half in a yeer thereafter, with iatereet.
Judy 27, '64. JOllltt PHELAN, Adm'r.
vtrtue of an order of the Orphans' Court o
Greens county. the undersigned Administrator
Upon the estate of WM. F. BALLOW, dec'd., will eel
at public sale on the premises, ou
A nt of ground, at the old glassworks near Greensln -
ro in said county, adjoining lots of Harper core, out
the 43 , tith a public road on the West, lot of Win. M.
`oy, on the North, and the Monongahela River on the
East, containing one acre more or less, on which there
is a coniflutable Dwelling House, and other buildings
and improvements.
MR:did—One third of the purchase money upon eau of sale, one third in six months. and the re
mainder in twelve months thereupon, with interest
from confirmatioh of sale.
July 27. 1864
BY virtue of an order issuing out of the Or
pions' Court of Greene county, Pa., the under
signed will sell on the premises on
Saturday, Sept. 3rd, 11564,
at pnblie sale, all the interest and estate of
Robert and Elizabeth Kincaid, minor children
of James Kincaid, dec'd,of the undivided fourth
interest in the following tract of land situated
in Jefferson tp., said county. adjoining lands of
%%tn. Kincaid and others, containing three hun.
dred acres, more or less.
• 9re)r - mos G.l" agesieo.
One-third of the purchase money on the colt
hrmation of the sale, the residue to he paid in
two equal annual payments with interest from
the date of confirmation of sale.
Guardian of the said minor children
July 13, 1864.
IN the Orphans' Court of said county. of June Term
1800. N 0.21. In the matter of the settlement ofthe
account of Alpea Yeager, Executor of the last Will and
Testament of George Yeager, d. e'd.
And note to wit, December 23d, 19413, Court appoint
John Phelan, § sq ., gualtrir 0 . 1 ascertain the facts and
report diatiibution, as to the share op interest of Jobe
Collins, dec'd, or his nulthor, NW tTolplas , deed, jn
the Wale of paid deed. • By the Court,
,WBTtjl3 Ir. TEMPLE, Clerk.
She undentigend will dieciparge die duties of the
above appointment, at the office of Black kr Phelan, in
Waynesburg, on the 121/I.dity of gleptembec next, of
which parties linemand will take notice.
Jui7 l l, 'be, JOHffi Pffibtiotff , !WNW.
B asentent of the Wright House,
Waynesburg, Pa.
Mr. Johnson has, at much expense, fitted up
in fine style, several roomsin the basement o f
the Wright House, where tie invites the public
to refreshments of
Sardines, Ale, Sarsaparilla, Pop, Porter, Lager
Beer, Lemonade,
Strawberries, Segars, &c., &c., &c.
He is amply prepared to accommodate and
entertain all that call, in the most approved
manner. TRY HIM.
July 13, 1864.
W.6.118A51“ , atifi 2
HAVE elegantly fitted ap the room formerly occu
pied by . 1111/111aS gradley, and having :nude heavy
mirchises in the East, are n;;w prepared to offer a
la; ger and more lashOmable stock of
11111111 MTh NMI
Clothing than they have ever done, and wont.' k indle
invite their Inatty good and faithful and a!I
others who haVkilf 1 1 ver been in turtunate as to give
them a call, to atop in
Arid they will show you styles and qualities that can
not fail to p . ease, "and at such reasonahl prices you
will imagine. yourself" Living. in the dead old days of
peace and p lenty. (air assortment cannot be surpass
ed. Mens and IS, ys' wear of every grade. Vests
from the finest s'.ll: vervel to the cheapest crittonade.—
Plain and Fancy Cassimere pants, of French arid A iner
lean nialufaciiire. Also MARSEILLES. LIN EN,
Frocks and Sack., Linen dusters, and Sul AAAAA ei Cass
mere Overcoats, min the very latest, the
English Walking Coat.
A date assor meld of RATA and CAPS, comprisin
all the best and tie. , est Eastern s yle. A greater Va
rieiy of Notions and moil's turoisiiing goods than will
rOUIlli in any similar estabi-linient White, Oilmen
anti Nerligee Shirts, Scants and Ties—among Nkllich
are the Tubular, Ilarvard and English Ribbon Tie.—
Suspendt rs. Cl.oves, Hosiery, Linen t,llars, Plain and
Embroider, d, and
A great improvement on the Lockwood Collar.
GRA 1, patent Enameled Monied 4 ollar. superior in
style, durahiliv and fit, in boxes of ten', and one hun
dred. Read the Sign—make no mistake—Two doors
West of the Adams Inn, and nearly opposite Joe
ter's Confectionery. May 4. '64.—tf.
Just Arrived at
HAVING made extensive improvements in their
store room, are better prepared than ever to ac
commodate their cost 1111 l ers. They are offering the
largest, hest and latest styles of Dress Bilks. Alpacca
I wters. all colors, Mozamhi ones, all kinds, Pea de
thevres. Flgured Wool Ilelaines. eltilid Wool De
taines, Sidid stlk ChßUies, rAolid Mixed Challies, in a
word, we have a full line of the latest style ui
Ladies' Dress Goods I
"lia sr Is, Cloaks and .0 antler, Collars aid Sleeves, Em
broidered Sets, Bonnet Silks, head Nets, Gloves and
flosiery, tieq. quality Kid Gloves, Prints and Gingliams
Huhnorals and Skeletons. of all sizes and prices.—
Trimmings, consisting of Quilled Ribbons. Braids,
Buttons A lso, a large assortment of Linen Handker
chiefs, plain and heinstiched.
Mourning Goods
A large and full assortment of the most fashiona
ble Worming Gods that could be had
71 0 1.30.1\7"13
Clothe, Cassitneres, Vestings, Tweeds, deans, Cotton
aces, Shirting Hamlets, &c,
1111113 M ill gROCERIES,
Coffee, Tea, Sugar. Molasses. Salt, Tobacco, &c. &c
3-4, 44, 5-4. 10 4 bleached Sheeting,
3-4, 4 4:5-4 unbivached Sheet ing
Cotton and Linen Table tloths,
Liven Sheeting's lied Ticking and Window Curtins.
Our stock is complete, iu every line, aml V oar friends
want good bargains, all we have to say is Isiat this is
the place to secnie them.
f ea , l coon belOre the rash begins
May 4. Ilil4.—tf
The Very Latest Neics
Opposite the Greene House,
S nnereceiving from the East, and matufactitring
I at his Own establishment the largest and best 11 P
e'tLLARS, WHIPS, inurits, and SA DDLEitY
HARDWARE ever before presented to the public.—
He invites one and all to give him a call, as he is le
terniiiied to sell at prices which
Having workmen who have worked at the linsine, , s
many years, lie feels assured that he can turn out as
good us any establishment in the State.
- Fanners and the public 'generally would do well to
ive a call before purchasing elsewhere All work
done in the neatest and most fashionable styles, and
Remember the place, epposiie the Greene 11,11,10
May9.s, ' 4-tf.
10111111 IS OLHOTHE IS Et
tt. 141414
'INFORMS the citizens of Greene county that he IMP
1 Olen up the llaguerrean business and resumed the
saute old trade the
He is prepared now to repair flecks, Watches and
Jewelry, iii the very beet sty le, shortest waive, and on
reasonable terms. He has on hand the very best Clocks
for sale.
SHOP.—Campbell's newe, Ilex' door to squir
Waynesburg, Pa., May 18,1g64 tf.
Fayette County Mutual
NnTi(:E is hereby given to the members of said
Company, that the Annual Election for managers
for said Coruna ny, tor the ensuing year, will be held
at the office of said Company at Uniontown, Fayette
(*colony. Pa, on Monday, the 5uL day of September
next, between the hours of ere and six o'c lock, P. M.,
on said day. W. D. BARCLAY, secretary.
Uniontown. July 27, IM4.
The law allots! a deduction of five Pe; cent on the
these Taxes if paid before the let elks August.
The Books will remelt' in nay hands until the first
day of September. Mier that date they will be placed
in the hands of Ihe proper officers for collection. Five
per rent will be dAVED to the Tax payers by paying his
taxes before that time.
S. JeNNII4OII, Trees.
July 67, 1664.
• A.3rees‘ wo R5441)411
, " ita42.
FOS 14834 / 1 D Y
From Emery Ede*, a soell.known mere/sant V
arfard, Maine.
" I have sold large quantities of your SARSAPAR
ru.A, but never yet one bottle which failed of the
desired effect and full satisfaction to those who took
it. As fast as our people try it, they agree there has
been no medioiue like it before in our community.! ,
!eruptions, Pimples, Blotches, Pusttlles,
Ulcers, Sores , and ell Diseases of the4t3kin'
From Rem obt. Stratton, Bristol, England.
" I only do my duty to you and the public, when
I add my testimony to that you publish of the me.
dicinal virtues of your SARSAPARILLA. My daugh
ter, aged ten, had au afflicting humor in her ears,
eyes, and hair for years, which we were eagle to
cure until we tried your SARSAPARILLA, prhe has
been well for some months."
Fruit Mrs. Jane E. Bice, a well-known and much
esteemed lady qf Dennisville, Cape May Co., N. J.
"My daughter has suffered for a year past with a
scrofulous eruption, which was very troublesome.
Nothing afforded any relief until we tried your SAE
fiereRILLA, which soon completely cured her."
From Charles P. Gage, Esq., of the wit lely -latownfirm
qf Gage, Murray if Co., manufacturers qf enam
elled papers in Nashua, N. H.
" I had for several years a very troublesome hu
mor in my face, which grew constantly worse until
it disfigured my features and became an intolerable
affliction. I tried almost everything a man could of
both advice and medicine, but without any relief
whatever, until I took your asusaratutt..a. It
immediately made my face worse, as you told me it
might for a time; but in a few weeks the new skin
began to form under the blotches, and continued
until my face is as smooth as anybody's, and I am
without any symptoms of the disease that I know
of. I enjoy perfect health, and without a doubt owe
it to your SA ASAPAIIILLA."
Eryaipelaa General
lood. Dility Purify the
B eb
From`Dr. Robt. &min, Houston St., N. Y.
Dec. AY/fa: I seldom fail to remove Eruptions and
Scrofulous Sores by the persevering use of your
SAP.RAPA'RILLA, and I have just now cured an At
tack of Malignant Erysipelas with it. No altera
tive we possess equals the SaitserAnitte you have
supplied to the profession as well as to the people."
From J. E. Johnston, Esq., Wakeman, Ohio.
" For twelve years t had the yellow Erysipelas on
my right arm, during which time I tried all the cel
ebrated physicians I could reach, and took hundreds
of dollars' worth of medicines The ulcers were so
bad that the cords became visible, and the doctors
decided that my arm must be amputated. I began
inking your S A ITSAPABILLA. "TOOklWobott
l t and
some of your Pmts. Together they have en mt.
I am now as well and sound as anybody. Being in a
public plate, my case is known to everybody in this
community, and excites the wonder of all."
Front Hon. Henry Mauro, M. P. P., if Newcastle, C.
W., a leading member of the Canadian Parliament.
"I have used your SARSAPARILLA in my family,
for general debility, and for purifying the blood,
with very beneficial results, and feel confidence in
commending it to the afflicted."
Bt. Anthony's Fire, Rose, Salt Rheum,
Scald Head, Sore Eyes.
From Harvey Sickler, Rag., the able editor of the
Tunathannock Democrat, Pennsylvania.
"Our only child, about three years of age, was at
tacked by pimples on his forehead. They rapidly
spread untaLthey formed a loathsome and virulent
eore, whicletovered his face and actually blinded
his eyes for some days. A &Ifni physician applied
nitrate of silver and other remedies, without any ap
parent effect. Irotfifteen days we guarded his hands,
lest with them he should tear open the festering and
corrupt wound which covered his whole face. -Bay
ing tried every thing else we had any hope from, we
began giving your SARSAPARILLA, and applying
the iodide of potash lotion, as you direct. The sore
began to heal when we bad given the first bottle,
and was well when we had finished the second. The
child's eyelashes, which had come out, grew again,
and he is now as healthy and fair as any other. The
whole neighborhood predated that the child vilest
w Syphilis and Mercurial Disease.
From Dr. Eiram Bloat, of St. Louis, Missouri.
"I find your SARSAPARILLA a more effectual
remedy for the secondary symptoms of Syp,W . S,
and for syphilitic disease than any other we
The profession are indebted to you for some of the
Best medicines we have."
Prom 4.. f. ?e h, M. D., an eminent physician V
Lawrence, Mass., who is a prominent member V
the Legislature et Massaohusetts.
"Ds.' .Airren y dear Sir: I have Ibund yam
SARSAPARILLA an excellent remedy for Syphilis,
both of the primary and secondary type, and aba
se in some cases that were too obstinate to yield to
other remedies. Ido not know what we can ent
ploy with more certainty of success, whezew power
hl alterative is required."
Mr. Chas. B. Van Liew, of New Brunswek, Dr. I,
bad dreadful ulcers on his legs, caused by the abuse
of mercury, or merouria/ disease, which grew more
and more aggravated for years, in spite of every
remedy or treatment that 'maid be applied, until the
persevering use of Arxa's SARSAPARILLA relieved
him. Few cases can be found more inveterate and
distressing than this, and it took several dozen bot
tles to cure him.
Leueorrhcea, Whites, Female Wes Ipso,
en generally produced by internal Screfu/otaVser•
aloe, and are very often cured by the alterative
effect of this SARSAPARILLA. some cases regdire
however, in aid of the titensareatimai, the eßiifhi
application of local remedies.
irons the well-known and widety-celebrated Dr,
Jacob Merrill, of Cincinnati.
"I have !tuned your SATUALWARILLA an sucellent
alterative in diseases of hmales. Many mem of ir
regularity, Lennorrhem, Internal Uleeratien, and
local debility, arising from the serofhlous diathesis,
Lave yielded to it, and there are few that do net,
when its efiket is properly aided by local treatment."
lathy, unwilling to allow the publication of her
name, unites:
"My daughter and myself have been cured of a
very debilitating Leuoorrtecea of long standing, by
two bottles of your SARSAPARILLA. "
_Liver Complaint, Dys
pepsia, Heart Disease, Neuralgia,
when caused by Scrofula in the system, are rapidly
cured by this EXT. SARSAPARILLA.
possess so many advantages over the other pur
gatives, in the market, and their sneerior virtues
are so universally known, that we need not do
more than to assure the public their quality is
maintained equal to the best it ever has been,
and that they may be depended on to do all
that they have ever done.
Prepared by J. C. AYER, M. D., & Co.,
Lowell, Mass., and sold by
Wm . A. Porter and Win. Creigh. Waynes
burg, Pa May 31st, '64
11 TwoTollY
SPernlaltarThea, Seminal Weakneall, on
Involuntary Nightly on Daily Looses,
GRAVATED In 011ARAOTER While they will speedily
correctthose terrible morbid conditions which spring
from the primary d isease, orfrom secret vice.
THE SPECIFIC PILL is equally applicable to
the treatment of every kind of Genital or Urinary
Irritatson,lnvapacity, or Impotency; Diabetes,
Lime or" Bric- .Depotita in the URINE; Hilly
Discharges; Inflommaticm or Weakness o ft he K id-
Clergymen, Lawyers, Students, and al I w ho
follow sedentary occupations, or whose Brain and
Nervous System are overil_orked, tiro peculiarly sub
ject to weaknesses of the tirlciro-UmNany ORGANS.
Thew/should not fait to use TUN SPECIFIC PILL
person* afflicted any one or more of tho
above disorders, are sure to have several, and BORIC
t inses moat, °Me For-tonne
Deranged Digestion • Zoos Qf Appetite ; Loss of
Flesh; anstiputed Binaels; Fitful and Nervous,
or heavy sleep, eoith lustful dreams; Troubled
Breathing; Failure of Voice; Irregular action of
the Heart; Pustu/ons Eruptions on the faea and
neat; Headache; Affectionsof the Byes; Loss of
Memory; Sodden Aushesof Heat and, Bktahinge;
General Weakness and Indolenee; Aversion to
Society; Relaxed Condition, or Diminiehed Sias.
of the Genital Organs; Involuntary Nightly or
Daity Zrnissions; Frequent desire topass Water,
wit hpeoulia r attending sensations; direncleoly,Sco.
Professional Opinions.—"l have used
your SPECIFTO PILLS' in many eases of Bpermator
rhea, and with the moat perfect eaosses."—J. MIL
TON 8 ANDRES, M. D., LL. D., Brooklyn.
"It is as near a 'specific' as any medicine can
be. I have cured very severe cases with from au TO
VEY noses."—B. Kars, M. D., Ed. Repertory of
Ned. Science, New-York.
"I know of no remedy in the whole .Materitt
Medico, equal to your SPECII7O PILL in &mina/ or
Urinary Weaknesses."-- ADOLPH Banns, N. D.,
Prof. of Organic Chemistry and Physiology, N.
Personal Opinions.—"ifr. Winchester is
worn/1r or ALL CONFIDENCE, and devotes himself
enthusiastically to these Preparations."—D. Mzas
prris Ramie, M. D., LL. D., American Mate*
Casette, New-York,
I have a personal knowledge of Mr. WINCHRS
TIE% HONESTY AND INTEGRITY, and can assure the
Profession and the publ i 4 that MS PREPARATIONS •AN
sa BELIXDOK,"-JAL. B, CSLTON , X.P.. CheMilit, N. Y.
Is not a Homeopathic remedy, nor does it eontala
'Heavy, Don,Cantharides, or any injurious ingredient,
Price : $1 per box, six boxes (Wiest ordered a
otic for $5. Bent by Mall. Sold Wholesale and Retail,
at the Sole General Depot in the United Mates, by
J. WENUMESTER, 36 John Street, N. Y.,
/TIMS undersigned offers for safe upon advantageous
terms, a valuable tract of land, in 'Springhill tp.,
Greene county, Pa., adjoining lands of Isaac Morfdrd .
James Burdine and others, containing
188 .01..C1P1.3e11319
and in a good mate of cultivation. There are one
dwelling house, stable, and other outbuildings. A
Rood Apple Orchard, and well watered. The farm is
well adapted to grazing. and in a gond neighborhood.
TERMS—Liberal, and will be made known upon ap
plication to the ',eiders/geed, living nn t h.: premises •
iladp iia. -
Dr. Hoofland's
BY DR. C. Z. JACKSON, Phila., Pa.
Bar Room Drink
Intoxicating Beverage, but
Free from Alcoholic Stimulant or Ininrious
Hoofiand's Gerizan Bitters
Chronic •r Nervous Debility, Disease o
the Kidneys, and Diseases aris—
ing trout a Disordered
Resulting from Disorders of the Digestive
Constipation, Inward Piles, Fulness of Blood to the
Head, Aridity of the Stomach, Nausea. Heartburn.
Insenst for Fomt. Fulness or Wright in the Stomach,
Sour Bumf:ohms, Sinking or Fluttering at the Pit of
the Scoutach, Swimming of the Head, Hurried and
Difficult Breathing, Fluttering at the Heart,' Choking
or Suffocating Sensations when in a lying posture,
Dimness of ViSillll. Dots or Webs before the Right,
Fever and Dull Pain in the Head. Deficiency of Per
spiration, Yellowness of the Skin and Eyes, Pain in
the Side, Back, —hest. Idti bs, &c., Sodden Finales of
Heat, Burning in the Flesh, constant Imaginings of
Evil, and great Depression of Spirits.
Hoofland's German Bitters
I 4
Sallow Complexion Clear.
Dull Eye - - Clear h. Bright,
Will prove a blesging in
Every Family,
i:ait be used by perfect wifely by
There are-many preparations sold under the name of
Bitters, put up in quart bottles, compounded of Op,
cheapest whiskey or .conlition runt, costing trim 40 to
40 VelitS per gallon, the Mate disguised by Anise Or Co
riander seed
This class of Bitters has caused and will combine
cause, as long as they can be Cold, hundreds t• , die th
death of the drunkard. By their use the system is kept
continually under the • influence of Alen's;lac minim
tants of the worst kind, the desire for Liquot is created
and kept up, and the result is all the horrors attendant
upon a druhka d's life and death.
For those who desire and will haver Liquor "liners.
we publi:4l the following receipt. Get one bottle of
lloudand's German Diners and mix with th ree
quarts of good Brandy or whiskey, and the result will
be a preparation that will tar excel in medical limier
and true excellence nay of the numerous Liquor Bit
ters iu the market, and will cost much less. Tau will
have all the virtues of llonyt.B tirrruas in con
nection with a good article of Liquor. at a much less
mice than these inferior preparations will cost you.
Those suffering from MARASMUcI, wasting sway
With scarcely any flesh on their hones, ate cared iu a
very short roue; one bottle ill such cases, will have
Most soliefiS;lig effect.
Resurtit.g Irmo fevers of any kind— Those Hitters w
renew your strength irt a very short time.
The chills not return if lIPHP Bitters are ivied
in a b'r trr and Ague District should be
o about
From Rev. J. Ntinton Brown, D. D., Editor of
the Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge.
Although not disposed to favor or recommend Primp
medicines in general, thiougli distrust of their ingredi
ents and effects; I yet know of no sufficient reasons
why a man may ion testify Id Lie benntits be believes
himself to have received from any shuttle preparation,
hi the hope that lie may Uwe contribute to the belied%
of others.
I do this the more readily in regard to Ifoogand's
German linters, prepared by Dr. C. 11 Jackson . of this.
city, liecause I was prejudiced against them for ninny
years, under the impression that theypre chiefly an
alcoholic mixture. I a iiidelited to m rend, Robert
ethoentaker, Esq., tot the removal „if this prejudice by
propel tests, and her encouragement to Iry them, when
suffering from great and lone continued debility. The
use tit three boules of these Bitters, at the beginning of
the present year, was foltitwed My evident relief, and
restoration to a degree of bodily and mental vigil
which 1 bail nit felt for six months before, and had
tt i mos 4, despaired ibi . regaining 1 tlierefere theta Cod
and my friend for directing me to the use of IliCtsk
Enda , June 23, 'tit. .1. N, LISOWN,
. We call the attention ci all having friends in the
army to the fact that "1100FLAND'S German -Bit
ters" will cure nine-tenths elthe diseases indulged by
es posures and privations incklent le ramp life. in the
lists, pith iislied rimiest daily in the newspapers, on the
arrival of the sick, it will be teemed that a very large
proportion are selferivig flea, debility. Every case or
that kind can he readily cured byLiloolland's German
Bitters Diseases reselling frirrn disorders of the di
gestive organs are speedly removed. We have no
hesitation In stating that, If these /titters weal freely
used among our soldiers, hundreds.of lives alight be
saved that otherwise will be lost.
The pnitirietors are daily receiving thankful letters
fruit sufferers 1a the artily and hospitals, who have
been lestosed to health Sy the use of these linters, seta
to them by their fiirnits.
See that the signatnre of "C. M. JACIO3OI*," is Ulf
lite W RAPPER of each bottle.
! Aline :117%51.00 rca Boma, OR HALF' Dog g 5.00
111 swum ISM 75 `‘ Dims' Doz. 4,00
The large Size, on account of the Quantity the bot
ties hold. are much the cheaper.
gllOlll.l your tiearesi dreggtst not have article, do
not lie put otr by any Cl the intoxicating preparattent
that may be referee in its place, but amid to us, and
a will ferward, sei iireti packed, by express.
Principal Office and Manufactory
(successor to C. 10. :ACKSON k C 0..)
7E'fir - 4913 ri 9 tear 1,
Irr Far @ale hy Fr infrip d
United alas
Bearly r
LI rely,-
YOVh 0