The Waynesburg messenger. (Waynesburg, Greene County, Pa.) 1849-1901, June 01, 1864, Image 4
sclad Wotttg. The Little People. A: dreary place would be this earth ViTere,thece ILO little, people in it; The song of life wcnld lose RI, mirth, 'Mere there no Children to'begin it. No little forms, like bads,to grow, And make the admiring heart surreud er; No little hands on breast and brow, To keep the thrilling love-cords tender. No babe within our arms to leap, No little feet towards slumber tending 140 little knee in prayer to bend, Our lips the sweet world's lending. What would the mothers do to wcrk, Were there no pants or jackets tearing ? No tiny dresses to embroider ? NO cradle for their watchful caring. No rosy boys at wintry morn, With satchel to the school house pasting ; No merry shouts, as home they rush, No precious morsel for their tasting. Tall, grave, grown people at the door; Tall, grave, grown people at the table ; The men on business all intent, The dames lugubrious as they're able. The sterner souls would get more stern, _Unfeeling natures more in humm, And man to stoic coldness turn, And woman would be less tium woman For in that clime toward which we reach, Through Time's mysterious, dim unfold lug, The little ones with cherub smile, Are still our Father's face beholding. So said His voice in whom we trust • When is Judea's realm a preacher, tie made a child confront the proud, And ho in simple guise their preacher Life's song, indeed, would lose it. charm, Were there no babies to begin it ; A &Mal place this world would be, Were there no little people in it. NEW COM S Ila 1864 t l/ 1864 v oss .1 4 1 4 i 61,_ .75 WOW STORE T. rrllE c undertrigned has opened a new Cash Store, in the mom formerly occupied by N. Clark & Son, in AlNone building, immediately opposite the Court House, Waynesburg. Pa , where he has received and is now opening a very large and excellent ussortment of BOOTS AND SHOES, Hats and Caps, Tihnlnings and Notions ! Theo% goods were all purchased for CASH, at the lowest market prices, and will lie sold at a small ad vance on first cost. I have determined to do a strictly CASH BUSINESS, and will be able to sell at small profits. My GOODS are • ENTIRELY NEW Most at which have been made to order, by the very best workintokiot Pbibukkoilna, expressly for this mar ket. I invite your attention particularly to my stock of Ladle"' spud Childeren's Hats, Mown and hosiery, Ladles' Collars and Corsetis, Shaker Hoods, &c., &c., lty aiignkrnent is large : My work is good! My prices, kg* 1 if you need any article in Li*e Shcc line, FROM THE LARGEST TO THE SMALLEST! From the Finest to the Coarsest, GA]A AND BE SUITED AND SAVE MONEY ! Ca:l and examine, it it. , no trouble to show goods .r 7 Greene County Orders taken at par for goods. JAMES B. LINDSEY, Waynce:hurg, March 30, 'O4. Allisou'e Building SOMETHING NEW. R & T. 1 CLARKE, AT THE Mimilion House. Waynesburg, Takes this method of informing their runner tts patrons and the public generally, that they Mare made very large purchases of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, LADIES' DRESS . GOODS. CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, VESTINGS, All kinds of Groceries, SUGAR, of every Grade; COFFEE, of all brands; TEAS, the best in the market; NOTIONS of every description. COUNTRY PRODUCE, The highest market price paid for all kinds of Country Produce. (,ive us a call. . R. & T. W. CLA RKE, Opposite Court House. Waynesimrg, May 11, '64.-tf. I,AME trespassing on the silbseriher in J e ff ers , n tp about the 2lith of April, a Black in 'pacist horse, s;! nsod to ten or twelve years old, some wilute on the -end of his nose, two white hind feet, a lurnp on his left four pasture joint. Entered on the townships Clerks look; according to law, the owner is roquested to come forward, prove properry, pay clian7es and taloa him away or he will be disposed of law. May 11, '64. T. J, VERNO icte' 0A11.4 MAUI HACH RUNNING REGTTLARLY BETV'ELN MEE ill REIS MN THE uhdersigned respectfully informs the generous Public, that having the contract for the cat rying oftbe mail between the above poi eta, he has placed upon the route two new and commodious flacks for the ac- Commodation of the travonling rummnnity ntutwill leave the ttarnitt , on Roo.e, Waynesburg, livery Matt ing, Sttndiya at 71 o'clock, cld will inks* nt Ricec' Landing in time for the Roat Pittsburgh, other wilt Ricoe! Lauding at the, narnadlime Waynesburg at noon. Pio pains , Aimed' , it,gfpsaengers. IeiWYDOI/GII I I , R, Proprietor L ,rist 7th, 199L1t5i..9. (kV& C e Cfr_ IPP" • NEW riloToGßApil E nv • Wilson's Frame Building, one door cast of the National Bank, IJITAYMESZURG, Messrs. Wallace & Craig lIEVE fitted up . a splendid Sky-light Gallery, the first regular picture-taking establishment evern mituted iu the place, where they are prepared to execute PHOTOGRA.PIIS, AMBROTYPES, MALEIANOTYPES, CARTE DE VISITES, Ard alt other kind= and sizes of pictures, in a style equal to t e best artists. Especial attention will he given to copying pictures and enlarging them All applications will he promptly attended to. Their rooms are commodious and attractive, and every de sirable accommodation will be rendered to customers. This is decidedly the best opportunity to secure accur ate, every ()tiered to the people of Creene County. Call any time it suits you. Pictures taken any time in the day, and in all kinds of weather. Photograph Albums always on Hand. Waynesburg, April d, 1564.-tf. 186 3 ! FIRST IN THE MARKET ! 5 a ILI & Inettlal Tr.DDDB ZOSI,AII PORTER, Porter's Old Stand, opposite Wilson's Brick Building, Waynesburg, Pa., has just opened a large and elegant assortment of Fall and Win ter Dry GoOds, comprising Dress Goods, of all kinds and at all prices. Domestics, a very large stuck. Flannels of all colors and qualitics.— Prints, Muslins, Ginghams, Tickings, Check, Drillings, Crash, Towlings; Boots and Shoes, Cloths, Cassimeres, Tweeds, Hoopskirts, Ho siery, Gloves, all sorts of Fancy Go s ods &c.; also a complete variety of GROCERIES AND. lIARDTVARE We buy principally for cash, and as goods well bought are half sold we are enabled to sell at the LOWEST PRICES. Call and exam ine for yourselves. Thanks to the public for past favors. Sept. 9,'63-iv. BOOTS AND SHOES FOR THE xvizzimarcrzta - ! WM, BERRYRILL rsespectfully informs his' customers and the public Illothat he has removed his Boot and Shoe establish ment to the frame dwelling opposite the Methodist kmiscopal Church, formerly occupied by Joseph Taylor, where he will keep on hand or make to order FASHIONA.DLE. BOOTS AND SHOES, For Gentleman, Ladies' and Children's ware. All work will be warranted to give satistaction and not to ago. Orders will be filled promptly, and every effort mute to please. Reparing done on short Notice Waynesburg, May 11, '69•-6mo. IL DOUGHERTY, CARRIAGE DIANUFACTURER, Respectfully informs the public that he has located in Waynesburg, Pa., where he intends to manufamure Carriages of Every Description, From his experience in the business, he feels confi dent his wark will give entire satisfaction. He will use no low priced material, in any part of his work, and will not employ any but superior workman. All new work will be Warranted for One Year. Shopon Greene street, one square South of the Court ouse, Waynesburg, Jan. 25, IS66—no 34. THE UP-TOWN GROCERY. STROSNIDER & SIMINGTON A b V e l io N n G o g g ure t h o a 4 e r d ee t n he ac s! s ? i c rt k s,lde fGmreries lately will continue the business at the old stand. They will In a few days be in receipt of a large assortment of Prime Groceries and Provisions, Fruits, Confectionaries, Notions, which they will sell at the lowest prices for cash. Corn Meal, Flower, Butter, Eggs, and Country Pro duce generally always on hand. Mardi 4th 1863. WAYNESBURG MARBLE AND STONE WORKS SAVERS tiik. RINCIIA.RT Practical Marble and Stone. Cutters. Thirtl Door East of the Court Douse, Main SI &ot. 2, HAMMON HOUSE, Waynesburg, Greene County, Pa HaRTZELL, Proprietor. THE subscriber respectfully informs his friends that be has taken this well known ito”se where he is prepared to accommodate travellers 111 , 1 others, with goodand substantial 'neat, drink, &c. He will spare no pains or attention in rendering his guests comfortable and happy during their sojourn with him, not forgetting to give due attention to Mull horses and carriages, &c. . April 10,—No 44—tf ADAMS' HOUSE, WAYNESBURG, PENN'A., JACOB HENDERSHOT, ruAKES pleasure in informing his frionils and tho traveling piddle generally, that he has taken charge of this popular house of entertainment and feels confi dent in saying that ht.c.::n render perfert satisfaction. Every effort will be made th tate'et the wants and wish es of hia guests. The BAR and TABLE iJill he furnished with the best articles found in the market. Ample and conven ient stabling. Give us a trial. Waynesburg, April 13, 1864. BRIDGEPORT HOTEL At the bridge, one mile east of Waynesburg, SMITH GREENE, PROPRIETOR. rirllE undersigned hereto/ notify the citizens of Greene and adjoining Counties-and the DROVING end TRAVELING P 1531.10 in general that he has ta ken charge of this Hotel and O fully prepared In en tertain the traveling public in the very liestluanneA lie respectfully solicits a liberal share of patronage of the public. The BAR will be supplied with the choicest: LIQ 1J011:3. The Table furnished with the hest the coun try ran afford. The I.IT r BEE will be carefully at tenth to- call and try 113. Jan. 13, Din& • lIOSIIIIIIK A LODGE, No. 558 I. 0. F !FEET in Waynerborg. in Allison's (1411, opposite j the Court House, on Thursday evening of each week, at 61 o'clock. OFFICERS: p. D. R. P. HUSS, P .1 .1:-.11w N. A. J. ANIIRPM.V. F. TEMPLE, Sec'y. D. W. JIRADS.N, Treas. . Nov. 6, 1862. Odd Fellows Saving Association or I Chartered by the Le_cigTature 211arrh 2711 t, J • F. RANDOLPH, Prestden!: J. F. TEMPLE, t l erfy; A:1 ntlfri4Re.a. to WpfiteratfmroGrAose eoUtntY, tie. coPectom 144111,3 vami rorlpt: "woe. 4 . MALI MIS 1 MIS ! Maas netz rxcow And Receiving Daily New Additions, CLOTH AND SILK ! Paris Cloak and Shawl H GUNSENHAUSER, & 68 MARKET STREET. 3E"Ja. For Rats, Mice, Roaches. Ants, Bed Bugs, Moths In Furs, Wool ens, &c., Insects on Plants, Fowls, Animals, &c. Put up in 25ci, 50c. $l.OO Boxes, Bottles and Flasks, $2 and $5 sizes for HOTELS, PUBLIC INS CITUTIONS, &C. "Oily infallible remedies known." "Free from Poisons." "Not dangerous to the Human Family." "Rats come out of their holes to die." mss, Sold Wholesale in all large cities. F...-Sold by all Druggists and Retatlers every- where. tu.!!!BEWARE!!! of all worthless imitations. "See that "CosTates" name is on each Box, Bottle, and Flask, before you buy. Address HENRY R. CUSFAR• Principal Depot 182, Broadway, N. Y. .by all Wholesale and Retail Drug Feb. t l s 7 l , n 1 B 'l G ‘l' 4 a .tn si g Pa. Wanamaker & Brown, OAK HALL, FINE READY MADE CLOTHING, 'S. E. Corner Sixth & Mar i ket Streets. I PHILADELPHIA. iSpecial Department for CUSTOM WORK, INo. 1 S. Sixth Street I April 13, 1864-Iy, lAfflicted Read minth d. withC READ • . tam, Epilepsy, e'a‘ Palpitation ' WM • Heart Torpid Liver, Palsy, Irrita bility-of the I' y.stem General or Local Pains or Weak ness, Night Sweats, Dimness of Sight, Fits of Despon dency, Muscular Prostration and all die.- aces o f the Nervous Centres ; never dream of the CAUSE of their several afflictions. They treat results as it they were cmses; and so no relief is found. WHAT IS THE CAUSE OF THESE DISEASES. very frequently I There is the secret—solitary self abuse, practiced by thousands. Commenced when boys, at school or elsewhere, it is kept up even during young manhood, producing mental and physical pros tration. If continued, these diseases, and even mad ness are the result. If the victim be conscious of the cause ofhis decay, and quit it, he suffers under those terrible nocturnal and involuntary emissions which weaken and shame him, till life becomes grievous.— Thus place between certain decay and premature death and horrible suffering, the wretched victim rush es to SELF% DESTRUCTIUN. or sinks to air untimely grave. If he emancipates himself before the practice has done its worst and enters matrimony, his marriage is unfruitful, and his sense tells hint that this is caused by his early follies. SUFFERING YOUNG MEN, Let no false modesty prevent you from explaining year case to one whose acknowledged position in She medical profession, and respectability in pr.vate life, point hint as a private counsellor. Think not to cute yourself, and so tamper with a faculty, the destruction of which renders a man truly miseralfe. Conic to Hr. KINIKELIN, confide in him as thousands have done before you. In short, to be cured radically of all for ms of secret diseases, and ruinous etletts of self-indulgence, apply to the most successful anti experienc,;(l Dr. KIN KE LIN. GERMAN P NYS lel AN, NOTIII , N est corner of Thinl and Ilitimk Streets, betwetai Spruce and Pine, a square and a half front the Merchants' E Philadel phia. Remember that STRICTURE= of the URETIIA are rapidly re!tioveil by the acidicaiion a new therapett lira! agoi.r, only used by Dr. K. PACKAGES OF MEDICINES, ADVICE, &c., for warded to addres, , , in ally direction; put up secure Dam damage iliriosity. PAID LETTERS addressed to Dr. EELIN, l'hiladelpkda, will be answered forthwith. April 27, lfr.,nl—iy. MA RRIA GEl—lts loves and hales, sorrows and an gets, hopes and tears, regrets and joys: MAN thh )1), time Mst, how RESTORED; the nature, reatment, and radmil titre nt sporili:lti/f1111.1,1 or Weakness, involuntary sexual debility and impediments to marriage generally ; nervousness, consumption, fits, mental and pit sical incapacity, re. suiting from SELF-A BliSE—are fully explained in the MARRIAGE GUIDE, by WM.YOUNG,AI. I). 'llis most extraordinary book should be in the hands I of every young person contemplating marriage, and every man rt- woman who desire to limit the number of their mrspring to their ci.camistances. Every pa in, disease, and ache Li, Mental to youth, maturity, and old age, in fully explained; overy particle of knowl edge that should hi! kli.Wll is hero given. It is full of engravings. In fact it discloses serret> that every one should know ; still it is a book that must be locked up and not he about the house. It will be sent to any one on the r. cella of twenty five cents. in specie postage stamps. Address Itr. WM. YOUNG, No. 416, Spruce St.. above Fourth Philadelphia. UT'AFFLICI ED and U \FURTIINATE, no mat te! what may be your disease. Lrfitrn you place your s If flail' ;lilt care of any one of the notoi Mos Quacks —native or foreign. who ad Vert isi! in this or any other paper, get a copy i.f Dr. Young's .110,k, and folly. It mill it,, I saving you many a dol lar, your health. and pa=sibly your l'r Viii can be consulted on any of the diseas es described in his publication, at hi , 011 ice. Not 41G. Spruce St., above Fourth Philadelphia. 1J Office hours from S till 3 o'clock daily. • pril 27, S. HARTZELL HOWARD ASSOCIATION, DISEASES of the Nervous, Seminal. Urinary and J Sexual Sysienii—new and reliable treatment—in reports of the HOWARD ASSOCIATION—bent by mail in eaaled letter envelopes. free of charge. Ad dress, SKILIN I1OUMITO:' , 1, [toward Associ ation, No. 2 South Nintta Street, Pliilada„ Pa. April l3;61-1y. SOWER, BARNES & CO., I'UBILUIHERS AND DEALIDIN rN Miscellaneous, School aild Blairk Books, AND STATIONERY, No. 37 North Third Street, below Arch, (11 c. SOWER. W. If. BARNES, PHILADELPHIA. F. C. POTTS. Publishers of Pelton•s outline Maps and keys, the largest and-best Outline Maps ever published. San— der's new Readers, Greenlears & Brooks' A riihmeties, die., Blimp Books, Writrng, ‘Vrapplug, Curtain and Wall Papers. Aug. lb. '63, m.9oLDNi.s. • JNO. V. WATSON, JOS. L. sane. JAN. A. M'COMAS. GOLIDIYIAN t BERG & C. - I:7ll7l2.c)liwßmlie .A.NO.) 1 EALIIS IN Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings, Tail or& Trimmings, &c. .Market Street, Philadelphia. Aug. 19, 1Q43. MEL&N KS OF ALI: K*: 'FM SALE AT EMPORTURE, ilaDelpjia. PHILADELPHIA., PA MIR orrict. ECM .~zi~ez~~z~. 1864, rs"E'* l :xl`TGr .1864 . DRY 0 1 ) ( 103t . Great Inducements to Cash Buyers HOOD, DONDRIGHT & CO., WlR,ltsale Dealers In FIE R &I HUM: DRY GOON, 529 Market St., and 526 Commerce St., PIIILADELPIIIA, Would reveelfully invite attention to their LARGE STOCK of leading DOMESTICS, assias i MEN'S AND BOY'S WEAR, and loamy popular goods of PHILADELPHIA MANUFACTURE. April 13, 1664. I. E. WALRAVEN, (Successor to W. H. CARRYL,) WHOLESALE & RETAIL CURTAIN STORE, Masonic Hall, No. 719 Chestnut St., ABOVE SEVENTH STREET, PIHLADA CURTAIN MATERIALS. Wide French Satins. Wide French Brocatelles. Wide Ereni ti Satin de Lakte Wide Worsted Damasks. Wide Union Damask Wide Mrs:melte. Erench Gilt Cornices and bands. Cords, Gimps and Fringes. Tassels and Loops. Hooks, Rings and Brackets. Furniture Coverings. 1.11 , 8.1 S Lace Curtains, $3.00 a pair. Lace Curtains, 4.00 a pair. Lace Curtains, 4.50 a pair. Lace Curtains, 5 00a pair. Lace Curtains, 0.00 a pair. Lace Curtains, 7.00 a pair, Lace Curtains, 7.50 a pair. Lace Curtains, 8.00 a pair. L..ce Curtains, 850 a pair. Lace Curtains, 900 a pair. • Lace Curtains. 95U a pair. lace Curtains, 10.01) a pair. Lace Curtains, 12.00 a pair. Lace Curtains, 14.00 a pair. Lace Crrtains, 15.00 a pair. Lace Curtains. 10.00 a pair. Lace Curtains, It , 00 a pair. Lace Curtains, 20.00 a pair. Lace Curtains, 25.00 a pair. Lace Curtains, 30.011 a psi . lace Curtain?, 40.00 a pair. Lace Curtains, 50.00 a pair. NtNil T ivtposit. 7 gypawript 4:f . ' , .414.4 • 444- zi• ,114 Painted and Gold Boreers—in story and for sale at the following prices, with good Fixtures complete fur each shade, rut ill. Gold Bordered Shades & Frxtures, SI 00 Gold Bordered Shades & Fixtures, 125 Gold Ilmdered Shades & Fixtures, 1.50 Gold Bordered Shades & Fixtures, 1.75 Gold Bordered Shades & Fixtures, 200 Gold Bordered Shades & Fixtures, 300 Gold Bor ered Shades & Fixtures, 3.50 Gold Bordered Shades & Fixtures, 400 Gold Bordered Shades & Fixtures, .50 Gold Bordered Shades & Fixture% .00 Gold Bord,red Shades & Fixtures, 6.00 Gold Bordered Shades & Fixtures, 7.50 CON Bordered Shades & Fixtures, 000 Gold Bordered Shades Sr. Fixtures, 111.00 Gold Bordered Shades & Fixtures, 12.50 Gold Bordered Shades made to order, any style or size., U. S. FLAGS on hand, and made to order, all sizes. April 13,'04-6m, THE GIRARD HOUSE, Corner Ninth and Chestnut Sts., PHILADELPHIA.. H, W. KANAGA., Proprietor, April 1,1564-13 i.. CONTINENTAL ROTEL, Corner of Chestnut & Ninth Sts, PULTADELPHIA..` J. E. Kingsley, & Co. Apqll3 1864-1 mo, PROPRIETORS, States Union Hotel, 600 and GOS Market, St., Philadelphia. CHAS. M. ALLMOND, Manager. Hotel in Incatel in the very centre of business j and is near the respect:l , M places of amusement, iv hid 1 ntak,s it particularly desiratils to persons visi*- ilig Philadelphia on lui,ith; , ss or pleasure; and the Matruzer hopes, by close personal attention to the wants of hi; guests, to make it a emnfoqab'e home for :Ault as may favor his house with their patrohare. April 13.'64. Till 10113 20124 Chestnut St., Between 3d and 4th, PHILADELPHIA. IN the immediate vii laity of the principal Bank P 17, Ilooses. rustAiin ilnuse, tltlicc, Commercial Exchange awl the Jr.Lthing I.louses. The best business man's house in time city. HENRY NEIL, April 13,'64-Iy. Proprietor. AMERICAN HOTEL , CHESTNUT STREET, Opposite Old Independence Hall, PHILADELPHIA. WYATT & HEULDINGS, April 13, 1863-Iyr- PROPRIETORS. MARTIN BUEHLER, CEO. BONBRISHT. R. H. HOWARD, C. P. BUEBBERUTT. EBERLE!' THU & Importers nod Dealers in FOREIGN 'AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE AND CUTLERY, No. 441 3.lerket Street, below Fifth, Phila. Aug. 19, 1863. ELI UOLDEN, No. 708 Market Street, between 7th & Bth, SOUTH SIDE, PHILADELPHIA. Importer of Watenes and Fine Jewelry. MANUFACTURERS' CD.T.JOC,K. 1 - it=o IT SIM WHOLESALE AN RETAILS AM. KINDS OF CLOCKS REPAMED AND WARRANTED. GILLMSPIE, ZEL:LER & Co. Wholesale Grocers, A N D COMMISSION MEI ZCHANTS, N. W. Cor. Sixth and Market Sta., April 13,'64-6m- PHILADELPHIA. CEO. F. WARDLE.. CHARLES H. REED. WARDLE, REED & CO., Wholesale Grocery, Tobacco and BU IE! 1 , ISSIII lICIIES, N. E. Cor. Slxtipumillavisl4o6oN 13 , 43 4-tv. ' rott.kireirm Aigertisemtnts. DRY CDDijSa J. W. BARKER & CO., 59 11ARKET STREET, Pittsburgh, Pa. Have in store the largest stock ever exhibi ted in this city, embracing- :.. L 1 44 0 -MilWag, 0 9 CLOAKS, DEZZZ IM Housekeeping Goods, GENTS' & BOYS' WEAR, Which they offer at WHOLESALE & RETAIL. Country Merchants supplied at the lowest Eastern CASH PRICES. March 16, 1864 SPRING AND SUMMER FASHIONS FOR 1864 I AT THE PITTSBUEGII CLOAK AND MANTILLA STORE, No. 73 larket Street, PITTSZITRON, P. V E would respectfully call the attention of the trade to our large and elegant stock of Ladies and Misses' Cloaks, Smptes ans Circulars for Spring and Summer wear, having now in stock all the lead ing and nuputar styles of the season, to which we shalt daily add all the fbretn and original designs as they come to hand through the regular European steamers. COUNTRY MERCHANTS wit I find ut fully prepared to fill ther orders at ell tines, having a large and ibagnificent stock of vaIX3E.ANK., and LIGUT SUMMER FABRICS, from which to manulaciore Ladies' garments of every description. Buyers would do well to remember that ours is the only exclusive ' Cloak House in Pittsburgh, where Ladies' Fashionable Costumes can be had at all dines, wholesale and retail. M. J. SPENCE. March 23, 15434 NEtV SPRING GOODS! 77 & 79 Market Street, PITTSBURGH, PA. WHOLESALE IND RETELL JOSEPH HORNE & CO., LMATE the attention of Mcrehants and Milliners to their n. w stunk for the spring trade, consisting in part of Bonnets, hats, Ribbons, Flowers, Frames, Silks, Crapes, Laces, and all other Millinery Goods. Also a large and elleice stock of DRESS & MANTLE TRIMMINGS, Stockings, Cloves, Handkerchiefs. Embroideries, Hoop Skirts, Corsets llraids Ituttons, Combs, and every va riety 01 Notions, small wares and Shaker Hoods. A we buy tl.r. Cash and sell for Cash, our stuck will be found as cheap as any other house. JOS. HORNE & CO., 77 & 79 Market St. W-Wholesale Room up stairs. March 30, 1991. eltet ntal l avi M. HEINEMAN'S HUE EATING HOUSE No. 67 Smithfield St., Pittsburgh. Enlarged and fitted up in elegant style. All delicacies of the season always on hand. "irDelicious OYSTERS, first of the sea son. N0v.4.'63-Iy. .... ----- ,Dll3 4121 VIII IEIII "DEAR MOTHER, I'VE COME HOME TO DIE." A Song of the R.:mimed Voninmer 25 "lIROTHER's FAINTING-AT THE DOOR." De scribing a Touching I. , cident of the War• • • •• • • • 25 BABYLON IS FALLEN." Sequel to 'Kingdom Coming" 25 *ILI WRAP THE FLAG AROUND ME, BOYS." A Song of the Dying soldier 25 "0, I WIsII THE WAR WERE OVER." Song of the Lonesome. Waiting Maiden 25 "WiIu'LLSAVE THE LEFT I" Descriptive of a Charge at the Battle ot*Murfreesboro•••-, 50 "WITHIN TIIE SOUND OF THE ENEMY'S Descril.tog the Rattle of Ge!lysfinru• • 50 Tr' Atly of the above sent by Ilid, an receipt of the price. CHAS. C. MELLOR, 0ct.21, , 63-I . y. No. SI Wood St., Pittsburgh. P"I:TFLATITITSEILM "s_iSrlf7) CANE AND WOOD CHAIRS, SELLING OFF AT REDUCED PRICES, %VIIOLESALE OR RETAIL. JAS. W, WOODW ELL. hi add 99 Third street. opposite E. Edirondson & Co. and 111 Fourth street. All T. 9,'G3. 13.. TOUNG & CO ArANTjFACTURERS OF 112V12122 A nun OF EVERY DESCRIPTION earp,er smitverd 4- Mira SU Pi htogk - Material and Nsakitimalita i grainuntaa, and sea, ,prippW , VIIIMIWa packing for land er i iUrg. J. & 11 . PHILLIPS, 26 & 28 ST, GLAIR MEET PITTSEVR GE, nt. MatnintentrerP and [l,llor , in FLOOR, FURNITURE & CARRIAGE OIL Table & Window Shade Oil Cloths WINDOW SHADES, SILtDE FIXTURES, &c. ALSO, DEALERS IN LEATIILIL Z.ULTINO, Lace Leather, lac'ia Ruhhoc fleltirtg, hose, Atcam Parl;i:i!.T. and I hiwr Cd.ods generally. N. 11. Sole Agents lin Allegheny county, for the sal of Metropoiitail UNIVERSAL CLOTHES WRINGER Wholesale and itetail Buyers will find our stock if assorted and at rua.sunalde prices. Atoll 13, '6l If" 44,44 r Importers and Dealers in HOUSE FEIDAISIIIIG GOODS N0..30 FIFTH STREET, First door below Exchange Bank, HTTSBUP4tiI, Pl\., WHERE EVERY INSCRIPTION OF Housekeeping Articles, Consisting of Hardware, Plain and Planished Tinware, Brushes, Wooden Wale, Baskets, Plated Ware, Cutlery, Iron Wan:, Japanue 4 Ware, and Cooking Utensils of ail kinds. A great variety of:Maker Goods, Bird Caps, &c , can be obtaiued oil the ;host reasottali!elerms. Refrigerators and Water Coolers, DOOR ►TATS AND FANCY GOODS. Sept 30, 1863. KAY & RICHARDS. itaukiwir, 1804. WILSON & McELROY, NO. 54 WOOD STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA. Dry Goods Jobbers, HAVE THEIR ZPRINS 000V3 Now in Store, and present inducements to Cash Buyers. April 6.150-2 nine. 8.1., COOK, E.PETTIT, WM. M. COOK, E. COOK, JR. COOK, PETTIT dr. CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS 9 And )eaters in Produce r „Flour, Bacon, Wool, Grain Sm. No. 12 Smithfield St., Corner First, Pittsburgh. REPpIENCEs —Springer liarhaugh & Co , Pittsburg; Ilitchcbck, McCreery & Co., Pittsburgh ; George A Endley, Cashier German Tract and Savings Hank. Pittsburgh; Mitchell & Ladd, Cincinnati, O.; W.ll & J D. Ladd, Richmond, 0.; Jon. Binns, Cashier Mt, Pleasant Branch Bank State Bank Ohio. Seph3O,' 1. D. FACKINER. JOHN M. !WIN' FAICIECINER & MANUFAcTUTURERB OF Furniture and Chairs, No. 103 Smithfield St., N0v.4,T3-Iy, PITTSBURGH, IPA ZAS. TOrGHRIZGE, m 1:c CFACTURERS OP Brushes, Children's Coaches; Looking Glasses & Picture Frames. DEALER IN VARIETY GOODS, &C . No. 72 iVood St.eet, Pittsburgh, Pa, Machine Brushes made to Order. Jiii‘ Young's Eating Saloon, CORNER VIRGIN ALLEY ANY` SMITHFIELD STREE - v", Where OYSTERS and all the delicacies of the seasn v. will be served ttp in the most palatable style. Eli YOUNG. Corner Virgin and Alley .itrutldie st. Pittsburgh, Oct. 14, '62.-y WWI. N. OGDEN dr. CO., MANUFACTURERS OF LIBIDYI 11 . 111?3, AND Silvered Glass Reflectors, Knobs, Etc, No. 69 Market St., Pittsburgh, Pa.,Ya_ry, ST. CLAIR HOTEL, I'ORNER OF PENN & NT. CLAIR STREETS, PITTSB , MOH, P.R. J. N. ANDERSON, PROPRIETOR. This popular house has recently been thorough ly refitted and tnrnished, and now forms one of most pleasant stopping places in the city. Terms mod' erate, and satisfaction warranted. April S. 'ti3— I y ST- NICHOLAS :1110TEL. CORNER GRANT AND 41'11 STREE . PITTSBURUiII, PA. FEIIL, Proprietor. April 1. ii'INDLL ik racoonr, Rt!i4il CHAIR AND FUFNITUR .11/JC.41.1N7 T.3%10 11 .A.C9PILT3n_JEIFIL. NO. '2l SMITIIFICI.D . e,TREET, 1\ tar the kluegditria it use Sept 302(13-1,1 Pitbthurell. S. B. C. P. MARK LE, Af ANWEACTURENS AND DEALERS IN BOOR, CAP, LETTER, AND all kind:, of WRAPI-ING PAPER have row )v e 5 fr,:it NU. 27 WOOD STREET Lo No. 33 Sotthileld Street, • PA. L7r ,, rcaoi car NaSIS Noon 13, N6l-ty CORN UCOPIA SALOON, No. '7 Filth, Street, PITTS'? i 7 EG PA FRED. WI:I6S, 11T114:1 . 01i, Or:nber 2. ly WAYNEStitiNG MILL. .es pe7t fl I iy info the Cirl:c t'.z M ILL at Waym,i”.:_. • , • • u always h* found rt:Zlt: arTo , 111!111 , c. .‘ll who may cal on the shortest nyth e: Grinding dons on the same terra= by a:A r ;..(.13,' it atri FEED Lew, constantly on hand. °rams :or Irout cal; , t; 1..0 at ihe Minor at Yoat,,ett store. (Jut. 9,7, Isr)2 • -, Notice to the; I - :Aciik;. MITE Cabinet business wilt be carrica on at the old stand, by the midersigned, where all kinds o lAtfrnitiire eau be had and made to order. A Beane, kept-in readintse to anted funerals. =I 400 rwlitiwzsa OIL CLOTHS, \ , tinligitOW IRA Wea IVlTarland, Collins & Co. Comprising a most extensive and complete assortment of every description of MISR Mill AMERICAII 6111111 S. Including many entirely having purchased our goods just previous to the late advance in prices, we now offer a great part of our assortment at WHOLESALE, At Manufacturer's prices. And RETAIL at a very We offer to buyers in large and smai amounts all the advantages :hat the market allOrds. for confirmation of which we rifer to our customers during the past year, and Pitts burgh Merchants generally, with whom we have done business tor many years. JAMES AIcEA MANIC), liEyRY 11. COLLINS, JACOB GLOSSER, Iliareh 22f1, 1,961. Northeast Corner Fourth & Market Streets PITTSBURGIL PA. Black Handl Cloths, Black Cassimeres, Kentucky Janes, Tweeds, Satinets and Summer Pants stuff, Dress Poplins and Alpaccas, Plaid and Plain Mozambique, Fancy Silks, Black Organdie Lawns, French Travelling Dress Goods, 6-4 and 3-4 Black Wool DeLains, Black I3ombazines, Crapes and Veils. A large assortment of NEW GOODS just received. • April 6-2 m. Four doors abovel - ifih. and nearly opposite the First National Rank. I'lT - FiSBURGII, l'A , Sole _agents, and only Depot in this city for THE GliDll STEINWAY PIANO Carhart's Harmoniums & Melodeoos. THESE two instruments are among the most.ex trannlinary successes of modern times, as attested by tile best performers in professional and private cir cles. The STEINWAY PIANO has become the admira tion of the, whole musical world, and has received thirty-two 'first premiums of gold and silver. and also the first prize medal at the Great National Exhibition at London in Pint. Also : hest Italian and Freach Strings for Guitar and less. Newest Sheet Music received weeh ly. Chun MusiL Books, etc etc. $l, $l, $7, $7, $l2, $l2 Beautiful Gold Plated, or Silver Wate - or< Perfect Time-keepers, Sent Free, • by Mail, for only $7• Ilaa:irg r• -•.cc Watrhrs. Fame as a.!•c. . A Is°, Watches, Chains, Sets ofJewelry Pees, 'Hirt's. Pins, etc., etc.. Vcitit-at rt•;n:r,t to vnlott, t; tin nmt to tip paid 'or knot what rt.n re to get. Semi 3.1 emits tor a l' , l - tnicate and Cumin a , lll. ,math !J..; :nu: pftrtiettnirk. ami informs 5011 what yin matt ttavtt for $l. 5 tERTIricATI;:s FOR. ai , 11 1 .1ENT" WAL N $225 ROSEWOOD PIANO-FORTES'. P-rovesteen & Co,, 499 Broadway, •-• ktEw ENLA GED SCALE PIANO P ,I:± .111 with alt the la•net improvements. This yeah' experience with vastly inereas ,, l '•-• tiess far martufaCtaring, to selr for C A =4l the above easains4 price.' -Our Tpstrunni.f 4 ceived the highest ;wind at the Waitd's ram live successive yearis el th *American Institut e V. n r trued five years. Termer:4l.h. Otitis: wenn AMOSATILT RED, neflr r. e• • NM, 4 T "ME lEll' STU! !I NO. 71 & 73 FIFTH Iffi, fle , ond Floor, o - 7 - or Miner's Book Stow, NEXT DOOR TO POST OFFIOF Have' just opened their SPRING STOCK, NItIV STYLES, nevet before in this maket 32211 ADIAZIL SECOND ARRIVAL NEW ailc(t)as, J. M. BURCHFIELDS; CI T. 7 Pt. rl" XilE STREE 1864. • SPRING. OF rAn tras Ora .241E15WZ9 COACOA & CANTON MATTING, &c., &c. . A large assortment of OIL CLOTH, Warranted and well seasoned at very lowest privet, at IlIcC ALL VMS. Carpet store, NO. 87 FOURTH STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA. il f, •C , 1•2 mos 4111 olikv,4 irf,AIAPAIi H. KLEBER & BRO., NO. 122 WOOD STREET, AND Every Piano Warranted for Fivc Year% 1:,7-01.1 Pi.,nos lu exchange. April 6, 1,561-0 moo. nth) Moth. The Greatest Chance ever Offered TO BE SOLD FOR $1 EMI, sr1)1 (rer. Address A.. J. HA RP ER & I O. , I;nx 5219 P. r) New SEVEN OCTAVE lE=7l